With Author & Certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) Hypnotist
Rob Schwartz
& Channel for the Beings of Light
Liesel Fricke

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Open to the full potential of your empathic and intuitive gifts, ascend to a higher state of being, and fulfill your destiny by “turning the dial” to raise your vibration through Unity Consciousness and the loving wisdom of the Beings of Light.

Do you experience draining fluctuations in your energy as you move through your day especially when interacting with others who are sad, harsh, feeling hopeless, or in pain?

Do you have to take time and space to process the emotions that arise from the toxic, unconscious, or insensitive behaviors of others?

You may have been told that this is the norm for being an empathic or sensitive soul but this is only half of the story, say Between Lives Soul Regression hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his co-teacher, wife, and channel Liesel Fricke.

You don’t need to block or suppress your gifts in order to function or thrive in this world! Empathy and sensitivity are also tremendous gifts once you’ve attuned to the higher vibrations of life such as love, peace, and joy.

This attunement to Oneness, also called Unity Consciousness, enables you to maintain a higher and more balanced energetic state, regardless of the mental, emotional and physical heaviness you come into contact with...

... and helps you open to the deeper possibilities of your intuitive gifts including gaining insights and support from the nonphysical world that can ignite your capacity to help others heal and raise their vibrations.

Rob and Liesel use a potent combination of guided meditation, tools for working with energy, and channeled messages from the Beings of Light, a collective of loving and wise nonphysical beings of Unity Consciousness...

... to help you embrace your true life plan, release heavy energies compromising your empathic and intuitive gifts, and transcend the density, suffering, and conflicts of separateness.

They’ll share these powerful self-alignment tools with you in this course including how to expand your intuition, embody the true purpose of your sensitivity, and discover the Divine virtues you’re here to cultivate as an empath or highly sensitive person.

Rob and Liesel teach that by tuning in more to your true nature (and the true nature of all) as love and light, you can begin to thrive in the world and also help the collective navigate this pivotal point in human history.

Rather than being dragged down by heaviness or putting walls up out of fear, you have the power within you to turn the dial...

... and tune in to the higher vibrational frequencies that support your intuitive gifts whenever you need to experience greater peace, love, and joy, teach Rob and Liesel.

You’ll also explore the wider bandwidth of your empathic gifts as you discover that you’ve been accessing only part of your true power.

As you learn how to attune to and maintain a higher vibrational state, you’re invited to become sovereign in your energy and better able to release and transmute negative thoughts, emotions, and patterns.

This will help you expand your consciousness by immersing your true loving nature, deepening your access to higher wisdom and truth and strengthening your connection to spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters.

You’ll also likely find it easier to see, feel, and be inspired by the higher aspects of everyone.

During this empowering course, you’ll:

  • Discover empathy and sensitivity as energetic attunements that can help you harness your power to attune to a variety of energies
  • Learn how you can “turn the dial” to expand your capacities of empathy and sensitivity into higher bandwidths dramatically improving your experience of life
  • Experience a hypnotic regression session led by Rob to connect with Divine guidance from the nonphysical realm and be guided through meditations to attune to higher levels of consciousness
  • Receive channeled wisdom of the Beings of Light to help you access and activate your gifts and how to use them in alignment with your life plan
  • Discern which Divine virtues your soul is most focused on expanding in this lifetime and how it’s growing them through your daily experience
  • Attune more deeply with the higher aspects of everyone you encounter and resonate with the peace and love that is the truest nature of every being
  • Step more fully into your truth as a being of infinite power, wisdom, and love to fulfill your destiny during this time of ascension
  • Gain deeper insights into the ascension process and the soul qualities that you’re cultivating as an empath or HSP on Earth at this time
  • Explore how love can become a healing balm that melts the distorted lenses of perception and restores your ability to clearly see yourself and others
  • Understand the reasons you chose to incarnate as an intuitive person with the qualities of an empath or HSP during the ascension of Earth
  • Meet your future self in energetic form and feel the love and compassion your future self has for you

Rob and Liesel are regarded by previous students as deeply compassionate wayshowers in this liminal time of personal and collective evolution.

You’ll experience this for yourself as Liesel channels guidance and support from the Beings of Light...

... and Rob guides you through a hypnotic regression session to receive Divine guidance from the nonphysical realm, as well as meditative journeys to attune to higher consciousness.

These experiences will help you connect with your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters as you attune to the higher frequencies of life, expand your intuition, and explore the greater purpose of your empathic gifts.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Rob and Liesel will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to access the full potential of your empathic and intuitive gifts.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Rob and Liesel. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to raise your vibration and accelerate your ascension through Unity Consciousness and the loving wisdom of the Beings of Light.

