With Yoga Therapist and
Founder & President of Grief Support Network
Wendy Black Stern

New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Transform grief into greater self-understanding, love, gratitude, and new possibilities with mindfulness and gentle somatic movement... in a supportive, compassionate virtual community.

Suffering a loss of any kind can be stressful, painful, and scary. We feel broken, overwhelmed, and vulnerable, as the world we knew crumbles around us.

Yet, ultimately the potent energies of these difficult emotions can be the impetus for profound transformation...

... for discovering more about who you truly are deep inside, as you experience a metamorphosis the becoming of who you will be in the wake of your loss.

It’s not easy… and it’s quite natural to want to avoid the tsunami of feelings building within you.

In this new 7-week online journey with yoga therapist Wendy Stern, you’ll be gently and compassionately guided to open to these feelings… and learn how to release them. 

Through simple mindfulness exercises, easy, yoga-based somatic movements, sharing circles, journaling, and meditation, you’ll learn how to tune in to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and the emotions and sensations you hold.

You’ll discover how to track and embrace your evolution of identity, as you traverse the in-between place of knowing you’re not who you were, but not yet knowing who you’ll be.

You’ll discover how important it is to bring grief and its associated emotions to the surface to be healed and transformed into greater self-understanding, love, and gratitude.

Wendy will help you take small steps out of the darkness and into a sense that “everything is going to be okay.” She’ll help you build your faith and trust in a future that is slowly emerging within and around you.

Your heart will open... and you’ll begin to see the gifts in your journey what you’re learning about yourself and the world, not in spite of your grief, but because of it.

When you can accept the part of yourself that has been forever changed, and you’re willing to sit in the fire of the unknown, Wendy teaches, you open to more love and gratitude, deeper self-knowledge, new possibilities, and a newfound purpose.

As Wendy discovered, out of your darkest pain comes your deepest love.

Over the course of this profound program, you’ll not only discover practices and tools to help break through any resistance to being with and working through your grief, you’ll also be welcomed and held by a loving and supportive virtual community that will be there for you the whole way.

Co-creating a safe container for doing this tender-hearted, important work together will be a primary focus of this course, with weekly community sharing circles guided by Wendy. Grieving in the collective offers you a reflection of your true nature and the light that can grow out of the darkness of your loss.

Welcome a Courageous & Compassionate Guide

There is no better guide to help you along this difficult path than someone who has successfully traversed it firsthand...

Wendy has faced the heartache and despair of great loss and emerged from the darkness into the light with hard-earned wisdom, a deepened sense of love, and empowering self-discoveries that have become the foundations of her teachings.

Through her own immense sadness over the loss of her 9-month-old son several years ago, she found her way “back” to a new life by melding mindfulness practices with the somatic movements of her yoga practice to create a holistic approach to grieving...

... a process that can help you gently and lovingly work through the difficult emotions of grieving... and into a new life you can treasure.

Wendy has dedicated her life’s work to supporting others in healing and transforming through the process of grief.

She has helped hundreds cross the bridge from the immense overwhelm of their grief to acceptance, letting go, deep gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, self-love, and a new reimagined life.

She shows us that from this powerful place of transformation, your newfound deepening of love and connection can ripple out to touch the lives of others.

Wendy’s is a story of transformation... a journey of healing and change. This is the true gift of grief... and it can be yours, too.

During this profound 7-week journey with Wendy, you’ll discover:

  • A feeling of connection within community that creates a safe container for vulnerability and authentic sharing
  • How somatic movement and mindfulness open the door to self-discovery, acceptance, and the release of difficult emotions
  • How gentle yoga therapy practices can support you in bringing old wounds to the surface to be transformed into self-understanding, love, and gratitude
  • An overview of the philosophy and primary teachings of mindful grieving
  • How to witness yourself and others and serve as a mirror and sounding board which can ultimately open you to loving yourself more fully
  • A safe space in which to explore your authentic relationship with yourself and release old stories and self-limiting beliefs
  • A greater understanding of the word “acceptance” and how to gain support to release resistance to how your life is now
  • Guidance to explore your dreams, desires, and fears around change
  • Mindfulness and somatic movement practices to explore where you’re holding back and how to let go
  • The blocks that hinder your process of change and how to help your soul’s purpose be realized
  • Greater awareness and support to live the change you desire

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational journey, Wendy will guide you through a mind/body/spirit approach to processing the emotions associated with grief, helping you open to the healing and new possibilities that await you in accepting and embracing your life reimagined.

