A 6-Month Immersion for Seekers, Mystics, Healers, and Visionaries
With Renowned Spiritual Pioneer & Author
Matthew Fox
Receive profound guidance from great mystical luminaries to navigate life’s challenges with courage and grace — channel your unique gifts to help create a sacred, compassionate world that brings the vision of Heaven on Earth to life.
Featuring the deeper teachings of Jesus, Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Merton, and many more.
Program Starts Tuesday, June 10, 2025
Open to Participants by Application Only
It is to the mystics we owe what is best in humanity.
— Carl Jung
Apply before April 1 and save $300 off tuition — SEE DETAILS BELOW.

If you yearn to open to your divinity, savor a sacred life, and navigate change with courage and clarity, consider this:
The path to greater awareness, compassion, justice, and peace has already been shared with us.
It beckons to be rediscovered and brought to life through our actions and intentions, guiding us toward our highest potential and illuminating the way for a more harmonious world.
Matthew Fox, one of the foremost mystical scholars of our time, teaches that mystics and prophets, both ancient and modern, have charted a course for our transformation. At this pivotal time, he emphasizes that awakening our fullest humanity and divinity is vital to our survival.
A powerful personal and collective breakthrough can occur when we return to the original teachings of Jesus and other mystics — beyond translations and interpretations — and allow them to guide us through our present-day challenges.
In this 6-month immersion program with Matthew, you’ll explore what it means to be a modern mystic and prophet, integrating this sacred knowledge into your life through the authentic teachings of Jesus and other wisdom keepers.
This journey births what Matthew calls Christianity 2.0 — based not on dogma, but on a spirituality that recovers the sacred sense of original goodness.
Christianity 2.0 invites us beyond modern consciousness, which is based on a mechanical universe that has dulled religion. It enlivens the new scientific story of cosmogenesis, and the consciousness of deep ecumenism that honors humanity’s global wisdom traditions and nurtures the mystic in us, empowering us to bring the best of Christ awareness into our daily lives.
Our times call for a deepening of Christ Consciousness in our hearts and minds.
In these six months, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of Christ Consciousness emerging from the latest findings about Jesus and his followers, who over the centuries have internalized and practiced his teachings.
Matthew will weave together recent scholarship of the Bible into the mystic-prophet stories of pre-modern teachers such as Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Aquinas, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Meister Eckhart, and Julian of Norwich who, like Indigenous teachers everywhere, began discussions of spiritual consciousness with the cosmos.
You’ll also draw upon the wisdom of Howard Thurman, Mary Oliver, Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Merton, Dorothee Soelle, Thomas Berry, St. John of the Cross, and the Black Madonna archetype. Their teachings will help deepen your practice and illuminate what Carl Jung called “the best humanity has to offer” — namely the fullness of the mystic-prophet each of us is called to be.
The mystic is a lover — one who says “yes” to life, creation, and the joy of existence. We are called to be mystics. The prophet, in contrast, boldly steps forward to say “no” to systems of oppression and injustice.
Both aspects inspire the courage we need to reimagine our greater potential and let go of what no longer serves us.
Matthew teaches that, more than ever, we need to deepen our roots and ground ourselves in a common creation story that cosmogenesis gives us — bridging spirituality and science — along with a dynamic spiritual tradition that emphasizes the sacredness and survival of Mother Earth.
By embodying the teachings of mystics and prophets, you’ll cultivate purpose, joy, and fulfillment, creating ripples of positive change in your life and community.
Are you ready for a transformative and adventurous journey of self-discovery — one that awakens our shared humanity and deepens your capacity to recognize, honor, and be in sacred service to what you love?
During this soul-inspiring program, you’ll:
- Learn from one of the most prolific mystical scholars and spiritual theologians of our time
- Experience the depths of your humanity and deeper potential for greatness during a 6-month immersion into the wisdom and timeless guidance of the mystics and prophets
- Deepen this experience through a diverse roster of guest faculty who add expertise, profound insights, and spiritual texture to your studies and practice
- Embody the virtues and wisdom of the mystics and prophets, synergize them with your unique experience and gifts, and be inspired to share your authenticity with others
The Path of Christ Consciousness is designed for seekers, healers, and visionaries ready to navigate life’s challenges with greater wisdom, compassion, and grace.
This journey invites you to deepen your understanding of yourself and the world by engaging with the timeless insights of ancient and modern mystics and prophets through the lens of Creation Spirituality.
