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Learn how to work synergistically with the energy and consciousness of the cosmos, which we are all made of.


Bring healing to your own life and to those around you by adapting the concepts and practices of the world's shamans, sorcerers, witches, priests, and priestesses into your daily life.


This 12-Month Online Program With
Author, Educator & Practitioner in Metaphysics, Shamanism & Spirituality

Dr. William Bloom


Monday, September 11, 2023

Apply before August 16 and save $250! See details below.

The Metaphysicians Mystery School


Throughout history and across cultures, beloved metaphysical practitioners have performed sacred healing work in their communities.

These practitioners include shamans of animist and tribal cultures, as well as ordained clergy of the world’s religions. 

We need those who feel called to fill these same roles today, says Dr. William Bloom, renowned educator and practitioner in metaphysics, shamanism, and spirituality.

You already have life-changing metaphysical skills you could be using every day. Perhaps you’re aware of this but haven’t yet learned how to harness this power effectively.

Within you right now is the ability to work with the subtle energies you sense operating in and around you and you can collaborate with these universal forces to empower your own spiritual path and illuminate the lives of others.

Join us for a year-long certification program with Dr. Bloom in what he refers to as a modern Mystery School and be initiated into the core concepts and practices of the world’s shamans, sorcerers, magicians, witches, priests, and priestesses.



When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

Our world is made of energy and consciousness, and filled with subtle energies and beings.

Do you have a sense of this subtle world?

Do you long to better understand it?

Are you called to cooperate and work with the subtle realms to serve your spiritual growth and support all of life?

You already have subtle experiences and intuitions now, your divine curiosity is inviting you to seek more wisdom and a deeper connection with Source as you expand your consciousness.

You’re naturally enquiring, empathic, intuitive, and perhaps even psychic.

You’re already engaged in metaphysical exploration and your soul is prompting you into more meaningful and magical activity.

This profound journey is designed for:

  • Serious Spiritual Enquirers Deepen your understanding and practical experience of the subtle realms.
  • Empaths and Intuitives Develop your natural gifts to be of greater service.
  • Celebrants, Ceremonialists & Clergy Understand and work more effectively with your blessings.
  • Shamanic & Pagan Practitioners Refine your skills and awareness in a holistic framework.
  • Philosophers Ground and integrate your inquiries with metaphysical experience.
  • Theologians Illuminate your study and contemplation with esoteric models and practice.
  • Counselors, Psychologists & Psychiatrists Expand your diagnostic and prescriptive toolkit through an appreciation of the spiritual dynamics of mental health crises.
  • Astrologers Delve more deeply than ever into the harmonic relationships between celestial bodies and human lives.
  • New Age Practitioners Draw upon metaphysical concepts to explore spirituality, energy healing, and consciousness expansion more deeply than ever.
  • Therapists, Healers & Integrative Medical Practitioners Deepen your understanding of Taoist and Vedic anatomical models, and the relationship between the dense physical body and the subtle physiology.
  • Writers & Artists Awaken to newfound inspiration as you explore the deeper meanings and existential questions in everything you create.
  • Scientists & Philosophers of Science Expand the framework of your worldview to incorporate an esoteric model of macro and micro dynamics.
  • Spirituality & Mindfulness Coaches Gain tools, concepts, and skills that will immediately improve your services by providing clients with accessible self-management strategies that will enhance their happiness, meaning, and purpose.

Your understanding and experience of metaphysical practices will deepen your sense of self and your meaningful place in the Universe. This in turn will spill over and radiate out to enhance and bless the lives of all those around you.

At the same time, your new practices with subtle beings and energies will help redeem and improve global vibrations and energies supporting harmony, justice, and peace on our planet.

This pioneering program will satisfy your heart, your mind, and your soul.

With a deep contentment, your spiritual development will quicken resulting in deeper connections, more love, and greater consciousness.

Whether your calling is to work openly or quietly, your attitude and actions as a servant of life will profoundly improve, becoming useful to all and blessed by Source.



