With Acoustics Scientist & Inventor of the CymaScope
John Stuart Reid

A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Learn how to boost your immune system, activate your body’s capacity to heal at a cellular level, and create optimal vagus nerve stimulation by transmitting sound and light frequencies throughout all your bodily systems.

In this advanced exploration with a renowned acoustic scientist and inventor joined by a world-class team of expert colleagues you’ll take an exciting dive into the emerging facts and deeper mysteries of healing and higher consciousness... unlocked through the practice of cymatics, her sister sciences, and their collective reverberations.

Stop thinking your body is a problem to fix, and start thinking of it as a miracle to discover.
Ocean Robbins

The goal of all energy medicine healing modalities, including sound, is not to directly heal the body for only the body can heal the body but to cultivate the conditions within which your body can heal itself. It’s about bringing the entire mind, body, and soul together in balance... in harmony.

In this eagerly anticipated advanced follow-up to acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid’s incredibly popular introductory course, Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics, he builds much further upon the key foundational insights in that program and shares the deeper laws of cymatics... and much more about the remarkable powers of sound, music, and light to foster healing in the body and throughout our world.

If you’d like to explore the leading edge of sound healing work, this is THE program for you. And if you are a practitioner of a healing art, you’ll emerge with valuable new tools, practices, and insights.

John shares that practitioners of holistic medicine, functional medicine, or frequency medicine (to use umbrella terms), review all aspects of the patient especially their emotions. Therefore, the energetic, or vibrational, interconnectedness of the patient’s mind-body system is considered when forming a diagnosis or offering therapeutic support.

This expanded medical model is based on the truth that the body is composed of vibrational energy. Therefore, a wide variety of vibrational and energetic modalities can support the patient’s physiology including light, sound, and music.

While mainstream medicine has been slow to embrace this expanded medical model, there are positive signs of change...

Music medicine has recently been adopted as a clinical term. Some hospitals offer patient support with music because of its known positive physiological benefits. For instance, Johns Hopkins uses it for Parkinson’s sufferers.

Even more exciting is the trend of people empowering themselves or helping a loved one by learning how to safely use frequency medicine.

That’s where this advanced course with John shines brightest the depth and breadth of teaching will empower anyone to learn the important principles by which light, sound, and music heal... naturally.

You’ll also bathe in the sublime beauty of Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu’s deep healing music in four separate mini-concerts.

“The course was just awe-inspiring, and John Stuart Reid’s passion is infectious, his knowledge and experience expert-level.”

The course was just awe-inspiring, and John Stuart Reid’s passion is infectious, his knowledge and experience expert-level. The breadth of information and history and evidence is invaluable, and I am grateful for all of it, bringing me to a higher understanding of this amazing topic.
Rose C., Green Bay, Wisconsin


During this deep dive into sonic waters, you’ll:

  • Learn John’s postulated “Laws of Cymatics” and their relevance to healing which he has uniquely discovered and which are not found elsewhere... they won’t even be published on the CymaScope website until 2023
  • Witness how crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, and gongs have been shown for the first time in laboratory experiments to increase your red blood cell count and supercharge your white blood cells you’ll see powerful evidence for the role of intention in a real time blood experiment
  • Discover the principles of holographic sound and how it transfers energy-information effortlessly into our cells
  • Learn how sound creates infrared light, which powers the structured water-building mechanism in cells, and in turn powers our biology
  • Deconstruct the curious “Concert Pitch Conflict” of 432 Hz = A4, heralded as a more natural and more healing tuning for musical instruments than the current standard of 440 Hz = A4 and exploring the question: Does 432 Hz tuning actually provide more healing benefit than 440 Hz tuning?
  • Explore the dolphin’s “visual” world, in which they use cymatic principles to see with sound in 3D precision, with a sophisticated sonar visualization mechanism that evolved millions of years before humans rediscovered the imaging power of sound
  • Discover how frequency medicine with colored light can support wound healing and help alleviate pain, fatigue, peripheral nerve damage, psoriasis, dermatitis, migraine, fibromyalgia, cellulite, face wrinkles, and more
  • Experience a beautiful CymaScope video, commissioned by the artist Shelley Socolofsky, in which the Oregon Cathedral choir is made visible, creating heavenly sound art
  • Discover how the extremely low frequencies needed for optimal vagus nerve stimulation are created by a natural heterodyning phenomenon combining a high-frequency signal with another to produce a lower frequency and learn how such frequencies reduce chronic inflammation, slow aging, and boost sexual function
  • Experience a deep level of calm as the ethereal music of Jeralyn Glass’ crystal bowls washes over you like rhythmic ocean waves, increasing your production of dopamine, decreasing your cortisol levels, and helping your lymph system flush out toxins and hear her speak on the therapeutic power of crystal bowls
  • Explore the benefits of Hemi-Sync and binaural beats in supporting neurological conditions and physical conditions, such as chronic pain, sensory integration, stress management, and insomnia
  • Discover how the ancient Egyptian and Indian cultures built magnificent structures using sacred geometry principles
  • Learn how crystals can be applied to sacred geometry to magnify their healing properties
  • Dip into the world of quantum physics and understand its relationship with cymatic science
  • Learn the overwhelming evidence that the Great Pyramid, Al Giza, Egypt is a resurrection machine
  • Hear guest teacher and ancient sites researcher Freddy Silva’s extraordinary account of the events that unfolded for him and his group in the Great Pyramid’s King’s Chamber
  • And much more!

The secrets revealed in this unique frequency medicine intensive were acquired by John Stuart Reid over a span of 50 years of avid curiosity and research and have never before been assembled in this way.

The deep knowledge you’ll gain in this unique, timely, and potent course not only carries the potential to forever change your perception of the world in a profoundly positive way, but will also give you the tools to hone your own sound-related area of interest in meaningful ways...

Perhaps in understanding how frequency medicine works the biology of how traditional musical instruments heal... how the voice carries the power to heal... how the power of intention accelerates healing... how crystals can amplify the healing power of sacred geometry... and a wealth of other transformative tools...

... you’ll be able to show up fully in your truest and most natural way for fulfillment in your own life and as an instrument to help others do the same.

Guests (click on image for bio)

John Stuart Reid has invited other world-class teachers, colleagues, and guides with expertise in specific areas to join him throughout this in-depth exploration to share a wealth of perspectives, insights, and advances in sound medicine:

Dr. Zulia Frost

Dr. Mandara Cromwell

Dr. Mandara Cromwell

Dr. Mandara Cromwell is the inventor of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI) device, and will show and discuss CymaScope videos of important AMI frequency codes including a code designed to unblock meridians.

Annaliese Reid

Annaliese Reid

Annaliese Reid is John’s wife, who healed herself of a life-threatening autoimmune disease by the power of consciousness when her medical doctors gave her a “nocebo” that she would spend the rest of her (short) life in a wheel-chair.

Professor Jeralyn Glass

Professor Jeralyn Glass

Professor Jeralyn Glass is a crystal bowl aficionado extraordinaire and a fellow Shift faculty member who will play a short concert for us and discuss the use of crystal bowls as therapeutic instruments.

Dr. Robert Gilbert

Dr. Robert Gilbert

Dr. Robert Gilbert will talk about the beautiful Song of the Sun poster, on which he and John collaborated, and how its 28-antinode structure has important implications in BioGeometry.

Siv Moa Lønning

Siv Moa Lønning

Siv Moa Lønning is a Norwegian artist who is deeply inspired by cymatics and has created a gorgeous series of paintings called “Symphony of Geometry.”

Kate Holland

Kate Holland

Kate Holland will share with us a glimpse of her Beyond the Sun marriage of dance and cymatic imagery.