Here are some examples of who this program is for:
- Spiritual Seekers who are drawn to exploring deeper truths about existence, the Divine, and their life purpose
- Interfaith Practitioners who seek to build on their teachings through an inclusive approach, weaving together wisdom from mystics, prophets, and theologians across cultures and eras
- Academics and Theologians who are teaching new generations about Jesus and the tradition that grew up around him before Christianity married the empire
- Healers, Therapists, and Life Coaches who seek practices and frameworks that help clients navigate personal evolution
- Creation Spirituality Practitioners and Seekers who want tools for deep compassion, transformation, and understanding the sacred in life
- Environmental Advocates who want to delve deeper into the sacredness of creation, are passionate about ecological justice, and who seek spiritual grounding for their advocacy
- Artists and Creatives who want to explore Creation Spirituality and its emphasis on the divine nature of creativity — and who resonate with the idea of channeling sacred energy into their work, recognizing how creativity fosters both personal and societal transformation
- Community Leaders and Visionaries who are creating or guiding communities and seek spiritual frameworks that inspire collective wisdom, compassion, and courage, ensuring that their leadership is both impactful and sacred
- Individuals Facing Major Life Transitions — whether career shifts, relationship transitions, midlife reevaluations, health issues, or other — who seek spiritual perspectives to navigate uncertainty with courage and clarity
- Social Activists committed to justice and transformation who feel drawn to spiritual frameworks that emphasize compassion, courage, and collective evolution
- Parents and Grandparents who seek practices and frameworks that help loved ones navigate personal evolution and who are interested in how Creation Spirituality nurtures wisdom, resilience, and a deeper connection to the sacred in daily life
- All Who Want to See our spiritual/religious traditions come to life in this critical time when we face extinction as a species, whether through degradation of Earth or war or greed-based authoritarianism
Matthew will guide you through the authentic teachings of Jesus and the torchbearers who followed who were inspired by his wisdom to nurture the Christ (or Buddha or image of God) in each of us — including mystics like Hildegard of Bingen in the 12th century all the way to Thomas Berry, Howard Thurman, and Mary Oliver in the 20th/21st century.
As you journey into the lives, lessons, and living legacies of these mystics and prophets, you’ll:
- Embrace the Mystic and Prophet Within: Discover how Jesus and other mystics and prophets teach us to say “yes” to life, creation, and the Divine — and how to express these ideals in the world with authenticity, compassion, and grace
- Say “Yes” to Creation and the Sacred: Learn from the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality how to align with the sacred energy of life, embrace your ongoing evolution, and embody your own mystical, loving, and healing potential
- Walk Jesus’ Path of Love: Unpack Jesus’ teachings about experiencing a God who is love, rooted in the wisdom and prophetic traditions of Israel and the archetype of the Cosmic Christ
- Integrate Mysticism and Prophecy Into Your Daily Life: Become an agent of love and transformation as you gain clarity and confidence in the value of your own life story and your own work in the world
- Receive Guidance From Historical Figures: Explore the mystical and prophetic legacies of Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Aquinas, Julian of Norwich, Father Bede Griffiths, and Meister Eckhart — and how their creative brilliance inspires personal and collective growth
- Obtain Wisdom for Today’s Challenges: Reflect on how figures like Howard Thurman, Julian of Norwich, and Thomas Merton address modern struggles such as environmental crises, social justice, religious ecumenism, and spiritual disconnection
- Experience Creative and Sacred Expression: Be inspired by Mary Oliver’s “praise poetry,” the ecological wisdom of Thomas Berry, and the artistry of mystics who celebrated the sacred in creation
- Examine the Black Madonna Archetype: Embrace the transformative power of the Black Madonna as a symbol of resilience, the Sacred Feminine, and the journey toward wholeness
- Explore the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality: Provide a framework for the mystical and prophetic journey — spiritual growth, creativity, and transformation will naturally follow
During The Path of Christ Consciousness, you’ll be immersed in the timeless wisdom, inspiration, and guidance of ancient and modern mystics and prophets.
Matthew and a renowned group of guest faculty have created thought-provoking and spiritually enriching experiences to help us better understand, navigate, and harness our creative potential and experience the unsung joys of personal and collective evolution.

All program sessions are held at 1:00pm Pacific.
