With Lovitude Soul Painter & Speaker
Anne Pryor
& Author & After-Death-Communication Speaker
Risë Severson Kasmirski

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Lead a more joyful life by unleashing your soul’s creative expression through messages and inspiration from unseen helpers across the veil.

Connect with your soul and a Master Soul Painter to gain insights and activate creativity, healing, and transformation.


Have you attempted to connect with your spirit guides or loved ones in the spirit world but find that regardless of your approach, the communication channel isn’t clear?

The truth is that communication across the veil can be more impressionistic and artistic than logical and literal. It’s a form of intuitive communication that can be based on images rather than words. That’s why connecting with the spirit world may be key to unlocking your creativity.

When you access your creativity through art, journaling, cooking, designing, innovating, physical movement, or other means, it can serve as a bridge to the other side. New pathways of communication can open, resulting in deeper guidance, more profound healing, and far more inspiring creative expressions.

This is true regardless of whether you are a self-proclaimed “artist” or not.

It’s not about the sophistication of the end result; it’s about trusting the process and accessing spiritual guidance to unleash creativity.

You’ve most likely already had guidance from unseen helpers, but you might not be aware of it.

With the right guidance, you can learn to act on your creative impulses to connect with higher guidance and those you love in the spirit world and tap into their messages to bring more joy, freedom, and love to uplift yourself and others...

... and to create more meaningfully in this world. You become a co-creator with Spirit.

Master Soul Painter Anne Pryor and after-death communication speaker and author Risë Severson Kasmirski will help you do just that in this 7-module course on how to tune in to higher guidance from the spirit world to access the creativity, healing, and transformation you seek.

Anne’s more than 3,500 Lovitude™ Soul Paintings inspired by spirit (she created the term Lovitude, meaning love and gratitude) have been referred to as visual blessings that elucidate, awaken, and activate the soul.

Yet before Anne began changing lives through these paintings an alchemy of ink, her breath, and essential oils she didn’t at all consider herself an artist.

It wasn’t until she and Risë began connecting beyond the veil with their late friend, Irene, that this creative side of Anne emerged, and she and Risë co-developed their 5 A’s Methodology to help others connect with the spirit world and learn to act on messages from beyond.

Synchronistic events unfolded for both Risë and Anne as they followed Irene’s guidance verbatim the evidence they needed to realize they were truly receiving messages from the other side.

In this profoundly inspiring program, you’ll learn Risë and Anne’s core methodology, including 13 ways the spirit world communicates with us, to access guidance from unseen helpers and jumpstart your creativity in whatever form it wants to unfold.

You’ll interpret the blessings encoded within Anne’s paintings as she creates them during class... and through these paintings you’ll be inspired to create in a way that is most aligned with your true essence.

Anne and Risë will teach you how to open, allow, and receive your own guidance from the spirit world by setting intentions, asking for the connection, and letting go of your need to control how things should unfold to open to a new path that brings joy and creativity to your life.

You’ll create in real time, with your own materials, in your own way, and have ample opportunities to share your insights and connections with the spirit world with classmates.

As you follow messages from unseen allies exactly as you receive them, you’ll also gain traction on transcending your ego and limiting beliefs.

Join Anne and Risë for this enlivening journey to harness your own creative essence and gain access to life-affirming messages from beyond the veil.


As you explore your creativity through your connection to the spirit world, you’ll:

  • Learn how a deceased friend of Anne and Risë’s inspired the creation of the book When Paradise Speaks, A Remarkable, True Story of Friendship, After-Death Communication, and Art That Heals and Lovitude Soul Painting
  • Discover 13 ways the spirit world communicates with you and why you’re not always open to the messages you receive
  • Learn Anne’s and Risё Creativity Process and the importance of remaining open when creating
  • Watch Anne create Lovitude Soul Paintings in real time
  • Access spiritual guidance during the creative process and share any associated thoughts and feelings with the group
  • Deepen your creative connection and design your energetic symbol that aligns you with your purpose
  • Be guided through practices for accessing your inner longing and asking for help in manifesting it, capturing intuitive insights, and allowing spiritual connection to happen through meditation, contemplation, guided imagery, dreams, journaling, and other practices
  • Learn how to ask for spiritual connection rather than waiting for a sign and explore the celestial realm to determine who you want to ask for guidance
  • Explore Anne’s Lovitude Soul Painting gallery and discuss the impact and messages the paintings elicit
  • Experience the gift of color and explore hidden meanings of colors, the energy of colors, and the impact of colors
  • Explore how ego and essence impact spiritual connection and creativity
  • Consider how you serve the world through healing yourself and creating something new

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive course, Anne and Risë will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to tap into messages from the spirit world as you reconnect with your authentic inner voice and creative expression.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Anne and Risë. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to tap into messages from the spirit world and reconnect with your authentic inner voice and its powerful creative expression.

Module 1: Exploring the Gifts of Spiritual Connection


Your journey begins with a story: When Paradise Speaks, A Remarkable, True Story of Friendship, After-Death Communication, and Art That Heals.

You’ll also learn about the birth of Lovitude Soul Painting (an integral part of the story), inspired by after-death communication and spiritual messages received from across the veil.

Anne will create a painting in real time and share insights about her creative process, followed by a group discussion. You’ll also experience an exercise to gain clarity on what you long for or desire to change in your life as a main focus for your time in this course. It could be increased creativity, healing, transformation, or another goal.

During this opening module, you’ll:

  • Discover how a deceased friend of Rise and Anne’s inspired the creation of the book When Paradise Speaks
  • Be introduced to the 5 A’s Methodology for connecting with the spirit world and unseen helpers
  • Witness Anne channel spiritual connection during a Lovitude Soul Painting demonstration
  • Participate in an experiential exercise for gaining clarity on what you long for
  • Learn how you can use the playbook you’ll be working on as a tool to integrate your learning
  • Consider which mediums (ink, paints, crayons, wood, journals, etc.) could help you access the spirit world and inspire your creativity

Module 2: Asking for Spiritual Connections & Guidance


In this module, you’ll explore your creative channel for connecting with the spirit world. You’ll also generate your first creation that reflects what you long for.

You’ll learn 13 ways the spirit world communicates with you and how to be open to their messages. And, you’ll have the option of sharing with your classmates your experiences with observing, receiving, and acting on the messages you’ve received.

You’ll also explore how to ask for spiritual connections and reach higher into the celestial realm to explore guidance from a deceased loved one, angels, guides, archangels, spiritual leaders, Jesus, God, or whomever you feel a connection with.

Anne will also create another Soul Painting, and you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the impact the painting has on you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to ask for spiritual connection rather than waiting for a sign and explore the celestial realm to determine who you want to ask for guidance
  • Discover 13 ways the spirit world communicates with you and why you’re not always open to the messages you receive
  • Learn how to ask the spirit world for what you long for such as connection with a loved one, help with innovation, or clues to your life purpose
  • Watch Anne create a Lovitude Soul Painting in real time
  • Enjoy a group mediation and Q&A discussion
  • Make your first spirit-led creation and if you’d like, share any associated thoughts and feelings with the group

Module 3: Allowing Spiritual Connection Through an Open Mind & Enhanced Awareness


Your life-force is a conduit for creativity and guidance through intuition and spiritual messages.

In this module, you’ll explore authentic power and how ego and essence impact your creativity. ... and experience methods such as meditation, contemplation, guided imagery, dreams, journaling, centering practices, and more for gaining enhanced awareness and allowing spiritual connection to happen.

You’ll also learn the importance of trust, protection, quieting the mind, being still, and forming a clear intention to allow yourself to receive messages.

Anne will again create a Soul Painting... and then set you free to create from a place of expanded awareness based on the question, “Through my expanding awareness, what am I called to create now?”

