The Frame Drum's Connection to Nature

Read below to find out about The Sacred Frame Drum’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Healing Power With Krista Holland

With Renowned Teacher, Frame Drummer & Founder of the Sacred Drumming Academy
Krista Holland

A X-module Virtual Audio Training

Can’t make it live? After each class, video and audio recordings are available to download and watch anytime.


Deepen your drumming skills and unlock the power of rhythm and drumming for shifting your consciousness as you immerse yourself in the frame drum’s rhythm and sacred practice as a self-care tool for stress reduction, self-healing, and creative wellbeing.


With our busy inner lives and sometimes chaotic outer world, many of us are turning to ancient practices and wisdom for timeless healing perspectives.

When ancient wisdom is powerful, healing, and true, it continues to reach across time to support us and help us heal.

So it is with sacred drumming.

The frame drum is a powerful tool for making beautiful music it opens healing potential in the mind, body, and spirit. It expands the consciousness and cultivates wellbeing.

Meanwhile, modern scientific research (including peer-reviewed studies) also confirm the power of this ancient tool finding that rhythm and drumming can play a vital role in wellness-based health protocols. They can alter brain wave patterns, potentially stimulate the human immune system, affect human biology and in some circumstances, even alter the human genome.

Whether you want to drum your child to sleep with a soothing melody, play the drum in nature to express your emotions, or calm and center your mind with a harmonizing rhythm the frame drum offers an array of modern, creative, healing possibilities.

And as with life itself, there’s always more to learn on your sacred drumming journey.

Join us for a live advanced 12-week online course with your guide and mentor Krista Holland, multifaceted teacher and frame drummer. You’ll step into a powerful drumming lineage of mystics, seekers, and devotees of the sacred. You’ll experience firsthand how sacred drumming is an essential part of the collective human story and has long led to improved health outcomes, powerful self-discovery, greater mental clarity, enhanced balance, a stronger sense of belonging, and more.

You’ll receive compassionate guidance that will lead you even deeper into the role of engaged rhythmic creator and participant.

Throughout your 12 weeks in this course, Krista will guide you to weave together the sacred, mythological, and technical aspects of drumming through story, visualization, somatic inquiry, and rhythm notations.

You’ll experience how drum rhythms entrain your heart and transform consciousness into mythic, spacious awareness filling life with sonic reverberations that honor the celestial rhythms... natural seasons... and stages of birth, growth, fruition, dissolution, death, and rebirth all vibrating through the infinite spirals of time.

Through these healing rhythms, you’ll have access to meditative practice and a contemplative reset whenever and wherever you need it.

You’ll delve into the concepts and principles of rhythm in what Krista calls digestible bites to help you break through blocks of stuck energy and undigested creative flow... so you can learn new ways to express yourself rhythmically with ease and confidence.

As always, Krista keeps the heady stuff lighthearted and fun. This system of learning and discovery is about the process rather than the goal. As the old adage goes, “The journey IS the destination.”

Join Krista and access simple, yet powerful time-tested sacred drumming practices plus conscious breathing, self-care techniques, powerful group practices, and the healing power of your own thoughts.


In this 12-week advanced online course, you’ll discover:

  • An array of techniques and ornamentations to be played on the frame drum that will take your frame drumming to the next level!
  • Hands-on practical instruction in Krista’s Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions
  • Which learning style best suits your current evolution and how to tap into different learning methods to accelerate your drumming abilities
  • Simple frame drumming rhythms that combine with chanting and singing with guest teacher Miranda Rondeau
  • How to create simple personal rituals and wellness practices with the aid of the drum for a variety of life moments and celebrations
  • How to shift your perspective from passive listener to active music-maker and create Spirit-led communication with your sacred drum
  • How to use a metronome for your drumming practice and methods for drumming that draw on your internal sense of timing 
  • Experimental exercises to enhance memorization and use the frame drum as a “memory temple”
  • The fascinating modern scientific research on the potential of drumming and music-making in health and wellness
  • Ways to shed your inhibitions and tap into the cathartic healing power of nonverbal rhythmic expression for self-healing and transformation
  • Why understanding the cultural context in which you’re drumming is so important
  • Methods for channeling emotions through your sacred drum playing

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Weeks

In this 12-week transformational intensive, Krista will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to explore a myriad of playing techniques and create your own drumming self-care practices.

A Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions With Krista

Each module will begin with a practical, hands-on sacred drumming lesson from Krista featuring the wide array of sounds and tonalities that can be created on this very simple, yet powerful instrument.

By the end of your 12 weeks together, you’ll have a new set of techniques with which to practice, personalize, and cultivate your own unique rhythmic signature for personal transformation and ritual.

The Power of Live Streaming Video


You’ll connect with Krista and experience her teachings through live streaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Krista’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)

Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 11:00am Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Krista. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to learn to play the frame drum or refine your existing skills to feel peace, balance, and a deep connection to sacred practice.

Module 1: Embracing Our Ancestral Soundscapes (January 11)


In the beginning, there was the heartbeat.

From the pulse of our mother’s heartbeat to the ocean-like currents of breath flow to the rhythms of our brain waves, we each come into human form bathed in the organizing principles of rhythm.

From moon cycles to the orbit of the stars and planets, to the tidal pull, our breath flow, the changing seasons, and the migration patterns of birds and animals, rhythm is a guiding principle of life.

In this opening week, you’ll begin your journey into the ancient and modern art of frame drumming by traveling back on a mythic journey to the earliest representations of human music-making and deep into our evolutionary past.

Our collective human ancestry is a story of rhythmic expression and communication that underlies our co-evolutionary history.

As you recognize that improvisational music-making is part of our most primal and collective origin story, it can help free you of inhibitions as you grant yourself deeper permission for expression through the medium of rhythm and drumming.

In this first module, you’ll discover:

  • Krista’s Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions including warm-ups, dynamics, and ghost notes
  • Visual evidence and anthropological theories on humans’ earliest known music-making and why it holds relevance for modern people
  • Why it’s believed that human tribal culture and communal bonding evolved through ritual sonic ceremonies, songlines, and myth-making and how the frame drum is part of our mythic human past, present, and potential future
  • A journey back in time to discover your primal connection to the universal longing to make sound, be in rhythm, and express yourself aurally
  • Ways to shed your inhibitions and tap into the cathartic healing power of nonverbal rhythmic expression for self-healing and transformation

Module 2: Healing With Modern Tools for Ancient Practice (January 18)


This week, you’ll delve into theories on the art of creative practice.

Krista will share the benefits, challenges, and healing opportunities that come with consistent and inspired practice.

You’ll explore novel ways to deepen and enhance your practice including a lifetime methodology for flourishing in your drumming... for self-care, powerful learning, and creative satisfaction.

Krista’s approach offers learning methods that honor and support a wide variety of learning styles.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Your Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions including expanded lessons on the frame drum’s elemental strokes, in the context of contemporary rhythms and compositions
  • Using a metronome for your drumming practice and methods for drumming that utilize your internal sense of timing and feel
  • Practice methods that honor the benefits of both freestyle and intuitive practice, and formulaic and structured praxis (practice)
  • Which learning style best suits your current evolution and how to tap into different learning methods to accelerate your drumming

Module 3: The Mythos of World Drumming Traditions (January 25)


Drumming, and the frame drum in particular, has a fascinating history and mythos.

This week, Krista will share how the frame drum has been used by varied cultures for a wide array of purposes including ritual, ceremony, rites of passage, celebration, ecstatic revelry, trance, divination, shamanic journeying, communal bonding, incitement of war, and more.

The stories and myths of the frame drum transform across time and geographical landscapes.

You’ll discover how modern Western frame drumming is a vibrant fusion of techniques and rhythms shared and exchanged by Indigenous, traditional, and contemporary cultures and peoples.

