With Mayan Elder, Curandera, Universal Healer,
Visionary, Dreamer & Founder of The Path
Grandmother Flordemayo

A 13-Session On-Demand Video Training

Travel a sacred path with your ancestors as you connect with their wisdom in the past, present, and future so you can live in peaceful alignment with your place in the epic cosmology of the Universe throughout all the cycles of your life. 



The Mayans believe everyone has a destiny given to them at birth.

During those moments in life when you wonder how to attain inner peace, overcome obstacles, or serve the greater good, you’re actually being called to look within to seek guidance from your ancestors as you travel along your spiritual path.

Only then can you fully understand and embrace your purpose, says Grandmother Flordemayo, beloved Mayan elder and universal healer.

How can you reliably connect with these ancestors? How can you apply their ancient wisdom to live your daily life?

You may be surprised at how your ancestors can help guide you even if you don’t know your ancestry. There’s a strong connection between your intuition and your ancestral wisdom, which is why honoring your ancestors can help you trust and realize your life’s purpose.

Join Grandmother Flordemayo, a beloved curandera espiritu (healer of divine spirit), for a 3-month journey to the past, present, and future to receive divine messages from your ancestors and the cosmos that you can use right away as an integral part of the great story that’s unfolding.

During your three months together, Grandmother Flordemayo will share the tools and mementos that have influenced her own spiritual path through the years discussing many of them for the first time ever. These include the Mayan murmurio (sacred prayer and sound hum) her mother handed down to her long ago, her sacred family staff, and much more.

You’ll discover how the number 13 has always held profound spiritual significance in the Mayan culture. For instance, the number 13 refers to the major joints in the human body. There are 13 levels of heaven where sacred lords ruled the Earth, and there are 13 heavens in the ancient Mayan otherworld.

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that this marks Flordemayo’s thirteenth course with The Shift Network. During these 13 modules, she’ll share about her experience as a member of the International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

After an opening fire ceremony to create a sacred spiritual container, Grandmother Flordemayo will be your guide on journeys through the past, future, and present for three modules each with three practical integration sessions to distill everything you’ve learned so you can bring it all into your daily life.

To support your spiritual awakening over these three months, you’ll create your own personal spiritual project. Whether your project involves art, photographs, music, or another creative medium, it will become your sacred bundle to help you grow your spiritual seed.

Grandmother Flordemayo’s wisdom is exactly what we need in this time of upheaval. Her passion for Mother Earth inspires us all to understand our very own deep connection to the planet and to each other, and to honor that in the best ways possible. She is a seed sower, planting seeds of awareness in human consciousness.
Katy Koontz, editor, Unity Magazine

In this 3-month journey, you’ll explore:

  • How to access your ancestors’ wisdom to help you embrace your destiny and your place in the Universe’s epic cosmology the past, present, and future of the great story that’s unfolding
  • Grandmother Flordemayo’s opening Mayan fire ceremony (filmed in Hawaii) to open the sacred container for your spiritual journey
  • Ways to honor your maternal ancestors to cultivate love and spiritual growth
  • The legendary magic behind the number 13 where it appears again and again in nature, in the cosmos... and in Grandmother Flordemayo’s life as well as your own
  • The meaning of the Mayan Cross and how it’s the key to understanding your ancestral lineage and your connection to humanity
  • Grandmother Flordemayo’s recent vision of stepping through the doorway of the Cosmos, and trusting that the Universe is caring for us throughout all the cycles of life
  • Guided practices and spiritual tools to use on your own spiritual path    including Grandmother Flordemayo’s guided murmurio (sacred humming practice) that was handed down to her by her mother
  • How to walk the sacred path of your paternal lineage to access your confidence and compassionate strength
  • Three integration sessions reflecting on all you’ve learned
  • Practices to connect with other dimensions to cultivate more harmony in your life today
  • Ways to explore the wisdom of the cosmos, Mayan cosmology, and starseeds so you can welcome more miracles into your life
  • How to discern the spiritual footprints you’re leaving for future generations
  • Setting spiritual boundaries to tune out distractions so you can focus on your personal spirit project and savor a deep sense of fulfillment

With Grandmother Flordemayo as your guide, you’ll learn how to honor the cycles of your life as you carry the message of love and light to humanity.