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore how ego and essence impact spiritual connection and creativity
  • Learn to access authentic power through your life-force
  • Learn methods and experience a guided meditation for allowing spiritual connection to happen
  • Discover how clear intention works in creativity activated by spirit
  • Watch Anne create a Lovitude Soul Painting in real time
  • Enjoy a group discussion and Q&A
  • Create from a place of expanded awareness and discuss with your classmates

Module 4: Accepting Spiritual Messages as You Receive Them... Even If They Sound Unusual


True creativity always brings you onto the path of the unknown.

In this module, Anne will share paintings from her gallery with you images that she channeled through her breath. .. and discuss what the paintings elicited from those who watched the process.

She’ll then create a Lovitude Soul Painting... and guide you in generating your next creation based on the question, “What messages do I need to accept related to my desired outcome?”

During this class, you’ll:

  • Explore various models and processes to guide you on how to accept the spiritual messages you receive as they’re communicated
  • Experience an exercise for capturing intuitive messages and insights
  • Understand why we go into dull periods when we’re called to act and how to move past them
  • Learn Anne’s and Risё’s Creativity Process and the importance of remaining open when creating
  • Watch Anne create a Lovitude Soul Painting in real time
  • Enjoy a group discussion and Q&A
  • Consider the spiritual messages and insights you received and begin your next creation

Module 5: Appreciating Being Grateful for Spiritual Messages & Staying Open for More


Your thoughts are powerful beyond measure for better or for worse.

In this module, you’ll discover the impact that gratitude, appreciation, and living with an open heart had on the development of Lovitude and Anne’s ability to channel Spirit through art.

Anne will share Lovitude Soul Painting from her gallery and lead a group discussion on the impact of the painting and its hidden messages... as well as the meaning and impact of the colors and essential oils she used.

She’ll then create a new Lovitude Soul Painting and guide you on creating your next piece by tapping into gratitude and heart energy.

During this class, you’ll:

  • Learn the story of Lovitude and its impact as an energetic symbol
  • Create your individual energetic symbol
  • Explore Anne’s Lovitude Soul Painting gallery and discuss the impact and messages the paintings elicit
  • Experience the gift of color and explore hidden meanings of colors, the energy of colors, and the impact of colors
  • Watch Anne create a Lovitude Soul Painting in real time
  • Enjoy a group discussion and Q&A
  • Create your next piece from a place of deep gratitude

Module 6: Acting Moving Courageously on the Messages Received


In this module, you’ll be introduced to the Lovitude 3-Part Creative Process Surrender, Detach, and Integrate and discuss how to move from preparation to action. You will experience creating from nothing.

You’ll revisit the concept of ego vs. essence and learn about confidence and trusting the process when moving to action.

And you’ll explore why you hold back from action, and how to get unstuck!

After watching Anne create in her way, you’ll be immersed in your own inspired creative piece, beginning with a single dot.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the Lovitude 3-Part Creative Process to create intuitively from nothing
  • Review ego and essence and learn about the importance of confidence and trusting the process
  • Explore what you gain from acting, and why others may or may not support your efforts
  • Watch Anne create a Lovitude Soul Painting in real time
  • Enjoy a group meditation, discussion, and Q&A
  • Hear the story The Dot and then create based on the question, “What needs to be created now, beginning with a dot?”

Module 7: Spreading Your Gifts & Being of Service


What progress have you made in your journey to access creativity, healing, and transformation through spiritual connection?

You’ll consider this in the concluding module... and gain deeper insights into how you can impact others and help serve the world through your creative endeavors.

You’ll also learn how to integrate more deeply what you’ve learned so you can continue healing and transforming by creating what you long for.

Anne will create a final Soul Painting for the group... and guide you on creating your next piece from a place of wholeness.

