With top experts from multiple Enneagram wisdom schools
teaching together for the first time
Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, David Daniels & Jessica Dibb
A Downloadable Audio Training
Recorded October 2014 July 2015

Are you seeking an integrated, holistic understanding of yourself that addresses not only your personality, but also integrates the unique expression of your soul?

Do you want to have the skills to apply the Enneagram in your professional work or healing practice in a way that accesses more of its transformational power?

Then The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion has been designed just for you giving you an integral approach to healing, growth and development through a time-tested, powerful system.

Seen from the deepest level, the Enneagram goes beyond simple personality typologies to create a multidimensional map of your psyche and soul that can lead to greater awakening, liberation and transformation.

As you develop your skill with the system, you gain a potent tool for understanding yourself, clients, work environments and relationships.

To fully engage this journey requires spending time with true masters of the Enneagram teachers who can unveil the deeper levels of how this “map of your soul” can help liberate you from fixed identities, unhealthy patterns and more limited visions of yourself so you can embody the full spectrum of your Self.

And just as there can be many different kinds of maps depicting the same country, so there are many different perspectives on the Enneagram.

Each teacher has unique insights, which is why we have brought together four of the top Enneagram leaders from the two most prominent schools teaching a course together for the first time to give you the most multidimensional perspective into the Enneagram and its application that has EVER been offered in a virtual format.

Imagine having multiple Nobel Prize-winning chemists to tutor you in chemistry that is what the Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion will be like: it’s an opportunity to go into the depths of this rapidly-growing and highly-effective system for psycho-spiritual growth and understand it in a way that you never could with only a single perspective or teacher.

The value of interpreting the world through multiple lenses is intrinsic to the Enneagram itself, as it teaches you to see, honor and more effectively understand nine different types, each of which has unique patterns of aspiration, motivation, defense and shadow.

As you use this system in a multidimensional way, it opens a deeper understanding of your subconscious, conscious and superconscious. It opens vistas of beautiful spiritual understandings and marries those with practical insights into navigating everyday challenges.

When you learn to deeply understand the full spectrum of Enneagram types, you begin to see that so many of the negative habits that you may judge in yourself or others ones that sabotage your happiness, relationships and success are not problems, but rather paths to liberation and contain gifts for the world.

Too often, people think that all they need to do is identify their personality type accurately, and then read a cookie-cutter description of that type. This flat, static view of the Enneagram is far too limited. In fact, the system is dynamic and ever-evolving a multidimensional tool that unveils more and more of what makes you uniquely YOU.

Why a Multidimensional Understanding
Benefits You Personally

So why might you want to take a 9-month journey into a full-spectrum understanding of the Enneagram for your personal growth and to support your use of the Enneagram in your work and relationships?

First of all, because you are committed to living a conscious and caring life. Yet, every day you encounter situations and people that can trigger self-sabotaging reactions.

Even if you’ve been on a transformational path for decades, you may find yourself humbled by the ways these unconscious reactions bring you back to patterns you thought you had outgrown long ago.

These reactions may be affecting your health, your sense of self, your relationships and your ability to bring your gifts to life.

Perhaps you get rigid and snappy whenever a co-worker makes a mistake, because they aren’t living up to your high standards. Maybe you are known for “checking out” when your spouse expresses painful feelings, because it disrupts your fun-loving ways. Or, perhaps you mindlessly turn to sweets or alcohol when you feel unloved or unwanted.

And, you may see these very same patterns in your clients, customers or colleagues and want to better understand how to work with these behaviors.

Whatever the pattern, every one of us has habitual ways of being that block our full self-expression, joy and positive impact in the world.

All of these unconscious patterns can cause suffering AND are linked to the specific coping mechanisms of different Enneagram types.

Even if you can eloquently speak deeper spiritual truths, when these very human patterns are triggered, you tend to forget the bigger picture of who you really are and forget the unique and beautiful gifts you have to share.

You CAN find clarity, though, and free yourself from the ego-driven fears, desires and motivations that fuel your negative behavioral patterns and that often elicit unconscious behaviors in others.

The insights and practices you need to foster healthy relationships, reconnect with your truest Self and fulfill your highest potentials are indeed available.

The Multidimensional Enneagram can take your self-inquiry to the next level, with a transformative system of spiritual psychology that can help make sense of the wondrous complexity of being YOU, while helping you more effectively dance with other equally complex beings.

Over the course of 38 modules, you will not only develop a strong understanding of all nine types, but also go beyond into how all the types can contribute to your liberation, your evolution and your greatest service.

More profoundly, you will understand your true nature and the nature of reality in new ways. And no matter how much experience you already have with the Enneagram, or how many years you have been on a journey of conscious self-discovery you will learn to bring more of yourself into the present moment.

