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A 10-Week Course
With Inspiring Women Summit Founder
Devaa Haley Mitchell
New Live Training Starts
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Do you want to be the kind of woman who has that magic sparkle and wows others with her deep presence, profound accomplishments and passionate love for life?

Are you ready to design your life as an expression of your soul?


If so, you are in the right place.

Imagine waking up each day knowing that you are living the natural expression of your true life’s purpose. Imagine engaging in your passionate work at a relaxed pace that allows you plenty of time for pleasure, laughter and love.

Imagine that at the end of each day, you feel fully expressed because you are doing EXACTLY what you were meant to, and you are even having a meaningful impact on the world while also being intimately bonded with those around you.

In other words, imagine having a life that feels joyful and fulfilled while giving your true gifts.

As you begin to make this vision a reality, you open the portal to a great power that wants to express in every corner of your life: your soul.

Your soul is literally carrying the power of the Divine to bless your life. When you live your life with soul, you open to a vast energy that makes you far more magnetic to others and far more capable of fulfilling your dreams.

This inner magnetism goes beyond an impressive resume, a beautiful appearance, or even the charisma of your personality. It’s deeper than that. It comes from living from your depths, opening your body, heart and mind to be suffused with a radiant presence that is uniquely yours. Every woman who does this is different in her expression. You might be a bit zany, unpredictable and laugh wildly. You might be a take-no-prisoners social change advocate who still loves to get a good pedicure. You might love doing deeply transformative work with clients but then relax with an evening of trashy TV.


By living your life as an expression of your soul, you can embrace ALL the seeming contradictions of being a modern, awake, conscious woman who savors the full range of feminine expression, from the tender lover to the contemplative recluse to the worldly leader to the devoted mother.

As you experience a deep inner alignment with your soul, you become a more inspiring woman. You open to the outpouring of grace moving through you, and inspire others in both subtle and direct ways. Others begin to admire you for your authenticity, your boldness, your vulnerability and your love. You begin to really touch people on a heart and soul level because you dare to reveal your own naked truth even while taking a powerful stand for what you believe in.

In short, an inspiring woman is a full-spectrum woman who can show up in powerful AND feminine ways to create new businesses, healing work, communities and more.

Inspiring women are everywhere (and they don’t have to be famous). Some of us idolize Oprah while others are inspired by their local school board president. Michelle Obama works tirelessly to fight obesity while another woman works toward a cure for Ebola. Your mother might inspire you with her dedication to family, and you may also be wowed by Dolores Huerta’s continued leadership of the migrant workers movement.

Whether you admire Gloria Steinem, Ammachi, Hillary Clinton or your former high school teacher every woman who truly inspires you has done something amazing by liberating more of her own unique gifts and expressing them in a radiant, generous and loving way that shows she cares enough to make a real difference.

And you can, too!

While we tend to define an inspiring woman by her external accomplishments, the truth is that living as an inspiring woman is actually an INSIDE JOB.


It takes time, practice and a community of support for you to activate your full potential and become the radiant, soul-connected, inspiring woman that you’re capable of being.

It takes unraveling old habits and releasing outdated beliefs in order to feel fulfilled, whole and joyful inside.

That’s why, if you’re like most women, you need to be part of a supportive and soulful community that helps you nurture yourself, offer your true soul gifts and shine your brightest light.

To help you shine, we’ve created The Inspiring Woman Course, which teaches you precise shifts in your mindset, your lifestyle and your spiritual practices that can help you grow into the radiant woman you are here to be.

The program is taught by Devaa Haley Mitchell, a top teacher and mentor for a new wave of empowered, awake and inspiring women. She has birthed many things, including The Inspiring Women Summit, which has touched more than 80,000 women worldwide and developed numerous trainings for women leaders to claim the full spectrum of their femininity and become radiant examples.

After interviewing hundreds of inspiring women, as part of The Inspiring Women Summit, and doing research on the process with more than 1,000 participants, Devaa has uncovered the essential keys for becoming an inspiring woman inspired on the inside.

