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An 8-Month Professional Training Program for Therapists, Coaches, Healers, Couples & Everyone Seeking to Heal Relationships


With Psychotherapist, Speaker & New York Times Bestselling Author
Jonathan Robinson, MA, MFT


Receive a Certificate of Completion upon satisfaction of all program requirements

Be at the forefront of the MDMA-assisted therapy movement, working specifically with couples and revolutionizing relationships by learning how to guide couples through life-changing MDMA sessions, leading to unprecedented levels of intimacy and connection.


Understand the transformative role of MDMA-assisted therapy sessions for enhancing and nurturing relationships, including its benefits and all aspects of facilitation and safety.


Training Starts Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Open to 250 Participants by Application Only


Note: If you haven't participated in Jonathan’s 8-week facilitator training, Healing With MDMA, we kindly request that you register through an alternate page. Click here to explore further details and complete your registration.


Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.

Start your enrollment before August 1 and save $200 off the $3,997 tuition. SEE DETAILS BELOW.

Building on your foundational knowledge of MDMA-assisted therapy sessions, this professional training program is designed to be the next step in your journey.

Psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson will introduce you to a broader array of techniques, protocols, and therapeutic strategies specifically tailored for enriching relationships, with a special focus on couples therapy. Among the many benefits, you’ll gain the ability to foster increased intimacy and trust between partners, navigate complex emotions with greater ease, and contribute to the healing and strengthening of relationships of all levels.

As you know, new and ongoing research into its potential therapeutic uses is part of the paradigm shift currently occurring in psychedelic-assisted therapy. MDMA has gained increasing recognition and acceptance as part of this broader movement promising a faster, more profound way to address relationship and psychological challenges.

MDMA is on a swift and encouraging path toward decriminalization. It’s recently been legalized for therapeutic use in Australia, and the United States is on the cusp of legalizing MDMA for therapeutic use.

This shift reflects a growing acknowledgment of its benefits, particularly in couples therapy. As legal barriers begin to lessen thanks in part to rigorous research and advocacy by organizations like MAPS (the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) you can be at the forefront of the MDMA therapy movement, helping couples (and yourself!) find a new avenue toward healthy, heart-centered, deeper relationships.

Renowned for his visionary approach and deep understanding of interpersonal dynamics, Jonathan’s expertise is rooted in years of clinical experience and a deep commitment to helping couples navigate the complexities of their relationships.

He wants you to know that regardless of the current state of your relationship, or that of your clients, there is a step-by-step path to a better one. By fostering a safe and controlled environment for emotional exploration, MDMA therapy enables couples to transcend long-standing barriers, heal from past hurts, and rediscover the joy and love that brought them together in the first place... quickly.

MDMA’s unique properties facilitate a level of communication and vulnerability that many find inaccessible through traditional means.

The MDMA Couples Facilitator Training is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to offer safe, supportive, and profoundly impactful sessions for couples seeking to heal and/or deepen their connections.

As a facilitator of MDMA-assisted couples work, you’ll join a community of professionals at the forefront of the psychedelic-assisted healing movement, becoming a part of a new wave of therapeutic care.

This training is more than just an addition to what you’ve already learned from Jonathan, or an addition to your professional qualifications, it’s an invitation to be at the vanguard of the future of mental health care, relationship therapy, and the broader field of psychedelic medicine.


Here's what makes our program uniquely impactful:

  • Specialized Focus on Couples: Unlike general psychedelic therapy training, our curriculum is specifically tailored to address the dynamics, challenges, and opportunities unique to couples therapy. This specialization ensures that you’ll be equipped to foster deeper emotional connections and resolve conflicts within the context of a romantic relationship, making our program distinctively effective for practitioners aiming to work with couples.
  • Led by Jonathan Robinson: Our program is led by psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson a frequent guest of Oprah’s, and author of the acclaimed book Ecstasy as Medicine whose pioneering work with MDMA-assisted couples therapy has earned him global recognition. Learning from a leader of such caliber provides an opportunity to gain deep knowledge of the therapeutic potential of MDMA for healing relationships, directly from one of its foremost experts. Jonathan’s guidance ensures that you’ll not only become more proficient in the technical aspects of working with couples in MDMA-assisted sessions, but you’ll gain a deeper sense of wisdom and compassion that’s necessary for this sensitive work.
  • Learn to Facilitate Remote Sessions: Our program uniquely focuses on learning how to facilitate MDMA couples sessions remotely via Zoom, a methodology that Jonathan evolved during the pandemic and which he discovered worked more effectively than in-person sessions. He has found that being in a familiar environment can increase the efficacy of this specialized method of therapy for clients as they often have better results when they’re in the comfort and safety of their own space. This innovative approach has the added benefits of minimizing any concerns around transference and may also significantly reduce liability for practitioners.
  • Leading-Edge Curriculum: Our curriculum is at the forefront of the latest scientific research and clinical practices in MDMA-assisted therapy. Under Jonathan’s leadership, the program integrates innovative psychological approaches and techniques tailored specifically for enhancing relationship dynamics.