Why a Multidimensional Understanding
Benefits You Professionally

More and more research shows that advancement in our careers depends more on our emotional intelligence than on our old-fashioned IQ.

And what’s at the core of emotional intelligence? It’s an ability to relate effectively and compassionately with those who have different hopes, dreams, habits and beliefs than yours.

Developing your skills of understanding and relating to different types of people is thus one of the most important ways that you can advance your professional life, giving you more clarity around different people’s core motivations, fears, and challenges.

Furthermore, if you are in any profession that deals with coaching, teaching, supporting or empowering people to live their full potential, having a clear, grounded and in-depth understanding of Enneagram types is essential. That’s because the kind of feedback, mirroring or guidance that works for an Enneagram type six would not necessarily work as well for another type. So knowing how to navigate each type lets you offer more skilled interventions, coaching, advice and psycho-spiritual support.

By taking the Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion, you will equip yourself with a powerful set of understandings that allow you to better understand clients, customers, partners and allies and create more win-win scenarios. And they will feel that you “get” them in a deeper way and become more loyal, grateful, and committed to working with you.

More About the Enneagram

If you are not yet familiar with the Enneagram, it is a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. The nine-pointed Enneagram symbol represents nine distinct strategies for relating to the self, others and the world. Each of these Enneagram types expresses a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation or worldview.

These types or styles are not who you are, but show you the patterns that tend to dominate your experience.

The Enneagram illuminates nine ways we leave presence, nine ways we forget who we really are, nine unconscious patterns that can lead us away from all we truly care about and also nine direct pathways to awakening back to your essential nature.

When you understand it in depth, the Enneagram reveals the inherent strengths or gifts that each type wants to bring to the world.

Each of these nine gifts is truly needed for human beings to evolve, and to create a world in which we can all thrive and flourish personally, relationally and collectively. The Enneagram helps us see new ways to combine our diverse talents and particular forms of genius, and to see a bigger unity.

The wisdom of this system is valuable to promote personal well-being and to help build organizations, structures and institutions that we all relish and celebrate.

The Enneagram has not only withstood the test of time; it is a field of innovation and creativity, constantly inspiring new processes and practices for consciousness in spirituality, business, education, health care, relationships, psychology, coaching, parenting, sexuality, healing and more. It is currently being taught in graduate-level human development programs in esteemed universities and being used in advanced coaching and healing programs.

When people first accurately identify their individual Enneagram type and understand its key distinctions, they often describe the experience as akin to a spiritual awakening. This can feel like you’ve discovered a blueprint of your soul all that makes you unique, as well as the similarities that unify us all.

Additionally, the perspectives you gain around what motivates other personality types can bring deep compassion, understanding and harmony to your interpersonal interactions.

If you’re new to this powerful system, The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion will guide you to understand and apply this system in a powerful way. If you are already well-versed in the Enneagram, there will be plenty of advanced insights and applications that take your understanding to another level.

Master Guides into Harnessing the
Power of the Enneagram

The teachers of this program represent diverse perspectives sourced from two of the most respected schools for Enneagram studies and application in the world, The Enneagram Institute and Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT). They have taught this work for decades at the highest echelons and trained thousands worldwide.

Each teacher has had their own experiences and path, and they represent varied schools of thought, orientation and applications. So you will experience the richness of contrasting, complementary and resonant views perhaps even debate and the fundamental unity of seemingly divergent approaches.

This is an historic program that could lead to unparalleled dimensions of understanding and discovery. The teachers themselves are excited about what they will learn from each other.

Together, they will offer a uniquely in-depth, developmental and integral approach to the Enneagram that approaches the work in a holistic, multi-dimensional context.

During the 9-month journey, these experts will go to the core of each Enneagram type, offering their unique perspectives on how to understand, embody and create real transformation through the lens of each type.

Together, they will take you on a journey through the best insights and practical applications that can further your personal growth, improve your relationships and significantly enhance transformations in ALL areas of your life.

