With Founder and Senior Lama of Sukhasiddhi Foundation
Lama Palden Drolma
A 7-module On-demand VideoTraining

Embody the wisdom and love at the core of who you are your sustaining, yet transforming fountain of awakened presence through a profound connection with Tara.

Receive Tara’s many blessings to help you release unbeneficial narratives, woundings, and shame, and open to her authentic reflection of you as YOUR pure nature.


What would it be like to allow yourself to deeply and fully connect with the compassionate, wrathful, tenderly receptive, unapologetically truthful, sensual, free-spirited, wise woman within you the all-encompassing awakened feminine?

This sacred self of the ancients that’s also quite human is within all women...

And she’s waiting... for you to remember her, for you to see her as the truth of who you are, to step into your pure essential nature that is her.

Tara, who Tibetans see as the most beloved enlightened being, the female buddha, the Savioress, can mirror this full-spectrum feminine within you.

She’s the mother you never had primordial and enlightened, inseparable with the vast cosmos yet she comes into embodiment so that we can connect with her and receive her blessings.

These blessings are not all light and love, however...

Her path also takes us through the muckiness of our inner obstacles our stuck behaviors, self-defeating thoughts, and emotional woundings helping us to transform them into fertile ground for our own unique blossoming.

Ultimately, she leads us to the freedom and liberation we seek... that have been there for us all along.

This powerful new program with Lama Palden Drolma, one of the first Western women authorized as a lama, invites you over the course of seven modules to experience the embodiment of the awakened feminine within you as reflected by Tara.

Through a culminating meditative series on Tara reaching an experiential integration in the final session you’ll receive her many blessings and heartfully open to her reflection of you, your pure nature.

You’ll meditate with focused intent on this beloved deity, allowing her to reach out to you with her infinite compassion, love, and healing energies.

And as you open to her, you’ll open to her healing transmission of awakened body, right speech, and clarity of mind.

Over the 7 modules of this viscerally experiential, transformative inner journey, you’ll:

  • Discover Tara’s origin and her embodiment of the awakened full-spectrum feminine
  • Realize how each part of you is essentially sacred, and how Tara mirrors this for you
  • Become familiar with both formless and form meditations
  • Explore how to maintain wakefulness and clarity of mind while letting go and relaxing into the boundless compassion and love inherent in non-dual awareness
  • Find sanctuary within by opening to the buddhas’ and dakinis’ awakened presence of wisdom and love
  • Discover the profound meaning of Tara’s seed syllable and mantra, and how to meditate on these to instantly connect with her
  • Receive the nourishing, soothing, healing grace of Tara’s divine blessing
  • Discover how to let go of your negative thoughts about yourself, and open to the innate goodness of who you truly are
  • With Tara as your model, find out how to work with your ego self or human self with an awakened mind
  • Be given an inquiry practice that can unlock your blocks to spiritual development and awakening
  • And much more...

Tara helps you connect with the wisdom and love at the core of who you are the sustaining, transforming fountain of awakened presence in your own heart.

Over the course of this profound new training, you’ll learn and develop a spiritual practice, which you can return to again and again throughout your lifetime, that can help you let go of what stands between you and the awakened feminine within you.

You’ll find out how to extend loving kindness to yourself and others in very real and authentic ways, and connect with yourself and the world, healed, renewed, and with a fresh and enlivened perspective.

Lama Palden was authorized as a lama in 1986 by her root teacher, Kalu Rinpoche, following her completion of the traditional Tibetan 3-year, 3-month retreat.

She's been a student and practitioner of Buddhism and of comparative mysticism for over 40 years. She’s known for her gift in helping her students actualize their innate wisdom and joy, and is committed to supporting the balance between her students’ inner and outer lives, and to their individuation process.

In this new online course with her, Lama Palden will guide you in opening to Tara’s potent energies to awaken her peacefulness, wisdom, fierce clarity, compassion, and healing powers already within you... empowering and liberating you to step beyond duality and settle into the fullness of yourself and your life.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Lama Palden will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully embody the wisdom and love at the core of who you are through a profound connection with Tara.

This course will feature teachings and experiential practices with Lama Palden. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain a transformed fountain of awakened presence and openness to Tara’s authentic reflection of you as your pure nature.

Module 1: Opening to the Full-Spectrum Awakened Feminine
Step 1 of the Tara Meditation (November 13)


In this opening session, you'll explore how to engage with the dance of form and formlessness through a meditation on Tara. This practice is designed to nourish you, help you release anxiety, heal emotional and physical wounds, and open you to your awakened nature. You’ll connect with yourself and Tara in loving, open awareness, and learn to do this on your own so that Tara is always accessible to you.

