With Mystical Physician
Dr. Christine Page

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Embrace the courage, guidance, and support you need to reclaim and embody your goddess-given gifts so you can take your rightful place alongside your spiritual sisters to create a new and better world for the next 7 generations.


In this era of profound change and uncertainty, women are being called to respond more boldly than ever.

According to mystical physician Dr. Christine Page, as a woman you were born with powerful abilities and an alignment to natural cosmic rhythms...

These feminine gifts include clear insight, a compassionate heart, a deep connection to the universal plan, embodiment of the dragon energy, the ability to cleanse energy, a talent for birthing new life every month, and so much more.

Our world is in desperate need of strong, insightful women to harness these gifts to create a sustainable future for humanity.

You already embody everything you need to resonate with the universal heart. It’s time to step into this era’s great mystery, and birth something extraordinary…

Join us for a 7-module course as Christine guides you to reclaim the powerful wisdom of your innate feminine gifts. You’ll reconnect with the inclusive feminine form of love, your transformative capabilities, and your ability to birth and nurture new dreams and ideas.

Through guided practices and Christine’s powerful wisdom teachings, you’ll learn about why you may be resisting change so you can leave behind what feels safe and trust your intuitive heart as you explore new possibilities for your life’s path.

You’ll deeply explore the fullness of who you are as a multidimensional being of light for yourself, family, community, and the world.

Along the way, you’ll become an instrumental part of healing the heart of our sisterhood as you embrace the powerful truth that together, women can move mountains.

You were born with the energetic blueprint of your perfected state and it’s gotten lost as patriarchal control has grown. When you reclaim and embody your goddess-given gifts, you can take your rightful place alongside your spiritual sisters and create a new and better world for the next seven generations.

Raised among healers, psychics, homeopaths, and esoteric teachers, Christine comes from a long Scottish lineage of fey, or wise women. Intuitive since birth, she was taught early on to faithfully trust her feminine intuition and meet everyone with compassion and respect.

As she transitioned through the roles of medical doctor, homeopath, author, and teacher, Christine’s soul intention became clear and now, she guides women to find wholeness and empowerment by providing love, clear sight, deep connection, and an amazing vessel for transformation and birth.

Join Christine on this 7-module journey to become spiritually empowered and connect with your innate feminine gifts so you can step away from old patterns and behaviors as you walk your soul’s path to create a new and better world.


In this empowering 7-module course, you’ll discover:

  • Two of the most essential elements of feminine intuition a pure heart and clear sight
  • How to awaken your innate sensitivity by embracing a simple 3-step process, encompassed in every creative enterprise, that mirrors the 3 faces of the feminine
  • An exercise to cleanse and refresh your womb, ridding it of old energies, outdated relationships, and even vampires so it can once again be filled with exquisite creative nectar
  • The meaning of dragon energy as the creative energy that flows within the Earth and how your feminine insight and power are strengthened when you embody it
  • Practices and meditations to clear your intuitive lens, empty your womb, master dragon energy, root yourself into Mother Earth, and more
  • How to offer yourself as a healer and transformer, uniting with your true potential
  • A guided meditation to meet the 3 faces of your inner feminine virgin, mother, and crone so you can embody their unique qualities in your daily life 
  • The chakras of change the sacral chakra brings transformation in relationships, while the throat chakra brings about change by shifting your focus from your personality to your higher self
  • Steps to become an empowered, clear-sighted and loving woman of the future
  • How a new world and future already exist as an energetic blueprint that’s awaiting your attention
  • How to release old beliefs and connect with the new and exciting dreams vibrating within the imagination of Mother Earth
  • And much more…

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Christine will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to embrace the courage, guidance, and support that will help you reclaim and embody your goddess-given gifts so you can take your rightful place alongside your spiritual sisters to create a new and better world for the next seven generations.


This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Christine. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embrace the courage, guidance, and support that will help you reclaim and embody your goddess-given gifts so you can take your rightful place alongside your spiritual sisters to create a new and better world for the next seven generations.

Module 1: How Women’s Intuition Connects to the Heartbeat of the Universe


As your journey with Christine begins, you’ll explore two of the most essential elements of feminine intuition a pure heart and clear sight. They’re the synthesis of love and wisdom.

Love is often described in superficial terms. Yet for women, Christine explains, love is much more.

It represents a deep, heart-centered union with the heartbeat of the Universe, where all is known and nothing is hidden and where every action flows with Universal intention.