This training program is especially for graduates of Jonathan’s foundational MDMA course and designed for people who are passionate about learning how to achieve profound emotional and relational healing, both for themselves and for their clients.

This is a groundbreaking offering for:

  • Therapists who are keen on integrating innovative methods into their practice, specifically learning how MDMA can foster deeper connections and healing within couples therapy
  • Coaches who want to learn advanced strategies for utilizing MDMA to unlock new levels of communication and understanding between partners, empowering them to navigate their relationship dynamics more effectively
  • Healers who want to deepen their understanding of the power of MDMA in healing relationships, enabling them to guide couples through profound emotional breakthroughs and toward greater intimacy and connection
  • Couples facing challenges or contemplating separation, looking for alternative, effective ways to mend and strengthen their bond
  • Couples aiming to enrich and deepen their relationships, seeking options beyond traditional therapy methods
  • Parents experiencing a lack of vibrancy in their relationships due to external pressures, looking to rejuvenate their emotional connections


The MDMA Couples Facilitator Training offers a unique opportunity for individuals passionate about the therapeutic potential of MDMA, especially within the context of couples therapy.


This program is designed to prepare you for:

  • Fostering Deep Emotional Healing and Connection: Learn how MDMA can act as a catalyst to uncover and release past trauma, and enhance communication, love, understanding, and empathy among couples paving the way for deeper emotional connections and healing
  • Conducting Thorough Evaluations and Preparations: Gain expertise in evaluating potential clients for MDMA-assisted therapy, understanding the unique precautions and preparations required for safely guiding couples through an MDMA session
  • Navigating Legal and Ethical Considerations: Stay informed on the changing legal and ethical considerations surrounding MDMA therapy, ensuring that your practice remains compliant and grounded in the highest standards of care
  • Effective Use of Integration Techniques: Learn to help clients integrate the profound insights and transformations experienced during sessions, ensuring long-term positive changes in their relationships and personal growth
  • Enhancing Relationship Dynamics: Explore the dynamics of love languages, sexual intimacy, and the use of relationships for personal growth, and how MDMA-assisted therapy has been seen to facilitate discussions and healing in areas often fraught with challenges
  • Implementing Effective Change: Learn strategies for creating consistent, positive changes in relationships post-MDMA session, focusing on motivation, reinforcement, and ongoing support for couples
  • Hands-on Learning and Application: Through detailed case studies and Jonathan’s play-by-play analysis of case study sessions, gain insights into the subtle art of guiding couples through their healing journeys, from initial rapport building to the successful conclusion of a session
  • Joining a Community of MDMA Facilitators: Join a community of like-minded professionals interested in MDMA-assisted therapy as a tool for healing, sharing experiences, and best practices to further refine and advance your knowledge and skills

Note: The MDMA Couples Facilitator Training is being offered for educational purposes only to qualified individuals 21 or more years of age, and the training does not involve the use of any medication or substance by participants. The Shift Network recognizes that the use of MDMA in psychotherapeutic settings is yet to be legally sanctioned in the United States, although it has received limited medical use approval in a small number of other countries. The Shift Network does not condone or advise the use of any non-legal substance or medication. The information and opinions expressed by the author, program instructor, or program participants are not necessarily representative of the opinions, beliefs, or official position of The Shift Network, its executives, staff, or affiliates.


This training is a unique blend of personal development and professional training. By learning how to integrate MDMA facilitation into your work whether you are a therapist, healer, or coach you'll be equipped with the tools you need to bring about a transformative shift in your relationships and those of your clients.