The Power of Live Streaming Video

You’ll connect with Wendy and experience her teachings through live streaming video. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Wendy’s guidance. Or you can easily connect just via audio if you choose through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format at your convenience.)

Course Sessions Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific.

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Wendy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to work through resistance to the feelings associated with grief and receive the gifts that await you through acceptance, greater self-love, and gratitude.

Module 1: The Power of Grieving in Community Creating a Safe Container (September 3)

We begin this journey by co-creating a safe space for your grief to be felt, expressed, shared, and healed. Together, we’ll create a virtual circle that offers unconditional love and acceptance where all experiences and feelings are acknowledged and validated.

You’ll learn to be a witness for yourself and others, cultivating compassion, self- awareness, and connection. Trust will be created to invite greater vulnerability and authentic sharing.

And, we’ll explore the relationship between our thoughts, emotions, spirit, and physical bodies to create a learning community in which our grief serves as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • An understanding of the group’s sharing guidelines, fostering a greater sense of safety and connection to others who are grieving
  • A feeling of connection within community that creates a safe container for vulnerability and sharing
  • How somatic movement and mindfulness open the door to self-discovery, acceptance, and the release of difficult emotions
  • How gentle yoga therapy practices can support you in bringing old wounds to the surface to be transformed into self-understanding, love, and gratitude
  • An overview of the philosophy and primary teachings of mindful grieving
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

Module 2: Cultivating Profound Presence Through Body Awareness (September 10)

Opening to the belief that you have to “feel it to heal it,” you’ll dive deep into somatic exploration to cultivate greater presence and awareness of the sensations, thoughts, feelings, and spirit within you. You’ll learn how to track your emotions, including where they “live” in your body, and to courageously lean into your feelings, rather than avoid them.

You’ll also explore the art of holding sacred space for others and the power of being witnessed in your authentic expression. Through shared experiences of loss and a compassionate group presence, you’ll come to know and love yourself more fully.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to feel your grief and notice the emotions and sensations held in your body, so you can move through and release them
  • Tools for cultivating greater awareness of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies
  • How to witness yourself and others and serve as a mirror and sounding board which can ultimately open you to loving yourself more fully
  • The value of grieving in the collective, which offers you a reflection of your true nature and the light that can grow out of the darkness of grief
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

Module 3: Unconditional Love & Acceptance Exploring Your Relationship With Yourself (September 17)

When our hearts break open, there’s an inherent opportunity to explore our shadow aspects those parts of ourselves we hide from or keep out of the light.

This week, through mindfulness practices and somatic exploration, you’ll learn to illuminate these shadow selves as pathways to supporting, loving, and accepting who you truly are.

Self-love is also born from acceptance of your loss one of the most challenging aspects of the grieving process. Yet, when acceptance is connected to honoring and loving oneself through grief regardless of how painful the circumstances powerful transformation can occur. You can not only move through your grief, you can stop resisting yourself and your life, which opens the door to true peace​.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Greater self-understanding, compassion, and self-love through gentle yoga therapy and somatic movement
  • A safe space in which to explore your authentic relationship with yourself and release old stories and self-limiting beliefs
  • A greater understanding of the word “acceptance,” and support to release resistance to how your life is now
  • How to listen to your heart’s desires as you explore your relationship with acceptance, forgiveness, and self-love
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

Module 4: Grief as a Teacher A Journey of Transformation & Uncovering Your True Self (October 1)

The journey of grief can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation when we’re able to sit quietly with ourselves and receive the wisdom that can only come from within.

This week, you’ll explore what you’re learning about yourself and the world, not in spite of your grief, but because of it. You’ll learn how to open yourself to the teachings of your loss and its hidden gifts.

You’ll be supported to shed the armor that protects your heart so you can be fully seen and loved for who you are.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The hidden teachings and gifts within the grieving process that enable you to allow more love and life to flow in
  • Increased clarity and awareness of what you’re learning about yourself, your relationships, and the world as a result of your loss
  • How you can bring the teachings of your grief more fully into your life as a pathway to gratitude
  • Your internal and external resources for accessing your inner wisdom and a greater sense of freedom in your life
  • How to be vulnerable as you explore the teachings of your shadow selves
  • An understanding of how you guard your heart, so you can become aware of when this is serving you and when it’s not
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

Module 5: The Evolution of Identity Through Loss Opening to Who You’re Becoming (October 8)

When you experience a loss, a part of you dies the person you once were before undergoing a metamorphosis. The identity crisis inherent in this process calls for you to grieve the loss of the old you… and at the same time, to be aware of and open to the potential of who you’re becoming​.