Christine will guide you to discover how to unburden your heart, clear your intuitive lens, and walk with confidence within the world, joyfully expressing your soul’s potential.

When you increasingly connect to this Universal love, allowing your intuitive heart to lead you, you radiate an energy that encourages others to love themselves at the deepest levels, so they, too, can experience wholeness.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Participate in a meditation to meet a wise and loving female guide to walk with you throughout the course perhaps a departed loved one, a spirit being, or an archetypal figure, such as Mother Mary or Qwan Yin
  • Learn 3 ways to clear your inner lens
  • Receive a guided meditation, “Creating Healthy Boundaries,” by using the alchemical colors of silver and gold to cleanse your aura of old energies and surrounding yourself in a golden bubble of protection
  • Explore how female love involves more than just caring it involves deep feelings of connection, whether with another person, Mother Nature, God, or the Universe
  • Discover why women often wish to change people and are willing to be the vessel of transformation for those they love, so they can reach wholeness or unity with their highest selves
  • Understand why, in times of stress, men tend to choose fight or flight, while women, due to the presence of estrogen, prefer to reach out to friends for comfort and support
  • Learn why women seek to create bonds of common interest and unity,  even with strangers, due to their magnetic desire to connect and unify
  • Explore why owning your psychic gifts is so important including allowing yourself to choose when it’s appropriate to use them, and when to keep your insights to yourself

Module 2: Creating Resonance With Your Natural Rhythm


Discover why women are naturally attuned to evolving rhythms and cycles of the Universe especially to the phases of the sister moon and the seasons of Mother Earth.

You’ll learn why, in recent decades, women have increasingly repressed their own sensitivity to these female rhythms in an attempt to enhance their masculine psyche and find equity with men.

This suppression has caused increasing disharmony of mind and body, leading to an acceleration of conditions such as PMS, depression, and anxiety.

But rest assured, your sensitivity is merely sleeping...

It can be awakened by embracing a simple 3-step process, which is encompassed in every creative enterprise and mirrors the three faces of the feminine. Christine will share how the number 3 is magical for women women often wake at 3:00am, there are three phases of the moon and menstrual cycle, and there are three faces of the feminine (Virgin, Mother, and Crone).

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore ritual, rhythm, and resonance, creating healthy rhythms to attract people and events that resonate with your soul
  • Learn how to recognize signs of disharmony, the trigger of this distress, and how to create new healthy behaviors that bring us back into rhythm
  • Understand why 3 is the magical female number
  • Discover how to maintain emotional and physical harmony (at any age) as you cycle with the different moon phases
  • Learn the 3-day transformative ritual, carried out during the first three days of a period or during the three dark moon days around a new moon
  • Imagine yourself as a tree that finds strength, security, and adaptability as you participate in a guided meditation

Module 3: Our Womb, Our Sacred Temple Clearing the Womb to Feel Empowered & Cultivate Self-Respect


Everything about being a woman curves, loving nature, rhythmic alignments, sensual juiciness, and especially your womb mirrors the shape and purpose of Mother Earth.

Like Her, you’re capable of transforming consciousness and birthing new worlds.

Your most precious and powerful site of alchemical transformation is the uterus or womb, your sacred temple. (An etheric womb is still present after a hysterectomy.)

The womb is where a few cells change into a beautiful baby, transforming old emotions into liquid to be shed during your period or dark moon time.

Sadly, most women never learn to appreciate the uterus beyond pregnancy, causing the inner sanctum to become full of old, unhealthy energies.

Christine will guide you to cleanse and refresh your temple, ridding it of old energies, outdated relationships, and even vampires so it can once again be filled with exquisite creative nectar.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the womb’s sacred purpose of transformation, recognizing it as more than a container for a baby’s growth and acknowledging that every woman gives birth each month to new ideas
  • Learn how old energy and outdated relationships can influence your health if you don’t learn to release the energy on a regular basis
  • Discover three simple ways to prevent emotional overload by closing an overactive solar plexus, emptying the womb, and loving yourself
  • Participate in a guided meditation to clean the sacred temple, imagining the female organs as a sacred temple as you enter deep into the inner sanctum that is the uterus, and clean it of old emotions, energies, and relationships
  • Learn how to prevent vampiring, an abusive practice of stealing energy via the throat chakra, base chakras, and solar plexus
  • Understand why respect is the basis of all healthy relationships, without which there is abuse and shame

Module 4: Embodying Dragon Energy to Activate the Blueprint of Unlimited Creative Potential


Christine will explain that every manifestation originates from a planetary blueprint or matrix, deep within the Earth...