During the 38-part Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion you will:

  • Gain a far more in-depth understanding of your type, and how the system as a whole works
  • Learn specific ways that you can use your understanding of your type as a path of liberation, healing, transformation and service
  • More deeply appreciate the unique benefits and challenges of other types
  • Receive practices that allow you to apply and embody wisdom at head, heart and body levels
  • Develop strategies for harnessing the essential strength and power at the core of your type
  • Understand a higher spiritual viewpoint of the wisdom paths underpinning all types
  • Get practical communication recommendations for how you engage other types (especially helpful in your work, with your colleagues, or in families!)
  • Open to a deeper understanding of your core defense and motivation patterns, so you can work WITH your type rather than against it
  • Experience greater freedom from self-judgement and self-sabotage
  • Understand how to navigate the specific “wake-up” calls for each type
  • Develop a wider range of practical, emotional and cognitive skills and responses for integrated living
  • Expand your awareness of your full capacity and true nature
  • Recognize parts of your personality you normally do not see
  • Identify beliefs and behaviors that obstruct contact with your essential nature
  • Be present with and transform psychological patterns, reactivity and suffering in ways that open you to more compassion, love and appreciation
  • Increase your genuine empathy for others
  • Understand projective processes and other defense mechanisms
  • Relax your psychological resistance to spiritual awareness
  • Develop a relaxed and alert inner observer

The program is specifically designed to support:

  • All people in experiencing personal development, inner healing, presence, awakening and self-actualization
  • Advanced students to deepen their inner practice and accelerate their unfolding
  • Counselors, coaches, therapists, ministers, etc., in learning advanced strategies for working with others in ways that are multi-dimensional, effective, collaborative and empowering for the client

What You’ll Learn in the
Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion

In this 38-part transformational intensive, Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, David Daniels and Jessica Dibb will guide you through the unique ways that different Enneagram types express in multidimensional ways.

Each teaching, discussion and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the system as well as ways to apply it in your daily life.

While The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion Program will adapt to the unique needs of participants, each main module will focus on a single type. No matter what your type, it is a powerful experience to learn about, and go through, the journey of each type.

This is because:

  • Each of us has all nine energies and pathways within us to develop
  • We will be able to more completely understand our loved ones, colleagues and everyone we meet, thus creating healthier relationships
  • We will be able to feel more effective and wise about working and collaborating with groups of people

All the modules will follow a parallel format consisting of:

  • Week 1: The Pathway of the Type We’ll begin with foundations for understanding the purpose and objectives of the Enneagram, personal development and spiritual awakening. We will then explore the pathway and core conundrum of each type, as well as its movement toward opening and integration. Participants will be guided through inner work, exercises and breathing practices to deepen the comprehension and experience of each type, as well as the energy of each type in ourselves. We will conclude with dialogue and Q&A sessions. Specific deepening practices will be offered to embody the principles more fully.
  • Week 2 and 3: Male and Female Example and Pathway of Growth We’ll begin with a brief review of the core characteristics and issues of the type, followed by a live interview with a male of that type in Week 2, and then a female in Week 3. The interview will be centered around discerning and discovering what trajectories of growth are wanting to emerge in that person, and penetrating guidance from the faculty about how to support that. Then the entire community will engage in a practice/meditation to promote similar steps in each one of us. The faculty will invite dialogue and questions with the community about each type.
  • Week 4: Expanding Our Understanding Based on the practices, the interviews and the questions from the community during the first three weeks of the module, the fourth week will invite the faculty to expand the teachings. These teachings will be emergent and responsive to the unfolding needs of the community that is taking the course. A longer practice and exercise period will create the space to integrate the teachings more fully. Then the faculty will take some final questions and sharings from participants about the type being studied.

Module 1: Introduction to the Foundations of the Enneagram (Recorded Oct. 7)

David, Helen, Russ, and Jessica will share the journey that brought them to discovering the Enneagram, why they value it, and why they are participating in this course. You will then explore definitions of core principles and dynamics of the Enneagram, including the following core concepts that apply to each type:

  • The passion (core suffering)
  • Fixation (compensatory habit or dynamic)
  • Shifting from vice to virtue
  • Dynamism and change of movement along the arrows
  • Instincts
  • Development of the inner observer
  • Developing Presence

You’ll emerge with a solid foundation that you can apply to each of the nine types in the next nine modules.

Module 2: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Eight
(Recorded Oct. 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4)

Type eights are often described as protectors or challengers. At their best they show us how much vibrancy and power there is in each moment, and yet those qualities in eights and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be dominating and insensitive. Understanding type eight opens pathways to discovering real inner strength and open-heartedness, helping you to navigate the challenges of your life without shutting yourself down.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to recognize and attune to the presence of authentic strength and power in yourself
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the eight into higher expression of its core gifts
  • See how anger reinforces the eight structure
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of eights
  • Connect your sense of strength with true open-heartedness
  • Understand how the eight illuminates your own distortions and fears about power
  • Know the difference between real strength and “toughening yourself up,” between being powerful and being controlling or dominating
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience authentic vitality, strength and potency
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the eight, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the eights in your life
  • See the ways that the eight expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 3: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Nine
(Recorded Nov. 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9)