This rich cross-cultural exchange aspires to honor the roots of the diverse cultural context from which the arts of frame drumming spring and has birthed a new lineage of global frame drumming that’s connected to the rhythmic wisdom traditions of the past.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Your Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions  introducing traditional and contemporary world rhythms and compositions
  • Insights into the cultural origins and lineage from which the style or rhythm originated
  • Tales and stories of the mythic history of the frame drum over millennia and civilizations
  • How to develop a broader understanding of the historical and cultural context from which sacred frame drumming traditions grow
  • Insights into the migratory patterns of the frame drum and the journey of the sacred drum through eras of time

Module 4: Embracing the Universal Meta-Language of Music (February 1)


It’s long been said that music is the universal language. Even if we don’t understand the words someone is singing, we can find ourselves deeply touched by the voice, melody, cadence, and tonality.

In this module, Krista will share insights into the universal power of music as a meta-language of soulful communication. As she’ll explain, music and rhythm are forms of communication that created an early evolutionary advantage via group cohesion and social-bonding mechanisms.

For instance, when we listen to the musical expressions of the animal kingdom, we hear bird-call mating rituals, sonorous whale sounds, primate vocalizations, and wolf songs.

The enchantment of the sonic realm opens up the human imagination and can create a transporting quality that allows you to travel on auditory pathways to otherworldly places.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience Krista’s Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions with extended techniques for ornamentation
  • Broaden your understanding of the vital role that rhythm and music have played in human evolution
  • Receive compassionate guidance on bringing out your inner musician and drummer
  • Learn how to shift your perspective from passive listener to active music-maker
  • Discover how to create Spirit-led communication with your sacred drum

Module 5: Rhythms of Remembrance (With Guest Teacher Miranda Rondeau) (February 8)


In this inspiring module, you have the opportunity to learn from guest teacher Miranda Rondeau.

Like Krista, Miranda was a dedicated student of the late Layne Redmond, author of When the Drummers Were Women, and is a wisdom keeper and lineage holder of this powerful modern tradition with ancient roots.

Miranda has a unique gift for teaching others to combine the practice of frame drumming with song, voice, and chant.

You’ll learn simple drumming patterns and begin to add in your vocals, and express yourself with your voice and heart.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • A frame drumming lesson with Miranda Rondeau to introduce you to vocalize, chant, and sing while playing the frame drum 
  • Simple frame drumming rhythms that combine with chanting and singing 
  • The frame drum as a tool of remembrance
  • Deepen your understanding of the modern lineage of frame drummers  and how they connect to the ancient lore and myth of the sacred drum

Module 6: The Principles of Rhythm (February 15)


Drumming is all about rhythm. And each of us is born with rhythm, even those who firmly believe they have none.

As Krista says, if you have a heartbeat, then you have rhythm!

If you’re feeling the call to expand your drumming repertoire but are intimidated by rhythm theory, this module will empower you!

Krista will guide you to put a polyrhythm in your pulse, and dance and skip to the beat of your own heart and drum.

You’ll explore how life is a grand symphony of rhythm measured in the polarity of motion, sound, and breath.

In this module, you’ll dive into:

  • Your Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions, featuring expanded lessons in even-time cycles and speed changes
  • Principles of rhythm for creative drumming
  • Structured time and freeflow
  • Insights into feeling the groove

Module 7: Drumming Your Self-Expression (February 22)


Humans worldwide have a long and storied history of drumming for healing, celebration, grieving, entertainment, ritual, rites of passage, and nonverbal communication.

In this modern renaissance and reclamation of the frame drum as a method of healing and connection, many frame drum players continue to recognize the drum as a timeless instrument and means for self-expression. Profound transformation that can come through the power of rhythm.

Whether you feel melancholic or inspired, passionate or longing, the frame drum offers you an incredible tool for transforming raw emotion into potentized creative expression.

You’ll experience how the drum can become a beautiful device for healing, attunement, meditation, and Spirit-led creative expression.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Your weekly Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions, including snapping techniques and ornamentations
  • An array of techniques for using the drum as a potent tool of transformation
  • Methods for channeling emotions through your sacred drum playing
  • The incredible range of musical and emotional possibilities you can experience on the frame drum

Module 8: The Sacred Drum as a Memory Temple (March 1)


When you pick up the sacred frame drum to play, you’re picking up an instrument that’s rich in vibrant history and symbolic meaning.

This week, Krista will explain more about the fascinating history and diverse cross-cultural art forms of sacred frame drumming and share why it’s still relatively unknown to many modern people.