Teaching Sessions are live on Tuesdays
Live Integration Sessions are one Thursday per month
Guest Faculty Workshops occur on specific dates throughout the program and are listed on the Full Program Schedule
120-Minute Live Weekly Teaching Sessions on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific (24 Total)
Weekly Teaching Sessions, led by esteemed faculty Matthew Fox, include lectures, experiential practices, Q&A, and breakout groups.
90-Minute Live Integration Session One Thursday Per Month at 1:00pm Pacific (7 Total)
As part of the core curriculum, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the content through live Integration Sessions led by Rev. Gianluigi Gugliermetto, PhD, and peer group interaction.
120-Minute Live Guest Faculty Workshops at 1:00pm Pacific (7 Total)
Throughout this 6-month program, there will be seven live workshops presented by guest faculty chosen by Matthew for their depth, diversity, scholarship, and contribution to the teachings we are covering. These offerings will supplement and personalize your program experience as you gravitate to the topics that most interest you.
Video and Audio Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops
Video and audio recordings of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop will be available for you to stream.
Transcripts of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops
You’ll also receive the entire session transcription of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop.
Self-Organized Study Groups
Engage in intimate, salon-style Greening Circles with peers to exchange ideas and deepen your understanding of the program’s teachings. We’ll assist in connecting you with peers in your time zone and provide guidelines for meaningful discussions.
Online Community
Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow participants to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
Click on image for bio

Matthew FoxRenowned Spiritual Pioneer & Author of More Than 40 Books
Click on image for bio

Bruce Chilton, PhDAnglican Priest & Scholar of Early Christianity & Judaism

Christena Cleveland, PhDSocial Psychologist, Public Theologian, Author & Activist

Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhDScholar in Religious Studies, Spirituality & Psychology

Andrew HarveyMystical Scholar, Teacher & Founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism

John Philip NewellRenowned Celtic Teacher & Author

Mirabai StarrInterspiritual Author, Speaker, Retreat Leader & Translator of the Mystics

Rabbi David ZaslowRabbi & Spiritual Leader
Click on image for bio

Rev. Gianluigi Gugliermetto, PhDEpiscopal Priest & Theologian
Matthew Fox
“For me in today's world, the wise and eloquent presence of Matthew Fox is ever again a source of wonder and gratitude.”
— Joanna Macy
Matthew Fox
“[Matthew Fox’s] Creation Spirituality is the spirituality of the future and his Theology of the Cosmic Christ is the theology of the future.”
— Father Bede Griffiths, renowned missionary and spiritual pioneer
Matthew Fox
“I think of Matthew Fox as God’s Talent Scout…”
I think of Matthew Fox as God’s Talent Scout for all the pivotal figures and ideas he has reclaimed for the reform of Christianity. He knows the sources and translates them into modern idioms for the rest of us! What he has done with Hildegard, Eckhart, and Aquinas himself makes him a major teacher and guide.
— Richard Rohr, OFM Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Matthew Fox
“[Matthew has] created a new mythic context for leading us out of our contemporary religious and spiritual confusion into a new clarity of mind and peace of soul...”
Matthew Fox might well be the most creative, the most comprehensive, surely the most challenging religious-spiritual teacher in America. He has the scholarship, the imagination, the courage, and the writing skill to fulfill this role at a time when the more official Christian theological traditions are having difficulty in establishing any vital contact with either the spiritual possibilities of the present or with their own most creative spiritual traditions of the past… He has, it seems, created a new mythic context for leading us out of our contemporary religious and spiritual confusion into a new clarity of mind and peace of soul, by affirming rather than abandoning any of our traditional beliefs.
— Thomas Berry, author of The Great Work, The Dream of the Earth, and The Universe Story
Matthew Fox
“[Matthew] lets the spirit of holiness breathe on us.”
Father Matthew knows what the spirit’s life is all about and what is asked of it at this time. He opens the treasures of the Great Traditions and retrieves for us the relevant inspiring sources; but between the lines he lets the spirit of holiness breathe on us.
— Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Matthew Fox
“[Matthew gives] out the twenty-first-century keys to the kingdom.”
Traditionally, when big government in the church tries to silence a good soul, it indicates that the soul is often far ahead of the times. Matthew Fox is such a person. He writes simply, powerfully, about his life as a visionary. He continues now, as before, to give out the twenty-first-century keys to the kingdom.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves
Christena Cleveland, PhD
“Theologian and badass activist Christena Cleveland... deftly reveals a path for each of us.”
