With Doctor of Oriental Medicine & Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Melanie Smith

New 4-Day Live Online Retreat Starts
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Join a 4-day online retreat to master energy medicine techniques for releasing old patterns and enter a safe and sacred “vortex of healing and manifestation.”

Use gentle hands-on exercises to clear out negative energies that are holding you back from creating your most desired life and lock in new and positive energies, freeing yourself to cultivate whatever you want along your life path.


Do you feel like you’re not progressing in life? Perhaps you’re struggling with a health challenge that conventional medicine hasn’t been able to resolve?

Do you dream of living a more abundant and luxurious life, filled with financial prosperity, deep emotional connections, and spiritual fulfillment?

Maybe you need a bit of a vacation from the hustle and bustle of everyday life a solid stretch of time to allow yourself some intensive self-care and grant yourself space to refocus your energy on what’s most important to you.

According to Dr. Melanie Smith, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and advanced energy medicine practitioner, when you can’t seem to climb over the hump of limitations you may not be aware of...

... it’s likely because there are negative energies locked in your system that are keeping you from manifesting the circumstances you desire for a life you love.

You may have accumulated these energies as a result of stress, illness, overworking, or unhappiness… and, when you learn how to first recognize that they exist and then release them, you make space to receive new, fresh energies and more positive thinking.

Dr. Melanie, recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time, has dedicated her life to empowering people to heal complex health issues and transform their lives with her unique fusion of alternative energetic methods.

Because you’ve registered for at least one of Dr. Melanie’s online events over the years and maybe even participated in one of her courses you’re likely familiar with her teachings and practices.

She’s reached thousands of people with her work about the vagus nerve and protecting our energy in the electromagnetic era.

Now you have an opportunity to experience something completely different with Dr. Melanie!

More than two decades ago, she created and perfected a highly effective protocol of energy medicine techniques for clearing away energies that aren’t serving you and then bringing in bright and powerful manifesting energies that make it more possible to pursue and achieve the life you want.

She calls this protocol “Clearing and Manifesting Energies.”

It’s a multi-layered system of practical exercises and movements designed to:

  • Help you uncover any underlying stressors and life challenges that have energetically blocked you from receiving infinite abundance and healing
  • Enable you to release the energies obstructing your path
  • Fill you with the positive energies you need to pursue your dreams

Dr. Melanie is now offering you a highly experiential 4-day online retreat a break from the distractions and stressors of everyday living to teach you this protocol and guide you through a wide variety of energy medicine techniques you can take with you into your daily routine...

... opening you to prosperity and abundance... optimal health and longevity... increased inner peace, joy, harmony, happiness... and elevated spiritual growth.

You may even find that you’re more able to attract healthy relationships and find the love of your lifetime, enhance your body image, climb higher on your career path, and raise your consciousness.

You’ll learn techniques for calming your nervous system and getting grounded and centered so you can bring your awareness to your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, even when you’re feeling scattered.

You’ll experience in the moment how connecting to love, joy, and gratitude, as well as activating your vagus nerve, can create a vortex with an infinite supply of positive, healthy, abundant energy.

And this is all poised to happen inside a deep, collective experience with a community of supportive and focused like-minded seekers over value-packed weekends 24 immersive hours in total.


What You’ll Explore During This Online Intensive

During the Clearing and Manifesting portions of the retreat, you’ll engage with four phases:

  • The Preparation Phase: Bringing your energies into balance as you ground, unscrambling, integrating your left and right brain, moving stress hormones out of your body, dissipating anger, releasing stuck energy, and activating your vagus nerve
  • The Release Phase: Resetting your nervous system, decreasing your stress response cycle, and increasing your peace of mind, vitality, and health
  • The Bringing in the Joy Phase: Learning to create your own “Joy Movie,” working with your heart chakra and radiant circuits, and feeling joy replacing your stressful memories in every cell of your being
  • The Set Your Intention and Manifest Phase: Focusing on what you intend to manifest and seeing it happening in the moment in its completely manifested form

Because of the Laws of Attraction and the power of energy, this final phase will help you bring the energy of what you desire directly into your soul, enabling you to infuse every cell of your being with what you intend to manifest and then send that vibration out to the universe.

Over the four days of this retreat, Dr. Melanie will guide you through eight uniquely different clearing and manifesting sessions, each time addressing a different set of challenges and making room for abundance in distinct areas of your life.

She has no doubt that you’ll feel palpable shifts from moment to moment.