As Krista will share, when Layne Redmond’s book When the Drummers Were Women was published in 1997, there was a reawakening of the roots of the widespread lineage of sacred frame drumming in many areas of the world.

An awareness of how vast and multifaceted the artform was is now being brought back into the collective consciousness.

With the awareness of the roots of an ancient practice brought into the focus of collective attention, there is a fresh opportunity for modern people to connect with something very ancient, yet strikingly new.

Along with the stories, myths, and lore of the historical use of the frame drum, there is also a newfound recognition that drumming and being in rhythm can profoundly affect the mind and possibly even enhance memory, brain function, and cognition.

As you’ll discover, we have in our midst and our hands not only a tool of remembrance of the past, but a tool that quite possibly has the power to help us remember in the future.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions with sliding technique and ornamentations
  • Why the art of frame drumming has been forgotten and lost in the mists of time in many world areas
  • The historical use of memory techniques and their relevance to modern-day drummers
  • Experimental exercises to enhance memorization
  • How to use the frame drum as a memory temple

Module 9: The Ethos of Sacred Drumming (March 8)


While much has been written about shamanic and trance drumming, the concept of sacred drumming, though familiar to some, has not been as thoroughly explored.

In our quest for deeper understanding and honoring of the wisdom traditions of these art forms, we will explore some of the commonalities and differences between shamanic, trance, and sacred drumming. We will contemplate the ethics around the use of these words and practices and the cultural context in which various forms of drumming arise.

We will delve into the ideas and various meanings behind the term “sacred drumming,” speak to the ethos of the modern global community of drum enthusiasts, and contemplate the ideas and approaches that connect us and create greater respect, reverence, and camaraderie.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Your Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional & Contemporary World Rhythms & Compositions, including the “Fan Technique”
  • Why understanding the cultural context in which you’re drumming is so important
  • Contemplations on the ethos of sacred drumming
  • Drumming for connection and camaraderie
  • Ethical considerations for using the frame drum in personal or professional practice

Module 10: The Modern Research & Science of Drumming (March 15)


Fascinating research has been conducted over the years on the power of rhythm and drumming to alter brain wave patterns, potentially stimulate the human immune system, affect human biology and in some circumstances, even alter the human genome.

This week you’ll explore how, while drumming does not present a cure-all, it does show promising results in peer-reviewed studies.

For instance, studies show that hand drumming in multiple settings can play a vital role in wellness-based health protocols. Krista also will share some of the research results of drumming in clinical settings and the specific protocols and parameters that hold healing potential.

Beyond what the research says, many people have noted that after a focused drumming session, they feel a shift in consciousness and often a change in mood or energy.

Evidence is mounting that the study and practice of recreational music-making in general, and drumming specifically, can benefit the brain and other aspects of the mind and emotions.

Whether the benefits arise purely from the “placebo effect”-type mental and emotional shift, or if there is something in the structure of rhythm that has the potential to alter physiology will be one of the questions you’ll explore.

You’ll also learn more about positioning your sacred frame drumming practice in context within modern health research and how to use the drum as a complementary tool and healing adjunct in your self-care and personal wellness practice.

These teachings and findings will add one more dimension to the rich and multifaceted art and practice of sacred frame drumming.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions, including beginning instruction in the “split hand technique”
  • Modern scientific research on the potential of drumming and music-making in health and wellness
  • The specific protocols that show the most significant potential health benefits from music-making
  • How to design a personal wellness practice that utilizes drumming, humming, and conscious breathing
  • Discover which brain wave rhythms are associated with trance states and other attributes of neurology brought on by drumming

Module 11: Rituals of Resonance (March 22)


The frame drum was one of the main ritual and ceremonial instruments played in the mystery schools of the Mediterranean. It was written about in biblical passages of the Far East and undoubtedly referenced in the wisdom traditions and oral teachings of the ancient past.

In this module, Krista will share how modern scholars and independent researchers of the frame drum believe that the observances and rites of passage of antiquity were highly sonic and musical in their structure.

The frame drum played a prominent role in these rituals of resonance, group entertainment, and celebration.