All the great Tibetan masters call upon and meditate extensively on Tara. Over many centuries, this meditation has proven to be as valuable for men as it is for women, who all report that their lives completely changed through their Tara practice.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover Tara’s origin and her embodiment of the awakened full-spectrum feminine
  • Learn how each part of you is essentially sacred, and how Tara mirrors this for you
  • Become familiar with both formless and form meditations
  • Explore how to maintain wakefulness and clarity of mind while letting go and relaxing into the boundless compassion and love inherent in non-dual awareness
  • Find sanctuary within by opening to the buddhas’ and dakinis’ awakened presence of wisdom and love
  • Learn Step 1 of the Tara Meditation

Module 2: Receiving Awakened Healing A Transmission From Tara
Step 2 of the Tara Meditation (November 27)


Receive a healing and transmission of the awakened feminine body, speech, and mind from Tara, who represents the full-spectrum embodiment of the awakened feminine. You’ll discover how this type of meditation can activate healing and transformation.

You’ll also learn about how Tara’s essence is manifest as her seed syllable, which serves as her “cosmic texting address,” and as her mantra, which can be likened to an instant email address. And you’ll explore how to navigate working with a buddha an awakened being.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the profound meaning of Tara’s seed syllable and mantra, and how to meditate on these to instantly connect with her
  • Receive the nourishing, soothing, healing grace of Tara’s divine blessing
  • Explore how to let go of your negative thoughts about yourself, and open to the innate goodness of who you truly are
  • With Tara as your model, find out how to work with your ego self or human self with an awakened mind
  • Be given an inquiry practice that can unlock your blocks to spiritual development and awakening

Module 3: Turning Challenges Into a Path of Awakening
Step 3 of the Tara Meditation (December 4)


Discover how to converse with Tara as a trusted mentor, deepening your personal connection with this fully awakened deity, and discovering how this connection can help you turn your challenges and difficult emotions into a path of awakening. You’ll also experience practices for liberating your conflictual emotions into wisdom.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to develop a personal connection with Tara through meditation
  • Explore how your connection with Tara helps you let go of hurt, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, and fear
  • Gain insights and tools to help you with challenging situations and circumstances
  • Find out how Tara can help you eliminate inner obstacles and create a supportive inner foundation and how to cultivate this transformation through meditation
  • Discover how to allow difficult emotions to liberate into their essence, which is wisdom

Module 4: Becoming One With Awakened Feminine
Step 4 of the Tara Meditation (December 11)


In this module, you’ll be guided through a meditative process to experience what it feels like to become one with Tara. This serves to help you transform your limited idea of who you are, and to unlock your innate awakened presence. You’ll discover how Tara meditation opens you to your pure being and the blossoming of your own unique qualities.

You’ll also discover how this type of transformative meditation can help you shift your identity from ego-centered to one of awakened awareness and compassion, and to the union of awareness and emptiness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Begin opening to your inherent awakened presence
  • Experience what it feels like to become one with Tara
  • Find out how working with Tara can help you both in meditation and in your moment-to-moment everyday awareness
  • Discover how to help the immature, scared, young parts of yourself grow and mature
  • Explore how a connection with Tara can improve your relationships and deepen your engagement with the world

Module 5: Stepping Fully Into the Awakened Presence
Step 5 of the Tara Meditation (December 18) (Pre-recorded)


In this session, you’ll be invited to step fully into becoming one with the enlightened being of Tara, which can greatly accelerate your awakening. You’ll open to her power through your heart chakra, working with her seed syllable and her mantra to offer gratitude to the awakened beings of all times and all places, and to radiate cleansing, healing, and liberating blessings to all.

You’ll also work with the subtle body, consisting of channels (nadis in Sanskrit), movement (prana in Sanskrit), and essential energy (bindu in Sanskrit).

In this module, you’ll:

  • Open to natural awakening, awareness, and presence
  • Inhabit your individual Sacred Mandala
  • Discover how to work with your heart chakra
  • Radiate love and thankfulness to all awakened beings from the seed syllable in the center of your heart chakra
  • Radiate healing, universal love, and awakening to all sentient beings

Module 6: Letting Go Into Vast Open Love
Step 6 of the Tara Meditation (January 8)


In this session, you’ll explore the meaning of your true nature, which is the genuine truth of reality the union of awakened wisdom and love. And, you’ll discover what obscures your understanding of this.

