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International Renowned Scholar
Andrew Harvey
An unprecedented opportunity to birth the Divine Human and
begin creating heaven on earth as you discover the radiant
gems of wisdom hidden within the beloved poetry and life of
today's most popular poet
Prepare to awaken your depths, expand your mind,
savor the nectar of the soul, and be inspired to walk
a path of sacred service
Isn’t it remarkable that – in an era fascinated with the new – a 13th century Sufi poet would become the most read and beloved poet in America?
And yet, it’s no accident, because Jalaluddin Rumi’s mystical insights speak precisely into the heart of our modern dilemmas in a way that even today’s greatest contemporary poets cannot match.
Through the “dark night” of the loss of his beloved soul friend and other heartbreaks, Rumi awoke into a sublime and timeless vision of the glory of Creation as a manifestation of the Absolute. He became a great lover of God whose words speak to our soul in tender, unforgettable terms, even as we face a world filled with real dangers and horrors.
Rumi’s astounding poetry awakens in us the sacred recognition that through practice and adoration of the Beloved, we can be initiated into what the universe truly is – an unendingly magnificent epiphany.
Knowing and feeling this magnificence can impel us to start putting love and justice into action to protect our world on every level, as well as empower us with the sacred energy that we need to undo our habits of exploitation and domination.
Rumi’s poetry carries an initiatory force that allows us to feel the grandeur of God, giving us essential nutrients for our spiritual journey. He is far from a sweetness-and-bliss mystic, though, for he looks straight into the heart of darkness to transform it. Indeed, his grief is a birthing ground for the Divine Human in him.
In this ten-module course with one of the world's most renowned mystic-scholars and a great lover of Rumi, Andrew Harvey, you will be taken on a spiritual journey to the core of your being, with Rumi's life and words as the gateway into a breathtaking new vision of your life, love, and God.
You’ll learn about the secret saga of Rumi’s transfiguration, his initiatory relationship with Shams, the betrayals, and the tender mystical relationship he experienced with Jesus.
You’ll learn the REAL story of what it took for one man to awaken and become a prophet for the ages – and how you can apply this in your life through advanced mystical practices known to the adepts of the ages.
Over the journey, Andrew will take you in your depths through a kind of alchemical communion with Rumi and a dozen other key mystics who offer insights on the stages of initiation that we must pass through to birth the Divine Human in us.
You’ll understand our spiritual inheritance – and particularly the gifts of the Way of Passion – with entirely new eyes. You’ll be initiated into an understanding of how the fusion of compassion and passion, equanimity and fire, tender love and sacred activism, can give rise to a sacred life that can change the world.
During this unprecedented journey, you will enter into the alchemy that shaped Rumi’s life and understand on a cellular level why his wisdom is so essential for navigating our times as we pass through perilous challenges and a collective dark night and seek to birth a new era of peace.
The return of Rumi’s consciousness to the planet is not a coincidence and Andrew Harvey has become one of his leading interpreters, helping us understand Rumi’s deeper messages and apply them to our life and times.
Andrew believes that Rumi fuses the soul force of a Jesus, the philosophical intellect of a Plato and the literary gifts of a Shakespeare to create the ultimate expression of human-divine genius, thereby illuminating our own path forward.
In the course, you’ll also learn from profound Sufi, Christian, Jewish, and Christian mystics whose insights parallel Rumi’s. You’ll weep. You’ll soar. You’ll get very sober about engaging the challenges of our day. And you’ll celebrate the divine feast that we are given to savor in every moment.
If you have not heard Andrew Harvey before, he is a tsunami of love-wisdom, pouring forth his adoration for the Divine and his passion for the sacred marriage of mysticism and action. He beckons you into a state of rapture and deep appreciation for the splendor of the Universe while unflinchingly speaking truth about our delusions.
Andrew is well known as the author of over 40 books and spiritual classics, including Rumi: The Way of Passion,The Essential Mystics, and The Son of Man, but if you haven’t heard him speak, prepare to be amazed.
He’s become the most popular Shift Network faculty this year for a reason: his words are the exact medicine our souls need right now as we traverse a time of great trial on the planet.
Andrew believes the world is at a precipice and that we need a spiritual path that goes beyond love and light to give us a roadmap for the transfiguration of our world.