Freddy Silva

Freddy Silva

Freddy Silva, who has researched ancient sites for decades and discovered that they are intermediaries between the material and spiritual worlds, will share with us an extraordinary event that he experienced in the Great Pyramid.

Tsipi Raz

Tsipi Raz

Tsipi Raz is a veteran editor and scriptwriter of films and series shown on television and in festivals worldwide. For 30 years, she edited about 60 documentaries for IBA (Israel Broadcasting Authority). In her documentary work, she touches on questions about the nature of consciousness, expressing that it is the only tool through which our world can be turned into heaven on earth.


Cacina Meadu

Cacina Meadu

Anders Holte & Cacina Meadu are internationally-renowned musicians who’ll be participating at various points throughout the course including with mini concerts, viewing and discussing The Power of One Tone video (created with the CymaScope instrument), Anders leading simple vocal exercises in his incredible voice, and more.

Anders Holte

Anders Holte

Anders Holte & Cacina Meadu are internationally-renowned musicians who’ll be participating at various points throughout the course including with mini concerts, viewing and discussing The Power of One Tone video (created with the CymaScope instrument), Anders leading simple vocal exercises in his incredible voice, and more.


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-part informative and transformational intensive, John will guide you through the facts and mysteries of healing and higher consciousness, unlocked through contemplation and enjoyable study.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with John. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, taking a deep dive into the facts and mysteries of healing and higher consciousness, unlocked through beautiful and informative PowerPoint slides, and enjoyable study of deepening practices document.

Medical advisory: Please note that this course utilizes binaural beats, an audio technology developed for achieving deeply relaxed states of mind. While binaural beats are generally considered safe, they are contraindicated for certain medical conditions. The use of binaural beats in any Shift Network program is always optional. Click here for detailed information.

Module 1: Frequency Medicine, Part 1 Exploring the Miraculous Healing Power of Light Frequencies


We begin by focusing on the healing power of light frequencies, taking a deep dive into the relationship between sound, light, water, and electricity revealing how their shared synergy generates the electricity that gives us life.

We’ll review the biological mechanisms by which light stimulates the body’s healing response. Then we’ll discuss some of the medical conditions that can be supported and improved by infrared light as well as red, blue, green, and yellow light (collectively known as photobiomodulation therapy) including pain, fatigue, peripheral nerve damage, psoriasis, dermatitis, wounds, fibromyalgia, migraines, cellulite, wrinkles, and more.

In this opening session, you’ll:

  • Learn how sound creates infrared light, which powers the structured water-building mechanism in cells and in turn powers our biology
  • Watch a profound demonstration of how water generates electricity and learn about its relationship with health and infrared light
  • Explore many of the medical conditions that can be supported by frequency medicine in the form of light therapy
  • Review commercial light therapy devices that can help heal many medical conditions naturally
  • Hear special guest Dr. Zulia Frost’s story of how an extremely painful car crash injury ultimately inspired her to create the FlexBeam device that mediates pain and supports a wide range of medical conditions

Module 2: Frequency Medicine, Part 2 Exploring the Miraculous Healing Power of Sound Frequencies


Next we’ll focus on sound frequencies to support a wide range of medical conditions. We explore the fascia system of the body, considered by many scientists to be the body’s meridian system, accessible not only by acupuncture needles, but also by sonopuncture, sonically stimulating the body’s ancient communication system.

John’s special guest will be Dr. Mandara Cromwell, inventor of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence (AMI) device. She’ll show and discuss CymaScope videos of important AMI frequency codes, including a code designed to unblock meridians. The frequencies in the AMI device address the acupressure/sonopuncture points with sonic frequencies, because the reflected light carries the healing cymatic geometries deep into the tissues.

