With Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher
Jane Burns

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Cultivate your ability to embrace the betwixt and between the liminal space between loss and opportunity through the wisdom of Celtic myth and shamanic journeying... and gain the extraordinary, life-changing gifts of greater self-discovery, sovereignty, and freedom.


Our time here on Earth is peppered with losses of people and things near and dear that are integral to our sense of identity and purpose.

We’re all likely to experience the death of a loved one, a breakup, the loss of a job, a health crisis, a move away from a beloved home, the loss of freedom (as most of us have felt during the pandemic), or other life-altering events.

Due either to external circumstances beyond our control or an inner knowing that something or someone is no longer serving our greater good, we all encounter crucial segues between what once was and what will be.

When you’re forced to let go of something of significant meaning in your life, how do you handle it? Do you embrace the mystery of what’s next? Or perhaps you prefer to hide from or rush through the grief of loss, and resist the change that’s knocking on your door.

It’s human nature to shy away from life’s difficult stages. From a shamanic perspective, however, these are the soul’s way of engaging us in necessary self-exploration, and our struggles tend to persist until we understand why these transitional periods are showing up and what they’ve come to teach us.

In the Celtic tradition, these threshold times are calledthe betwixt and between or the thin places. They’re portals into something new, filled with enormous possibilities.

One of the most potent approaches to transforming these periods of uncertainty into launching pads for self-knowledge and evolution is through the wisdom of Celtic shamanism, which teaches us how to face life’s betwixt and between periods with courage, surrender, and intention.

You can learn how to see the world in new ways, and be present with and navigate your challenges honing skills that can serve you for a lifetime.

Join shamanic practitioner and teacher Jane Burns on a fascinating 7-module exploration, in which she’ll share the transformative power of myth and guide you on experiential shamanic journeys that will help you open to the betwixt and between times and emerge renewed and awakened to the awarenesses you need to effectively work through difficult transitions.

The Invaluable Power of Myth & Journeying

In betwixt and between periods, many people feel lost. Shamanic journeying is a way to acknowledge that you don’t know where you are, who you are, or what’s being asked of you. It offers you the opportunity to ask for help and surrender to guidance.

In each of the seven sessions in this program with Jane, she’ll share with you a different Celtic myth beautiful, revelatory, and universally relevant stories of renowned mythic characters who entered the betwixt and between to experience profound, life-altering lessons.

Jane will then guide you through journeys into unseen realms, where you’ll learn the mythic lessons that will help you cultivate essential skills for walking through your life.

You’ll invoke the wisdom and counsel of helping spirits to lead you out of the pretense of who you thought you were and into the truth and wholeness of your authentic being. And, through this process, you can accelerate prescribed change and arrive more easily and quickly at the insights you need to move beyond your challenges.

Journeys show us what we don’t see and tell us what we don’t know. And, when the journeying drumming begins, we enter as a different person from the self who emerges when the drumming stops.



As this highly experiential and healing 7-module course unfolds, you’ll:

  • Dive deep into what betwixt and between times are, and learn the shamanic approach to using these threshold times for self-discovery, shedding old ways, and birthing something new
  • Be guided on a series of shamanic journeys in the Celtic tradition
  • Use the betwixt and between aspects of nature to enhance and shape your journey experience
  • Have the experience of grieving loss and unveiling a newly forming self
  • Hear extraordinary Celtic myths and understand their power to help you unveil and alchemize what lies beneath the surface of your psyche
  • Heal the old wounds that become magnified when there’s upheaval in your life
  • Allow yourself to unravel and shed what no longer serves you
  • Cultivate self-understanding, sovereignty, and freedom
  • Remember your authentic self and soul purpose, beyond conditioning
  • Create a new vision for yourself where you’re no longer tied down by the identity and obligations you once had
  • And more

Join us to discover that, in liminal space, infinite potential abounds and offers you the chance to go inward, renovate, reacclimate, and embrace a more conscious, meaningful, and easeful life.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Jane will guide you through the fundamental insights and practices you’ll need to embrace the liminal space between loss and opportunity through the wisdom of Celtic myth and shamanic journeying to gain the extraordinary, life-changing gifts of greater self-knowledge, sovereignty, and freedom.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Jane. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to gain the extraordinary, life-changing gifts of greater self-knowledge, sovereignty, and freedom as you work through the liminal space between loss and opportunity.