During this online weekend retreat, you’ll discover:

  • Powerful energy medicine practices from a variety of wisdom traditions including sound healing, breathwork, the Chinese five elements and meridians, hands-on energy medicine exercises, stone medicine, chakra alignment, yoga, mudras, affirmations, oracle cards, and more…
  • Techniques for calming your nervous system and getting grounded so you can bring your awareness to your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing
  • Less stress, more calm, revitalization, restoration, and feeling empowered to move forward in your life with more ease, joy, and enthusiasm
  • Greater emotional, physical, and mental health
  • The clearing out of negative energies you may be accumulating from stress, illness, overwork, or unhappiness by first recognizing these blocks exist and then safely releasing them, making space to receive new, fresh energy and positive thoughts
  • Energy healing techniques for clearing and invigorating your energy fields
  • Qigong and chanting to cultivate your life force through movement and vocal vibrations
  • Exercises to elevate your awareness and access higher states of consciousness
  • Unique techniques for working with your alta major chakra to open and close energetic portals
  • Meridian-based yoga stretches and mudras to facilitate energy flow
  • Positive affirmations and structured protocols for clearing out energies, setting intentions, and manifesting your desires
  • And much more...

Each phase of this intensive is meticulously crafted to prepare your energies, release blockages, and bring in joy and radiant circuit energy.

We hope you’ll embrace this opportunity to rejuvenate your spirit, elevate your consciousness, set powerful intentions, manifest your dreams, transform your life, and step into a radiant new YOU!


Create Your Own Retreat Experience

Enjoy Flexible Access to Pre-Recorded Sessions Anytime, Anywhere!

Not able to attend the live sessions? No problem! With our flexible access options, you have the freedom to create your own retreat experience on your own terms.

Whether you want to dive deep in one immersive weekend or savor the journey over eight relaxing days, you can choose how to best benefit from this one-of-a-kind offer:

  • Tailor Your Experience: Watch the sessions at your own pace, whenever it suits you. You can mix and match, replay your favorite parts, or spread out the content over several days (or even weeks).
  • Ultimate Flexibility: Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, our pre-recorded sessions are available to you 24/7. Create a retreat that fits your schedule and create your own transformative journey.
  • Personalize Your Journey: Take control of your retreat experience. Watch one session a day or binge-watch over a weekend. Your retreat, your rules!

What You’ll Receive

Four 8-Hour Retreat Days (Including Two 30-Minute Breaks and One Hour-Long Lunch Break) With Dr. Melanie Smith

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Doctor of Oriental medicine and advanced energy medicine practitioner Dr. Melanie Smith from the comfort of your own home. Each retreat day includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you in clearing negative energies that are blocking you from creating your highest state of wellbeing, and manifesting new positive energies to create a life you love. Retreat days are on Saturdays and Sundays beginning at 8:30 am Pacific.

Four Video Recordings of Retreat Days

After each day, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a day or session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Four Audio Recordings of Retreat Days

After each day, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a day or session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Four Transcripts of Retreat Days

You’ll also receive the entire day’s transcript after each day is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Day

Between retreat days, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each day's lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each day or session. Here, you can continue the discussion about your retreat materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.


Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Dr. Melanie and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Melanie’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.


About Dr. Melanie Smith


Dr. Melanie Smith is recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time. She is a doctor of Oriental medicine, acupuncture physician, Shift Network faculty, Eden Energy Medicine advanced practitioner, and senior faculty for Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine certification program in the U.S. and United Kingdom.

Over 25 years ago, Melanie sustained a serious injury. When Western medicine could not improve her condition, she turned to alternative medicine and fully recovered. As a result, she changed careers and has since dedicated her life to empowering people to transform their lives by connecting with their own inner healers through the power of energy medicine. She’s known for her intuitive ability to help people heal complex health issues with her holistic approach embodying a unique fusion of energy medicine, sound healing, acupuncture, Oriental medicine, emotional healing, and nutrition.

Passionate about inspiring others to learn, grow, and heal, Melanie has created multiple Energy Medicine for Healthy Living™ online courses and charts. Her recent courses for The Shift Network include “Discover Your Vagus Nerve as an Energetic Healing Pathway”... “Access the Vagus Nerve’s Power to Heal”... and “Energetic Resilience in the Electromagnetic Era of 5G.”

Melanie has provided energy consultations to patients in over 50 countries and all 50 states, taught workshops on four continents, and treated thousands of patients in person and online.


Session Schedule

Retreat Days are Saturdays and Sundays (October 5 & 20 and November 2 & 3) beginning at 8:30 am Pacific

This retreat will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. Melanie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to manifest the life of your dreams through a wide variety of energy medicine exercises.

Day 1: Ancient Healing Arts & Techniques for Manifestation, Health & Longevity (October 5)


The first day of the Clearing & Manifesting Energies Retreat begins with setting intentions and energy clearing, guided by Dr. Melanie.

Participants will explore ancient healing techniques for prosperity and wellbeing, including Makka Ho meridian exercises and the "Jumper Cable the Hands" method for balancing energy.

You’ll also cover the power of sacred geometry and symbols, and end with a meditation and Q&A session.

