With Author & Certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) Hypnotist
Rob Schwartz
& Channel for the Beings of Light
Liesel Fricke

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience how soul regression a hypnosis-induced inner journey  and deep, immersive meditation can help you connect, communicate, and commune with your angels, guides, loving Beings of Light...and your own soul.


Would you like to know exactly what your soul wants you to cultivate in this lifetime?

You can proactively evolve and make potent healing shifts, upgrading your life plan to access such wisdom through peace, love, and joy and most importantly, give and receive love.

The relationships you encounter, the challenges you face, even the parents you have... these are all circumstances you chose before you were born so you could evolve as a soul and embody the Divine Virtues you were meant to focus on in this life.

Your soul did not create just one plan for this lifetime. There are a multitude…

The specific plan you’re currently accessing depends on your vibrational frequency and your level of consciousness, according to certified hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his wife and co-teacher Liesel Fricke, a prolific channel of energies and wisdom.

Join us for a fascinating 7-module course as Rob and Liesel offer guidance through deep meditations and soul regressions (hypnosis-induced inner journeys), leading you to explore and profoundly understand your pre-birth plan.

Discover how you can raise your consciousness and vibration to change your life’s trajectory. Connect with your higher self and all its wisdom as you balance, release, and transcend karma.

As you get more in touch with the most authentic and highest vibrational essence of you, you’ll open the doorway to direct communication with Unity Consciousness and the loving, wise, high-vibrational beings that reside in this state of Oneness.

You’ll learn about the four primary modes of connecting with deceased loved ones. Rob will guide you to sense the unique energy of one or more beloved people or pets and gain a visceral sense a felt knowing that they’re with you and they’re well.

You’ll also meet the loving beings who are non-incarnate potentially including transitioned loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, love-light-based collective energies, and more.

Rob unveiled his own pre-birth plan in the course of a major life transition and personal awakening. He’s guided seekers from all over the world to glimpse and understand their pre-birth plans and become self-empowered to influence their lives for the better.

Join Rob and Liesel on this journey to understand the deeper spiritual meaning and purpose of your challenges, relationships, and experiences as you transform it all into healing, peace, forgiveness, gratitude, and love.


During this life-enriching course, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Discover how even small acts of transformation can have big impacts on the opening of new life-plan possibilities
  • Understand how potential life plans relate to your vibrational frequency, and how karma can be transcended as you invoke higher vibration life plans that bring you closer to Unity Consciousness
  • Discern which Divine Virtues your soul is most focused on expanding within you in this lifetime
  • Discover which Divine Virtues lead naturally, easily, and almost effortlessly to the cultivation of other Divine Virtues
  • Explore how consciously partnering with your higher self to help you live your life from a higher vibration will begin to unlock new life-plan possibilities for you
  • Further discover what you planned for this lifetime and how to invoke higher vibrational life plans by proactively evolving and raising your vibration
  • Receive love and support from your future selves to help you now
  • Better integrate your soul’s expansion and learning throughout the timeline of your current incarnation
  • Get a sense of how your soul’s life plan is evolving, and how you can access the quantum energy to unlock higher vibrational versions of life plans
  • And much more...

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Rob will guide you through hypnotic regression and deep immersive meditations that can help you find meaning in your pre-birth plan so you can cultivate greater acceptance, peace, and happiness. Liesel will share some of the powerful teachings and messages she has received from the Beings of Light that can help you to grow and evolve.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Rob and Liesel. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, using deep, immersive meditations, insightful channelings, and hypnotic regression to explore your pre-birth plan... the Divine Virtues you’re cultivating in this lifetime... and self-empowering ways to guide the trajectory of your life.

Module 1: How Pre-Birth Plans Are Used for Soul Growth


In this first session, you’ll begin your journey to unlock your personal life plans in ever-increasing degrees of harmony with the Universe, Oneness, and Unity Consciousness.

Rob will share what he’s learned from his years researching pre-birth planning which your soul participated in before embarking on the journey of incarnate life.

You’ll discover how many of us actually plan our greatest life challenges for the purposes of evolution and expansion.

Rob’s wife and co-teacher, Liesel, will share a beautiful channeling from the Beings of Light that gives clarity to how your vibration and soul growth relates to many possible life plans.

