A Downloadable Audio Training

Have you ever felt that you were meant to write a book that could truly better the world, and supercharge your career?


You’re probably right! And if you’re like so many other aspiring authors, that book remains inside you, unwritten or only half complete. Or perhaps you’ve actually finished it, but nobody knows it exists.

What if you could write your book and share your unique message with far more joy, ease and creative excitement? And what if you knew the secrets of marketing to make it a bestseller?

Just imagine how this could boost your career, and fulfill your heart’s desire to positively impact the lives of as many people as you can.

You likely contain a wealth of life experience, knowledge and imagination just waiting to be set free and touch others in profound ways. And there is simply no better vehicle than a book, which distills your wisdom into an easy-to-access, powerful and portable form.

A book with your name on it opens the door to instant credibility, as well as radio, TV, speaking gigs, events, courses, and more. It provides the easiest way for people to get to know who you are and what you gifts you have to offer. When it comes to establishing a well-paid career doing what you love, a successful book can generate a huge return on your investment of time, energy and money.

Most importantly, it provides you with an invaluable opportunity to express your heart’s truth in a way that can really benefit others.

That said, the challenges in creating a successful book can feel daunting. Maybe you have problems with procrastination and creative blocks. Perhaps you have fears around marketing or don’t know how to reach your target audience so you write and write, but never sell.

The good news is there is a proven path to writing a book you can genuinely be proud of one that is successful and makes an impact. And it can be done with the kind of unbridled energy that leaves you excited to write the next paragraph...and the one after that.

In these moments, your creative spirit is released accessing the truest, most beautiful parts of yourself.

Mastering the Inner Game


By learning the “inner game” used by masterful authors, you can unleash your creative genius from within word by word. You’ll learn to use “flow” and discipline to accelerate the creative process. You’ll develop the compelling powers of a storyteller to shift minds and bring alive new ideas. You’ll learn to hone your skills to write in a way that sells, because it touches the depths of the reader.

If you think the skills to be a bestselling author are beyond you, be assured they aren’t. You CAN still learn to be a creative, engaging and powerful writer provided you have the right teacher, with the best practices.

Gay Hendricks is that right teacher, with proven methods for success. He’s a whirling dervish of creativity, who has joyfully generated millions of words for articles, screenplays, non-fiction and fiction books (40 published books to his credit!).

And he doesn’t just write them, he transforms them into successes: New York Times bestsellers, award-winning detective novels and even business plans that win funding!

A Lifetime of Secrets


During the The Bestselling Authors Intensive, Gay will distill a lifetime of secrets for high-output, high-impact creativity that have turned him into one of the most respected and successful authors of our day.

As a notable psychologist, Gay will share special insights that can be applied to your writing AND the rest of your life.

He knows that writing is more than techniques, grammar or the perfect proposal. It’s about accessing your depths and overcoming inner obstacles, as well as writing from your “zone of genius.”

It’s about allowing the larger soul-force you have within to express itself through the written word. Additionally, he has the skills to assist you in overcoming limiting perspectives, self-sabotaging narratives and personal blocks so your creativity can run free. And then to marry this with the skills of a great marketer.

Gay’s deep knowledge of the psychology of marketing can help you understand what truly motivates and moves your audience.

Gay will show you how to integrate your authentic soul wisdom with the creative and analytical parts of your brain. He knows that a great writer is not only conveying a message he or she is activating an experience that can change a reader’s life, which requires a whole-brain, whole-being perspective.

His approach transforms the creative process into pure, unmitigated joy. That’s when you produce works of wonder and magic books that truly impact other lives, and sell massive numbers of copies.

Developing the skills of a great writer is also a powerful spiritual practice. Your perspective shifts when you learn to mine the tragedies and triumphs from your life story. Great writing liberates not only your readers, but you.

Spending 16 weeks with Gay Hendricks and a community of other aspiring, soulful writers will give you a unique opportunity to do deep work that can help you access the goldmine of creativity that may be dormant in you and make major strides toward a bestselling book.

Even if you are merely writing for your own personal benefit, the skills can reap dividends in almost every area of your life. When your writing is creative, juicy and alive, people FEEL your intentions even through email and can be moved to connect and work with you.