Type nines are often described as peacemakers or mediators. At their best they show you how to harmonize with everything and how to relax into reality, and yet those qualities in nines and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be disconnected and passive. Understanding type nine opens pathways to discovering a true inner peace, that fosters a more expanded capacity to flow with, and take action in, reality as needed.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to cultivate embodied presence, making it possible for you to be engaged with each moment from authentic inner peace
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the nine to its higher expression of core gifts
  • See how anger reinforces the nine structure
  • Understand how type nine illuminates your own distortions about connection and unity
  • Know the difference between authentic inner peace and numbing out, between cultivating harmony and being conflict-avoidant
  • Become aware of the power of integrating the gifts of stillness, dynamism, and the flow between them
  • Identify pathways for relaxing inner structures, and experiencing true inner peace, equanimity, and harmonious participation with life’s challenges
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the nine, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with nines in your life
  • See the ways that nine expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 4: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type One
(Recorded Dec. 16, Jan 6, 13, 20)

Type ones are often described as perfectionists or reformers. At their best they show the importance and sacredness of everything and every moment, and yet those qualities in ones and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be rigid and judgemental. Understanding type one opens alignment with a sense of the basic goodness in each moment, making it more possible for us to see the right action in every moment without attachment or aversion.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to align with integrity in your body, heart and mind, and develop the willingness to be of service, or respond to the needs of each moment
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the one to its higher expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of ones
  • Understand how type one illuminates our own distortions and fears about integrity and being right
  • Learn how to tell the difference between discerning wisdom for ourselves or others- and judging ourselves or others, between a deep source of wisdom and integrity and our “inner critic” or superego
  • Understand how anger reinforces the one structure
  • Develop a deeper acceptance of all circumstances and challenges, recognizing the perfection of each moment
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the one and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with ones in your life
  • See the ways that one expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 5: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Two
(Recorded Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17)

Type twos are often described as givers or helpers. At their best they show us the beauty and healing power of responding to needs arising from suffering or wholeness, and yet these qualities in twos and each one of us can become distorted, causing us to be co-dependent and self-sacrificing. Understanding type two helps you feel a well-spring of natural desire to support and care for your life, relationships, and the journeys of others.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to open to the real love that exists within you for yourself and others, and come to a deeper understanding of what it means to love yourself.
  • Understand the developmental pathways for the two to its higher expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of twos
  • Understand how type two illuminates our own distortions and fears about need and love
  • Learn to recognize and support the development of the responsive and compassionate part of your nature
  • Know how to recognize the difference between attunement and merging, between unconditional love and caring and over-giving
  • Understand how distress reinforces the two structure
  • Identify pathways to relaxing the inner structures, and experience the natural flow of giving and receiving equally
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the two, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with twos in your life
  • See the ways that two expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 6: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Three
(Recorded Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17)

Type threes are often called the performer or the achiever. At their best they show that it is possible to fully develop your capacities, and yet those qualities in threes and in each of us can become distorted, causing emotional disconnection and vanity. Understanding type three supports you to cultivate the full measure of your intrinsic gifts and potential, as well as create a balanced love of self and others.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to relax out of shame about your capacities and gifts
  • Understand the developmental pathways for the three to its highest expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of threes
  • Understand how type three illuminates our own distortions and fears about worthiness
  • Know the difference between authentic action and promoting yourself, between personal value and self-inflation
  • Examine the relationship between being and doing, and see how genuine being/presence makes our work more effortless and enjoyable and connects it with the real wishes of our hearts
  • Understand how distress reinforces the three structure
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the three, and how to navigate them
  • Discover pathways to relaxing the inner structures, thus experiencing real self-worth, authenticity, and how these give a ground of being for actions that are fulfilling for yourself and others
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with threes in your life
  • See the ways that three expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 7: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Four
(Recorded Mar. 24, 31, Apr. 7, 14)

Type fours are often called individualists or romantics. At their best they show that creative and authentic self-expression can lead to deep intimacy with ourselves, others and life, and yet these qualities in fours and each of us can become distorted, causing us to be moody and envious. Understanding type four helps you open to your most intimate and true identity, and to experience that as a key to a beautiful and deeply meaningful life.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to experience deep compassion, and creatively open to the depth of your own being as a gateway to real intimacy with others and vice versa.
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the four to its higher expression of core gifts
  • Learn the core fear and compensatory habits of fours
  • Understand how type four illuminates your own distortions and fears about your sense of identity
  • Learn how to tell the difference between authentic emotional expression and reactivity, between being your true self and trying to be unique
  • Understand how distress reinforces the four structure
  • Learn to recognize the depth of your presence, as well as learning to notice when it drops out of your experience
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures, and experience the innate beauty, depth, intimacy and richness of each moment
  • Learn about the core trait of abandonment that creates endless yearning and frustration among fours
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for the four, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with fours in your life
  • See the ways that four expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 8: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Five
(Recorded Apr. 21, 28, May 5, 12)

