With Peruvian Healer, Psychologist & Author
don Oscar Miro-Quesada

A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Receive Sacred Medicine and Life-Changing Skills Through Ritual, Magic-Making and the Ceremonial Altar

You’re born from starlight, a divine descendant of the creative impulse behind universal manifestation...

You’re a heavenly being, a cosmic evolutionary (and loving) intelligence in physical form.

What if you could activate this inner light body at will and become a vessel of sacred “medicine” to heal and transform our world?

The healing wisdom of ancient shamans, trained to activate their luminous bodies, is now available to you...

With the potent practices and ceremonial skills of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, you can awaken your light body for healing and transformation.

Using the gifts of your fully activated subtle energy field, complemented with breathwork, chants, hand positions, and a healing altar, you will “re-Member your Self” as a Shining One, a K’anchaq Huqniyuq, capable of great acts of beauty, love, and healing service.

In Becoming a Shining One, you’ll practice ritual arts of prayerful invocation, evocation, and decree empowered through shamanic breath, Quechua sacred words, altar configuration, ceremonial gesture, and focused imaginative intention.

You’ll receive hands-on ritual practices and energy healing arts for the healing of self, others, and our planet that are derived from Peru’s northern coastal kamasqa curandersimo and southeastern highland paqokuna shamanic traditions.

This heartfelt experience of shamanic initiation will include the use of specific vibrational frequencies to activate the elements (earth, water, air, fire, and ether) and harmonize your body, mind, emotions, and soul in service to you and others.

Your Experienced Guide Into Universal Shamanism

Your guide on this journey will be world-renowned curandero (healer), teacher, and author don Oscar Miro-Quesada.

He teaches us how to live in new-but-ancient ways connected with the daily blessings of life, filled with love, and committed to acts of service.

The stories from don Oscar’s life are truly miraculous, and yet his demeanor is humble, as evidenced by his kindness and gentle laughter.

don Oscar’s advanced studies in modern psychology have given him the tools to understand the common threads of shamanic teachings and the wisdom to weave them together into a more integrated framework. He has worked with many evolutionary luminaries to blend ancient traditions with modern evolutionary understandings to create a holistic, integral synthesis.

The result is a unique and beautiful gift to you: a chance for you to harvest the most important insights, practices, and perspectives from millennia of shamanism... to integrate them with modern psychological and spiritual teachings... and to apply it all to birthing the deep potentials within you.

If you’re curious about the essential spiritual wisdom held within Indigenous shamanic traditions, but are unable to spend months in remote rainforests or mountaintops, this 12-module shamanic initiation is your best opportunity to learn from a powerful spiritual teacher who is bringing together relevant and essential wisdom for our modern lives.

Over 12 modules, don Oscar will guide you in:

  • Wisdom transmissions, sacred activations of the artes (objects), and potent shamanic ritual-making and ceremony
  • Visionary processes for activating the light body and collective awakening of alliances with spirit helpers and luminous sources of healing assistance
  • Etiquette and practices of Peru’s ancestral wisdom keepers
  • Ceremonial ground consecration, sacred space patterning, and ritual activation of healing powers and energetic forces contained within various shamanic power objects (artes) and the living tapestry of your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
  • Rituals for healing and harmonizing our physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and soul bodies
  • Initiation into the use of specific vibrational frequencies for activating the five elements of earth, water, air, fire, and aether or quintessence

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

To provide apprentices with the most genuine experiential encounter with the seen and unseen dimensions of Peruvian shamanic healing traditions, don Oscar Miro-Quesada has consciously chosen to articulate the module descriptions (see below) associated with this course in the form of invocation, prayer, and decree that call upon the magic, medicine, and mystery inherent in being a Shining One.

You’re therefore encouraged to read out loud each module description in the spirit of self-initiation to fully benefit from the perennial wisdom soul of Peru’s shamanic reality.

So take a few breaths, relax your body, open your heart, quiet your mind, and allow what you read to lovingly touch your soul...

The Beauty of On-Demand

Each teaching, practice, and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to engage Universal Shaman teachings with clarity, rigor, and transformative power. don Oscar will be pre-recording each teaching session on video in order to offer the clearest transmission of this work.

INTRODUCTION MODULE: Waqyay The Shamanic Art of Summoning Healing Grace in Soul-restorative Service to Life

You’ll receive apprenticeship in the ritual consecration and configuration of sacred space conducive to the energetic harnessing and focused application of healing potentials and tutelary spirit guidance available within the five sacred directions of our Pachakuti Mesa altar grounds.