Women were previously revered as spiritual leaders because of their ability to clear energy and connect to this grid through pure intention.

Now, to bring this matrix to life, we also need to fill ourselves with the pure creative dragon energy that moves like a serpent throughout the Earth.

This is only possible through the root chakra, located beneath your feet.

3,500 years ago, the patriarchy, threatened by a woman’s creative powers, destroyed women’s connection to this dragon energy. This caused Kundalini (the serpent goddess) to fall asleep as result, women began to rely on the base chakra for security.

Christine will guide you to be empowered by meeting and integrating your own dragon energy, which may change your life forever.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the 3D energetic blueprint known as the matrix, which was laid down in the Earth at the time of its creation
  • Discover why the patriarchy is fearful of dragon energy’s power to destroy and transform any structure at will
  • Examine why we were cut off from our sense of security through the root chakra, located 9 feet under our feet and why we then came to rely on the base chakra for security
  • Discover the meaning of dragon energy as the creative energy that flows within the Earth and how women’s insight and power are strengthened when they embody it
  • Learn why Kundalini, the serpent goddess, fell asleep when she lost her connection to her mother  the dragon energy that flows through the root chakra
  • Experience an interactive exercise to help you feel the difference when you speak from the throat versus the sacral chakra and womb
  • Root into Mother Earth and reconnect to the root chakra and your dragon energy during a guided meditation

Module 5: Healing From the Heart Becoming a Compassionate Witness


Christine will share the meaning of healing, and explain why feminine healing is different from the masculine style, where rescuing and fixing is more common.

At this point in the course, you can delight in how much healing and empowerment has already taken place as you’ve cleared your lens, emptied your womb, mastered dragon energy and rooted yourself into Mother Earth.

Now it’s time to offer yourself as a healer and transformer, uniting with your true potential.

Healing from the heart does not judge or shame. It recognizes the uniqueness of each soul’s journey and promises to be a compassionate witness, using the mantra, see you, hear you, feel you, know you, and love you.

With this in mind, Christine will guide you through powerful healing exercises for your ancestors, other women, and yourself… because forgiveness, love, and healing begins at home.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how feminine healing is different from the masculine method of fixing the problem, and offers a sacred compassion space for healing
  • Understand why Christine sees illness as a wake-up call for the soul, offering an opportunity to change your life and experience wholeness 
  • Travel to a part of the body that has (or previously had) dis-ease to understand its loving message by listening to your body’s wisdom during a guided meditation
  •  Explore the psychospiritual meaning behind common female illnesses and learn why illness is not a failure or weakness, but a loving message from the soul telling you something has to change
  • Participate in a guided meditation where you’ll travel to a well via the sacral chakra, calling on the spirits of your ancestors to find healing for yourself, the past 7 generations, and the 7 generations still to come
  • Discover how healing wounds of fear and distrust between women leads to powerful and loving connections and communities

Module 6: Finding Courage to Change in the 3 Faces of the Great Mother


Humanity is going through one of the greatest paradigm shifts ever experienced on this planet. Yet, women are fully equipped for the challenge due to our alignment to the rhythms of the Universe, our regular performance of the 3-step ritual, and the knowledge that we are loved unconditionally.

During this module, we’ll meet the three faces of the Great Mother and understand their unique roles in the process of change.

We’ll look at why change is so challenging for many people and how our masculine throat chakra can sabotage our efforts by creating excuses or asking too many questions, rather than letting go of the known and entering mystery.

We’ll also explore ways to make change more pleasurable than staying stagnant.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet the 3 faces of your inner feminine virgin, mother, and crone during a guided meditation, so you can embody their unique qualities in your daily life
  • Explore the chakras of change the sacral chakra brings transformation in relationships, while the throat chakra brings about change by shifting your focus from your personality to your higher self
  • Understand why you may resist change, which often asks you to leave behind what feels safe and trust your intuitive heart to enter a mystery
  • Move through a written exercise to discern the areas of your life where you might be blocking the idea of change
  • Visit what Christine calls the house of change via a guided meditation to receive intuitive guidance and make healthy decisions for your future
  • Learn 3 easy ways to receive spiritual guidance
  • Break into groups of 3 to receive intuitive guidance from your classmates

Module 7: Vibrating in the Imagination of Mother Earth to Build a New World


Christine will recap the many steps you’ve taken to become an empowered, clear-sighted, and loving woman of the future.