Dr. Bloom and a team of instructional design experts have created one of the most comprehensive learning experiences The Shift Network has ever offered.

By the end of this year-long program, you’ll be well prepared to undertake your own journey working with the concepts and practices of the world’s shamans, sorcerers, magicians, witches, priests, and priestesses as you step into a spiritual role in your community and bring healing to your own life… and to those around you.

What’s more, fully understanding and experiencing the metaphysical ecosystem promises to bring you greater wellbeing and a profound sense of inner purpose.

Choose the Certification That’s Right for You

The certification program in Experiential Metaphysics offers students two paths to choose from:

  • The Practitioner Path is the foundation certification for students looking to become metaphysical practitioners.
  • The Scholar Practitioner Path is for students who want to advance to a deeper level of study and become eligible for a Master’s degree.

Students enrolling in the Scholar Practitioner Path are automatically enrolled in both Paths, as the Practitioner Path is a prerequisite and the foundation upon which the Scholar Practitioner Path is built.


Teachings You’ll Receive

As you work with Dr. Bloom, become initiated into an ever deeper understanding of the Universe’s metaphysical dynamics as you explore advanced magical works you can immediately put into practice.

In this year-long certification program, you’ll:

  • Gain a full understanding of the Universe’s metaphysical dynamics
  • Explore the symbols and metaphors of your metaphysical path
  • Discern your personal path of quiet empowerment and invisible service
  • Transmute base energies into the gold of healing
  • Delve deeply into ancient and modern texts, spiritual guides, and literature studied in the great Mystery Schools

Path Features and Activities

For detailed descriptions, click here.

7-Week Prerequisite Course & Bonuses
Weekly Online Classes
Video & Audio Recordings
Weekly Integration Sessions
Small-Group Practice Sessions
Online Community
Daily Contemplative Practice
Monthly Reflective Essay
Guest Faculty Electives and Reflective Essay (4 total)
Capstone Project
Unit Assessments
(300 - 500 words)
(500 - 1000 words)
Monthly Book Review and Reflective Essay
Oral Presentations (2 Total)
Monthly 3-Hour Workshop With Faculty
Monthly Academic Coaching Session (13 Total)
Eligible for Advanced Degree Programs
*5-Day Thesis Writing Workshop
*Advanced Degree Support
Total Fee

*Only applicable to those pursuing an advanced degree through Ubiquity University. See below for more information.


Enroll today and save $250!

(Limited-time offer)
Reserve your spot with a refundable deposit


Flexible payment options are available

Have questions? Please visit our FAQs below or book an information session with Program Manager CarolAnne Robinson here.



Our two certification paths run concurrently over the course of 12 months. Scholar Practitioner Path students will have additional reading, work, and activities to complete during the program adding a deeper layer of learning to the foundational Practitioner Path.


The Practitioner Path is a year-long certification program where you’ll explore and refine your personal spiritual practice diving deep into the dynamics, dimensions, and denizens of the metaphysical domain and examine how to perceive, discern, and use your knowledge to serve and benefit others. Students completing the Practitioner Path will receive a Practitioner in Experiential Metaphysics Certificate as well as:

Increased levels of self-esteem and confidence leading to vastly improved relationships and life opportunities.

Spiritual and shamanic practices to support your psychological and physical wellbeing so you can cultivate more control over your own life and a clear understanding of its purpose.

Daily spiritual practices to keep you grounded as you step into your specific role as a metaphysical practitioner.

Techniques for providing support, readings, coaching, and pastoral care.

A framework that can be used for any ceremony, ritual, cleansing, or blessing.

You can opt to only enroll in the Practitioner Path or enroll in the Scholar Practitioner Path if you want to advance to a deeper level of study and become eligible for a graduate degree.

Students enrolling in the Scholar Practitioner Path are automatically enrolled in both Paths, as the Practitioner Path is a prerequisite and the foundation upon which the Scholar Practitioner Path is built. The core teaching for both paths is the same.