Benefits of Taking This Intensive:

  • Clarify the concept and vision for your book
  • Shift to a mindset that embraces heartfelt writing and generates abundance for you
  • Nourish your inner creative wellspring
  • Understand how to truly get into the mindset of your target audience
  • Identify, own and express your authentic voice by tapping into your deeper wisdom
  • Learn time-tested strategies for overcoming procrastination and self-doubt
  • Discover foundational insights for sharing stories that engage people emotionally
  • Understand how bestselling authors write and think about their work and how to apply this to your own writing
  • Access the deeper wellspring of creativity within you and write with more joyful engagement
  • Tips for “collapsing time” to create more quickly with less effort
  • Receive tools to dissolve inner barriers to your creative energy
  • Learn the key ingredients you need for your marketing platform
  • Receive feedback and assistance on your work from a community of allies
  • Understand the structure of storytelling so that you can engage the limbic brain of readers turning them into fans of your work

What You’ll Discover in The Bestselling Author’s Intensive

During the intensive, Gay will skillfully guide you through the fundamental tools and unique techniques that he has used to create and sell multiple bestsellers practices that have been successfully used by his students.

Each training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the principles you’ll need to become a bestselling author.

Each module of the Intensive will consist of 2 core sessions of teaching from Gay, along with a Coaching Q&A Session,” where he will dive deeply into your individual challenges as a writer and support you in moving forward.

We encourage everyone who is taking the Bestselling Author’s Intensive to be actively working on a writing project throughout the course, which will give you far more practical experience with the principles and teachings, as well as allow you to make best use of feedback from your fellow classmates and the special proposal feedback bonus.

Module 1: Clarifying Your Vision, Liberating Your Genius and Discovering Your True Voice


In writing your book, it all begins with a vision for what you’d most like to deliver. Once that is clarified, then you need to find and reliably access the creative voice that is at the heart of a great book. If your vision is aligned with your deeper self and your voice is true and real, your words and story come to life. If not, they don’t. In this teaching session, you will begin by what it takes to clarify your vision, then learn Gay’s unique system for discovering the right voice that communicates the essence of what you have to share. You’ll learn:

  • The power of clarifying your vision and continually working with it in your subconscious through daily practices, including how to frame it in positive language
  • Techniques to enter the deeper psychology of your desired audience to write with the audience in mind
  • A time-tested system for finding what is authentic and true for you, as well as how to tell when you are writing from that source
  • Practices that help you engage with your place of deepest authenticity as you write
  • How to make the essential inner commitments that create success and the action plan for getting there
  • A simple formula for creating a consistent flow of creative productivity throughout the process
  • Developing a daily writing discipline that works for you and generates results

Module 2: Heart-Centered Marketing
(with featured guest Arielle Ford)


In this unique session that provides the core marketing foundation you will need, Gay will be joined by best-selling author, publisher and renowned teacher Arielle Ford to discuss the business of books and how Arielle transitioned to being an author by trusting to write from her heart. This session with one our country’s most successful book publicists is sure to help guide to toward your best-selling work. You’ll:

  • Learn how to write from the heart with the end user in mind
  • Get the foundational understandings of how the book industry works and what it takes to break through a major title
  • Access your voice with integrity in a way that generates intimacy with your audience
  • Understand the foundations of public relations and how they are an essential adjunct to your writing career and propelling your book into the limelight
  • Get to ask your burning questions of the woman considered the top publicist for transformational authors

Arielle Ford’s stellar career includes years as a prominent book publicist, author, literary agent, TV lifestyle reporter, television producer, Sirius radio host, publishing consultant, relationship expert, speaker, columnist and blogger for the Huffington Post. As the president of The Ford Group, Arielle was widely recognized as America’s foremost book publicist and was instrumental in launching the careers of many NY Times bestselling self-help authors including Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, and Debbie Ford. Arielle was the publicist for dozens of other top selling authors such as Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko, Louise Hay, Jorge Cruise, and don Miguel Ruiz.