You’ll also explore the working or active plan that’s prevailed for your life.

Rob will then guide you on a powerful meditation created by the Beings of Light that brings together within you the energies of the higher realms and Mother Earth.

In this module, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Discover how even small acts of transformation can have big impacts on both the world and the opening of new life-plan possibilities
  • Learn to avoid the pitfalls and low vibrations of victim mentality by realizing the powerful role of co-creation you play in your life
  • Realize that you can mine spiritual gold from the greatest life challenges you’ve faced or are currently facing
  • Understand how pre-birth planning possibilities work and how they relate to karma, raising your vibration, and Unity Consciousness
  • Use the meditation experience created by the Beings of Light to perceive the true power of light, love, and energy that is your birthright and that can help facilitate your continued evolution and expansion

Module 2: How Your Life Challenges Cultivate Your Divine Virtues


This session will begin with Liesel sharing a brilliant analogy channeled from the Beings of Light to help you better understand karma and what it means to balance, release, and transcend karma.

Rob will then introduce you to a powerful, impactful self-discovery tool the Divine Virtues Exercise he’s developed over his years of pioneering the field of pre-birth-planning research.

He’ll provide specific examples to show how people have done the exercise. You’ll begin work on your own Divine Virtues Exercise and complete it later, between course sessions.

In this module, you can:

  • Gain greater clarity regarding the true purpose of karma, and what it means to balance, release, and transcend karma
  • Learn how your soul cultivates the Divine Virtues through your life plan
  • Use the Divine Virtues Exercise to lay bare the direct relationship between your greatest life challenges and the expansion of your soul into your incarnate form
  • Discern which Divine Virtues your soul is most focused on expanding within you in this lifetime

Module 3: Establish a Deep Connection With Your Higher Self & Discover Your True Essence


This module will begin with participants sharing what they discovered during last module’s Divine Virtues Exercise.

You’ll also learn to cultivate space and flexibility around your mental narrative of what’s occurring in your life opening the potential for higher vibrational mental perceptions of what’s happening around you.

Rob will then lead you on a powerful meditation to connect with your higher self your entry point into the field of potentiality and Oneness. As you’ll discover, this is where your true power resides.

In this module, you can:

  • Receive energy and wisdom from your higher self
  • Begin to experience and perceive yourself as Love, your true essence
  • Gain an invaluable resource to call upon to feel your connection to Oneness, and the love that is that Oneness lessening the importance of the external forms that life takes
  • Explore a Beings of Light channeling about how guilt and shame energies can block deep connection with the higher self

Module 4: Enlist Your Higher Self to Perform a Divine Virtues Deep Dive


This module will open with another opportunity to hear powerful wisdom from the Beings of Light.

Rob will then lead you on another meditation journey to connect with your higher self. This time, you’ll have the opportunity to bring a current life challenge to your higher self.

You’ll consciously enlist your higher self’s help in expanding the expression of the Divine Virtues within you applying it to this situation, as well as to other life issues.

In this module, you can:

  • Learn to be proactive instead of reactive in cultivating the Divine Virtues so you begin to learn new ways to grow and expand, lessening your soul’s need to grow through pain
  • Discover which Divine Virtues lead naturally, easily, and almost effortlessly to the cultivation of other Divine Virtues
  • Learn about the master-key Divine Virtues that, when cultivated, automatically begin to cultivate all the other virtues
  • Explore how consciously partnering with your higher self to help you live your life from a higher vibration will begin to unlock new life-plan possibilities for you

Module 5: Penetrate the Veil by “Contacting a Deceased Loved One” Through Hypnotic Regression


Rob will use his skills as a trained hypnotist to lead you on an inward journey a “contact a deceased loved one” hypnotic regression...

During this powerful experience, you can understand that the soul connections you share with others transcend space and time.

In this hypnotic regression, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with the beloved beings that have transitioned from the physical realm even those you may have known as pets!

