With Money Consciousness Teacher, Coach & Author
Sarah McCrum

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Connect with the loving, abundant, and supportive energy of money and attract more money, joy, and flow by aligning your personal values and goals with money’s greater purpose for your life.

Take potent steps to integrate your spiritual and physical lives with the energy of money.


What if money has a deeper spiritual purpose that aligns with your highest calling?

What if connecting with the loving energy of money not only opens the door for more financial abundance, but also for a more connected, creative, and meaningful life?

Money is a loving, supportive, and generous ally, says Sarah McCrum, an author, educator, and coach who is known for her transformational work in money consciousness, energy healing, and personal development.

Building a positive relationship with money fuels your dreams, inspires generosity, and supports your deeper purpose and desires.

And as you align your values with the deeper value proposition of money, you can embrace it as a positive force of purpose that enables you to be generous to yourself and others.

Sarah teaches that opening to the loving energy of money also opens you to receive the love and support that money was intended to provide you, especially for those whose values and gifts are already aligned with the loving energy of money but who feel guilty about receiving money for the services they provide.

Sarah’s work brings invaluable support and coherence to spiritual seekers, healers, and conscious business leaders and entrepreneurs who want their material worlds to reflect their inner values.

This deeper understanding of the true purpose of money is rooted in decades of study with Chinese masters of metaphysics and energy healing techniques. The result? A practical process for connecting with the loving energy of money and its true potential.

You’ll learn Sarah’s techniques during this empowering course and begin to attract more money and more clarity on how you can work with money to dissolve any blocks to financial abundance... align your values with your finances... and become empowered to make wise financial decisions that support your deeper purpose and expression.

Financial worry and stress take a lot of energy. Embracing the higher purpose of money frees up this energy and empowers your ability to create your life from a place of love and authenticity.

Sarah will guide you in energy activations that help you communicate with the higher consciousness of money, open to receive more abundance, and more.

If you’re experiencing any kind of block in your ability to attract financial abundance or to apply it in a way that supports your deepest purpose and values, this course is for you.


During this transformational course, you’ll:

  • Build a relationship with money as a positive, loving energy
  • Dissolve financial stress and worry for a more peaceful state of mind
  • Develop a new paradigm for approaching money by releasing outdated habits and beliefs about it
  • Develop a personal dialogue with money to increase financial abundance and navigate complex and seemingly impossible financial situations
  • Experience energy activations to: align and energize your dreams in a way that allows money to flow through them... direct experiences of money talking with you... help you open to receiving... connect with your inner vision based on your deepest values... and more
  • Practice receiving guidance from money and your higher self and receive and interpret multidimensional guidance in your financial life
  • Learn effective ways to ask for what you want financially and remove blocks that hinder receiving money
  • Understand the connection between money and value and how self-valuation affects your relationship with money
  • Foster a state of appreciation to attract more of what you want
  • Integrate enjoyment as a key principle in creating your vision of financial abundance
  • Understand how enjoyment enhances your manifesting abilities

Sarah is the founder of WealthStreams (a program that teaches us how to transform our relationship with money for greater overall abundance) and the author of “Love Money, Money Loves You.”

Her approach to money combines practical financial advice with spiritual and emotional insights, making her a unique and influential figure in the field of personal growth.

During your time with her, you’ll receive a clear framework for releasing outdated habits and beliefs about money and attracting more money into your life. You’ll learn how to effectively communicate with money to ask for what you want and how to ask angels, guides, and your higher self for help.

You’ll discover how fully giving yourself permission to receive more money for the work you do is a testament to your own self-worth.

Sarah will also share the role emotions play in your ability to attract abundance on all levels, and how you can use emotions such as appreciation and gratitude to shift onto the frequency of abundance drawing more money in.

If you’d like to discover the higher purpose of money and how you can harness it to support your own goals, dreams, and purpose, join us.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational course, Sarah will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to connect with the loving, abundant, and supportive energy of money and its purpose for your life.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Sarah. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to attract more money, joy, and flow by aligning your personal values and goals with money’s purpose for your life.

Module 1: Create a New Relationship With Money That Supports Your Deepest Values & Purpose


In this module, you’ll explore the concept of money as an energy of love.

You’ll evaluate your current relationship with money as if it were a relationship with a human being, uncovering the dynamics and consequences of this perspective.

By experiencing the loving energy of money, you’ll begin to dissolve stress and worry opening the door to a new, supportive relationship with money that aligns with your heart and values.