You’ll also experience the powerful liberation of transitioning from meditation with form to meditation without form, and explore the benefits of both. And, you’ll experience letting go into openness and love, and resting in open awareness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Notice the difference between resting in open awareness at the beginning and at the end of a meditation
  • Become comfortable with being in form and formlessness, which helps dissolve your fixations that arise from not realizing who you truly are
  • Understand how transitioning from form to formlessness in meditation allows you to be more accepting of and comfortable with death
  • Feel the innate luminosity and clarity of your own mind
  • Open into non-duality, and your actual lack of separation from all that is

Module 7: Dedicating to All Beings Benefit & Integration of Full Tara Meditation (January 15)


In the last session, you’ll discover practices for incorporating Tara into your daily life as a friend, mentor, and awakened mother. You’ll retrace the steps of the Tara Meditation to help you access her healing blessings to soothe anxiety, fear, depression, and other challenges.

You’ll find out how to access and stay in touch with your inherent wellbeing, goodness, kindness, and wisdom. And you’ll participate in a group dedication of these teachings to benefit all.

In this last module, you’ll:

  • Appear as Tara arising out of the void the union of clarity, luminosity, and emptiness, inseparable with all that is, yet distinctly unique
  • Discover how to share these teachings with others
  • Explore more ways to bring Tara, as a mentor and friend, into the moment-to-moment awareness of daily life
  • Discover how dedicating your meditations to all beings spreads Tara’s blessings out into the world, and also enhances these meditations

The Awakened Feminine of Tara Bonus Collection

In addition to Lama Palden’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus materials. These bonuses complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Spiritual Path
Audio Teaching With Lama Palden Drolma


In this audio teaching, Lama Palden leads an opening meditation for people who have never meditated before. The audio begins with an opening prayer, followed by some basic and detailed meditation instructions as well as an actual meditation. She completes the talk with a discussion about the various hallmarks of the spiritual path.

Personal Journey & the Ego
Audio Teaching With Lama Palden Drolma


In this talk from Lama Palden, she describes her love for spirituality and how she came to Buddhism as a student and teacher. As a teen, she noticed the lack of “meaning” in the culture and in people’s lives having grown up in an upper-middle-class family where everything looked perfect and everyone was miserable. She noticed something didn’t quite add up for her as far as this lifestyle being the achievement of “the American Dream.” As a teen, she was exposed to many progressive ideas, which allowed her to go deeply into studying and seeing to the heart of the religions she studied. There she began her journey of looking for something to connect with, which really began to get interesting when she realized the conflict was also within herself...

How to Practice Dedicating Merit
PDF Article by Lama Palden Drolma


When we dedicate our meditation to others, says Lama Palden, we make our practice more open and beneficial. This article discusses how dedicating this value this wholesomeness to all sentient beings expands our meditation beyond ourselves. Many forms of Buddhist practice conclude with dedicating the benefit of our practice to relieving the suffering of sentient beings and helping them awaken. The English word “merit” is defined as being or doing something that is worthy and creates value. It’s said that when we meditate or engage in another form of spiritual practice, such as yoga, chanting, praying, or singing songs of realization, we are accumulating merit.

What People Are Saying About Lama Palden...

“Lama Palden has cut through my confusion...”

Many times over the years, with wisdom and compassion, Lama Palden has cut through my confusion and eased my integration. I am forever grateful for her guidance that has furthered my personal unfoldment and transformation.

“She provided strong loving guidance, clarity, and support”

I met Lama Palden during an intensely difficult chapter in my life when I was shattered by grief and lost in confusion. She provided strong loving guidance, clarity, and support. I’m immeasurably grateful.

“I find it easy to relate to her...”

Lama Palden is an accomplished spiritual master as well as a warm, loving, and attuned counselor. Given that she is a Western woman herself, I find it easy to relate to her as my teacher and mentor on the path.

“I’ve [come] into a more authentic, joyful expression of my true being”

As one journeys on this life path, there comes a time when, through grace and supreme good fortune, a spiritual guide and friend shows up to shine the light and to offer support, insight, and encouragement. Lama Palden Drolma is one such person. Her wisdom, compassion, and deep commitment to helping people become the best of who they are is unsurpassable. Working with her has been a powerful process of transformation, as I’ve [come] into a more authentic, joyful expression of my true being.

“... she has been a clear and loving space of acceptance for me see my true self”

Lama Palden has been my spiritual teacher and guide for the past 20 years. Throughout our relationship she has been a clear and loving space of acceptance for me see my true self. I would highly recommend her to anyone wishing to quicken their maturing and awakening process.

“Her spiritual mentorship... has positively transformed my life in countless ways”

I’ve studied with Lama Palden for over 10 years. Her spiritual mentorship and personal guidance has positively transformed my life in countless ways. The opportunity to work with her directly is rare and precious.