Modern research suggests that repetitive rhythms, including people drumming in unison, have the capacity to shift a person's brain waves. Sound healers, music therapists, and scientists are studying the effects of rhythmic auditory stimulation in various settings to understand the far-reaching potential the power of rhythm might have on a variety of health challenges and opportunities.

Playing the frame drum is also a beautiful means for attuning your attention and enhancing mental focus. When approached with intention, a sustained drumming-based self-care practice may even help uplift thought vibrations and create soulful resonance whether playing alone or within a group of people.

The power of sustained concentration and focus can support modern people in the joys and challenges of everyday living...

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions, including trance rhythms and subdivisions
  • A variety of ways to utilize drumming to enhance mental concentration
  • Techniques to help you sustain your focus while you're drumming and how to know when to let go and flow
  • Shifting between objects of attention while you’re drumming and how these shifts can affect your drumming style and enhance your drumming-based self-care practice
  • How to create simple personal rituals with the aid of the drum for a variety of life moments and celebrations

Module 12: The Circle of Belonging (March 29)


The frame drum is a special and sacred instrument among many...

Its basic circular shape and rich mythic history remind us of our individual and collective potential to create awe-inspiring meaning and beauty from the most elemental circumstances, with the simplest of instruments.

In the mythos of the sacred drum, we all sit on even ground within the circle of human belonging.

The frame drum you’ll have discovered and rediscovered over these 12 weeks doesn’t belong to just one culture, country, era of time, or person.

In this closing session, Krista will remind you how the sacred frame drum connects us all to the collective ancestral stories of our human evolution and the cultures born by our being raised and nurtured within the circle of drumming, rhythm, and song.

When we learn of all the ways humans have come together over millennia in acts of reverie and reverence, ritual and celebration, grieving and meaning-making we feel connected by the invisible threads of our shared humanity.

Krista will invite you to remember that you’re an integral part of The Great Rhythm of All Things, and that you have a seat in the circle of belonging.

In this closing module, you’ll explore:

  • Your Weekly Frame Drumming Lesson on Traditional and Contemporary World Rhythms and Compositions using all of the techniques of the sessions
  • A review of the arc of progression of learning
  • How to tether yourself to your sacred practice, whether solo or in community drums circles
  • Your next evolutionary edge in drumming so you can keep discovering and growing in your self-care and sacred drumming practice

The Sacred Frame Drum’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Healing Power Bonus Collection

In addition to Krista’s transformative 12-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, December 9, you’ll receive this first bonus as an extra gift:

Guided Meditation: Radiant Immunity Sacred Drumming, Breath Practice & Sound Healing
Audio Meditation From Krista Holland

Relax to the sound of the sacred frame drum and other enchanting instruments while being guided into the depths of your essence, being, and breath. Krista will guide you to attune to your life-force energy, recalibrate your mind, and envision your radiant health and vibrant immunity. This meditation is perfect for revitalization during a break in the middle of your work day, to listen to for stress reduction, or to sink into for relaxation and inspiration anytime you need a shift in perspective.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, December 21, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Sound Healing Summit Drumming & Rhythm Compilation
Curated Selection of 5 Sessions From Shift’s Summit Archives

Are you ready for new ways to create vibrant health for yourself, your family, and your community? These five recordings from this year’s Sound Healing Summit offer you a variety of perspectives on music, drumming, rhythm, and more. The visionary speakers reveal the curative, evolutionary, and proven powers of these sound-healing tools. You’ll hear from Krista Holland, Christine Stevens, Three Trees, and Barbara Borden.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, January 5, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Chair Yoga for Drummers
Video Practice From Krista Holland

This practice from Krista will help you lubricate your joints, move stagnant energy, and transform exhaustion into vitalizing energy. Wonderfully refreshing, chair yoga is perfect for shifting your state of mind and body in the middle of your workday, or as an adjunct to your drumming practice. Activate your life-force energy while stretching your limbs for a healthier range of motion... all while sitting! This practice includes variations that honor diverse abilities and body types.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

Recreational Music-Making: Scientific Research on Its Implications for Health, Creative Expression, Stress Reduction & General Wellbeing
Video DIalogue With Krista Holland and Dr. Barry Bittman

Watch as Krista interviews Dr. Barry Bittman, Board Chairman, CEO, and President of the Yamaha Music and Wellness Institute. Dr. Bittman’s peer-reviewed published scientific research focuses on stress reduction from psychosocial to genomic levels using novel creative music expression strategies. Explore some of his fascinating discoveries on the power of music for healing and wellbeing. You’ll learn exactly which elements shift music-making from an artistic endeavor to a transformative healing modality for the mind and body.