Type fives are often described as investigators or observers. At their best they show the power of clarity and insight to illuminate life and come to deep truths, and yet those qualities can become distorted in fives causing them to be withholding and emotionally detached. Understanding fives opens you to a world of curiosity and wonder, making it possible for you to perceive reality more clearly.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to open to pathways of focus, inquiry and awareness,
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the five into higher expression of its core gifts
  • Understand how to more fully access the quieter part of our mind responsible for our big discoveries both personal and professional
  • Learn some of the psychodynamic issues that cause our direct knowing to shut down
  • Gain experience in the connection between embodied presence and direct knowing
  • See how fear reinforces the five structure
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of fives
  • Understand how the five illuminates our own distortions and fears about perception and intelligence
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience focused attention and direct knowing what the Greeks called “gnosis”
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” and observations of the patterns for the five, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the fives in your life
  • See the ways that the five expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 9: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Six
(Recorded May 19, 26, Jun. 2, 9)

Type sixes are often described as loyalists or loyal skeptics. At their best, they show how commitment and trust for life and others cultivates problem-solving skills and intuition that contribute to life, and yet these qualities can become distorted in sixes and in all of us, causing us to be doubting and paranoid. Understanding sixes can help open a doorway to your intuition and to a faith that your natural instincts will lead to actions that create harmony. You will see how body, heart and mind can align with deeper knowing, and cooperate with others toward goals that can transcend your immediate personal interests.

In this module you will:

  • Begin to experience the focus and purpose that open-minded, three-centered guidance can bring to each moment, decision and action.
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the six into higher expression of its core gifts
  • Learn to recognize and access deeper sources of inner guidance
  • Learn some of the psychodynamic issues that tend to create the most stress and anxiety in us, and how to work with them
  • See how fear reinforces the six structure
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of sixes
  • Understand how the six illuminates our own distortions and fears about trust
  • Explore the difference between clear movement of true guidance and impulsivity, between being thoughtful and compulsively doubting
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience more courage and true guidance
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” and observations of patterns for the six, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the sixes in your life
  • See the ways that the six expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 10: A Multidimensional Understanding of Type Seven
(Recorded Jun. 16, 23, 30, Jul. 7)

Type sevens are often described as enthusiasts or epicures. At their best they show how flow and natural positivity open up beneficial possibilities and bring joy to life, and yet these qualities can become distorted in sevens and in all of us, causing us to be escapist and distracted. Understanding sevens supports your natural desire to abide in causeless happiness, and to open to new experiences and vistas in your life.

In this module you will:

  • Feel inspired to open to deeper gratitude and the experience of joyfully inhabiting the fullness of every moment
  • Understand the developmental pathway of the seven into higher expression of its core gifts
  • Discover some of the psychodynamic issues that tend to dull our sense of joy and to send us off in ultimately frustrating pursuits
  • Recognize the secret doorway of abiding patiently being with what is here now and letting the deep treasures of reality reveal themselves
  • Understand the core fear and compensatory habits of sevens
  • Understand how the seven illuminates our own distortions and fears about happiness and freedom
  • Know the difference between positive orientation and avoidance of emotional pain, between flexibility/flow and empowering your distractions
  • See how fear reinforces the seven structure
  • Identify pathways to relax inner structures and experience true spontaneity, delight and inner freedom
  • Differentiate key “Wake Up Calls” or observations of patterns for sevens, and how to navigate them
  • Learn tips and strategies for interacting more successfully with the sevens in your life
  • See the ways that the seven expresses differently in typical men and women

Module 11: Integration Keys on the Path for Healing, Transformation, Liberation and Self-actualization (Recorded Jul. 14)

Because of the depth of this course over an extended period of time much of what happens at this last class will arise out of the sharing, questions and experiences of the whole community during the nine months, and the faculty’s sense of what would support people most in creating enduring transformation.

This module will include:

  • Sharing, teachings and tips for long-term integration
  • Inner exercises
  • Questions and answers
  • Practices and recommended resources for deepening your inquiry

The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion
Bonus Collection

In addition to the powerful 9-month immersion program, you’ll also receive these illuminating bonuses that complement the intensive and deepen your understanding and transformation.

The Enneagram Global Summit 2014
Full Package of Downloadable MP3s for all 19 Sessions

($123 value)

Get lifetime access to the cutting-edge insights, strategies and powerful practices presented by the top Enneagram experts in the world. With The Enneagram Global Summit Package, you’ll discover the latest research, cutting-edge theories and practical applications for the Enneagram to help you transcend the ego-driven fears, desires and motivations that fuel your particular negative behavioral patterns.