Your initiation into Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanism focuses on teachings regarding the proper ceremonial etiquette, sacred space patterning, and ritual activation of healing powers and energetic forces residing within the five core artes (shamanic power objects/medicine pieces) that comprise the multidimensional golden spiral template at play within the living tapestry of the Pachakuti Mesa.

You’ll engage in a guided visionary process for the collective awakening of shamanic alliances with spirit helpers and luminous sources of healing assistance known to Peru’s ancestral wisdom keepers.

Elemental Earth Medicine for Physical Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Amaru, great boa/anaconda animal ally, divine child of Pachamama, earth mother, sacred guardian of south and southeast directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Qollasuyu. Elemental embodiment of Allpa, sacred earth, formed as stone, supreme healer of physical infirmity and harmonizer of material dissonance. Come in, medicine beauty of Amarupa Hampin Munaycha, divine serpent spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined sensing, bestower of healthful balance for our bodies, wisdom tutelary of Llankay, right action as awakened vocation. Master teacher of conscious independence in healing service to self, I invoke your gift of intrapersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as SHAMAN/HEALER, empowered by Kawsay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of personal evolution within the life of humankind Hinaya!

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of boa/anaconda medicine virtues present within the South direction of one’s mesa
  • Demonstrations focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental earth medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

Elemental Earth Medicine for Physical Healing & Harmonization

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Kawsay into a person’s navel/umbilical-spleen lymph nodes for enhanced physical wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of Kawsay for self-healing

MODULE 2 SESSION 1: Samisonqoy
Elemental Water Medicine for Emotional Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Challwa, great dolphin/whale animal ally, divine child of Mama Killa, mother moon, sacred guardian of west and southwest directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Kuntisuyu. Elemental embodiment of Unu, sacred water, formed as shell, supreme healer of emotional infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Challwapa Hampin Munaycha, divine swimmer spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined feeling, bestower of healthful balance for our hearts, wisdom tutelary of Munay, unlimited compassionate love as awakened caring. Master teacher of conscious dependence in healing service to others, I invoke your gift of interpersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as ARTIST/RITUALIST, empowered by Samisonqoy... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of communal evolution within the life of humankind Hinaya!

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of dolphin/whale medicine virtues present within the West direction of one’s mesa
  • Demonstrations focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental water medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

MODULE 2 SESSION 2: Samisonqoy
Elemental Water Medicine for Emotional Healing & Harmonization

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Samisonqoy into a person’s Heart/Cardiac Plexus area for enhanced emotional wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of Samisonqoy for self-healing

MODULE 3 SESSION 1: K’anchay
Elemental Air Medicine for Spiritual Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Kuntur, great condor/eagle animal ally, divine child of Wiracocha, creator/creatrix of our Great Originating Mystery, sacred guardian of north and northwest directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Chinchaysuyu. Elemental embodiment of Wayra, sacred air, formed as feather, supreme healer of spiritual infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Kunturpa Hampin Munaycha, divine winged spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined intuiting, bestower of healthful balance for our spirit, wisdom tutelary of Yuyay, transcendent awareness and spiritual re-Membering through awakened vision. Master teacher of conscious interdependence in healing service to the world, I invoke your gift of transpersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as VISIONARY/SEER, empowered by K’anchay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of planetary evolution within the life of humankind Hinaya!

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of condor/eagle medicine virtues present within the North direction of one’s mesa
  • Demonstrations focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental air medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

MODULE 3 SESSION 2: K’anchay
Elemental Air Medicine for Spiritual Healing & Harmonization

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of K’anchay into a person’s crown/pineal body for enhanced spiritual wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of K’anchay for self-healing

MODULE 4 SESSION 1: Samiumay
Elemental Fire Medicine for Mental Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Poma, great puma/jaguar animal ally, divine child of Tayta Inti, father sun, sacred guardian of east and northeast directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Antisuyu. Elemental embodiment of Nina, sacred fire, formed as flamed candle, supreme healer of mental infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Pomapa Hampin Munaycha, divine four-legged spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined thinking, bestower of healthful balance for our mind, wisdom tutelary of Yachay, enlightened wisdom and higher intelligence through awakened cognition. Master teacher of conscious transcendence in healing service to Cosmos, I invoke your gift of universal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as TEACHER/SAGE, empowered by Samiumay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of galactic evolution within the life of humankind Hinaya!