Module 1: Shamanic Journeying in the Celtic Tradition Through the Betwixt & Between


Shamanic journeys provide you with the navigation skills you require in real life. You can accelerate prescribed change and arrive more easily and quickly at the insights you need to transcend your challenges.

The best approach to journeying is the same as the approach to living to be a hollow bone and allow yourself to be filled with what you need to know.

In this opening module, you’ll learn how to enter the journey in the classic Celtic style through a mist! Mist itself is a betwixt and between, and when the mist lifts, you know you’ve entered another realm. Everything changes, and you acquire new rules, new powers, and new helpers.

For the ancient seafarers, that mist was a seamist that caused unexpected things to happen. Once traversed, questions that had never before been asked came to mind, and curiosities and speculations that had long been asleep were awakened.

Jane will introduce you to the tale of Maelduin, who goes to sea seeking revenge for his father’s murder. However, at the journey’s end, he’s so transformed that he only desires peace with his father’s killers.

In this session, Jane will guide you on such a sea journey called immrama to unveil the magical islands that old Celtic sea-adventurers, like Maelduin, explored.

In Module 1, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Use the betwixt and between aspects of nature to enhance and shape your journey experience
  • Understand the role intention plays in strengthening and accelerating transformation
  • Celebrate and share the stories of change you’ve already lived
  • Allow yourself to unravel and shed what no longer serves you

Module 2: Hibernating & Reemerging as a Changed Self in a Changed World


As a result of the pandemic, most of us have been feeling the constriction of hibernation rather keenly this past year. However, periods of isolation are neither new nor unnecessary.

The ancients recognized the value of withdrawal from the outer world from normal routine and demands to regain a closer and new perspective of the self. Removal of the self from its normal context brings new information and insight, greater self-knowing, and the calm and clarity of sanctuary.

With the din of ongoing “ordinary” life, and the accompanying chaos, many people have a tendency to lose their sense of self.

Hibernation is a time of reflection and contemplation, integration and processing. It’s an opportunity to review the freneticism you’re withdrawing from and ask deep and relevant questions about the pace and complexion of your life. In the quiet comes insight, a distillation of ideas, renewed perspective, and vigor.

Periods of hibernation and detachment end when they’re meant to no sooner, no later and reemergence as a changed self into a changed world may feel daunting.

In this module, you’ll explore the tale of Mabon ap Modron, a man who was taken as a baby and held hostage in a mysterious, unreachable place a betwixt and between space where he cried out, awaiting rescue. Once rescued, he was unseasoned by the world, but his captivity had given him new wisdom and foresight, making him an invaluable member of King Arthur’s war band.

Similarly, your journey in this class will reveal the unique, necessary, and invaluable skills and insights you’re gaining during the pandemic, which will help you when you reemerge.

In this session, you’ll understand:

  • How the soul speaks to you in times of quiet
  • The connection between hibernation and creative ingenuity
  • Why hibernation strengthens your relationship with yourself
  • Ways to align yourself with divine timing

Module 3: Finding Resolution Through the Betwixt & Between of Conflict & Chaos


Sometimes conflict crashes into the seeming tranquility and balance of our lives quite unexpectedly.

It can take the form of a divorce, a lawsuit, a family feud, political upheaval, or dis-ease at work. It’s when things suddenly go topsy-turvy, and you’re left to grapple with all the possible implications of this new and uninvited regime.

The tension between wanting things to return to their former stasis and the pressing need for havoc to reign runs high until something breaks, and a boiling point is reached. And, although resolution brings new wisdom and perspective, we can also become cynical or lose our innocence.