The Scholar Practitioner Path is taken at the same time as the Practitioner Path and builds upon the topics presented, going deeper and building an advanced-level mastery of the material and its applications. Students completing the Scholar Practitioner Path will receive a Scholar Practitioner in Experiential Metaphysics Certificate as well as:

Theory to inform your spiritual practices and keep you grounded and centered as you step into your unique role as a metaphysical practitioner, providing you with a solid foundation for your spiritual journey.

Expanded opportunities for metaphysical and spiritual service in such fields as consciousness research, psychology and therapy, coaching, spiritual counseling, philosophy and academia, alternative healing and energy work, and mindfulness and meditation instruction.

A comprehensive framework and set of spiritual practices that empower you to lead others to attain a profound understanding of their life’s purpose.

Advanced proficiency in esoteric anatomy and intuitive processes.

In-depth understanding of the nature of reality, consciousness, and the interplay between subjective experiences and metaphysical principles.

Opportunities to choose careers as metaphysical coaches, spiritual counselors, consultants, educators, or researchers in the field of consciousness studies.

Enhanced analytical and critical thinking skills for analyzing complex metaphysical concepts, synthesizing information, and evaluating philosophical arguments.

Diverse tools, methodologies, philosophical frameworks, spiritual practices, and transformative techniques for personal and professional applications.

An interdisciplinary perspective, allowing students to integrate insights from psychology, neuroscience, ecology, and systems thinking broadening their understanding of metaphysics and its relevance in the world.

Completion of the Scholar Practitioner Path is a prerequisite for eligibility in Ubiquity University’s Master’s degree and PhD programs in Experiential Metaphysics. For more information about these advanced degrees, click here.


Students wishing to pursue a Master’s degree or PhD in Experiential Metaphysics through our partnership with Ubiquity University can apply directly to Ubiquity at the time they enroll in the Scholar Practitioner Path. Students who are pursuing their advanced degree will complete a 5-day writing training program with Ubiquity prior to the beginning of the certification work to prepare them for writing their Master’s thesis or PhD dissertation. They will have an additional 12 months after successfully completing the certification program to complete their Master’s thesis or PhD dissertation.


Earning an advanced degree from Ubiquity University is an extraordinary opportunity for individuals seeking a transformative and holistic educational experience. Ubiquity’s unique approach to education combines academic rigor with a deep emphasis on personal growth and societal impact with a globally diverse faculty and student body that fosters a dynamic learning environment.

By earning an advanced degree from Ubiquity, students not only acquire a comprehensive education, but also become part of a vibrant global community committed to making a positive difference in the world.




  • 120-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. William Bloom (44 Total)

    Immerse yourself via livestreaming video in the comprehensive, practical, spiritual teachings and experiential practices of Dr. Bloom from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes 90 minutes of teaching followed by an optional 30-minute breakout group for further discussion. Class sessions are on Wednesdays at 11:00am Pacific.

  • Four 90-Minute Integration Sessions Every Month (44 Total)

    Integration sessions, led by Reiki Master and holistic health mentor Martine Moorby, are for deeper listening, further immersion in the teachings, and working closely with faculty, who will share holistic support and expertise, and provide group direction. Integration sessions will be recorded for you to refer to time and again. In these sessions, you’ll be able to ask questions and practice the concepts and techniques you’ve learned under Dr. Bloom and Martine’s guidance. Integration sessions with Martine are on Mondays at 11:00am Pacific and with Dr. Bloom one Saturday per month at 11:00am Pacific.

  • Two Optional Small-Group Practice Sessions Every Month (Beginning in October, 2023)

    Meet with a cohort of fellow students on Zoom for more personalized discussions and an opportunity to further integrate what you’re learning in this comprehensive program. Participation in a minimum of one small group per month is advised but not required.