This new world and future already exists as an energetic blueprint awaiting your attention. It’s asking everyone to release old beliefs and connect with the new and exciting dreams vibrating within the imagination of Mother Earth.

Christine will guide you to recap why you’re so powerful as a woman including your clear insight, compassionate heart, freedom from fear of death, deep connection to Universal will, embodiment of dragon energy, ability to cleanse energy, and talent for birthing new life every month.

The ancient women of the past are cheering you on, encouraging you to step into mystery and birth something extraordinary.

As Christine will remind you, you already embody everything you need to resonate with the Universal heart.

It’s time to get inspired and birth only those things that bring sustainable prosperity, peace, and joy to all humanity for the next seven generations.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Participate in a guided meditation to meet a role model who inspires you to embody these innate gifts 
  • Explore Mother Earth’s imagination by understanding that Gaia is a conscious being that dreams and we are living in one of her dreams
  • Understand that we live in a holographic Universe where our reality is created by our thoughts, beliefs, or inner knowing depending on which is the most powerful at a given time
  • Examine how your beliefs act as locks on the cell membrane, awaiting specific keys to generate a certain reality and how, by changing the locks, you change your reality
  • Move through a guided meditation to make your dreams come true by changing your body’s posture and by being the change you wish to bring to the world

The Feminine Intuition Bonus Collection

In addition to Christine’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Frontiers of Health
Audiobook by Dr. Christine Page

This abridged version of Christine’s audiobook presents insights into subtle anatomy, especially the chakras, deepening the listener’s appreciation of how these energy centers influence our journey towards true health, embracing mind, body, and spirit. Drawing on her 45 years of experience in healthcare, Christine describes the connection between chakras, personalities, potential illnesses, and unique soul attributes, offering specific ways to create enduring harmony.


Optimizing of Our Energy
Audio Meditation From Dr. Christine Page

Do you find yourself running around like a headless chicken in need of an energy fix in the middle of the day? Practice Christine’s simple, re-energizing 5-minute meditation any time you feel unbalanced and exhausted. By simply rooting yourself into Mother Earth and drawing up her unlimited flow of creative energy into your body, you’ll soon be firing on all cylinders again.


What Does It Mean to Be a Woman?
PDF Workbook From Dr. Christine Page

With so many women around the world feeling inspired to make a difference, we’re asking: Who am I? In this workshop, Christine will share how the beliefs and perceptions you absorb in childhood about femininity from both male and female relatives greatly influence your relationships, maternal instincts, and perception of the female body.


Enhancing Our Intuition Exercises
PDF Workbook From Dr. Christine Page

Have you ever failed to speak or act on an intuitive hunch and now live with regret? If you answered yes to this question, you’re not alone. Your soul is constantly sending intuitive messages to help you navigate your soul’s journey. Because these insights often appear out of the blue, asking you to step into the unknown, it’s common to ignore their entreaties. The exercises in Christine’s workbook can help you hear and follow through on your soul’s loving messages.


What People Are Saying About Dr. Christine Page…

“She has an extraordinary ability to delve into the depths of human experience with clarity and precision…”

Dr. Christine Page is a master of intuition. She has an extraordinary ability to delve into the depths of human experience with clarity and precision, surrounding individuals in compassion and deep caring. She balances one’s inner world and global consciousness. She has been a mentor, a teacher, and an intuitive healer helping me transform life-long patterns, infusing freedom and joy into all aspects of my life. I have worked with many teachers and intuitives over the past thirty years and I have never found another who combines her unique intuitive skills in such a professional and profound way.
Carol A. Caton, PsyD, clinical psychologist

“Dr. Page shares her very accurate intuitive information, through an expansive and open heart.”

My life experiences with Dr. Christine Page have spanned a decade and more. Dr. Page shares her very accurate intuitive information, through an expansive and open heart. Her readings touch my soul deeply and always come with sincerity, humor, and no judgment.
Marlys Hays, nurse

“[Dr. Christine Page] has helped me to love the totality of who I am.”

Dr. Christine Page is one of the very few intuitive readers that I trust to see deeply and clearly into the dimension of who I am and to what is transpiring in my life. This exceptional ability facilitates the unfolding of my own process, shining wisdom and insights that illuminate my path. She has helped me to love the totality of who I am. I feel supported and honored through our working together.
Deborah A. Pratt

“Christine has the incredible ability to see into the heart of souls.”