Session 1: Ancient Healing Art Forms for Manifestation for Prosperity & Abundance (8:30am Pacific)


Begin your retreat experience with the ringing of a bell, as you, Dr. Melanie, and your co-participants energetically clear the energies of the body, mind, and space.

Together, set an intention for the day with a blessing and a word of gratitude as Dr. Melanie pulls an “Ask and It Is Given” affirmation card.

This retreat is your time to set your intention to focus on healing, restoring, and rejuvenating your soul.

Dr. Melanie will guide you through the first of eight Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning experiences by combining the Law of Attraction with energy medicine techniques, and using affirmations and sound healing.

This assists you in clearing out emotional imbalances, eliminating stuck patterns, and releasing limiting beliefs being held in your body’s cellular memory.

This technique gives you life-time access to your own personal growth. It’s easy to do, doesn’t require previous experience with energy medicine, and can be used over and over to manifest all your heart desires.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • What Clearing and Manifesting Energies really is
  • How Clearing and Manifesting Energies, when applied with energy medicine techniques, can raise your energetic vibration
  • How the Law of Attraction factors into your experience
  • How everyone including you has the power to manifest all that is in their best and highest good
  • Clearing & Manifesting Energies With Affirmations and Toning for prosperity and abundance

Session 2: Makka Ho an Ancient Japanese Meridian Exercise to Restore Health, Wellness & Longevity (10:30am Pacific)


Dr. Melanie will teach you ancient Japanese meridian exercises called Makka Ho, that came from Shizuto Masunaga of Zen Shiatsu.

These ancient exercises involve various yoga postures and stretches that support and regulate all 12 primary meridians, their yin/yang partners, the associated organs, and the five elements of water, wood, fire, metal, and earth.

These exercises also involve the extraordinary meridians of the central vessel and governing vessel the first two energies developed in a fetus.

When done in a sequenced order based on the time of day, they help you reset your circadian rhythm to promote good sleep and overall wellbeing.

While working on the flow, these meridian energy exercises have a profound physical and psycho-emotional impact to restore health, wellness, and longevity.

You can do these exercises standing or on a yoga mat. If you’re unable to do them on the floor, try doing them on your bed, or modify them to do in a chair. Please adjust for your comfort.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn ancient Japanese meridian exercises that help you begin to bring more Qi and vitality into every meridian and its associated organ
  • Identify the meridians and their yin/yang partners, which are associated with each of the five elements
  • Begin to feel and identify your muscle strength and flexibility in each exercise
  • Reset your circadian rhythm as you synchronize these meridian exercises with the time of day to improve sleep, calm your vagus nerve, boost your immune function, and increase longevity

Session 3: An Ancient Japanese Technique to Explore the Power of Manifestation for Health & Longevity (1:00pm Pacific)


The ringing of the Tingsha bell will set your energies for the afternoon sessions as you continue with another ancient Japanese experience “Jumper Cable the Hands.”

This came from Jin Shin Jyutsu and Jiro Murai, the Japanese sage who completely healed himself and returned from the cave where he was sent to die.

In the 1940s, Mary Burmeister was healed by Master Murai in Japan. In 1954, she brought his work to the United States. Her daughter Alice, author of The Touch of Healing, is still sharing his amazing work.

Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for health and longevity. Set your intention to assist with any current health concerns, or focus on creating and maintaining long-term health and wellness.

Remember you can go back and do each of these sequences as often as needed, even daily.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the importance of each finger hold in balancing your body’s flow of universal energy
  • Tune in and identify what you are feeling with each finger hold with the Safety Lock Position exercise
  • Continue this grounding, centering, peaceful protocol as you begin to calm your sympathetic nervous system and regulate your vagus nerve and parasympathetic nervous system
  • Activate your radiant circuit energies, raise your consciousness for an awesome healing experience, and hear your own frequencies as you begin to use toning and sound healing
  • Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for longevity

Session 4: The Mystery & Healing Power of Sacred Geometry, Symbols & Ancient Ruins (3:00pm Pacific)


Sacred geometry and symbols are an important part of our energetic makeup. Our biofield, our energetic bodysuit our aura is composed of and woven through with these energies, keeping us strong and resilient.

Many countries contain sacred sites and experiences that also hold these energies, including the energies of our chakras, Celtic weave, five elements, meridians, and auric field.

Sacred geometry and symbols are also instrumental in the art of feng shui clearing and organizing the energies of your home, office, car, and personal spaces.

Dr. Melanie will guide you through a sacred geometry meditation using the healing portal of a painting, “Portal Merkabah II Light Source.” Over 20 years ago, this painting pulled Dr. Melanie into the depths of a healing realm.