  • Elective Sessions

    Throughout the year, you’ll be invited to attend 10 online workshops, presented on select Mondays by world-renowned guest faculty. These inspirational offerings will deepen and enhance your year-long experience. You are required to attend four live or recorded electives throughout the year to receive your certification, but you are strongly encouraged to attend all of these valuable and insightful sessions. Recordings will be available for students to access at their convenience.

  • Video Recordings of Class Sessions

    After each class, integration session, and elective session, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format so you can review the material anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

    After each class, integration session, and elective session, the audio will be available for you to stream so you can review the material anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Transcripts of Class Sessions

    You’ll also receive the transcript after each class, integration session, and elective session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

  • Practices and Questions for Each Unit

    Dr. Bloom will be teaching principles that are best absorbed through direct experience. He’ll provide you with techniques and methodologies to practice between sessions to accelerate your learning and more deeply embody the material. You’ll complete a written reflection after each unit to demonstrate your understanding of the content.

  • Online Community

    Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

  • The Magic of Metaphysics 7-Module Course

    Hone your intuition and other spiritual abilities as you become adept at working with the subtle energies all around you resulting in strength, empowerment, protection, unconditional love, and compassion for yourself and all beings.

  • The Magic of Metaphysics Bonus Offering

    In addition to the transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

  • Dr. William Bloom’s Guided Movement
    Video Teaching by Dr. William Bloom

    In this special video, Dr. Bloom will lead you through an enjoyable series of physical stretches and exercises which he recommends before doing any inner work that requires stillness. These exercises use basic moves that are probably familiar to people who’ve practiced Qigong and/or yoga, making them ideal practices for all ages. The exercises are also easily toned down if you’re experiencing any physical pain or disability.

  • Dr. William Bloom’s “Personal Journey”
    PDF Sample Chapter by Dr. William Bloom

    Written in an inspiring, good humored, and wry style, this is an exclusive, full 24-page chapter from Dr. Bloom’s book, Working with Angels, Fairies & Nature Spirits. You’ll discover how Dr. Bloom first connected with angels and devas. Dr. Bloom also shares his extraordinary experience of ceremonial magic and a Holy Guardian Angel, how he met the Angel of London and how, along with his son, he cleared a faerie circle.


  • Monthly 3-Hour Workshop

    In the Scholar Practitioner Path, you’ll experience the benefits of a much smaller cohort in the monthly 3-hour workshops. You’ll be in dialogue with faculty and colleagues as Dr. Bloom takes you on a deep dive into the transformational practices and theory of the program. There will be time for personalized interaction and Q&A.

  • Academic Coaching and Guidance

    For those pursuing a Scholar Practitioner certification, 90-minute coaching sessions will be available monthly to students wanting guidance on study skills, time management, and essay writing.

    As you advance in your spiritual growth and your understanding of the theories that Dr. Bloom presents, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet and interact with Dr. Dawn Eidelman, The Shift Network’s Chief Education Officer, who serves as an academic advisor to our certification programs.

  • Advanced Degree Program Eligibility

    Completion of the Scholar Practitioner Path is a prerequisite for Ubiquity University’s Master's degree or PhD. For more information about the Experiential Metaphysics Master’s degree or PhD, click here.




Gain the confidence, skills, and techniques to establish your own practice in such areas as:

  • Energy healing
  • Intuitive readings
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Metaphysical workshops
  • Personal development coaching


Enroll today and save $250!
(Limited-time offer)


Reserve your spot with a refundable deposit. Flexible payment options are available.




Gain the skills and capabilities of a Practitioner AND have the ability to:

  • Conduct metaphysical research
  • Write about metaphysical topics
  • Lead metaphysical workshops
  • Conduct retreats, seminars & courses
  • Be eligible for a Master’s degree or PhD from Ubiquity University


Enroll today and save $250!
(Limited-time offer)


Limited Availability

Reserve your spot with a refundable deposit. Flexible payment options are available.


Have questions? Please visit our FAQs below or book an information session with Program Manager CarolAnne Robinson here.


