With Author, Teacher & Tarot Card Reader
Magick Altman
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Activate your soul’s wisdom with guidance from Jungian Archetypes, Astrology, Numerology, and the Kabbalah and the potent magic of the Tarot.

Learn how to do a Tarot reading and use this tool for divination to awaken your true nature and manifest your life purpose.


Are you a dreamworker... a lover of archetypes, mythology, astrology, numerology… or the Kabbalah?

The Tarot provides an exciting new resource for working with symbols and archetypal energies, validating your intuition, and guiding you in your life journey.

This ancient tool for self-reflection and divination holds the wisdom you need to connect with your true nature and manifest your soul’s purpose...  

Those who know the Tarot intimately see it as a wise companion that reveals and validates the soul’s “lessons” and desires and reflects exciting possibilities for our lives...

The greatest depth psychologist of our time Carl Jung, recognized the healing, transformative symbolic language of the Tarot. He saw the cards as an excellent resource for self-reflection, a gateway to the collective unconscious, and a tool for spiritual awakening.

And now, working with the Tarot can open your eyes to new solutions… illuminate areas of your life where you’re stuck and gifts within you, waiting to be expressed. 

Whether you’re seeking guidance for your health, relationships, family, education, spirituality, work, home, travel, or pleasure,  the cards will reveal answers for you.  

And, the beauty is that they’re not limited to one meaning, but can offer insights unique to your life in this moment, and each time you work with them… 

In Journey Through the Sacred Tarot with author, Tarot reader, and teacher Magick Altman, will take you on a journey through the deck, getting to know the meaning and energies held within each card.

You’ll learn to use the Tarot never claimed by a religion or field of study, and free from the dichotomy of good or bad  for a view of your life untainted by the reactive perceptions of your ego.

You’ll open the door to a spiritual journey guided by symbols and stories that can aid you in facing the mystery...not with pat answers, but through the constellation of your own inner knowing, activated by the cards....

You’ll also learn how to do a Tarot reading!


Over the seven self-empowering weeks of this new video training unlike any course The Shift Network has offered before you’ll also:

  • Experience a guided meditation into the world of the Priestess Card to ground you in your journey through the Tarot
  • Understand yourself and your journey on a deeper level by meeting your spiritual and earthly parents in the cards
  • Explore your upbringing by meeting the Tarot Card archetypes of your secular, religious, and social influences
  • Start to act on your passions through an exploration of the Lust/Strength and Fortune Cards
  • Understand the importance of surrender through the archetype of the Hanged Man Card
  • Get to know your personality traits by discovering which Court Card represents you
  • Meet the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth to connect to the energetics of this life
  • Deepen your self-understanding by exploring the astrological aspects of the cards
  • Learn step-by-step how to do a 10-card reading
  • Build confidence in providing readings for your friends and family
  • Explore a 3-card reading to use as a spiritual check in
  • And much more...

When you know how to work with this magical deck, you have a map for your life from which you can find direction and soul validation and that can help you shift from reacting to what you perceive as life happening to you... to understanding your life as lessons being revealed.


Discover What Lies in the Cards...


The Tarot has been illustrated in hundreds of ways by hundreds of artists. Its archetypally potent 78 cards include the Major Arcana  22 cards that reveal the underlying concepts and potential lessons of the material world, the intuitive mind, and the realm of change... with intriguing names, such as The Priestess, The Emperor, The Magician, The Lovers, and also, The Hanged Man, The Tower, as well as Lust/Strength, and Art/Temperance.

The remaining 56 cards are known as the Minor Arcana  illustrating worldly, human themes, including conflict or moral issues, emotions and relationships, security and finance, career, ambition, and activism.

These include The Queen of Swords, The Prince of Wands, The Princess of Cups, The Knight of Disks, and many more, waiting to reveal to you with unabashed honesty the realm of personality (yours).