This can feel stressful, painful, scary, and vulnerable, but ultimately it has the power to lead you to profound transformation and a newfound sense of purpose. From this powerful place, you feel greater love for and a deeper connection to yourself gifts that can ripple outward to touch the lives of others.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Support to explore the evolution of your identity through your experience of loss
  • The “Tunnel of Terror” as a metaphor to better understand your personal evolution of identity
  • Gentle guidance and support to grieve the parts of yourself that have died as you open to new parts that are ready to be birthed
  • Your true heart’s desires and your emerging path and purpose
  • An increased awareness of your inner spark and resiliency
  • Greater authenticity as you explore who you are now, as a result of your loss
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

Module 6: Embracing Change Support for Tuning In to Your Purpose (October 15)

This week, you’ll discover how grieving can open you to passion, purpose, and even a willingness to change. The new you, percolating beneath the surface, needs your attention, and you’ll receive support in stepping out of your comfort zone to try on this new identity.

You’ll learn tools and practices for gaining courage to breathe life into the parts of yourself that are ready to emerge... exploring what brings you joy, connects you to others and yourself and ignites passion and purpose.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Guidance to explore your dreams, desires, and fears around change
  • Mindfulness and somatic movement practices to explore where you’re holding back and how to let go
  • The blocks that hinder your process of change and how to help your soul’s purpose be realized
  • Greater awareness and support to live the change you desire
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

Module 7: Planting Seeds for Transformation Creating Positive Change in Your Life (October 22)

As you open to the energy of renewal and step into your new life with greater intention, you find that it is possible to hold joy and grief, love and pain, and to honor all aspects of yourself fully.

You’ve created space for the fullness of your grief experience and arrived at your center  the integration of the old and new you. You can truly feel your wholeness as a person, are better able to stay present, and can ride the currents of your transformation with greater ease.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • That the process of renewal is a returning to yourself again and again to re-evaluate and honor what you feel, think, believe, and know yourself to be
  • How to let go of self-limiting beliefs to become more expansive and self-empowered
  • A deeper feeling of intimacy and connection within the virtual community, as you’re supported in awakening to your new life
  • Self-reflections for further understanding your internal and external resources
  • Practices for integrating your learnings from this profound journey
  • 30 minutes of gentle movement to help you integrate the week’s teachings, your emotional shifts, and new self-discoveries

The Life Reimagined Bonus Collection

In addition to Wendy’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Create a Container for Your Grief: A Daily Practice for Tending to Your Grief & Letting Go
Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Wendy Stern

While there is no road map or right way to grieve, there are some gentle, supportive practices that can support you to tend to yourself and move through your experience of loss. In this video, Wendy shares with you a simple, yet powerful practice that you can do each day to create a container for yourself to feel your emotions without becoming swallowed up by the intensity of your grief. By creating a container for your grief, you will be guided to feel your emotions and release them a little bit each day, so that you do not have to carry the burden of your grief with you throughout your life. You will also receive a handout that explains how to do the practice.

Practices to Support Healing From Grief
3 Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy Stern

Connect to body, heart, mind, and spirit as Wendy guides you into your inner sanctuary through three guided audio meditation practices. In each practice, you’ll explore the inner territory of your being, become intimate with the places where you’re holding your grief in your body, and be supported to let go of resistance and allow your emotions to flow. As a result, you’ll feel more grounded and centered in your life, accepting and compassionate toward yourself, and empowered to open to gratitude and self-love as you create positive changes in your life.

The Fearless Path of Mindful Grieving: 4 Tenets to Support You Through Your Journey of Grief & Transformation
PDF Teaching From Wendy Stern

Meditation is a powerful teacher when you’re grieving. These four principles of how to bring mindfulness into the grief process and transform yourself through your loss came to Wendy on the top of a mountain while she was sitting in deep meditation surrounded by the spiritual presence of her son, Noah. In this special offering, you’ll be invited to look within and open to greater love and understanding of yourself and the wisdom that comes through your loss by learning how to live in the present moment, open your heart to feel more, be vulnerable and authentic, and transform pain into love.