  • Understand money as a positive, loving energy
  • Assess your current relationship with money
  • Envision a healthier, more supportive relationship with money
  • Dissolve financial stress and worry for a more peaceful state of mind
  • Journal about your current and future relationship with money
  • Experience a transformative piece of music followed by an energy activation to directly experience money talking with you

Module 2: Develop a New Blueprint for Making Money to Foster New Energy, Confidence & Integrity With Finances


Let go of old money conditioning by developing a new blueprint for making money.

You’ll explore the importance of dreaming and envisioning how money can flow more freely through your life.

By aligning your financial goals with your deeper values, you’ll create a grounded relationship with money, fostering confidence and integrity in your financial activities.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Develop a new paradigm for approaching money
  • Release outdated habits and beliefs about money
  • Align financial goals with personal values and integrity
  • Foster confidence and dream big without fear of past failures
  • Engage in an energy activation on dreaming to align and energize your dreams in a way that allows money to flow through them

Module 3: Cultivate the Energy of Receiving and Spending Money With Ease


Learn to release constraints around receiving and spending money.

Discover how to ask for what you want in a way that the energy of money can respond to and understand the dynamics of spending and receiving.

You’ll explore how your energy affects your ability to manifest and start releasing blocks that prevent you from receiving.

Respecting the value of things will help spark reciprocity with the energy of money.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover effective ways to ask for what you want financially
  • Remove blocks that hinder receiving money
  • Build a foundation of relaxation, enjoyment, and love in your financial life
  • Improve your ability to handle financial commitments and debt
  • Observe and reflect on your financial interactions to identify areas for improvement
  • Experience an energy activation to help you open to receiving which allows you to open more to the flow of money in a tangible way

Module 4: Deepen Your Appreciation of Value to Enhance Financial Abundance


This module delves into the correlation between money and value both physical and spiritual.

You’ll examine how appreciation impacts your financial life and discover how to open your heart to welcome more money.

By valuing yourself and others more and understanding the dynamics of creating and exchanging value, you can create more room for financial abundance.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Understand the connection between money and value
  • Learn how self-valuation affects your relationship with money
  • Apply the value equation to buying and selling
  • Foster a state of appreciation to attract more of what you want
  • Practice daily appreciation to enhance your financial wellbeing
  • Experience an energy activation to discover what you really value

Module 5: Explore a Second Blueprint to Align Your Vision & Values With Making Money


Building on the initial blueprint, this module encourages you to delve deeper into what you care about and invite the energy of money into your life.

You’ll learn to trust your intuition and navigate challenges and opportunities with an inner vision.

Sarah’s journey will provide insights into working with money energy based on your deepest values.


  • Identify and nurture your vision for positive change
  • Develop the courage to pursue your dreams
  • Use subtle senses to play with and feel your vision
  • Create space for your vision in your daily life
  • Engage in daily dreaming to bring your vision to life
  • Experience an energy activation to connect with your inner vision based on your deepest values and express that in the world

Module 6: Expand Your Blueprint & Financial Vision With Enjoyment & Confidence in Your Ability to Manifest Money


This module emphasizes the role of enjoyment and expansion in inviting the energy of money into your life.

Learn to handle the overwhelm of an expanding vision by grounding in joy and upgrading your manifesting ability.

You’ll also explore navigating uncertainty and challenging situations as you move towards a new reality.


  • Integrate enjoyment as a key principle in creating your vision
  • Understand how enjoyment enhances your manifesting abilities
  • Expand your vision with joy and confidence
  • Navigate uncertainty with grace and trust
  • Practice daily enjoyment to create greater flow and receptivity in your life
  • Experience an energy activation on enjoyment to open more to receiving and create greater flow in your life, upgrading your manifesting ability

Module 7: Gain Guidance From Guardian Angels to Navigate Challenges & Finalize Your Money Blueprint


Explore how to receive multidimensional guidance to grow your healthy relationship with money.

Learn to discern what to trust, understand subtle signs, and protect yourself from negative energies.

Discover the “surprise and delight” formula for authenticating energetic impulses, and navigate complex situations with the help of higher guidance.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Receive and interpret multidimensional guidance in your financial life
  • Develop a personal dialogue with money
  • Discern and trust authentic guidance
  • Navigate complex and seemingly impossible financial situations
  • Practice receiving guidance from money and your higher self
  • Experience an energy activation for having a conversation with your higher self and money


The Create a Relationship With the Loving Energy of Money Bonus Collection

In addition to Sarah’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus collection to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Align Your Values With the Deeper Purpose of Money
PDF of Sarah McCrum’s Book Love Money, Money Loves You

Many people believe that making money is hard work and you must sacrifice your values in order to be financially successful. This simply isn’t true. This unique PDF book shows you how to explore a relationship with money that aligns with your true values. By discovering what money really is and how it really works, you can relax about money and experience a relationship with it that feels good.