Professional Advantages of This Immersive Program:

  • An in-depth understanding of the “Swiss Army knife” of therapy methods, and how to create a safe therapeutic environment where your potential future clients will feel comfortable opening up, thereby facilitating the healing process at an accelerated rate
  • Profound insights gleaned from Jonathan’s expertise, providing you with efficient tools to enhance your therapeutic skills and ability to lead practices that can deliver impactful results in as little as 2 minutes
  • Specific knowledge in preparation for the growing demand for MDMA therapy, making it a valuable addition to your professional toolkit and a sound investment in your career
  • Comprehensive awareness of the psychological and physiological effects of MDMA and best practices for facilitating sessions that prioritize safety and ethics
  • A strong grasp of the critical aspects of harm reduction, emergency response, and the legal considerations of working with psychedelic-assisted therapies
  • The necessary skills for conducting MDMA sessions remotely, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for remote healing
  • Knowledge of best practices on how to appropriately and effectively offer services as guide or facilitator when the therapeutic uses of MDMA become legalized

Personal Benefits You’ll Gain:

  • Techniques to overcome trauma, anxiety, and depression transforming past traumatic memories and triggers into stepping stones for growth
  • Methods to achieve spiritual acceleration, allowing for easier access to states of peace and love
  • Tools for creating spiritual breakthroughs, leading to mystical and loving expanded states of consciousness that bring about peace, love, and joy
  • Strategies to get your relationship back on track without the lengthy and expensive process of traditional therapy

By the end of this training, you’ll:

  • Have the means to offer your services in an expanding field in which skilled facilitators will likely be in high demand
  • Learn how to structure an initial call, a journey experience, and an integration session when working with a couple
  • Be equipped with specific, useful communication methods to apply during and after journeys
  • Gain an understanding of how to build rapport and trust with two clients at the same time
  • Have an increased capacity for helping couples overcome common problems around such things as infidelity, money, sex, and parenting issues that historically have been emotionally charged and difficult to resolve
  • Discover ways to help ensure couples don’t “slide back” into old habits once love and communication have been restored
  • Make connections and practice life-transforming skills with like-minded folks interested in leading-edge work with psychedelics
  • Learn the most effective ways to help restore trust, love, and physical intimacy in any romantic relationship
  • Discover how to create an optimal mental set and setting for helping people go deep into connection, with or without the MDMA medicine
  • Learn and practice a motivational system that will allow you and the couples you work with to integrate the lessons learned into daily life
  • Examine how MDMA has the potential to uncover and release issues associated with past traumas and unhelpful conditioning
  • Be able to assess if a person is a good candidate for this type of treatment and recognize warning signs that they may not be
  • Learn 20 questions that can be helpful for you or a future client to answer in MDMA-assisted sessions
  • Understand the precautions everyone needs to take when considering using this medicine
  • Discover how to help yourself or someone else integrate the insights and changes that may occur during a therapeutic session
  • Uncover how past conditioning blocks intimacy, and how simple tools along with an MDMA therapy session can quickly restore lost love

Want to know more? Click here to register for a free information session.


When I’ve done this work with clients, it often feels like I’m witnessing a sacred, almost miraculous healing event. Contrary to popular opinion, transformation and healing don’t require endless hours of talk. Most transformation happens almost instantaneously when all the right ingredients show up at the same time.
Jonathan Robinson



During the MDMA Couples Facilitator Training, you'll gain profound knowledge and skills for the safe and effective application of MDMA in therapeutic settings, focusing on creating deep and meaningful connections between partners.

This comprehensive 30-week training is strategically designed to build upon the foundational material you’ve already learned from Jonathan, giving you specialized MDMA-assisted therapy skills and equipping you with advanced strategies for enhancing and healing relationships. 

It includes a completely revamped (and live!) version of the course that you just completed. You can choose to take this foundational training again or elect to begin the program in week nine when we start focusing solely on couples facilitation. 

The new content will bring you up-to-date information in this quickly changing environment, connect you with a new group of dedicated practitioners, and reinforce your recent learnings. 

This program, which will be taught live, includes a live Q&A at the end of each session to discuss the new material that‘s been added and answer all your questions. 


Whether or not you choose to retake the 8-week foundational training along with the new students, you’ll receive $1,000 off the full price of $4,997 PLUS a $200 discount to bring your exclusive rate all the way down to $3,797.


Under Jonathan’s expert guidance, you will learn how to support couples in overcoming communication barriers, resolving conflicts, and reigniting intimacy and passion in their relationships.

Additionally, the program covers the critical aspects of harm reduction, emergency response, and the legal considerations of working with psychedelic-assisted therapies. By the end of the training, you’ll be prepared to facilitate sessions that can significantly shorten the traditional therapy timeline, offering couples a powerful tool for rapid, profound, and lasting relationship enhancement.

You’ll also explore how to begin or grow your therapeutic practice and learn how to conduct MDMA sessions remotely.