During this course and virtual sisterhood, Devaa will show you how to cultivate 9 key elements for living an inspiring life.
You will:

  • Learn how to tap into your deep wellspring of inspiration, even when the 3D world offers some hard knocks.
  • Get a clearer sense of what does and does NOT fulfill you at
    your core.
  • Understand why it’s so important to get in touch with your true soul gifts and fully express them in the world.
  • Receive a simple step-by-step process to bring yourself into a state of openhearted awareness especially when you are
    experiencing stress.
  • Understand your own “love language” and the languages of those with whom you desire greater intimacy.
  • Learn keys to cultivating soulful presence in your everyday life space, pace and awareness.
  • See what’s required to stand in your sensual and sexual power in a way that is clean and clear of manipulation, while still juicy!
  • Unleash your true visionary potential that moves you towards being an inspired woman leader.

When you learn to integrate these essential ingredients in a consistent way, you’ll transform your life and experience a deeper sense of fulfillment, which in turn makes your intimate bonds and work far more enjoyable.

What You’ll Learn in These 10 Weeks

Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 12:30pm Pacific.

In this 10-week transformational program, Devaa will guide you through the fundamental shifts required to manifest your own inspired vision for your life.

Each weekly, LIVE session will include a blend of engaging topics, experiential exercises, guided meditations, as well as opportunities for reflection and dialogue.

Each module builds harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to expand your feminine radiance, increase your impact on the world, and live an extraordinary life.

Module 1: Building Your Soul-Filled Community of Support (June 16)


We all want to be surrounded by a soul-filled community of women who support each other. But that’s not always so easy to find, especially during the moments we most need it. In this course, you will instantly be surrounded by an amazing tribe of women from around the world who have all gathered to learn, grow and inspire each other’s brightest possibility for the world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Get acquainted with the other inspiring women in our global community who are also saying YES to a bigger possibility for their lives.
  • Explore how engaging your spirit, opening your heart, and moving your body can be used as foundations for cultivating authentic connection and greater intimacy.
  • Understand 7 key agreements that can be used to build deeper trust in a community of equals.
  • Learn core practices for developing deeper sisterhood in your local area.

Module 2: Keeping Your Heart Open No Matter What’s Happening (June 23)


Most spiritual traditions celebrate an open heart, as it’s essential to bringing ourselves into deep intimacy with the world around us. As inspiring women, one of the ways we can most help a world out-of-balance is to cultivate an open heart, which acts as a soothing balm for the pain, challenges and struggles around us. Learning to stay open-hearted in the midst of difficult circumstances is a skill that requires ongoing practice.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn a simple step-by-step process to bring yourself into a state of open-hearted awareness especially when you’re experiencing stress.
  • Practice giving and receiving generosity to amplify the love in your life.
  • Cultivate daily heart practices to increase your health, happiness and your ability to live inside your tender vulnerability.
  • Learn to face the world with your heart wide open and connect with what really touches your heart enough for you to take inspired action.

Module 3: Creating Greater Intimacy and More Meaningful Connections (June 30)


We all long for authentic connections and deep intimacy. But why can it be so hard to cultivate the type of relationships that deeply nourish our hearts and our souls? Most of us don’t have a clear template for how to create more intimate connections, so it’s hard to practice something we have not experienced. On the other hand, most of us have, at some point, been badly hurt by others. So we walk around guarded and vigilant, not truly willing to let others in. As a result, we can sometimes feel somewhat isolated. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are simple practices that can be used to melt your own defenses and create the sort of love you truly desire.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice the art of vulnerability and learn how to use it skillfully to create more meaningful interactions.
  • Learn how to relate with others in nonverbal ways to cultivate deeper presence and connection.
  • Discover and understand your own “love language” and the languages of those with whom you desire greater intimacy (note that the love languages among even well-matched beloveds can often be very DIFFERENT!)
  • Experiment with using a variety of intimacy practices and games that can be used to help you drop your mask and enter a more authentic (or playful) way of relating.

Module 4: Deepening Your Radiant Presence & Listening to Your
Body Wisdom
(July 7)


How you actually “show up” in the world is central to living as an inspiring woman. When you cultivate your embodied radiant presence, you move with ease, grace and efficacy. You show up in a very deep, soul-filled way that is more magnetic to others. By listening to your body wisdom, you’re able to authentically express yourself and your actions become fully aligned and others pay much more attention to your insights and ideas. You’re seen as a leader capable of creating extraordinary opportunities for the world around you to shift in a more positive direction just through how you’re “being.”

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn keys to cultivate soulful presence in your everyday life space, pace and awareness.
  • Practice deeply listening to your body wisdom to gain insight about what’s most important in your life right now and what’s needing greater attention.
  • Practice staying balanced and centered in your life no matter what life offers you, even when it feels like you are off-track or failing in some way.
  • Experience how your world can shift through the power of your presence.
  • Understand how bioenergetics can be used to help you make critical decisions from a deeper source of body wisdom.