The module will then shift focus to low-frequency sonic stimulation, discovered in Finland by Dr. Petri Lehikoinen. His Physio Acoustic Sound therapy (PAS) was approved in the U.S. by the FDA and in the UK by the BMA for decreased pain, increased blood and lymphatic circulation, and increased muscle relaxation and mobility. The last part of this module will focus on case study results.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the fundamental aspects of the body’s fascia system, which predates the body’s nervous system in evolution and is now believed by many scientists to be the basis of the Chinese-discovered meridian system
  • Understand how the meridian system can be effectively stimulated by sonopuncture via the soles of the feet
  • Watch videos of Acoustic Meridian Intelligence sound codes made visible by CymaScope instrument and explore the fascinating connection between Code 133 and the Chinese 5 Element system
  • Explore how oxygen is the key to healing in the body, and how more oxygen is delivered to cells as a consequence of specific sound frequencies
  • Dip into actual case studies that reveal how a wide variety of medical conditions can be supported by both Acoustic Meridian Intelligence stimulation and by Physio Acoustic Sound therapy and Vibro Acoustic Therapy

Module 3: The Holographic Nature of Sound & Music & the Laws of Cymatics


It’s time to take an exciting deep dive into the holographic nature of sound, a world of shimmering beauty. We’ll watch examples of CymaScope imaging that provide us with a glimpse into the beauty of that normally invisible world.

We’ll discover how the holographic aspect of sound and music is used by our cells, and how dolphins employ holographic sound to see in dark and murky waters, and perhaps communicate with each other in a sono-pictorial language.

We’ll discuss cymatics within the framework of quantum physics and explore the laws of cymatics and their relevance in healing.

Our special guests are internationally-renowned musicians Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu, who will provide a mini concert. They’ll also show and discuss The Power of One Tone video, created with the CymaScope instrument in support of The 1 Field documentary, with its shimmering, holographic beauty.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the principles of holographic sound and how it transfers energy-information effortlessly into our cells
  • Explore the dolphin’s world of sound, in which they can see without eyes through a mechanism that evolved millions of years before humans rediscovered the imaging power of sound
  • Dip into the world of quantum physics, and understand its relationship with cymatic science
  • Discover the laws of cymatics and their relevance to healing
  • Immerse yourself in the glorious, multidimensional music of Anders and Cacina
  • Watch an excerpt from The Power of One Tone video, with its shimmering holographic beauty, and learn how our cells receive its holographic data

Module 4: The Role of Consciousness & Intention in Healing


We begin this session with a discussion regarding the nature of thoughts and how their root lies in the sonic bio-molecular vibrations of neurons, which may be the basis of consciousness.

Musician and spiritual teacher Jonathan Goldman’s well-known formula, sound + intention = healing, will be discussed using the CymaScope to analyze one of Lynne McTaggart’s focused intention experiments. Tsipi Raz, director of The 1 Field documentary, will join us as the first of two special guests to describe her experiences with the power of intention, particularly in relation to live blood experiments.

Our second special guest will be Annaliese Reid, John’s wife, who healed herself of a life-threatening autoimmune disease by the power of consciousness, when her medical doctors gave her a “nocebo” that she would spend the rest of her (short) life in a wheelchair. Annaliese will share her profound story and lead participants into a guided meditation.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn that sound can be considered the basis of consciousness and every thought that arises
  • Appreciate the veracity of Jonathan Goldman’s formula: Sound + intention = healing
  • See powerful evidence for the role of intention in a real-time blood experiment
  • Hear Tsipi Raz describe her experiences with the power of intention
  • Hear how Annaliese Reid healed herself of a medically “incurable” disease, using consciousness and intention
  • Learn the key elements of Dr. Glen Rein’s research demonstrating that DNA is reprogrammable

Module 5: The Healing Power of Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Tibetan Bowls & the Didgeridoo


It’s time to explore the therapeutic power of musical instruments, including modern crystal bowls and traditional harps, gongs, Tibetan bowls, and the Didgeridoo instrument each of which will be discussed in terms of its spectrum analysis and with CymaScope videos that enable us to see how their sounds organize and structure water.