He recognizes that the deeper teachings of Rumi hold an essential key for our individual healing and collective awakening: they are the gateway into the sacred marriage of divine feminine and masculine, the portal for understanding the dark night, and the map to the alchemical journey in which we turn our lead into gold.
It’s time for the world to embrace a full spectrum view of the spiritual path, one that encompasses embodiment as well as transcendence, the awakened heart and fierce love in action. This full-spectrum path can help us address the urgent crises that we now face.
This full-spectrum path IS the Way of Passion.
This is why we are so excited to offer this groundbreaking 10-module online course with Andrew Harvey entitled: Rumi and The Way of Passion.
What You’ll Discover in These 10 Modules
Each teaching, contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding for how to engage the Way of Passion with clarity, rigor, and transformative power.
You’ll emerge with:
- a more holistic vision of Sufism and the life of Rumi, as well as a deeper understanding of many kindred mystics
- a reunion of the sacred masculine and feminine within you
- greater competence in navigating crises and the “dark night” of the spiritual path
- a more open and generous heart
- a deeper understanding of embodiment, giving you the capacity to increasingly live as love
- a profound commitment to bring heaven down to earth
Module 1
Rumi’s mystical renaissance
The vision of divine alchemy that shaped Rumi’s life and its sacred significance for our time
- Discover the sacred path that Rumi traversed, his trials, heartbreak and eventual liberation into a radical state of divine rapture
- Learn about the most influential people and events in his short yet heroic life, culminating in his tumultuous relationship with Shams of Tabriz
- Explore Rumi’s path of divinization in the Beloved and what happens to a human being that truly becomes a living cell in the body of God
- Understand how the Return of Rumi into the consciousness of our planet at this moment is not a coincidence and is vital for our individual and collective evolution
- Open to the fierce and gorgeous alchemy that Rumi underwent
- Allow the essence of Rumi’s wisdom to strip away the falsehood to come more and more naked and transparent to the divine relationship
- Uncover the full spectrum of your divine identity and the ultimate expression of your human-divine genius
Sacred Practice: Shahada – the remembrance of the name of God
Featured Mystics: Rumi, St. John of the Cross, and Rabia
Module 2
Uncovering The Full Spectrum Your Divine Identity:
Rumi’s priceless gift to us
- Awaken to the splendor, majesty, beauty and power of your non-dual Divine Identity with the Beloved
- Experience the transformative practices that Rumi used to evoke the ecstatic rapture and splendor of divine intoxication
- Discover the mystical process to enact the great transformation we are called to at this critical time in our history
- Learn about the two essential, interconnected spiritual forces of Rumi’s mystical transformation:
- The ‘Jamal’ aspect – which represents serenity, rapture, tenderness, peace and profound all-embracing compassion for all living things
- The ‘Jalal’ aspect – which represents sacred passion, divine ferocity, the clarity about co-evolution of inner and outer that helps bring the law of God into our world
- Discover how the marriage of these two mystical forces (Jamal and Jalal) merge to birth the fully embodied divine human
- Understand more deeply how to walk the path of the peaceful revolutionary with love in action
Sacred Practice: Allah from Sufi tradition, enabling an experience of transcendent origin
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Ibn-Arabi, Meister Eckhart
Module 3
Realizing the Glory of The Creation:
The Epiphany of Eternal Radiance
- Discover how Rumi awoke into the glory of the Creation as a manifestation of the attributes of the Absolute
- Experience Rumi’s personal sacred practice for exalted adoration of the beloved
- Become initiated into what the universe truly is – an unendingly magnificent epiphany of the radiance of the eternal
- Wake up to the full majesty and splendor of yourself as one with the cosmos to incarnate divine love and justice into action on every level