The faculty of the MDMA Couples Facilitator Training, along with a team of instructional design experts, have created an immersive, organized, and thoughtfully designed online learning experience.


This program consists of live online Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops that build sequentially over nine units, spanning several weeks each, to effectively integrate information and guide meditations.

Live weekly Teaching Sessions with Jonathan Robinson are every Thursday at 9:00am Pacific.


Live Integration Sessions and Guest Faculty Workshops, all led by a team of expert faculty, are each on one separate Tuesday per month at 9:00am Pacific.



  • 120-Minute Live Weekly Teaching Sessions With Jonathan Robinson (30 Total)

    Study the science, theory, and practical application of MDMA facilitation for couples immersing yourself in an interdisciplinary, comprehensive training of rigorous academics and best practices, designed to help you learn how to safely and effectively facilitate MDMA sessions for couples. Each weekly Teaching Session includes 90 minutes of live instruction and Q&A with faculty present and will be recorded and available at your convenience for review.

    After each weekly session’s initial 90 minutes, students will participate in a 30-minute Peer Discussion Circle for an opportunity to connect with fellow students, share their experiences, and expand their learning. To safeguard confidentiality, the Peer Discussion Circles will not be recorded, so they won’t be available to watch or review later.

    Teaching Sessions are every Thursday at 9:00am Pacific attending or accessing the recordings of all Teaching Sessions is required to receive a Certificate of Completion and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

  • One 90-Minute Live Integration Session Every Month (9 Total)

    As part of the core curriculum, live Integration Sessions will be led by Jonathan for further immersion into the teachings, to explore a deeper understanding of the content, and provide an opportunity to work more closely with faculty, who will share sacred expertise and provide group direction. In these sessions, you’ll be able to ask questions as well as practice concepts and techniques you’ve learned under Jonathan’s guidance. Jonathan will also illustrate the key components of an MDMA facilitation practice and incorporate group member contributions.

    Integration Sessions are on one Tuesday per month at 9:00am Pacific and will be recorded and made available online. Attending or accessing the recordings of all Integration Sessions is required to receive a Certificate of Completion and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

  • Nine Guest Faculty Workshops

    There will be nine live workshops presented on one Tuesday per month at 9:00am Pacific by guest faculty. These offerings will supplement and personalize your 8-month experience as you gravitate to the topics that most interest you.

  • Video Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    Digital video recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality format of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Audio Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    Audio recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality MP3 format of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Transcripts of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire session transcription of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

  • Practices and Questions for Each Unit

    Jonathan will provide you with Deepening Practice suggestions between sessions to accelerate your learning and more deeply embody the material and you’ll complete a written reflection after each unit to demonstrate your understanding of the content.

  • Online Community

    Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each session. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.


For FULL Curriculum Details, click here

  • Unit 1: Foundation Teachings for MDMA Facilitation
  • Unit 2: Working With Individuals
  • Unit 3: Communication, Love, Understanding & Empathy
  • Unit 4: Love Languages, Love Enhancers & Love Destroyers
  • Unit 5: Sex, Fun, Failure & Freshness
  • Unit 6: Using Relationships to Work on Yourself
  • Unit 7: The Art of Repair, Agreements & Negotiation
  • Unit 8: Creating Consistent Change
  • Unit 9: Learning From Case Studies

Click on image for bio

Jonathan RobinsonLead Faculty


Dr. Deborah Bice Psychologist & Sex Educator

Jessica Breemen Chief Growth & Impact Officer at DanceSafe

Scott Catamas Emmy Award-Winning Writer & Producer


Lion Goodman CEO of Luminary Leadership Institute & Co-Founder of ConfusedAboutLove.com

Dr. Michael Horwitz Board-Certified Physician

Kamala-Devi Speaker & Author on Sex & Relationships


Sonika Tinker & Christian Pedersen Sonika Tinker, MSW & Christian Pedersen, Master Coach
Relationship Experts & Founders of The LoveWorks Solution

Alara Tiernan Certified Mediator & Intimacy Coach

Baya Voce Matchmaker & Dating Coach



“I feel more confident and I know this work will change many lives...”

I truly enjoyed and learned so much in this course. Jonathan is a wonderful teacher, full of insights, humor, happiness, and experience. His way of teaching is thorough, clear, and extensive. He always takes time to answer all the questions and find ways to help, even on email. I feel more confident and I know this work will change many lives; moreover the community that has been created is not only supportive and helpful but is a new group of like-minded people from so many interesting walks of life, and from all over the world, with inspiring therapeutic experiences that I am sure will help many many people.