Module 3: Transforming Obstacles Such as Procrastination, Resistance, and Other Energy-Draining Patterns


The main challenge for writers often isn’t the actual skill of writingit’s learning how to deal with the resistance that always rises whenever we go to express our full potential in the world. This is where the vast majority of writers fail on the path to a bestseller they simply get bogged down in energy-draining patterns. In this session you’ll learn:

  • A unique, reliable way to re-channel the energy of your inner saboteur so that you don’t get trapped in old patterns that limit your success
  • How to navigate procrastination with ease and results
  • How to use Gay’s FACT process to identify the deeper levels of resistance and work with your blocks in a way that is not judgmental of yourself, setting off an internal schism
  • Habits to build into your daily writing regimen that prevent some of the most common energy-draining patterns from setting in
  • Identifying any areas where you have an “Upper Limit” problem and how to release it
  • Address areas where you may not be working from your zone of genius, which undermines your success

Module 4: Making It Easy On Yourself: Tips, Tricks And Tools Of The Successful Writer


There are several tools, tips and tricks that can make a writer’s life much easier, as well as more successful. Unfortunately, as Gay says, “I didn’t know any of them when I started out. Most of them I had to learn the ‘hard way.’ These are the tips, tricks and tools I wish I’d had 30 years ago, and it’s my hope that sharing them will save you a lot of unnecessary ‘hard way’ learning.” Some of Gay’s tools are practical, others more metaphysical in nature.

  • A step-by-step formula for creative fulfillment and financial success
  • Harnessing the power of “The Screenplay Shortcut” to give yourself a sense of completion, right from the beginning
  • Strategies to “collapse time” and generate far more output with less effort

Module 5: Learning the Secret Formula for Writing that Engages the Depths of the Reader


Skilled writers often instinctively follow a pattern of writing that works with both the left and right hemisphere of our brains and engages the all-important limbic system. When you learn to make these this skill conscious and apply it to your work, your writing suddenly becomes far more impactful because it harnesses the natural brain patterns of your readers in a way that “hooks” them in. Gay has created a unique and highly usable formulation of this knowledge in a system called ConExCon. In this module, you’ll learn to:

  • Engage both the left and right hemisphere of your readers in a way that keeps them compelled whether you’re writing non-fiction or fiction
  • Learn how to write more in effectively in an hour than you used to do in a full day

Module 6: Harnessing the Transformational Power of Story


Writing your book requires a special set of skills and one of the foremost among them is the art of storytelling. However, it’s one thing to hear a story that you enjoy; it’s another to read one that truly transforms. This latter kind of story requires much more soul-searching, vulnerability and craft in creating an experience the really takes the reader to their depths. This skill differentiates an author from a bestselling author like no other. It’s what turns readers into rabid fans of your work (and expert marketers to others). You’ll learn:

  • Why most movie have a 3-act structure and how to harness this in your own approach to stories
  • How memoir writers create the compelling voice that hooks the reader into use the story. For example, is your voice that of a Discoverer, a Reluctant Hero, a Wounded Healer or some new voice we haven’t heard before?
  • The screenwriting secret Ron Bass (who wrote Rain Man and many other hit movies) showed Gay, which provides structure and energizes your creativity.

Module 7: The Business: What You Really Need To Know About Agents, Publishers & Marketing


In this new world of blogs, Facebook and Internet, the business of writing has become increasingly important. Writers are essentially solo entrepreneurs, and those who understand the basic rules and moves of entrepreneurship can turn even a part-time writing career into a lucrative business. This module will complement the core teachings of Module 2 with Arielle Ford and you’ll learn:

  • What Gay knows about platform building, social media, alliances, partnerships and more (he’s a MASTER at building win-win partnerships)
  • How to recognize your genius and outsource areas where you might be skilled but are not your core genius
  • The most important criteria to look for in partnering with agents and publishers
  • Designing a bestselling book campaign (and more importantly, what NOT to do)

Module 8: Moving Forward: Integrating the Disciplines of the Bestselling Author into your Ongoing Life


During the Bestselling Author’s Journey, you’ll have a powerful structure in place to support your creative process. But then what? In this final module, Gay will focus on those disciplines that every writer needs to cultivate to sustain their creative momentum over time and generate prodigious amounts of great work. He’ll share secrets to sustained productivity, self-care, positive psychology, accountability, and creating systems of support that don’t feel burdensome but liberate your creative genius. You’ll learn:

  • How to build writing disciplines into your daily routine... as well as give yourself appropriate time off
  • The art of ongoing visualization to keep the channels of creativity open
  • need more here

Coaching Q & A Sessions with Gay Hendricks


In these four 90-minute sessions, driven entirely by questions, Gay served as an expert coach for everyone in the Intensive, sharing his perceptive feedback, tips, and strategies in action. You’ll marvel at how quickly Gay can move through the “noise” and get down to root beliefs. Whether you’re asking the questions or just witnessing, you’ll learn a great deal about how to navigate the inevitable challenges of writing a bestselling book and building a platform to expand your reach and message.