Theologian and badass activist Christena Cleveland journeys through liberation and deftly reveals a path for each of us. In doing so, she joins the lineage of sister-friends like Hurston, Walker, Lorde, Shange, and more, that do it fiercely.
— Rev. angel Kyodo williams, writer, activist, ordained Zen priest, and author of Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living with Fearlessness and Grace
Christena Cleveland, PhD
“Christena is offering liberation to Black women like me...”
Christena is offering liberation to Black women like me and all who would be free, delivering us at the feet of the Black Madonna, and to our better selves.
— Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis, author, activist, preacher, and public theologian
Christena Cleveland, PhD
“I left each gathering feeling more beloved and free.”
Dr. Cleveland brought her whole self to this shared journey and made space for us to do the same. No matter what state I arrived in to the sessions, the expansive welcome, vulnerable sharing, and gentle practices created room for insight, healing, and transformation. And I left each gathering feeling more beloved and free.
— B.L.
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD
“Neil Douglas-Klotz has been exploring... what Yeshua wanted, and still wants, to tell us.“
For more than 40 years, Neil Douglas-Klotz has been exploring the mysteries of the Syriac and Aramaic languages to better understand what Yeshua wanted, and still wants, to tell us. This patient work is not in vain; it is necessary to bring us closer to this presence and this teaching, which enlightens us, awakens us, heals us, and saves us. Neil Douglas-Klotz is not only a scholar but also a man of the desert, where the breath and energy of the words join the prayer of the sands to trace a path in the heart of what remains without path.
— Professor Jean-Yves Leloup, author of The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD
“Neil Douglas-Klotz is a rare jewel; a brilliant scholar with heart...”
Neil Douglas-Klotz is a rare jewel; a brilliant scholar with heart whose words have the power to reconnect us with our sacred source. Original Meditation is truly a book for our times. The perfume of divine belonging rises from every page as this modern mystic skillfully guides us into the essence of the sacred mystery.
— Joan Borysenko, author of Seven Paths to God
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD
“[Neil’s translations] bring us to the deeper meanings of Jesus’ teachings...”
Religion easily dies when it succumbs to rote. The Aramaic translations of Neil Douglas-Klotz cut through the rote and bring us to the deeper meanings of Jesus’ teachings that can still touch our hearts, move our souls, and ignite our action. It can open our hearts anew. My original foreword to Neil’s first book, Prayers of the Cosmos, began with these words: “Reader beware; though this book is brief, it contains the seeds of a revolution.” More than 40 years later, I do not think history has proven me mistaken.
— Matthew Fox, author of Original Blessing, from the foreword to Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus
Andrew Harvey
“Andrew is a genius and an inspired visionary...”
Andrew is a genius and an inspired visionary who has the ability to interpret the meaning and significance of the chaos and patterns of change that are redirecting the compass of our contemporary culture.
— Caroline Myss, author of Intimate Conversations with the Divine and Anatomy of the Spirit
Andrew Harvey
“[Andrew] is a modern version of a fiery Old Testament prophet whose words were ignored at great peril.”
Andrew Harvey’s sacred activism is a corrective to the doomsayers and do-nothings who are part of our problems. He is a modern version of a fiery Old Testament prophet whose words were ignored at great peril. We must attend to Andrew Harvey’s message. Not only will it help us humans regain our sanity, it just might save our skins.
— Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things
Andrew Harvey
“... the light [Andrew] sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.”
Every age has its teachers who keep the eternal truths alive for all of us. And when a generation is very, very lucky, it encounters a teacher so illumined that the words he delivers must be illumined as well. In the case of Andrew Harvey, the light he sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.
— Marianne Williamson, author of Everyday Grace
John Philip Newell
“Enthusiastically recommended!”
If I could introduce you to 10 amazing people whose influence could transform your life by energizing your spiritual quest, they would be the nine visionaries featured in The Great Search... plus a tenth, John Philip Newell himself. What a treasure this book is. Enthusiastically recommended!
— Brian D. McLaren, author of Life After Doom
John Philip Newell
“... the most important book for the spiritual practice of questing...”
This is the most important book for the spiritual practice of questing that we’ve found in many years.
— Spirituality and Practice
John Philip Newell
“[John Philip Newell] reaches new depths in his vision of the Earth and the human journey.”