You’ll get inside access to the top Enneagram experts from many of the wisdom schools united in one program for the first time ever. You’ll learn from them the secrets for using this powerful tool for personal and collective transformation to help you understand YOUR true nature, dramatically improve your relationships and fulfill your highest potential.

Featured experts include Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, Dr. Dan Siegel, David Daniels M.D., A.H. Almaas and many more!

Sexuality, Sensuousness, and the Enneagram:
A Path to Fulfilling Intimate Relationships
4-Part Audio Series with David Daniels, M.D. and Ron Levine, Ph.D.

Sensuousness and fulfilling sexuality characterize healthy intimate relationships. In this groundbreaking four-part series, David Daniels and Ron Levine, a well-known sex therapist, explore the dimensions of a fulfilling sexual relationship especially as this relates to the Enneagram types. They present the generic aspects of sexuality including definitions, the neurobiology of sexuality, role of hormones, male/female differences, and the part played by positive emotions, arousal and desire, and intent. They emphasize what makes our sexual lives fulfilling, and then explore each type’s positive attributes (gifts), specific sexual challenges, the antidotes and path of development.

The Enneagram Unfolding:
The Children Speak for Themselves

This compelling Enneagram panel of children facilitated by Dr. David Daniels, is the first and only recorded children’s Enneagram panel and consists of 11- to 14-year-olds sharing their knowledge and experience. It was determined that the kids be at least 11-years-old as abstract thinking gets in place at about this age, making it possible for these kids to speak for themselves and offer fascinating insights into the various types which will help you understand yourself and others.

Frontiers of the Enneagram:
Six Intimate and Unplugged Conversations

Listen in as each faculty member has a conversation with every other faculty member about a topic that the two of them feel is important. These intimate dialogues will be "kitchen table" conversations unrehearsed and unplugged of the faculty speaking from their experiences and learning from each other. An invaluable exploration into some useful, interesting and provocative topics from masters in the Enneagram Field and Consciousness Community. Conversations will cover:

  1. Two Views of Breadth and Depth: The Narrative Tradition and the Enneagram Institute Helen Palmer and Russ Hudson
  2. What Creates Transformation: The Pragmatics of Change David Daniels and Russ Hudson
  3. Developing Authentic Intuition: Tales of Type and Center Confusion and Contribution Helen Palmer and Jessica Dibb
  4. How the Narrative Method Transforms Relationships Helen Palmer and David Daniels
  5. What Keeps the Enneagram from Being More Widely Accepted: Shadow, Blind Spots and New Pathways for the Enneagram Field David Daniels and Jessica Dibb
  6. Frontiers of the Enneagram as a Spiritual Practice Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb

Rational and Spiritual Approaches to the Enneagram:
Similarities, Differentiations and Equivalencies

Audio Dialogue with Russ Hudson and Mario Sikora

Amongst other things, the Enneagram is a multi-dimensional design about different aspects of life, and shows the potential of them working together. Rationality is important and powerful in life, and so too is Spirituality. If we approach the Enneagram from each of these perspectives what will we discover? Will the understanding or practice of one, enhance the other? Will it limit or broaden the power of the Enneagram in changing our lives for the better? Join Russ and Mario for this thoughtful discussion and be prepared to have your mind and soul transformed.

Mario Sikora is an executive coach and consultant who advises leaders in large organizations across the globe. He has worked with senior leaders in numerous multinational corporations, including Motorola, TE Connectivity, Dow Chemicals, Panasonic, and Johnson & Johnson.

What People Are Saying About the Faculty

Any truly integral approach would include within its survey of the world the many different types of consciousness, and the Enneagram provides one of the most sophisticated type systems available. And of the many approaches to the Enneagram, I believe one of the best is Helen Palmers’, due to its empirical grounding and its wonderful comprehensiveness. I highly recommend any of her works on the topic, as well as the various courses that she also offers.
Ken Wilber, Author & Founder of The Integral Institute

Helen Palmer teaches the Enneagram with an in-depth and clinical clarity that can only help and strengthen those who are seeking to use it for spiritual direction, Christian guidance, or even the classic "reading of souls." She is standing on the 13th Century teaching of my fellow Franciscan, Blessed Raymond Lull, who successfully used the ancient Enneagram as a lingua franca to mutually evangelize warring Christians and Muslims. This is a very proven, traditional and tested tool for both the "conversion of morals," and the "discernment of spirits," which St. Paul calls one of the major Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:10).
Richard Rohr, Franciscan Friar & Author of Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life

With Jessica and Russ’ expert holding of the space, I was able to grasp what happens to pull me away from my experience of presence, as well as the operation of all of the nine Enneagram energies in me. Puzzles that I had been pondering for years about my relationship to receiving were resolved, as I experienced the energy of my “missing piece.” The term “life-changing” is used a lot I know. But I can’t think of another one that more accurately describes my experience of this workshop.
Ann Kirby, RH Certified Teacher, EnnCourage, Inc.