Module 1: “Turn the Dial” on Your Frequency & Expand Your Gifts of Empathy & Sensitivity for Greater Peace, Love & Joy

Rob, Liesel, and the Beings of Light will provide an energetic container of openness and receptivity and help you open to this very same space within yourself...

... supporting you to allow energy to flow in whatever way it arises without shutting it down through restriction, resistance, or judgment.

In this safe and sacred place, explore the process of being at peace with what is and be guided by Liesel in a meditation with the assistance of the Beings of Light to help you open more fully in your heartspace. Attune to the one field of love and light that’s always present within you.

Rob and Liesel share helpful tools that will empower you to start using your incredible gifts of empathy and sensitivity in transformative ways in your life, allowing greater peace, love, and joy to blossom within you.

The invitation is to experience yourself as the open, receptive space itself not the emotions and mental narratives that arise and fall within the space.

This session, you’ll:

  • Discover empathy and sensitivity as energetic attunements that can help you harness your power to attune to a variety of energies
  • Explore how you have unknowingly been practicing partial empathy and how to integrate whole empathy
  • Recognize the narrow energetic bandwidth that you have been using your empathic abilities within
  • Learn how you can “turn the dial” to expand your capacities of empathy and sensitivity into higher bandwidths dramatically improving your experience of life
  • Keep your personal container of energy from becoming depleted using tools to transmute negative energies and challenging emotions
  • Experience a channeling from Liesel featuring the Beings of Light focused on whatever unfolds in the moment

Module 2: Use the Divine Virtues Exercise to Unveil the Deeper Meaning of Your Greatest Challenges & Expand Your Capacity for Empathy for Yourself & Others

Be introduced to a powerful self-discovery tool the Divine virtues exercise Rob developed over his years of pioneering the field of pre-birth planning research.

Experience your own Divine virtues exercise to learn how your soul cultivates the Divine virtues through your life plan.

Focus on your life challenges and your specific challenges of being an empath or HSP.

Reflect on how you’ve grown from being an empath or sensitive as you reframe your struggles and begin to see the silver linings within them.

As Rob will explain, we’re living through a pivotal time of planetary ascension a dramatic increase in vibration or frequency and the Divine virtues exercise will illuminate the specific ways you’re meant to be part of it.

This session, you’ll:

  • Explore how to transcend victim consciousness and gain greater insight about the underlying reasons your soul may have chosen difficult life challenges
  • Discover the life-opening power of shifting from fear and resistance to curiosity
  • Gain deeper insights into the ascension process and the soul qualities that you’re cultivating as an empath or HSP on Earth at this time
  • Uncover the relationship between your greatest life challenges and the expansion of your soul into your incarnate form
  • Discern which Divine virtues your soul is most focused on expanding within you in this lifetime and how it’s growing them through your experience as an HSP or empath

Module 3: Attune to Love and Practice Acceptance & Gratitude to Free Yourself of Resistance

Rob and Liesel will explain how you may have been practicing limited empathy and attunement without even realizing it.

Explore how to expand how you empathize and attune in the world so you resonate with the love that’s always present in all beings.

Liesel will share channeled wisdom from the Beings of Light to help you work with gratitude and acceptance, and better relate to your own resistance.

You’ll also learn to cultivate space and flexibility around your mental narrative of what’s occurring in your life opening the potential for higher vibrational mental perceptions of what’s happening around you.

Rob will guide you in a powerful meditation shared by the Beings of Light that can help you release the blockages that have been holding you back.

This session, you’ll explore:

  • Being the safe space through which emotion is allowed to flow when it arises
  • How to reframe your understanding of human suffering and begin to practice “Ariel Empathy” responding compassionately to yourself and others without taking on the weight of the world
  • Effective practices for navigating your daily life so you can attune more deeply with the higher aspects of everyone you encounter and resonate with the peace and love that is the truest nature of every being
  • Channeled wisdom from the Beings of Light helping you relate better to rather than identify with thoughts and emotions and recognize yourself as the awareness that is perceiving the thoughts and emotions
  • Ways to release and transmute negative thoughts, emotions, and patterns during a divinely inspired guided meditation

Module 4: Let Go of Struggle & Frustration Through Forgiveness to Allow the Loving Power of Source to Flow Through You

This era of ascension is the perfect time to evolve and prepare for a shift into a higher spiritual resonance accessing a new level of consciousness based on love, peace, cooperation, and the unity of all life.

Explore what it takes to exist at this level and why it’s essential to let go of the struggle, frustration, and emotional wounds that keep you focused on surviving and prevent you from thriving.

As Rob and Liesel will explain, when you hold onto grievances and refuse to forgive, you obstruct the natural flow of love and continue to struggle.

Rob and Liesel will share wisdom on how to let go of this obstruction, as well as an exercise you can use to help you soften into forgiveness.