Many of us have been indebted to John Philip Newell’s writings for years but, in this book, he reaches new depths in his vision of the Earth and the human journey. We, including a new generation of readers, need this Celtic wisdom urgently.
— Richard Rohr, New York Times bestselling author of The Universal Christ
Mirabai Starr
“Mirabai is blessed with the capacity to inspire others with her wisdom...”
It’s with great pleasure and delight that I endorse the work of Mirabai Starr, who I find to be a soul companion as well as a professional colleague. In addition to being a gifted author, Mirabai is blessed with the capacity to inspire others with her wisdom and understanding of mystical theology. I referred to her translations of Teresa of Avila’s great masterpiece, The Interior Castle, while writing my own book, Entering the Castle, because of the excellence of her work. Mirabai is a rare jewel.
— Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Entering the Castle
Mirabai Starr
“[Mirabai’s] online presence is profoundly authentic and personal.”
Mirabai Starr is not only a brilliant and profoundly moving author! Her online presence is profoundly authentic and personal. She reaches through the screen, and you feel as if she is sharing just with you a precious, miraculous gift as she conveys information and leads ritual.
— Rev. Jane Anne Ferguson, Plymouth United Church of Christ, Fort Collins, Colorado
Mirabai Starr
“[Mirabai] has an outstanding gift for language, plus penetrating insight...”
Mirabai’s words point toward the ineffable. She has an outstanding gift for language, plus penetrating insight, married to a heart of authentic compassion. Combined, the result is a gentle dynamite for opening and awakening.
— Sara Morgan, psychotherapist and spiritual guide
Rabbi David Zaslow
“Rabbi Zaslow has done a tremendous service to Christians and Jews alike...”
Rabbi Zaslow has done a tremendous service to Christians and Jews alike — this book is wonderful! An important contribution to the continuing dialogue and relationship building between these two faith communities.
— Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, President of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Rabbi David Zaslow
“Zaslow makes a powerful and much needed contribution to the interfaith dialogue.”
Based on solid scholarship and a luminous open heart, Zaslow makes a powerful and much-needed contribution to the interfaith dialogue.
— Joan Borysenko, author of A Woman’s Journey to God
Rabbi David Zaslow
“... every page feels like an immediate immersion in Reb Zalman’s own heart...”
The siddur is remarkable. I’m blown away by it; every page feels like an immediate immersion in Reb Zalman’s own heart and soul. I feel him on every page and in every word.
— Rabbi David Ingber
Bruce Chilton, PhD
“... a bold biography of Jesus.”
Rabbi Jesus is as close as any reader is likely to get to the historical Jesus. Drawing on his profound knowledge of ancient literature and archaeology, Bruce Chilton uses this scholarship and an informed imagination to present a bold biography of Jesus. One can see and hear, smell and taste the texture of Jesus’ everyday and dramatic life.
— Frederick Houk Borsch, chair of Anglican studies at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Bruce Chilton, PhD
“... penetrating insight into the development and meaning of Jesus’ teaching...”
Chilton’s masterful knowledge of Jewish Palestine and Jewish custom and his penetrating insight into the development and meaning of Jesus’ teaching and experience of God form the backdrop of a compelling and stimulating narrative.
— Craig Evans, biblical scholar and prolific author
Bruce Chilton, PhD
“... the most profoundly Judaic Jesus ever.”
Chilton’s biography offers the first authentically Christian Jesus — and therefore the most profoundly Judaic Jesus ever.
— Jacob Neusner, scholar of Judaism and prolific author
All program sessions are held at 1:00pm Pacific.
Teaching Sessions are live on Tuesdays
Live Integration Sessions are one Thursday per month
Guest Faculty Workshops occur on specific dates throughout the program and are listed on the Full Program Schedule
For more information, click here.
Unit 1: The Real Teachings of Jesus — Jesus as Mystic (June & July 2025)
The mystic is, in one word, a lover. One who says “yes” to life. The first four classes of this immersion explore Jesus as a mystic — a lover of life, creation, and existence. You’ll delve deeply into Jesus’ perception of self, his work and vocation, and the ideas of those who lived during his lifetime and afterwards — all the way to the present day.
What does Jesus teach us about how to love and experience a God who is love? Explore these questions by way of the wisdom tradition of Israel from which he derives and speaks as a wisdom figure; and through the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality, the archetype of the Cosmic Christ, and the teachings of Jesus and Paul on that archetype that invites us all to be mystics, lovers, and healers.