You’ll explore the importance of the sacred Mayan Tree of Life and how it relates to your spiritual journey.

And Grandmother Flordemayo will teach you how to honor the four elements and the four sacred directions.

As you receive wisdom transmissions from Grandmother Flordemayo, one of the most renowned Indigenous elders alive today, you’ll learn to seek wisdom from your ancestors so you can trust in life’s lessons and recognize those who came before you as your spiritual anchors to help you fulfill your purpose.


Shift Faculty & Summit Speaker Yeye Luisah Teish: “Grandmother Flordemayo Embodies Love”

Shift Faculty & Summit Host HeatherAsh Amara: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is a National Treasure”


What You’ll Discover in These 3 Months

In this 3-month transformational intensive, Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to discover healing wisdom and blessings for living harmoniously through every cycle of life.

How This Transformational Journey Is Structured

There will be three learning segments, each consisting of three classes, followed by a 90-minute integration session. This structure will give you the time you need to process and practice all the exercises building your confidence and comfort with every step you take.

Each of the nine 90-minute video classes will include 45 minutes of faculty instruction and 45 minutes of Q&A.

There will be three 90-minute integration sessions giving you opportunities for reflection and offering insights where the process is working well and where you could use some help.

Module 1: A Mayan Fire Ceremony to Open the Sacred Container for Your Spiritual Journey & Bless the Weeks Ahead


May your path be filled with love and light.
Grandmother Flordemayo

Fire is an essential part of Mayan ceremonies, and this first module features Grandmother Flordemayo’s opening fire ceremony to honor the four elements and the four sacred directions.

As Grandmother Flordemayo will explain, opening ceremonies and rituals are important for any gathering, whether in person or virtual. Filmed in Hawaii, this breathtaking opening ceremony will open a sacred container for your spiritual journey ahead.

Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you to stay present and open to spiritual connection. The sacred fire and smoke will send prayers into the Universe to bless all of humanity.

You’ll also begin the personal spiritual project you’ll build and nurture over the next three months. You might feel called to create a project that features art, music, or another kind of creation to nurture a sacred bundle that will help you grow your spiritual seed.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Envision a white light surrounding you during the opening ceremony
  • Ask the heart of the heavens and the Earth to bless you as your journey begins
  • Tune in to receive guidance on the details of your spiritual project
  • Begin Week 1 of your spiritual project, reflecting on your experience during the opening ceremony

Part 1: A Sacred Spiritual Journey Through the Past

Module 2: Honoring Your Maternal Lineage to Cultivate Love & Spiritual Maturity


With the opening ceremony behind you and the sacred container now open, Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you to begin your sacred spiritual journey as you call in your ancestors.

She’ll share about the Mayan Tree of Life as she guides you to explore the importance of your maternal ancestral lineage.

You’ll discover ways to honor your maternal ancestors with sacred altar items. You’ll also begin a discussion of the Mayan cosmovision, a holistic worldview that interprets the relationship between humans, their surroundings, and the Universe.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • The importance of the sacred Mayan Tree of Life and how it relates to your spiritual journey
  • How to tune in to the maternal lineage of your ancestors
  • Why you must know where you come from to understand where you’re going
  • An introduction to the Mayan cosmovision, a timeless philosophy that’s often shrouded in mystery and wonder
  • Week 2 of your spiritual project you’ll tune in to your maternal ancestors to grow your spiritual seed

Module 3: Walking the Sacred Path of Your Paternal Ancestors for Confidence & Gentle Strength


You’ll explore your ancestral lineage and its important role in your spiritual journey, this time focusing on the paternal side of your family.

