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Are you ready for the next stage of your spiritual life in which you can fully incarnate your soul and express your highest gifts as your "vocation of destiny?"


Do you see yourself as a global citizen and recognize that it is time for collaborative, joyful action to solve our challenges and create a peaceful, sustainable, and just world?

As our collective crises crescendo, it’s time for us to take the most sacred and meaningful journey of our lives to emerge more fully as the new human filled with love, creativity, and grace, clear of the past, empowered to give our full gifts, awake in each moment, and nurtured by a conscious community.

It’s time to join together in a community of pioneering souls to take the Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary!

It’s time to BE the change by going to heights of evolution that your ancestors could not have even dreamed of.

If you resonate with the above, you already carry the seeds of the new culture within you. You are coded with a deep evolutionary impulse for growth, impelled forward just as the caterpillar is impelled to become a butterfly.

Chances are, you have not felt the conditions were right yet to really blossom. Fully. Divinely. No holds barred.

Now is that time.

What is required is a sacred community of support and a truly skilled guide so that you can take the sacred journey and become the full expression of the conscious evolutionary that you are; to literally birth the divine human in you.

This sacred journey takes you from one level of human evolution into a new one a more expansive, synergistic, and joyful one. And it has clear stages, as your mind, emotions, body, energy systems, and consciousness all undergo a profound shift and begin to join with the higher octaves of your Being.

The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary begins with a shift of your whole worldview so you see with the eyes of evolution itself. The journey deepens through expanding your identity beyond the ego to living from your true Essence. It accelerates as you enter a sacred communal crysalis to undergo a true cellular metamorphosis. And it finds its joyous conclusion in your deepened experience of self and newfound ability to engage as a co-creative evolutionary.

Those who complete this sacred journey become evolved creators of the new world and shining examples to those who come after them.


There is no one more experienced to take this sacred journey than Barbara Marx Hubbard, who Deepak Chopra calls “THE voice for conscious evolution in our times” and is regarded by luminaries like Jack Canfield as a true American treasure.

And she realizes it is time to reveal EVERYTHING she knows about how to undergo the metamorphosis and allow the divinization process that births a new human. She’s taking all of her lifework and all of her mystical experiences and her lifetime of inner guidance to create the Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary as her magnum opus, a six-month training that takes you to new heights of your evolutionary potential.

She’ll be working closely with her co-facilitator Patricia Ellsberg, as well as featuring a stunning array of teachings from today’s most notable luminaries such as Deepak Chopra, Michael Beckwith, and Ken Wilber.

The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary takes you on an experiential journey to embody the Universal Self, a new human potential that is just now emerging on Earth at this unique time.

Building on the many extensive trainings Barbara has conducted with thousands of students and her own powerful inner journey that continues with ongoing, inspired revelations, this new Intensive will focus almost exclusively on your own inner transformation. We will facilitate your inspired insights and internal journey so you can merge your personal transformation with your outer life and manifest it in the world.

It’s Your Time as a Conscious Evolutionary

While we celebrate Barbara and her colleagues, when you commit to taking the sacred journey into your full expression, you also commit to taking teachers off the untouchable pedestal and recognize that ALL of the love, courage, commitment and creative intelligence you see in them also exist as potentials in yourself.

In fact, it’s your destiny to incarnate more and more and more of this potential and thus to truly lead the way for your loved ones and community into a new era.

Some call this incarnating the Christ, some see it as birthing the universal human, some see it simply as awakening to a global consciousness.

Whatever you call it, it is a sacred and profound journey filled with beauty, vast love, radical creativity, and the potential to change the world.

You probably don’t feel this potential everyday, though. You may feel hopeless, lost, confused, alienated. If you’re like most emerging evolutionaries, you may be disheartened by the daily news, which can make it seem that humanity is on the precipice of destroying ourselves. You may feel dismayed at the polarization, violence, negativity, and consumerism that too often seems to dominate our culture.

However, there IS another storyline that is also taking form: our conscious evolution as a species.

If we choose this story and consciously choose to become the New Human, we can create something stunningly beautiful: a planet that is thriving, with people who are LIVING as radiant examples of love, creativity, and grace.

Nature has been evolving new forms of life for billions of years... and now it is our turn to do it consciously and joyfully to create a thriving global society.

Let’s become a new beginning: Generation One of a new era!

We are the first generation of humans (“Generation One”) on this Earth to be aware of ourselves as one planetary body, affecting our own evolution by everything we do, realizing we can destroy ourselves through the misuse of our new power or evolve ourselves into a universal species that is capable of more than we can currently imagine.

As Generation One , we can create a new template for society and literally BECOME the human pioneers for a new era.

Together in The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary we will embark upon a 24 session experiential journey for your own conscious evolution toward becoming a universal human and building a co-creative culture.

This Sacred Journey is a new hero’s journey taking place during this unique time on our planet when we are on the tipping point between crisis and conscious evolution.

The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary is the fruit of Barbara’s lifelong search to understand, practice and manifest the process of conscious evolution. It has never been offered before and is the deepest work she has ever taught.

As she says, “At 84 I find by surprise that I have become an elder of the new and am ready to give to you in every way that I can to serve your greatest joy and fulfillment.”

There are 4 Stages of the Journey that you will be guided through in a field of love, resonance and attunement, as well as profound community:

Discovery: Offers deep immersion in the new worldview of your own Conscious Evolution leading toward a new future.