The story of Emer, Cu Cuchulainn, and Fand is the backdrop for your exploration of conflict in this session, and shows you how the betwixt and between of trial and ordeal can alter you and your relationships forever.

The purpose of the journey is to find resolution and a way to release yourself from the loop of conflict.

In this module, Jane will help you:

  • Distinguish what part of your crisis lies in the distant past
  • Heal the old wounds that become magnified when there’s upheaval in your life
  • Determine what’s required for you to free yourself from conflict
  • Create a ceremony of resolution

Module 4: Remembering Your Authentic Self & Soul Purpose, Beyond Conditioning


As you mature and move through life, you’re conditioned by many things your upbringing, education, socialization, family creed, trauma, disappointment, and loss.

These influences create an identity that may not reflect your authentic self, nor align with your soul’s purpose. The gap between the true self and the conditioned self is where struggle resides and the wider the gap, the greater the struggle.

This gap is known as the divided self and is, in and of itself, a betwixt and between place.

Largely operating under illusion, the conditioned self keeps you captive in a long-term spell that can both prevent you from being seen for who you are, and prevent you from pursuing the original purpose that brought you into this life.

The girl who’s told she can’t sing or draw. The boy who’s told he’s clumsy and irresponsible. The child who’s not permitted to explore wonder, curiosity, imagination, or adventure. These are all examples of conditioning, and the kind of spell that discourages people from investigating their innate gifts and talents.

The stories you’ll look at in this class, the Children of Lir and the Wooing of Etain, explore the longtime captivity of characters whose jealous rivals have cast spells on them.

In this module, you’ll acquire:

  • A way to unveil the illusions that hold you under their spell through a journey to the Otherworld
  • A greater trust in yourself and a deeper awareness of the love and wisdom of the soul
  • Forgiveness for the spell your conditioning has put you under and a sense of the insights you’ve gained from your struggle
  • Compassion for the conditioned parts of yourself that hide and limit your true self
  • A lost gift or talent that will help you remember and express a forgotten aspect of yourself

Module 5: Discovering Your Newly Forming Self After Grieving Loss


Spiritual and contemplative practice tells us that nothing is ever lost a premise that’s difficult to believe or embody throughout our daily lives.

Loss is eviscerating and real in a way that feels indisputable. Even where no physical death has actually occurred, the experience of any loss can feel like grieving a death.

Loss requires us to grieve to enter and set up camp for an undetermined period of time in a world devoid of meaning or comfort. Though we often try to escape or shortcut grief, it can’t be avoided.

The Celtic people have long understood the process of mourning and all it requires. According to their tradition, losing something that largely defines and shapes us requires that we leave that identity and existence just as a dying person does. We must grieve the self that once was, as much as we grieve the loss that took it away.

In this session, you’ll examine the story of Finn and Sadbh two lovers pulled apart and lost to one another by a force greater than themselves.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Have the opportunity to grieve with conscious intention and acceptance
  • Honor the part of you that’s been lost
  • Release with love whoever or whatever is gone
  • Glimpse and shape the newly forming self that will emerge from this loss

Module 6: Dismemberment Journeying to Reconfigure Yourself as a Whole, More Empowered Being


Dismemberment is an archetypal shamanic journey experience in which you’re disassembled and reconfigured in a way that enables you to contend more effectively with ongoing or upcoming challenges.

Dismemberment can be a painful and disorienting betwixt and between process that occurs on this plane in real time. Severe illness, disability, aging, or rejection by one’s community, for example, are all experiences that can provoke the gruesome, disintegrating process of dismemberment.

The person you once were begins to fall apart. Former status, standing, reputation, and formidability diminish, and you may experience a vulnerable crumbling of your identity. The things you thought you could rely on prove flimsy and demand a new form and integrity moving forward.