A special series of laboratory experiments will be conducted with these four instruments to reveal for the first time the effects of their complex soundscapes on the longevity of red blood cells and white blood cells.

Our special guest will be professor Jeralyn Glass, a crystal bowl expert who will play a mini concert and discuss the use of crystal bowls as therapeutic instruments stimulating the movement of lymph fluids in our bodies... helping detoxify... boosting dopamine levels... reducing cortisol... and helping our bodies maintain stable and optimum homeostasis.

In this session, you’ll:

  • See the sonic spectrum analysis of a crystal bowl, harp, gong, Tibetan bowl, and didgeridoo and learn each instrument’s special attributes
  • View the sounds of a crystal bowl, harp, gong, Tibetan bowl, and didgeridoo, made visible by CymaScope instrument and discuss the beautiful geometry created from their sounds
  • Discover the results of a unique series of music and blood experiments in which the effects on red and white blood cells is measured for each of the 5 instruments
  • Learn how changes in the sound frequencies of these instruments moves lymph fluids to help detoxify the body
  • Experience professor Jeralyn Glass’ special crystal bowls mini concert, and learn the therapeutic power of crystal bowls

Module 6: The Therapeutic Power of Vocal Sound


The miraculous powers of the human voice as a therapeutic instrument are revealed in this module. We’ll learn that when we sing, our voice frequencies create infrared light (the language of cells), and that we sing not only to our own cells but those of everyone in our close proximity.

We’ll also dive deeply into vocal stimulation of the vagus nerve and nitric oxide production, learning the wide range of health benefits gained from singing and humming.

Our special guest will be Anders Holte, who brings the gift of his gorgeous voice, leading us in simple vocal exercises and sharing insights into the spirituality of song. In his own words, “When making simple, long vocal tones, the cells of one’s body have the time to receive the steady and harmonious vibrations, lowering one’s brain wave state from Beta to Alpha and even deeper, and entering a sacred space within.”

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how our voice creates modulated infrared light that speaks the language of our cells and impacts everyone around us
  • Learn that our voice is not only an aspect of our consciousness but also an extraordinary acoustic amplifier
  • Dive deeply into the science of the vagus nerve and nitric oxide, and the huge range of health benefits gained from singing and humming
  • Work with Anders Holte who will coach us in simple but profound vocal exercises to prepare the mind and body for deep healing
  • Watch a state-of-the-art CymaScope video of Anders’ vocals made visible, revealing a magical array of sacred geometry

Module 7: Music as Medicine: Present Day & Future


“Music as Medicine” has at its roots the sonic interconnectedness of the mind-body system, and it has become a new mainstream medical term. More hospitals are offering patients music for the purpose of healing, without the presence of a therapist the patient becomes their own therapist. We’ll explore the use of music as medicine in depth, with a full body immersion and with headphones, and we’ll discuss many of the biological mechanisms advantageously catalyzed by music.

Our special guests will be Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu, who will immerse us in their gorgeous music, creating great beauty on the membranes of every cell in our bodies and promoting healing at a deep and profound level.

We’ll also discuss the inspiring future of music as medicine, both in the medical world and for the general public.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the wide array of biological mechanisms advantageously catalyzed by music
  • Discover the benefits of Hemi-Sync and Binaural Beats in supporting and improving neurological and physical conditions, including chronic pain, sensory integration challenges, stress, and insomnia
  • Learn the mechanisms by which music triggers dopamine release, leading to a boost in white blood cell count
  • Learn how “happy heterodyning” can support optimal vagus nerve stimulation
  • Experience the gorgeous music of Anders and Cacina, who will take us into a place of inner connection and deep healing
  • Discuss the future of music as medicine, a future that we can all help make happen

Module 8: The Sacred Geometry of Cymatics


In schools and colleges, geometry is often taught in dry, dispassionate terms...

