With International Change Agent
and Transformational Coach
Tim Kelley
And Co-Teacher Beth Scanzani
A 12-module Recorded Audio Training

Discover a step-by-step system to use your own unique gifts to take your growth, influence, and success to the next level.

In 12 sessions, you’ll learn to transform yourself in a precise, proven way that will heal your wounds, unlock your natural genius and catalyze your next level of growth.


Our unique gifts typically emerge from the emotional wounds, struggles and even devastating failures we’ve experienced throughout our lives.

We then tend to be impelled to heal and transform in others the very wounds we’ve yet to heal in ourselves.

This is the pattern of the “wounded healer,” in which we endeavor to help others in the exact areas we feel most deeply challenged.

The result is we ourselves remain stuck, which inhibits our capacity to fully give others our “unique blessing,” as world renowned coach Tim Kelley calls it, and often leads to burnout.

It’s a tricky process because we tend to build defenses around our wounds and resist letting go of habits and ideas that no longer serve us.

So what does it take to FULLY release your old wounds and free yourself from your accumulated fears and limiting beliefs so that you become a more powerful, intelligent, and effective catalyst for change?

The short answer is “ Do unto yourself as you would unto others, ” a reversal of the Golden Rule.

In essence, you apply your wisdom, insights, and authentic power to the places you are most wounded or challenged.

This is the journey of self-blessing and really the prerequisite to fulfilling your highest purpose.

It’s a profound process that liberates you from the past, deepens your consciousness, and equips you with the skills to help the people you’re meant to “bless.”

Freed of old blocks and other patterns of the wounded healer, you begin to embody the transformation you’re destined to inspire in others.

The Challenge of Blessing Yourself


However, just as it’s very difficult to cut your own hair in a mirror, it can be quite tricky to give to yourself what you’ve been called to give to others.

You’re likely to hit up against internal resistance and defenses, distract yourself, and even rationalize that you’ve “been there, done that.”

(It’s hard to see ourselves as clearly as we see others and frankly, we can be tougher clients!)

While it’s harder to bless yourself, it’s doubly important. Only then can you experience the profound freedom that comes from fulfilling your higher purpose.

The journey of self-blessing transforms wounded healers into empowered change agents.

Coaching, therapy, books and workshops can help, but only YOU can fully heal yourself and lower the barriers to blessing others fully.

The process of self-blessing is precise and methodical, with clear steps and markers that indicate when you’re ready to move to the next phase of the journey.


Blessing yourself requires navigating your own personal history and psychology skillfully and in very specific ways.

It might take you a few weeks or as long as a few years. The good news is that you don’t need to stop helping others while you are bestowing your blessing on yourself.

The further you go, the BETTER you are at helping others, so if you work in the healing or transformation field, you’re very likely to see improvements in your business while you’re engaged in the self-blessing process.

The Deepest Transformation You Can Receive

Transformational teacher Tim Kelley has developed precise methods to uncover your unique gifts and how you offer them to others and generate a step-by-step process for giving yourself this ‘blessing’ and in turn, completely change your life.

During Bestowing Your Blessing on Yourself, a program tailored to coaches, therapists, teachers, change agents and messengers, you be guided through this process for yourself.


Tim Kelley is one of the world’s most cutting-edge teachers of this powerful work. As an internationally renowned coach and change agent, he has created an innovative and structured approach for tapping higher guidance and aligning our lives with our purpose. He blends deep spiritual wisdom with worldly practicality in a profound way.

That’s why Tim’s methods have been used successfully by CEOs of multinational corporations, political leaders, billionaires and many transformational change agents.

His education in mathematics at MIT, distinguished career in Silicon Valley high-tech and experience as a reservist Naval Officer have led to techniques that are practical, replicable and reliable.

He knows the secrets to transformation, having followed his own to create a life traveling the world, supporting thousands of people in live out their true purpose and help people heal and transform.

Tim’s comprehensive methods are proven. In fact, his work is so trusted that prominent government ministers have used his systems in the creation of international treaties and settling of national disputes.

The process of blessing yourself is actually the MOST transformative method that Tim has discovered in his decades of trying almost everything out there.