Grandmother Flordemayo will share her sacred family staff and discuss how it honors both the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine.

You’ll learn why family staffs are so important in the Mayan culture.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • How honoring the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine helps you live in balance
  • How to receive messages from your ancestors
  • Ways to ask your ancestors to be with you during prayer, and ceremony
  • Steps you can take during your dreamtime to be open to receiving messages from your ancestors
  • Week 3 of your spiritual project you’ll tune in to your paternal ancestors

Module 4: Traveling Your Sacred Path With Your Ancestors Beside You for Deeper Wisdom & Intuition


For the first time ever, Grandmother Flordemayo will share her sacred Mayan Cross, explaining the meaning of this treasured object and how it connects to humanity.

Grandmother Flordemayo will also discuss the Tree of Life and its profound significance.

And she’ll share about forgiving ancestral trauma while still embracing your heritage, and letting go of what does not serve you.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Why the Mayan Cross is key to understanding your ancestral lineage
  • How the Mayan destiny chart reveals what you’re meant to complete in this lifetime
  • How your ancestors can help guide you even if you don’t know your ancestry
  • What ancestral wisdom and intuition have in common
  • The importance of death, dying, customs, and honoring your ancestors
  • Week 4 of your spiritual project

Module 5: The Sacred Past Integration Session


In this integration session, you’ll bring together all you’ve learned from the previous sessions that focused on the past (Modules 2-4) and celebrate the many ways your ancestors are part of who you are.

Grandmother Flordemayo will share how the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, your matriarchal and patriarchal lineages, are unique to you.

You’ll also discover how the wisdom you embrace from the past and the rituals or ceremonies you relate to most are personal choices.

And Grandmother Flordemayo will build on the powerful lesson that forgiving ancestral trauma is sometimes necessary to continue nurturing your spiritual seed.

In this integration session, you’ll:

  • Contemplate the wisdom lessons you received during the previous sessions
  • Connect with 3 different sacred guiding voices as you reflect on your ancestors
  • Discern which practices work best for you so far when calling in your ancestors
  • Reflect on the experiences or dreams you had after each session
  • Incorporate your newfound wisdom into Week 5 of your spiritual project

Part 2: A Sacred Spiritual Journey to the Future

Module 6: Footprints for Future Generations Connecting With Other Dimensions to Cultivate More Harmony, Peace & Love


Grandmother Flordemayo will delve deeper into Mayan cosmology and cosmovision, explaining how they relate to the future.

She’ll guide you through discussions and lessons about reincarnation, karma, karmic debt, and finding a harmonious path to honor the sacred elements so you can better understand your connection with other dimensions.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • What it means to walk in harmony for the future generations
  • How to open yourself up to messages and understand the Mayan cosmovision
  • Using dreams to travel into the future
  • The importance of living in harmony with the 4 sacred elements
  • Week 6 of your spiritual project

Module 7: Exploring the Cosmos, Mayan Cosmology & Starseeds to Welcome More Light, Wisdom & Miracles Into Your Life


Grandmother Flordemayo guides an in-depth conversation about the cosmos, starbeings, starseeds, and how this all relates to Mayan cosmology and her own travels.

She’ll also guide you in a practice using a spiritual tool of your choice to connect to the future, starbeings, and the cosmos.

Grandmother Flordemayo will share her oracle seeds for the first time, and reveal their ancient origin story. We will also talk about the intriguing phenomenon of ancestral return.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • What Mayans believed about the afterlife
  • The details of Grandmother Flordemayo’s ancestral return
  • The wisdom in Grandmother Flordemayo’s personal story about her great-grandson
  • Week 7 of your spiritual project

Module 8: Your Spiritual Footprints & Path for the Future Clues From the Cosmos to Feel More Enlightened & Awakened


You’ll conclude your journey into the future by exploring what Grandmother Flordemayo calls your spiritual footprints.