It was so potent and powerful that she had to buy the painting on the spot, and it is now the original logo for her company, Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn about the geometric shapes and colors that comprise your energetic body
  • Practice energy medicine exercises to activate these energies, fortify your immune system, and raise your consciousness
  • Explore the energetics of many sacred sites around the world as you identify those you’ve experienced
  • Close out your day with a 10-minute sacred geometry meditation, focusing on your breath
  • Enjoy a one-hour Q&A with Dr. Melanie

Day 2: Ancient Healing Techniques for Manifestation, Wellbeing & Heart Chakra Opening (October 20)


Begin Day 2 with an intention-setting ceremony and an ancient Chinese healing chant to open the heart chakra and enhance manifestation for prosperity and abundance.

Deepen your practice of Makka Ho, an ancient Japanese meridian exercise promoting sleep and wellbeing.

Be guided through techniques to clear energy blocks, which fosters peace, joy, and harmony.

The day concludes with a heart chakra meditation using sacred geometry, chanting, and breathwork, followed by a Q&A session with Dr. Melanie.

Session 5: Ancient Chinese Healing Chant to Open Your Heart Chakra & Deepen Your Manifestation Practice for Prosperity & Abundance (8:30am Pacific)


Begin with the opening bell, as you, Dr. Melanie, and your co-participants energetically clear the energies of the body, mind, and space.

Together, set an intention for the day with a blessing and a word of gratitude as Dr. Melanie pulls an “Ask and It Is Given” affirmation card.

Learn a sacred Chinese healing chant with a powerful mudra, cultivating a golden ball of energy to open your heart chakra. This chant is known to assist in raising consciousness, facilitating healing, and boosting the immune system.

This will be the first of many mudras you’ll experience throughout the retreat. Mudras are a symbolic or ritual pose mostly done with your hands and fingers.

They originated in Eastern Indian and Asian cultures like Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism, and are spiritual gestures often used in yoga practices.

Often seen as symbols of good intentions and gestures of generosity, they propose friendship, health, and healing. This will be a spiritual experience and not a religious one.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn about a series of powerful, sacred numbers passed down from a Chinese Qigong master
  • Experience Sha’s Golden Healing Ball Chant as you direct its light toward healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually
  • Feel the power of the lotus mudra over your heart chakra as you repeat a sacred chant
  • Practice channeled chanting, opening the doorway to your soul song
  • Participate in Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for prosperity and abundance

Session 6: Deepen With Makka Ho an Ancient Japanese Meridian Exercises to Promote Good Sleep & Overall Wellbeing (10:30am Pacific)


Expand your experience with the ancient Japanese meridian exercises, Makka Ho, that you learned on Day 1.

As you’ll remember, these ancient exercises involve various yoga postures and stretches that support and regulate all 12 primary meridians, their yin/yang partners, the associated organs, and the five elements of water, wood, fire, metal, and earth.

These exercises also involve the extraordinary meridians of the central vessel and governing vessel the first two energies developed in a fetus.

When done in a sequenced order based on the time of day, they help you reset your circadian rhythm to promote good sleep and overall wellbeing.

While working on the flow, these meridian energy exercises have a profound physical and psycho-emotional impact to restore health, wellness, and longevity.

You can do these exercises standing or on a yoga mat. If you’re unable to do them on the floor, try doing them on your bed, or modify them to do in a chair. Please adjust for your comfort.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Tune in as you begin to feel the Qi moving through your body
  • Discover which meridians you’re having the most difficulty with, and what happens when you bring your focus to your breath
  • Go slow as you begin to feel and identify your muscle strength and flexibility in each of the exercises
  • Begin with the meridian pose that matches your current time of day to reset your circadian rhythm

Session 7: Ancient Healing Art Forms to Explore the Power of Manifestation for Peace, Joy, Harmony & Happiness (1:00pm Pacific)


Ringing of the Tingsha bell will help set the energies for the afternoon as you continue with another Clearing & Manifesting Energies exercise.

Difficult times and stressors in life can create negative energy that may block us from attracting and bringing positive, joy-filled people and things into our lives.

Dr. Melanie created the Clearing and Manifesting Energies protocol as a self-care method to release energetic blocks stored cellularly in the body and energetically in the biofield.

Learn how to clear out the blocks of discontent, anger, resentment, and maybe even jealousy preparing your energy field to bring in joy and setting your intention on what you truly desire to manifest for a peaceful, harmonious life.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Identify the stressors that are holding you back from having joy and happiness in your life
  • Release and clear these energy blocks with a variety of energy medicine techniques
  • See your own “joy movie” as you tap in the positive vibes and amplify your radiant energies
  • Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for more peace, joy, harmony, and happiness in your life

Session 8: Open Your Heart Chakra Through a Healing Portal (3:00pm Pacific)


Begin with a sacred healing chant from kundalini yoga, combined with a powerful lotus mudra healing meditation, toning, and breathwork to open your heart chakra.