“[Jonathan] was very clear and understandable and kept my interest the whole time.”

Training with Jonathan has been an amazing experience; I was sad when the course was completed. He was very clear and understandable and kept my interest the whole time. He answered all questions that were asked, even if it took the class overtime. Jonathan is kind, compassionate, funny, concise, and easy to speak to. I would definitely take courses with him in the future and I will refer people to his courses as well.

“... equipped me with practical skills and techniques that I can immediately apply in my future work.”

I am thrilled to write this feedback to express my utmost satisfaction and deep appreciation for the exceptional online course on MDMA facilitation that I recently completed. I wanted to specifically highlight the aspects of the course that resonated with me the most, particularly the practical approach, the incorporation of useful psychotherapeutic tools, and the inclusion of examples showcasing various questionnaires. I greatly appreciated how Jonathan seamlessly bridged theoretical knowledge with real-world application. The course not only provided a solid foundation of theoretical understanding but also equipped me with practical skills and techniques that I can immediately apply in my future work. This emphasis on practicality made the learning experience highly valuable and ensured that the knowledge gained was relevant and actionable. Thank you once again for providing such an exceptional learning experience.

“The class days [left] me feeling fulfilled and confident in my new role as a therapist in this field.”

Jonathan’s course was a truly surprising and transformative experience. As a therapist, I expected a structured protocol, but instead found wisdom in the discovery process, with each client guided by the medicine. Jonathan is an excellent instructor, effectively sharing his knowledge and making every class a pleasure to attend. The class days felt like home, leaving me feeling fulfilled and confident in my new role as a therapist in this field. I highly recommend Jonathan’s course for its enlightening and transformative nature. The world needs more of this!


Curriculum Details

Live weekly Teaching Sessions are every Thursday at 9:00am Pacific. Live Integration Sessions and Guest Faculty Workshops are each on one separate Tuesday per month at 9:00am Pacific.

Unit 1: Foundation Teachings for MDMA Facilitation (September 10 to October 8)


In this opening unit, you’ll gain an overview of how to work with MDMA, including how to successfully handle potential legal, medical, and ethical problems when working with this powerful medicine. We’ll discuss a bit of history about how MDMA has been used and its potential for treating a variety of challenges.

We’ll also explore different protocols that individuals and couples have used when therapeutically working with this medicine. Finally, we’ll cover simple methods and character traits that make working with this medicine especially helpful.

During Unit 1, you’ll learn:

  • Three different approaches for working with this medicine therapeutically
  • The history of how MDMA has been used, and what science has discovered
  • How to avoid potential legal, ethical, and medical issues when working with this drug
  • How to communicate with clients in a way that creates rapport while gathering the information you need to know
  • Supplements you or your clients can take to avoid challenging side effects
  • Important safety protocols everyone needs to know about MDMA

Unit 2: Working With Individuals (October 10 to October 31)


In this unit, you’ll gain the essential knowledge and skills for effective therapeutic work with individuals using MDMA. We’ll explore a variety of therapeutic approaches designed to facilitate the release of trauma and address anxiety or depression.

The curriculum will cover the influence of spiritual beliefs, problematic beliefs, and blind spots, helping you identify how you can help clients and friends overcome limitations.

You’ll learn strategies for managing challenging scenarios that may arise in future sessions, as well as straightforward integration techniques, which can help your clients convert their insights into valuable changes in their daily lives.

During Unit 2, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of knowing what a successful outcome looks like
  • The value of “following” the medicine, and exactly what that means
  • Therapeutic methods that work well in treating individuals faced with various challenges
  • How to help people overcome beliefs and conditioning that no longer serve them
  • How to successfully handle problems that can arise when working with a client
  • How to help people integrate what they learn from a session into their daily life

Unit 3: Communication, Love, Understanding & Empathy (November 7 to November 21)


Good relationships are built on a foundation of communication, love, understanding, and empathy or CLUE for short. If couples are at odds, they need a CLUE as to how to repair their relationships.

Honest Communication is a foundation, but only if practiced with a caring heart or Love. Understanding one’s partner is next. Without understanding, Empathy and love can’t blossom, and everyone wants empathy for the difficulties they face.

By helping couples understand the methods and concepts that lead to CLUE, they can begin to repair their hurts and lack of connection. Of course, MDMA often makes this process quicker and easier than the normally slow and difficult process of couples counseling.