June 10 – Class One: Exploring the question, “What is a mystic?” and examining Howard Thurman’s teachings of Jesus
June 17 – Class Two: Jesus & the Wisdom Tradition: The “I AM” within all of us
June 24 – Class Three: Jesus, Creation & the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality
July 8 – Class Four: Jesus & the Cosmic Christ (and Stations of the Cosmic Christ)
In these classes, you’ll:
- Explore the concepts of mysticism and spirituality such as nondualism, “oneing,” ecstasy, and breakthrough as Jesus lived and taught them
- Embark on the path of The Lover — as the mystic who says “yes” to life
- Discover nature and art as activators of mysticism
- Examine how Jesus was immersed in the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality — Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, and Via Transformativa — as well as Earth-based mysticism
- Receive foundational grounding for expanded interpretation of Jesus’ teachings using parables as tools for awakening
Unit 2: The Real Teachings of Jesus — Jesus as Prophet (July & August 2025)
The prophet, said Rabbi Heschel, is “one who interferes.” The prophet “speaks out” and says “no” to injustice. The prophet engages their fifth chakra and speaks truth to power.
The next four sessions explore Jesus’ teachings about love and justice from his prophetic tradition (wisdom is said to be a “friend of the prophets” after all). Also, how the crucifixion of Jesus resulted from his speaking truth to the Empire of his day.
You’ll explore how Jesus awakened people through parable storytelling and teachings on the Beatitudes, compassion, and of archetypes such as the Resurrection, Sending of the Spirit, and the Cosmic Christ. Lastly, you’ll consider how he called us to be prophets, or, as philosopher William E. Hocking put it, “mystics in action.”
July 15 – Class One: Exploring the question, “What is a prophet?” and examining Creation as the “Kingdom of God”
July 22 – Class Two: Jesus & the Prophetic Tradition: The Beatitudes
July 29 – Class Three: The Crucifixion: Jesus & the Empire — “Two Kingdoms Colliding”
August 5 – Class Four: Jesus as Teacher of Archetypes, including the Resurrection and more (Stations of the Cosmic Christ)
In these classes, you’ll:
- Explore how the deep “yes” (mysticism) and “no” (prophet) brings spirit (or “life” in Hebrew) into the world
- Expand your understanding of the prophet beyond ideology and indoctrination to experience universal archetypes
- Learn how the prophet carries inner work into one’s outer work in society
- Consider how the 8 Beatitudes (a set of blessings that Jesus shared in the Sermon on the Mount) complement the 10 Commandments (a set of moral and ethical rules)
- Reflect on the relationships between creativity and compassion — and how to be a modern prophet
- Deepen your sense of the healthy Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine as embodied in Jesus — and how Sacred Masculinity is exhibited in embracing healthy habits or virtues (or virility) of both men and women
- Discover the prophet in yourself and through teachers like Martin Luther King, Jr., Howard Thurman, Sister Dorothy Stang, and others
Unit 3: Hildegard of Bingen & Thomas Aquinas as Mystic-Prophets (August & September 2025)
Having considered the mysticism of Jesus and his prophetic personhood, you’ll now turn to Jesus’ impact on historical figures, such as Hildegard of Bingen — the 12th-century abbess, writer (of 10 books), painter, musician, composer, playwright, healer, and recently declared saint and doctor of the church.
You’ll proceed with Thomas Aquinas, another doctor of the church, born about 50 years after Hildegard. Both were deeply committed to saying “yes” to life, as well as “no” to the power-over dynamics of the patriarchal order.
Each of these figures is an extraordinary guide for nurturing your own mystical and prophetic vocations, especially through creativity and art — including art as meditation and the art of teaching.