- Empower yourself with the sacred energy that you need to undo our collective habits of unconsciousness, exploitation and domination
- Experience “theophany” – an eternal expansion into the grandeur of God, the manifestation of the attributes of the divine and how essential this is for our human evolution
Sacred Practice: The Presence of Beloved in Nature, a Sufi practice
Featured Mystics: Rumi, St. Francis, Moses Cordovero (Kabbalist), Shabestari (Sufi)
Module 4
Discovering the Web of Relationship that is the Universe:
The Sacred Science of Interconnection
- Discover how Rumi was birthed into a sacred vision of the entire universe as a web of interconnected, ecstatic communing
- Understand how modern science and quantum physics are echoing Rumi’s sacred vision
- Experience the new global heart-mind that is created out of marriage of the deepest perceptions of the mystics and the most radical revelations of science
- Awaken to the universe as a web of interconnecting, communing relationships, founded and fueled by divine love
- Learn the sacred principles and foundations of the emerging mysticism that is being born on our planet at this time
Sacred Practice: Sacred Gazing, as practiced by Rumi and Shams, focused on realizing divine identity with another
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Father Bede Griffiths
Module 5
Uncovering the Wisdom of the Dark Night:
For the Butterfly to be born the Caterpillar must perish
- Awaken to what all pioneers of divine embodiment discover, that the process of the divinization of the human (the “Birth”) necessarily passes through a great Death
- Discover the stages of this transformative death as it is understood in shamanic, Hindu, Mahayana and Christian traditions as the death of all the constructs of the separate self
- Understand why this process is essential in the unfolding of full awakening; at once excruciating and painful as it is redemptive and transfiguring
- Learn one of the greatest gifts of Rumi’s poetry; a full, naked, and honest map both of the ordeals of this death as well as of the divine rapture and empowerment of the birth it prepares
- Navigate Rumi’s map of transfiguration and its essential meaning and possibility for our contemporary crisis
- Receive Rumi’s powerful testimony, essential to endure our global dark night and how to hold on through faith and surrender so its ultimate truth can be realized
Sacred Practice: Surrendering to the Healing Power of the Dark, resulting in real physical surrender
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Jesus, St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Attar
Module 6
Opening to the Divine Passion of the Birth:
Crossing the Threshold of the Holy Transfiguration
- Awaken to the enormous sacred passion that is released like an atomic explosion from the death of the false self
- Become radically inspired and filled by the joy and power you need to help transform our planetary crisis into an opportunity to birth a new world
- Understand Rumi’s explosion of passion that radiates throughout his work and how to awaken this passion in your own consciousness and life
- Become illuminated by its gorgeous flame, so that no defeats or ordeals can deter you from pouring your life out in service and love
- Understand the crucial testimony in his work: he isn’t simply expressing enlightened consciousness, it’s a wholly new level of creative passion (ishq)
- Explore the great poems where this wisdom is infused, as a sign of the divine human, blazing with sacred energy at every level, wholly devoted to passion
Sacred Practice: Simplified Whirling Dervish Practice that anyone can do
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Mirabai, Hadevich of Antwerp (the Rumi of women mystics), Rabiah and Attar, Shams of Tabriz
Module 7
Embracing Death With Rapture:
Fearlessly Surrendering to the Great Mystery
- Awaken to Rumi’s wisdom from his own experience that all forms of dying, including physical death, only prepare a new level of Birth
- Learn the deeper meaning of Rumi’s words “God is everywhere preparing God’s massive resurrection”
- Understand the accounts of Rumi’s own death and the magnificent death poems that he wrote
