Arjun Das
Discover How Your Ayurvedic Birth Chart Can Help You Easily Identify Herbs and Essential Oils to Boost Your Immunity, Increase Your Vitality... Even Transform Your Relationships!
Access a Profoundly Holistic Healing Approach to Experience a Deeper Level of Wellbeing.

Would you like to harness the healing power of nature’s pharmacy to keep your family healthy, treat illnesses, lower stress, or balance hormones?
Do you want to deepen your understanding and application of plant medicine to heal your body, mind, emotions, AND spirit?
You can actually increase the efficacy of your use of herbs and essential oils by tapping into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda...
Practitioners of Ayurveda have long known that plants and flowers have remarkable properties that can help address multiple levels of your being beyond just your physical health — including removing blocks to intimacy in your relationships, finding fulfillment in your life’s work, and tapping into your soul’s purpose.
You may already be integrating plant medicine into your daily routines — through botanicals, aromatherapy, cooking, and gardening.
However, plants can not only be used in these ways to heal your body, treat injuries, clear your mind, and reverse aging... they can also support your spiritual development and heal karmic patterns.
And... you can amplify the healing power of plants by matching their properties with the healing qualities of the sun, moon, and planets (without being an astrologer)!
The Power of Celestial Herbalism
Leading Brazilian healer and teacher Arjun Das, one of the emerging leaders in plant medicine and an expert in Ayurveda, has pioneered a powerful synthesis of herbology and astrology...
Celestial Herbalism draws from the ancient Ayurvedic system of classifying herbs according to divine archetypes, represented by the celestial bodies.
According to Vedic Astrology, the placement of the sun, moon, and planets at the moment of your birth (and as they move about the sky throughout your life!) influence your physical, mental, and emotional health...
The positive energies of the planets, in tandem with specific medicinal plants, can enhance your ability to heal different systems in your body, deepen your vitality, and increase your inner peace and happiness.
You can even use Celestial Herbalism to help transform painful relationship patterns...
In Ayurvedic texts, herbs were also classified according to planetary archetypes and divinities. Yet, the ancient link between Ayurveda herbology and astrology had been lost. Until now.
Arjun Das is bringing you this practical, new synthesis to help you pinpoint underlying imbalances AND treat the root causes of physical, emotional, and life challenges with herbs that can connect you with the positive influences of planets.
For example...

A “weak” Mars may create mind-body energy imbalances that contribute to mental confusion or a lack of determination. Vetiver, an herb dedicated to Mars and associated with bravery and a desire to act, helps increase mental clarity and confidence.

Frankincense is classified with Saturn, whose qualities include maturity and dedication. A person who’s lacking discipline or experiencing low energy may also experience infections in the body, indicated by a weak Saturn in the birth chart. Frankincense could be used to treat the body and increase personal discipline and a sense of responsibility, which may be life or karmic lessons for that person.

In a person with digestive issues, a weak Sun, which is associated with the Divine Father, might have trouble “digesting” emotions as well, creating relationship challenges. Fennel seeds, a safe, effective herb used to soothe imbalances associated with the Sun, could be used to cleanse toxins in the digestive system — or to clear energy blockages or "toxic" emotions in a marriage or partnership.
Deepen Your Spiritual Practice With Your Personal Celestial Aroma

Nature has specific remedies for your unique constitution, health, and life challenges... remedies which are supported by the planets.
Many of these remedies can be grown in your garden and used in your cooking. You can even create your own personal celestial aromas to calm your emotions, radiate more joy, and deepen your spiritual practice.
Different blends of essential oils, uniquely supportive to YOU, can also help you emanate more confidence, manifest your dreams, and attract more abundance.
During this 7-module video training with Arjun Das, one of the world’s most knowledgeable Ayurveda and plant medicine experts, you’ll discover:
- The medicinal qualities of specific plants and their corresponding astrological archetypes
- The “healing stars” within nature’s pharmacy — and which ones you can grow in your own garden
- How to use herbs, spices, and foods that heal imbalances in your immune system, deepen your vitality, and improve your capacity to metabolize energy (food, emotions, and karma!)
- How to identify and create your personal celestial aroma for meditation, for applying to your skin, or for use as a home fragrance
- Sacred plants to elevate your mood and bring out positive emotions
- Different aromatic blends to support your goals and radiate more confidence
- A practical framework — aligned with the planetary vibrations of the day of the week — to support and boost your vitality
- The most effective essential oils to support your meditation practice
- A personalized daily routine integrating herbs, essential oils, and your unique celestial scent
- How to work with mandalas associated with the planets — and access the sacred, healing energies in these geometric expressions of the Divine
David Crow, founder of Floracopeia, and other leading teachers of plant medicine have praised Arjun’s pioneering contributions to the field. Arjun has a unique gift of identifying and classifying medicinal plants which grow locally. He was one of the first practitioners to introduce Ayurveda in Brazil, educating people about local medicinal plants, and is creating the first system of classification of plants in the country using Ayurvedic principles.
Greater Connection Through Video