According to Magick, “The best Tarot reading will confirm your innermost thoughts and invariably give you some synchronistic signposts to guide you on your path... You have a role to play in the theater of life. The Tarot opens a window into your unique drama, involving all the characters, actions, and emotions that make for great entertainment and profound lessons at the same time.”

Magick, who has over 30 years of experience in the field of Tarot, is the author of the popular book, Magick Tarot: A Journey of Self-Realization, which combines instruction on the Tarot with her own autobiographical journey through the cards and life. She is also an activist for the Earth and a spoken-word artist.

An e-book version of Magick’s book has been added to the course materials for this training, and you will receive instant access to it when you sign up.

Whether you’re a novice or professional Tarot reader, Magick’s insights bring new perspectives to this age-old practice... providing rich ideas on its spiritual, psychological, astrological, numerological, and cultural aspects, and establishing it as a trusted guide.

In this fast-paced, overwhelming world, the Tarot can be a “wise friend” that can help you better understand your role, your gifts, your challenges, and your potential giving you the validation you need to trust your own knowing about how and when to act.

It can help you especially at times of transition find reconnection to your authentic Self… as the archetypal energies of its powerful images are activated within you, helping awaken your true nature and open to your truest purpose.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules


In this 7-step transformational journey, author, Tarot reader, and teacher Magick Altman will guide you through the 78 cards of the deck to discover how this magical tool can serve as a wise “companion,” revealing and validating your soul’s wisdom and serving as a mirror reflecting the many possibilities for your life.

This course will feature video teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Magick. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to fully understand the power of the Tarot deck and be able to do your own readings.


Module 1 (Weeks 1-3): Meet the Majors Your Spiritual & Earthly Family


Your journey through the Tarot will naturally evolve from birth to maturity, as the cards reveal and validate your soul’s wisdom, and you discover the steps you need to take towards greater self-discovery.

During the first three course sessions, you’ll “meet” the Major Arcana, your spiritual and earthly “family,” who will guide you to and through the realm of self-realization. You’ll follow the stages of the journey as they unfold sequentially in the deck, allowing each card to guide your next step.


Session 1: Starting Your Journey as the Ever Optimistic ‘Fool’ (November 7)

The Fool reminds us that everything is possible right now. There are no limitations (only those that are self-imposed). Like the Fool, who’s bursting with enthusiasm for the adventure itself, we have our dreams and imagination. And at a soul level, we all contain this free spirit, which will keep appearing on our journey through the cards, urging us to take the next leap of faith.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided meditation into the world of the Priestess Card to ground you in the work to come
  • Understand yourself and your journey on a deeper level by meeting your spiritual and earthly parents in the cards
  • Explore your own upbringing by meeting the Tarot Card archetypes of your secular, religious, and social influences
  • Discover a new way to be in the world by letting go of reactivity, and becoming a responsive and aware participant in this time of profound transition

Session 2: Stepping Out Into the Realm of Earthly Reality (November 14)

You’ll step into the Realm of Earthly Reality, where underlying concepts and potential lessons of the material world such as Justice/Adjustment await. You’ll open to your adult years, exploring the cards to find your footing in the world.

On this leg of the journey, you’re faced with choices, responsibilities, and possibilities without constant guidance and direction from family and community... It’s a time when anything can happen!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided meditation to discover the Libra archetype of the Justice Card and the laws of Nature and how they can help you navigate your journey
  • Deepen your inner wisdom through the archetype of the Hermit Card
  • Start to act on your passions through an exploration of the Lust/Strength and Fortune Cards
  • Understand the importance of surrender through the archetype of the Hanged Man Card
  • Start to integrate your newfound knowledge through the alchemy of life depicted in the Art Card

Session 3: Exploring the Realm of Self-Realization (November 21)

At this point on your journey through the cards, you’ll make your first encounter with your shadow self, as the Devil Card tempts you with your addictive patterns, and the Tower Card plays on your shadow aspects of fear and doubt.