Curriculum Details

Curriculum Details for Semester 1  Immersion & Personal Development

Unit 1: Orientation & Daily Practices Feel Grounded & Confident as You Begin Your Journey to Become a Metaphysical Practitioner (September 2023)


As the program begins, Dr. Bloom will help you become grounded in the certification curriculum so you fully understand the required core practices you’ll be bringing into your daily life.

He’ll introduce you to the requirements for entry into the Mystery Schools including ethics, commitment to transformation, and a sense of purposefulness.

Dr. Bloom will support you in cultivating a deeper connection to Source (by whatever name you call it). He’ll also clarify the language and terms of reference you’ll use over the next year and beyond.

During Unit 1, you’ll explore:

  • A person-centered approach to daily spiritual practice that includes home altars and sacred space
  • Methods for amplifying your deepening practices emptying, yielding, surrendering, earthing, and embodiment
  • How spiritual connection integrates with the neuroendocrine system, benefitting your physical and psychological wellbeing
  • The map of your soul’s journey from Source to Earth and beyond
  • Reflective practices  the core skills of self-reflection and identifying the metaphysical dimension of the compassionate witness
  • Core practices of moving energy, internal martial arts, and bone marrow breathing
  • A brief overview of health and safety practices (you’ll explore these more deeply later in the program)

Unit 2: Esoteric Anatomy & the Processes of Intuition & Psychism Discern Your Own Best Method of Subtle Cognition (November 2023)


Dr. Bloom will explain the subtle energy structure of the human body and personality. You’ll discover the mechanisms of intuition and psychism and how to identify your own best method of subtle cognition.

He’ll share an overview of the three esoteric anatomical models: the aura (physical, etheric, astral/emotional, mental, intuitive, and spiritual)... the chakras (petals and activation)... and Taoist (meridians and dantiens).

Dr. Bloom will also explain the relationship between the soul, mind, emotions, physiology, and body.

During Unit 2, you’ll explore:

  • Lunar pitris, the elemental structure of your physiology
  • The body as a temple and its orientation in time, geography, and space
  • Advanced concepts of karma and dharma
  • How to identify and understand your own intuitive/psychic mechanism
  • The necessity of quiet, contemplative time
  • The skills of discernment and interpretation
  • Basic practices of opening and closing your energy field, and psychic protection
  • Altered states of consciousness

Unit 3: The Metaphysical Ecosystem & Esoteric Contemplation (December 2023)


Dr. Bloom will walk you through the structure, inhabitants, and harmonics of the subtle realms.

You’ll further develop your individual intuitive/psychic abilities through the practice of esoteric contemplation.

You’ll learn about the disciplines of esoteric contemplation, reflective practice, interpretation, and discernment. You’ll also embark on a deep dive into the laws of harmony and correspondence.

During Unit 3, you’ll explore:

  • Cosmic planes, including the Great Mystery, Kabbalah, and the Tree of Life
  • Love-Wisdom, the gateway to higher planes and expanded consciousness
  • Cosmic rays and soul groups
  • The Lower World, Middle World, and Upper World
  • Elementals, devas, sidhe, and angels
  • Archangels
  • Spirits, liberated beings, and avatars including Christ, Buddha, and Sanat Kumara
  • Thoughtforms, egregores, Platonic Forms, and archetypes
  • Earth mysteries, sacred sites, ley lines, and gifting to the landscape and spirits
  • The problems posed by the existence of evil

Unit 4: The Metaphysical Dynamics of Creating Your Personal Reality (February 2024)


Dr. Bloom will unpack how to best manage the unseen and unconscious metaphysical dynamics that influence your life.

You’ll study the practices of evocation, invocation, and self-healing. He will also show you how to implement psychic protection, boundaries, assertion of personal space, and much more.