Hand-Health Movement Protocol for Musicians
Video Teaching From Krista Holland

This brand-new movement protocol from Krista is perfect for musicians, artists, bodyworkers, and anyone who wants to strengthen, stretch, and lubricate the joints of the hands, shoulders, and arms. This hand-health practice, developed exclusively for you as part of The Shift Network, can also help you rebalance your hands and wrists.


Slow Yoga Flow With the Frame Drum as a Tool
Video Teaching From Krista Holland


Learn to use the frame drum as a tool in your yoga practice with this innovative approach. Krista designed this teaching based on her 7,000+ hours of teaching Hatha Yoga to a diverse and dedicated student body and her 30 years of personal yoga and embodiment practice. This flow works on strength, flexibility, balance, and focus.



7 Steps to Creating a Personal Sacred Frame Drumming Ritual
Full-Color PDF Guide From Krista Holland

Whether for yourself, your family, or your community, creating simple rituals with your sacred frame drum can add depth, meaning, and devotion to your life and practice.  When possible and appropriate, you can also place your rituals and practice within your ancestral cultural context. In this compendium, you’ll learn to approach ritual in a way that honors timeless and cross-cultural principles of pure devotion and reciprocity to nature, the elements, and the rhythms of life.


What Graduates of Rhythms & Myths of the Sacred Frame Drum Are Saying...


Lena Hirschler: “Krista Teaches You How to Bring Much More Joy Into Your Life Through Drumming”

Melissa Vanek: “I Gained a Whole New Connection, a Whole New Language”

Aimee Ryan: “I Was Just Looking for a Drumming Teacher, But What I Got Was So Much More”

“There was a beauty, a grace, and an ease with learning to play the frame drum with Krista Holland.”

There was a beauty, a grace, and an ease with learning to play the frame drum with Krista Holland. I mostly watched the recordings, which were fantastic, and I practiced with the short videos from them. I joined a couple live sessions toward the end, which was wonderful. I really loved learning the frame drum and it has become a regular contemplative and fun practice within my life. Thank you so much to Krista.
Prue, Sydney, Australia

“Krista Holland is a fantastic teacher and made learning to play the frame drum fun.”

Krista Holland is a fantastic teacher and made learning to play the frame drum fun. Through her in-depth knowledge of its history, connection with the elementals, and the spirit of the Earth, I experienced a feeling, a remembering of the ancient mystery schools. It was a wonderful course thank you!
Viola M., Ithaca, New York

“This course was perfect for me.”

I have wanted to play the fame drum for some time. I actually took another online course but it wasn’t as clearly taught as this. I appreciated the time Krista took to explain how to hold the drum properly and how she, many times, reminded us to relax our hands or arms. I am slow, but I have the tools to build on, and an embodied sense of a relationship with my drum and with the rhythms. It is awesome to be a beginner! The concept of a community of drummers is so appealing. This course was perfect for me. Drumming my gratitude...
Valerie, Kensington, Maryland

“Now I can truly use my drumming practice in an infinite amount of ways to enhance and assist my connection to Gaia and the patterns of my life.”

I loved learning how to play the frame drum using the elements as a way to conceptualize the playing style and sound of my handmade drums. This is what attracted me to the course in the first place, and I was not disappointed. As a geomancer, I work within the elements of the Medicine Wheel on a daily basis. Now I can truly use my drumming practice in an infinite amount of ways to enhance and assist my connection to Gaia and the patterns of my life. Thank you to all involved.
Lisa Drury, Adelaide, Australia

“For me it was a beautiful way of taking the first steps in playing, and with what I’ve learned, I can continue to practice and grow.”