- Explore how a fearless embrace of dying on every level can initiate us into the rhythms of the universe and prepare us to be fearless activists of love
- Cultivate divine peace and power in our dangerous world crisis through invaluable insight into the mystical death process with poems of immortal awakening and eternal life
- Discover what he’s giving us by the way he embraced his own death with grace, courage and calm
- Contemplate a selection of astounding poems about his death, and the deepest courage born from fearlessness
- Awaken more fully to your immortal nature to dissolve your fear of the illusion of death
Sacred Practice: Adoration of the Beloved Beyond Space and Time, based on Rabia’s great prayer.
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Rilke, Ramana Maharishi, Shabastari and Ibn Arabi
Module 8
Discovering Your Role in Universal Evolution:
The Eternal Expansion into Endless Love
- Awaken to Rumi’s discovery that the entire universe is in perpetual becoming, and that evolution never ends on any plane
- Experience how the Beloved is always drawing us deeper and further into more and more radical embodiments of love
- Live your life with certainty in service to the evolutionary truth of the Godhead and so fill yourself with the Beloved’s peace, force, passion, and power
- Understand the journey that humanity is on to ever subtler levels of divinization and that there is truly no end to the divinization in God
- Open to the evolutionary possibility of your divine potential with the passion and power that you need to transfigure your body, mind, heart and soul
Sacred Practice: The Transforming Light of the Beloved, which floods the psychospiritual centers with light, opening up the whole being to divinization
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Teilhard de Chardin, Aurobindo, Mikhail Naimy, Father Bede Griffiths
Module 9
Responding to a Universal Mystical Message
The Wisdom of Rumi and Kabir
- Understand why Rumi’s work is returning in full splendor as part of the surge of universal mysticism and see how Rumi is both the scribe and embodiment of this process
- Connect with the transforming power of Kabir, whose poetry is considered one of India’s great mystical treasures
- See how the simple, direct path of knowing God directly beyond religious and cultural forms infuses the new mysticism that is emerging
- Recognize the embrace of divine feminine as equal to the divine masculine, a perspective that infuses both of these great poets
- Deepen your relationship with heart-knowing and global consciousness, allowing yourself to receive the mystical inheritance from every religious traditions
- Embrace a mysticism that sees no class or caste, insider group or outsider group, but is part of a universal human inheritance
Sacred Practice: The Name of God, from Kabir
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Kabir, Aurobindo, Teilhard de Chardin, Bede Griffiths
Module 10
Understanding Christ and The Second Coming Through Rumi’s Eyes
The Divine Human Unveiled
- Learn about the great evolutionary plan for the second coming, the birth of divine humanity
- Explore the parallels between Jesus and Rumi; as Jesus lived through Gethsemane, Rumi went through same process when Shams was murdered, and he was reborn after 3 years, becoming a divine human being
- Learn about the intimate relationship that Rumi had with Jesus and Christ consciousness
- Experience one of the most potent ways that the divine is waking us up to an unprecedented embodied divine birth
- Discover the profound parallels in how Rumi underwent the same transfiguring process that Jesus revealed
- Embrace the “Christ within” teaching, seeing that we all have within us the same seeds and potential the Jesus and Rumi expressed
- Incarnate more completely in mind, heart, soul, and body in order to become a force of sacred love in the world – the ultimate expression of the Way of Passion
Sacred Practice: Sacred Activism
Featured Mystics: Rumi, Jesus, Teilhard de Chardin and Father Bede Griffiths
The Rumi and Way of Passion Bonus Collection
In addition to Andrew Harvey’s transformative 10-module course, you’ll also receive these powerful bonuses. These bonuses will complement the course, deepening your understanding and practices.
The Wild and Burning Sun: Shams of Tabriz
Dialogue with Andrew and Coleman Barks