Connecting with the magical energy of the lotus mudra in a heart chakra meditation can be extremely beneficial for reducing stress, eliminating fatigue, and supporting your vagus nerve.

It’s meant to recharge your battery. This mudra also promotes longevity and anti-aging.

Dr. Melanie will guide you through a sacred geometry meditation through the healing portal of the painting, “Portal Merkabah II Light Source,” to empower your experience.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Feel the power of the lotus mudra over your heart chakra
  • Tune into the energy of a sacred kundalini yoga healing chant
  • Join Dr. Melanie in a channeled chanting experience to open the doorway to your soul song during a guided meditation
  • Experience a 10-minute sacred geometry meditation, focusing on your breath, through the healing realm of the painting, “Portal Merkabah II Light Source”
  • Enjoy a one-hour Q&A with Dr. Melanie

Day 3: Spiritual Growth, Energy Clearing, Heart Chakra Activation & Stone Medicine Healing (November 2)


Day 3 begins with an ancient Hawaiian ritual of reconciliation and forgiveness, combined with energy medicine to promote spiritual growth and release negative emotions.

Participants deepen their connection with spirit through an ancient Chinese healing chant and energy exercises to raise consciousness.

Dr. Melanie guides heart chakra activation to attract healthy relationships, followed by exploring the healing properties of stone medicine.

The day concludes with a one-hour Q&A session with Dr. Melanie.

Session 9: Promote Reconciliation & Forgiveness and Support Clearing & Manifesting Energies for Spiritual Growth (8:30am Pacific)


Begin your Day 3 with the opening bell, as you, Dr. Melanie, and your co-participants energetically clear the energies of the body, mind, and space.

Together, set an intention for the day with a blessing and a word of gratitude as Dr. Melanie pulls an “Ask and It Is Given” affirmation card.

Experience an ancient Hawaiian practice as a process of making things right in your relationships including relationships with ancestors, the earth, and yourself.

This Ritual of Reconciliation, when combined with energy medicine exercises, offers a more profound level of healing relationships.

Explore Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for spiritual growth and difficult times. Learn how to release stressors and identify the emotion associated with whatever or whoever may be holding you back.

Dr. Melanie will also prepare you to raise your energetic vibration as you connect into a higher spiritual level of consciousness.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn an ancient Hawaiian healing ritual and practice of forgiveness in a new and profound way when combining energy medicine exercises
  • Develop a more nuanced understanding of the Law of Attraction and how the universe is always conspiring to support you, whether you believe it or not
  • Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for elevating your spiritual growth and letting go of difficult times, people, and situations

Session 10: Deepen Your Connection With Spirit & Raise Your Consciousness (10:30am Pacific)


Join in an ancient Chinese healing chant collective experience that came from Sheng Zhen Tai Chi Master Li, combined with energy medicine exercises to open your crown chakra, support your vagus nerve, and raise your consciousness.

With this, activate neural circuits in the brain to build bridges to greater insights and intuition.

Your reticular activating system is a bundle of neurons located at your brain stem.

Dr. Melanie will use the research from the late Rev. Dr. Tiffany Barsotti’s book The Biology of Transformation to assist you in activating your alta major chakra and other gateways to expand and fortify your biofield and bring you into a state of bliss.

This experience also taps into the Diamond Inlay Energy that Donna Eden sees and refers to as “the Energetic Structure of Higher Consciousness.” As Donna says, “It’s the link that allows your energies to resonate with these possibilities, and it aligns you with the pulse of the living universe.”

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn an ancient Chinese healing chant from Sheng Zhen Tai Chi Master Li
  • Use Dr. Melanie’s favorite energy medicine exercise to support your vagus nerve
  • Experience the Aura Filter Energy Medicine exercise to open portals to your alta major chakra
  • Activate your Diamond Inlay Energies to higher consciousness

Session 11: Activate Your Heart Chakra & Radiant Energies to Attract Healthy, Loving Relationships (1:00pm Pacific)


As Dr. Melanie rings the Tingsha bell, set your energies for the afternoon and explore heart coherence and research from Doc Childre and Rollin McCraty, PhD, of The HeartMath Institute.

Learn several energy medicine techniques for activating your heart chakra, releasing grief, supporting your vagus nerve, and charging your radiant heart energies, focusing your intention on infinite love and gratitude.

Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for love and healthy relationships in your life.