In the concluding module, you’ll:

  • Discuss your creative projects throughout the course, what you learned during the process, and the outcome of your creative work on yourself and others
  • Consider how you serve the world through healing yourself and creating something new
  • Explore worldviews as they relate to the gifts you offer and how they’re received
  • Watch Anne create a Lovitude Soul Painting in real time
  • Enjoy a group visualization
  • Create your final piece from a place of wholeness
  • Enjoy a final discussion and Q&A

The Unblock Your Creative Gifts for Healing & Transformation Bonus Collection

In addition to Anne and Risë’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Lovitude Soul Paintings Package
Series of Digital Ecards and Banners From Anne Pryor

Receive over 30 stunning digital ecards of Lovitude Soul Paintings to share with your family, friends, colleagues, and anyone you love. You’ll find these cards easy to share for birthdays, as thank-yous, or just to let someone know you’re thinking of them. You’ll also receive Lovitude Soul Paintings in banner-image format to make your social media profiles pop.


Excerpt From When Paradise Speaks
PDF Chapter With Trailer Video From the Book by Risё Severson Kasmirski

Enjoy the first chapter of Rise’s popular book When Paradise Speaks: A Remarkable, True Story of Friendship, After-Death Communication, and Art That Heals. Discover how it all began in magical Costa Rica, as Risё describes in vibrant detail how her life changed suddenly in the most startling and unlikely ways when her late friend Irene began appearing to her in lucid dreams and waking life. Through journaled conversations with her friend on the other side, Risё received ​​messages filled with love and hope that can teach us all about bright realities on both sides of the veil.


Exclusive Group Lovitude Soul Paintings
Digital Images of 7 Exclusive Paintings by Anne Pryor

You’ll receive seven beautiful digital images of the Lovitude Soul Paintings that Anne Pryor will paint during your classes together. These images will depict the soul energy of you and your classmates with the intention of inspiring you and transmuting pain into healing love. As you’ll explore in each session, the colors will be meaningful and targeted specifically to the course group.


Do You Want More Meaning in Your Work & Life?
PDF Article by Anne Pryor

Gain insights into your meaning and purpose with the quick and simple Belief Paradigm Method™. Work with five questions to tap into your beliefs and see how they relate to your current life and work. Discover how to make positive changes centered on clear intentions that usher in a greater sense of meaning, a renewed sense of purpose, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.


What People Are Saying About Risë Severson Kasmirski and Anne Pryor’s Book

“I highly recommend going through this journey with Risë and Anne.”

When Paradise Speaks reminds me of the bestselling book Eat, Pray, Love, with the addition of spiritual companions from the afterlife. It is a true story about three friends, a sudden death, and after-death communication from the deceased friend and other spiritual guides who offer amazing guidance about our lives both here on Earth and on the other side. Their messages from the afterlife also inspired the stunning Lovitude™ Soul Paintings that grace the pages of this book and have been called Visual Blessings. I highly recommend going through this journey with Risë and Anne. It will impact you in ways you can’t imagine.
Echo Bodine, author of Echoes of the Souland A Still, Small Voice

“It has been proven that in reading or hearing others’ experiences, we open ourselves to these and greater experiences.”

It has been proven that in reading or hearing others’ experiences, we open ourselves to these and greater experiences. You hold in your hands a most excellent account of love, connection, and eternal life that has the potential to transform you in unimaginable ways. Your book, Risё and Anne, will be a gift to many.
Suzanne Giesemann, author of Messages of Hope

When Paradise Speaks is a remarkable true story about an individual’s spiritual journey.”

When Paradise Speaks is a remarkable true story about an individual’s spiritual journey. Risё Severson Kasmirski connects with guides and loved ones in the afterlife who long to support us in this life to live our best life, while bringing light and love to others. It is written in a language that is both informative and conversational, authentically coming from the heart. Risё has done a brilliant job of integrating spiritual principles with real-life experiences, modeling the wisdom of being open to new learnings and experiences with positive benefits for all. The continuous profound question she asks is What is the lesson here? Anne Pryor has been on a parallel journey, following her intuition while connecting with Spirit and being open to guidance from the other side. Although Anne did not train as an artist, her Soul Paintings are making a profound impact in the world. The inclusion of her Spirit-inspired-work makes this book a real treasure.
Louise Griffith, MA, founder of One Shining Light, and author of Y ou Are Worth It: 52 Weeks to Honoring, Loving, and Nurturing Your Soul

“Their great wisdom is available to us all if we will only open ourselves to it.”