In this inspiring conversation, Andrew is joined by famed Rumi translator and Poet Coleman Barks to discuss the relationship between Rumi and Shams of Tabriz. They will illuminate the mystery of Sham's unique, radical personality and share some of Shams' writing that are in his 'maqama' which Coleman is now working on.
Coleman Barks is a renowned poet and the bestselling author of The Essential Rumi, The Soul of Rumi, Rumi: The Book of Love, and The Drowned Book. He was prominently featured in both of Bill Moyers's PBS television series on poetry, The Language of Life and Fooling with Words. He taught English and poetry at the University of Georgia for thirty years, and he now focuses on writing, readings, and performances.
Andrew Harvey on Sacred Passion
At the Caroline Myss Education Institute, May 2008

In this incendiary video, Andrew uses the poetry of Rumi to light a fire on the ground of your heart and spark you to action. Illuminating the dire circumstances of humanity and our planet, he models the passion fueled fountain of hope that he invites from each and every one of us. In this talk you will find out what Sacred Passion is and why we can’t live without it any longer.
In the Fire of Grace Video

In this video experience, Banafsheh Sayyad, the great legendary sacred dancer interprets five stages of the soul's archetypal journey to union with the Beloved, in movement that marries serene grounded peace with fierce gorgeous passion, jus as Rumi's mystical vision does. She is accompanied by Andrew Harvey as the voice of Rumi summoning her deeper into the flames of death and rebirth.
Banafsheh Sayyad, an Iranian-born dance artist and transformational teacher, communicates the universal message of Sufi mysticism in a passionate yet meditative way. She is one of the few bearers of authentic Persian dance in the world, an innovator of Sufi dance previously only performed by men and a pioneer in contemporary Persian dance. Internationally known for her innovative movement vocabulary and high artistic and educational standards, she draws from her extensive background in Sufism, Persian dance and ritual, Tai Chi and Flamenco to present a new form, rooted in tradition yet universal, "fusing ancient forms with a postmodern punch" (Los Angeles Times). Banafsheh comes from a long lineage of pioneering performing artists. Her father, the legendary Iranian filmmaker, theater director and actor, Parviz Sayyad, hailed as the Charlie Chaplin of Iran, is the most famous Iranian of his time. Banafsheh is a recipient of the prestigious James Irvine Foundation grant in Dance. She holds an MFA in Dance from UCLA where she taught Persian dance.
What Graduates of Rumi and the Way of Passion
are Saying...
“I don't know that anyone could have ignited Rumi to my core as effectively as Andrew Harvey did. The amount of passion, transmission, intent, preparation, brilliance, kindness, and love that was shared was a gift to the soul.”
--Cynthia Bissonnette, Idaho, USA
-Patricia R. Copeland, Louisiana
“Listening to Rumi's words through Andrew Harvey, in the way that Andrew embodied them, elucidated and illuminated them, I felt almost physically the powerful call to live larger, that I truly am larger in heart and spirit than I ordinarily live, and that to live that challenge is fully possible and essential to me or anyone, especially in the global crisis we face.”
-Stephen Gambill, Corpus Christi, TX
“I appreciate Andrews wisdom and poetry. He helped me rise above my ego perception of small into the resonate beauty of the cosmic Christ and to claim my part of this amazing transformation!”
-Amara East, Nederland, CO
-Kazzrie Jaxen, Upstate NY
“I have enjoyed Rumi's poetry but it was only through this course that it truly came alive for me. Andrew deepened my understanding of Rumi, his life, and the spiritual significance of his work. He also provided practices that I could personally apply to deepen my own inner reality, Andrew is truly an amazing mystic and spiritual teacher!”
-Dorothy Argent, British Columbia, Canada
“I am fervently and earnestly grateful for Andrew's beneficent sharing of his scholarly, penetrating and profound understandings of the mystic Rumi and of the mysteries that have never before been transmitted to me in this way. Listening to Andrew's words and readings, I found myself totally immersed in a deeply personal experience of growing understandings of me within the relationships of the Hidden Divine Beloved, the Divine Reality, the Divine Cosmos, God, the Oneness, and the Divine Human Being, and of the fierceness and tenderness of love and passion that I need, I have, ever-flowing into me and from me, to act passionately, compassionately, tenderly, patiently, firmly in my life's work.”
-Roya Pugh, Tasmania, Australia
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Ten 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Andrew Harvey
Experience a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world's leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential and is downloadable in high-quality MP3 format so you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod or in your car and at your convenience.

Ten PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session
In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
The "Rumi and the Way of Passion" BONUS Collection
- The Wild and Burning Sun: Shams of Tabriz
Dialogue with Andrew and Coleman Barks - Andrew Harvey on Sacred Passion
Video from the Caroline Myss Education Institute - In the Fire of Grace
Video with Banafsheh Sayyad
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Ignite the Sacred Flame in Your Heart
We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Andrew Harvey has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a modern mystic and renowned scholar who draws from his own awakened heart and connect with a global community of spiritual seekers who are doing this important and transformative work.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from Andrew’s incredible teachings and sacred practices from the comfort of your home – at your own pace!
If you are serious about deepening your spiritual life and embodiment of the Way of Passion, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step on your powerful spiritual journey, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
More Praise for Andrew Harvey...