To take the next evolutionary leap, we must face these shadow selves and recognize them as our greatest though most challenging teachers. Only then are you prepared to pass through the birth canal in the Dark of the Moon Card, and burst forth as a radiant light for the world, as The Sun.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Rebirth your inner child... unencumbered by family influences and outdated patterns
  • Experience a guided meditation to release your attachment to outcome
  • Discover your capacity for desire without lust for a particular result
  • Recognize your addiction to power, pleasure, or other people as a shadow represented in the Devil Card and a potent and tenacious force of the Capricorn archetype
  • Release self-judgement and comparison by recognizing your uniqueness through the Star Card
  • Find out how to offer your gifts to the New Age in the Aeon Card
  • Embody your beautiful synchronicity with all life in the Universe Card

Module 2 (Week 4): Meet the Characters (the Court Cards) Aspects of Yourself & People in Your Life (December 5)


Welcome to the Theater Realm, where you’re the director and 16 characters are vying for the lead role in your play. These characters, depicted in the Court Cards, are called Queens, Knights, Princes, and Princesses (names may vary in different decks), and help illuminate aspects of yourself and the people in your life.

In this module, you’ll discover how to navigate your archetypal journey by better understanding your personality traits with the help of the character cards. You’ll become aware of how your personality serves and, perhaps, limits your potential. You’ll also explore how everyone you meet is on some level a reflection of yourself, and how instead of reacting to the “reflections” that trigger you, you can instead ask, “What is the lesson here?”

In this session, you’ll:

  • Get to know your personality traits by discovering which Court Card represents you
  • Meet the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth as various aspects of yourself
  • Deepen your self-understanding by exploring the astrological aspects of the cards
  • See yourself and others in these 16 characters... identifying both gifts and limitations

Module 3 (Weeks 5-6): Meet the Minors Revealing the Emotions, Challenges & Gifts in Your Life


Over the next two sessions, you’ll explore how to connect to the 40 cards of the Minor Arcana through the lenses of mythology, symbology, astrology, and numerology to understand how each of the suits Swords, Wands, Cups, and Disks (or Pentacles) are also the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth... and how they can be used to help you advance in your journey.

Viewing the Minor cards through these lenses opens you to guidance and archetypal energies for powerful manifestation... from taking an idea to fruition to carrying an initial emotion, such as attraction, into a loving, healthy relationship. These cards offer a broad range of specific directives to use at this point in your journey that can help you with any challenge or opportunity that arises.


Session 5: Understanding the Minors Through Numerology (December 12)

Numbers show us how creation is manifested through geometric progression. For example, first there a vision for building our dream home (one); next we must consider what architect might best reflect our idea (two); then, in partnership, we begin to synthesize a plan (three).

Using the Minor Cards, you’ll discover how you move through all ten stages of this geometric progression from seed to fruition to create your life every day.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how to receive messages through numbers that represent specific words
  • See how the 10 numbered cards of the Minors relate directly to the Majors
  • Unblock your fear of math by understanding the significance of numbers
  • Understand the Kabbalah as a numerological system that integrates exquisitely with the Tarot

Session 6: Understanding the Minors Through Astrology (December 19)

Astrology has been used as a lens throughout time to carry cultural stories of human history. This week, we’ll explore how the numbered cards Court Cards and their Zodiac signs have astrological aspects and how they can help you in your relationships with others... and with yourself.

Knowing the Zodiac signs of the people in your life can help you avoid the pitfalls of reactivity. For example, a Gemini is a great thinker and communicator, but if you want something to get done you might need one of the earth signs like Taurus for the job. Or, if you want to explore a vision for the future, find an Aquarian to share your ideas with. Need a heart-to-heart? A water sign, like Pisces, will have that innate skill.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Enhance your relationships by understanding which Court Cards represent you and the people in your life
  • Learn some basics of astrology and how it relates to the cards
  • Deepen your self-understanding by connecting the Tarot cards to your astrological chart
  • Experience the Zodiac as a tool to better understand your gifts and challenges

Module 4 (Week 7): How to Do a Reading The Tarot as a Self-Empowering Companion for Your Life (January 9)


Now you’re ready to learn how to do a Tarot reading... In this last session, you’ll learn how to tell the story of others’ lives through the classic 10-card Celtic Cross Layout.