In this class, Jane will lead you through the story of the Welsh hero Lleu, a misbegotten boy who gains all he has through trickery and deception only to be betrayed by his wife and slain by a rival. He turns into an eagle and begins to disintegrate. Lleu’s uncle gathers the pieces and brings them to a magician, enabling him to heal in his own way in his own time.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The importance of letting go of what you thought you knew and starting over with nothing
  • A rich opportunity to develop greater self-reliance
  • The freedom implied in casting away the masks you’ve always depended on
  • A deeper trust in the soul’s constant movement toward wholeness

Module 7: Gaining an Understanding of Your Divided Self to Reclaim Your Sovereignty


In this closing session, you’ll focus on the battles within you, rather than your struggles with the world around you.

Interior challenges can result in puzzling periods of overwhelm, anxiety, or depression that seem endless. Your “inner demons” seem to be engineered more by the unseen world, than the seen one, and whether or not you want to work with the unseen world, it lives around and within you, and must be acknowledged and heard.

Your own divine aspect speaks to you through the confounding battles deeply rooted within you.

Once you’ve battled enough and start your process of self-examination, your soul releases you, hoping you’ll go forward more mindfully. And, if you refuse to change, your inner demons will come calling again.

True triumph can’t happen until you’re brave enough to ask the questions you’ve never asked before, until you’re willing to accept the answers you’ve always been afraid to hear, until you have the courage to claim and stand firmly in your own sovereignty.

In this final class, you’ll learn about the Battle of Moytura, where the conflict between two storied races the Tuatha Dé Danaan, who represent order and mastery, and the Fomorians, who represent chaos and destruction exemplifies the theme of challenge and triumph.

In this session, you’ll cultivate:

  • A greater understanding of the divided self
  • Clarity about the longstanding war within you, and what keeps it going
  • More strength and entitlement to live free of self-constraint and fear
  • A better sense of the work you’re called to undertake in this life, and the ways you talk yourself out of it

The Powerful Transformations Bonus Collection

In addition to Jane’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonuses complement the course to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Being Celtic
Video Dialogue With Jane Burns and Eimear Stassin

In this podcast episode with host and nature lover Eimear Stassin (also a trainer, coach, storyteller, and poet), Jane shares the ways in which the ancient Celtic peoples were shamanic, and how some of their approaches to perceiving and being in the world still exist. She focuses on the rich traditions of “marrying the land,” honoring the Celtic Wisdom Wheel, and Celtic death rites such as keening.


I Am Possible
Video Dialogue With Jane Burns and Mar Guerrero

Fully expressing your deepest soul is possible and it’s your birthright. In this fascinating conversation, Jane and Mar Guerrero (language teacher, Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator, Reiki Master, and more) explore the role that soul loss plays when we become divorced from our own authenticity and our connection to our creativity. You’ll explore how the need to belong impacts our dreams and disconnects us from our life path. And Jane provides several methods for tracking down and identifying what those lost dreams are, so you can retrieve yours.


Divine Instruments: The Etiquette of Sovereignty
Video Dialogue With Jane Burns and Helena Grant

What is sovereignty from a Celtic Shamanism perspective? In this empowering conversation guided by Certified Existential Kink Coach Helena Grant (also a yoga teacher, intuitive healer, and expert storyteller), Jane shares how sovereignty is the elevated sacred center of the Celtic Wisdom Wheel. It’s thought of as a goddess as the Divine Feminine. Discover how your sovereignty is based on your allegiance to the yearning of your soul, your alignment with the divine and eternal, and your connection to your true authenticity, rather than the conditioning you’ve received about the seeming limits on your capabilities. As you’ll come to understand, the acquisition of sovereignty is all about moving into the IS-ness of yourself.


What Graduates of Jane Burns’ Courses Are Saying...

“This course has helped me rekindle my love of nature and recognise the support I can receive from it.”