Blessing yourself liberates you in the precise ways that you will liberate others. So you’re able to model greater healing and transformation, which is far more effective.

Until you learn how to bless yourself, your ability to bless others won’t fully reflect your true capabilities.

So the question is, “Are you ready to access your deepest gifts and apply them to yourself in a way that liberates far more of your potential?”

If so, this program is for you!


In Bestowing Your Blessing on Yourself, you’ll

  • Gain a greater understanding of purpose and how to express it in the world
  • Develop a better connection with your Higher Guidance, which is essential to receiving and clarifying your blessing
  • Become more authentic, trustworthy and confident as you do your work in the world
  • Experience deep healing and transformation
  • Open to a sense of ease and flow where you had once been blocked, stuck, depleted, confused
  • Get a greater sense of how your life has been purposeful training for you to heal yourself and others
  • Discover the value of honoring both ego and trusted sources of guidance as you move through the process of receiving clear details about your most purposeful transformation
  • Connect with a trusted source of guidance to receive clear and resonant details about the transformational blessing you are uniquely designed and perfectly trained to deliver
  • Develop a clear vision for yourself and your life once this transformation is complete
  • Learn two powerful techniques for clearing the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that can block your success in any important goal in your life
  • Develop a blessing-based purpose statement that embodies the energy and impact of the transformation you are called to deliver
  • Find language to describe the people who most need and want your transformational blessing and will be naturally drawn to your work
  • Hone the specific steps you must take to become the change agent you are meant to be
  • Develop a plan for continual evolution and transformation

You’ll receive a state-of-the-art methodology and community of support so you can make profound shifts, opening you to more clarity, joy, and freedom, expanding your capacity to transform others.


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Sessions

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Tim, along with guest instructor Beth Scanzani, will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you need to successfully bless yourself and others with your unique, transformational gift.

Each training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need for the blessing journey.

Module 1: Clear the Path


The prospect of deep, personal transformation frequently activates fears and limiting beliefs. Before you engage in a process that will evolve your identity and catalyze your ability to deliver the purposeful gifts that you feel deeply called to offer, you will need to consciously attend to your natural doubts and reservations.

What would be possible if YOU received the transformational gifts that you are deeply called and perfectly designed to deliver to others? Bestowing your blessing on yourself changes how you view and experience the world.

In these two sessions with Tim, you’ll discover:

  • The value of honoring both ego and trusted sources of guidance as you move through the process of receiving clear details about your most purposeful transformation
  • How to connect with a trusted source of guidance to receive clear and resonant details about the transformational blessing you are uniquely designed and perfectly trained to deliver
  • Freedom from fears that block you from healing old wounds and embodying a purpose-guided life or livelihood
  • A clear vision for yourself and your life
  • Two powerful techniques for clearing the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that can block your achievement of important goals

Module 2: Know Your Gift


Though you have many skills and gifts, there is one unique transformational process that you are deeply called to offer in service to others. Whether or not you are currently clear about the transformation that you are perfectly designed to offer, you can be sure that this offering has a purposeful and powerful impact on the people who receive it.

It is this transformational gift that is your primary tool for changing the world. It is also a key to your deepest personal transformation and healing.

Most people give their gift unconsciously, never fully realizing its power. When you get really clear about the details of this blessing, you’ll realize that you’ve done this all your life without realizing it. From this place of clarity, you will see that the challenging patterns and events of your life were a perfect training ground for you to deliver your blessing to others, and perhaps more importantly, to yourself.

Before you can give this most precious gift to yourself, you must make it conscious and get clear details about the transformational process we call your "blessing."

Once this process and the transformation impact it creates become clear to you, you can use it to coach individuals, transform groups in workshops and teleseminars, and even impact entire companies. Your blessing has many applications in the world, but the most powerful one is its capacity to transform you in ways that create a sense of inner peace, joyful self-expression and purpose-guided motivation.

Over these four sessions, you’ll receive:

  • Clarity about the transformational impact that your blessing delivers
  • A blessing-based purpose statement that embodies the energy and impact of the transformation you are called to deliver
  • Resonant details and language to describe the people who most need and want your transformational blessing and will be naturally drawn to your work
  • An explicit step-by-step process that moves you from wound-driven motivation to a sense of ease and guided momentum as you fully express yourself and your purposeful work in the world

Module 3: Blessing Yourself


Now that you have a clear and detailed map for creating your unique brand of purposeful transformation in the world, it’s time to offer your healing gifts to the one who needs them most... YOU!