This layout starts by pulling a card that indicates your direction and focus right now. Then it reveals what’s going on in your conscious and unconscious mind. Next, you look at what you need to remember from your past. Then, you step into the realm of possibilities, where you’re headed, how that’s manifesting within you, in your environment, and through the people around you. And finally, you’ll face your hopes and fears... to arrive at a probable outcome depicted by card 10 in the reading.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn step-by-step how to do a 10-card reading
  • Learn how to frame your questions to get the most specific and clear answers from the cards
  • Discover how to interpret the various positions in your card reading
  • Weave astrology, numerology, and archetypal symbology into your reading
  • Build confidence in providing readings for your friends and family
  • Explore a 3-card reading to use as a spiritual check-in
  • Learn how the cards are your greatest ally in growing through any situation or relationship

The Sacred Tarot Bonus Collection


In addition to Magick’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Magick Tarot: A Journey of Self-Realization
Ebook by Magick Altman

Magick’s book on the Tarot reveals how its 78 magical cards can illuminate your life’s journey, revealing all the characters, actions, and emotions that spotlight your life lessons and how to grow into your full potential. Employing Jungian archetypes, Astrology, Numerology, and the Kabbalah as different lenses, it provides an authentic reflection of life’s probabilities, as well as the specific tools you need to evolve. You’ll find insights into any questions relating to the human condition from very personal advice to revelations about archetypal influences at play in your life. There’s also a detailed chapter on how to do a reading, which includes a step-by-step methodology accessible to all levels of experience. This book is a 21st-century take on the ancient art of Tarot, exceeding old gender, class, and national limitations, by looking at the world as one community on the cusp of a new consciousness that sees all life as interconnected.


Discover Your Tarot Archetypes
Video Dialogue With Magick Altman

Magick Altman will explain how to access your archetypal and personality path to better employ your unique gifts in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. These portals will help you walk in the world with more self-awareness of your many-faceted personality and how your perspective can shift over time.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to use the 16 Personality Cards as a reflection of you, your family, and friends your interactions will become more fluid as you become conscious of your traits and challenges
  • Your Personality and Soul cards on the archetypal level and learn how to calculate them for the people in your life
  • That your individual challenges are actually part of a shared human experience, freeing you to apply many stories and myths about people throughout time. This includes systems like Astrology, Kabbalah, and Jungian Archetypes

How to Do Your Birthday Reading
Video Teaching by Magick Altman

Each one of us has one to three Tarot cards that correspond with our soul’s journey in this lifetime. Every year we have a card that provides us with a specific archetypal lesson. 

In this video teaching with Magick, you’ll discover how to determine and interpret these cards for yourself and the people in your life to help you develop a deeper relationship to the Tarot and understand how this powerful tool can illuminate your soul’s unfolding.


The Cards' Energetic Connection With the Kabbalah
Video Teaching by Magick Altman


The Tree of Life, also known as the Kabbalah, is an ancient, mystical, Jewish system that integrates exquisitely with the Tarot. All 22 archetypal cards in the Tarot correspond to a Hebrew letter and a pathway into the Kabbalah.

In this video teaching, Magick takes you on a journey to receive the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah and the Tarot.


What People Are Saying About Magick Altman...

“I have many a time felt so grateful to have a spiritual resource in Magick.”

Magick clearly has command of her craft. She utilizes her deep understanding of the archetypes, history, and meaning of each tarot card to fully explain how it relates to you. I have many a time felt so grateful to have a spiritual resource in Magick.
Fred V. F., San Mateo, California

“I highly recommend Magick to anyone who is interested in gaining direction, insight and knowledge.”