Christine combined her incredible intuitive ability with wisdom and unconditional acceptance to help me discover the beauty I possess and share it with others. Sessions with Christine have been beyond my expectations, I have learned to develop boundaries, accept my inherent gift and expand my consciousness. Christine has the incredible ability to see into the heart of souls. We have journeyed through darkness and light and I have surfaced stronger, more conscious, and accepting of the world. Christine’s extraordinary insight and ability to create a safe space has led me on a journey into myself, which has enhanced my confidence, allowing me to enjoy life and share my love.
Tina Decker, scientist

“Christine, a fearlessly loving sister, co-witness, and timeless midwife to my soul.”

Christine, a fearlessly loving sister, co-witness, and timeless midwife to my soul. Her insight and profound presence awakens me and releases me to all that is.
Susan Wachler, social worker


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Christine Page

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from mystical physician Dr. Christine Page from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to embrace the courage, guidance, and support you need to reclaim and embody your goddess-given gifts so you can take your rightful place alongside your spiritual sisters to create a new and better world for the next seven generations.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Feminine Intuition Bonus Collection
  • Frontiers of Health
    Audiobook by Dr. Christine Page
  • Optimizing of Our Energy
    Audio Meditation From Dr. Christine Page
  • What Does It Mean to Be a Woman?
    PDF Workbook From Dr. Christine Page
  • Enhancing Our Intuition Exercises
    PDF Workbook From Dr. Christine Page

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Your Body, Yourself & Your Feminine Intuition Online Training


We feel honored that Dr. Christine Page has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a mystical physician whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about unleashing your innate wisdom to create a new world, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Your Body, Yourself & Your Feminine Intuition or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Christine Page...

“Christine Page is a physician of the future grounded in science, caring, spirituality, and intuition.”

Christine Page is a physician of the future grounded in science, caring, spirituality, and intuition. She teaches us all what it is like to bring the fullness of authentic self to our lives and our work.
Joan Borysenko, PhD, Mind/Body Health Sciences, Inc., Boulder, Colorado

“Christine Page, MD, is a genuine visionary in the field of energy medicine and intuition.”

Christine Page, MD, is a genuine visionary in the field of energy medicine and intuition. Without a doubt, everyone who has the opportunity to study with her will find their psyche and soul awakening under the care of her superb instruction. She is also a magnificent, loving, and nurturing person who genuinely cares for the wellbeing of everyone she meets. A rare find.
Caroline Myss , PhD, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Intimate Conversations with the Divine

“Christine Page is the most refreshing and charismatic physician of the 21st century.”

Christine Page is the most refreshing and charismatic physician of the 21st century. Wise, fun, and educational! Of all the physician workshop co-presenters with whom I have had the pleasure to work, Chris has been the one from whom I have learned the most. I encourage all interested in their own growth to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, professor of energy medicine, and president of Holos University for Graduate Studies

“Christine Page is an astonishing and rare combination gifted teacher, committed healer, dazzling intuitive, and lovely human being.”

Belleruth Naparstek, author of Your Sixth Sense, and creator of the Health Journeys guided imagery audio series


About Dr. Christine Page

Known as a mystical physician, Dr. Christine Page has been a pioneer in the field of holistic healthcare for over 40 years, qualifying as a doctor and homeopath from the University of London, UK.

Raised amongst healers, mediums, and esoteric teachers, Christine is a powerfully intuitive woman, able to read energies and communicate with the spirit world since birth.

She sees herself as a communicator between different worlds, beginning her international teaching career in 1982 by sharing with students how to listen to the wise messages from the body, natural world, and cosmos.

Always focusing on bringing wholeness and healing to those she meets, she left her successful medical and homeopathic practice in 1997 to concentrate on teaching self-healing through Enhancement of Intuition, Women’s Empowerment, Astrological Insights, Soul-Centered Health, and Earth Mysteries membership.

She continues to offer intuitive private sessions known as soul readings, and supervision that includes astrology advice.

Christine, a charismatic and engaging speaker, uses humor, charm, and her own personal experiences to convey profound messages about cosmic consciousness and heart-centered intuitive listening.

She is the author of nine books, including the bestselling Frontiers of Health and her latest book, The Heart of the Great Mother.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