We will guide you to consult your highest wisdom and discover how far you have progressed in the process of self-transformation (as a result of all the great personal work you’ve completed in your life so far) and what remains to be done. Then, we’ll help you create a specific plan for taking the next step in healing your wound-driven motivation and elevating your identity to the next level of impact as a change agent.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • What it feels like to embody the end-state of your purposeful transformation, and what is possible from this place that felt impossible before you blessed yourself
  • Where you are in the journey to unleashing the next version of your evolved self
  • The specific steps you must take to become the change agent you are meant to be
  • Best practices and resources for making the path as smooth, purposeful and transformative as possible

Module 4: The Path to the Future


Now that you have the roadmap to the next version of yourself and are on your way, we will help you create a plan to continue this essential work for the long term. The wisdom, knowledge and practices you’ve learned in this program are designed to support you in staying consciously engaged in a continual process of rapid self-transformation.

With this “new normal,” every aspect of your life can feel expansive, meaningful and purposefully guided as you continue to evolve. When your identity and your energetic motivation have transformed beyond your wounds, you have a clear vision and path to fulfill your deepest calling.

You’ll emerge from this module with:

  • A plan for continual evolution and transformation
  • Resources to maintain and accelerate transformation
  • Clarity about how to consciously evolve beyond your current identity and purpose
  • Strategies and support to stay the course for the long term

The Bestowing Your Blessing on Yourself
Bonus Collection

In addition to Tim’s truly transformative 12-part online training, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Healing Your Wounds
with Tim and Jeffrey Van Dyk


Jeffrey Van Dyk is called to help entrepreneurs and leaders heal their wounds and bring their unique message to the world. He has taught his cutting-edge techniques around the world and used them to help people create powerful, unique and authentic marketing. Join Tim and Jeffrey for a powerful and enlightening conversation about how your childhood wounds serve, how to determine when they’ve outlived their usefulness, and how to evolve beyond them to a completely new state of being!

Jeffrey Van Dyk is co-founder of the Spiritual Marketing Quest with Suzanne Falter-Barns, and has served as faculty at Dream Coach University with Marcia Wieder and the True Purpose Institute with Tim Kelley, with whom he co-founded True Purpose Israel. He is now the CEO of Big Vision Business.


Know Your Purpose Through Meditation
Downloadable Audio and E-book


This meditation program is designed to help you find your life’s purpose by creating the conditions to help you access the specific details of your purpose. The downloadable audio includes a twenty page companion e-book, which is designed to give you additional background and context that will help you get the most from the meditation process. Detailed written and audio instructions are included. No prior meditation experience is required. You will find this meditation to be a powerful step in your process.


Being a Successful Change Agent
Audio Session with Tim Kelley


In this special call, Tim will illuminate how most Change Agents are reinforcing the current paradigm rather than create a new one. To support you in being more effective, he’ll lay out the attitudes and mindsets necessary to be a successful change agent and actually cultivate the new paradigm. Tim has only presented on this topic in public once at The Global Summit in London and it was a rave hit.


Exploring Deep Emotions
Audio Dialogue with Tim and Leza Danly


Join Tim and Lucid Living founder Leza Danly to explore how we learn to suppress emotions in childhood, and how the resulting patterns play out in adulthood. Leza is a master at uncovering and healing unconscious emotions through her work with Great Story Coaching and other methodologies. As a change agent, developing mastery with unconscious and vulnerable emotions is a must! Leza will describe important methods and milestones on the path to healing and wholeness.

Leza Danly, CPCC, LLMC is a visionary Master Coach and trainer. She has been working with clients on a journey of spiritual awakening for more than thirty-five years. Leza founded Lucid Living in 1999 to offer awakened coaches and leaders advanced skill sets of emotion-based responsibility and expanded wisdom. For twenty-two years, she has trained Master Coaches who bring coaching and leadership skills to major organizations around the world. She is a featured keynote speaker, sharing her passion for enchantment and magic. Her greatest joy is creating a sacred, vulnerable space where people feel safe to love and be loved.