Emergence: Supports you to shift from ego to Essence through ten steps that will stabilize you as your Higher Self, which leads to a daily experience of unconditional love, deep connection, and a sense of peace and ease.

Metamorphosis: Allows you to embody the highest frequencies of your own being as a Universal Self, your God-self incarnate, leading toward spiritual awakening and transformation.

Co-creation: Leads to your ‘vocation of destiny’, where you fit best, and build your dream team to fully give your gift to the emerging world.

The ultimate purpose of The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary is to support you in going the “whole way” in this lifetime. This means fulfilling your soul’s purpose in creative expression and integrating all aspects of your being until you become a Whole Being.


You will emerge as someone who is truly guided by the impulse of evolution and is able to contribute to the worldwide movement for interconnectedness and universal love, helping to birth a world in which each of us is free to do and be our best.

This Sacred Journey is new to our generation, which is why we are called Generation One. We are the first to face our current situation together extinction or evolution. No group of humans has been through a set of global crises and new possibilities at this scale before. Nature/Spirit/God has given us the opportunity for the first time in human history to be conscious of our own evolution, which requires that we each learn to guide ourselves and Earth life through these crises toward a future of immeasurable potential.

Welcome to the greatest journey on Earth!

During the 24 modules, we will enter a “state of grace” together, cultivating the joy and fulfillment that comes from deep communion, community, and co-creation. You will be supported to:

  • Take an evolutionary journey through the awesome mystery of 13.8 billion years of evolution encoded in and awakening through every cell of your body
  • Develop “evolutionary eyes” that can see the whole process of creation unfolding as your story, your mysterious journey from Source
  • Feel the Impulse of Evolution within your own body/heart/mind
  • Learn what it feels like to be passionately in love with the impulse awakening you to higher purpose
  • Engage in creative inquiry in Four Great Questions that can change the world
  • Discover the Essential Self that is incarnating, entering and transforming your whole being
  • Experience the Bliss of Union of the Human and Divine
  • Shift the "I" of your identity from Ego to your Essential Self
  • Re-pattern your life by learning to live as Essence in Action
  • Incarnate your Universal Self the highest frequencies of your being
  • Take a profound journey into the Planetary Birth of a New Humanity
  • Become clearer about what you are passionate about creating
  • Nurture your "vocational arousal" as the expression of the unique impulse of evolution within you
  • Know your true place of unique contribution within the numerous emerging opportunities
  • Discover allies and create a dream team that supports you in bringing your vision into form
  • Contribute your gifts to the formation of a co-creative culture

What You Will Discover in this Sacred Journey

Stage One: The Discovery Process

Deep Immersion in the New World View of your Own Conscious Evolution

You were not consciously present when Homo sapiens sapiens first emerged with self reflective consciousness 50,000 years ago. But you’re here now! We are blessed to be born at the dawn of the First Age of Conscious Evolution. In this stage of the sacred journey you become aware that you are evolution becoming conscious of itself. You are encoded with the genius of the 13.8 billion years of the sacred journey from Source to us, empowered by the Impulse of Evolution as your own motivation to become your full potential self, a co-creator with the process of creation, part of the “strange attractor” of the next phase of evolution.

Module 1: Discovering the New World View of Conscious Evolution Within Yourself and the Universe

(Recorded on February 4, 2014)

  • Gain a new universal perspective and context. Place yourself in an overview position, like the astronaut, and learn to see the whole story of creation as your own story
  • Develop from this expanded view a vital ability to interpret the crises on Earth as evolutionary drivers leading toward the emergence of a co-creative culture
  • Enter an Evolutionary Dialogue with Barbara to explore and share your insights into your own worldview

Module 2: The Impulse of Evolution Becoming More Through You

(Recorded on February 11, 2014)

  • Explore the first Great Question: What is the meaning of our new power that is good? What are images of our future equal to our new scientific, technological and industrial power that attract us to achieve them?
  • Enter into a shared process of discovery as you explore your own responses to this question as Barbara shares her story
  • Learn the importance of accessing your own deepest life questions and actualize your capacity for inspired insights
  • Gain access to higher mind rather than mental mind through practicing inspired insights
  • Learn to ask the Universe your questions, listen for response from higher mind and test the responses through action
  • Feel within yourself a new identity as you sense evolution unfolding within you, leading to greater complexity, consciousness and choice as you evolve personally and through your work in the world

Module 3: Making the Invisible Visible

(Recorded on February 18, 2014)

  • Explore the second great question: How is humanity’s story comparable to the story of the birth of Christ...that if we told it would change everything?
  • Discover your responses to this question as Barbara shares her story
  • Learn about Barbara’s awakening to the Planetary Birth as an inspiration to your own awakening of what is being born through you
  • See that the “noosphere” is speaking through you, that you are the eyes and ears and voice of the “thinking layer of the earth”
  • Learn to cultivate and maintain resonance when you communicate to others and in circles

Module 4: The Source Within You

(Recorded on February 25, 2014)

  • Explore the third Great Question: What kind of person would you have to be to handle all this new power?
  • Explore your own wisdom about how you would use these powers
  • Feel your relationship to Deep Time Past, the Present and Deep Time Future
  • Learn to speak with the power of who you truly are

Stage Two: The Emergence Process

Making the Shift from Ego to Essence

The Emergence Process is an evolutionary path leading to the development of ourselves as more co-creative universal humans. Ten progressive steps guide us to make the fundamental shift of our identity from ego to Essence, from our egoic separated local self to our spiritual Essential Self, which is our true nature. We strengthen and stabilize our connection to our own Essence, the Beloved Within, until we become it and cultivate within ourselves the next stage of our development that has in the past been embodied in extraordinary mystics and saints, yet is now approaching a new norm.