This course has helped me rekindle my love of nature and recognise the support I can receive from it. It also helped me forge a tangible link with my own Celtic ancestry. As a yoga teacher and singer, I was also inspired to integrate some of the learning into my creative material.
Kate McKenzie, London, United Kingdom

“So wonderful to be guided into the spirit and nature-worship world of the Celts by Jane.”

So wonderful to be guided into the spirit and nature-worship world of the Celts by Jane. Fabulous meditations, stories, wisdom. A very wonderful and beneficial experience I hope to visit many times through the recordings of class. Plus, through implementing the practice of journeying, I enjoy delving more deeply into spirit knowing and being. Such valuable knowledge.
Marlene, Melbourne, Australia

“This has been a journey into self and insight that is most valuable to my healing.”

This has been a journey into self and insight that is most valuable to my healing. It has helped me understand why I do the things I do. This course has been a personal confirmation of who I am. For that in itself I am so truly grateful to Jane.
Carrol Porra, Ballarat, Australia

“This course opened up my mind, heart, and soul to the beauty in nature, the power of community, and it helped me connect with my ancestral heritage.”

This course opened up my mind, heart, and soul to the beauty in nature, the power of community, and it helped me connect with my ancestral heritage. I will continue the practices and look forward to taking more courses with Jane, an extraordinary teacher. Thank you.
Fredda, New York City

“Attending Jane’s workshops was so easy and I felt truly connected to the course content and the other students.”

I live in a very remote part of the country and find attending workshops almost impossible due to the tyranny of distance. The Shift Network has totally transformed this for me! Attending Jane’s workshops was so easy and I felt truly connected to the course content and the other students. I could not recommend The Shift Network’s courses any more highly, totally worth the time and money.
Tallaya, Rawlinna, Australia

“The skills and learning I gained enabled me to recover faster and find innovative ways of addressing a very difficult situation with integrity and grace.”

The course deepened my spiritual journey, which had been floundering for a few years. I gained new skills that I have continued to apply to my daily life. These include daily rituals as part of my morning meditation and appreciating nature in a completely new dimension. This course arrived at the right time during the most difficult time of my life. The skills and learning I gained enabled me to recover faster and find innovative ways of addressing a very difficult situation with integrity and grace.
Rachel, Australia

“It’s amazing how doing the work and getting to the end made me feel lighter and notice more ways to handle things and allies to help me.”

I was dealing with the difficulty of not letting go of old patterns. I’m not saying I let them all go, but I have been able to release some. It’s amazing how doing the work and getting to the end made me feel lighter and notice more ways to handle things and allies to help me. Thank you Jane and everyone behind the scenes.
Tonimarie, New Hampshire

“Jane is a marvelous guide and the sheer amount of knowledge and beauty compressed into each lesson was overwhelming.”

This course was stunningly more than I expected. Jane is a marvelous guide and the sheer amount of knowledge and beauty compressed into each lesson was overwhelming. The deep insights and personal epiphanies were sometimes shocking, and every time I got in my own way, the resolution was not to be believed. The group was lovely. Today was a particularly hard day for the course to end, but I am overjoyed I have found a new guide. A door has been opened. Thank you all.
Suzan, Los Angeles, California


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Jane Burns

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from shamanic practitioner and teacher Jane Burns from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to embrace the liminal space between loss and opportunity and gain the extraordinary, life-changing gifts of greater self-knowledge, sovereignty, and freedom.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Powerful Transformations Bonus Collection
  • Being Celtic
    Video Dialogue With Jane Burns and Eimear Stassin
  • I Am Possible
    Video Dialogue With Jane Burns and Mar Guerrero
  • Divine Instruments: The Etiquette of Sovereignty
    Video Dialogue With Jane Burns and Helena Grant

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Powerful Transformations Hidden in the Betwixt & Between Online Training


We feel honored that Jane Burns has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a shamanic practitioner and teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about cultivating your ability to surrender to and embrace the liminal space between loss and opportunity, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Powerful Transformations Hidden in the Betwixt & Between or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Jane Burns...