Module 5: Wielding Your Potent Shakti Power with Love, Truth, and Integrity
A Dialogue with Lisa Schrader
(July 14 Pre-recorded Session)


As an inspiring woman, you represent a major transformative force, especially as you claim the power of your sensual and sexual nature. When we wield it well, that Shakti power can set the world on fire. But it can also be used to manipulate, seduce or create distortions. If you want to learn how to fully own your sensual nature (and wear it well!), then this session is essential for you!

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore practices to support you in feeling more alive, succulent and responsive through activating greater sensual intelligence in your body.
  • Examine your own relationship with feminine power, and the ways you have used it and perhaps even abused it for your benefit.
  • Learn what’s required to stand in your sensual and sexual power in a way that is clean and clear of manipulation while still juicy!
  • Practice speaking your truth while staying connected to your feminine heart so that the depth of what you are sharing can be truly heard and felt.


Module 6: Clarifying Your Soul’s Vision
(July 28)


When you’re connected to your own creative vision, you can create expansive possibilities for yourself and those around you. You discern what you’re here to do and be in this lifetime, and receive the creative ideas to manifest it. You’re also able to imagine innovative solutions to old issues and enduring problems.

As you develop your visionary capacity, others can’t help but become excited by your vision. And then you can harness those skills to enroll others and grow your inspirational projects, businesses and causes as vision takes root and your soul gifts are expressed in the world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Unleash more of your true visionary potential that moves you towards being an inspired woman leader.
  • Allow yourself to dream into a greater-than-imagined reality for yourself without feeling the constraints of money or time.
  • Discover the “sweet spot” of where your skills and talents meet the needs of the world.
  • Practice being free, fluid and creative, and apply these qualities to your projects and work.

Module 7: Manifesting the Life You Were Born to Live (August 4)


Throughout recent history, the masculine paradigm of manifestation has dominated our planet. And we are blessed today to be able to draw on the key pieces of the masculine model (for example, setting clear goals, action steps and timelines) and combining those principles with more feminine ones such as intuition, collaboration and organic co-creation.

Feminine qualities such as beauty, joy and pleasure are also magnetic. When you tap into your wellspring of inspiration, you can cultivate that energy to manifest with more grace and ease. And when you marry those principles with the masculine ones, you open the floodgates to rapid manifestation!

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to embrace the paradox of intention and surrender, harnessing the power of the masculine, while still embodying your feminine core.
  • Work with the intentions you clarified in Module 6, and begin to map out the small steps needed to take your big dreams out into the world.
  • Learn embodied practices for moving through fear and other obstacles as they show up on your path, so you can feel strong and free.
  • Identify the pieces you can joyfully and skillfully handle on your own, and who you might invite in to co-create with you.
  • Use the feminine moon cycle as a tool for bringing your visions into 3D reality.

Module 8: Transforming The Hidden Barriers To Your Soul’s Intentions
(August 11)


Most of us are aware that WE are the primary source of the obstacles that get in the way of living our biggest, brightest dreams. But we often don’t know exactly what to do about it. This predicament is so common because many of these barriers are invisible and operate at a subconscious level deep within our own psyches.

In this module, you’ll go deep down into these core distortions and reclaim the divine essence of your power. As you emerge, you’ll experience an expanded sense of freedom and efficacy in the world.

In this module, you’lll:

  • Identify the ways that you may be sabotaging your own success and what you can do to shift these subconscious patterns.
  • Reclaim your confidence in your own abilities and self-worth.
  • Access the archetypes of the Great Mother and the Goddess of Love as inner wellsprings for unconditional love, pleasure, enjoyment regardless of outer circumstances.
  • Create practices that ensure you are creating from joy and abundance rather than lack.

Module 9: The Path of
Feminine Fulfillment
(August 18)


For most women, a true sense of fulfillment often does NOT come from those things we were told would bring success or happiness. So what does? And why do we so often feel like we don’t have what it takes to pursue our deepest dreams? In this session, you’ll have an opportunity to dream about what truly brings you joy and meaning, and how you can fully express your unique skills and talents to move toward creating your ideal life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand the cultural and biological reasons why women are less satisfied now than ever before in history (and what you can do to beat the odds).
  • Assess where you are already thriving and identify those areas out of alignment and blocking your feminine fulfillment and learn what to do about them.
  • Discover how to lift your fulfillment “set point” and how you can step into this more fulfilled place in your being.
  • Explore Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and how you can use it to build a more solid foundation to thrive.