Module 5: Exploring Your Heart’s Desire For Your Own Emergence and Creating the Inner Sanctuary: Step One

(Recorded on March 4, 2014)

  • Create an Inner Sanctuary a place of peace and inspiration where you leave behind the concerns and pressures of daily life
  • Discover and deepen your connection to your Essential Self as you recall times of inspiration and guidance
  • Identify and integrate the specific qualities of your Essence that you most love such as joy, peace, security, love, wholeness and wisdom
  • Strengthen your relationship with your own inner guidance by asking questions of and receiving answers from your Essential Self

Module 6: Contemplating The Glory Of The Beloved: Step Two

(Recorded on March 11, 2014)

  • Spend as much time as you can in your Inner Sanctuary in Essential Self contemplation
  • Become the director of your attention, directing your attention to the Beloved presence within
  • Learn the discipline of true relaxation through returning to Essence
  • Become intimate with your Essential Self and expand your connection
  • Deepen your experience of establishing and maintaining resonance in an Evolutionary Circle
  • Strengthen your connection to Essence

Module 7: Incarnating Your Essential Self and Inviting the Beloved to Take Dominion: Steps Three and Four

(Recorded on March 18, 2014)

  • Experience the Essential Self transforming your body-mind
  • Learn how to make your life a continuous process of placing your attention on the presence of your Essential Self
  • Lift yourself into a higher vibration by loving your internal parts and dissolving their sense of separation from Essence
  • Prepare for the Beloved to take dominion by taking a moral inventory to deliberately release what no longer serves you
  • Learn to embody your passionate desire for a complete union of the Human and Divine within you

Module 8: The Bliss of the Union of the Human and Divine: Step 5

(Recorded on March 25, 2014)

  • Create a deep chamber within your inner sanctuary, the "Rose Chamber of Union of the Human and Divine"
  • Explore your Essential Self as a radiant presence emanating light
  • Experience your wounded local selves becoming facets of your Essential Self rather than fragmented negative aspects of your personality
  • Learn to connect with and be guided by your ‘Compass of Joy’
  • Discover how to be in resonance with, and affirm the highest in, others

Module 9: Shifting Your Identity as You Enter Youth: Step 6

(Recorded on April 1, 2014)

  • Shift the “I” of your identity to your Essential Self
  • Recognize you are the guide who’s been guiding; the voice you’ve been hearing; the Beloved you have loved
  • Deepen your ability to speak and write as the voice of your Essential Self with grace and ease
  • Experience an "inner smile" and practice "initiatory love"
  • Learn, practice and embody powerful affirmations to support your transformation
  • Tap into causal consciousness
  • Cultivate greater receptivity to the larger design

Module 10: Transferring Authority: Step 7

(Recorded on April 8, 2014)

  • Examine and begin to heal your attitude toward authority
  • Develop your own authentic power
  • Transfer authority and responsibility to your Essential Self
  • Re-parent yourself by evolving and maturing your internalized mother and father while strengthening the inner masculine and feminine aspects of your being
  • Become a loving parent to yourself and forgive your own unskillful behavior as you do with a child

Module 11: Educating Your Local Selves: Step 8

(Recorded on April 15, 2014)

  • Be guided in the Almaas Process the practice through which the ego becomes a guide to Essence and learn to trust the guidance of this new identity
  • Be introduced to RAIN, another profound process for dealing with difficult experiences or aspects of yourself
  • Create an expanded Inner Sanctuary and enter a "Sunlit Garden of Co-creation"
  • Develop the practice of creating "heaven within” yourself
  • Stop trying to figure out or solve anything and experience the problems of your local self being dissolved, not solved
  • Move from local, linear time to non-local, non-linear time, the pure awareness of the present
  • Experience self-evolution through self-elevation

Module 12: Re-patterning your Life and Fulfilling the Promise: Steps 9 and 10

(Recorded on April 29, 2014)

  • Take a deeper moral inventory, looking at what you want to let go of that is no longer serving you
  • Allow your life to re-pattern itself
  • Discern and nurture what is new that is emerging
  • Become clear about what you are passionate about creating
  • Nurture your “vocational arousal” as the expression of the unique impulse of evolution within you
  • Infuse being and doing with the energy of Essence and live as “Essence in Action
  • Experience you are one with the Essence that pervades the whole Universe

Stage Three: The Metamorphosis Process

Incarnating the Energetic Frequency of the Universal Human, God Within

Once you have understood more of your full participation in the Story of Creation and have begun or deepened the process of incarnating your essential self in Emergence, then comes the jump to the next stage of evolution to incarnate your Universal Self, often experienced as a non-local Light Body with Presence: the highest frequency of your being.

This Stage of The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary takes you on an experiential journey to embody the Universal Self

The “52 Codes” are a download from the highest frequency of Barbara’s being, which she calls a Universal Self. You will have your own name for this. When you experience these Codes, practice them in your Evolutionary Circle, and place them deeply into your consciousness they will continue to work on evolving you to the next stage of your development. In doing this for yourself, you are contributing to the awakening of the entire human species!

We are entering a threshold that few of us have collectively crossed before, a quantum jump. When we actually incarnate these Codes into our essential self, we are becoming Universal Humans....still very young at this stage of evolution, early harbingers of the next stage of human evolution.