During Unit 4, you’ll explore:

  • How energy flows through thoughts and feelings
  • The realities of personal, ancestral, and collective karma and dharma
  • The laws of the soul’s journey and reincarnation
  • The great iceberg of unconscious dynamics
  • The laws of manifestation
  • Correspondences and the harmonics of magnetic attraction
  • Purposeful transformation of personal reality
  • Spiritual integrity and material status
  • Working and cooperating with angels in all parts of your life
  • Dreams, lucid dreaming, and out-of-body experiences
  • Prayer, grace-filled intercession, and the Buddhas of Karma
  • Techniques to revisit your soul’s purpose
  • Dynamics of unconscious and conscious sorcery

Curriculum Details for Certification Semester 2 Professional Development

Unit 5: Cleansing, Blessing, Ceremony & Ritual For Yourself, Friends & Your Community (April 2024)


Dr. Bloom will share core metaphysical concepts and practices that will empower you to use your metaphysical awareness and skills to serve others and heal the planet.

You’ll discover the natural radiation of your healing presence as a blessing and positive influence.

You’ll also explore the art of holding space with compassion, empathy, and the skills of energetic alchemy.

During Unit 5, you’ll:

  • Revisit the concepts of embodiment and spiritual connection, altars, and sacred space
  • Learn the necessity of giving compassionate care as an occultist or energy worker
  • Discover how to facilitate apology, forgiveness, and the internal transmutation of negative energy
  • Explore the principles of Tonglen, Ho’oponopono, and the mystic crucifixion
  • Champion that which engages your heart through quiet spiritual activism
  • Deconstruct the superhero/Messiah complex and support the internal wounded healer
  • Learn how to avoid becoming attached to outcomes and become more comfortable with unknowing and deep patience
  • Receive and facilitate prayers for global healing and the rules of distant healing
  • Learn the different callings of the introvert and extrovert
  • Explore how metaphysical presence can support and improve your relationships

Unit 6: Health & Safety Protocols to Skillfully Navigate Spiritual Challenges (May 2024)


Dr. Bloom will explain how to implement the core metaphysical concepts and skills you can use to support others in the fields of counseling, coaching, therapy, and pastoral care.

You’ll explore the core communication skills of permission, rapport, listening, and closure.

You’ll also examine the essential elements of generosity of spirit as you revisit the concepts of alchemy, holding space, and co-presence.

During Unit 6, you’ll explore:

  • The laws of karma and intervention
  • Challenges and gifts of empathic resonance with service users
  • The practices of opening and closing your energy field, setting boundaries, and spiritual hygiene
  • Opening to new paradigms and cultures
  • The use of oracles, including Tarot, I Ching, and scrying
  • The skills of deep insight, intuition, interpretation, and discernment
  • The importance of respecting another’s soul’s journey and culture
  • The spectrum of interventions  from Rogerian to forceful direction and “tough love” 
  • The importance of supervision and peer-supported reflective practice
  • The 3 types of spiritual healing: dynamic, radiant, and allowing
  • Channeling and mediumship
  • How to integrate metaphysical skills into your professional practice

Unit 7: The Arts of Holding & Transmutation & the Blessing of Your Presence (July 2024)


You’ll explore the crucial elements of health and safety, with a focus on mental health and spiritual emergencies.

Dr. Bloom will explain how to navigate the more difficult elements of your spiritual work, including the spiritual challenges of delusion, fundamentalism, metaphysical mood swings, over-receptivity, and mental illness.

You’ll learn about the nature of spiritual initiation and dramatic expansions of consciousness and how to respond if the dark night of the soul (your own or someone else’s) shows up in your work.

During Unit 7, you’ll explore:

  • The challenging stimulation of cosmic fire
  • Resistance, self-sabotage, and the Dweller on the Threshold
  • Ways to navigate cultural relativism
  • The role of pain and suffering in spiritual development
  • Spiritual emergency what it is and how to handle it
  • Over-stimulation, ecstasy, and hyperactivity
  • The challenges of addiction
  • How to provide spiritual first aid and make referrals when needed

Unit 8: Best Practices for Providing Support, Readings, Coaching & Pastoral Care (August 2024)


In this final unit, you’ll integrate and use all the skills and concepts of the previous units to create and lead ceremonies for significant events and rites of passage. These positive and transformative metaphysical activities can be practiced privately or publicly. 