Spiritual footprints are the spiritual clues you receive from the cosmos, your spirit guides, the heavens, and the Earth to guide you on your unique spiritual path.

You’ll explore how your spiritual awakening has a metaphysical connection to what unfolds in the future.

And Grandmother Flordemayo will share the sacred footprints and shoes of her teacher Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, also known as Wandering Wolf a Thirteenth Generation Quiche Mayan High Priest.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Why your feet and footprints are so important to spirituality and your journey
  • How to use spiritual footprints to guide you on your path
  • A guided meditation journey where you’ll walk between Earth, the heavens, and the cosmos
  • How the footprints of Grandmother Flordemayo’s teacher forever changed her own spiritual walk
  • Techniques for setting your intention for a sacred path and future sacred journey
  • How your spiritual enlightenment and awakening connect metaphysically to the future
  • Week 8 of your spiritual project

Module 9: The Sacred Future Integration Session


The Mayans often talk about how we’re all connected as children of the stars.

You’ll reflect on the past three weeks you spent exploring the future, Mayan cosmology, the cosmos, starseeds, and starbeings.

Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you to ask yourself, “What did I experience? What questions do I have? What came up for me during the past few weeks?”

You’ll go further into the discussion of the future and the unique puzzle piece you’re holding in your hands at every moment.

In this integration session, you’ll:

  • Contemplate the wisdom lessons you received during the previous sessions
  • Discern which practices work best for you so far when calling in the cosmos and starbeings
  • Reflect on the experiences or dreams you had after each session and share if you feel called to
  • Incorporate what you’ve learned into Week 9 of your spiritual project

Part 3: A Sacred Journey in the Present

Module 10: Growing With the Universe Discover Your Spiritual Compass to Confidently Live in Alignment With Your Values


In this module, you’ll begin your sacred conversation about the magic of the present.

Grandmother Flordemayo will help you discover your spiritual compass and explain how to use it along your spiritual path.

She’ll help you open up to pray on the spot whenever you need to. She’ll also share how to receive sacred messages from the cosmos and your ancestors then incorporate them into the present.

As you’ll discover, the power of personal and collective prayers helps heal humanity today and tomorrow.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Why prayer is so powerful as you travel your sacred path
  • The power of the murmurio hum that was given to Grandmother Flordemayo and how you can create your own sound to use on your spiritual path
  • How releasing yourself from your physical thoughts is a from of prayer
  • How Grandmother Flordemayo receives sacred messages from the cosmos and transmutes them into prayers
  • Week 10 of your spiritual project

Module 11: Understanding Your Spiritual Self Setting Spiritual Boundaries to Tune Out Distractions & Welcome in Blessings


Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you on a wisdom journey toward understanding your spiritual self.

She’ll share the importance of setting spiritual boundaries and becoming aware of spiritual distractions.

As you’ll discover, setting intentions is essential as part of your daily spiritual practices, ceremonies, and rituals for living in a sacred and harmonious way.

Grandmother Flordemayo will explain how balancing your spiritual self includes acknowledging that life can be both challenging and beautiful, filled with love, light, and blessings.

Grandmother Flordemayo will share about the sacred glyph that was given to her, including how it connects to your spiritual journey in this course.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Practice with Grandmother Flordemayo as she shares how she sets her spiritual intentions
  • Discover how your intentions can help nurture your sacred seed and path
  • Explore Grandmother Flordemayo’s sacred glyph, going deeper to discern where you are with your intentions and practice
  • Learn how to find spiritual balance when encountering energy that doesn’t serve you
  • Discover how to connect to your spirit guides
  • Delve into Week 11 of your spiritual project

Module 12: Honoring & Nurturing the Sacred Seed for Your Spiritual Growth


Grandmother Flordemayo will conclude her wisdom teachings on the present as she honors the sacred within you and your fellow participants.