Although a few exceptional humans have attained this level of consciousness, we have never done this before collectively. Our goal is truly magnificent: to fully incarnate as young Universal Humans, Whole Beings, co-creators of the new world.

Module 13: Introduction to the Process of Metamorphosis

(Recorded on May 6, 2014)


In this foundational class you will:

  • Experience the field of the Universal Human, the God within, and receive a transmission to directly experience this higher frequency
  • Hear Barbara’s Story of Discovery: how she first experienced herself as a Universal Being
  • Be introduced to the 52 Codes practices, the sacred map and incremental process that has guided Barbara and others in experiencing the next level of self evolution toward becoming our Full Potential Selves
  • Begin the metamorphosis process by focusing your intention and attention on taking this evolutionary leap in consciousness within your Evolutionary Circle

Module 14: Believing is Seeing: Calling Forth your Universal Presence through Intention and Attention

(Recorded on May 13, 2014)

  • Begin to activate the force of your Universal Self and lift yourself into the quantum field of infinite possibilities
  • Consciously focus on identifying with your Universal Self, setting the stage for embodying that aspect of your being and transforming the full spectrum of selves: body, local self, Essential Self becoming a Whole Being, your Full Potential Self
  • Have an opportunity to access a depth of your being that you may never have fully touched before
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your power to activate your most potent Spiritual Force

Module 15: Converging Your Universal Self with Your Essential Self

(Recorded on May 20, 2014)

  • Wed your Essential Self with your Universal Self
  • Begin to experience the gradual, progressive process of incarnating your Full Potential Self
  • Be supported by the field created by all participants to feel the space of revelation and deeper resonance that is inherent in the Universal Human experience

Module 16: Undergoing the Process of Transubstantiation

(Recorded on May 27, 2014)

  • Experience the power of mind to affect matter, as your Universal Self begins to take dominion within you
  • Deepen in the process of embodiment of the Universal Self through consolidation, substantiation, calibration and celebration
  • Continue to unite the Essential Self with the higher frequencies to create a harmonic within all aspects of your being
  • Blend father energy with mother energy within you to consolidate and substantiate this higher consciousness

Module 17: Regenerating the Physical Body

(Recorded on June 3, 2014)

  • Practice holding your attention on the image of your Whole Being in order to infuse your body with vitality and peace
  • Turn your attention to transforming the cellular structure of your body
  • Guide the transmutation process through the frequency of the spoken word

Module 18: Integrating the Full Spectrum of Selves

(Recorded on June 10, 2014)

  • Focus on the Life Force as the through line of your personal transformation
  • Practice holding the master field of ascending and descending life force in your heart to stabilize as a Whole Being
  • Internalize the frequency of the Universal Self to organize and create coherence in your life
  • Experience yourself in pure timeless awareness, while simultaneously unfolding in time

Module 19: Finding Your Place in the Larger Pattern

(Recorded on June 17, 2014)

  • Experience how the larger process of evolution is repositioning you and drawing you forward by attraction
  • Discover how your true vocation calibrates you into the right position in the social body
  • Begin to blend doing and being by infusing your work in the world with the vitality of your Universal Self
  • Contribute to the birth of a Universal Humanity by your participation in this awakening process

Module 20: Fulfilling the Promise of Humanity: Victory is Assured!

(Recorded on June 24, 2014)

  • Experience that the very process of evolution itself is propelling you forward to fulfill your unique destiny
  • Be inspired and uplifted by the beauty of your own being, held in a field of love and collective Presence
  • Celebrate the knowing that victory is assured to all those whose consciousness is shifting

Stage Four: Co-creation

Discovering Your Vocation of Destiny and Building a Co-creative Culture

What is the design, structure and quality of a co-creative culture? This is the fourth Great Question. No one knows for sure. We are living in an emerging world, where all the functional systems of the past are breaking down and the new systems are barely breaking through. As pioneering souls, we seek together to divine the design by our own aspiration and spirit-motivated action. In a field of resonance and shared purpose, you will have the opportunity to call forth your own vocation of destiny, your dream team, and be offered manifestation guidance as to how to make change happen, given this phase of quantum change.

Module 21: Your Vocation of Destiny

(Recorded on July 1, 2014)

  • Experiencing vocational arousal
  • Following your compass of joy as a guide to your true soul’s purpose
  • Seeking to join genius to co-create rather than genes to procreate
  • Discovering your vocation of destiny, your soul’s code, what you are born to do

Module 22: Finding Your Place in the Wheel of Co-creation

(Recorded on July 15, 2014)

  • Receiving a roadmap of the Wheel of Co-Creation and the Sectors of the Wheel or the Spheres of Life
  • Experiencing which sectors you are drawn to
  • Becoming clear about which Sector you want to join at this time
  • Taking a stand in the sector of your choice

Module 23: The Wheel Come Alive

(Recorded on July 22, 2014)

  • Powerfully expressing and sharing with others your vocation of destiny
  • Finding others in your sector who share a similar passion
  • Giving support to and receiving support from others
  • Creating a dream team and finding co-creative partners

Module 24: Creating the Co-creative Society

(Recorded on July 29, 2014)

  • Imagining the planetary birth experience of a co-creative society with everyone able to give their gifts and realize their vocations of destiny
  • Celebrating our hero’s journey together
  • Hearing what has emerge from our co-creative community as members share their discoveries of their vocations and new co-creative partnerships
  • Next steps towards creating a co-creative society.

The Conscious Evolutionary Bonus Collection

In addition to Barbara’s truly transformative 6-month online training, you’ll also receive these powerful sessions with world-leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the intensive and take your understanding and embodiment to an even deeper level.