Module 10: Living Your Legacy NOW
(August 25)


A key step toward living as an inspiring woman is getting a clear sense of the legacy you want to leave for your family and this planet so you can move forward with that destination in mind. At the end of your life, for what do you want to be remembered? And what do you need to learn and develop to move more strongly in that direction right now?

In this module you’ll:

  • Envision the legacy you want to leave for yourself and our planet, so that you can shape your life in the direction of where you want it to lead.
  • Imagine what you’d like people to be saying about you at the end of your life, and what they might say right now. Notice if there’s a gap, and what you can do to bridge it starting now.
  • Assess your current areas of mastery, and those areas you would like to develop with a roadmap for how and when to add in each piece.
  • Reflect on the journey we’ve taken together, and the major shifts that you’ve made. Be witnessed and celebrated by the other women in our community in your progress toward a deeply fulfilling life.

The Inspiring Woman Course Bonus Collection

In addition to Devaa’s transformative 10-week program, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Happiness and Love for No Reason
Audio Workshop with Marci Shimoff


Having things and circumstances money, success, relationships, health brings a certain kind of happiness, but this temporary experience of satisfaction or joy soon fades and we have to hurry up and fulfill the next desire to feel happy again. To experience true and lasting happiness, we can learn to access the deep state of peace and well-being that already exists within us beyond the reach of external circumstances. Then, no matter what is happening in life we are “Happy for No Reason.”

In this powerful presentation you will hear moving, real-life stories of people who are Happy for No Reason, as well as the latest scientific findings about how to raise your happiness set point. This program will inspire and motivate you to create a life that is full of genuine happiness every day.

Marci Shimoff is a celebrated transformational leader and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. In addition to authoring the worldwide bestseller Happy for No Reason, she is the coauthor of six of the top-selling titles in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and a featured teacher in the international movie and book sensation The Secret. President and cofounder of The Esteem Group, Marci delivers keynote addresses and seminars to corporations, women’s associations, and professional and non-profit organizations. Over the past 28 years, Marci has inspired millions of people around the world, sharing her breakthrough methods for personal fulfillment and professional success.

The Power of Pleasure
Audio Session with Sabine Grandke-Taft


In our hyper-masculine Western world, we desperately need to rediscover our bodies, and the pleasure that is inherent in them. Sabine will show us all how to deeply connect with our sensuality, and experience pleasure in every moment.

  • Learn ways to find instant pleasure that costs nothing, and changes your life
  • Understand how your own pleasure is your most powerful feminine gift to yourself and the world
  • Feel how you can turn your life around by finding the pleasure you want inside
  • Reconnect to your sensual awareness as the prerequisite for a
    fulfilling sexuality

Sabine Grandke-Taft is an Embodiment Expert. Since the late 70s, Sabine Grandke-Taft has practiced over 20 modalities of body-centered healing as a Physical Therapist, CMT, Feldenkrais Practitioner®, Watsuer, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner [SEP] and Tantric apprentice as well as a student of The Waking Down in Mutuality Process. She also brings to women and men a bodily approach to healing she calls Symphonic Touch®, that teaches us how to feel and open our bodies as the trustable source to live the love and clarity that we already are! Sabine’s work is providing the missing link to make your spirit REAL!

Being a 21st Century Divine Messenger
Audio Dialogue with Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols


In this rare conversation between these two powerful speakers and teachers, Dr. Sue and Lisa will explore what it means to be a 21st century divine messenger. Reflecting on their successful careers impacting millions of people, this dialogue will offer great insight into your own connection to your life’s purpose and what it means to show up as a vessel for a divine message each and every day.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn what it takes to be a divine messenger, and how you can share your own gift with the world more powerfully.
  • Understand the power of your raw authenticity, and how to share from your depths in a way that will move a room.
  • Explore the benefits of being transparent with your lived experience, even when it’s painful.
  • Learn what it means to be a true servant leader, and how you can be one yourself if you are called.

Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally recognized authority on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Possibility. Her high-energy platform presence ignites passion, imparts knowledge and affects audiences around the globe through her keynote addresses, workshops and programs. Having been raised in a natural healthcare environment, coupled with her commitment to living her soul purpose in a practical way, Dr. Sue founded Morter Health Center in 1987 for the purpose of bringing Mind/Body concepts to Life.