She’ll share a selection of her sacred tools and reveal the messages she’s received from them. Grandmother Flordemayo will discuss how she tunes in, receives guidance, and finds new sacred spiritual tools on her journey.

She’ll also share about her sacred time with the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and the ceremonies, rituals, events, and spiritual laws and protocols she believes we should all embrace.

Finally, Grandmother Flordemayo will share about spiritual service and how it can help nurture your spiritual seed.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Ways to choose and receive new sacred tools for your spiritual growth
  • How to tune into the messages you receive from your sacred tools
  • How Grandmother Flordemayo has received messages from sacred rocks and used other sacred tools
  • Why ceremony and rituals are essential to your spiritual growth
  • Spiritual laws, protocols, and ways to honor your elders and wisdom keeepers
  • Why spiritual service is so important
  • Week 12 of your spiritual project

Module 13: The Present Integration Session Celebrating the Now


In this final integration session, you’ll bring together all you’ve learned from the previous sessions that focused on the present and celebrate your spiritual journey that has unfolded during your 13 weeks with Grandmother Flordemayo.

You’ll reflect on this beautiful sacred experience, weaving wisdom from your ancestors, the cosmos, the celestial, and the terrestrial.

You’ve been walking a spiritual path while nurturing the sacred seed within yourself now, Grandmother Flordemayo will equip you to take this wisdom with you into the rest of your life.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Why being present for any spiritual practice is essential
  • What resonated most with you from the wisdom lessons during the previous three weeks spent contemplating the present and from this entire 13-week journey
  • The experiences or dreams you had after each session, if you feel called to share
  • Which sacred tools you will take with you into your daily life


The Mayan Cosmology Bonus Collection

In addition to Grandmother Flordemayo’s transformative 3-month virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement your experience and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Grandmother’s Sacred Fire Ceremony
Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo

With this powerful video, you’ll join Grandmother Flordemayo as you set your intentions, join in prayer, stay present, and invite the blessings from a potent Mayan fire ceremony. Considered the heart of the Mayan spiritual practice, this is a sacred ceremony calling upon the ancestors and honoring the sacred element of fire. Grandmother Flordemayo will give offerings to the fire and gratitude to all the blessings of life. Discover how Mayan fire ceremonies feature sacred elements including sugar, copal, colorful candles, ocote (pine), herbs, and other natural offerings.


Grandmother’s Sacred Earth Ceremony
Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo

Born under the sign of the seed, Grandmother Flordemayo sees her role as a cosmic germinator who serves through teaching, community, manifestation, and development. In this simple ceremony, she’ll use sacred earth from The Path and guide you into a journey of blessing the sacred earth, herself, you, and humanity with healing prayers.


Grandmother’s Sacred Air Ceremony
Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo

The sacred element of air is one of the first elements we become part of after we’re born and take our first breath. In this video teaching, Grandmother Flordemayo will share a ritual to use your breath to connect with the element of air and to Spirit. As part of this honoring, she’ll share a prayer with her murmurio, a sacred hum she was given by her mother. Then she’ll guide you in a short meditation.


Grandmother’s Sacred Water Ceremony
Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo

In this video teaching, Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you in a few simple water ceremonies using sacred imprinted water. She’ll share her wisdom and insight into blessing water and show you some of the sacred water she’s collected over decades of ceremonies and travel around the world. She’ll guide and teach you how to collect and imprint your own sacred water, infuse it with prayers and healing, and use it to bless yourself and those around you.


The Cathar Creed
Digital Guide From Grandmother Flordemayo

The Cathar Creed has been adopted by Grandmother Flordemayo and the board of her nonprofit organization as the guiding creed of The Path, whose mission is seed keeping. Grandmother Flordemayo understands from her travels and from being in ceremony on the sacred mountain where the last of the Cathars lived that these medieval freethinkers lived by the law of love. Now she’s sharing the written creed to humanity with you, addressing what we’re talking about in today’s world about taking care of the elements.