Broken Open
Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Elizabeth Lesser

Loss breaks you open, yet it can awaken you to new and radically authentic ways of being. Mirabai Starr (author, spiritual teacher, and certified bereavement counselor) speaks with renowned author and inspirational speaker Elizabeth Lesser (frequent Oprah guest, author of Broken Open and Marrow, and co-founder of Omega Institute) about Elizabeth’s experience as the donor for her sister’s bone marrow transplant, and companioning Maggie as she died a year later. As humans we learn, grow, and connect through storytelling, and as you’ll see, Elizabeth is a gifted storyteller.

What People Are Saying About Wendy Black Stern...

“This format works, it is safe, and it changes lives.”

Wendy’s knowledge has been priceless, and all gained from real-life, in-the-field experience. This format works, it is safe, and it changes lives. The truth is we are all walking around with grief, most of it unprocessed due to the cultural standard here in the West. This is cutting-edge work, bringing what most of us isolate and hide to the surface and into community. I feel my heart has been blasted open, I feel my own personal growth work has been elevated, and I feel deeply committed and inspired to share this work with the world.
Willow Meili

“... helped me reconnect with myself in ways that I didn’t even know I needed.”

Having a safe and nourishing weekly container to attend to my grief process and physical body needs has been profound and deeply healing for me. I came to Boulder with no community and no sense of connection with others, while also moving through debilitating grief. Knowing that every week I could step into a safe place dedicated to the grieving process has felt truly supportive. This process has helped me reconnect with myself in ways that I didn’t even know I needed. Thank you, Wendy and Grief Support Network, for creating such a nourishing, safe, healthy and embodied place to support me and my grief. I am deeply grateful for your work and the level of commitment you have for the grieving process.

“It’s a commitment, and it’s worth it.”

It’s a commitment, and it’s worth it. I had no idea the way grief lived inside of me, unacknowledged, until this course. Having the support of others in this unique community setting is priceless. Harnessing the mind-body connection is invaluable.

“... such a great support to have.”

Wendy is such a great support to have. She is open, listens intently, and offers beautiful feedback and words of wisdom. I feel very grateful that I was put in touch with her and the Grief Support Network.

“... I stepped into my power and I felt in every cell of my body that I am worth it...”

I have processed lots of grief in my life and I wasn’t sure there was much left to uncover. I knew I wasn’t in an acute grieving process and I was still curious about how a grief retreat might help me move forward in my life. I learned grief can present itself in many different forms. I learned to recognize when I’m relating to people from a place of my wounded child, and that awareness gives me the freedom to step back, take good care of myself, and choose how I want to respond to what life has presented. In my retreat, I stepped into my power and I felt in every cell of my body that I am worth it I have what I need and I know how to ask for help when I need more! I am so excited and so energized to return to my life.

“... helped me learn to breathe again, both physically and emotionally.”

This program helped me learn to breathe again, both physically and emotionally. I needed a safe place to take my yoga practice, knowing that I was too emotional to go to a regular class. However, I knew I needed yoga to breathe and to help me learn a new balance of life. This class allowed me to do that, while also deeply connecting with those who understand and accept grief in all its forms.

"... equips [you] with the skill set to process a variety of changes and transitions in life...”

Wendy’s training came along at the most divine timing, as all things do. Not only was it the continuation of my own grief process, but it was paramount for relevant happenings in my personal life at the same time. This training equips teachers and students with the skill set to process a variety of changes and transitions in life with the complete self-inquiry that it entails. Training under a genuine and authentic teacher such as Wendy was an added gift to learn from her light that she passes on to be translated into our own.
Rena Valentino

“Wendy holds an incredible space for her students to deepen into the hardest layers of grief...”

The program has given me a solid sense of community and a highlighted sense of connectedness during a time when I could have felt isolated and buried in painful and challenging emotions. Wendy holds an incredible space for her students to deepen into the hardest layers of grief through both gentle acceptance and strength.

Join the Global Community

Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined offers some of the most advanced online teachings available, within a thriving, global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Wendy Black Stern will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that’s on the leading edge of a global movement of people manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 75-Minute Class Sessions With Wendy Black Stern

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Wendy Black Stern grief and yoga therapy practitioner, and founder and president of the Grief Support Network from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes 30 minutes of instruction, 30 minutes of guided movement as integration, and 15 minutes of Q&A. You’ll be guided to discover specific skills and abilities to transform grief into greater self-understanding, love, gratitude, and new possibilities. Course sessions are on Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific.