"Every age has its teachers, who keep the eternal truths alive for all of us. And when a generation is very, very lucky, it encounters a teacher so illumined that the words he delivers must be illumined as well. In the case of Andrew Harvey, the light he sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.”
-Marianne Williamson, author of Everyday Grace

-Caroline Myss, Author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts

-Larry Dossey, M.D., Author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

“Using humor, passion, and analysis, Andrew Harvey challenges us to wake up and get up off of our couches to become the spiritual activists we all can be. A powerful, provocative, prophetic appeal to sanity and activism for our apocalyptic times, this film is recommended for anyone who cares about the survival of their grandchildren or planet or both. Is anyone listening?”
-Reverend Matthew Fox, author, Creation Spirituality and founder of Wisdom University
“Andrew Harvey is one of the world’s irreplaceable resources.”
-Lance Morrow, writer, Time magazine
“Harvey is probably the greatest living scholar and practitioner of mysticism. There are others more deeply steeped in individual traditions, but few, if any, have so extensively explored such a variety of mystic paths, not just an academic observer but also as a participant.”
-Worcester Magazine

“Andrew Harvey is an enlightened spirit–a messenger from the Divine.”
-Gloria Vanderbilt

"Our world is awash with activism, is drowning in activism, but it is the wrong kind. Andrew Harvey’s sacred activism is the only form that is likely to save us from the narrow, destructive preoccupations that seem to mesmerize us humans. Only an attention to the heart – for "sacred" and "heart" reflect a common meaning – can generate the hope, courage, and vision required for our troubled times. It is important to realize that Andrew Harvey’s message is not a matter of philosophy, but of survival."
– Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN

“Amid the gloom-and-doom predictions and total denial so prevalent today, Andrew Harvey’s is a singular voice speaking truth about our current situation. In impassioned yet pragmatic terms, he lays out the grave problems humanity faces, from WMDs and environmental desecration to epidemic levels of attention disorder, outlining the grim fate that awaits us if we fail to mend our ways. But unlike the chorus of modern-day Cassandras, Andrew doesn’t leave us there, mired in despair. Setting out a course of radical and reasoned action, he empowers us to become spiritual activists and reclaim our planet from the suicidal trajectory we’re traveling. We could have no more compelling guide to today’s challenges and their solutions. It’s breathtaking to hear so unsettling a subject articulated with such intelligence and grace.”
-Joan Duncan Oliver, journalist and author, Happiness: How to Get It and Keep It

"At this critical juncture in history, Andrew Harvey’s teachings on Sacred Activism are sounding a clarion call to all who care deeply about the future of humanity and of the planet. We cannot open to creative solutions to the enormous challenges that confront us without looking truthfully and fearlessly at the horrific things that are taking place in our world and at the same time holding to a powerful vision of what is possible through a radical transformation of our consciousness. The Chinese character for the word crisis contains the characters for danger and opportunity, and in this powerful film, Andrew Harvey clearly outlines both these elements of our current world crisis as he makes the case that the darkness of our time is also the birth canal for the emergence of a divine humanity. He passionately calls us to dedicate ourselves to being midwives of this birth, and describes in very practical terms the five dimensions of service that comprise a commitment to live as Sacred Activists. I cannot imagine a more important teaching for our time."
– Rev. Diane Berke, Spiritual Director, One Spirit Learning Alliance
About Andrew Harvey...

Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability.
Andrew Harvey has taught at Oxford University, Cornell University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, The California Institute of Integral Studies, and the University of Creation Spirituality as well as at various spiritual centers throughout the U.S. He was the subject of the 1993 BBC film documentary The Making of a Modern Mystic and appears also in Rumi Turning Ecstatic and The Consciousness of the Christ: Reclaiming Jesus for A New Humanity. He is also coauthor of the best-selling The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and has worked with the great Iranian Sufi dancer, Banafsheh Sayyad, in producing a film, In the Fire of Grace, which marries Sufi inspired dances to the stages of Rumi’s understanding of the path of Divine love.
He has written and edited over 30 books and received many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Mind Body Spirit Award.
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A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a request at so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. To request a refund please click on this refund request form and fill out a short form about the reasons for your return. Your request will be processed within three days and we will send you a personal reply on the status of your refund.
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A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.