During Unit 3, you’ll learn:

  • How to better understand your partner or your client
  • What couples do wrong that inevitably leads to a lack of connection
  • How MDMA can facilitate quick and effective improvements in communication
  • Techniques that facilitate care, understanding, and empathy
  • Why men and women are so different, and how that understanding can reduce conflict
  • How to help couples get clear on exactly what they want (and don’t want)

Unit 4: Love Languages, Love Enhancers & Love Destroyers (December 3 to December 19)


Falling in love is relatively easy thus it’s referred to as “falling” rather than “climbing.” But staying in love with a romantic partner requires skill, specific knowledge, and awareness of what typically gets in the way.

In this unit, you’ll explore how to make use of the 5 love languages concept, along with the Gottman Institute’s insights into how to enhance love on a regular basis. You’ll also explore the 4 main destroyers of love and how to teach yourself and your clients to avoid them.

You’ll look at simple ways you can quickly trigger loving feelings in yourself, your partner, and the couples you’re working with. Finally, you’ll discover how to accomplish all this in a short time while working with couples.

During Unit 4, you’ll learn:

  • How to get couples to quickly connect with each other in a deeply intimate way
  • Twelve questions that always lead to deep and intimate conversations and healing
  • How to use the “5 love languages” concept to consistently increase loving connections
  • Why the revealing of feelings and wants is so critical, and how to do it
  • How MDMA sessions may be used to facilitate more love and less conflict going forward

Unit 5: Sex, Fun, Failure & Freshness (January 7 to January 23)


Most couples start off with a good sexual spark, but it often fades and leads to couples feeling like they’ve failed. In our Western culture, the whole subject of sex is ripe with shame, blame, and a lack of communication.

In this section of the course, you’ll explore different sexual styles, how to add sexual spark into a relationship, and how to heal past sexual wounds. You’ll discuss how MDMA can make the healing of challenging issues easier and even fun to fix.

You’ll also examine the role of novelty and, potentially, alternative styles of relationships as a way to add fun and spark to a couple’s physical intimacy. Lastly, you’ll look at how to heal past sexual wounds that may be preventing sexual or emotional connection with your partner.

During Unit 5, you’ll learn:

  • The 5 erotic styles and how they can be used to help heal and ignite sexual spark
  • Why most couples struggle with sex, and how to overcome their sense of failure
  • How to heal past sexual wounds and trauma that interfere with intimacy
  • Alternative relationships and sexual patterns and how to best explore them
  • The importance of nonsexual fun and play, and how to create it when it’s missing

Unit 6: Using Relationships to Work on Yourself (January 28 to February 13)


In this unit, we’ll explore how to use a relationship to work on yourself. Many couples focus on trying to change their partner. Of course, this rarely works and can lead to mutual anger and distrust.

The better option is to use the “stuff” that comes up in relationships to heal childhood wounds. Such wounds often show up as intense reactions to your partner’s behavior often called “triggers.” To work on yourself, it’s important to know your specific relationship triggers, beliefs, expectations, and neurotic tendencies in detail. From such awareness, it’s possible to overcome any self-defeating emotions and behaviors that affect all your relationships, as well as your overall happiness.

During Unit 6, you’ll learn:

  • How focusing on changing your partner often leads to anger and distrust, and why it’s a path to avoid
  • How to use the challenges in your relationship as opportunities to heal childhood wounds
  • How to identify your personal “triggers” that can be activated by intense reactions to your partner’s actions
  • Insights into your own beliefs, expectations, and neurotic tendencies that shape your reactions
  • Strategies for overcoming self-defeating emotions and behaviors, thereby improving your relationships and overall happiness

Unit 7: The Art of Repair, Agreements & Negotiation (February 18 to March 6)


The “currency” in relationships is trust. Without trust, a loving relationship soon falters.

In this section, we’ll explore how to repair broken trust, and then move forward to creating greater trust in the future. The methods to mend a broken heart and build renewed trust involve creating mutually satisfying solutions to relationship challenges.

In this unit, we’ll explore how to fashion good solutions to ongoing problems, and how MDMA may be used in sessions to facilitate such results. We’ll discuss the four key ingredients to repairing broken trust, and how short-term agreements that occur in sessions can lead to long-term changes.

Finally, we’ll examine how to use the “problem-solving question” method to solve previously unsolvable problems.

During Unit 7, you’ll learn:

  • The 4 steps to repairing broken trust, and why they often are not followed
  • How to build trust using the art of effective agreements
  • Why couples have trouble solving problems, and the one question that can make finding solutions easy
  • How MDMA-assisted therapy, when used in conjunction with short-term agreements, can work miracles
  • The importance of forgiveness, and how it can be achieved within therapeutic sessions

Unit 8: Creating Consistent Change (March 11 to March 27)


Taking MDMA is relatively easy. Working on issues with a partner while on MDMA is a bit more challenging. Yet, the hardest thing to achieve is creating ongoing and consistent change in a relationship after the session is over.