Yet when geometry is considered in terms of its relationship with sound and cymatics, it’s a fascinating subject, as this module bears testament.

We’ll explore the magnificent structures of crystals, minerals, and snowflakes... and marvel at the intricacy of a spider’s web and the growth patterns of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. We’ll examine how music structures the visceral waters in our bodies and creates health-giving cymatic patterns on our cells.

Our special guest will be Dr. Robert Gilbert, who will talk about the beautiful Song of the Sun poster (available to you as a free bonus), on which we collaborated... and share how its 28-antinode structure has important implications in BioGeometry, and how adding crystals to the poster can magnify its healing properties.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how sacred geometry manifests at the scale of atoms, the building blocks of all matter
  • Learn how cymatic principles transcend all scales, creating sacred geometry in the Universe, on planets, and on Earth
  • Explore how sacred geometry manifests in the beautiful inanimate world of crystals and minerals
  • Wonder at the sacred geometry in raindrops and rainbows and how this relates to all life on planet Earth, including the cross section of DNA
  • Watch a CymaScope video that reveals how music creates sacred geometry in water
  • Discover how the ancient Egyptian and Indian cultures built magnificent structures using sacred geometry principles
  • Learn how crystals can be applied to sacred geometry to magnify their healing properties

Module 9: Healing With Art Therapy


Art therapy originated in the field of psychotherapy and is a credentialed discipline that incorporates creative methods of expression through visual art media. However, even without a therapist, anyone can reduce their stress levels and improve their self-esteem and emotional resilience by adopting art as a form of therapy.

In this module, we’ll focus on how cymatic principles can be used to create art, whether drawn, painted, sculpted, or experienced through dance.
The equipment can be as simple as a homemade “Acoustic CymaScope,” as demonstrated in the foundational course... or the simple but magical Chladni plate... or it can be as sophisticated as the “CymaScope Light,” the new portable, battery-powered CymaScope.

Our two special guests will be Siv Moa Lønning, a Norwegian artist who is deeply inspired by cymatics and has created a gorgeous series of paintings titled, “Symphony of Geometry” and Kate Holland, who will share with us a glimpse of her new “Beyond the Sun” performance, a marriage of dance and cymatic imagery.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the principles of art therapy and how to create cymatic art
  • Learn how CymaGlyphs, provided in the deepening practices document, can form the inspiration for art therapy pieces
  • Experience a beautiful CymaScope video, commissioned by the artist Shelley Socolofsky, in which the choir of Oregon Cathedral is made visible, creating heavenly sound art
  • Discover how the geometry and stained glass of the rose window in a cathedral carries deep healing into our tissues
  • Bathe in the beautiful art of Siv Moa Lønning and hear her speak passionately about her “Mandala Rose Art”
  • Experience a glimpse of Kate Holland’s sublime “Beyond the Sun” video and learn from Kate why dance is her chosen form of art therapy

Module 10: The Curious Concert Pitch Conflict 432 Hz = A4 versus 440 Hz = A4


As a result of articles that appeared online from the late 1990s, 432 Hz has been heralded as a more natural and more healing tuning for musical instruments than 440 Hz.

But does 432 Hz concert pitch actually provide more healing benefit than 440 Hz? And is this also true for 444 Hz tuning (from which 528 Hz derives)?

Proponents of 432 Hz say that 440 Hz tuning “has no scientific relationship with our universe and actually causes the brain to become agitated,” and that “the Nazis in WW2 used this frequency against their enemies to make them feel and think a certain way.” (Quote reported by Reuters).

In this module, we’ll take a deep dive into these questions and assertions. We’ll weigh the evidence and provide clarity from a grounded scientific perspective, with conclusions drawn from critical thinking and empirical research on human blood.