In this module, you can:

  • Learn about the 4 primary modes of connecting with deceased loved ones
  • Sense the unique energy of one or more beloved people or pets and gain a visceral sense a felt knowing that they’re with you and they’re well
  • Receive deep love from and give deep love to one or more people or pets on the other side
  • Receive wisdom and insight from those loved ones who have transitioned from physical form including insights regarding your current life plan

Module 6: Connect With Beings in Love-Light Form to Receive Messages About Your Life Plan


In this module, Rob will lead you on a powerful and immersive inward meditation that’s been shared by the Beings of Light.

He’ll expertly guide you to connect with those beings who reside in love-light form who most wish to communicate with you.

You’ll have great opportunities and flexibility of love-light-based connections in this session. Rob will help you make sure that messages and connections that wish to come to you through the field of Oneness have the opportunity to do so.

In this module, you can:

  • Meet the loving beings who are non-incarnate potentially including transitioned loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, love-light-based collective energies, and more
  • Further discover what you planned for this lifetime and how to invoke even higher vibrational life plans through the choice to evolve consciously
  • Establish stronger luminous threads of connection with those loving beings who can help you on an ongoing basis in life
  • More deeply experience the love that you and all beings consist of
  • Hear from participants about their experiences of connecting with beings in love-light form

Module 7: Cultivate the Practice of Connecting to Your Current Incarnate Self Throughout Your Lifetime


In this final session, you’ll have another chance to learn from the messages from the Beings of Light that Liesel will share.

Rob will lead you through a meditation created by the Beings of Light to help you permeate the time-space membrane. You’ll connect with both your past and future selves of your current lifetime so you can better reap the complete benefits of your spiritual growth and expansion at all times.

Unlike past-life work, all of these selves are from your current lifetime they’re past or future versions of you.

In this closing module, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Cultivate the habit of sending love and support through time and space to help your past selves through the most challenging times you’ve previously faced in life
  • Receive love and support from your future selves to help you now
  • Better integrate your soul’s expansion and learning throughout the timeline of your current incarnation
  • Get a sense of how your soul’s life plan is evolving, and how you and your soul can continue to infuse your plan with the quantum energy it yearns for to unlock higher vibrational versions of life plans
  • Experience a guided meditation to connect with your past and future selves


The Awaken to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth Bonus Gift

In addition to Rob and Liesel’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Wisdom From the Light
An Illustrated PDF Guide From Liesel Fricke

This uplifting and inspiring collection of quotations channeled by Liesel from the Beings of Light features inspiring nuggets of wisdom which can help remind you of what your soul already knows. May their loving messages touch your heart and enrich your life.


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What Graduates of Rob and Liesel’s Courses Are Saying...

“Rob and Liesel are a treasure, and I’ll take a class with them anytime!!”
I learned so much from this course about ascension, vibrational frequency, awareness versus ego, and much more. I feel it has helped me be more patient and grounded, and less anxious. I enjoyed the channeled messages for living into our higher selves, and the meditations for letting go of ego and experiencing deep connection with Spirit/Oneness. The class was well-paced and taught with knowledge, humor, and grace. Rob and Liesel are a treasure, and I’ll take a class with them anytime!
Linda S

Federal Way, Washington

EDIT 5049
“This course was extremely valuable to bring more peace and harmony into my life.”
This course was extremely valuable to bring more peace and harmony into my life. The channeling examples were easy to use in any “uncomfortable” situation. I just need to remember to apply it more often. And the meditations complement and support to raise my vibration. I’m glad I participated in this course.

Gresham, Oregon

EDIT 5050
“...the course will help me as I move forward with my journey. Thank you!”
I found the Divine Virtues exploration helpful and interesting. Also the Fields of Coherence info is fascinating and explains certain past experiences. I also enjoyed the meditations very much. All this and more from the course will help me as I move forward with my journey. Thank you!


EDIT 5051
“I enjoyed the course and learned a lot more, especially from the Beings of Light.”
I wanted to learn more from Robert because his books have been life-changing for me. I enjoyed the course and learned a lot more, especially from the Beings of Light. The biggest takeaway for me was realizing what my three values for this lifetime are. I understand more how to evolve through these. Thank you.


EDIT 5052
“I’m profoundly grateful to finally receive a reason I can accept for why so many suffer.”
I’m profoundly grateful to finally receive a reason I can accept for why so many suffer. If it serves a purpose, per se, then suffering serves to assist us in awakening. Period. It’s not necessary for awakening, but it is a “popular” route.