Bonus 1: “At the Leading Edge of Evolution” 7 Part Audio Training Series with Evolutionary Leaders


How Your Consciousness Can Help Create the Shift
Audio Training with Deepak Chopra and Barbara

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Deepak Chopra explore the profound nature of the crises of humanity, how your consciousness can help to shift the system, and most importantly, what key insights and practices you need now to shift personally and to be a more effective change agent in the world. This dialogue between Barbara and Deepak offers powerful inspiration not only for being the change but how to create actions that flow from your essence.

Deepak Chopra, MD, is one of the best known and widely respected leaders in the field of mind/body medicine in the world today.

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Audio session with Michael Bernard Beckwith

In this dialogue with Barbara, renowned teacher Michael Beckwith illuminates the Power of Sacred Community and deeply reveals the way in which he formed his global ministry in Agape International Spiritual Center, as well as the lessons for you forming your own sacred community.

Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, and founder of the Agape University located at the Los Angeles headquarters of the Agape Movement. He is also a co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT).


The Inseparability of Your Unique Spiritual Expression and Evolution Itself
Audio training with Ken Wilber and Barbara

In this powerful bonus session, Ken Wilber and Barbara discuss the vital importance of Spirit-in-Action and reveal how your own God-essence is an integral, co-creative expression of evolution itself. With Ken’s deep wisdom and insight he clearly demonstrates how to integrate your body, mind, soul and Spirit with all dimensions of existence so that you can consciously participate in the miraculous unfoldment of your authentic evolutionary self.

Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books, translated into some 30 foreign languages. Ken is an internationally acknowledged leader and the preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development and is widely regarded as the “Einstein of consciousness.”


Spontaneous Evolution for Yourself and Our World
Audio session with Barbara and Bruce Lipton

Evolutionary scientist Bruce Lipton has engendered a new movement in his understanding of the effect of belief and consciousness on the DNA itself. In this special bonus, we build upon the groundbreaking work of The Biology of Belief as well as Spontaneous Evolution to give us the evolutionary guidelines to participate in the emergence of the radically new within us and in the world.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.


Synergy is Nature’s Way of Evolving
Audio session with Barbara and Elisabet Sahtouris

Evolutionary biologist, author and social innovator, Elisabet Sahtouris will explore with us nature’s recurring patterns of crises and quantum jumps through greater symbiosis, cooperation and innovation. She places current problems in the evolutionary context and reveals how we can best respond.

Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D is an evolution biologist, futurist, author and consultant on Living Systems Design. Dr. Sahtouris shows the relevance of biological systems to organizational design in businesses, government and global trade. Her books include A Walk Through TIme: from Stardust to Us, Biology Revisioned, co-authored with Willis Harman, and EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution.


Ritual for Sacred Union with Your Essential Self
Audio Training with Oscar Miro-Quesada

In this session you will be guided in a powerful shamanistic ritual that will lead you towards an embodied experience of the sacred union of the Human and Divine and your birth as your Essential/Universal Self.

Don Oscar Miro-Quesada is a respected Peruvian kamasqa curandero, UN Observer to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology, originator of Pachakuti Mesa cross-cultural shamanism, and founder of The Heart of the Healer Foundation. He co-authored a recently published book, Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Every Day Live.


The Meaning of Conscious Evolution and Evolutionary Enlightenment
Audio Training with Barbara and Andrew Cohen

In this engaging dialogue, Andrew and Barbara demonstrate how you can actually become a genuine agent of conscious evolution at this most critical time in our culture, when the whole system is both breaking down and breaking through. Drawing from his recent book Evolutionary Enlightenment, Andrew shares the nature of the Impulse of Evolution, the “Inner Big Bang,” the prime motivating force within you, for self and social evolution. His message is simple, yet profound: Life is evolution, and enlightenment is about waking up to this fundamentally creative impulse as your own deepest, most authentic self.

Andrew Cohen is an internationally respected spiritual teacher, cultural visionary, and founder of the global nonprofit EnlightenNext and its award-winning publication EnlightenNext magazine. He is known for bringing the timeless depth of enlightened wisdom into the 21st century calling not for transcendence of worldly attachment, or even for compassionate care and service, but for a deep and heroic responsibility for the evolution of the world.

Bonus 2: Access to Barbara’s Groundbreaking Film “Our Story”


Our Story: The Untold History of Humanity As Seen Through Evolutionary Eyes, spans the history of the evolutionary journey of our species from the big bang to current times, where we find ourselves precariously standing at the edge of conscious evolution or self-destruction. Our story is seen through evolutionary eyes as the unfoldment of a fourteen billion year journey of transformation, now pressing us forward to give birth within ourselves to a universal human and a universal humanity capable of coevolving with nature and co-creating with spirit.

Your storyteller, Barbara Marx Hubbard, provides the unique perspective of viewing our history through what she terms as “evolutionary eyes” as the unfoldment of a fourteen billion year journey of transformation that is now pressing us forward to give birth to a new, never before seen, universal humanity. This compelling vision of hope sees us at an evolutionary edge where the old world is dying and the new world is being born.

Bonus 3: The Evolutionary Action Training Series (3 Parts)


Connecting to Essence and Manifesting Your Dreams
Audio Session with Marcia Wieder

In this call Marcia will speak about how connecting to Essence is essential to living a “passion-filled life”. She will share ways to establish an intimate relationship with your Essential Self and find your soul’s true purpose. She will also make practical suggestions as to how to clarify and manifest your dreams and live with greater purpose and joy.