Our special guests will be Anders and Cacina, who will express their personal views on 432 Hz tuning and perform two pieces of music in 432 Hz and 440 Hz tuning... without informing us of the respective tunings of the two pieces. We’ll then conduct a poll to discover your preferences, which may surprise us all.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Dip into the wild world of musical pitch in history
  • Explore the 3 inventions that helped identify musical pitch
  • Discover how human blood responds to music in 432 Hz, 440 Hz, and 444 Hz tunings
  • Learn the significance of base 10 arithmetic and the “second” unit of time in relation to 432 Hz
  • Experience immersion in Anders’ and Cacina’s deep healing music

Module 11: Ancient Egyptian Sonic Science


The Great Pyramid of Egypt is the first and only surviving wonder of the ancient world. It has acted like a giant magnet for tourists for thousands of years, and even the ancient Greeks and Romans stood at its base in awe and wonder.

The ancient Egyptians laid the foundations of many sciences and some of their discoveries influenced Greek and Roman science, including acoustic enhancement of public buildings, which was inspired by acoustical knowledge obtained from the ancient Egyptian priest-scientists.

Despite the rise of science and technology since the Renaissance, we still have much to learn from the ancient Egyptians, as this fascinating module explores.

Our special guest will be Freddy Silva, who has researched ancient sites for decades and discovered that they are intermediaries between the material and spiritual worlds. Freddy will share with us an extraordinary event he experienced in the Great Pyramid.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Examine the evidence that the Great Pyramid is a resurrection machine* and is an actual model in stone of Nut, the Egyptian goddess of the sky and heavens, and her reproductive system
  • Experience John’s vivid account of the day in 1997 when ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs appeared on the sand-strewn sarcophagus, and his back injury was miraculously healed
  • Learn the secret, discovered by the ancient Egyptians, that quartz-rich rose granite, quarried and transported from the Egyptian city Aswan, has qualities that amplify the healing quality of vocal sound
  • Discover the symbolic purpose of the twin “fallopian tubes” that penetrate the King’s Chamber and Queen’s Chamber, and the location of the symbolic “ovaries" of the goddess Nut
  • Hear Freddy Silva’s extraordinary account of the events that unfolded for him and his group in the Great Pyramid’s King’s Chamber

* As described by Dr. Renée Friedman, Egyptologist


Module 12: Integration


This final module is reserved for integration of the advanced knowledge you’ve received in all the previous modules.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Receive a summary of the key elements of each of the modules
  • Enjoy an in-depth discussion with John


The Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Sonic Science & Cymatics Bonus Collection

In addition to John’s transformative 12-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Sound Therapy 201
PDF Article by John Stuart Reid

Sound Therapy 201 focuses on the biological mechanisms by which sound and music trigger the body’s healing response. In over 40 pages, including high quality illustrations, John Stuart Reid authoritatively describes, in easy to understand language, how sound frequencies and music support the body’s healing mechanisms mediating pain, reducing chronic inflammation, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, boosting the immune response, and even slowing aging. This is an important article for everyone who wishes to learn about how sound and music heal, naturally.


The Therapeutic Power of Vocal Sound
PDF Article by John Stuart Reid

The human voice has the power to fill a concert hall without a microphone... the power to promote healing in ourselves and others... and the power to transform thoughts and feelings into words and sounds to inspire others. The therapeutic power of the human voice is well known, but until now the mechanisms by which vocal sound can promote healing haven’t received the attention they deserve. In this ground-breaking article, John Stuart Reid brilliantly distills his specialist knowledge on this subject sharing insights into the biological mechanisms that underpin vocal therapy and how our songs will one day reach the stars.


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What Graduates of John’s Courses Are Saying...

“John is an inspirational teacher who makes difficult technical and scientific material easy to understand.”

From being a complete novice in the field of sound healing, I now have a thorough understanding of how sound and music affect the body and can activate and speed the healing process. John is an inspirational teacher who makes difficult technical and scientific material easy to understand. I was also delighted and transported by the beautiful music of Anders Holte and Cacina. Anders’ voice is absolutely heavenly, and it was so lovely to have their dreamy live concerts as part of the course.
Anna, Hereford, United Kingdom

“I highly recommend this course for those willing to explore the extraordinary!”