This workshop turned out to be the most important thing I ever did for myself. It left me with an incredible sense of wholeness and peace of mind. The Enneagram work of Russ Hudson and the psycho-spiritual healing and growth work of Jessica Dibb blended together into an awesome, fully integrated whole. The two presenters cued off one another seamlessly. For me, the excitement of the Enneagram is the possibility of tailoring our personal growth in directions that suit our personality type. At last I understand why one size does not fit all. Russ and Jessica enabled the people at the workshop to understand and feel the energy of each of the personality types. We came to know what each type yearns for, to feel the part inside ourselves that has this same yearning, and to experiment with ways of moving the ego aside so that we can function in the present, maximize our potential and integrate the nine facets into a unified whole. In the end, the beauty of the Enneagram is its simplicity.
Muriel Vasconcellos

I am a long-time student and certified teacher of the Enneagram, as well as seasoned meditator. This workshop with Russ and Jessica leveraged my understanding of the Enneagram as a spiritual path to a very exciting, new level, both for myself and in working more strategically with my coaching clients. I feel that it helped me reach a new level of spiritual development, of embodying and living Essence more fully...Thank you for a truly wonderful workshop! I am inspired by your role model of Being Essence. I want to be that too!
Anne Wotring, Certified Palm er-Daniels Teacher

I was one of those who jumped into the deep end of the pool! This is my first Enneagram class and I loved it! Very complex, and as a beginner I’m sure that I have so much more to learn, but it all resonates with me. Russ has a wonderful way of presenting this information and ’truth’ in a way that makes sense. Watching Russ and Jessica together was like watching two masters together, and it created a space of holding and balance that allowed things to happen for people that were extraordinary.
Heather Davis

An incredibly high value workshop! Having had the privilege of studying this material with a number of teachers, I was completely impressed with Russ’ quality of training and input on this topic. His willingness to be present, open, and incredibly allowing and compassionate whilst staying totally on track with the content was fantastic.
- Marie Pierre Cleret, Sydney, Australia

Just wanted to take a moment back here in my own world to thank [Russ and Jessica] again for all that you both gave and provided this past weekend. It was truly a transformative time for me. My heart and soul feel lighter than when I started this long journey. It will be a challenge to remain this open, but I plan to PRACTICE on a daily basis...My love and thanks to both of you and the work that you do. My heart is so open.
Betty Mear, Georgia

Jessica, I just want to express my complete and utter gratitude for your presence. I was teaching a class today, and just over and over again, the work that I’ve done with you was shining forth...the gift of the work that I’ve done with you. So, thank you so much for who you are and your presence. I can only speak for it as it’s shown up in my life, but I know you’ve touched hundreds, if not thousands, in this way.
Marty Perkins

I have been interested in the Enneagram for a number of years, but after finding the narrative Enneagram [Our Narrative Tradition with the types speaking for themselves], I was convinced this is something for me! I was lucky enough to have you, David, as a teacher in our course! I think your way of teaching and treating pupils is so loving and wonderful! I was SO happy to be able to meet you and to be able to spend time with you, such a kind person! I shall never forget loving and accepting moments of your lesson.
Raili Varmo

David’s second edition of “The Essential Enneagram” is a true gem, as he takes his insights about the Enneagram and his ability to integrate the best theory and most useful practices to a new level. Everything’s in here: the three Centers of Intelligence, Enneagram subtypes, highly refined information on the 9 types, and type-specific psychological and spiritual practices. The first edition is excellent; this one has brilliance.
Ginger Lapid-Bogda

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Thirty-Eight 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with four “depth” teachers of the Enneagram from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes renowned guest faculty, and helps you create the specific skills and abilities to o go far beyond simple personality categorizations to seeing the Enneagram as a blueprint for transforming our lives.

Thirty-Eight PDF Transcripts, one for each class session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.