“Lama Palden... helps her students along to deeper self compassion and wisdom”

As we struggle with our neurotic life problems, how refreshing and inspiring to have a friend, teacher, and counselor who can impeccably hold the view of wisdom and put all your concerns in perspective. Such a guide is Lama Palden, who embodies the perennial wisdom with ease and grace, who also, as an American woman, has a deep understanding of our human foibles. Lama Palden has a huge and generous heart of compassion, which helps her students along to deeper self-compassion and wisdom. To have the guidance of such a teacher is truly a blessing.

“Lama Palden has given me a rare and unsurpassed gift of a lifetime”

Lama Palden has given me a rare and unsurpassed gift of a lifetime; guidance into a profound lineage and practice system that is supporting the cultivation of my truest nature as I slowly but steadily unwind afflictive patterns that no longer serve. Thirteen years in with Lama Palden and I am ever more grateful for her generosity and perseverance for my benefit and the benefit of all beings.

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven recorded 90-minute Class Sessions With Lama Palden Drolma

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with spiritual teacher Lama Palden Drolma from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.

The Awakened Feminine of Tara Bonus Collection

  • The Spiritual Path
    Audio Teaching With Lama Palden Drolma
  • Personal Journey & the Ego
    Audio Teaching With Lama Palden Drolma
  • How to Practice Dedicating Merit
    PDF Article by Lama Palden Drolma

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Awakened Feminine of Tara Virtual Training

We feel honored Lama Palden Drolma has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher and renowned lama whose powerful insights are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Lama Palden’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about receiving Tara’s many blessings to help you release unbeneficial narratives, woundings, and shame, and open to her authentic reflection of you as your pure nature, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Awakened Feminine of Tara with Lama Palden Drolma or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Lama Palden...

“Lama Palden... truly embodies Tara’s boundless compassion...”

Lama Palden extends a depth of wisdom only possible through authentic lineage holders. Most importantly, she truly embodies Tara’s boundless compassion in a world desperately in need of true feminine grace.
Miranda Macpherson, Author of The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation

“Her transmission... opened my heart and changed my life”

Lama Palden Drolma teaches Tara from the depths of profound realization and her unique experience as one of the first women to become a Lama in the West. Her transmission of the living embodiment of Tara opened my heart and changed my life.
James Coleman, PhD, Author of The Buddha’s Dream of Liberation

“... was like receiving a key to an inner door I had longed to open”

After many years of Buddhist meditation, I was fortunate to receive Tara practice and teachings from Lama Palden. Learning to connect, in devotion, with Tara’s enlightened mind and boundless love was like receiving a key to an inner door I had longed to open. Now, years latter, Tara supports me each day from within. Lama Palden’s crystal clear, wise, and caring teaching style brings the blessings of her great master teachers and lineage alive in our practice.
Debra Chamberlin-Taylor, Buddhist teacher

“Lama Palden... transmits the teachings of Tara in a deeply personal way”

Truly one of the greatest gifts I have ever received is the Tibetan Buddhist teachings of Tara from Lama Palden. She may look like a regular person, but Lama Palden is actually a living dakini who transmits the teachings of Tara in a deeply personal way that connects us to an unfathomable network of support, rewiring our systems at a whole new level.
Robin Winn, MFT

“Her guidance has helped me immensely”

Lama Palden opened the door to the blessings and wisdom of Tara. Her guidance has helped me immensely. I will always be grateful.
Rick Halsted, LAc

About Lama Palden Drolma


Lama Palden Drolma is the founder and Senior Lama of Sukhasiddhi Foundation. One of the few female Buddhist lamas in the world, her forthcoming book, Love On Every Breath, shares with modern readers a 1,000-year-old meditation that opens the heart and transforms suffering into love and healing. She completed the Tibetan Buddhist 3-year, 3-month retreat in the Shangpa and Kagyu lineages under Kalu Rinpoche’s guidance in 1985. In 1986 she became one of the first women to be authorized as a lama in the Buddhist tradition. She has studied with many of the great Tibetan masters from all lineages.

With gratitude to her gurus, and love for people, Lama Palden transmits, trains, and mentors students, passing on the profound and precious meditations and teachings that enable one to completely awaken. She focuses on translating Tibetan Buddhist principles and practices in ways that make them accessible to Westerners. Lama Palden was profiled in Shambhala Sun magazine as one of the women “changing the face of Buddhism.”

Lama Palden’s background is in comparative mysticism and psychology. As a licensed psychotherapist, she’s done groundbreaking work at the intersection of the spiritual and psychological aspects of our humanity. She’s deeply committed, as was her root guru, Khabje Kalu Rinpoche, to ecumenicalism and interspirituality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