Dr. Melanie will guide you to clear out the blocks of past relationships to prepare your energy field to bring in love with an open heart as you set your intention on what you truly desire to manifest for peaceful, harmonious, loving, kind, and supportive relationships.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the importance of heart coherence in attracting healthy, loving relationships
  • Use energy medicine techniques to activate your heart chakra and radiant heart energies to elevate to a higher level of heart coherence and consciousness
  • Synchronize your heart chakra energy with the Heart of Spirit located at your crown chakra
  • Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for attracting healthy relationships and bringing more love and happiness into your life
  • Clear out the stagnant energies holding you back or causing discord in your intention for and attraction to healthy relationships
  • Prepare your energy field to bring in love and gratitude as you set your intention on the people you truly desire to manifest in your life for safe, healthy, loving, nurturing relationships

Session 12: The Power & Healing Properties of Stone Medicine (3:00pm Pacific)


Stone medicine, the use of gemstones for clearing negative energies, balancing body and mind, amplifying your energies, and supporting healing have been used for generations and by many Indigenous cultures.

Clear quartz crystal is known as the Master Healer, as it’s one of the most versatile and powerful stones for healing, overall wellbeing, and spiritual growth.

It can aid in concentration, promote clarity of thought, and amplify your intentions and manifestations, making it ideal for this retreat!

There’s an energy to sacred sites and special places in nature where particular crystals are found, amplifying their frequencies for healing. You’ll be invited to imagine those places today.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Identify a number of gemstones and their healing properties
  • Learn the important differences between using clear quartz crystal and selenite for healing
  • Experience a basic energy self-test method you can use with stones, water, shells, dirt, colors, jewelry, water, and foods to determine which substances are most energetically aligned with you at this time
  • Take a moment to recall the sacred sites you’ve visited and the spiritual grounds and places in nature you’ve experienced
  • Enjoy a one-hour Q&A with Dr. Melanie

Day 4: Enhancing Career Success by Balancing Energies Using Qigong, Chakra Work & Shamanic Healing (November 3)


On Day 4, begin with the opening bell and a collective intention-setting, followed by a sacred chant from Yogi Bhajan to elevate your energy field and enhance your career.

Use Qigong practices to balance the three dantians, cultivating life-force energy and promoting overall wellbeing.

Focus on balancing your chakras through ancient chants, color, and sound to support self-esteem, body image, and weight management.

Conclude with a powerful closing circle featuring Native American drumming, singing, and shamanic healing, guided by the wisdom of Navajo Grandmother Spider Woman.

There will be a final Q&A session with Dr. Melanie.

Session 13: Open Your Energy Field to a Higher Vibration to Enhance Your Career & Reach Success (8:30am Pacific)


Begin your final day with the opening bell, as you, Dr. Melanie, and your co-participants energetically clear the energies of the body, mind, and space.

Together, set an intention for the day with a blessing and a word of gratitude as Dr. Melanie pulls an “Ask and It Is Given” affirmation card.

Experience a sacred chant from Yogi Bhajan and kundalini yoga.

This mantra is for tuning in to your self-knowledge and the divine flow within you. It translates as “I bow to you” and “I bow to the divine teacher within and to my creative wisdom.”

Experience Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning for career and success.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a sacred chant from Yogi Bhajan and kundalini yoga as you set your intention to bow to the divine teacher within
  • Elevate your practice with mudras, sound healing, and breathwork
  • Use Clearing and Manifesting Energies to attract a promotion, new job, career change, or even higher education
  • Learn a variety of energy medicine techniques to clear out and reset your career for success

Session 14: Balance Your 3 Dantians to Cultivate Your Life-Force Energy With the Ancient Chinese Healing Art of Qigong (10:30am Pacific)


Explore the three fierce mantras of Tsangpa Gyare, a 12th-Century Tibetan Buddhist and how to use them daily to transform your life.

Learn Dr. Melanie’s favorite mantra from Abraham-Hicks and practice the ancient healing art of Qigong with breathwork to balance your three dantians.

Dantian translates from Chinese as “field of elixir,” the seat of life-force energy in the body. The three dantians are also known as the Three Treasures. Working from the bottom up, they awaken your vitality, love, and wisdom.

They’re subtle energies that support your kidney essence, heart chakra, thymus gland, third eye, and pineal gland (which houses the Shen, your spirit and intelligent consciousness).

Working the three dantians promotes health and wellbeing and helps you cultivate your life force energy, or Qi.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Practice an ancient Tibetan Buddhist mantra that you can repeat daily and immediately shift your energy to a higher vibration
  • Learn a mantra from Abraham-Hicks that you can use anywhere, anytime to immediately activate the Law of Attraction and be open to receiving all that is in your best and highest good, and the best and highest good for all
  • Identify the location of the three dantians on your body and their functions in Oriental Medicine
  • Experience Qigong with Breathwork from Dr. Melanie’s studies with Master Robert Peng

Session 15: Balance Your Chakras and Support Clearing & Manifesting Energies for Self-Esteem, Body Image & Weight (1:00pm Pacific)


Ringing the Tingsha bell, you, Dr. Melanie, and your co-participants will set your intentions for the afternoon as you experience the power and potential of two more ancient Mandarin Chinese chants.