As you’ll discover, when you forgive those who have hurt you and forgive yourself you create lasting inner peace.

This session, you’ll:

  • Explore how love can help you become a healing balm that melts the distorted lenses of perception and restores within you the ability to clearly see yourself and others
  • Discover how to unlock deep peace, love, and joy through forgiveness as you continue to expand your sense of empathy and sensitivity and how to use nature attunement to help you transition into forgiveness
  • Be guided by Rob in a deep inward journey to forgiveness
  • Experience Liesel’s channeled wisdom from the Beings of Light gain powerful insights and access to a deeper level of alignment with your higher self

Module 5: Work With Fields of Energy to Empower Your Gifts of Sensitivity & Realize Your Power to Help Effect Miraculous Change

Discover how you can work with various fields of energy as an empath or HSP and why these fields are such powerful tools during this current ascension of humanity.

Explore the underlying dynamics of energetic fields you encounter in your daily life as you interact with others...

... and how to recognize and consciously work with these fields to transform them to their highest potential including greater peace and harmony for you and all others who are part of this collective field.

Liesel will share a channeling and a personal story to reveal what the Beings of Light have to say about fields of energy.

Rob will guide you on a deep, immersive inward journey where you can experience a divine field of energy for yourself.

This session, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize energetic fields you encounter and learn how your empathy and sensitivity can help you resonate with a vibration of love even in a negative field
  • Useful insights and tips for navigating fields of energy
  • A deep guided meditation to attune to higher levels of consciousness and envelop yourself in angelic empathy
  • How to become an agent of upliftment and transformation for the people in your life

Module 6: Experience a Hypnotic Regression to Connect With the Nonphysical Realm & Receive Divine Wisdom

Rob will guide you to use the hypnotic trance state to greatly expand your awareness and capacity to connect to the nonphysical realm allowing you to receive powerful and transformative wisdom about yourself and your life.

He’ll use his expertise as a hypnotist to lead you on a powerful hypnotic regression channeled from the Beings of Light by Liesel, designed to help you expand and elevate your consciousness...

... attune to your spirit guides, angels, higher self, and Source and provide Divine guidance and wisdom for your life as you experience your true nature as profound love.

This is an incredible opportunity to experience a deep soul and Source immersion to greatly expand your consciousness.

This session, you’ll:

  • Receive Divine wisdom about how to transform your life for the better
  • Immerse yourself in a miraculous field of love and light and come to know yourself more deeply
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the reasons you chose to incarnate as an empath or HSP during the ascension of Earth
  • Meet your future self in energetic form and feel the love and compassion your future self has for you
  • Learn directly from Source and have the unique opportunity to ask Source any question you want

Module 7: Integrate Your Truth & Shine as a Beacon of Light to Fulfill Your Destiny During This Time of Ascension

As your journey comes to a close, Rob, Liesel, and the Beings of Light will help you integrate all you’ve learned as you continue your expansion into higher levels of consciousness.

Reflect on how you can shine as a beacon of light to guide others home to the truth within all...

... and gain deeper insights into the most effective use of your unique gifts and how to share them with the world as you use your capacity to attune through empathy and sensitivity.

This session, you’ll:

  • Explore your potential as a true alchemist of energy
  • Embrace the incredible resilience of life and open further to your own resilience
  • Review, celebrate, and integrate all you’ve learned to fully blossom in your capacity to attune in new ways
  • Reflect on your Divine virtues to move forward in life with the intent to consciously evolve
  • Step more fully into your truth as a being of infinite power, wisdom, and love during Liesel’s powerful meditation with the help of the Beings of Light

The Attune Your Intuition Extra Bonus

In addition to Rob and Liesel’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Love & Light From the Beings of Light
PDF Guide From Liesel Fricke and the Beings of Light

Be uplifted by this collection of inspiring quotations channeled by Liesel from the Beings of Light. These nuggets of wisdom are beautiful reminders of what your soul already knows. The loving messages contained in this PDF can help guide you to the truth within.

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What Graduates of Rob and Liesel’s Courses Are Saying...

“Rob and Liesel are a treasure, and I’ll take a class with them anytime!!”

I learned so much from this course about ascension, vibrational frequency, awareness v ego, and much more. I feel it has helped me be more patient and grounded, and less anxious. I enjoyed the channeled messages for living into our higher selves, and the meditations for letting go of ego and experiencing deep connection with Spirit/Oneness. The class was well-paced, taught with knowledge, humor, and grace. Rob and Liesel are a treasure, and I’ll take a class with them anytime!!
Linda S., Federal Way, Washington

“I enjoyed the course and learned a lot more, especially from the Beings of Light.”