Magick has a superb knowledge of the Tarot, Astrology, I Ching, and more. Once you have a reading with her, you’ll be sold. She’s one of THE best Tarot readers... I highly recommend Magick to anyone who is interested in gaining direction, insight and knowledge. You will be amazed at what comes up!
Kathy S., San Francisco

“... helped me trust myself, define my values and get down to what was important to me.”

The reading helped me trust myself, define my values and get down to what was important to me. Magick’s approach was insightful and focused on the positive, and she has a great sense of humor!
Charlie R., Sebastopol, California

“Someone like this comes around so seldom.”

I cannot stress how amazing this woman is. Magick has such a handle on her craft that she is able to put one at ease, connect, and open a window into which you are able to see what is in need of attention in your life.
I will return to Magick as soon as I can. Someone like this comes around so seldom. You will cherish your time with her. Go! Go now!
Paul S., Riverside

“If you are looking for a direct line to the divine, call Magick!”

If you are looking for a direct line to the divine, call Magick! I have known and trusted her for 22 years and she has provided advice and divine guidance for me on the biggest decisions of my life.
Christine O., Seattle, Washington

“Magick gave me the best advice I have ever received in my life.”

Kathleen P.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Magick Altman

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from author, teacher, and tarot card reader Magick Altman from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to learn how to do a Tarot reading, and adopt this ancient tool as a ‘wise friend’ that can awaken your true nature & help you manifest your life purpose.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Sacred Tarot Bonus Collection
  • Magick Tarot: A Journey of Self-Realization
    Ebook by Magick Altman
  • Discover Your Tarot Archetypes
    Video Dialogue With Magick Altman
  • How to Do Your Birthday Reading
    Video Teaching by Magick Altman
  • The Cards' Energetic Connection With Kabbalah
    Video Teaching by Magick Altman

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Journey Through the Sacred Tarot Virtual Training


We feel honored that Magick Altman has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an author, teacher, and tarot card reader whose teachings on the Tarot can help you awaken your true nature and manifest your life purpose.

If you’re serious about learning the power of the Tarot and adopting it as a “wise companion” on your life journey, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Journey Through the Sacred Tarot with Magick Altman or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Magick Altman...

“... a fresh and original approach to reading the cards.”

Magick takes a fresh and original approach to reading the cards. She integrates numerous decks, including the Motherpeace, into a broad sweep of timely and historical cultural references, anecdotes about her precocious daughters, and personal narratives that bring the cards to life and make them sing.
Vicki Noble, Author of Motherpeace

“Join Magick on a magical mystery tour of the Tarot as it came of age in the 60s and 70s.”

Join Magick on a magical mystery tour of the Tarot as it came of age in the 60s and 70s. For those who want to explore Tarot through a perspective of self-realization, this is the book for you.
Mary Greer, Author of Tarot for Your Self

“... insights that were completely new.”

I’ve been reading Tarot for nearly 50 years, and within the first few pages Magick Altman gave me insights that were completely new. Whether you are interested in the cards from a spiritual and philosophical perspective, or for counsel and advice, this book will be a helpful guide full of rich ideas.
Starhawk, Author of The Fifth Sacred Thing


About Magick Altman


Magick Altman is an author, teacher, and Tarot card reader who’s well-versed in Kabbalah, numerology, astrology, and Jungian archetypes. Down-to-earth and compassionate, she takes a light-hearted approach which includes insights, anecdotes, and ways to work with challenges. She employs her highly developed intuition to weave together a life story and reveal the current lessons. Thousands of people have received the guidance they need in the fields of work, relationships, home, travel, health, and spiritual growth.

Magick teaches, writes, and reads the Tarot at events and festivals throughout the Bay Area and beyond. Her book, Magick Tarot: A Journey of Self-Realization, draws back the curtain of our personal stories, revealing all the characters, actions, and emotions which spotlight our life lessons and how to grow into our full potential.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