One is the renowned Sanskrit Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, which is the Bodhisattva Goddess of Compassion Kuan Yin’s 6-syllable mantra of enlightenment, practiced with the lotus mudra and breathwork.

Use color and sound to balance your chakra system, activating your vagus nerve to support your parasympathetic nervous system and raise your consciousness.

Your final Clearing and Manifesting Energies with Affirmations and Toning experience for this retreat will be to cultivate self-esteem, body image, and healthy weight.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn an ancient Chinese Mandarin Mantra to activate your energy systems and open your chakras
  • Identify the colors and functions of each of your 7 major chakra energy centers
  • Connect your vagus nerve to each chakra to experience a profound peace and calm as you elevate to a higher realm

Session 16: Closing Circle With Native American Drumming & Shamanic Healing (3:00pm Pacific)


Join in this sacred circle, smudge and clear the energies, and come together as a collective community with singing and drumming to call in the wisdom of the elders and the healing medicine of Navajo Grandmother Spider Woman.

This is a beautiful way to remember all you’ve learned and the experiences you’ve shared throughout this retreat.

Also learn about sacred Native American lands and unbelievable experiences that can happen when you’re in the vortex.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Understand the importance of smudging to clear stagnant energies and to prepare your body and space for healing
  • Experience a sacred circle with Native American drumming and singing and the healing medicine of Navajo Grandmother Spider Woman
  • Learn about many Native American sacred lands and healing vortexes
  • Have all your remaining questions answered in a one-hour Q&A with Dr. Melanie


The Clearing & Manifesting Energies Retreat Bonus Offering

In addition to Dr. Melanie’s transformative 4-day online retreat, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the retreat and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Increase Your Vibration With Energy Medicine to Stimulate Your Brain
Video Interview From the Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit With Donna Eden, Hosted by Dr. Melanie Smith

Join Donna Eden, one the world’s most sought-after, joyous, and authoritative spokespersons for energy medicine, in a fun and joy-filled experience, as she shares how to raise your consciousness and increase your vibration using energy medicine. Evolve your energy to support your brain for higher consciousness while reducing stress by moving you away from fight/flight/freeze responses. She demonstrates 25 energy healing self-care techniques you can begin to incorporate into your life right away.


Bliss Brain How to Quickly Remodel Your Brain for Joy
Video Interview From the Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit With Dawson Church, PhD, Hosted by Dr. Melanie Smith

Dawson Church, award-winning author of Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Creativity, Resilience, and Joy... Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality... and The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention dug deep into leading-edge research to find stunning evidence that radical brain changes can occur quite rapidly under the proper circumstances. Learn how quickly synapses in your brain can go from firing to wiring when you reduce stress. Dawson shares how you can activate flow states that raise your consciousness by tapping acupressure points. He also guides you through a beautiful meditation to activate your flow states of joy.


Playing With Your Energetic Frequencies
Video Interview From the Shift Network’s Energy Medicine Summit With Dr. Melanie Smith

Join Dr. Melanie on a fun-filled journey as you explore vibrations and frequencies. Learn that as you elevate your energy vibrations, you begin to tap into your higher consciousness. It’s through this doorway or portal that the healing takes place. Using energy medicine self-care practices, activate and amplify your energies to boost your immune system, ground and center, calm your nervous system, support hormones, improve sleep, and activate your radiant energies.


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What Graduates of Dr. Melanie’s Courses Are Saying…

Vicki Matthews: “Melanie Is a Phenomenal Person and a Phenomenal Teacher”

Marion Ross: “If I Have a Physical Problem, I call Dr. Melanie”

Lynn Russell: “Dr. Melanie Is a Very Gifted Teacher”

Regina Mulligan: “Dr. Melanie Provides You With Actions You Can Take to Improve Your Health”

Craig Hagen: “My Appointments With Dr. Melanie Always Have the Same Result Improved Health and Energy”

Diana Czekalski: “Dr. Melanie's Methods on Strengthening the Immune System Have Been So Fabulous and Valuable”

“Dr. Melanie has provided a wealth of protocols and materials to address so many health challenges...”

I couldn't say enough about this course! So many aha! moments and revelations for diverse and nagging symptoms, both big and small, that have led to symptomatic relief. Dr. Melanie has provided a wealth of protocols and materials to address so many health challenges, as the vagus nerve affects and connects such a wide array of organs, systems, and tissues. Her clear, concise, and very explanatory teaching is highly absorbable, and the pull-out videos that The Shift Network provided make revisiting to learn all of the information infinitely easier. I would recommend this course to everyone, to help navigate the stresses inherent to everyday modern-day life.

Julie Guest

Spartanburg, South Carolina

EDIT 2704
“Every class is amazing!”

