in Natural Health, Ayurveda & Sports Medicine
Dr. John Douillard, DC
De-stress, balance your emotions, and aid digestion by combining Ayurvedic breathwork, meditation, and diet — to enhance your quality of life, vitality, and longevity.

When you think of growing older, do you imagine a healthy, happy last chapter… or do you see yourself as merely existing, perhaps in declining health, needing care, or unable to live independently and flourish?
What if you could take steps right now to not only extend your lifespan, but also to truly improve your quality of life as you age — to be active, healthy, and spiritually fulfilled well into your golden years?
Ayurveda is the perfect place to look for cultivating these healthful qualities. It teaches that the optimal human lifespan is 120 years! If your body is optimally prepared, you can become a vibrant and thriving elder who feels truly blessed by every passing year.
Ayurveda — which translates to knowledge of life in Sanskrit — is a 3,000-year-old natural system of medicine that originated in India. It understands and honors that we become wiser with age…
… evolving emotionally and spiritually, and that our quality of life is not only dependent on physical vitality but also on our capacity for greater awareness, compassion, and joy.
We are eternal beings, and when we care for our entire system — mind, body, and soul — we are cultivating longevity that feeds our spirit into future lifetimes.
In his self-empowering 7-module online program, Dr. John Douillard, DC, a leader in natural health and Ayurveda, will help you take your longevity to the next level by optimizing your health, energy, and wellbeing NOW.
You’ll learn powerful healing Ayurvedic breathwork and meditation practices as well as dietary changes designed to help you de-stress, aid digestion, and balance your emotions.
You’ll be guided through deep transformational exercises to help you release depression, stress, and trauma…
… and you’ll learn lifestyle changes that sync up your body’s natural circadian rhythms through the power of Ritu-Sandhi, the Ayurvedic practice of using the energetic junctures between seasons to promote wellbeing…
…such as eating in-season foods that aid digestion and help improve emotional wellbeing.
You’ll learn a home Nasya Therapy for brain lymph detox, primarily to remove old emotional trauma, but also to boost immunity, cognitive function, and sinus cleansing, and how to use intention to affect your biophoton emission and heal yourself.
You’ll also explore powerful Ayurvedic “Gap Therapies” aimed at treating disease before it manifests, giving you preventative practices that help keep you healthy and vibrant as you age.
You’ll experience breathwork that focuses on how the subtle energies of the mind merge with the physical body to meet the muscle of immortality — the diaphragm — and restore the healing memory of pure consciousness into all your cells.
This connection with our spiritual self raises our vibration, grounds us, alleviates stress, and provides a cascading effect that promotes healing and longevity.
At the end of the course, you’ll take an Emotional Type Quiz to identify your emotional blocks to cultivating a long and happy life and learn powerful practices for breaking through these blocks to help heal and strengthen your system for many years to come.
By the end of these life enhancing seven modules with John, you’ll have personalized Ayurvedic practices that can increase your energy, boost your vitality, and evolve you spiritually for years to come.
During this self-healing online program, you’ll discover:
- How to sync up your your biological clock and circadian rhythms
- Pranayama practices that help you clear your lymphatic and glymphatic systems
- Simple yoga postures with breathing practices designed to activate every part of your diaphragm
- The difference between nose and mouth breathing and how to employ these practices in exercise, sleep, and before and after meditation and yoga
- How to balance rajas (overstimulation) and tamas (fear and inhibition) and bring sattva (joy) into your life
- Various breathing meditations to reset your calm in any moment
- How to eat seasonally, and which foods, herbs, and breathing practices increase your digestive strength
- The best times to sleep, exercise, and eat for alignment with the Ayurvedic times of day
- The power of Ritu-Sandhi — the junction between seasons and how the ancients used the change of seasons to prevent disease
- How to identify your emotional blocks by taking an Emotional Type Quiz
- And much more!
John has helped thousands of people delve beyond their symptoms to address their physical and emotional health imbalances at the root cause, allowing them to resolve — rather than simply treat — their symptoms.
He teaches that Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity not only boost your immunity and capacity for joy, but also provide an approach to aging that can help you rejuvenate rather than degenerate — so you can enjoy a long, happy, healthy life — vitally active and spiritually fulfilled.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, John will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully take longevity to the next level, consciously improving quality of life as you age.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with John. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to improve your quality of life as you age, consciously rejuvenating rather than degenerating.
Module 1: Promote Better Digestion, Mood, Energy, Immunity & More by Getting to the Root of Disease

In our opening module, we’ll explore the concept of pragya paradh — the cause of all diseases according to Ayurveda.
This is where the mind begins to perceive itself as separate from its source in consciousness, and when our cells begin to function independently of the whole.
The cure for this is to restore the memory of pure consciousness into every cell at the junction where the quantum fields and physiology meet.
We will start this process by mapping and bringing balance to the body’s five koshas (subtle energy sheaths). Each sheath — body, breath, mind, discernment, and joy — will be evaluated and treated in this course.
We’ll begin by focusing on the breath, where the subtle energies of the mind merge with the physical body. Here we meet the muscle of immortality, the diaphragm, and begin our breath training.
In this class, you’ll discover:
- An introduction to Ayurvedic psychology and how to be free of unwanted mental and emotional patterns
- One of the most important Ayurvedic principles: The more subtle it is, the more powerful it is
- Powerful Ayurvedic therapies aimed at treating disease before it manifests, which is at the junction between consciousness and matter, called “Gap Therapies”
- Simple yoga postures with breathing practices designed to activate every part of the diaphragm
- How to “floss” your diaphragm with maximum inhalation and exhalation training
- How to treat each of the 5 koshas to bring the body and mind back into harmony with nature
Module 2: Practice the Breath of Immortality for Greater Health & Spiritual Awareness

Dive deeply into the physiology and spirituality of breathing with ancient Ayurvedic and Yogic breathing techniques for healing the body and inspiring the mind to look within for its joy and contentment.
In this class, you’ll explore the interoception (self-awareness) receptors deep inside your diaphragm that allow you to feel and understand what’s going on deep inside your body.
You’ll learn and practice the proper breathing practices for activating your interoception receptors, paving the way for a healthier body and a deeper, more vivid spiritual practice.
In module two, you’ll discover:
- The difference between nose and mouth breathing, and how to employ these practices in exercise, sleep, and before and after meditation and yoga
- How to live in the “eye of the storm,” and how to know when you’re rejuvenating or degenerating
- How to reset a rejuvenating calm inside you
- The science and benefits of long, slow, and deep breathing
- 20 scientific reasons to tape your mouth at night
- How to nose breathe during exercise to boost Alpha brain waves and enter “the zone”
- A 1-minute breathing meditation to reset your calm in any moment
- 4 Pranayama techniques
Module 3: Activate Nobel Prize-Winning Healing in the Space Between Breaths

This practice of breath extension or breath retention is called kumbhaka, and it represents the space between the breath.
In Western science it’s called intermittent hypoxia, and the benefits of this ancient practice are now well studied.
In this class, you’ll learn how to safely extend or pause your breath, which is linked to increased stem cell production, increased nitric oxide, and a boost in the endurance hormone erythropoietin (made famous by world-class Tour de France cyclists).
You’ll also explore how learning this form of breathwork can protect your genetic code and enhance neuroplasticity to “rewrite” emotional and neurological patterns.
In this class, you’ll explore:
- The concept of over-breathing
- How to build CO2 tolerance — to become “superhuman”
- The science of intermittent hypoxia through breath retention
- Breathing for increased neuroplasticity
- Incorporating breath retention into your breathing practice
Module 4: Explore Your Brain’s Lymphatic System to Boost Health, Longevity & Self-Awareness

Treating the lymphatic system is the key to longevity. Your lymphatic system is designed to perform three major tasks: detoxify the body, carry fat and fuel to every cell of the body, and carry the body’s immune system.
The lymph is found around the belly, underneath your skin, inside the respiratory and digestive tracts, and in the brain. All the lymph in the body starts in the digestive system, and when congested, it’s linked to toxicity, compromised immune system, and numerous health concerns.
The newly discovered glymphatic system, which is basically a brain cleansing system, has been found to dump three pounds of plaque and toxins out of the brain each year while we sleep. Congestion of the brain’s lymphatic system is linked to anxiety, depression, inflammation, infection, and autoimmunity.
In this class, we’ll focus on the brain lymphatic system for health, longevity, and enhanced self-awareness.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A home Nasya Therapy for brain lymph detox, primarily to remove old emotional trauma, but also to boost immunity, cognitive function, and sinus cleansing
- Ayurvedic Head Marma Massage to further detox the Brain Lymphatics and remove old emotional trauma
- Ayurveda Garshana (lymph massage) with raw silk gloves for healthier skin function and skin detox
- Herbs, food, and pranayama for a healthy brain lymphatic system to boost immunity, energy reserves, and healthy detox
Module 5: Explore Dietary Changes for Better Digestion & Boosting Longevity