I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from John! Meet the perfect marriage of miracles and research. It is beyond thrilling that science has finally begun to catch up with what spirituality has been describing for ages. This experience has taken my vibrational medicine career to the next level, understanding the intricacies and potential sound has on healing the body and the world. I highly recommend this course for those willing to explore the extraordinary!
Aurora Seraphine, Asheville, North Carolina

“This course was so inspirational.”

This course was so inspirational. John Stuart Reid was a great pedagog and made things easy to understand. The visual effects: “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and Anders’ and Cacinas’ music were amazing, etheric, and soul gripping. I can listen to their music again and again, and I have shared it with my friends. I consciously tone more and sense it is helping my body, mind, and soul. Thanks so much for the experiences these past seven weeks.
Karen Joy Kleppa, Gålå, Norway


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With John Stuart Reid

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid, inventor of the CymaScope from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you into the facts and mysteries of healing and higher consciousness, unlocked through contemplation and practice of cymatics and other sciences.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Sonic Science & Cymatics Bonus Collection
  • Sound Therapy 201
    PDF Article by John Stuart Reid
  • The Therapeutic Power of Vocal Sound
    PDF Article by John Stuart Reid

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Sonic Science & Cymatics Online Training


We feel honored that John Stuart Reid has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an acoustics scientist and the inventor of the CymaScope, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about truly understanding healing and higher consciousness, unlocked through contemplation and practice of cymatics, other sciences, and their collective reverberations, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Note: If you have NOT experienced John’s Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics teachings before (through his 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training, but we ask complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Sonic Science & Cymatics or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for John Stuart Reid...

“His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.”

I’d like to acknowledge that John Stuart Reid is an extraordinary researcher of sound one of the best on the planet. He’s knowledgeable and affable. His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.
Jonathan Goldman, founder of Sound Healers Association

“I hope very much that you will get not only new knowledge but also pleasure from his teaching course.”

I met John Stuart Reid at a seminal conference in London. His presentation and demonstration impressed me very deeply because I understood that we normally separate science and art, and here for me it was elite science and elite art, indivisible. I hope very much that you will get not only new knowledge but also pleasure from his teaching course.
Professor Vladimir Voeikov, chair of Bioorganic Chemistry, faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

“[The CymaScope] is not just a new scientific instrument but new science as well, and I suspect a new field of math.”

Organized dynamical behavior is more the province of biology than of physics, and will require different tools of investigation than are standard in physics. The CymaScope may be one such tool. It is not just a new scientific instrument but new science as well, and I suspect a new field of math.
Professor Brian Josephson, Nobel Laureate, Professor of Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, 1974-2007


About John Stuart Reid

Acoustics pioneer John Stuart Reid is on a mission to educate and inspire the world about the field of cymatics the science of visible vibrations and sound. He asserts that sound is the foundation of almost all matter in the Universe and was a potent force in the creation of life in the primordial oceans, thereby carrying the power to heal life.

In his lectures, John reveals groundbreaking information on the mechanisms that support Sound Therapy and Music Medicine, and how they can be applied to improve health naturally.

His CymaScope invention has forever changed the world’s perception of sound by giving us the ability to “see” sound and better understand this ubiquitous aspect of life. His cymatics research, which is elevating this important new field in scientific and medical arenas, includes a study on differentiating between the sounds emitted by healthy cells and cancer cells, published in Water Journal.

In John’s words, “The old adage ‘seeing is believing’ takes on an important new meaning to see sound is to open a new window on our world, one that has been veiled for all time, until now.”


Frequently Asked Questions


Note: If you have NOT experienced John’s Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics teachings before (through his 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training, but we ask complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is November 2, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you have NOT experienced John’s Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics teachings before (through his 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training, but we ask complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