Lisa Nichols has transformed her life from struggling single mom to a motivational millionaire entrepreneur, and she has dedicated her life to teaching others how to do the same. She has reached millions, both nationally and internationally, with her powerful message of empowerment, service, excellence and gratitude. Her participation in the self-development phenomenon, The Secret, catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Extra, Larry King Live, and on NBC’s Emmy Award-winning show, Starting Over. In addition, Lisa is the founder of Motivating the Masses and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit, LLC.

What People Are Saying About
Devaa Haley Mitchell...


Devaa is a living example of the Evolutionary Woman arising in our midst. Combining brilliant intellect, business experience, spiritual development and now a major outreach into the world to assist is all in our evolution, she is a loving and inspiring woman leading us forward in the 21st century.
Barbara Marx Hubbard


I’ve met a lot of teachers, healers, and leaders in my years on the speaking circuit. When I wanted to dive deeper with my work and share from a new level of vulnerability, I turned to Devaa. She helped me lead from my authenticity, connect with my depth, and open in ways that proved energizing and effective. Her support enabled me to go to a whole new level in my public presentation and bring new qualities to my leadership. She helped me in a million ways that I cannot even describe. I am blessed by her presence. Thank you Devaa!
Marci Shimoff, Bestselling author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul


The time (or should I say timelessness) that I spent with Devaa was profound. We released and healed major patterns that were stuck for me. After years of seeing all kinds of “experts” I can honestly say that the time I spent with Devaa broke something loose and now I feel burden-free, as well as much lighter and more joyful. I recommend her work to anyone who is ready to fly.
Marcia Wieder, CEO and Founder Dream University®

My life is completely transformed in every way. I have a real inner confidence now in who I am, and why I’m here, and what I’m here to do. I moved through all the shame I’ve been holding over the years of actually not wanting to fully show up; and something much brighter and lighter and more sparkling has shown up. And of course because of that, my whole life all my relationships including the ones closest to me, with my husband and my daughter are changing. They’re very tender and beautiful and loving, and they’ve been quite tense for the last few years. So it has gone from that to every areas of my life, really.
Melanie Eclare, Photographer, Priestess & Loving Mother

Devaa could be called a spiritual midwife, assisting people in the birthing their inner-selves. She empowers you, assists you, gently encourages you, and honors you for your efforts. With Devaa’s impeccable assistance, I was able to timely go through what is so far the most powerful and mysterious spiritual experience of my life. I am extremely grateful!
Nathalie Daneau, Intuitive Coach and Counselor

Devaa’s extraordinary depth of presence creates a supportive and sacred space for exploring one’s spiritual path. My work with Devaa helped me connect to Spirit in deep and profound ways, and beautifully supported my personal evolution.
Tarra Christoff, MA, Life Coach

I am so blown away by my time with Devaa for her love, perception and guidance. This is a huge piece for me, I just know it. I already feel so much lighter and relaxed. I am so grateful for the opportunity and the wonderful insights and commitment to myself. My New Years’ wish was to experience more magic in my life enough of the heavy slogging and burdensome approach. My session with Devaa was definitely in the magic category!
Rhonda St. Croix, Canada

After just one session with Devaa, I’m finding that I am able to maintain a sense of grounded presence in situations that might have put me on edge before. My husband was in an accident this week, hit and run, and I held such a calm presence for him, and that is continuing as we go about the multitude of details that come as an aftermath. Other, less extreme, situations have come up also, and I can definitely tell the difference.

I took advantage of Devaa’s services to help me through a critical phase and decision-making process in my life. I was trying to figure out my next steps, I wasn’t clear on my direction, and I was scared. Devaa and I explored my professional strengths, my personal strengths, and my connection to Source. We dove deeply and fearlessly into the gaps in my unconscious and my long held defense structures. Her guidance supported me as I dug DEEPly to find my confidence and authentic power. Her wise use of tools such as meditation, journaling, book references, ritual, dream work, and other instruments her deep wisdom, patient listening, and reflecting were instrumental in my personal process. I am grateful to her and the Force that brought her into my life. Thank you Devaa!! The work we did has encouraged my heart to stay open and fearless, beginning afresh, every day.
Annabella Roig, MS, MPH

Join the Global Community


The Inspiring Woman Course not only offers some of the most advanced online teachings on feminine fulfillment currently available, it also offers a thriving global community of support.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the live interactive conference calls or in our online community to support and learn from each other while you discover how to deepen your intimacy, express your soul gifts and live a more inspiring life.

