With Speaker, Author & Music Therapist
Christine Stevens

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Learn to play the Native American-style flute for self-healing, kindness, compassion, and self-love to quickly shift your energy, calm your nervous system, release difficult emotions, and enter a state of inner reflection and soul connection, furthering your spiritual path for optimal wellbeing of your body, mind, and emotions.


Enter into seven healing lodges, sacred ceremonial spaces in the Native American tradition where you can safely journey inward with the support of your community.


What if your greatest spiritual and emotional ally could be a musical instrument?

You may think, Well, that would be amazing, but I don’t play an instrument or have any musical talent.

According to board-certified music therapist, author, and speaker Christine Stevens, however, anyone can learn the Native American-style flute. It’s one of the most accessible and fulfilling instruments to learn, because it’s crafted in the five notes of the pentatonic scale…

… and no matter how you combine them, it’s impossible to make a mistake. 

Christine studied for 12 years with the Lakota Nation and was adopted into a family in the making of a relative ceremony, so she has the unique ability and permission to teach the Native American-style flute an ancient, powerful, and grounding source of healing and honor the tradition that gave it life. 

By playing her flutes in war zones and disaster areas and accompanying meditation services at the Agape International Spiritual Center, Christine uses the flute as a healing gift all over the world.

She calls it an instrument of the soul a tool for cathartic inner work and one of the most immediate ways to shift your energy toward upliftment because it helps you tap into and process emotions that you might not even know you’re experiencing.

Join Christine one of The Shift Network’s most beloved faculty in a 7-module video course, in which you’ll take a deeply healing journey into the infinite possibilities hidden in the wisdom of this ancient instrument…

… used for millennia to move stuck emotions and bring relaxation, liberation, and a sense of connectedness. As you’ll discover, playing the flute just for yourself is a profound vehicle for self-healing, self-care, and soul nurturing.

Whether you’re new to the Native American flute or have been playing for a while, you’ll learn how to play as a healing practice to alleviate what ails you. 

It’s not about tapping into your musical genius. Instead, Christine will guide you to discover, as you play, what challenges in your life need attention. 

If you’re feeling burned out, overwhelmed, or isolated…

… if you’re struggling with a health crisis, working with trauma, or grieving the loss of a loved one….

… you’ll have ample opportunity to practice directing every note you play to that part of you that needs attention. And you will feel the relief it offers.

One of the most unique aspects of this course is the poetic and tradition-honoring structure and flow as the seven modules progress. 

In each session, you’ll enter into a “lodge,” a prominent term in the Native American tradition that represents an often ceremonial and always sacred space to journey inward with the support of your community around you.

Through the various lodges, you’ll learn a variety of flute-playing techniques, and how to use them for personal healing. You’ll build your own medicine bag of tools including songs for times when you need them the most, while also practicing preventive medicine by playing music simply for yourself.

And don’t worry if you’ve never touched (or even seen) a Native American-style flute. Christine is generously offering an extra pre-course session, where you’ll learn four of the most important fundamentals of flute-playing

… including how to hold the flute, the basic pentatonic scale in solar and lunar (major and minor) modes, dancing scales (turning scales into melody), breathing techniques to support your tone, and tonguing and slurring notes to express different emotional states. 


In this course, you’ll:

  • Learn the fundamentals of Native American-style flute playing, if you’re new to the instrument and further develop and deepen your skills, if you’re already a player
  • Discover how to direct the music of the Native American-style flute to heal areas in your life where you’re feeling unwell, unfulfilled, ungrounded, or where your tank is running low
  • Learn to play songs and improvise on the flute just for yourself as a self-care, self-love practice
  • Be guided through a wide variety of flute-playing techniques to use it as a profound instrument of healing
  • Learn healing songs for self-soothing and personal empowerment
  • Explore your personal anthem on the flute
  • Learn to use the flute for self-inquiry, as an information carrier for your soul to receive answers to your deepest questions 
  • Release deeper and deeper layers of emotion and grief through the minor pentatonic scale
  • Enter 7 healing lodges in circle with your community so you can leave the outside world behind for a moment and focus on your inner realms
  • Discover how to use the flute in personal ceremonies whenever the need arises and for healing, gratitude, grief, and new beginnings
  • Experience flute-playing as a breathwork practice that calms your nervous system and helps you slow down and get present 

And much more


The Native American-style flute, especially played improvisationally, can be a potent ally for you on your personal path to transformation enabling you to become more grounded and achieve greater joy and peace. 

It puts you in a calm state so you can engage in the inner reflection necessary to understand what kind of healing you need and then focus the intention for your music to evoke greater wellbeing.

Christine will illustrate how the flute can be at the center of your self-care practices, because it helps you slow down and move out of the distractions of everyday life into a focused mind and heart.

With it, you can release suffering and come into harmony with yourself and the world around you.

During this course, you’ll learn to play healing songs Christine will teach you and you’ll also discover how to improvise on the flute with emotion, enabling you to slow down, connect with yourself and nature, and release what’s no longer serving you.

In addition, Christine has invited to the course a very special guest teacher, Guillermo Martinez master craftsman, flute maker, and founder of Quetzalcoatl Music. 

You’re sure to walk away from the seven sessions with lifelong tools for liberation, playfulness, and joy as you continue to develop your skills as a flute player and illuminate your healing path.

Christine contributes to Native American organizations, and is participating with The Shift Network in offering scholarships for this course to 10 Native students and donating a percentage of the proceeds to these three important Native American groups:

  • Descendants of the Earth Foundation a community-based nonprofit organization, reestablishing an Inter-Tribal Spirit Camp in the natural world for the benefit of all people through the traditions and values of Native American culture
  • Oceti Wakan a nonprofit organization offering education to Native children to perpetuate their mission: the preservation of Lakota culture, language, and the healing of its people
  • Native Stories Project a nonprofit audio content platform and production house providing access to authentic stories and experiences of people, place, perspective, history, and culture in service to ancestors and with the understanding that life should be passed down through generations and around the world

How This Course Is Different


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational program, Christine will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to learn to play the Native American-style flute as a tool for self-healing, self-care, and self-love, to connect with yourself and nature, release difficult emotions, and further your path toward physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Christine. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to learn to play the Native American-style flute for emotional release and self-healing to quickly shift your energy, calm your nervous system, and enter a state of inner reflection and soul connection.

Module 1: Learning Lodge Experience the Healing Power of Specific Flute-Playing Techniques


The word lodge holds many meanings. The English definition is “shelter,” while the Native American tradition refers to structures that house sacred gatherings. When you enter a lodge, you leave the outside world behind and focus on inner realms.

You’ll experience the gifts of technique and how to make learning part of personal healing. Christine will show you how to play the two different modes of scales major and minor and how to use them for personal healing, which is very empowering. 

Playing the Native American-style can help you undo negative messages you carry about your personal creative expression and Christine will explain the brain science behind the neural network of enlightenment.

Learn flute-playing techniques and healing applications with a reflective and personal approach in which the flute is a metaphor for the human instrument.

Discover the healing gifts of each technique Christine shares, including:

  • Using the extended breath in tone as a tool to focus your mind and body
  • Playing the 5-note pentatonic scale with no wrong notes, as well as balancing the major and minor or solar and lunar modes 
  • Dancing scales, which ground you in the present moment so you can begin your journey into improvisation 
  • Embellishments that invite playfulness and fun by decorating notes

Module 2: Song Lodge Learn Healing Songs for Self-soothing & Personal Empowerment


Discover song medicine as a tool for your personal healing

We return to songs time and again in times of need because they restore us. When we play songs on the flute, Christine says, we embody the lyrics with our mind, while expressing the wordless melodies. 

Begin building your medicine bag of tools songs for times when you need them the most

… while also practicing preventive medicine by playing music simply for yourself.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn 2 healing songs with provided fingering charts a lullaby for soothing and a sacred chant of personal empowerment 
  • Explore the technique of playing a song in the 4 directions new beginnings in the East, the playfulness of the South, the power of release in the West, and the quiet of the North
  • Experience how playing songs transforms you and identify the origin point of each song’s intention and application in your life
  • Discover how to turn any favorite inner mantra or affirmation into a song

Module 3: Healing Lodge Access Healing, Inner Guidance, Soul Wisdom & Playfulness With Different Flute-Playing Tools


How can you heal what’s hurting? How can you maintain your wholeness as a well-tuned instrument?

Sometimes, we can be our own worst critics. Playing music from a place of patience, intention, and inner support is a self-compassion, self-care practice. You may already have healed some of your challenges mind, body, and spirit using sound and music. 

Start shifting your energy toward wound repair. Christine will demonstrate in real time ways of playing the flute for a variety of issues that you and your co-participants are facing

Practice “earthing” playing with your bare feet on the ground first through imagery and then as an actual practice. 

As you learn how to play the Native American-style flute to access your inner guidance and soul wisdom for your own healing, you’re likely to notice emotions coming through that you weren’t aware of or didn’t expect. 

As R. Carlos Nakai says, “You must play with emotions. Always have the flute available when you need it.”

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the 3 keys to healing, and practice them with your flute playing 
  • Practice creating a mindset that fills your breath and sound with love, light, and healing tone and notice how it changes your sound
  • Discover 3 tools for making your flute become your ally in spiritual growth and self-healing long tones for deepening and slowing down, improvisation for finding answers through playing, and receptive listening for emotional attunement 
  • Develop your capacity to create playfulness and healing with the 2 pentatonic scales major and minor

Module 4: Grief Lodge Step Into the Healing Field to Release Painful Emotions


We all face social restrictions and taboos around sadness and processing loss, which can make us uncomfortable with our own or other people’s visceral expressions of grief and other shadow emotions.

When Christine’s father was making his transition, she was guided to create a grief flute. She decorated the flute and wrote his name and things she loved about him on it. As she played it daily during his journey with hospice, she honored all the emotions of loss, anger, denial, sadness, and gratitude. When the process was complete, she released the flute to the fire. 

Through this process, Christine discovered how to modulate her emotions and avoid the overwhelming rush of grief that can bring us to our knees. She felt fully present for her father’s transition in a beautiful way as she tended her soul needs through playing the flute. 

Christine won’t ask you to create a grief flute during this course. In this session, though, she’ll guide you to work with emotions through your flute-playing.


  • Experience 4 rounds of a grief lodge, releasing layer after layer of emotion through the deep sound held by the minor pentatonic scale 
  • Honor and identify grief and personal loss that need to be released
  • Experience a collective releasing of sadness through sound to honor the Earth’s loss of species 
  • Close the module with a one-note practice of unity, and see where that note takes you

Module 5: Heartsong Lodge Discover Your Personal Anthem as the Most Divine Healing Gift You Can Give Yourself


The origin story of the Native American flute is one of love. In fact, it’s known as the courting flute.

How can you cultivate greater self-love, self-compassion, and joy? How can you access the wisdom of heart-centered consciousness and use it to play the flute from your heart? What happens when you play the flute for just you, as the most divine gift you can offer yourself?

HeartMath Institute has demonstrated the power of coherence between the brain and the heart. In this session, Christine will guide you in the Golden Breathwork techniques developed by Aaron Gannon (which are included in the bonus material for this course) to make space in the energy centers of your body and bring it into your playing.

You’ll discover your own personal anthem, a song that’s sung in the heart and brought into your life, creating the song that’s yours to carry. To play that song just for yourself is an immense gift to cherish!

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the 4 musical notes that correlate to emotions, to enhance your playing and your life
  • Explore and create your own personal anthem on the flute and experience the power of playing music for just yourself
  • Practice the Golden Breathwork techniques to bring the breath, heart, and mind into coherence
  • Listen to and improvise the heartsongs of others

Module 6: Visioning Lodge Find Your Life Purpose & Answers to Your Deepest Questions


Why are you here? What’s the greatest vision you hold for your life?

Music holds the keys to your intuition information you can’t access through thought or rumination.

You’ll enter into a process of question and answer with the inner guidance of your soul through playing the flute. Without using words, you’ll learn to listen to the tonal quality of energy in your playing, to discover your life purpose

Christine will share the five steps mapped in the Life Visioning Process by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center… 

… to help you listen to your highest truth and clear obstacles that prevent you from being your fullest awakened self.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore using the flute for self-inquiry, as an information carrier for your soul to receive answers to your deepest questions  
  • Discover the 5 steps in the Life Visioning Process 
  • Hold sacred space for yourself and your co-participants in a process of profound listening and sharing
  • Practice a technique for answering a question on your flute

Module 7: Ceremony Lodge The Beauty Way of Creating Ceremony With the Flute as a Tool for Healing & Prayer, With Guillermo Martinez


In First Nations cultures, the notion of Beauty Way is practiced in community ceremonies that are guided by the rhythms of nature, the seasons, moon cycles, naming celebrations, and special occasions. 

Some people say that they’re “cracked open by beauty.” When this happens, tears become medicine rather than an expression of sadness.

You’ll be joined by guest teacher, master craftsman, and flute maker Guillermo Martinez, founder of Quetzalcoatl Music. He’ll show you how to call in the directions and smudge the space around you. He’ll also use a pow wow drum he made to create space for you to share your prayers with the flute as part of the ceremony.

You’re invited to bring something personal to the community altar, smudge at home, and dress to honor the ceremony.

You’ll learn how to create personal ceremonies for your life, family, and nature as you continue to walk with the Native American Flute as a healing ally and tool of prayer.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Learn a medicine song to honor the Eagle Nation
  • Learn a Beauty Way song to anchor your life in the consciousness of good
  • Experience the healing power of connecting to Spirit as you play your flute, and honor the 4 directions in a powerful drum ceremony
  • Understand how to put your prayers into the flute as you play from your spiritual center
  • Discover how to use the flute in personal ceremonies whenever the need arises and for healing, gratitude, grief, and new beginnings


The Healing Flute Bonus Collection

In addition to Christine’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus collection to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Golden Breathwork Techniques for Playing the Native American-Style Flute
Video Class With Christine Stevens and Aaron Gannon

In this highly instructive hour-long class with Christine and Aaron Gannon, Golden Breathwork facilitator and founder of Earth Sky Schedule, you’ll learn two powerful breath techniques to help you enter the doorway of your self-healing nervous system. Christine interviews Aaron about the spirit and science of breathwork and the physiology that supports playing the flute and for self-healing. They’ll illustrate how to practice diaphragmatic breathing for five minutes to clear stagnant energy and stuck emotions that block clear tone and breath in your playing. Aaron also guides a practice using the monochord, an instrument with over 30 strings, to support direct access to your parasympathetic nervous system.


Earth Songs Teachings From the Sound Healing Summit
Video Teachings From Christine Stevens, Mary Youngblood, and Guillermo Martinez

In this enticing package, you’ll bathe in the wisdom, knowledge, and music of two master flute players Guillermo Martinez, founder of Quetzalcoatl Music, and “the First Lady of the Native American Flute,” Mary Youngblood. Guillermo is a Native American-style flute maker and player. Mary is a 2-time Grammy-winning flute player and composer. These heartfully curated sessions focus on the Native American-style flute as a tool of healing. You’ll explore the “Three Sounds of Creation” and how to develop a healing style of playing.


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What Graduates of Christine’s Courses Are Saying…


Sara Benveniste: “I Love Christine’s Passion and Enthusiasm”

Julie Lusk: “Christine Really Poured Her Heart and Soul Out Into All of Us”

“This transformation to play a love instrument is assisting me in living heaven on Earth here!”

I fell in love with expressing my sounds with my Native American flute with Christine’s gift of making flute playing fun, easy, and flowing from our hearts. I play my flute regularly and it fills me with joy and bliss. This transformation to play a love instrument is assisting me in living heaven on Earth here!
Mary Mazur, Dearborn, Michigan

“I felt a great collective connection, and it was touching how Christine brought in the spirituality and tradition of the instrument.”

I felt a great collective connection, and it was touching how Christine brought in the spirituality and tradition of the instrument. Her playing is magical!
Brook Dunn, El Cerrito, California

“Christine’s joyful and open heart made an impact on how I approach learning to play the Native American flute.”

Christine’s joyful and open heart made an impact on how I approach learning to play the Native American flute. Each week we began with honoring the gifts of the trees that are sharing their voices with us. It’s an intimate, sacred connection between our heart, our spiritual nature, and the natural world we’re all part of.
Rosemary Collins Berlin, Miami, Florida

“I absolutely loved Christine and everything she offered in this course!”

I absolutely loved Christine and everything she offered in this course! She is a great teacher but also present, responding to questions and openly sharing her wisdom and experiences. Well done!
Gina, Campton Hills, Illinois

“This course is a heart opener and for me weaves perfectly with my spiritual practices.”

Christine’s teaching is magical. This course is a heart opener and for me weaves perfectly with my spiritual practices. Now as the course ends, I will take what I have learned and spend time integrating it into my life and moving forward.
Ellie, Santa Monica, California


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Christine Stevens

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from speaker, author, and music therapist Christine Stevens from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will teach you how to play the Native American-style flute for self-healing, self-care, and self-love to quickly shift your energy, calm your nervous system, release difficult emotions, and enter a state of inner reflection and soul connection.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Healing Flute Bonus Collection
  • Golden Breathwork Techniques for Playing the Native American-Style Flute
    Video Class With Christine Stevens and Aaron Gannon
  • Earth Songs Teachings From the Sound Healing Summit
    Video Teachings From Christine Stevens, Mary Youngblood, and Guillermo Martinez

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, The Healing Flute


We feel honored that Christine Stevens has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the speaker, author, and music therapist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about learning to play the Native American-style flute as a self-healing tool that helps you enter a state of inner reflection and soul connection to further your path toward physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind course.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Healing Flute or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase andwe’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Christine Stevens…

“Christine guides groups to the secret world of the rhythmic arts.”

Mickey Hart, Grammy award-winning drummer for the Grateful Dead, and author of Drumming at the Edge of Magic

“The power of her work is reflected in the brightness of her spirit.”

Christine Stevens’ work is truly brilliant. I love how she teaches drumming rhythms. The power of her work is reflected in the brightness of her spirit.
Sandra Ingerman, author of 12 books, including The Book of Ceremony

“She is an instrument of global peace on the planet.”

Christine’s work is anointed with the kiss of heaven’s inspiration, celebration, and joy. She is an instrument of global peace on the planet.
Michael B. Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center

“Christine Stevens is a magical sage of sound healing.”

Christine Stevens is a magical sage of sound healing. She is a “bridger of worlds” with a deep sense of what matters most. She brings healing home for the Soul.
Dr. Sue Morter, founder of the Morter Institute for BioEnergetics and author of The Energy Codes

“With deep wisdom and connection, Christine Stevens is a master of the heart and healing rhythm.”

Master Mingtong Gu, Qigong master, speaker, healer, and founder of The Chi Center

“Christine can show you how music and drumming can become part of your daily routine for spirituality and health.”

Joan Borysenko, PhD, author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

“Christine Stevens can introduce you to the magic, fun, and healing power of drumming. I recommend it.”

Dr. Andrew Weil, author of Healthy Aging


About Christine Stevens

Christine Stevens is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, drummer, and music therapist, with master’s degrees in both social work and music therapy. She is the host of Global Rhythm Sangha, and the founder of UpBeat Drum Circles, which brings drumming and sound healing to organizations and events dedicated to uplifting humanity. 

Christine, who has worked with Fortune 500 companies, survivors of disasters, and refugee women, serves as a Musical Ambassador of Peace. She led the first drum circle training for peace in northern Iraq and toured Japan with a music medicine approach to the Native American-style flute. 

Through Remo, the world’s largest drum company, Christine co-created the HealthRHYTHMS research-based drumming protocol used in medical centers and wellness centers worldwide. She is the author of Music Medicine, The Healing Drum Learning Program, The Art and Heart of Drum Circles, and The Nature Sutras. Her popular drumming CDs include Reviving Rhythms, Drumming Up Spirit, and Drumming Up Diva.

As an advocate of music and wellness, her media appearances include NBC, KTLA Los Angeles, Living Better TV, and Discovery Health. Her work has been featured in Fitness magazine, Spirituality & Health, Body & Soul, First for Women magazine, Yogi Times, and Natural Beauty and Health.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