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of puma/jaguar medicine virtues present within the East direction of one’s mesa
  • Demonstrations focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental fire medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

MODULE 4 SESSION 2: Samiumay
Elemental Fire Medicine for Mental Healing & Harmonization

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Samiumay into a person’s pituitary gland/left T7 vertebral area for enhanced psychological wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of Samiumay for self-healing

MODULE 5 SESSION 1: Illanunay
Elemental Aetheric Medicine for Soul Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Llama, great llama/alpaca animal ally, divine child of Sumaj K’uychi, supreme rainbow, sacred guardian of center and middle directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Chawpinsuyu. Elemental embodiment of T’eqse Kallpa, sacred aether, formed as central shamanic power object, supreme healer of soul infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Llamapa Hampin Munaycha, divine camelid spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined presencing, bestower of healthful balance for our soul, wisdom tutelary of Huñuy, unified being and wholeness through awakened presence. Master teacher of conscious immanence in healing service to Creation, I invoke your gift of impersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as MYSTIC/HIEROPHANT, empowered by Illanunay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of multidimensional evolution within the life of humankind Hinaya!

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of llama/alpaca medicine virtues present within the Center direction of one’s mesa
  • Demonstrations focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental aetheric medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

MODULE 5 SESSION 2: Illanunay
Elemental Aetheric Medicine for Soul Healing & Harmonization

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Illanunay (soul radiance) into a person’s solar plexus/xiphoid-diaphragmatic lymph nodes/celiac plexus for enhanced soul empowerment
  • Demonstration on use of Illanunay for personal soul expansion

Embodied Self-Realized Action for Restoring Order to Our World

Having attained unified ritual mastery of the energetic healing powers and forces generously bestowed upon us through our encounter with the millenary medicine, magic and mystery of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanic practice we are called to walk a path of humility, patience and wonderment in service to the cosmic restoration of order within our world. By allowing our re-Membered awareness as Shining Ones to freely radiate its numinous presence upon our beloved Pachamama, every good deed, each ritualized expression of our reverence for the sanctity of life, becomes an effortless embodiment of Right Action Borne of Compassionate Spiritual Wisdom Unites. Fearless in heart and wildly open to Love as the purpose of our existence, in thought, word, and sacred presence, our awakened shamanic medicine sentience flows unhindered into the oceanic depths of all human hearts.

In this module, you’ll receive:

  • Integrative Pachakuti Mesa Tradition wisdom transmission focused on the experience of gratitude, generosity and grace as an evolutionary means for walking a Universal Shaman Path in our lives
  • Guided shamanic journey into the cosmic pleroma, co-creative abode of our future visionary guidance as Shining Ones


A ceremonially activated PMT altar ground is a key aspect of this program, so it’s required that you begin the first module with one. When you register, you’ll receive instant access to a special video, Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa, that will guide you in creating your mesa if you don’t currently have one.

Please also note that there will be some additional items you’ll need in order to finalize your mesa. Ideally these will be stone “relatives,” which you will intuit based on the guidance you receive from the video teaching. In addition to gathering these, you’ll be provided with a supplemental reading list.

The Becoming a Shining One Bonus Collection

In addition to don Oscar’s transformational 12-module live virtual training, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonuses will complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your initiation and work with your mesa to an even deeper level.

Featured Bonus!
Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa

Video Tutorial From don Oscar Miro-Quesada

This compelling tutorial video has been artfully crafted to initiate you into the core shamanic cosmovision and ritual practice of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition as originated by don Oscar Miro-Quesada. You’ll be provided with a step-by-step hands-on demonstration on how to prayerfully consecrate your ceremonial space and configure and awaken its directional healing power through the placement of various shamanic power items upon its sanctified ground.

You’ll be given:

  • An overview of the perennial shamanic wisdom informing the living cosmovision of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition
  • Hands-on apprenticeship in the ceremonial consecration of sacred space involving the prayerful patterning of your altar ground through the use of libation, corn meal, tobacco, and a 3-leaf k’intu (coca/bayleaf)
  • Teachings and ritual demonstration on selection and placement of the 5 core directional artes (shamanic power items)
  • A guided process on the ceremonial awakening of seen and unseen powers and forces constellated within the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition altar ground
  • Experiential integrative shamanic kamasqa lineage transmission by don Oscar into your personal mesa for awakened alignment with the ancestral ritual beauty and healing magic known to Peru’s original peoples

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to Oscar’s teachings, we ask that you watch this video and have a basic mesa assembled before the 12-module program begins.