Marcia Wieder, CEO and Founder of Dream University® is leading a Dream Movement. With more than 20 years of coaching, training and speaking experience, her inspiring message has touched audiences from 50-5000 at companies such as AT&T, Gap and American Express.

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Audio Training with Karen Buckley

In this session you will learn how to ground your Essence in action and maintain the higher frequencies of your Essential Self while engaging and taking action in the world.

Karen Wilhelm Buckley has developed wise evolutionary leaders and organizations for over 20 years. As Director of The Wisdom Connection, Karen works with women leaders. As principal of Communicore Consulting,Karen is an executive coach and consultant bringing experience and expertise to the field of organization development.


Co-creating Global Oneness
Audio Session with Steve Farrell

Steve will explain how he is mobilizing a global community to cultivate global oneness thorough major global events, including working with the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and the Association for Global New Thought to broadcast a year long program of identifying 12 leading global innovators in the 12 Spheres of Life, taken from the Wheel of Cocreation to demonstrate the spirit of social wholeness and oneness.

Steve Farrell became the world-wide coordinating director of Humanity’s Team in 2004. Together with a small team he formed a non profit organization and created a governance structure and programs focused on Awakening the World to Oneness.

Bonus 4: The Sacred Communion Series:

Exploring the Frontiers of Personal Awakening and the Planetary Shift With Stephen Dinan, Barbara Marx Hubbard and You


In this monthly call just for Sacred Journey participants we will enter into the mystery of creation together, with Stephen Dinan and Barbara Marx Hubbard pioneering the path through a co-creative sharing of their deepest knowing and exploring into the unknown together. Stephen will take off his CEO hat, open his mystic heart and tap his inner guidance to reveal what he knows about the evolutionary shift, the activation of the Christ, the deep karmic and energetic shifts required in our society, and the emergence of a new human template.

He’ll share his intimate inner guidance and wisdom in communion with Barbara, who will join with him in an exploration of our personal and collective awakening that goes beyond the mind, beyond known paradigms, into wholly new terrain that integrates our local selves with our divine selves and births a new reality. This will not be a didactic class but a sacred communion of pioneering souls, as the two co-creators of the Birth 2012 events explore their leading edge and then invite you to do the same together with them and in breakout groups. Barbara often describes this as “entering the Inner Monastery” together and Stephen calls this the creation of “Temple Time.” The result is a field of possibility that aligns us with our deepest Self and allows the Divine to manifest through us.

Bonus 5: 20% off Barbara’s Online Store


The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary prepares you to be an effective and empowered “agent of conscious evolution,” so we’ve decided to include 20% discount access to Barbara’s online store as part of your tuition. You’ll have discount access to many media resources for today’s emerging evolutionary leader, which are perfect for ongoing study following the program or to “take on the road” to share with others.

What People Say About Working With Barbara...

“This course was Godsent, for it has helped immensely, giving me greater vision, insight, understanding and direction...Every session has guided me into this Sacred Divine Space and Place within me, outside of me, preparing me for the next service to humanity.”
Louise Kitura Edmonton, Canada

“After experiencing the Generation One Course, I feel that I am connected to an intelligent community of caring individuals who are well equipped to co-create a world that works for everyone. Each week, absolutely delicious information and experiential exercises transformed my being and how I operate in the world. I have been given tools that will support me in communicating the Evolutionary message to my community and to create local groups to facilitate positive change on the planet.”
Valerie Detroit, Michigan

“Through the past months with Barbara, her luminary guests and my evolutionary circle I have come into a much deeper knowing of my own soul calling. . .I clearly know that the time spent in communion with her and others has brought distinctions for me as to what my next steps will be along my path and has inspired me to move forward and declare who I am in my fullest expression.”
Gaye Abbott Austin, Texas

“One of the biggest insights has been to see how much great wonder and passion is happening across the globe. To learn about and connect with these amazing people has been life changing. The weekly sessions are an integral part of my week and I can feel the transformation becoming more embodied. Each week I connect with someone or something that deeply moves me, and I can feel the change permeate my being.”
Nikki Thompson Roma Queensland, Australia

“Being with Barbara on this marvelous journey is far-reaching, exciting, challenging, and non-threatening. It will surface more questions and give you tools to accompany them into the next cycle of evolution and personal transformation.”
Pam Falkowski Vancouver & Long Island

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twenty-Four Recorded 120-Minute Class Sessions with Barbara Marx Hubbard

Experience a rare opportunity to mentor and learn with one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Six 60-Minute Sacred Communion Calls with Stephen Dinan and Barbara Marx Hubbard

This format of deep spiritual inquiry between two renowned pioneers has proven be very catalytic to awakening to new insights and possibilities. Every session is a new adventure.


Twenty-Four PDF Transcripts of the Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each session.

The Sacred Journey of the Conscious Evolutionary BONUS Collection

  • “At the Leading Edge of Evolution”
    9 Segment Audio Training Series with Evolutionary Leaders
  • The Evolutionary Action Training Series
    (3 Parts)
  • Access to Barbara’s Groundbreaking Film “Our Story”
  • The Sacred Communion Series:
    Exploring the Frontiers of Personal Awakening and the Planetary Shift with Stephen Dinan, Barbara Marx Hubbard and You
  • 20% off Barbara’s Online Store

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Awaken to a Deeper Life

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored and humbled that Barbara has chosen to partner with us on this long-form online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from an world-renowned, evolutionary teacher and connect with a global community of like minds and hearts who are doing this important and transformative inner work.