This is the third class I have had the pleasure of studying with Dr. Melanie! Every class is amazing! I share this information with my students and clients. I feel honored to have The Shift Network offer these classes and that I am able to share this knowledge to help make the world a better, healthier, and happier place!


Bay View, Wisconsin

EDIT 5246
“There were many insights and valuable tools during the course”

I feel better equipped to move through the aging process. There were many insights and valuable tools during the course that I can use.

Mary Catherine

Carbondale, Colorado

EDIT 5250
“This course is so packed with information and practical exercises...”

Doing exercises to attach the aura to the body has made a big difference to me in being less vulnerable to the energy of others. I also am noticing some shifts in long-term physical gut problems. This course is so packed with information and practical exercises that, now that I have finished the course, I want to go back to the beginning and do it all over at a slower pace.


Heerenveen, the Netherlands

EDIT 2705
“I feel more energetic and balanced now.”

This is an excellent course for me. It offers a holistic approach in healing our emotional and physical issues. I was not very good at sensing energy before the course. After the completion of the course, I am now more in tune with energy and can validate the shifts from the knowledge and the exercises in this course. With the practice of the exercises, I feel more energetic and balanced now. I expect more improvement in future with my consistent practices.


Ontario, Canada

EDIT 2707

Enroll & Invest in Your Growth

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Clearing & Manifesting Energies Retreat or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before October 20, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Melanie Smith...

Donna Eden, Energy Medicine Pioneer: “Melanie, I Think You’re Brilliant and Amazing!”

Ellen Meredith, Medical Intuitive & Conscious Channel: “Melanie's Work Is Rooted in Teaching You Ways to Care for and Heal Yourself”

Madison King, Head of Donna Eden’s Advanced Training: “Dr. Melanie Has a Unique Fusion of Three Key Qualities”

[Dr. Melanie] has profoundly impacted my life.

Dr. Melanie is a great teacher: thorough, knowledgeable, and engaging. She took difficult concepts and broke them down into manageable, usable information that changed my life. I learned so much in these classes, I sought her out for personal care. When I started seeing Dr. Melanie in 2014, she put me back together as I was struggling with divorce, chronic health conditions, physical and emotional exhaustion, and all of my systems being overwhelmed. Her work kept me going so I could juggle parenting, starting a new business, and all the things life was throwing at me. She restored my balance and strengthened my physical and emotional wellbeing. Now she is part of my regular health maintenance and I feel great! Her work has created a shift in my anxiety, depression, and fatigue and has reinforced my focus on self-care and balance. She has profoundly impacted my life.
April Boykin, LMHC

I have only the highest praise and utmost respect for the gift of Dr. Melanie's teaching.

Dr. Melanie has carefully, skillfully, and thoughtfully crafted the teaching of energy medicine and taken it to a new level. Having taken most of Dr. Melanie's energy mastery courses, I can honestly say that each one is better than the last; in fact, I won't hesitate to take the same course more than one time to absorb all the rich material. At the end of a workshop, one feels so empowered, so revitalized, so grateful, and so cared for that there is only anticipation for the next one. Having taught many workshops myself for over 40 years, both as an attorney (teaching other lawyers, judges, and juries) and as an energy medicine practitioner, I have only the highest praise and utmost respect for the gift of Dr. Melanie's teaching.
Karen L. Semmelman, JD, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

[Dr. Melanie’s] clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work.

I had the good fortune of being in one of Dr. Melanie's energy medicine classes. Her wellspring of knowledge is deep and clear. Her teaching style is precise and concise. Her clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work. Dr. Melanie's blend of experience and scientific background add credibility to the field of energy medicine.
Christine Simonetta, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

[Dr. Melanie is] brilliant, clear, and organized...

What I love about the way Dr. Melanie teaches is that she brings in the understanding and insight of different systems, so we are able to connect the dots between the symptoms and energetic imbalances to better understand what's happening in the body. I think she's brilliant, clear, and organized, and the protocols that she teaches are very easy to apply and use at home.
Dr. Anne Deatly, PhD, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

I consider Dr. Melanie to be one of the top teachers of energy medicine skills.

I count myself blessed to have had Dr. Melanie Smith as my teacher. She presents information in a clear, organized way, while keeping everything fun. Her lectures are enjoyable; the written handouts and visuals are easy to follow. I consider Dr. Melanie to be one of the top teachers of energy medicine skills.
Donna Kassewitz, EEMCP, Founder of Dolphin Energy Medicine and the Speak Dolphin Communication Research Project


Join the Global Community


Clearing & Manifesting Energies Retreat offers some of the most transformational online experiences available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Dr. Melanie Smith will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Frequently Asked Questions


What’s a virtual retreat?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the retreat themes.

Can I still benefit from the retreat if I miss the live sessions?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all retreat participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the retreat.

Are there scholarships available for this retreat?

Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this retreat is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the retreat risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is October 20, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