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What Graduates of Grandmother Flordemayo’s Courses Are Saying...


Shawna Bluestar Newcomb: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is Foundational to My Success”

Sande Hart: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is the Divine Feminine in Balance With the Divine Masculine”

Brenda Gustin: “The Song That Grandmother Flordemayo Sings Will Play for Evermore In Your Heart”

Mary Elizabeth Beary: “I Believe The Energy of Grandmother Flordemayo is a Stream of Unconditional Love”

Kim Langbecker: “Grandmother Flordemayo’s Heart Is the Heart of Humanity”

Devi Tide: “Grandmother Flordemayo Is a Woman of True Heart, Spirit, and Wisdom”

“I felt at home here, my heart opening to such great beings and teachers as well as a like-minded community.”

This course was my medicine. The wisdom, the magic of nature, the transcending prayers, the adventures, and the sweet collections of skulls, rocks, and other sacred things. I felt at home here, my heart opening to such great beings and teachers as well as a like-minded community. Definitely divine timing. Love and light y’all!!
Kellä Tor, Connecticut

“Grandmother Flordemayo’s ability to transcend my perception with her prayers and guided meditations was truly one of the most lovely experiences.”

Grandmother Flordemayo’s ability to transcend my perception with her prayers and guided meditations was truly one of the most lovely experiences. I will be forever grateful to her.
April, Sacramento, California

“Grandmother Flordemayo’s voice is medicine.”

I’m so glad I signed up for Grandmother Flordemayo’s class. It was especially helpful with all that’s going on at this time. Her class kept me grounded, calm, and connected. Grandmother Flordemayo’s voice is medicine. I loved listening to her prayers, her teachings, her humming, her stories, and her sharing of her beloved sacred objects. I am so grateful for all she taught and shared during the 13 weeks, and these words of hers from the beginning have stayed with me: “Be simple, be pure, be a good listener, and hear from the heart.” Thank you, Grandmother Flordemayo.
Kristina, St. Louis, Missouri

“What a priceless gift Grandmother Flordemayo has given us all I am forever grateful for the sharing of her heart.”

Grandmother Flordemayo’s depth of knowledge, experience, and skills in healing is the expression of her lifetime of living in love and light. Her mastery of this information is a gift to see and hear, and this course has allowed an access that would otherwise not happen due to distance and obligations. What a priceless gift Grandmother Flordemayo has given us all I am forever grateful for the sharing of her heart. Thank you from the heart of the Earth to the heart of Heaven. Thank you for your beauty.
Kim Krukowski, Lovettsville, Virginia

“Grandmother Flordemayo, as a spiritual elder, has deep wisdom to share, and she does this with much love and humor...”

Grandmother Flordemayo, as a spiritual elder, has deep wisdom to share, and she does this with much love and humor, and at times just cuts to the chase without feeling the need to sugarcoat things. I love her teachings and admire the life she lives in prayer and in love with her family. My daily devotions have deepened as a result of her teachings and through her guidance.
Michele, San Francisco, California


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Ten 90-Minute Class Sessions With Grandmother Flordemayo and Three 90-Minute Integration Sessions Facilitated by Heather Hall-Dudney

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Mayan elder, curandera, universal healer, visionary, and dreamer Grandmother Flordemayo from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and will guide you to discover healing wisdom and blessings for living harmoniously through every cycle of life.

Thirteen Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Connect to Your Ancestors Through Mayan Cosmology Bonus Collection
  • Grandmother’s Sacred Fire Ceremony
    Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Grandmother’s Sacred Earth Ceremony
    Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Grandmother’s Sacred Air Ceremony
    Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Grandmother’s Sacred Water Ceremony
    Video Teaching From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • The Cathar Creed
    Digital Guide From Grandmother Flordemayo

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Connect to Your Ancestors Through Mayan Cosmology Online Training


We feel honored that Grandmother Flordemayo has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a Mayan elder, curandera, universal healer, and visionary whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about discovering healing wisdom and blessings for living harmoniously through every cycle of life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Connect to Your Ancestors Through Mayan Cosmology or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Grandmother Flordemayo...