Discover the Spirit of Business
Audio Podcasts With Sarah McCrum and Matt Murphy

With Spirit, you can face and solve every business challenge, contribute to making a better world, and enjoy your life at the same time. It’s your most valuable asset in these challenging times. Explore how to develop your spirit in your business and your life in this collection of five podcasts, hosted by Sarah McCrum and Matt Murphy, author of Dream to Realization: The Business Owner’s Journey.


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What Graduates of Sarah’s Courses Are Saying...

“I’m forever grateful for the teachings of Sarah McCrum.”

The tools I learned in this course have definitely changed my life for the better! I’m forever grateful for the teachings of Sarah McCrum.

Samuel Thayer

Lake Wales, Florida

EDIT 5016
“It opened my heart and my mind.”

This course transformed my understanding that money is not only material abundance, but so much more. It’s a beautiful energy that I discovered. It opened my heart and my mind. It feels like this is the beginning of the journey toward a rich life. And real results arrived during the course. Amazing. Huge gratitude to Sarah and the Shift Team.



EDIT 5018
“... a wealth of knowledge and insight.”

As a result of this program, I have a solid understanding of the energy of money and tools to engage with and immerse myself in this energetic field. I now fully comprehend that I am the orchestrator of this energy symphony that is my life. After 18 weeks, I’m left with a toolbox of practices and a wealth of knowledge and insight. It’s a new world to explore, rooted in relaxation, love, and enjoyment.

Linda Seebantz

Ojo Caliente, New Mexico

EDIT 5017
“I am able to draw money to me, and I make better choices.”

My relationship and feelings about money have completely changed. I am able to draw money to me, and I make better choices. I wouldn’t have thought of money as spiritual, but I do now. I highly respect Sarah and what she is doing. I would definitely recommend her work to anyone!


Dublin, Ireland

EDIT 5019
“The program raises your perspective on how to attract more money into your life.”

The program raises your perspective on how to attract more money into your life.

Justyna Galuszka
EDIT 5020

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Sarah McCrum

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from money consciousness teacher, coach, and author Sarah McCrum from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to tap into the higher consciousness of money to attract more.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Create a Relationship With the Loving Energy of Money Bonus Collection
  • Align Your Values With the Deeper Purpose of Money
    PDF of Sarah McCrum’s Book Love Money, Money Loves You
  • Discover the Spirit of Business
    Audio Podcasts With Sarah McCrum and Matt Murphy

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Create a Relationship With the Loving Energy of Money


We feel honored that Sarah McCrum has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a money consciousness teacher, coach, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about connecting with the loving, abundant, and supportive energy of money and its true purpose for your life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Create a Relationship With the Loving Energy of Money or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Sarah McCrum...

“Everywhere Sarah goes, people love her and want to work with her!”

Everywhere Sarah goes, people love her and want to work with her! Sarah’s coaching style and acumen amaze me. She has a laser-like intuition — honed over decades of working with individuals, families, and groups. Sarah can help anyone move past any obstacle, no matter how difficult or deeply established it may be. She does this by working on multiple levels of subtlety, with a high degree of mastery.

Jeff Vander Clute

Founder of Sourcing The Way

EDIT 3166
“Now I feel much more able to engage in a way that brings me joy...”

I had gotten pretty dark and deep into the sadness of what is occurring on the planet. Now I feel much more able to engage in a way that brings me joy and brings the world joy, by being in dialogue with money. Last week I landed my largest contract, my first reveal to the power of this, and that’s very exciting.

Felicity Broennan

Co-founder of Border Aid

EDIT 3169
“Sarah is the real deal...”

Sarah is the real deal — authentic, accessible, and grounded. I have taught and been taught many courses in the corporate world and personal healing world for 30 years, and Sarah McCrum’s is the most powerful.

Susan Shaner

Founder of Sage Leadership Strategies

EDIT 3170

About Sarah McCrum

Sarah McCrum believes in a society that is fundamentally based on love, generosity, and a deep understanding of the essence of being human. Her purpose is to contribute to creating a world that works for 100% of humanity. She’s an author, educator, business innovator, and the founder of Liberate Humanity, a place for learning and sharing the skills for liberating the human spirit.

Sarah has spent more than 20 years teaching and coaching business owners and their families. She’s the creator of the innovative program, “Thank You Money,” based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You. Over 10,000 people have completed courses with Sarah, building a relationship with money that’s founded on love, abundance, generosity, and nature.

She’s also the co-originator of LOVE TO, a group of mutual companies that bring large-scale capital to grassroots people who protect and regenerate nature and human quality of life. LOVE TO has been built from the ground up on the principles of Sarah’s book and work. It’s an example of what’s possible when we build businesses based on the spirit of generosity.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?

A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