The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion Bonus Collection

  • The Enneagram Global Summit 2014
    Full Package of Downloadable MP3s for all 19 Sessions
  • Sexuality, Sensuousness, and the Enneagram:
    A Path to Fulfilling Intimate Relationships
    4-Part Audio Series with David Daniels, M.D. and Ron Levine, Ph.D.
  • The Enneagram Unfolding:
    The Children Speak for Themselves
  • Frontiers of the Enneagram:
    Six Intimate and Unplugged Conversations
  • Rational and Spiritual Approaches to the Enneagram:
    Similarities, Differentiations and Equivalencies

    Audio Dialogue with Russ Hudson and Mario Sikora

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Multidimensional Enneagram Virtual Immersion

We, at The Shift Network, feel deeply honored that Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, David Daniels AND Jessica Dibb have chosen to partner with us in this unprecedented virtual offering. Four teachers of the Enneagram coming from different major schools will unite for the first time to explore a deeper understanding of the Enneagram. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from four “depth” teachers of the Enneagram, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us to effectively bridge the highest spiritual octave of our being and the most practical day-to-day realities.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), and you’ll also be able to benefit from four powerful teachers and their guest’s illuminating teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re a fan of the Enneagram and want to go to the next level or you use the Enneagram in your practice this groundbreaking exploration will help you deepen your understanding and open new vistas for application, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world, to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Multidimensional Enneagram Immersion course or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About The Teachers...

Russ Hudson is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and is one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today. He is also President of Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. He has been co-teaching the Enneagram Professional Training Programs since 1991, and is a founding director and former vice-president of the International Enneagram Association. Russ is also co-author of The Wisdom Of The Enneagram, Personality Types (Revised Edition), Understanding the Enneagram (Revised Edition), Discovering Your Personality Type (Revised Edition), and The Power Of The Enneagram(audio tape). Russ also assisted Don Riso in writing Enneagram Transformations. He holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Columbia University in New York, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa.

Helen Palmer is an international bestselling author, with books in 30 languages. She is also a longtime teacher of both psychology and intuition, two different levels of consciousness joined by self-reflection. She sees the Enneagram as a superb description of the conditioned reality of type patterns in the neural-pathways of our brain, set against humanity’s innate ability to turn attention inward. Helen’s focus is to internally reflect on, and learn to relax, reactive type patterns that move us in a predictable direction both of which is accomplished by a largely overlooked intuitive faculty of “pure knowing” that objectively reflects conditioned psychological patterns from a separate vantage point.

In 1988, she and David Daniels, M.D., co-founded Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition, a school dedicated to personal and spiritual evolution. Together, they directed the first International Enneagram Conference at Stanford University in 1994, and are founding members of the International Enneagram Association that formed during that conference. Helen’s early teaching was initially focused on the psychology of type and intuitive development as separate studies. Current teaching is focused on the Enneagram as a guide to spiritual method for psychological distress and the restoration of well-being.

David Daniels, M.D., is emeritus clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford Medical School, a leading developer of the Enneagram system, and co-author of the bestseller, The Essential Enneagram (HarperCollins), updated and revised in 2009. In private practice for nearly 40 years, David also has taught the Enneagram system at Stanford, in the community, and internationally for 25 years. He co-founded Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT), was a founder of the Enneagram Association in the Narrative Tradition (EANT), and was a founder of the International Enneagram Association. He brings his knowledge of the Enneagram to individuals, couples and groups, and to a wide range of applications in clinical practice and the workplace. He has developed many innovative workshops, including The Dynamics of Vital Relationships, Anger and Forgiveness, Loss and Grief as Transformers, the Enneagram’s Gift to Love and Life, Intimate Relationships, Love and Will, The Enneagram’s Gift to Mastering Conflict Constructively and Compassionately, and The Neurobiology of the Enneagram. Visit David’s website and his organization’s site for a wealth of information and all his programs and classes.

Jessica Dibb is founder, spiritual director and principal teacher of the Inspiration Community School, an integral consciousness school dedicated to promoting personal, relational and planetary wellness. Over the past two decades, she has designed and facilitated unique workshops, classes and on-going experiential trainings that are grounded in a highly integrated model of psycho-spiritual healing and development to support self-actualization.

Her teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life, from conception onward. Using Integrative Breathwork, psychodynamic principles, the Enneagram and established and emergent wisdom teachings, Jessica facilitates embodied awareness of each moment, using methods that combine attunement, psychodynamic principles, intuition and physical sensation. She teaches nationally and internationally, including teaching Integrative Breathwork and the Enneagram at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for several years. Jessica also is the co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) and current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee. She is a founding member of the board of Convergence, a nonprofit organization working to promote dialogue and innovative solutions for challenging social issues of our time. She was one of the co-hosts for the Breathwork Summit in 2012, also produced by The Shift Network, and the host of the Enneagram Global Summit in 2014, produced by the Shift Network. Jessica is the weaver and visionary behind Omega’s annual conference: Breath Immersion From Science to Samadhi, at Omega Institute.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a support request with the subject "Refund request."

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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