In this section of the training, you’ll discuss three key ways that couples can stay consistently motivated to achieve ongoing positive change. You’ll explore what gets in the way of positive change, and how to ensure that what a couple learns in a therapeutic session is practiced and reinforced.

You’ll get a chance to apply motivational methods in your own relationships so you can become more familiar with how they work. You’ll also look at how to coach couples in a way that provides ongoing support in both their communication and behavioral patterns.

During Unit 8, you’ll learn:

  • The 3 most powerful ways to help others (or yourself) stay consistently motivated to change
  • Beliefs and ideas that get in the way of change, and how to overcome them
  • What successful couples coaching looks like, and how to structure it
  • How to implement and reinforce the most important communication tools
  • How to help couples stay in a place of love with each other

Unit 9: Learning From Case Studies (April 1 to April 29)


After many weeks of learning key concepts, techniques, and watching demonstrations of how to help couples through MDMA-assisted therapy, you’ll have the opportunity to review actual case studies of previous sessions.

In this unit, Jonathan will provide a play-by-play analysis of a past session, describing why he did what he did at each moment as the session unfolded. You’ll see how he subtly guided the couple into having a proper mental set, then proceeded to lead the couple to deeper levels of communication and healing.

At the same time, you’ll notice how Jonathan held the session agenda lightly, and allowed for the arising of whatever shows up in the moment. The interplay between methods, structure, and spontaneous arisings will help you get a feel for the pace and subtlety needed in MDMA sessions with couples.

Finally, plenty of time will be allocated for discussing alternative approaches to the interventions that Jonathan displays during his session.

During Unit 9, you’ll learn:

  • How creating initial rapport, even over Zoom, is achieved through body position, questions, and a good mental set
  • The importance of the therapist’s vulnerability, honesty, and methods for creating an environment for healing
  • The order in which things should occur for the deepest healing to take place
  • How specific communication games can be set up and successfully engaged
  • How to gently bring a session to a close so that both partners feel validated and successful


To ensure that each person receives an abundance of rich learning and support in this exclusive training, it’s open to 250 participants by application only.



As a graduate of Jonathan’s foundational training program Healing With MDMA: 8-Week Facilitator Training, you’ll receive $1,000 off the price of the 8-month program and can decide whether or not you’d like to retake the first eight weeks, or begin the program with Week 9.

Note: If you haven't participated in Jonathan’s 8-week facilitator training, Healing With MDMA, we kindly request that you register through an alternate page. Click here to explore further details and complete your registration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the price point and do you offer payment plans?


A: The investment is $3,997 USD if paid in full (payment plans available). If you apply now with a payment plan, your first payment will be due upon registration, and subsequent payments will be automatically processed every 30 days until complete. The total payment plan price includes a finance charge. Any applicable discounts will be deducted from the total amount at the time of purchase.

The $100 application processing fee, which is included in your purchase, is non-refundable.

Q: Are scholarships available?


A: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. For more information and to apply for a partial scholarship, click here. (Do not fill out a regular program application or submit payment if you wish to be considered for a partial scholarship.)

If you are awarded a scholarship and enroll in the program, your purchase will be non-refundable.

Q: What is the refund policy?


A: The $100 application processing fee is non-refundable.

A refund for the program, minus the application fee, is available for any reason on or before Midnight Pacific on September 26, 2024. Refunds will not be available after this date.

To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days of submitting your request and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarships.)

Q: What are the program details and schedule for the immersion program?


A: All sessions will be held online through Zoom. There will not be any in-person engagement.

The immersion program starts on September 10, 2024, and ends on April 29, 2025

There are breaks built into the program for time off during holidays.

  • 120-Minute Live Weekly Teaching Sessions With Jonathan Robinson (30 Total)

    Study the science, theory, and practical application of MDMA facilitation for couples immersing yourself in an interdisciplinary, comprehensive training of rigorous academics and best practices, designed to help you learn how to safely and effectively facilitate MDMA sessions for couples. Each weekly Teaching Session includes 90 minutes of live instruction and Q&A with faculty present and will be recorded and available at your convenience for review.

    After each weekly session’s initial 90 minutes, students will participate in a 30-minute Peer Discussion Circle for an opportunity to connect with fellow students, share their experiences, and expand their learning. To safeguard confidentiality, the Peer Discussion Circles will not be recorded, so they won’t be available to watch or review later.