This international community is also at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Ten 90-Minute Class Sessions with Devaa Haley Mitchell

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from a leading teacher of women’s empowerment, Devaa Haley Mitchell, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session will help you create the specific skills and abilities to move you toward a deeply inspired and fulfilling life.


Ten Audio Recordings of
Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.


Ten PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Ten 30-Minute Interactive Group
Practice Sessions

Following each class session there will be a live 30-minute interactive practice session where you will be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.


Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your learning after each class. Here, you can ask additional questions, interact with your fellow students and get access to additional resources to take your learning experience to an even deeper level.

The Inspiring Woman Course
Bonus Collection

  • Happiness and Love for No Reason
    Audio Workshop with Marci Shimoff
  • The Power of Pleasure
    Audio Session with Sabine Grandke-Taft
  • Being a 21st Century Divine Messenger
    Audio Dialogue with Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Inspiring Woman Course

We, at The Shift Network, feel blessed that Devaa Haley Mitchell has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive, LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a leading teacher and mentor whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us illuminate a new feminine path toward a fulfilling, soulful and joy-filled life.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Devaa’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re ready to take the next step in creating a truly inspirational life, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

What Graduates of Devaa’s Courses are Saying...

Very satisfying to my heart and soul. I loved the breakout sessions. This course helped me better understand my gifts, talents, and life purpose as I learned how to deepen my connection to the Divine Feminine.
Lois Toni McClendon, Pittsburgh, PA

This course has transformed by life in so many deep and wonderful ways. I was particularly touched by the felt presence of being connected to so many women around the world through the wonder of technology. Their breath was my breath. We loved, listened and danced together. Thank you Devaa. I leave enriched and changed. This is a growth that emanates from by being as well as knowledge and sharing that I will speak to others about an advocate their participation in Shift events.

This is an important course, taught in a clear and empathetic manner by an expert facilitator; whereby women may learn tools to truly live in their own rhythm; thus benefiting themselves and the planet.
Shan Rees, Wales, UK

Devaa is a gem and provided a powerful, enriching and inspiring course. Really grateful for her leadership and for providing us with so many wonderful resources to support our feminine fulfillment!
Stephanie, New York

This course cleared very old patterns inside me, and allowed my very pure feminine energy to displayed in Action and Spirit, I will love to bring this overview on feminine Fulfillment to Spanish Speakers.
Ana Estenssoro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

About Devaa Haley Mitchell


Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader and soul midwife who supports people to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their deepest gifts, and step into their full potential. Devaa is co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of The Inspiring Women Summit, which has served over 80 thousand women from more than 160 countries. Through her healing and coaching sessions with individual clients as well as her classes and retreats, Devaa offers deeply experiential and transformative work, guiding hundreds of people to connect more deeply with spirit and to manifest fulfilling and abundant lives.

Devaa knows who we are BEING in the world is equally important to what we DOING. So Devaa supports audiences and her clients to drop deeper and cultivate their soulful presence and open heart. Through her trainings, mentorship and a spiritual community, she offers a space for true soul transformation. As a result, her clients are able to reconnect with their radiant essence, make a meaningful contribution to our planet, and have a life that they LOVE.

Devaa also acts as the volunteer music director at the San Quentin Prison’s Parallel Play Project, using the power of drama therapy to heal and transform the hearts and lives of long-term inmates. She also donates her time to various international service projects. Most recently, she offered a healing program to staff members at the AHOPE orphanage for HIV+ youth in Ethiopia. She’s also trained staff members from Search for Common Ground in new methodologies using the arts for peace building in both the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola.

As a musician, Devaa fuses East and West with groovy, danceable tunes. Her debut album, Sacred Alchemy, aims to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine.

Learn more about Devaa and her offerings at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
"I have never participated before in an on-line course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and facebook postings created a wonderful safe cocoon to participate. I haven’t seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an on-line course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.”
- Claudia F., Medford

A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California, and your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. You can also use Skype credit/subscription or Google Voice to dial in to MaestroConference, and you’ll need to use your virtual keypad to enter your PIN and to indicate that you want to ask a question. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers, and we also have a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the Course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is June 30, 2015. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we'll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we'll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

The Inspiring Woman Course
Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell