With Psychotherapist, Ordained Priestess &
Founder of the Priestess Presence Temple
Elayne Kalila Doughty
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Be guided and mentored by the presence of Mary Magdalene on your conscious descent into the feminine underworld unveiling the Divine within so you can reclaim your essence, power, and embodied presence.


At this pivotal point in history, when women’s rights and lives are being threatened all over the world, many spiritual seekers are feeling a desire to connect in a deeper way with Mary Magdalene a long-suppressed, but never forgotten, feminine face of the Divine.

For thousands of years, our culture’s patriarchal systems have flourished contributing to harmful conditions such as white supremacy, misogyny, slavery, and a hierarchy of “one God”...

Meanwhile, women have received cultural messages of lack, that we’re not good enough, too sexual, too outspoken, too much

The feminine face of God has been ridiculed, shamed, and marginalized, according to psychotherapist and Priestess Presence Temple founder Elayne Kalila Doughty.

Our world truly needs the lost presence of the embodied, spiritually mature Divine Feminine. It’s at the heart of the collective healing that’s now required.

Thankfully, Magdalene has remained part of our collective consciousness, quietly holding a powerful place as a historical figure and an archetype in our collective psyche.

Magdalene was a powerful and significant teacher among the early mystic Christians, though she was later miscast as a “fallen woman” the erotic, embodied feminine that become so deeply shamed and reviled…

Elayne Kalila teaches that Mary Magdalene’s purposeful, conscious descent to the underworld to face herself can serve as a blueprint for coming down and into your own humanity… so you can reclaim your feminine power and voice, embracing your feminine form and divinizing your own embodiment.

Join us for a powerful 7-module journey as Elayne Kalila guides you through the seven gateways which represent the Divine Feminine Mystery of taking yourself into the underworld.

At each of the seven gateways into the underworld, you’ll unveil a new archetypal face of Mary Magdalene serving as your spiritual guide and as the initiator into your own conscious journey into the underworld.

These archetypal faces represent a set of holy qualities that are necessary to integrate and embody in order to take part in the resurgence of the unconditional love and self-acceptance of the Divine Feminine.

For example, the Magdalene as the Sovereign Queen will awaken the alignment of your authentic power your sense of connection to what embodied feminine power feels like

Meanwhile the Magdalene as the High Priestess will connect you to the lineage of women throughout history who’ve awakened their voices to speak truth and help you awaken your voice.

At each of the seven gateways in the underworld, a new dimension of the Magdalene will challenge you to let go of old beliefs and shadows that are keeping you stuck.

During this 7-module journey of humility and divinity, you’ll unveil your true self as you connect more deeply into your flawed humanity, broken heartedness, and places of deep sorrow. Along the way, you’ll open to the power of love the presence of the Divine with you.

Magdalene will hold these transmissions for you they’re waiting to be awakened within your own heart so you can enter this journey of descent into the underworld.

Join us as the Magdalene lights your spiritual path on this 7-part journey to embody the Divine Feminine through a conscious journey into the underworld so you can experience a deep sense of peace, clarity, freedom, inner power, and self-acceptance.


During this 7-module video training, you’ll:

  • Follow Mary Magdalene’s journey as you make a conscious spiritual descent into the underworld   to unveil the true essence that lives within you
  • Walk through each of the 7 gateways of the underworld a new one each class which will initiate you into the Divine Feminine Mysteries
  • Respond to the call of Magdalene as Death Maiden, releasing attachments that don’t serve you as you face your fears of death and impermanence
  • Meet the Sovereign Queen face of Magdalene who’ll awaken within you the remembrance of authentic power, spiritual warriorship, and integrity
  • Encounter the High Priestess face of Magdalene who’ll help you claim and take responsibility for the things you speak into being
  • Follow along with the Rosa Mystica face of Magdalene as she guides you to reconnect with vulnerability, intimacy, and unconditional love 
  • Connect with Magdalene as the Ecstatic Alchemist exploring your wild, sensual feminine power 
  • Determine which old stories, blocks, and pieces of harmful cultural wisdom you want to leave behind in the underworld following the guidance of Magdalene as The Red Maven
  • Discover how your spiritual development is innately linked to your imperfect, fallible human journey

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Elayne Kalila will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to be guided and mentored by the spirit of Mary Magdalene on your conscious descent into the underworld unveiling the Divine Feminine within so you can reclaim your essence, power, and embodied presence.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Elayne Kalila. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to be guided and mentored by the spirit of Mary Magdalene on your conscious descent into the underworld unveiling the Divine Feminine within so you can reclaim your essence, power, and embodied presence.

Module 1: Answer the Call of the Feminine Underworld to Unveil Your Inner Essence & Awaken Your Sacred Power


As this 7-module journey begins, Elayne Kalila will introduce you to your guide, mentor, and initiator into the underworld Mary Magdalene.

You’ll learn how she lives within you both as the historical woman and the collective archetypal figure that’s been rising in the collective imagination over the last few years.

You’ll enter into this journey to feel the power of what the Magdalene has been holding for us for the last 1,600 years, ever since she was mislabeled and cast out as a fallen, unclean woman.

You’ll explore how the Magdalene has been holding our feminine underworld journey deep within her womb and how we’re all being called to rise again...

Then, Elayne Kalila will guide you in a temple circle to start the collective journey into the underworld.

You’ll meet at the entrance to the sacred cave, to enter into the inner descent journey...

As you’ll learn, this is a conscious choice to go into the underworld the inner feminine mysteries to unveil yourself to reveal the jewel, or essence that lives within you.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The Pathway of Remembrance and its roots in the Gnostic lineages
  • How to connect with what’s calling to be released and reclaimed within you at this time
  • A profound reframing of the “fallen woman” archetype our patriarchal culture has given us to reclaim the power in the journey of descent
  • The Gospel of Mary’s archetypal map of the “casting out of the 7 demons” and the pathway it lays out for awakening your divine humanity
  • The Gospel of Mary’s missing pages and their depiction of her descent journey
  • Two guided journeys one to meet the Magdalene as your mentor and another to follow as the Queen of Heaven enters the underworld

Module 2: Unveil the Sovereign Queen Face of the Magdalene to Realign With Your Embodied Power


You’ll enter the Second Gateway of the Underworld and feel the power of the next stage of the unveiling, where you’ll meet the Magdalene as the Sovereign Queen.

Magdalene will awaken the alignment of your authentic power your sense of connection to what embodied feminine power feels like. She’ll call forward your inner Peaceful Warrior Queen.

You’ll learn of the Breaca, Queen Boudicca of the Celtic Iceni Tribe, who was known as a warrior of the heart and a dreamer of the serpent spear.

You’ll connect with the lineage of Celtic priestess queens who hold the power of peace, as spiritual warrioresses who stood in the face of abuse and violations at the hands of the Romans.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the gate guardian, the Sovereign Queen face of the Magdalene who’ll awaken within you the remembrance of authentic power, spiritual warriorship, and integrity
  • Learn about the ancient Celtic Queen Boudicca (Breaca “Bringer of Victory”) who stood in the face of abuse and degradation
  • Reclaim the power of the word Sovereign and realign with your authentic power in the process
  • Unveil the inner sword that lives within you and connect with the ways you’ve leaked or dominated with your power
  • Deepen into the alchemical shadow work of releasing your attachment to being right or any other ways that you have attempted to control or dominate
  • Receive the second gateway initiatory challenge to unveil the misuse or abandonment of your power

Module 3: Unveil the High Priestess of the Magdalene to Reclaim the Power of Your Voice


Elayne Kalila will guide you to move deeper into the void as you enter the third gateway of the underworld…

Here you’ll meet the Magdalene as the High Priestess. She’ll reveal all the ways the voice of the feminine has been silenced, repressed, and forbidden in the last 2,000 years.

She’ll initiate you to unveil all the ways you’ve been silenced in your life and all the ways you’ve misused the power of your voice, as we all have. She’ll awaken your inner voice and connect you to the lineage of women throughout history who’ve awakened their voices to speak truth.