“Her wisdom brings ancient teachings that help us live our daily lives knowing all Life is sacred.”

I have known and walked with Grandmother Flordemayo for almost 20 years. Her humility and deep love and devotion to the Maker of Life has inspired me and touched many. Her heart and her prayers are a beacon of Light. Her wisdom brings ancient teachings that help us live our daily lives knowing all Life is sacred. The Ancestors and Star Nation are present in her offering guidance and lighting our way. When you sit with Grandmother Flordemayo, the presence of the Great Mother flows. She is truly a woman of prayer, and that prayer is in action.
Grandmother Jyoti Ma, founder of The Fountain, co-founder of the Center for Sacred Studies, delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

“Her connection, vision, love, simplicity, and depth can open a gateway for you to discover and cultivate for the rest of your life.”

It is such a blessing to be in the presence of Grandmother Flordemayo. It is truly a gift to receive her ancient and cosmic wisdom teaching. Her connection, vision, love, simplicity, and depth can open a gateway for you to discover and cultivate for the rest of your life. It is tremendously important for this time of humanity and uncertainty.
Master Mingtong Gu, founder, CEO, and Qigong Master of The Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong

“Grandmother Flordemayo touches my heart...”

The wisdom of our elders is the greatest and most precious gift that we can receive in these troubled times. Wisdom delivered with humor and humility, in words both eloquent and inspiring, spark the inner knowing in those who hear them. Grandmother Flordemayo touches my heart and shows me how to be a more complete human being whenever I see her, whether in person or in video. Her words, heard or read, are direct transmissions of a star-being living a grounded earth walk. As a keeper of seeds, she sows seeds wherever she goes. It is up to us to nurture them and follow her example in blessing Life. I gratefully travel to be where she is, to support the work she does on our behalf, in service to all she gives.
Geri Littlejohn, flute maker, ceremonial musician, board chair of Pacifica: A Garden in the Siskiyous

“My relationship with the world of spirit feels grace-filled and effortlessly normal.”

It has been my honor to sit in the Wisdom Circle with Grandmother Flordemayo during our inspiring yearlong program. Every other Thursday, I have been present with Grandmother Flordemayo, her powerful and charming daughter, Heather, and a variety of wise teachers who have joined us in the Circle as guests. I feel a subtle shift in consciousness as a result of this journey. The most significant outcome for me is the deepening of my practice of prayer. To pray now has become like breathing, it is so natural. Grandmother Flordemayo says jokingly, “It is a local call.” My relationship with the world of spirit feels grace-filled and effortlessly normal. What Grandmother might call “spiritual magic” is natural and ever present. Grandmother teaches in a way that is grounded and simple. As a result, I feel a sense of security which envelopes my whole life. For all of this, I feel so grateful and blessed.
Anita Eubank, M.A., Intuitive Counselor, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

“Her beauty walk is the truth she walks and shares...”

When our prayers are heard by Creator, there is no accident, from the day we were to meet, the joy, love, and remembrance we have for each other comes into our soul. When I close my eyes, the love and light shines around my Sister, Grandmother Flordemayo. Her beauty walk is the truth she walks and shares with all who choose to receive.
Grandmother SaSa Swan of the North, elder and Indigenous leader


About Grandmother Flordemayo


Raised by her mother, who was a midwife, Grandmother Flordemayo grew up in the highlands of Central America in a family of Mayan healers. She travels the globe to share healing and foster a more spiritual understanding among humanity.

She founded The Path Inc., a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of heirloom and heritage seeds. Grandmother Flordemayo is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path, the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of America, the Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, and the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. She’s a regular contributor to courses and talks for The Shift Network.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