    Teaching Sessions are every Thursday at 9:00am Pacific attending or accessing the recordings of all Teaching Sessions is required to receive a Certificate of Completion and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

  • One 90-Minute Live Integration Session Every Month (9 Total)

    As part of the core curriculum, live Integration Sessions will be led by Jonathan for further immersion into the teachings, to explore a deeper understanding of the content, and provide an opportunity to work more closely with faculty, who will share sacred expertise and provide group direction. In these sessions, you’ll be able to ask questions as well as practice concepts and techniques you’ve learned under Jonathan’s guidance. Jonathan will also illustrate the key components of an MDMA facilitation practice and incorporate group member contributions.

    Integration Sessions are on one Tuesday per month at 9:00am Pacific and will be recorded and made available online. Attending or accessing the recordings of all Integration Sessions is required to receive a Certificate of Completion and it is highly recommended to keep pace and access them in the order they are released.

  • Nine Guest Faculty Workshops

    There will be nine live workshops presented on one Tuesday per month at 9:00am Pacific by guest faculty. These offerings will supplement and personalize your 8-month experience as you gravitate to the topics that most interest you.

  • Video Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    Digital video recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality format of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Audio Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    Audio recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality MP3 format of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Transcripts of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops

    In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire session transcription of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

  • Practices and Questions for Each Unit

    Jonathan will provide you with Deepening Practice suggestions between sessions to accelerate your learning and more deeply embody the material and you’ll complete a written reflection after each unit to demonstrate your understanding of the content.

  • Online Community

    Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each session. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

Q: If I participate, how many hours per month should I plan to dedicate to this immersion program?


A: This will vary, depending on whether you choose to attend all offerings or the minimum requirement, but on average, you can expect to spend approximately 11 hours per month on this program.


Still have questions? We invite you to visit our extended FAQ page.



Our commitment is to provide you with a comprehensive exploration of MDMA-assisted therapy as a tool for facilitating extraordinary change in couples’ dynamics. This training encompasses:

  • A dimension of therapeutic consciousness, recognizing the vast potential of MDMA to open spaces of empathy, connection, and healing between partners
  • A dedication to continuous learning and inquiry into the evolving field of psychedelic-assisted therapy, with a focus on safety, ethics, and effectiveness
  • The cultivation of presence, sensitivity, and compassion in facilitating sessions, essential for guiding couples through their most vulnerable and transformative moments
  • Embodiment of the principles of MDMA therapy through hands-on practice, enabling facilitators to navigate the therapeutic process with confidence and care
  • Insights into the psychological and relational dynamics at play within couples’ interactions, providing the tools to address and heal deep-seated issues
  • An understanding of the nuances of facilitating MDMA therapy, including preparation, session guidance, and integration, to ensure a safe and profound experience
  • A journey that is as enlightening as it is healing, offering both facilitators and couples a path to rediscover love, joy, and connection in their relationships
  • The promise to equip you with the knowledge to not only navigate the complexities of human emotion and connection but to foster an environment where profound healing and reconnection can occur
  • A commitment to teaching how to sustain therapeutic gains, helping couples integrate their experiences into lasting changes in their relationships, and realizing their fullest potential for love and happiness together
  • An advanced understanding of relational dynamics, empowering you to facilitate deeper, more meaningful connections between partners, transforming their relationship and their lives

By enrolling in the MDMA Couples Facilitator Training program, you’re stepping into a role that has the power to profoundly change lives. Our promise is to guide you each step of the way, empowering you to emerge as a skilled facilitator capable of harnessing the transformative power of MDMA to heal and enhance relationships.


Matia: “Fights Between Couples That Have Been Going On for a Long Time All of a Sudden Have New Solutions”

Fred Burks: “It’s Unbelievable How Much MDMA Can Help People Change Their Lives”

Jaime Abrams: “Jonathan’s Course Has Given Me a New Depth in How I Can Help Facilitate and Be With Clients”

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We have already served over 3,200,000 people
We have customers in 180 countries
We have featured over 3,100 thought leaders in multiple domains

I am blown away by the quality provided by The Shift Network the magnitude, the depth, the intelligence, the knowledge, and the teaching… is nothing short of amazing!
Dominique P. Gervais

Note: If you haven't participated in Jonathan’s 8-week facilitator training, Healing With MDMA, we kindly request that you register through an alternate page. Click here to explore further details and complete your registration.

You’ll receive an email within five business days of submission with the status of your application.