August 12 – Class One: Hildegard’s Illuminations & Mystic Teachings
August 19 – Class Two: Hildegard’s Critique of Religion & Culture
August 26 – Class Three: Mystical Teachings of Thomas Aquinas
September 9 – Class Four: Prophetic Teachings of Thomas Aquinas
In these classes, you’ll:
- Explore how Hildegard and Aquinas put into practice the teachings and actions of Jesus — and how you can too
- Understand why saying “yes” and saying “no” were important to Hildegard’s spiritual path, which included standing up to the dominant ruling power in the 12th century
- Learn how opportunities for virtue and growth can often follow after collapse, uncertainty, and failure
- Learn how the mystical and prophetic can align in moments of turmoil to support positive change — and the art of being both contemplative and active
Unit 4: Meister Eckhart, Mechthild of Magdeburg & Julian of Norwich as Mystic-Prophets (September & October 2025)
Eckhart, Mechthild, and Julian were profound mystical-prophetic leaders who still speak deeply to us today. Mechthild belonged to the Beguines, the women’s movement of the Middle Ages. Her teachings on the dark night of the soul profoundly resonate to many wrestling with global warming, matricide, and democracide today.
Eckhart, considered the greatest mystical-prophetic writer in Christian history, fashioned a contemplative-active spiritual theology that was creation-centered and profoundly ecumenical. Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, women scholars, and Sufis share his vision.
Julian, the first woman to write a book in English, lived through the devastating Bubonic Plague, all the while proposing a theology of “God is the goodness in nature” and developing a “God as Mother” theology.
September 16 – Class One: Meister Eckhart: Love of Creation & Engaging the Darkness
September 23 – Class Two: Meister Eckhart: How We Birth God’s Son Into the World & Our Work When We Birth Justice & Compassion
September 30 – Class Three: The Creation Mysticism of Julian of Norwich
October 7 – Class Four: The Dark Night from Mechthild of Magdeburg and the good news from Julian of Norwich: “All shall be well”
In these classes, you’ll:
- Go deeper into the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality through the lenses and work of profound practitioners like Eckhart, Mechthild, and Julian of Norwich
- Contemplate how justice, joy, and compassion intersect
- Learn how the concept of “God as Mother” was born and developed by Julian and Eckhart
- Explore the goodness and sacredness of creation and work — and why creativity and co-creation are essential paths to healing
Unit 5: Father Bede Griffiths, Mary Oliver & Teilhard de Chardin as Mystic-Prophets (October & November 2025)
Father Bede Griffiths was a saintly monk and pioneer in deep ecumenism who oversaw a Christian ashram in Southern India for over 50 years. He wrote many profound books relating Asian thought to Christianity and in a public dialogue with Matthew declared that “the future of spirituality is Creation Spirituality” and “the future of theology is the Cosmic Christ.”
Teilhard de Chardin, scientist, poet, and creation mystic, brought science and mysticism together, returned the ancient archetype of the “Cosmic Christ,” and developed the idea of the “noosphere,” envisioning and anticipating a unified humanity.
Mary Oliver called herself a “praise poet” and spoke as only great poets can of the sacredness of Mother Earth, of creation, and of prayer as paying attention. In doing so, she names the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality in powerful and memorable images and language.
October 14 – Class One: Father Bede, Creation Spirituality & His Outreach to Hinduism
October 21 – Class Two: Teilhard de Chardin on Science and Mysticism
October 28 – Class Three: Mary Oliver, “Praise Poet” & Nature Mystic
November 4 – Class Four: Mary Oliver as Prophet
In these classes, you’ll:
- Explore how today’s science can help us move beyond the dualism of patriarchy that divides mysticism and the prophetic; spirit and matter
- Contemplate and celebrate the return of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine
- Pinpoint the decline of mysticism through distortions driven by patriarchy and mechanistic science — and how post-modern science and Creation Spirituality can heal that division
- Learn how Creation Spirituality, Mary Oliver, and Eastern wisdom can help heal dualism — and find balance between the masculine and feminine at a time of such polarity
Unit 6: Thomas Merton, Dorothee Soelle, Thomas Berry, and St. John of the Cross as Mystic-Prophets & the Black Madonna Archetype as a Contemporary Archetype That Heals (November & December 2025)
Thomas Merton — Catholic monk, spiritual theologian, ecumenical pioneer, and prolific writer — underwent a spiritual conversion while reading Zen poetry and the works of Meister Eckhart in 1958 that thrust him into a prophetic role, which ultimately cost him his life. He speaks profoundly and poetically to the four-path journey of Creation Spirituality.
Dorothee Soelle, feminist and liberation theologian, studied and was influenced by Meister Eckhart and the Beguine women’s movement in depth.
Thomas Berry, student of Teilhard de Chardin and eco-prophet par excellence, celebrated the new creation story of cosmogenesis — and its promise of bringing back the sacred and celebrating our place in the universe. The final class in Unit 6 honors the powers of the Black Madonna archetype.