It was wonderful to learn to play the frame drum with Krista Holland. With her soft, loving, and light energy she helped me discover playing the frame drum in a way that made me feel like “Yes, I can do this.” I liked the method of working with the elements. And as Krista led us into a contemplative state while playing, there naturally followed a way of playing from my own inspiration. For me it was a beautiful way of taking the first steps in playing, and with what I’ve learned, I can continue to practice and grow. I can really recommend this course. So far I’ve taken three introductory courses with The Shift Network, and all three times I was very happy with the quality of the teachers and the content. Still carry that with me today.
Monique, Gerri de la Sal, Spain

“This course was brilliant and filled all my expectations.”

This course was brilliant and filled all my expectations. I am now able to play and have a lot of pleasure in practicing. Thank you very much.
Valérie, France

“I discovered a whole new relationship to drumming that I didn’t know of before.”

I am very pleased with the course. It brought a whole new dimension of understanding about women being the original frame drummers and knowing that there is a feminine historical and mythological lineage to the frame drum. Krista is an amazing instructor. She lays a good foundation to learning how to play the drum, uses repetition as an important tool for learning, challenges, encourages intuitive playing, and comes from a nurturing, sacred approach. I am so glad I took this course. I discovered a whole new relationship to drumming that I didn’t know of before.
Loni Coppin, Duluth, Minnesota

“Very good introduction to hand drumming and the spiritual, historical, and meditative aspects...”

Very good introduction to hand drumming and the spiritual, historical, and meditative aspects, as well as the different drum rhythms and explanations. It all touched my heart and mind.
Debra McCracken, Las Vegas, Nevada

“I am new to the frame drum and found the course inspiring, uplifting, and challenging for my hands and mind.”

I am new to the frame drum and found the course inspiring, uplifting, and challenging for my hands and mind. Krista Holland’s teaching is very clear and encouraging, presenting techniques from several different perspectives.
Sandra, Great Britain

“The sacred drum allows me to play music, relax, and finally express my musical creativity.”

I have always loved music but could never learn to play an instrument. The sacred drum allows me to play music, relax, and finally express my musical creativity. And what a great way to connect with nature and the elements! This was a great course with a great teacher!
Corinne, Canada


Join the Global Community


The Sacred Frame Drum’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Healing Power offers some of the most advanced online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Krista Holland will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that’s on the leading edge of a global movement of people manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Krista Holland

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from multifaceted teacher and frame drummer Krista Holland from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to play the frame drum or refine your existing skills by immersing yourself in its techniques and ancient cross-cultural history... to feel peace, balance, and a deep connection with others. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 11:00am Pacific.

Twelve Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the digital video will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twelve Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Three 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following sessions 3, 6, and 9. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only and are not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Sacred Frame Drum’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Healing Power Bonus Collection

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, December 9, you’ll receive this first bonus as an extra gift:

  • Guided Meditation: Radiant Immunity Sacred Drumming, Breath Practice & Sound Healing
    Audio Meditation From Krista Holland

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, December 21, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Sound Healing Summit Drumming & Rhythm Compilation
    Curated Selection of 5 Sessions From Shift’s Summit Archives

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, January 5, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Chair Yoga for Drummers
    Video Practice From Krista Holland

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

  • Recreational Music-Making: Scientific Research on Its Implications for Health, Creative Expression, Stress Reduction & General Wellbeing
    Video DIalogue With Krista Holland and Dr. Barry Bittman
  • Hand-Health Movement Protocol for Musicians
    Video Teaching From Krista Holland
  • Slow Yoga Flow With the Frame Drum as a Tool
    Video Teaching From Krista Holland
  • 7 Steps to Creating a Personal Sacred Frame Drumming Ritual
    Full-Color PDF Guide From Krista Holland

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Sacred Frame Drum’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Healing Power Online Training


We feel honored that Krista Holland has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a multifaceted teacher and frame drummer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about learning to play the frame drum or refine your existing skills to feel peace, balance, and a deep connection with others, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Note: If you have NOT experienced Krista’s Rhythms & Myths of the Sacred Frame Drum teachings before (through her 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask that you register at a different page. Please click here to learn more and register.