Richmond, California

EDIT 5053

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Rob Schwartz, a Certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) hypnotist and channel Liesel Fricke from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to find meaning in your pre-birth plan to cultivate greater acceptance, peace, and happiness.


You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Awaken to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth Bonus Offering
  • Wisdom From the Light
    An Illustrated PDF Guide From Liesel Fricke

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Awaken to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth


We feel honored that Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a between lives soul regression therapist and a channel of light whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about understanding your pre-birth plan and the power you have to transform it then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Awaken to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke…

“It was an awesome experience!”

I wanted to experience a deeper meditation state and was interested in experiencing hypnosis-induced inner journeying from Rob. It was an awesome experience!


Tauranga, New Zealand

EDIT 2746
“It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life.”

I had the great experience of a between-life [regression] with Robert Schwartz. It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life. I went back to the death experience of one of my not proud [past] lives and forward into the soul completion of the lessons of that life. Hopefully, that was the last time I have to learn the remarkable responsibility of CHOOSING the right subsequent lives!

Norm Shealy, MD
EDIT 2747
“This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.”

For me the session was a remarkable clearing to my inner guidance and a deeper understanding and confirmation that I am on track with my soul plan. The technique Rob used was clear, relaxing, and comforting. This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.

Sandy S.

Cheshire, United Kingdom

EDIT 2748
“After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me.”

Robert created an environment in which I felt truly comfortable and let go of all my worries. Whenever I got into a place of uncertainty, he effortlessly guided me through. I communicated with a spiritual being from whom I felt tremendous encouragement to start healing my insecurities and fears. Since my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me. I have come to understand that I can deal with my challenges in a smooth, natural way by becoming more loving toward myself and the surrounding world. It is a deeply comforting and empowering experience for which I am profoundly grateful.

Eva S.

Czech Republic

EDIT 2749
“I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within…”

My session helped free me of feelings of guilt and self-blame, and it allowed me to open my heart to self-love. I enjoyed the experience immensely, and I had loads of fun and laughter when I met my soul group! I highly recommend Robert's expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within and get clear answers from Spirit.

Natalia P.


EDIT 2750

About Rob Schwartz

Rob Schwartz, Certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) hypnotist, had a profound spiritually transformative experience in 2003, in which he felt divine, unconditional love for everyone and in which he understood that we as souls are made literally from the energy of divine, unconditional love.

This experience prompted him to leave the corporate world and devote his life to the study of pre-birth planning the concept that we ourselves plan our lives, including our biggest challenges, before we are born.

This perspective can help people awaken, heal, and understand the deeper spiritual meaning and purpose of their most difficult experiences. The awareness that we ourselves chose those experiences empowers people to emerge from victim consciousness, forgive themselves and others, and transform suffering into acceptance, gratitude, peace, and joy.

Rob is the author of three books about pre-birth planning: Your Soul’s Plan... Your Soul’s Gift... andYour Soul’s Love. His books have been translated into 28 languages.

In his private sessions, and in group workshops and classes that he co-teaches with his wife, Liesel Fricke, Rob uses his training and many years of experience to help lead people into expanded states of consciousness to receive answers to their questions about their pre-birth plans and experience the love that they and all beings are.

About Liesel Fricke

After undergoing an enormous arc of personal evolution, Liesel Fricke, a mystic and channel, now helps people all over the world transform their own consciousnesses and lives through the workshops she co-teaches with her husband, Rob Schwartz.

Liesel experienced firsthand that difficult life challenges can be powerful vehicles of transformation when we allow them to crack us open. In response to her own intense struggles with severe obsessive compulsive disorder and depression, Liesel opened and surrendered to the very depths of her being. The spiritual awakening that followed led to her capacity to connect with Unity Consciousness (Oneness) and the loving, wise beings that reside in this state of consciousness, who she and Rob affectionately call the Beings of Light.

It’s Liesel’s highest priority and greatest honor to share the profound love and wisdom of these highly evolved light beings in the messages, teachings, and meditations she channels. She’s excited to share with the world the powerful love and insights that emerge from the sacred internal and eternal space where all are One.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.