The Shamanic Transformation of Modern Medicine: Using Indigenous Healing Approaches to Guide Patients & Families in Making Difficult Medical Decisions
Video Dialogue with don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Dr. David Steinhorn, and Jana Din

Join don Oscar Miro-Quesada for this compelling video dialogue with pioneering pediatric critical care physician, David Steinhorn, MD, and respected shamanic healer Jana Din. Dr. Steinhorn and Jana Din are working on a profound new approach to healing they’re integrating ancient shamanic practices into modern Western medicine and doing it in a part of the hospital where the difference between life and death often hangs on a very slender thread.

Can shamanic healing methods known to invoke a spiritual reality replete with non-physical powers and forces capable of restoring healthful inner peace to those who are suffering not only complement but enhance the practice of modern-day medicine and psychotherapy? Can the traditional use of ancestrally honored plant sacraments help terminally ill patients with depression, existential suffering, anxiety, sometimes unrelieved pain, etc., to heal old wounds, and discover meaning and lessons in preparation for death?

Dr. David Steinhorn is an academic pediatrician who practices intensive care and hospice medicine for children. He’s founded palliative care programs at Children’s Hospital of Buffalo and Northwestern University in Chicago and served as medical director of George Mark Children’s House in California. Dr. Steinhorn has additional training in energy medicine, yoga, meditation, and shamanism, studying with teachers from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the Four Winds Society, and Dr. Carl Greer. His passion is to find ways of alleviating suffering wherever it may occur and to help patients, families, and healthcare providers discover meaning in all of life’s experiences.

Jana Din has provided over 100 shamanic healing services for critically ill children, their families, and the medical clinicians that care for them, in a unique collaboration with David Steinhorn, MD, ICU and hospice physician. It’s Jana’s privilege to provide shamanic healing in hospitals, hospices, and around the nation, to help patients, families, and healthcare providers discover the spiritual meaning in the challenges and experiences a person faces when seriously or terminally ill. Jana captivates and inspires audiences nationwide with her poignant, often heartrending stories of healing the human spirit in the midst of working with patients and families who are facing the most agonizing times of their lives.

Three Foundational Guided Journeys
Audio Recordings From don Oscar Miro-Quesada

These three journeys will take you deep into yourself to explore the profoundly beautiful multiverse we live in every day. Listen to one at a time or in sequence to access the foundational practices familiar to all shamanic practitioners worldwide. The Peruvian approach will speak directly to your heart, allowing you to bypass the mind and understand who you really are.

  • Puma Medicine Journey
  • Gatekeeper Journey
  • Ensueño Process

Shamanic Practices to Start Your Day
Audio Recording From don Oscar Miro-Quesada

That which is engaged in upon rising shall always be sustained by the beauty and grace of creator/creatrix of the great originating mystery. don Oscar begins by aligning himself with a personal prayer and then enumerates five distinct practices that can be done upon rising that are derived from the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism, and correspond with the five directions of the altar space that practitioners of these arts use in their daily practices.

Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Basics Toolkit
Set of Resources From don Oscar Miro-Quesada

This toolkit is everything you’ll need to get started practicing Universal Shamanism in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT). Available as soon as you enroll, this set of PDFs and audio files will prepare you for a deep dive into the cosmic perspective wielded on this path.

Your PMT Basics Toolkit includes:

  • PMT Basics Guide a 22-page introduction to the Pachakuti mesa and its practices.
  • Quechua Terminology Guide a language resource to assist you as you navigate don Oscar’s teachings. Many people find Quechua becomes quite accessible, much like Sanskrit becomes familiar to the yogi. This guide will help you along.
  • Toning of the directions this audio file will let you follow along with the traditional tonings used to open the mesa.
  • The Wisdom Guide a compilation of teachings derived from questions asked and answers provided over the last four years of Universal Shaman courses with don Oscar. This 45-page document is not only a valuable resource, but a fun and enlightening excursion into the multifaceted world of the Pachakuti Mesa. You may find your own questions asked and answered in these pages.

What Graduates of don Oscar’s Programs at The Shift Network Are Saying...

Yola Dunne, Quebec, Canada

Steve Guettermann, Montana

Eve B., Switzerland

“Deeper contact with my divine Self.”

The course arrived synchronistically to me, I needed re-equilibrium for my elements and a way to gain spiritual mastery on my own. More confidence and healing the shadows. A purifying fire and deeper contact with my divine Self. Just shine and get in contact with Source! Bendiciones! May I remember, experience, and be!
Begoña, Catalonia, Spain

“I’m absolutely more present...”

My whole life has changed. I’m absolutely more present and aware of the magic that surrounds us. It is no accident that I found the shamanic path and ultimately don Oscar and his teachings. It’s been a blessed re-Membering of who I am and a call to action.

“I’m so happy to be living a new beginning...”