You’ll discover the Pythia and their position in ancient Greece as the ancient oracles and learn how the feminine has held this esteemed and revered place as an intuitive seer, offering counsel and wisdom in all circles of leadership.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the gate guardian, the High Priestess face of the Magdalene who’ll help you remember the power of your words and take responsibility for what you speak into being
  • Learn about the ancient oracles of Greece known as the Pythia who were powerful seers, revered and treasured
  • Unveil the power of the Oracle and Gnosis that lives within you
  • Connect with the ways in which you have felt silenced and the ways that you may in turn have silenced others and connect with sound as sacred mantra
  • Deepen into the alchemical shadow work of releasing that which binds your throat and explore how you’re being called to speak truth in your life
  • Receive the potent third gate initiatory challenge and unveil the power of love as truth

Module 4: Unveil the Rosa Mystica in the Magdalene to Reconnect With Your Vulnerability & Intimacy


You’ll approach the fourth gateway of the mystery where you’ll meet the Magdalene as the Rosa Mystica

She’ll guide you into all the ways feminine beauty and intimacy have been co-opted, commodified, and diminished in the last 4,000 years. 

The Magdalene as the Rosa Mystica will initiate you to feel the wounds many of us carry the fear of intimacy and the fear of being hurt or rejected if we choose to open our hearts and live fully present. 

She’ll also call you to feel the tenderness and inherent beauty of an innocent, naked heart

This is a gateway of vulnerability and intimacy, and the Rosa Mystica calls you into the center of the unfurling rose the experience of full aliveness that comes when you’re easily moved by the presence of beauty within yourself and the world. 

The Magdalene as the Rosa Mystica will call you to remember that beauty is a pathway to the Divine

You’ll also connect with the lineage of Aphrodite who holds the power of beauty as an awakened heart who calls you to reclaim the power of vulnerability.  

In this module, you’ll:

  • Enter the Fourth Gateway of the Underworld and meet its guardian, the Rosa Mystica face of Magdalene who’ll awaken within you the remembrance of vulnerability, intimacy, and unconditional love 
  • Explore the story beneath the story of Aphrodite and the wisdom she holds for you on your path to reclaiming the power of beauty and intimacy within yourself
  • Unshield your heart to receive more fully and be more intimate with yourself as you learn about love’s magnetic power and how it creates a field of attraction within you
  • Connect with the ways the shadows of comparison, competition, and not belonging have played out in your life
  • Deepen into the alchemical shadow work of releasing your attachment to shielding and protecting your heart from intimate and deep connections in your life
  • Receive the fourth gateway initiatory challenge to reconnect with vulnerability and unconditional love

Module 5: Unveil the Ecstatic Alchemist of the Magdalene to Revitalize Your Wild Sensual Feminine Nature


You’ll approach the fifth gateway of the mystery into the underworld where you’ll meet the Magdalene as the Ecstatic Alchemist.

She’ll guide you into all the ways your wild, sensual, and erotic nature has been reviled and named as lustful. This gateway holds the core to the “Magdalene wound” where the body has become synonymous with sin and is repressed, punished, and cast out.

You’ve been preparing for this gateway, revealing the wounds of each previous gateway. Now you’ll be called by Salome, who holds the key to the mystery of the Dance of the Seven Veils a sacred ritual that embodies the descent journey.

Salome the Ecsatic Alchemist will awaken the alignment of your wild, erotic aliveness as you dance the dance you came here to experience.

You’ll embrace the sacred temple art of temple dance, embodying the power of the naked feminine body as an initiation into deeper truth and authenticity.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Enter the fifth gateway of the mystery into the underworld and meet the Magdalene as the Ecstatic Alchemist wild, sensual, and erotic
  • Learn about Salome the ancient Qedesha who held her erotic power and embodied the Divine Feminine element of your awakened womb of light
  • Connect with the ways in which you’re being called to fully descend into your body, to more fully experience your womb and belly, legs, and feet
  • Deepen into the alchemical shadow work of releasing shame and the internalized oppression that’s kept you from feeling the fullness of your own womb of light
  • Receive the fifth gateway initiatory challenge to awaken the alignment of your wild, erotic aliveness

Module 6: Unveil the Death Maiden of the Magdalene to Release Fear & Welcome Rebirth


You’ll approach the sixth gateway of the mystery into the underworld where you’ll meet the Magdalene as the Death Maiden

She’ll guide you into deep trust as you release anything that stands in the way of full transparency and innocence.

Magdalene as the Death Maiden will initiate you to feel a common wound, the fear of death, which keeps us from facing the deepest truth of impermanence and ceaseless change.

She’ll awaken your inner capacity to let go releasing all attachments that no longer serve you to enter into the conscious dying practice and connect to the completion cycle.

Elayne Kalila will share the story of Myrrophores, the ancient holy oil anointing priestesses who presided over the transition states of life, death, and rebirth. You’ll connect with the lineage of the Myrrohpores and learn of the 7,000-year-old tradition of sacred anointing.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Enter the sixth gateway of the underworld, facing into the unknown that lies beyond it and meet its guardian, the Death Maiden face of the Magdalene
  • Learn about the ancient Myrrophores and the power of sacred anointing
  • Unveil the quiet space of the power void within you
  • Deepen into the alchemical shadow work of releasing your attachments and holding on to that which is ready to be completed
  • Receive the sixth gateway initiatory challenge to unveil the ways you’re avoiding completion and death in your life

Module 7: Unveil the Red Maven of the Magdalene to Embrace the Naked Truth of Your Divinized Embodiment


In this closing session, Elayne Kalila will share how your beginning is your ending, and within your ending is your beginning…

You’ll meet the Magdalene as the Red Maven, the creatrix who stands as the seventh gateway to the underworld.

The Magdalene as the Red Maven will hold you as you stand in the unknown and the darkness…

She’ll gently, yet persistently call you from the underworld away from the Death Maiden, to be resurrected and reborn again.

Elayne Kalila will guide you to lean into the ancient pathway that’s been walked by those seeking profound spiritual maturation.

You’ll deepen with the Eleusinian mysteries and their sacred technology the pathway for inner gnosis. You’ll discover a modern-day retelling of this myth that empowers you and the Divine Feminine.

At the seventh gateway into the underworld, Magdalene will initiate you into your humanity and humility. She’ll remind you of the ways you’ve deepened into intimacy with her on this journey through fearlessly unveiling yourself to yourself.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Enter the seventh gateway of the still point in the underworld and meet the gate guardian, the Red Maven face of the Magdalene
  • Connect with the Eleusinian Mysteries and the mythic story of Demeter and Persephone/Kore
  • Learn about the ancient lineage of Womb Shamankas who’ve held the mystery of life, death, and rebirth from ancient history
  • Deepen your connection with how Mary Magdalene has been gestating in the underworld for the last 2,000 years 
  • Connect with the ways you’ve judged yourself or others 
  • Recognize all you’ve released and laid to rest, that’s now composting in the underworld
  • Receive the potent seventh gate initiatory challenge of divine innocence and what’s being reclaimed and rebirthed through you


The Heroine’s Journey of Feminine Embodiment Bonus Collection

In addition to Elayne Kalila’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Meet the Myrrhophores: Holy Healers & Awakened Alchemists
Video Teaching From Elayne Kalila Doughty

In the sacred art of anointing, scent and touch are two of the most powerful sensory medicines. They can open you to the wisdom of your soul while keeping you grounded in the here and now. In this 45-minute teaching, Elayne Kalila will guide you to discover the Myrrhophores the holy healers as awakened aromatic alchemists within the lineage of scent priestessing. Discover how the lineage of the Myrrhophores lives within you waiting to be reawakened and embodied.


Dance of 7 Veils Meditation
Audio Teaching From Elayne Kalila Doughty

Join Elayne Kalila for this 20-minute audio teaching as she guides you to enter the inner temple. You’ll be called home to the sensual, experiential, and embodied framework for the transformative initiatory Dance of the Seven Veils, a sacred ritual that embodies your conscious descent. This is the heroine’s journey a deep soul calling towards deep intimacy and authenticity within your divine humanity.


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What Graduates of Elayne Kalila Doughty’s Courses Are Saying…


Aurora Farber: “Elayne Is a Gift”

Leigh Senna: “Elayne's Presence Can Penetrate Deep Into Your Soul”

Jennifer Hasenyager: “Elayne Has Helped Me to Soften and Connect to My Heart”

Lettie Sullivan: “I Am So Grateful to Call Kalila My Mentor”

Dianne Chalifour: “A Beautiful Unfolding Happens Through Each One of Elayne Kalila's Programs”

Elsa Perez Dean: “I Was Captivated and Enraptured”

“Elayne Kalila is a one-of-a-kind ‘doula of the Soul’...”

Every woman should be given the opportunity to deepen this knowledge and walk this path... it takes us Home. Elayne Kalila is a one of a kind “doula of the Soul,” and it is a real privilege to be able to learn with her.
Anna Firenze, Italy

“I feel like I know myself better now and appreciate the lows and highs in my emotions and life.”

I've come full circle. I feel like I know myself better now and appreciate the lows and highs in my emotions and life. I was named after my paternal grandmother Magdalene and I gained more knowledge on that name. This course connected me to that lineage, and a remembrance happened from memories I had put off as random.
Lyn, Kenya

“This course with Elayne Kalila was a deep reconnection to my Divine Feminine and to the way of Love.”

This course with Elayne Kalila was a deep reconnection to the Divine Feminine and to the way of love. Thank you so much for all these teachings and the powerful meditations.
Marie, France

“I am honored to be a witness to this beautiful course.”

I am honored to be a witness to this beautiful course. Thank you for following your call to embodiment so that we also may find our way!
Naptali, Colorado

“Integrating my Divine Feminine lineage through practical embodiment of the truth has set me free and connected me to community and internal power.”

Integrating my Divine Feminine lineage through practical embodiment of the truth has set me free and connected me to community and internal power. Grateful.
Holly MacGowan, Ashland, Oregon


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Elayne Kalila Doughty

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from psychotherapist Elayne Kalila Doughty, founder of the Priestess Presence Temple from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to be guided and mentored by the spirit of Mary Magdalene unveiling the Divine Feminine within so you can reclaim your essence, power, and embodied presence.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Heroine’s Journey of Feminine Embodiment Bonus Collection
  • Meet the Myrrhophores: Holy Healers & Awakened Alchemists
    Video Teaching From Elayne Kalila Doughty
  • Dance of 7 Veils Meditation
    Audio Teaching From Elayne Kalila Doughty

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, The Heroine’s Journey of Feminine Embodiment Online Training


We feel honored that Elayne Kalila Doughty has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a psychotherapist and founder of the Priestess Presence Temple whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about unveiling the Divine within so you can reclaim your essence, power, and embodied presence, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Heroine’s Journey of Feminine Embodiment or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Elayne Kalila Doughty…

“She deeply connects with all…”

She is stunning in her grace, ease, and flow. She glides onto the stage and immediately jumps into a deep, soulful transparency that is beautiful. She deeply connects with all, touching everyone in the audience, making friends across all barriers; she has a natural ability to touch the room. Elayne Kalila is effortless in her ability to bring depth, connection, the hard questions, and delightful playfulness all in one package. She has it all. Whether to a room of 40 or a room of 4,000, Elayne Kalila can touch and transform your audience.
Lisa Nichols, New York Times bestselling author of No Matter What, featured teacher in The Secret, and world-renowned speaker

“Elayne Kalila walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart.”

Elayne Kalila Doughty is the walking, talking, breathing embodiment of what it means to be a modern-day priestess. Her decades of professional training, deep study, and commitment to women’s awakening is as obvious when you encounter her as her magnificent red hair. Elayne Kalila walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart. Being a “priestess” isn’t some trendy new label to adopt; if you are a serious practitioner looking for mentoring on the authentic path of what it means to priestess, you would be well-served to lean in here.
Lisa Schrader, Awakening Shakti

“There are those rare individuals who truly walk their talk…”

There are those rare individuals who truly walk their talk; Elayne Kalila not only does this with embodied grace, but equally with vigilant, tender consideration of the hearts of all who come within her community. Being a part of an impeccable and profound container, especially now during these turbulent times, shall serve any who are called to walk the Priestess Path with the practical, grounded, and masterful guidance of one of the rare living priestesses of our time.
Dr. Saida Desilets, author of Desire and advocate of sexual sovereignty


About Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives. She is a psychotherapist, spiritual activist, author, speaker, soul midwife, and ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage.

Elayne Kalila is the founder of the Priestess Presence Temple Powerful Women Changing the World, which has more than 80,000 women members worldwide. In this dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School, she offers in-depth Mystery School training for women who are called to ground in real practice, devoted embodiment, and service in the world. She is also the co-founder of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, which trains women as modern-day scent-anointing priestesses. She is passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern-day lives so all women can step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

She’s the author of The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess: Birthing of a New Divine Feminine Archetype and a contributing author to The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