What Graduates of Tim’s Courses at The Shift Network are Saying...

I was able to connect with my existing skills on a higher level, understand more about where my blocks and limitations were arising and learn practical skills in moving forward. I have an even greater appreciation for how the paradigm shift is occurring on the planet and grateful to be one of millions who are working towards their part in all of this! Thank you for the care, experience and teamwork that came together to move us forward in this program. I highly recommend this course and the next level beyond for anyone inclined.
Brenda, Powell River, British Columbia, Canada

This course arrived for me in the nick of time. At a point in my life where crisis and confusion threatened to overwhelm me. I now have a sanctuary and a trusted friend/source/higher part of me with which I can connect and receive comfort, support and direction. If everyone would do this, there would be no more war believe me. Solutions to vast world problems and a major paradigm shift would happen smoothly and swiftly.
Jane Gear, Damariscotta, ME

Before the course I was battling with a block. Now I am not. Tim has made something which seemed so confusing, so simple. His insight and clarity are invaluable. It has also been inspiring for me to watch him take something complex and break it down into a simple system and I am noticing that I am doing that more and in other areas of my life too.
Annabel, England

I knew there was something more I was supposed to be doing or being, but I didn’t know what or how to find out. Tim’s course changed that in a BIG way! I have a clear connection to my trusted source on a regular basis, and the resources to be the change agent I was meant to be. I refer to my life now as BC and AC before connection and after connection!!
Denver Kohls, Rockford, IL

I found this course of inestimable value. I had believed in Higher Guidance all my life, and had had some wonderful experience, but often it was in spite of, not because of, me. This course did something no other spirituality course has ever done. It helped me identify the latent and subconscious fears that blocked an intimate connection, or created static. Bringing them to consciousness allowed me to create conditions for connection. The lectures are rich with information for connection and validation, and for those who cannot attend live, like me, audio recordings and transcripts are available. A community is actively fostered and qualified coaches supported our journey. It is exceptionally well organised and absolutely compatible with mainstream religious practice. I highly recommend this program for anyone seeking to establish or deepen their connection with Higher Guidance.
Kim E. Power PhD. Australia

My life is blessed with health, family, community, home and a successful career in the high tech industry. [Tim Kelley’s] Course enabled me to connect deeper and more consistently to wisdom, trusted source and faith. We all may sense there is a reason we are here at this time and in my imagination we deeply desire to make a difference in a way that truly makes the next generation- our global tribes whole and empowered. I am clear about that desire, my purpose and now am in partnership with all of me and my trusted sources due to this course. The results and outcomes are beyond my wildest dreams.
Peggy Stritch, Campbell, CA

The components that Tim Kelley has put together in this format content wise and for online learning is greatly helpful to me. There is much need for this and I hope to be a player in this field as I have something innovative to offer that is not here. Yet, it is component that belongs. I also appreciate that Tim Kelley is inclusive of many points of view and has a structured format that works from intro to advanced facilitator Training.
Regina, St Clare, Monroe, NJ

I was able to access several loving, compassionate and supportive parts of myself. They are always accessible to me now and provide a wonderful and needed balance to the inner critic. For many years I heard “you have to love yourself” but I had no idea how to do that. I now have parts inside of me that love me, support me and nurture me. I don’t have to fake loving myself or struggle to make it happen. These parts are just there, cheering me on, being kind, and telling me that they love me. I look forward to expanding my contacts to other internal as well as external and universal sources of higher guidance. Tim Kelley’s very practical and systematic way of presenting this material made it down to earth and credible. I look forward to going deeper with the process.
Jeni F., Petaluma, CA

This course was exceptional. Exceptionally deep, practical and fun. And for me an important step of an exceptional journey of expanded inner wisdom and outer manifestation. Tim Kelley’s teaching style, wisdom and leadership during the course were both rigorous and humorous, powerful and compassionate, practical and out of this world.
Jan, London, UK

Before [this course], I considered myself somewhat spiritually connected, but I yearned for more connection with more frequency and clarity. This is what Higher Guidance assisted me with. I am more connected to my trusted sources than ever. I have also experienced tremendous leaps in my happiness, as I know I have a whole support team by my side and no longer have ambiguity about my purpose in life. I also appreciated how this course and material can be taken by just about any person and faith. Tim guides you with practical steps every step of the connecting way. The additional hands-on interactions with the coaches and students is just the icing on the Higher Guidance cake. I am so grateful!
Skye Zaccaro, Raleigh, NC


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twelve 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Tim Kelley

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from internationally renowned change agent Tim Kelley from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Twelve PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.