“Jane’s teaching is truly brilliant.”

Jane Burns is a remarkable shamanic teacher and writer. Her clarity and the depth of her wisdom and experiences is such a guiding force for anyone looking for spiritual tools to navigate the changing world we are living in. Anyone who takes a course with Jane Burns or reads her work will receive practices and a spiritual foundation to reconnect with oneself, nature, and all of life. Jane’s teaching is truly brilliant.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, award-winning author of 12 books on shamanism, including The Book of Ceremony, and an internationally renowned teacher of shamanism

“[Jane’s] shamanic work is deeply enriched by her own spiritual practices of contemporary Celtic traditions.”

I highly recommend Jane Burns’ programs and trainings in Celtic shamanism. Jane brings a broad knowledge of Celtic myth and lore to her teaching, and her shamanic work is deeply enriched by her own spiritual practices of contemporary Celtic traditions. Over the years, she has inspired many people with her memorable teaching, ceremonies, and rituals.
Tom Cowan, PhD, author of Fire in the Head and Yearning for the Wind

“She is a master storyteller, weaving together story, spirit, nature, culture, and personal anecdote into the most moving and shifting teachings.”

Jane Burns is doing such important work, calling the colonial diaspora back home to their Celtic roots, their sovereignty, and being with nature. Her way is accessible and soul-nourishing. She is a master storyteller, weaving together story, spirit, nature, culture, and personal anecdote into the most moving and shifting teachings. It’s the most powerful mix I’ve experienced. Through Jane’s wisdom I have come to understand sovereignty and the virtues more deeply. She provides powerful relational perspectives that students really need, and nuanced tips on journeying it’s just her words, the clever way she describes the act! I have had the most powerful, connected, and shifting journeys using her method of seeking wisdom from spiritual teachers who have such deeply lived experience. And her accessible way of relating her life experience gives me the courage and skills to continue.
Sara, Tasmania, Australia

“This material is rich, connective, and so relevant, and Jane is a true wise woman and elder of our times.”

This material is rich, connective, and so relevant, and Jane is a true wise woman and elder of our times. A global healing and planetary regeneration is only possible insofar as we can reconnect to our roots and remember our true inheritance. Whether of Celtic ancestry or not, the mythic lens of the misty Celtic spiritual path is a powerful pathway to soulful living and personal transformation. This course is filled with wisdom, practices, and storytelling to sustain us for years to come. A valuable offering in uncertain times. In an era of mass initiation, we find here familiar, if forgotten, resources for soul growth.
Fey Etain, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts

“Jane embodies and conveys deep wisdom and an extensive knowledge...”

This is a beautiful and very meaningful course. Jane embodies and conveys deep wisdom and an extensive knowledge of the subject. She is very deeply connected to spirit and also very grounded. She is a gentle and healing presence. This course is beautifully put together, combining poetry, Celtic blessings and stories, very meaningful mediations, journeys, and practices. I loved the course and highly recommend it or any other course that Jane teaches.
Nancy, Asheville, North Carolina


About Jane Burns

Jane Burns is a writer, practitioner, and teacher of Celtic shamanism and spirituality. Her introduction to the shamanic path coincided with a diagnosis of cancer in 1996. She began her work as a shamanic practitioner in 2003 and as a teacher of shamanic studies in 2006. Her book, Up a Tree: A Novel and Shamanic Handbook, was published in 2014, followed five years later by her oracle cards, Portal to the Sacred Trees.

Jane has studied core shamanism with Sandra Ingerman, and Celtic shamanism with Tom Cowan. She’s a longtime member of the Society for Shamanic Practice and serves on the editorial board for their journal. She teaches a variety of courses on Celtic shamanism, Celtic myth, and the Bardic tradition. She’s recently finished a novel entitled The Hungry Sea, a modern-day love story interwoven with ancient Celtic myth.

All of her work is inspired by a 40-year dedication to her own spiritual growth and path.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