Seven 45-Minute Faculty-Facilitated Community Sharing Circles

As an integral part of the course, Wendy will facilitate a 45-minute interactive community sharing circle directly following each teaching, where you’ll have the opportunity to be witnessed in your grief and to witness your fellow participants in their grief too. Participants will all be together with Wendy, some participants sharing each week while others witness. There is tremendous healing that takes place in this portion of the class in witnessing and being witnessed.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Life Reimagined Bonus Collection
  • Create a Container for Your Grief: A Daily Practice for Tending to Your Grief & Letting Go
    Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Wendy Stern
  • Practices to Support Healing From Grief
    Two Guided Audio Meditations From Wendy Stern
  • The Fearless Path of Mindful Grieving: 4 Tenets to Support You Through Your Journey of Grief & Transformation
    PDF Teaching From Wendy Stern
  • Broken Open
    Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Elizabeth Lesser

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined Online Training

We feel honored that Wendy Black Stern has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a yoga therapist and the founder and president of Grief Support Network whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about transforming your grief into greater self-understanding, love, and a life reimagined, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before September 17, 2020 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Wendy Black Stern...

“Wendy... serves as a compassionate guide for individuals who have faced loss.”

Wendy Black Stern is a gifted yoga teacher who serves as a compassionate guide for individuals who have faced loss. She knows the territory of grief intimately as she had to walk her own healing journey after the death of her son. She travelled around the world to discover how other cultures handle grief and returned with a deep understanding that what we, as human beings, need most during this vulnerable time is community, ritual, and embodiment. With grace, she offers these gifts through the timeless practices of yoga so that you, too, can discover your own intrinsic source of wisdom.
Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Author of  The Post-Traumatic Growth Guidebook

“... we can get through, and remember the beauty of what has gone before.”

Mainly, I simply want to say Mahalo for holding this retreat and doing this vital work in our world. There is so much loss, big and small, that we experience in a lifetime. If we are allowed to, and if we allow the feelings to come, we can get through, and remember the beauty of what has gone before. We all need help and support in order to do that. Thank you for teaching it so we can pass it on as well as live it. My deepest gratitude, respect, and love.

“… anyone at any stage of their grief journey can benefit…”

Wendy is compassionate, vulnerable, and encouraging. She shared how we can allow our emotions and grief to teach and guide us through this difficult time in life. I believe that anyone at any stage of their grief journey can benefit from her program.

“… empowerment, hope, light at the end of your tunnel…”

You have to experience it… empowerment, hope, light at the end of your tunnel, sharing and being held in an authentic way.

“Each week brought a new and empowering experience.”

Wendy makes everyone feel heard. It’s easy to open up in her presence. I was pretty scared to start this program. While it had been six years since my loss, I had not shared so openly and certainly not to a group of strangers. Despite all that, as soon as I took a breath and began to speak through my tears in the first session, I felt safe. Each week brought a new and empowering experience. In a word, it was beautiful.

“It made it OK to feel what I was feeling, which allowed me to learn from my grieving.”

Grief is a natural and significant part of life. This program normalized grieving for me. It made it OK to feel what I was feeling, which allowed me to learn from my grieving. Appreciating life requires that we embrace all parts, including loss and endings.”

“…moving our emotions in a way that ignites self-love and growth.”

Wendy’s program is essential for everyone. We lose a lot of things throughout our lives and this allows us to finally be OK with feelings and thoughts that we may have suppressed. This program isn’t only for physically moving our bodies, but for moving our emotions in a way that ignites self-love and growth.

“…an absolutely integral part of my grief journey.”

Wendy’s program became an absolutely integral part of my grief journey. The experience was truly transformational and provided me with a community and skill set I will value for the rest of my life.

“You learn to cope with life while also having intense human connection.”


About Wendy Black Stern

As founder and president of the Grief Support Network, Wendy Black Stern has dedicated her life’s work to supporting people to heal and transform through the process of grief. The Grief Support Network’s mission, programs, and network of resources are inspired and informed by Wendy’s personal experience of loss, and her professional background as a yoga therapy practitioner, yoga instructor, yoga teacher trainer, and group facilitator.

Wendy has devoted the last 20 years to being a student and teacher of yoga. She has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and is certified as a yoga therapist, teacher, Reiki practitioner, and facilitator of yoga therapy groups for grief support and self-empowerment. In 2007, when her son Noah passed away, her grief propelled her into a process of profound transformation, which has brought joy and gratitude back into her life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.

Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is September 17, 2020. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