November 18 – Class One: Thomas Merton on the Via Positiva & Via Negativa
December 2 – Class Two: Thomas Merton on Via Creativa & Via Transformativa: Creativity, Justice & Dying a Martyr
December 9 – Class Three: Dorothee Soelle as Mystic & Prophet
December 16 – Class Four: Thomas Berry, the Promise of the Black Madonna & St. John of the Cross
In these classes, you’ll:
- Explore the deep grasp of the Four Paths as Merton teaches them in his profound and poetic way
- Go deeper into Creation Spirituality to discern how the Divine Feminine permeates creation and unveils the self as a source of creational power
- Explore mysticism as feminism as taught by Dorothee Solle
- Contemplate today’s new creation story from science — and how, through Thomas Berry’s genius, it awakens us to joy, community building, and “reinventing the human”
- Discover how the ancient archetype of the Black Madonna is returning with power today that heals and energizes
— Carol Vaccariello: “Thank you, Matt, for Being the Great Soul That You Are”
— Steve Mortimer: “Matthew Fox Is a Spiritual Obi-Wan Kenobi”
— Dominic Flamiano: “Matt Has Walked His Talk. He Has Preached and Paid the Price.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the cost, and do you offer payment plans?
A: The investment is $3,000 USD if paid in full (payment plans available). If you apply now with a payment plan, your first payment will be due upon registration, and subsequent payments will be automatically processed every 30 days until complete. The total payment plan price includes a finance charge. Any applicable discounts will be deducted from the total amount at the time of purchase.
Q: Are scholarships available?
A: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. For more information and to apply for a partial scholarship, click here. (Do not fill out a regular program application or submit payment if you wish to be considered for a partial scholarship.)
If you are awarded a scholarship and apply in the program, your purchase will be non-refundable.
Typical partial scholarships will provide a 25% reduction in program cost.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: The $100 application processing fee is non-refundable.
A refund for the program, minus the application fee, is available for any reason on or before Midnight Pacific on June 24, 2025. Refunds will not be available after this date.
To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days of submitting your request and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarships.)
Q: What are the program details and schedule for the training program?
A: All sessions will be held online through Zoom. There will not be any in-person engagement.
The program starts on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 and ends on Monday, December 18, 2025.
120-Minute Live Weekly Teaching Sessions on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific (24 Total)
Weekly Teaching Sessions, led by esteemed faculty Matthew Fox, include lectures, experiential practices, Q&A, and breakout groups.
90-Minute Live Integration Session One Thursday Per Month at 1:00pm Pacific (7 Total)
As part of the core curriculum, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the content through live Integration Sessions led by Rev. Gianluigi Gugliermetto, PhD, and peer group interaction.
120-Minute Live Guest Faculty Workshops at 1:00pm Pacific (7 Total)
Throughout this 6-month program, there will be seven live workshops presented by guest faculty chosen by Matthew for their depth, diversity, scholarship, and contribution to the teachings we are covering. These offerings will supplement and personalize your program experience as you gravitate to the topics that most interest you.
Video and Audio Recordings of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops
Video and audio recordings of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop will be available for you to stream.
Transcripts of Teaching Sessions, Integration Sessions, and Guest Faculty Workshops
You’ll also receive the entire session transcription of each Teaching Session, Integration Session, and Guest Faculty Workshop.
Self-Organized Study Groups
Engage in intimate, salon-style Greening Circles with peers to exchange ideas and deepen your understanding of the program’s teachings. We’ll assist in connecting you with peers in your time zone and provide guidelines for meaningful discussions.
Online Community
Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow participants to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
Q: If I participate, how many hours per month should I plan to dedicate to this training program?
A: This will vary, but on average you can expect to spend approximately 10-14 hours per month on this program.
Still have questions? We invite you to visit our extended FAQ page.
— Bestselling Author Mirabai Starr: “Matthew Fox Will Go Down in History as One of the True Spiritual Geniuses of Our Age”
— Bestselling Author Andrew Harvey: “Matthew Will Illumine Your Life as He Has Illumined Mine”
Join the Global Community
I am blown away by the quality provided by The Shift Network — the magnitude, the depth, the intelligence, the knowledge, and the teaching… is nothing short of amazing!
— Dominique P. Gervais
You’ll receive an email within five business days of submission with the status of your application.