With Renowned Author & Teacher of Egyptian Mysteries
Nicki Scully
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Experience a profound shamanic journey to reach back to the sacred sites of Ancient Egypt and bring forward the healing magic of its gods and goddesses...

Transmute the inner you into the alchemical GOLD of an awakened consciousness and a creative and inspired spirit...


Have you ever longed to journey across the boundaries of time and space to steep your soul in the mysteries and magic of Ancient Egypt?

Imagine gliding on the Nile in a lavish royal vessel lined with rich velvets. Or stepping into a sacred temple lit with candles to work with the healing energies of the gods and goddesses.

Imagine experiencing rituals, rites, and initiations to renew and strengthen the transformative powers that already exist within you, waiting to reawaken...

Nowhere on the planet have the ancients left such bold statements, as in Egypt... The intention and purpose with which they imbued their monuments reverberates through time.

So, what if you could reach through time and space and take a virtual journey to these sacred sites?

What if you could explore Egyptian shamanism so deeply that you draw on the pantheon inside of you... to heal yourself, your family, your community, and the world?

You would receive and hold practices to use anytime... anywhere... to bring your life and the world into greater alignment with the divinity that lies within us all. In so doing, you would be able to help bring back the balance and harmony that has gone askew.

When you enter the sacred sites with an open heart and clear presence of mind, you interact directly with the field that continues to inform the granite... the basalt... the hallowed hieroglyphic images... and the people, so that you enter as a seeker you remember, and in so doing, are re-membered. Re-formed. Transformed.

During a fascinating 7-module journey into the magical, living consciousness of this ancient civilization, you’ll meet and work with the same gods and goddesses with whom the great pharaohs and priests performed the transformative alchemy of the ages the deities who guided them so they could rule from an enlightened perspective..

Through immersive guided imagery, renowned shamanism teacher Nicki Scully will guide you in a cohesive inner shamanic journey, divided into seven modules, where you can reach back to these sacred sites and bring forward their healing magic...


You’ll connect with the Heart Breath, journey to the Sphinx and other monuments and temples in spirit, and receive powerful initiations and rites of passage...

You’ll experience and remember as your own, the powerful love and abundant joy of Hathor, the Sky Goddess, and FEEL how being at her temple with shamanic intention is in itself an initiation.

You’ll awaken to the compassion, hope, and optimism of Isis, Egypt’s highest shamanic priestess, and learn how to generate these healing qualities to your family members and community...

You’ll open to the lioness goddess Sekhmet, the Mighty One, who cleanses and purifies you with fire so she can sow seeds of empowerment within your heart to help you grow into your full potential.

You’ll even experience a shamanic death, a profound and ultimately expansive sense of surrender, illumination, regeneration, and rebirth.

There will be an initiation which connects you directly with the divine intelligence that is the field similar to what ancient Egyptians called the ka body. The ka is the subtle body commonly known as the etheric double. It is the collective soul and energetic connection with your spiritual ancestors, and it invigorates you with vital life force...

Over the seven modules of this self-empowering journey, you’ll undergo an alchemical process, patterned after that which the pharaohs experienced, yet designed for our time, receiving and integrating the potent life-force energies of the gods and goddesses.


During this life-transformative 7 modules steeped in Egyptian magic and lore, you’ll:

  • Connect with the generosity and wisdom of the Sphinx
  • Meet and experience some of Egypt’s most powerful deities, who can guide and heal you and through you, others
  • Discover potent shamanic rituals practiced by the pharaohs of Egypt, which can also provide YOU with direct guidance from Source
  • Be engulfed by the love and joy of Hathor (who represents fertility, sexuality, intoxication, celebration, music, gemstones, and much more) and learn to use her healing qualities to help yourself and others
  • Explore how time and space are not linear, as you move forward and backward in time or upstream and downstream on the Nile
  • Experience Sekhmet’s fire as part of the alchemical process of working through your inner conflicts in a ritual of purification
  • Fly with the Vulture Goddess Nekhbet to glimpse where you are in your life and where you’re going
  • Experience the Cobra Goddess Wadjet’s liberating awakening within your cleansed and purified body
  • Receive Thoth’s wisdom in the form of new DNA from the Ogdoad, Thoth’s original creation myth
  • Experience an initiation that places you in a new body, calibrated to the needs of your future
  • Discover understanding, forgiveness, and compassion as means to clarify and fulfill your sacred purpose
  • Understand the deepest meaning of Ka, as it pertains to your future and the new healing capacities you’ve received
  • Become aware of and grounded in an entirely new level of being
  • And, much more...

Over the course of this profound journey, like the ancients, you’ll be challenged by your inner demons the unbeneficial patterns and shadow selves that have held you back along with the outer turmoil and chaos of the greater world... And they’ll be transformed.

And through the alchemy generated by the practices Nicki introduces, the healing energies of the deities you encounter will come to life, once again within you transmuting the inner you into the alchemical gold of an awakened consciousness, with an open and compassionate heart, and a creative and inspired spirit ready to take the next steps into a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Step Into the Path of Your Own Authority...

Divinity exists within you.

When you prepare yourself as a temple in which divinity flows... when you meet the gods and goddesses the pharaohs and priests of ancient times knew so well... when you reach back and bring forward magic which is still ALIVE, and deities that are alive within YOU... you bring back into existence the wisdom and spiritual guidance we are missing.

As you develop your sensitivities and your gifts as a meditator, a healer, a mystic... as you embrace the practices you’ll learn and allow them to guide you in interpreting what happens in your life and the life of our planet... you’ll have more influence in effecting positive change. And more ability to step into your responsibility to use that healing and transformation to help yourself, your community, and our world.

The Value of a Master Guide


Nicki first fell in love with Egypt when she traveled there as part of the Grateful Dead family. They played three concerts at the Sphinx stage in 1978, after which she returned again and again until she made a commitment to become a healer. After 10 years of study, she returned, having already made relationships with many of the neteru, the deities of Egypt.

After personally leading more than 60 tours to Egypt, Nicki now holds unique knowledge on the subjects of Egyptian magic, lore, and imagery, which she has expertly woven into her shamanic work. She teaches the wisdom of this ancient civilization from its sacred sites and has written about it in several widely respected books.

Her teachings arise spontaneously through her longtime and deep connection with the deities of Egypt, illuminating the current necessity that we aid in the nurturance of our own hearts to help in the healing of ourselves, our cultures, and our planet.


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this life-enhancing 7-module program, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the magic, mystery, and power of Egyptian alchemy... in its immense depth and in exciting and visceral ways... Nicki will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to bring forward the healing magic of the gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt.

This course will feature teachings and experiential practices with Nicki. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the process of transmuting the inner you into an awakened consciousness and a creative and inspired spirit.


Module 1: Opening the Magical Heart With the Heart Breath, the Great Sphinx at Giza & Hathor at Dendera (November 1)


Imagine journeying on the Nile in a lavish royal vessel lined with rich velvets. In this first module, you’ll experience a guided Heart Breath meditation that will connect you with the Magical Heart and all participants by creating an energetic, unified soul fire.

Next, you’ll journey to the Sphinx, the enigmatic guardian of the Giza necropolis, to make the humble request for protection and guidance throughout your journey, meeting some of the civilization’s oldest and most revered deities along the way.

At Dendera, the temple of Sky Goddess Hathor, you’ll receive powerful initiations. Being at her temple with shamanic intention is in itself an initiation.

During this leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Learn the Heart Breath, a practice to integrate into your life to stay centered and present
  • Set sacred space with permission and blessings from the Sphinx
  • Be engulfed by the love and joy of Hathor (who represents fertility, sexuality, intoxication, celebration, music, gemstones, and much more) and learn to use her healing qualities to help yourself and others
  • Explore how time and space are not linear, as you move forward and backward in time or upstream and downstream on the Nile
  • Carry a surprise gift with you when you depart

Module 2: Awakening the Compassion, Hope & Optimism of Isis (November 8)


Isis is a protégé of Thoth, and knows all the magical arts and rites of Egyptian shamanism. While she’s a priestess of the highest degree, she prefers being with the people more than being in the temple. She traveled throughout Egypt to teach midwifery, weaving, and beekeeping, and share her wisdom with the women of Egypt.

During this module, you’ll experience Isis’ compassion, hope, and optimism as your own when you merge with Isis and learn how to send these healing energies out into the world. As you accept her gifts, you’ll achieve a new level of awareness and the ability to see how your emotions affect those around you.

During this leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Discover the power of community thinking and emotions
  • Learn ways to help those around you find a more centered life
  • Experience compassion, optimism, and hope and radiate these healing energies out to the world
  • Help gestate the egg of creation growing within Isis
  • Generate the healing powers of Isis to your family members and community

Module 3: Planting Magical Seeds With Sekhmet, Flying With the Vulture Goddess Nekhbet & Coming Face to Face With the Cobra Goddess Wadjet (November 15)


Sekhmet’s name means Power, or Mighty One, and this powerful deity stands for truth, justice, balance, and cosmic law. With her fierce compassion and vast capacity for love, she’ll help you create balance within yourself and our chaotic world. The offerings you receive from her will represent a combination of what you bring and what she sees in you.

During this module, you’ll also meet and experience powerful initiations from the ancient twin goddesses known as the Two Ladies the guardians of all pharaohs and of the two lands, Upper and Lower Egypt. They are the Vulture Goddess Nekhbet, guardian of Upper Egypt, and the Cobra Goddess Wadjet, guardian of Lower Egypt.

During this leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Experience Sekhmet’s fire as part of the alchemical process of working through your inner conflicts
  • Discover understanding, forgiveness, and compassion as means to clarify and fulfill your sacred purpose
  • Open to Sekhmet’s healing seeds, which she’ll plant within your heart to help you grow into your full potential
  • Fly with the Vulture Goddess Nekhbet to glimpse where you are in your life and where you are going
  • Experience Cobra Goddess Wadjet’s liberating awakening within your cleansed and purified body

Module 4: Entering the Shamanic Void With Anubis & Osiris (November 22)


Anubis, the eldest son of Osiris, is often called the Opener of the Way. He’s a trustworthy teacher, guardian, and guide who knows all the paths from the Darkness back to the Light. He’s the guardian of abandoned, miscarried, and aborted children, and in this module, you’ll experience a guided meditation in which you’ll be guided by him to experience a shamanic death.

You’ll also enter the realm of Osiris, Lord of the Underworld, deep in the waters of the Nile to discover the beauty and regeneration inherent in water, and to experience the sprouting of the seeds planted earlier by Sekhmet in your open heart.

All is in preparation to grow into your sacred purpose.

During this leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Experience the surrender and regeneration inherent in a shamanic death
  • Know the enlightenment that can arise from a place of nothingness (the void)
  • Learn how to communicate with Osiris for further teachings
  • Glimpse what can be gained as your seeds sprout and begin their journey to help you grow personally and spiritually
  • Learn without a doubt that you and your reasons for being are worthy and that your unique purpose is necessary to the evolution of the whole

Module 5: Creating Your Alchemical Blueprint From Thoth’s Magical Cauldron & Making a Covenant With Ma’at (November 29)


Thoth is possibly the oldest of the Egyptian neteru. He’s the lunar god of wisdom, and of language, communications, writing, science, healing, and more.

He is also the scribe, and the mediator for the gods.

In this module, you’ll participate in a recreation of Thoth’s living version of the Ogdoad, the creation myth of Thoth, in which the “original eight” were brought forth from the nun, the nothingness of the primordial waters.

In a special ceremony, you’ll be guided in practices to escalate self-evolution and evolution for our planet, working to make order out of the chaos that surrounds us. How you receive this new “encoding” and the smart genes that will help facilitate the new and still-gestating you that is soon to be revealed...

You’ll also establish a covenant with Ma’at, vowing a lifelong commitment to the concepts she represents truth, justice, balance, harmony, and cosmic law to help serve you, your family, community, and the planet.

During this leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Learn about the Ogdoad and participate in a ceremony of creation
  • Discover practices for focusing your attention and intentions to enter into shamanic practice
  • Participate in the dividing of the cells and birth of the future for yourself and the world
  • Take part in the escalation of evolution
  • Sacralize a covenant with Ma’at, a vow to serve Ma’at and all she stands for

Module 6: Building the Magical Vessel & Birthing Your New Life With Isis and Khnum (December 6)


Khnum is the god of water and the river. He is also a sacred and skillful potter, who creates the bodies of all of Earth’s creatures on his wheel.

In this module, we’ll draw from the powerful energies of Isis, Ma’at, and other Egyptian deities, who will help Khnum, as he deftly and carefully creates the vessel for each of our newly transformed selves. Each vessel will be designed to hold the new frequencies that you have been attuned to on our journey so far.

This rite of passage will include the building of your etheric double, your Ka that is simultaneously created by Khnum. Your Ka is the spiritual ancestral lineage with whom you have a reciprocal connection, and that is activated before your new body is complete.

During this leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Experience an initiation that places you in a new body, calibrated to the needs of the future
  • Achieve an understanding of the meaning of Ka, as it pertains to your future and the new healing capacities you have received
  • Become aware of and grounded in an entirely new level of being
  • Receive your first breath, in an ancient way, from a being from the Ogdoad
  • Step off Khnum’s potter’s wheel with willful certainty into the future you have co-created for yourself
  • Receive a special blessing from Isis that awakens new capabilities within you

Module 7: Embodying Magical Love With Hathor (December 13)


In this final leg of our journey together, you’ll participate in a journey with the god of the inundation, Hapi, to experience how we as a community can work together to bring back the natural rhythms of Earth. He was the most worshipped god of ancient Egypt.

You’ll then experience an invocation to Hathor in her aspects as goddess of sexuality and fertility to experience the power of her love in a physical way that allows for the course to come to a close touched by the same power of love in which you began it.

On this last leg of the journey, you’ll:

  • Experience a journey with Hapi that gives substance to all 7 modules
  • Participate in a celebration of love that will fill your heart with joy
  • Learn how inviting Hathor into your lovemaking can change your experience
  • Experience a joyful completion of your journey
  • Share in a practice of gratitude and a prayer for the future through a short reading from Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy Bonus Collection

In addition to Nicki’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus selections with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonuses complement the course to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Modern Shamanism Through Egyptian History
Audio Dialogue With Nicki Scully Hosted by Michael Stone


Explore the connections of ancient Egypt and modern shamanism with author and shamanic arts teacher, Nicki Scully. Nicki, co-creator of Alchemical Healing, a comprehensive healing form that is practiced by thousands of practitioners internationally, reveals her sensitivities and how those sensitivities have assisted her in her ability to help others.

During this inspiring session you’ll discover:

  • The relationship between Egypt and the path of shamanism
  • Modern shamanic initiations and their origins
  • How shamanic death can be an opening for new life
  • Ways you can share in a shamanic journey with Nicki

A Hymnal From The Union of Isis & Thoth: Magic & Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt
Selection of Audio Hymns From Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis


This Hymnal is a gift which was created from the hymns and invocations in the book The Union of Isis & Thoth: Magic & Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt and the hymns selected were mostly written by the authors or their Mystery School students from over the years. This 16-part bonus is narrated by Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully.


Making Spirit Medicine
Guided Audio Visualization From Nicki Scully


This shamanic ritual is a guided visualization set to music scored especially for this ceremony. In it you’ll make and then consume the spirit medicine, for the benefit for you, your family and community, and the world. The music was initially composed and sung by Alexa MacDonald, produced by Roland Barker, and narrated by Nicki Scully. It can be found in the back cover of the book, Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation by Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert (her husband). There’s a journey track and a music-only track that can be used for other guided shamanic journeys.


Journey With Eagle & Elephant
Guided Audio Visualization From Nicki Scully


This guided visualization is an audio illustration of the journeys of these two totem allies from Nicki’s first book, Power Animal Meditations, published by Inner Traditions Bear & Company. Eagle helps you to make choices, and Elephant, with his huge heart and superior intelligence, represents Ganesha, the Hindu god of manifestation who clears away all obstacles and helps you solve problems. The music was written and produced by Roland Barker and the journey was narrated by Nicki Scully.


What People Are Saying About Nicki Scully...

“This work has given me my life back!”

Thank you for this opportunity to experience, learn, and to be guided by Nicki’s immense wisdom, passion, and fierce compassion in the realm of alchemical healing. Thank you to Nicki for dedicating her life to returning the Egyptian mysteries to humanity! This work has given me my life back! With infinite LOVE,
Rebecca Griffith

“I feel like mountains in my life have been moved...”

My heart was really touched... I had a very powerful experience when Nicki led us to open up to beings from the other side to come to us and bring us something. At that point in the mediation I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of compassion... I have the sense that part of my part in the Great Turning is to be a channel for compassion. It’s hard to describe in words what has transpired, but my heart is filled with gratitude that you are making this offering available. I feel like mountains in my life have been moved out of their place and my earth has been shaken. It’s all so wonderful and I am humbled by it all.

“It has rebooted every aspect of my life...”

I cannot thank Nicki enough for the program. It has rebooted every aspect of my life with such zeal and freshness and truth. I have since done another session with a client and it was transformative what has happened and shifted for her so quickly... She has reported such profound shifts, as did my previous client.
Dee Kennedy

“It furthered my skills in a healing form that is accessible...”

It’s hard to find words to describe my experience during Nicki Scully’s workshop... It furthered my skills in a healing form that is accessible for anyone wishing to broaden their innate healing capacities as well as deepening their ability to love... I look forward to fully realizing the magnitude and breadth of benefits this work will bring as it matures in me with practice.
Amanda Starlight

“... it was a beautiful body/mind experience...”

I just completed listening to the teleclass, and I must say it was the next best thing to being live! I felt everyone’s presence, joy, and power! I feel the buzz of reconstruction, and a giddy happiness from my flight... For me it was a beautiful body/mind experience and I definitely feel different, with a stronger sense of connection to the neteru and the universe. I wept with gratitude for all.

“I am totally fascinated with... the healing that happens during classes”

I have been feeling immense love, compassion, and gratitude for Nicki. She needs to have more alchemical healing classes like these to share the wealth of knowledge she has accumulated over the years. I am totally fascinated with this information Nicki shares and the healing that happens during classes. We can read the books, but doing these exercises with her has been a phenomenal learning experience for me. I am grateful for Nicki and all that she does for the collective souls on earth.

“She is indeed the oracle who introduced me to the alchemic wisdom...”

My Heart Breath reverberates multidimensional love to Nicki and her many collective causes. She is indeed the oracle who introduced me to the alchemic wisdom of bonding Egyptian architecture with star-based gnostic elixirs... who elegantly wove sky and earth in the pulsing heart of knowing... a single fabric enveloping individual transformation with universal mythic passage. Bless you, bless you into the constellated illuminations that rise beyond the skirt of formal patterns... Such magnificence and fluent mastery in Nicki’s teleconference.
Matthew Charles Sells


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven recorded 90-minute Class Sessions With Nicki Scully

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by a renowned author and teacher of Egyptian mysteries Nicki Scully from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you gleaned.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy Bonus Collection

  • Modern Shamanism Through Egyptian History
    Audio Dialogue With Nicki Scully Hosted by Michael Stone
  • A Hymnal From The Union of Isis & Thoth: Magic & Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt
    Selection of Audio Hymns From Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis
  • Making Spirit Medicine
    Guided Audio Visualization From Nicki Scully
  • Journey With Eagle & Elephant
    Guided Audio Visualization From Nicki Scully

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy Virtual Training

We’re honored Nicki Scully has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a master of Egyptian Alchemy whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Nicki’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about bringing forward the magic of ancient Egypt that is still ALIVE and the deities that are alive within YOU, you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy with Nicki Scully or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Nicki Scully...

“Nicki’s mastery is clear...”

Nicki’s mastery is clear as she guides you through an alchemical process comprised of many initiations and exercises that will change your life.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Soul Retrieval

“... relevant and needed during this global time of dissolution and rebirth”

Nicki Scully is a master of the sacred mysteries of Egypt... Her deep connection with the goddess Sekhmet gives us a powerful gift from this fiercely compassionate healing goddess that is relevant and needed during this global time of dissolution and rebirth.
Joan Borysenko, PhD, Author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

“... move beyond... limitations and create lives overflowing with love...”

[Nicki] skillfully interweaves ancient wisdom and spiritual healing into a practical plan to help people actualize their highest potential and sacred purpose. [She] offers valuable insights and simple practices that enable readers to move beyond misperceived limitations and create lives overflowing with love, peace, and happiness.
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, epigenetic scientist and author of The Biology of Belief

“... a portal of initiation through magic and ritual”

Nicki’s... deep wisdom of ancient Egypt and its pantheon weave a portal of initiation through magic and ritual.
Kathryn Ravenwood, Author of How to Create Sacred Water

“... transform your ability to act for the good of all our relations”

[Nicki’s work will help you] gain knowledge, surrender to its wisdom to heal yourself, and work it to transform your ability to act for the good of all our relations!
Brooke Medicine Eagle, Author of Buffalo Woman Comes Singing


About Nicki Scully


Nicki Scully has been teaching healing, the Egyptian mysteries, and shamanic arts since 1983. She’s the author of eight books, all related in some way to Egypt. Although she’s in the process of retiring, she still leads events such as Planetary Healing Calls to Action and occasional video teleclasses. Nicki Scully founded Shamanic Journeys, Ltd., which organized spiritual pilgrimages to Egypt for over three decades.

Nicki’s most recent books are Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess and The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices in Ancient Egypt, co-authored with Normandi Ellis. She also authored Alchemical Healing: A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine... Power Animal Meditations: Shamanic Journeys with Your Spirit Allies... The Anubis Oracle: A Journey into the Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt (book and card deck)... Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt: Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart...  and Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation, co-written with her husband, Mark Hallert.

Nicki has also produced a number of CDs (including Tribal Alchemy, Awakening the Cobra, and Journey for Healing with Kuan Yin), numerous articles, interviews, and podcasts.

Nicki is available for private sessions through Anubis Oracle Readings, and for individual mentoring programs. She accepts certain offers to present and teach at conferences and festivals, especially those that take her near her children and grandchildren.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