Many people believe that as we age, our digestive strength weakens and we need to take digestive enzymes. From the Ayurvedic perspective, this is a myth.
In this class, you’ll learn how, when, what, and where to eat, including the benefits of eating seasonal food, being calm when you eat, and eating at the right times of day — in a peaceful and pleasing environment.
When our system is stressed by processed foods, our telomeres shorten, which accelerates aging. Eating healthy foods has been found to lengthen our telomeres (protective chromosomal caps) and our life.
Additionally, Nobel Prize-winning research by Elizabeth Blackburn found that eating well and de-stressing with yoga, breathwork, or meditation can lengthen your telomeres and extend your life.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How to eat seasonally
- The magic of how and where to eat to boost digestion
- Which foods have been found to lengthen your telomeres (protective chromosomal caps)
- Your digestive weak link and how to strengthen it
- Which foods, herbs, breathing practices, and lifestyle changes can increase your digestive strength
Module 6: Align Your Biological Clock With Nature’s Circadian Rhythms to Energize Your Cells & YOU

Is your life a struggle? Do you feel tired or exhausted a lot of the time? Do you crave sugar, chips, or coffee to get through the day, or need a glass of wine to unwind in the evening?
The key to boosting your energy is in looking to nature’s subtle rhythms. Every cell in your body has a biological clock that turns on and off in sync with nature’s circadian cycles.
Yet, due to a number of factors — including the stress of living in today’s world, light pollution, limited sun exposure, and the fact that we spend on average 90% of our time indoors — our biological clocks have become out of sync with nature.
In this class, you’ll discover how to feel these subtle rhythms once again, and explore the best daily and seasonal routines based on the latest science and time-tested Ayurvedic wisdom.
In this module, you’ll learn:
- The best times to sleep, exercise, and eat in alignment with the Ayurvedic times of day
- About the power of Ritu-Sandhi — the junction between seasons, plus how the ancients used the change of seasons to prevent disease
- The power of the sun’s cycles throughout the day — and when to be in the sun versus when to avoid it
- How to microdose with melatonin to reset your circadian clock
- Evidence-based Ayurvedic Intermittent Fasting — and why breakfast matters
Module 7: Discover the Invisible Mechanisms Behind Prayer, Healing, Emotional Freedom & Immortality

We all have emotional patterns holding us back from living life fully.
In this last class, you’ll identify your emotional type and hone in on what areas of your life can be more emotionally balanced.
And, you’ll discover a simple technique that uses the fascinating power of ultra weak photon emissions (biophotons), which are the mechanism that underlies how prayer works and enables us to practice self-healing and distance healing.
In this final module, you’ll:
- Take the Emotional Type Quiz to identify your emotional blocks
- Learn how to balance rajas (overstimulation) and tamas (fear and inhibition) and bring sattva (joy) into your life
- Explore how to use intention to affect your biophoton emission and heal yourself
- Learn Ayurvedic distance healing techniques that are backed by science
The Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity Bonus Gift
In addition to John’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Intro to Ayurveda
PDF Guide From Dr. John Douillard

This knowledge-packed guide by Dr. John Douillard, DC is your detailed introduction to Ayurvedic philosophy, vocabulary, lifestyle choices, and how to uncover your personal Ayurvedic constitution. You’ll learn tips on seasonal eating and the best times to eat, as well as what herbs, supplements, and self-care practices can keep you balanced and in sync with nature. You’ll also discover ten Ayurvedic secrets for energy and contentment, be guided through an “emotional detox” process, and more.
What Graduates of Dr. John Douillard’s Courses Are Saying…