The Bestowing Your Blessing on Yourself Bonus Collection

  • Healing Your Wounds
    with Tim and Jeffrey Van Dyk
  • Know Your Purpose Through Meditation
    Downloadable Audio and E-book
  • Being a Successful Change Agent
    with Tim Kelley
  • Exploring Deep Emotions
    Audio Dialogue with Tim and Leza Danly

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Access
Your Higher Guidance

We feel honored that Tim Kelley has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a global change agent and internationally renowned expert on accessing higher wisdom.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from Tim and his guests’ incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about learning how to tap into your own higher wisdom, your birthright and channel to a life fully lived, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Tim Kelley


What Einstein did for physics and Gutenberg did for printing, Tim does for purpose. You’ll discover that we’ve been in nursery school with respect to what we know, and how we access purpose. Tim’s work puts us into college. His method will be the standard for years to come. Well done, Tim.
Martin Rutte, Co-Editor of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, Founder of Project Heaven on Earth


Tim Kelley gives us all a roadmap for the discovery of our true purpose in life. If you want a life filled with meaning and purpose, let Tim be your guide. You won’t be disappointed!
Howard Behar, Former President of Starbucks Coffee


Tim Kelley understands human nature on the ground level and according to our highest desires. Any person who desires to make an ongoing impact with their work and life will benefit from the ideas and steps he shares.... At once practical and wise, [he] will give you a broader and deeper understanding of your motivations and the actions that will move you in powerful new directions toward the greatest challenges that are still ahead of you.
John Mitchell, Former President, Planters & LifeSavers Co., and Former President, Business Printer Division, Lexmark International, Inc.


Tim Kelley is a passionate, effective, hands-on and very smart teacher. He makes his work immediately applicable to your life with his excellent and clear practices. This is one of the more practical skills I’ve learned in the spiritual arena. Thank you!
Lisa Macy, Atlanta, Georgia


Working with Tim has transformed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined! I am far better prepared as an agent of change; now I feel much more capable to use my resources and power to have the maximum positive impact and create a lasting legacy. Any leader who wants to create a better world should hire Tim and employ his methods.
Scott Brickman, Social Investor and Chairman, the Brickman Group Partner, Monumental Sports


About Tim Kelley...


Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally-renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform human institutions and evolve society to its new form. Tim’s methodology, True Purpose, has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods and taught Voice Dialogue on three continents.

He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and the bestselling co-author of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.

About Beth Scanzani


Beth Scanzani is a highly respected and multi-faceted life and career coach. A lifelong student and curious soul, Beth has assimilated a wealth of knowledge, resources, and strategies that draw upon a wide range of psychological, scientific, and spiritual teachings.

Beth has numerous coaching certifications including True Purpose Coach™, Dream Coach™, iPEC Empowerment Coach™, Energy Leadership™, Soul Therapy™, and Theoretical Foundations of Coaching with David Rock.

In addition, she is a trained practitioner for Voice Dialogue™, Belief Closet ™, Intuitive Mastery™, EFT, HeartMath™ and a Certified Master Career Consultant (CPI). Beth also serves as a valued guide for those who wish to explore deeper meaning, insight and guidance through their sleeping dreams and waking life stories. As a teacher and group facilitator, Beth has co-developed and/or co-taught a number of teleseminars for the True Purpose Institute™. Through her work as a teacher and coach, Beth demonstrates her dedication to providing transformative workshops and coaching in service to those who are ready to reclaim their inner wisdom, life purpose and true nature so they may wholly offer their unique gifts to others...and to the world we all share.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we'll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