As a special addition to this course, Arjun will be streaming video of his teaching sessions so you can have an even more powerful connection and transmission. This video connection will be easy to use and will greatly increase your learning and transformation.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-session transformational intensive, Arjun will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully deepen your understanding and application of plant medicine, and show you how combining it with Vedic astrology can help heal your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles of Celestial Herbalism.
Module 1: Foundations of Celestial Herbalism
The 3 Pillars of Ayurveda: Your Immunity, Vitality & Metabolism (Recorded November 30)

In this first session with Arjun, you’ll explore the transformational power of planetary herbalism. You’ll begin applying this practical synthesis to whole-body health, which is encompassed by the three pillars of Ayurveda medicine: immunity, vitality, and metabolism.
Arjun will guide you to correlate planets with herbs whose characteristics of form, color, taste, and aroma heal and strengthen these three aspects in the physical and subtle energy bodies.
You’ll discover:
- An integrated, holistic approach that links the planets and stars with the healing and evolution of your body, mind, and soul
- The healing qualities of specific plants and their corresponding astrological archetypes
- The “healing stars” within nature’s pharmacy — and which ones you can grow in your own garden
- How to use herbs, spices, and foods that heal imbalances in your immune system, deepen your vitality, and improve your capacity to metabolize energy (food, emotions, and even karma!)
Module 2: Understanding Your Karma
The Link Between Health Challenges & Life Challenges Revealed in Your Vedic Birth Chart (Recorded December 7)

There is a divine purpose for all of your life experiences, according to Vedic astrology’s rich contribution to the concept of karma. In this second session with Arjun, you’ll recognize the link between difficult areas of your life and your karma — and how plants can help you effectively “digest” your karma and master the lessons your soul incarnated for.
You’ll discover:
- How herbalism and Vedic astrology can deepen your healing, happiness, and spiritual growth
- The overall spiritual “learning curve” you’re experiencing through imbalances associated with karmic reactions — as recorded in your birth chart
- A way to honor your struggles and learn how to use herbs to support your journey — and “digest” difficult aspects of your karma
- The connections between weaknesses in the body’s systems and emotional challenges with family members and other loved ones — as well as with professional and spiritual challenges
Module 3: Your Healing Celestial Garden
Creating a Home Pharmacy in Your Garden With Local Medicinal Plants Mapped to Stars & Planets (Recorded December 14)

It’s time to put into practice your knowledge of plant medicine... in your kitchen and out in the garden. In this session, you’ll discover how to enhance your health, wellbeing, and cuisine with herbs and spices that stimulate healing and rebalancing.
Arjun will show you how to integrate the elements of the cosmos in your cooking, and help you create a list of local plants based on their astrological classifications and celestial healing powers.
You’ll discover:
- How to create (or expand) your kitchen pharmacy and grow a garden of “healing stars and planets”
- Locally grown plants, based on corresponding astrological energies and archetypes
- A powerful contemplative, gardening technique — which will connect you with divine energies through Mother Nature
- Simple techniques to bring the stars into your kitchen — through your use of spices — to turn your meals into a healing celebration of life and the cosmos
Module 4: Your Personalized Celestial Aroma
Creating Your Personal Fragrance to Radiate Peace & Contentment (Recorded December 21)

In this exciting session, you’ll pinpoint the most active planetary energies in your life and match these energies with specific aromas to create your personal celestial scent. This unique fragrance, based on your “astral signature,” will consist of a healing blend of aromas associated with planets in your birth chart.
You’ll discover:
- How to identify your astral signature to create a celestial scent for meditation, for applying to your skin, or for use as a home fragrance
- Specific sacred plants to elevate your mood and bring out positive emotions
- Create a vibrating aromatic signature to manifest the best version of yourself
- Different aromatic blends to support your goals and radiate more confidence
- The best herbs, flowers, and trees for YOU — and how to grow and apply them to take advantage of their healing astral qualities
Module 5: Nine Essential Oils With Astral Healing Powers
Using Essential Oils as a Potent Alternative to Ayurveda’s Gemstone Tradition (Recorded January 11) (Pre-recorded)

In Ayurveda, there’s a great emphasis on the therapeutic astral energies of gemstones, which are applied mainly to healing karma. In this session, Arjun offers a practical and powerful alternative to rare gemstones: essential oils. Just as precious as gemstones, essential oils allow you to access the divine energies of the planets for healing and transformation.
You’ll discover:
- Essential oils to purify energies and bring peace into your home
- Navaratna — the 9 astrological gemstones and corresponding 9 essential oils
- How to do an “astral detox” — using the planets as spices, and cooking with them for better assimilation and digestion
- Herbs for spiritual protection, for celestial immunity, and for use in a “home energy” cleanse
Module 6: Celestial Herbalism & Your Spiritual Practice
Applying Planetary Archetypes to Support Meditation (Recorded January 18)(Pre-recorded)