I wanted to learn more from Robert because his books have been life-changing for me. I enjoyed the course and learned a lot more, especially from the Beings of Light. The biggest takeaway for me was realizing what my three values for this lifetime are. I understand more how to evolve through these.
Michelle, Colorado

“This info is extremely valuable to bring more peace and harmony into my life.”

This info is extremely valuable to bring more peace and harmony into my life. The channeling examples are easy to use in any “uncomfortable” situation. I just need to remember to apply it more often. And the meditations complement and support to raise my vibration. I’m glad that I participated in this course.
Daiva, Gresham, Oregon

“... the course will help me as I move forward with my journey.”

I found the Divine virtues exploration helpful and interesting. Also the fields of coherence info is fascinating and explains certain past experiences. I also enjoyed the meditations very much. All this and more from the course will help me as I move forward with my journey.
Patricia, Arizona

“I really liked the examples of how to quiet the ego mind and dissolve negative self-talk.”

I really liked the meditations and Divine virtues exercise. It really helped me to identify my current life’s karmic challenges. I really liked the examples of how to quiet the ego mind and dissolve negative self talk.
Tamara, South Pasadena, California

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Rob and Liesel

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from author and certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) hypnotist Rob Schwartz and channel for the Beings of Light Liesel Fricke from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to raise your vibration into Unity Consciousness.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Attune Your Intuition Extra Bonus
  • Love & Light From the Beings of Light
    PDF Guide From Liesel Fricke and the Beings of Light

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Attune Your Intuition

We feel honored that Rob and Liesel have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an author and certified BLSR (Between Lives Soul Regression) hypnotist and channel for the Beings of Light whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about accelerating your ascension by catalyzing your intuition and empathic gifts, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Attune Your Intuition or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Rob and Liesel...

“It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life.”

I had the great experience of a between lives [regression] with Robert Schwartz. It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life. I went back to the death experience of one of my not-proud [past] lives and forward into the soul completion of the lessons of that life. Hopefully, that was the last time I have to learn the remarkable responsibility of choosing the right subsequent lives!
Norm Shealy, MD, founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association

“This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.”

For me, the session was a remarkable clearing to my inner guidance and a deeper understanding and confirmation that I am on track with my “soul plan.” The technique you used was clear, relaxing, and comforting. This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.
Sandy S., Cheshire, United Kingdom

“After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me.”

Robert created an environment in which I felt truly comfortable and let go of all my worries. Whenever I got into a place of uncertainty, he effortlessly guided me through. I communicated with a spiritual being from whom I felt tremendous encouragement to start healing my insecurities and fears. After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me. I have come to understand that I can deal with my challenges in a smooth, natural way by becoming more loving toward myself and the surrounding world. It is a deeply comforting and empowering experience for which I am profoundly grateful.
Eva S., Czech Republic

“I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within...”

My session helped to free me of feelings of guilt and self-blame, and it allowed me to open my heart to self-love. I enjoyed the experience immensely, and I had loads of fun and laughter when I met my Soul Group! I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within and get clear answers from Spirit.
Natalia P., Spain

“It was an awesome experience!”

I wanted to experience a deeper meditation state and was interested in experiencing hypnosis-induced inner journeying from Rob. It was an awesome experience!
Donna, Taurangam, New Zealand

About Rob Schwartz

Rob Schwartz is a hypnotist who teaches internationally on the subject of pre-birth planning. He offers between lives soul regressions (BLSRs) to help people heal and understand their life plans. In a BLSR you can speak directly with the Council of Elders wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who can tell you what you planned for your current lifetime (and why), how well you’ve fulfilled your plan so far, and how you may better fulfill your plan in the future.

Rob is the author of Your Soul’s Plan... Your Soul’s Gift... and Your Soul’s Love. His books, which have been translated into 26 languages, explore the pre-birth planning of all manner of life challenges as well as spiritual awakenings.

About Liesel Fricke

After undergoing an enormous arc of personal evolution, Liesel Fricke, a mystic and channel, now helps people all over the world transform their own consciousnesses and lives through the workshops she co-teaches with her husband, Rob Schwartz. Liesel experienced firsthand that difficult life challenges can be powerful vehicles of transformation when we allow them to crack us open. In response to her own intense struggles with severe obsessive compulsive disorder and depression, Liesel opened and surrendered to the very depths of her being. The spiritual awakening that followed led to her capacity to connect with Unity Consciousness (Oneness) and the loving, wise beings that reside in this state of consciousness who she and Rob affectionately call the Beings of Light.

It is Liesel’s highest priority and greatest honor to share the profound love and wisdom of these highly evolved light beings in the messages, teachings, and meditations she channels. Liesel is thrilled to be working on a book with Rob based on many of these channelings. She is excited to share with the world the powerful love and insights that emerge from the sacred internal and eternal space where all are One.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?

A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Attune Your Intuition
Rob Schwartz & Liesel Fricke