“John’s teachings are both time-tested and scientifically validated.”
John’s teachings are both time-tested and scientifically validated. He blends his experience with an extensive knowledge base and a clear, warm teaching style — wonderful!
— Kat, Sea Girt, New Jersey
“I use the breathing techniques daily and feel much more grounded, calm, and energized.”
I am so happy I attended this course. I use the breathing techniques daily and feel much more grounded, calm, and energized. This course really taught how we all, with small changes in daily routines and habits, can feel so much better and in balance. Thank you so much.
— Karita, Helsinki, Finland
“The Vedic teachings presented by Dr. John presented a path to personal wholeness and happiness.”
The course gave me a psychological, physical, emotional, and nutritional understanding of a healthy lifestyle. The Vedic teachings presented by Dr. John presented a path to personal wholeness and happiness.
— Lou Summers, Millerstown, Pennsylvania
“I was so excited and looked forward to attending these classes each week.”
I just want to say thank you to Dr. John Douillard for his time and passion. I was so excited and looked forward to attending these classes each week. I loved all the information he provided (backed by science). I was inspired to create a new routine each week that I added to.
— Angie, Camas, Washington
“I have followed Dr. Douillard for many years, and even so I found what he had to offer fresh and so very insightful.”
I have followed Dr. Douillard for many years, and even so I found what he had to offer fresh and so very insightful. He is truly one of a kind with his blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, and I love that he touches on so much of the Ayurvedic philosophy as well as practices. I’d love to see more courses from him.
— Kristine Backes, Livingston, Montana
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. John Douillard, DC
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from a global leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine, Dr. John Douillard, DC — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to improve your quality of life as you age.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity Bonus Gift
- Intro to Ayurveda
PDF Guide From Dr. John Douillard
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity Online Training
We feel honored that Dr. John Douillard has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of LifeSpa and a global leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about improving your quality of life as you age, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity: A Personalized Ayurvedic System to Treat the Root Causes of Aging & Boost Energy, Health & Fulfillment — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Dr. John Douillard…

“… a HUGE gain in health.”
As an editor for such publications as Yoga Journal and Natural Health, I see a lot of “detox plans.” [Dr. John Douillard’s Colorado Cleanse] is a cleanse based on a clear understanding of body dynamics. It’s not about suffering — fasting, denial — but about working with your own body rhythms to create better health. My own results were undeniable: I lost 11 pounds. More important, my blood pressure dropped from 160/98 to 125/75. That is a HUGE gain in health.
— Hillari Dowdle, Editor, Yoga Journal
“Dr. John Douillard takes the analysis of food sensitivities deeper to get at the root causes.”
Combining insights from modern scientific research and the brilliant, ancient system of Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. John Douillard takes the analysis of food sensitivities deeper to get at the root causes.
— Timothy McCall, MD, Author of Yoga as Medicine, co-editor of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care, and medical editor for Yoga Journal
“… helped me on game days, when I needed energy most.”
The 3-Season Diet is very informative. It helped me on game days, when I needed energy most.
— Kendall Gill, former team captain, the NBA’s New Jersey Nets
“Great practices with tangible results in short periods.”
I am a medical doctor, and really loved all the talks. Very good information with scientific evidence. Great practices with tangible results in short periods. I really enjoyed the course and will go back to the information.
— Claudia Guzman, MD, Bogotá, Colombia
“Dr. John has a way of articulating information in a way that makes it understandable, applicable, and thus truly transformational.”
This course with Dr. John was phenomenal. I'm a health coach and I've done a lot of training and online courses, and this was the BEST one I've ever taken. Dr. John has a way of articulating information in a way that makes it understandable, applicable, and thus truly transformational. The knowledge and insight I've gained from this course are invaluable and will serve me for the rest of my life.
— Michelle Brown, health coach, Topeka, Kansas
About Dr. John Douillard, DC

Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, is a globally recognized leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He’s the creator of LifeSpa.com, the leading Ayurvedic health and wellness online resource, which offers thousands of free articles, ebooks, and videos. LifeSpa combines ancient wisdom with modern science to evolve the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, disseminating information to more than 105,000 newsletter subscribers and through more than 11 million YouTube views.
Dr. John is the former director of player development for the NBA’s New Jersey Nets, and was a repeat guest on The Dr. Oz Show. He’s the author of seven health books (including the bestsellers Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet), a teacher of several online courses, and the director of LifeSpa Ayurvedic Clinic (the 2013 Holistic Wellness Center of the Year) in Boulder, Colorado.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.