In this powerful session, you’ll create a unique meditation technique, employing positive affirmations and teachings directly inspired by the archetypes and qualities of the planets. Arjun will guide you to choose the best astrological moments — when the planetary energies are most potent — to enhance your spiritual practice and deepen your healing.
You’ll discover:
- How to heal your body and awaken your consciousness through meditation
- How to identify your main patterns and struggles and the best mantras for supporting your healing
- Principles of mantra meditation and cosmic sounds for tuning into divine peace
- A practical framework — aligned with the planetary vibrations of the day of the week — to support and boost your vitality
- The most effective essential oils to support your meditation practice and create a sacred atmosphere for realizing deep contentment
Module 7: Daily Celestial Rituals
Deepening Your Connection With the Divine Using Plants & Planets (Recorded January 25)

In this final module, you’ll create sacred daily practices integrating specific herbs and essential oils to enhance healing in your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Arjun will guide you to access the divine energies within special mandalas and geometric symbols, using these symbols to connect with your soul and the greater cosmos.
You’ll discover:
- A personalized daily routine integrating herbs, essential oils, and your unique celestial scent
- How to work with mandalas associated with the planets — and access the sacred, healing energies in these geometric expressions of the Divine
- A guided meditation harmonizing mantras connected with the divine energy of the planets
- Deeper peace of mind and emotional balance — by assimilating the powerful, healing energies in your kitchen garden and personal scent
- How to work with the planets to create blends of essential oils, which will deepen your capacity to heal and commune with the Divine
The Power of Celestial Herbalism Bonus Collection
In addition to Arjun’s transformational 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus materials. These bonus selections complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Guided Meditation on the 9 Planets & Sri Yantra
Audio Recording From Arjun Das

A special recording on the best affirmations for evoking the energy of the planets to create an aligned state of mind. Use the sacred geometrical design called Sri Yantra to make your meditation practice easier and deeper.
Celestial Body Map
PDF Chart From Arjun Das

The Celestial Body Map is a beautiful chart of the human body showing the main body sites connected with the stars and their physiological functions. You’ll locate the most potent places on your body for receiving the best results with aroma.
What People Are Saying About Arjun Das...

“His sincerity to study and teach this science is very appreciable”
I feel honored to have been fortunate enough to have found such an admirable person as Arjun Das. I consider him as my son and my special student as well. In addition, being an Indian, I’m very happy he is spreading Ayurveda internationally. He has a unique personality among the foreign guests I met, with great kindness and affection. His love and devotion to Ayurveda, and his sincerity to study and teach this science is very appreciable. I forward my blessings and wishes for longevity, success, kindness, prosperity, and a happy life in his family. My prayers are always with him.
— Vaidya Karuna Guruji, living legend of Ayurveda in Kerala, South India

“His work is exemplary...”
Those of you who know Arjun may feel the same way about him that I do, which is that he is a young rishi with a deep organic understanding of Ayurvedic wisdom. His work is exemplary of how Ayurveda can function as a community-building force.
— David Crow, Founder of Floracopeia and author of In Search of The Medicine Buddha

“Unique among practitioners of this science”
Arjun Das is a very special exponent of Ayurveda. His experience has a history of almost two decades and this is unique among practitioners of this science. Another highlight of his practice is that he has a strong knowledge of Vedic astrology and can interpret horoscopes, especially in the field of health for treatments. Arjun is a very nice person and I sincerely recommend [his teachings] to everyone.
— Dean Dominic de Lucia, Vedic astrologer and author of Hollow Earth in the Puranas

“A passionate, compassionate Ayurvedic healer”
Arjun is a passionate, compassionate Ayurvedic healer. His love for Ayurveda [is igniting] the growth and development of Ayurveda in South America. He brings a wonderful classroom training program and educates a wide range of students, including health professionals and laypeople.
— Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla, President of the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA)

“In the light of the ancestral tradition...”
Arjun Das is one of those rare teachers who combines a vast knowledge on the science of life, Ayurveda, with spirituality in the shadow of which this art was born and developed in ancient India. At present, when it’s [common] to find professionals centered only on the technical aspects and rare to find those who practice and teach in the light of the ancestral tradition, the work and life example of Arjun Das are especially important.
— Pedro Kupfer, Yoga teacher and author
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Arjun Das
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with pioneering Ayurvedic teacher Arjun Das — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video option and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Power of Celestial Herbalism Bonus Collection
- Guided Meditation on the 9 Planets & Sri Yantra
Audio Recording From Arjun Das
- Celestial Body Map
PDF Chart From Arjun Das
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Power of Celestial Herbalism Virtual Training
We feel honored Arjun Das has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a Brazilian healer, Ayurvedic teacher, and medical astrologer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Arjun’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you’re serious about partnering with plants and flowers to access their remarkable properties which can help transform your wellbeing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
About Arjun Das

Arjun Das is an Ayurvedic practitioner and Panchakarma specialist, and the director and founder of TriGuna Institute in Brazil.
A certified Hatha Yoga instructor and researcher of medical astrology, Arjun studies local herbs and their connection with Vedic astrology for health and meditation.
Arjun, who’s received the blessings and guidance of many healing masters around the world, is conducting pioneering research on public health and traditional medicines in both Brazil and India.
The recipient of the 2009 Vagbhata Award for Excellence in Ayurvedic Teaching, he serves as a guest lecturer at major Indian conferences. He’s been teaching Ayurvedic healing and herbology for more than 20 years, training both laypeople and clinicians around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
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