The Bestselling Author’s Intensive Bonus Collection

In addition to Gay’s powerful and practical online intensive, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with leading pioneers in the book publishing industry These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and marketing savvy to an even deeper level.

Gay’s Book Proposal Template and Examples from Bestselling Books


Gay will share with you two of the actual book proposals that went on to become published and best-selling books. Not only that, but he will also share the general template he uses to write these proposals. With this template and the successful examples, you’ll be set up to craft your own stellar proposals that win contracts.

The Business of Creativity
Recorded Q&A with Gay’s Agent, Bonnie Solow


In this special session, Gay will be joined by his personal agent of many years, Bonnie Solow, who will answer questions and share tips on how to secure the services of a literary agent. This session is a must if you are interested in making money from your writing and have your creativity support YOU!

A former journalist and film and publishing executive, Bonnie established Solow Literary Enterprises in 1997. Acting as a creative midwife and literary manager, she goes beyond procuring book deals for her clients, taking advantage of her background in intellectual property development by leveraging opportunities to migrate her clients’ content beyond the bookshelves and thereby expanding their audiences and reach. Bonnie has helped her clients secure PBS shows, land speaking engagements, extend brands through licensing merchandising rights, and pursue film development deals. She has represented more than 20 New York Times bestselling books.

What People Are Saying About Gay Hendricks...

"Gay Hendricks’ positivity, his love, his genius fill me with hope. . . "
- Geneen Roth, author of When Food is Love and The Craggy Hole in My Heart

"Gay Hendricks is a great role model for true success. He enjoys abundance and a deep connection with his own spiritual essence, and at the same time has lived for three decades in a thriving marriage. Now, he shows us how to do it for ourselves."
- Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and Cracking the Millionaire Code

"Gay has the corner on living life well... he is hugely successful. There is no better person to inspire us all to be the best we can be at every level."
- Mariel Hemingway, actress, author of Mariel’s Kitchen and Mariel Hemingway’s Healthy Living from the Inside Out

"I’m so grateful for the doors that Gay’s course opened for me. He helped me clarify my intention, clear my resistance, learn the ropes of publishing, get my book written and get it in front of his own (fabulous) agent all leading to my book being published by Hay House, and being a bestseller!"
-Marsha Lucas, PhD

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Eight Recorded 90-Minute Teaching Sessions with Gay Hendricks

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with bestselling author and creative genius Gay Hendricks from the comfort of your own home. Each class session will help you gain specific skills and abilities to write and sell your book.


Four Recorded 90-minute ‘Writer’s Coaching/Q&A Sessions’ with Gay Hendricks

In these calls, participants asked deeper questions of Gay as he provided support with immediate challenges. These group coaching calls will help you move forward like never before.


PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.

Bestselling Author’s Intensive Bonus Collection

  • Gay’s Book Proposal Template and Examples from Bestselling Books
  • The Business of Creativity
    Recorded Q&A with Gay’s Agent, Bonnie Solow

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join in The Bestselling Author’s Intensive

We, at The Shift Network, feel deeply honored that Gay Hendricks has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a prolific author and entrepreneur extraordinaire whose 30 years of creative successes offer unprecedented insights into how we can bring forth own creative genius to touch the hearts and lives of others.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from Gay and his guest’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about liberating your creative genius and unleashing the book of your dreams, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Bestselling Author's Intensive with Gay Hendricks course or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About Gay Hendricks...


Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has served for more than 35 years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and body-mind therapies. He is the author of 40 books, including The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Living and The Big Leap. Dr. Hendricks received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford University in 1974.

After a 21-year career as a professor of Counseling Psychology at University of Colorado, he and his wife Kathlyn founded the Hendricks Institute, which is based in Ojai, CA, and offers seminars worldwide. In his teaching, he draws from cutting-edge research, personal exploration and decades of experience working with thousands of clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center at support.theshiftnetwork.com, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a support request with the subject "Refund request."

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at theshiftnetwork.com/affiliates and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.

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Bestselling Author's Intensive
Gay Hendricks