Because Barbara is so sought after, she has not been able to offer her unique teachings to all the parts of the world that would like to host her. Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on retreat costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from her incredible teachings and transmission from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about your spiritual evolution, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Barbara Marx Hubbard.

More Praise from Barbara’s Students...

“If you are an evolutionary and you are riding the waves of deep change in this changing and challenging world and you want to make a difference and contribute to a more peaceful, joyous and loving world, you don’t want to miss the insightful, evolutionary and loving teachings and sharing of a wonderful role model for conscious evolution that is our dear beloved Barbara Marx Hubbard and the wonderful and visionary friends she teaches with. You are not alone in your evolutionary consciousness, and sharing with an enlightened community of kindred spirits makes all the difference in the world.”
Adriana Colotti Comel Mexico City

“This program is more than up to date, it is leading edge and exactly what I needed to keep moving forward on my journey as a New Style Leader. The combination of incredible speakers mixed with Barbara’s superb clarity and delivery made for a very informative experience.”
Elizabeth Elames Adelaide, South Australia

“The Generation One interactive Circle Learning Experience has moved me into being in this present life in a new way. . .I am freer, clearer and lighter to be more of who I am in relationship to the whole of who we all are at this time in our common life as planetary citizens. We have access to the wisdom of many evolutionary movers and shakers who have made their learnings available to us in ways beyond measure.”
Natalie Cain North Adams, Massachusetts

“. . .Barbara helped me learn my way of connecting with my God-Self..I am in tune with my inner awareness. . .My friends and family members have begun to be affected in a positive way by what they see happening in my increased wellness. I see that as a growing microcosm of that new global community of evolved humans.”
Diane Lemon Silver Springs, Florida

“Barbara’s perspective has helped me to make a real difference in my life...The Generation One course has guided me to look for what is good, to accept that the old paradigm is crumbling and to let it be, and to focus our attention on what is working ... If you would like to more deeply connect with your passion, your vocational arousal, feel more empowered and contribute to co-creating a world that is compassionate, caring, just, loving, creative and sustainable, then get involved. You will be pleased you did!”
Mia Peace Cairns Qld, Australia

“I consider Barbara to be an extremely wise luminary among us! I was drawn to her course by her strong, kind voice which brings commitment, compassion, passion, conviction, knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication. To be in her presence, as well as all those she’s gathered together is indeed an honor and a joy.”
Audrey Schading Mt. Vernon, New York

“Generation One has opened a door to a supportive, inspirational and active community. The information provided has given me clarity on what must come next in my life to create the future I desire for my children and the planet. Thank you to everybody involved in the program! What a Blessing to be here with you all in this time!
Evelyn Collin Western Australia

“The conversations between Barbara and her guests are cutting edge, thoughtful, spiritual, and inspirational. Their evolutionary beliefs and philosophies were substantiated by their life experiences and studies, which made them feel very real and personable. Barbara authentically lives what she talks about and provides an energetic space for participants to model what that looks like. Excellent class!”
Celeste Hamman Austin, Texas

What People Say About Working With Patricia Ellsberg...

"Patricia Ellsberg’s loving presence came straight through my mobile phone into my heart session after session. Her caring, brilliant articulation of years of practice, along with her skillful mediation guidance, radically deepened my own ability to contact, coax, seduce and embrace my own beloved Essence. A rare gifted teacher who channels both head and heart, Patricia is a gem not to be missed."
Karen Everett, documentary filmmaker

"Patricia Ellsberg is a wise woman and an inspired teacher, who emanates love, peace and joy with every breath. To be in her Presence is to touch the highest and most Divine aspects of Self. I wholeheartedly recommend her class to anyone who is committed to a path of deep transformation."
Carolyn Anderson, co-author of The Co-Creator’s Handbook

"For me it was really an amazing experience, especially considering that I have been on the spiritual path for a long time so I am not so frequently surprised! But in this case, I feel Patricia helped me to build a profound and deep connection with myself. This was invaluable for me and helped me to emerge. I loved Patricia‘s leading the course and meditations."
Laura Gabriela Rey, Buenos Aires, Argentina

“Participating with Barbara and Patricia has been one of the most meaningful and powerful processes I have ever done. I use one of their recorded meditations every morning. Their profound depth of wisdom and love are carrying me ever more deeply into my Universal Heart.”
Cynthia Volpi, Oakland, CA, United States

"In my over three decades of seeking self and spiritual growth I have not experienced anything more profoundly transformative than the teleclass with Patricia Elsberg. I have all of Patricia’s meditations on my iPod and listen to them daily. I have never felt such joy, safety, comfort, compassion and gratitude as when I am in the space of full surrender to my Universal Self, and I would still continue to struggle to find that state without the guidance of Patricia... Thank you so much."
Kathryn Brewer, Arroyo Grande, CA, United States

About Barbara and Co-Faculty


Barbara Marx Hubbard: Deepak Chopra refers to her as “the voice for conscious evolution ...” She is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book, The Mother of Invention. And many would agree she is the global ambassador for conscious change.

At her heart, Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, a social innovator. She is an evolutionary thinker who believes that global change happens when we work collectively and selflessly for the greater good. She realizes that the lessons of evolution teach us that problems are evolutionary drivers, and crises precede transformation, giving a new way of seeing and responding to our global situation.