The course was exactly what I needed, I wanted to enrich and expand healing techniques, applicable in occasional healing sessions provided for friends and myself. I did not need to ask any questions; all mine were asked by other participants and so fully and amazingly elaborated on by don Oscar. I’m so happy to be living a new beginning with Pachakuti Mesa in my space. THANK YOU!
Malgosia Urbanowicz, Burlington, Vermont

“I am more centered...”

The benefits of this and other courses with don Oscar have been to bring me into peace in my soul and allow me to be more fully who I am. I am more centered and draw my energy from Pachamama and Source rather than from others. My connection with the unseen world grows and deepens as does my connection with the galactic energies... The joy of this course goes on and on!
Miriam, Syracuse, New York

“Energetic shifts in all aspects of my being...”

I received so many healings, dreams and energetic shifts in all aspects of my being and walking my spiritual path. So much wonderful knowledge imparted and imbued. Thank you!
Shaun Ryan, Los Angeles

“Raised my vibration and elevated my light body”

I have taken many classes with don Oscar, in person and with The Shift Network. This class, even though the material was not new to me, still raised my vibration and elevated my light body. His transmissions come through clearly and I feel them. The feeling lasts for days.
Amejo Amyot, Saratoga Springs, New York

“A yearning has been met...”

The experience was deeply profound and personal. A yearning has been met and a fire has been lit... a truly unique experience offering personal growth on a grand scale. Hats off to don Oscar whose beautiful and heartfelt transmissions weave the art of spoken word to a perfection I have never before received, and hats off to The Shift Network for facilitating a vehicle that was seamless and timeless embodying the utmost professionalism.
Jim, Rhode Island

“I am able to see the capacity within each of us...”

This course has offered me a glimpse into the ancient roots and infinite depth of Peruvian shamanism. don Oscar expertly and seamlessly wove together the teachings, video demonstrations of the directional healing techniques, and questions and answers. I was able to glimpse the enormity of don Oscar’s heart and shamanic abilities and even more than that I am able to see the capacity within each of us and to believe we are capable of achieving our own mastery. Kudos to The Shift Network for the quality of the webinar series and for beloved Amy for lovingly and gently guiding each session. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

“I have found my soul’s calling...”

I have found my soul’s calling through the teachings of don Oscar. [Thanks to] The Shift Network for providing the platform for the teachings and love shown throughout the course. The support and context made the experience enjoyable and very transforming. Thank You.
Robyn Baker, Sydney, Australia

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-minute Modules With don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned Peruvian curandero, psychologist, and author from the comfort of your own home. Each module helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential. Each session will be available for you to stream in high-quality format. You can watch anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.

Twelve Module Audio Recordings

Module audios will be available for you in high-quality MP3 format. You can listen anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.

Twelve PDF Module Transcripts

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire module transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Sacred Practices Between Each Module

You’ll be invited to participate in time honored rituals and practices on your own outside of module. These experiences will deepen your transformation and learning throughout the course and may become powerful pillars going forward.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Becoming a Shining One Bonus Collection

  • Introduction to the Pachakuti Mesa
    Video Tutorial From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
  • The Shamanic Transformation of Modern Medicine: Using Indigenous Healing Approaches to Guide Patients & Families in Making Difficult Medical Decisions
    Video Dialogue With don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Dr. David Steinhorn, and Jana Din
  • Three Foundational Guided Journeys
    Audio Recordings From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
  • Shamanic Practices to Start Your Day
    Audio Recording From don Oscar Miro-Quesada
  • Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Basics Toolkit
    Set of Resources From don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Your satisfaction Is 100% guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Becoming a Shining One or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team 2 weeks from the from the date of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About don Oscar Miro-Quesada

don Oscar Miro-Quesada is a respected healer and altomisayoq adept (the highest level of Andean priest-mystic) from Peru, and founder of The Heart of the Healer, a shamanic portal into the universe of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, the path of cross-cultural shamanism which don Oscar originated.

An internationally acclaimed author, shamanic teacher and healer, and earth-honoring ceremonialist, don Oscar has been guiding ethno-spiritual pilgrimages to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia.

He’s a popular faculty member at The Shift Network and at educational centers in the U.S. and abroad, dedicating his life to the revitalization of aboriginal wisdom traditions as a means of restoring sacred trust between humankind and the natural world.

A seasoned navigator of non-ordinary states of consciousness, don Oscar is well prepared to help people from all walks of life access realms of Being through which multidimensional powers and forces are available for healing self, others, and our planetary ecosystem as a whole. His ceremonial work and shamanic apprenticeship programs have been featured on Sounds True, CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel, and the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.