What a magnificent book! The authors take us on an intriguing journey of divine encounters with the afterlife through conversations with a friend who has passed and other spirit guides. Their great wisdom is available to us all if we will only open ourselves to it. I read this book a few days after my mother had passed. Divine timing, indeed! While I already believed that my mother is still right here, the messages and love on the pages helped me center into that place of peace, which surpasses all understanding.
Jana Bauer, author of Sun and Moon: Chronicles of a Stepfamily

When Paradise Speaks has the power to transform your relationship with the afterlife.”

When Paradise Speaks has the power to transform your relationship with the afterlife. In this true story, Risё shares her profound experiences in communicating with her deceased friend, one whose death came too early. Risё’s subsequent inner journey through meditation and other spiritual experiences lead her to new insights, understanding, and gifts far beyond what she could have imagined. As her guide through a year of deep meditation and spiritual coaching, I witnessed Risё’s curiosity, self-doubt, intense learning, and acceptance of the spiritual messages that ultimately manifested into the book you are holding. Anne Pryor’s Lovitude™ Soul Paintings, found throughout the book, were also inspired through after-death communication with the same deceased friend. These vibrant paintings elicit deep feelings of spiritual connection and joy.
Wes Hamilton, spiritual life leadership coach, master numerologist, and co-president of Core Passion


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Anne Pryor and Risë Severson Kasmirski

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Lovitude™ Soul Painter Anne Pryor and after-death-communication speaker Risë Severson Kasmirski from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to unleash your natural creative expression with a right-brained way to access guidance, inspiration, and healing from the other side.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Unblock Your Creative Gifts for Healing & Transformation Bonus Collection
  • Lovitude Soul Paintings Package
    Series of Digital Ecards and Banners From Anne Pryor
  • Excerpt From When Paradise Speaks
    PDF Chapter With Trailer Video From the Book by Risё Severson Kasmirski
  • Exclusive Group Lovitude Soul Paintings
    Digital Images of 7 Exclusive Paintings by Anne Pryor
  • Do You Want More Meaning in Your Work & Life?
    PDF Article by Anne Pryor

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Unblock Your Creative Gifts for Healing & Transformation With Guidance From the Beyond Online Training


We feel honored that Anne Pryor and Risë Severson Kasmirski have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a Lovitude™ Soul Painter and an after-death-communication speaker whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about reconnecting with your authentic voice and its soulful expression, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Unblock Your Creative Gifts for Healing & Transformation With Guidance From the Beyond or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


About Anne Pryor

Anne Pryor, MA, a Soul Painter and the creator of Longitude, was recently featured on the Hallmark Channel. She is also a LinkedIn expert, career coach, and former executive of Lifetouch, Carlson, and Knott’s Camp Snoopy at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Inspired through after-death communications with her friend Irene to create vivid images to activate souls, she has created more than 2,500 Soul Paintings using ink, her breath, and essential oils on plastic. Anne was never formally trained in art, but after receiving her friend’s messages she began creating these paintings works that have been referred to as “visual blessings” which are now licensed on products distributed globally.

Anne and her friend and business partner Risë Severson Kasmirski share their story in the book When Paradise Speaks. Through her Lovitude Soul Paintings, Anne helps people all over the world trust that the spiritual messages they receive can contribute to real-world transformation.


About Risë Severson Kasmirski

Risë Severson Kasmirski, MA, is a mystic, author, and founder of RightPath Careers, an executive career and life-coaching firm. Before founding her company, she worked in the corporate world in executive sales, marketing, and training. Risë and her friend and business partner Anne Pryor share their story in the book When Paradise Speaks.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