As a prolific author and educator, Barbara has written seven books on social and planetary evolution. She has produced, hosted, and contributed to countless documentaries seen by millions of people around the world. In conjunction with the Shift Network, Barbara co-produced the worldwide “Birth 2012” multi-media event that was seen as a historic turning point in exposing the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential in humanity.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for a “Peace Room” to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and the world. She also co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new concept called “SYNCON” to foster synergistic convergence with opposing groups. In addition she co-founded the World Future Society, and the Association for Global New Thought.

Barbara Marx Hubbard is not an idealist, nor does she believe that social and planetary change is simple. But she does believe that humanity has the tools, fortitude, and resolve to take the leap towards conscious evolution.


Patricia Ellsberg is a social change activist, meditation teacher, life coach and public speaker. In 1971, she helped her husband, Daniel Ellsberg, release to the press the Pentagon Papers, a top secret history of US involvement in Vietnam, which helped end the Vietnam War. The Oscar nominated documentary, "The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers," tells the riveting story of this era and Daniel and Patricia’s role in changing history. A central theme of her life has been bridging spiritual experience with social activism. Working closely with her sister, Barbara Marx Hubbard, in furthering social transformation through Conscious Evolution, Patricia guides people to make a shift from ego to essence, so they live with greater joy, purpose and meaning. Patricia’s special gift as a coach is transmitting and helping people access a profound sense of joy and wellbeing through the artful use of guided meditation. She is currently coaching and teaching The Emergence Process and her own teleseminars on the theme of “Finding Mother-Love Within.”

Joanne Brem is a distinguished executive coach whose passion is to awaken consciousness and inspired visionary leadership in organizations globally, primarily in Fortune 1000 companies. She opens leaders to connect to their Essence as the center from which they lead and develop the strategies and skills to build and lead highly resonant, engaged and productive teams. In her work with teams, she effectively both creates and sustains the field of collective resonance, intention and focus needed for true co-creation to take place and the highest outcomes to be achieved. She employs the principles of manifestation in her coaching, where she is known as able to effectively assist her clients to “get things done” and achieve the highest results, both of utmost importance in the corporate environments within which she works.


Carolyn Anderson is an educator, author, entrepreneur, and social pioneer. As the co-founder and co-director of Global Family and a founding partner of Hummingbird Community in northern New Mexico, she has coordinated activities for numerous global events, assisted with the creation of social cooperation trainings, and facilitated a number of international conferences. Through the Core Group Process she has empowered individuals all over the world to discover and fulfill their life purpose. She co-authored The Co-Creators Handbook and co-created 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Carolyn has a B.A. degree in Political Science and History from Stanford University and a M.A. in Women’s Studies. She lives in northern California.


Katharine Roske is the Co-Founder and Community Steward of the Hummingbird Community. A long held vision came into reality for her in 1996 when a core group within Global Family founded the Hummingbird Community. The manifestation of this dream has provided the playground for her to deepen in her life purpose of co-creating a planetary culture that is a living embodiment of our spiritual essence. She plays a central role at the core of the community as a steward, social architect, global ambassador, ceremonialist, and active contributor to the newly developed Hummingbird Center for a Co-Creative World and is currently co-teaching the tele-course, “Living Co-Creation.” Katharine is co-author with Carolyn Anderson of The Co-Creator’s Handbook: an Experiential Guide for Discovering your Life’s Purpose and Building a Co-Creative Society. This has been a foundational guidebook in the formation of Hummingbird Community and is used throughout the world by pioneers who are collectively birthing a new world.

Together with her beloved husband, Makasha, she has lived deeply into the inquiry: “As our collective consciousness evolves, what are the forms and structures that embody the values and ideals we hold sacred?” During the past four decades Makasha and Katharine have lived their lives at the evolutionary edge in exploration of this inquiry: pioneering conscious birthing practices; stewarding integral educational models; dreaming in and facilitating numerous international events and link-ups for peace; modeling progressive business concepts in a variety of entrepreneurial ventures; consulting groups and communities around the world; establishing networking convergence centers and cultivating intentional community in both urban and rural settings.


Richard Ruster, Ph.D. is an Executive Steward and Economic Development Director of Hummingbird Community, a consciousness-based eco-community in Northern New Mexico ( and has been a community steward since 1998. He is co-founder, co-director and faculty of Hummingbird Living School ( and currently working on books, CDs and DVDs as well as courses as part of the Hummingbird Center for a Co-Creative World on topics such as co-creation, whole system transformation, Conscious Metamorphosis, synthesis spirituality and the transformation of our economic and monetary systems.

Richard is the Economic Dimension Coordinator for the 2007-8 Ecovillage Design Training Program based in Albuquerque. ( This course was developed by the Global Ecovillage Educators for a Sustainable Earth (GEESE). It is endorsed by the United Nations (UNITAR -United Nations Institute for Training and Research) as part of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2004-2013 During the 1980’s Richard was on the core team that developed Boulder Graduate School, where he was founding chairperson for the Holistic Health and Wellness Department. In 1990, the school merged into Naropa University, in Boulder Colorado, bringing its primary program of Transpersonal Counseling, which immediately became Naropa’s largest program.

Richard’s doctorate is in holistic psychology and whole systems science. His studies combined with his professional and community experience have matured into his life work as a path maker into synthesis culture. He is author of The Homing Process: A Unifying Theory of Evolving Systems (1989), and is currently working on two books, The Human Dream: Cultivating A Healthy, Happy World for Everyone. And True Wealth: Cultivating A Synthesis Economics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center at, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a support request with the subject "Refund request."

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