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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Sacred Frame Drum’s Ancient Wisdom & Modern Healing Power or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before January 25, 2022 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Krista Holland...

“It’s nothing short of magic...”

Krista is one of those rare magicians that can combine sacred drumming, deep knowledge of the Sacred Feminine, and equally deep knowledge of modern psychology and neuroscience with dexterity and mastery. The resulting alchemy is quite a heady mix, and a workshop with her is the equivalent of diving deep down the rabbit’s hole with Alice. It’s nothing short of magic, and staring in awe at our sacred place in the Divine Mother’s infinite loving womb!
Raja Choudhury, speaker, filmmaker, and teacher of Awakening Your Kundalini

“Sacred drumming brought me back in touch with my original rhythm and essence...”

Sacred drumming brought me back in touch with my original rhythm and essence and I will be forever grateful for the true, clear, and loving way that Krista channeled the teachings of sacred drumming. It awakened the deep, subtle, and powerful energies of my heart!
Demaris Wehr, author of Jung and Feminism

“Krista’s ability to demonstrate, entertain, and teach the drum without ever losing touch with the sacred, ancient roots of the practice is a true gift.”

Krista’s ability to demonstrate, entertain, and teach the drum without ever losing touch with the sacred, ancient roots of the practice is a true gift. Her class is part of the voice of the ancestress, calling us home to the powerful mystery of belonging to an endless lineage of holy women and mothers.
Jumana Sophia, founder of Her Mystery School

“Krista’s teaching and research are at the forefront of the global interest in sacred drumming.”

Krista’s teaching and research are at the forefront of the global interest in sacred drumming. Her depth of wisdom and passion for her subject are sure to inspire those called to take up this ancient instrument for transforming consciousness and for creating greater health and wellbeing.
David Crow, author, herbalist, educator, founder of Floracopeia Aromatic Treasures

“Through this work, I have stepped more fully into my feminine leadership.”

Through Krista’s skilled facilitation, I activated my purpose and passion. I was doubting the value of my gifts, but with her help I became more clear on the significance of my contribution. Through this work, I have stepped more fully into my feminine leadership. Krista is adept at calling forth the highest expression of each client. She demonstrates how to live a life of balance, beauty, and prosperity.
Crystal Arnold, founder of Money-morphosis

“With grace and mastery, Krista invited my best self forward, illuminating a whole new horizon of possibilities for my life and service.”

Working with Krista is life-changing. She effortlessly weaves powerful wisdom from ancient mystical traditions into teachings that feel so resonant and alive particularly for those of us yearning for a higher way of being in the world. With grace and mastery, Krista invited my best self forward, illuminating a whole new horizon of possibilities for my life and service.
Lexi Soulios, holistic therapist and creator of The Eleusis Method


About Krista Holland

Krista Holland, a multifaceted teacher and frame drummer, is the founder of the Sacred Drumming Academy, where she shares her in-depth training and studies of the frame drum and leads sacred drumming circles and ceremonies. She has devoted more than 25 years of research and practice to the frame drum and its incredible cross-cultural history, and has 15 years of experience teaching the frame drum to others.

Krista learned the art of frame drumming along with ritual, myth, and ancient feminine drum history while apprenticing for 14 years under the tutelage of the late Layne Redmond, author of When the Drummers Were Women. Krista also counts Babatunde Olatunji, Yshai Afterman, and Walter Garces among her most influential drumming teachers.

Primarily focusing her frame drumming on its healing aspects rather than on drum performance, Krista has drummed privately for cancer patients in hospice, pregnant mothers at their blessing ways, grieving parents, modern temple dancers, trance journeys, children at bedtime, elderhood rites of passage, and a variety of other life ceremonies and rituals.

Krista is known for her unique style of playing, her powerfully transformative teaching, and her knowledge of the mythology and widespread history connected to the ancient lineage of global frame drummers. She teaches sacred drumming through online and in-person private classes, group workshops, immersions, and international retreats.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you have NOT experienced Krista’s Rhythms & Myths of the Sacred Frame Drum teachings before (through her 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask that you register at a different page. Please click here to learn more and register.