Dr. Bloom will share how to design ceremonies and blessings for significant natural rites, including harvest festivals, the seasons, Gaia rituals, and cycles of the sun and moon as well as important human events such as conception, births, weddings, welcomings, new homes, new careers, journeys, adolescence, adulthood, end of life, and the general blessing of all things.

You’ll explore the following universal template for all ceremonies and rituals:

Intention > Purification > Cleansing > Sacred Space > Alignment/Attunement >
Channeling > Blessing > Closure > Clearing/Cleansing > Expressing Gratitude

During Unit 8, you’ll explore:

  • The natural ceremonies of your daily life
  • Ways to step into your power as hierophant, priestess, priest, magician, witch, or shaman of your own life publicly or privately
  • A review of medicine circles, groves, sanctuaries, temples, and altars
  • How to weave benevolent spells, ensuring that you do so ethically and in service of the highest good
  • Metaphysical prayers and actions to heal the wounds of the world

Frequently Asked Questions

Note: If you’re a graduate of Dr. Bloom’s 7-module course, The Magic of Metaphysics, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this year-long certification program.


Q: What is the price point and do you offer payment plans?


A. The investment if paid in full is $5,349 USD for the Practitioner Path or $10,349 USD for the Scholar Practitioner Path. Payment plans are available. Included is access to Dr. Bloom’s 7-module introductory course, The Magic of Metaphysics.

If you register with a payment plan, your first payment will be due upon registration, and subsequent payments will be automatically processed every 30 days until complete. The total payment plan price includes a finance charge.

*A $250 refundable deposit is due at the same time as your application. As we have a limited number of spaces available, your deposit holds a spot for you.

If you need to cancel your application for any reason, this deposit is 100% refundable within five business days of payment. Should your application be declined, 100% of your deposit will be refunded.

Upon acceptance of your application, your deposit will be applied to the total cost of the program and deducted in equal amounts from the balance due according to the payment plan you choose.

Q: Are scholarships available?


A: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. For more information and to apply for a partial scholarship, click here. (Do not fill out a regular program application or submit a deposit if you wish to be considered for a partial scholarship.)

Q: What is the refund policy?


A: Your deposit is fully refundable for any reason within five business days of purchase. If you are not accepted into the program, you will receive a full refund.

A refund for the program, minus the deposit, is available for any reason on or before Midnight Pacific on September 27, 2023. Refunds will not be available after this date.

To request a refund, please click here. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. We do, however, welcome the opportunity to proactively address and resolve any concerns you may have so please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to discuss. (No refund requests will be accepted after the above date or from those who have been awarded scholarships.)

Q: What are the program details and schedule for the program?


A: All sessions will be held online through Zoom. There will not be any in-person elements or engagement.

The certification program begins on September 11, 2023, and ends on September 25, 2024.

For those pursuing a Master’s degree through Ubiquity University.

Class Sessions: 90 minutes per week on Wednesdays at 11:00am Pacific most weeks of the year plus a 30-minute optional follow-up breakout room. Students may attend live on Zoom or access the recording soon after. Students are expected to attend all class sessions or access the recordings during the same week of the live teaching.

Integration Sessions: 90 minutes on three Mondays each month, led by Integration Facilitator Martine Moorby and one Saturday led by Dr. Bloom each month, all at 11:00am Pacific. Students are required to attend one live session per month, and are expected to view the recordings of the other integration sessions during the same week of the live teaching.

Elective Sessions With Guest Faculty: Throughout the year, you’ll be invited to attend 10 online workshops, presented on select Mondays by world-renowned guest faculty. These inspirational offerings will deepen and enhance your year-long experience. You are required to attend four live or recorded electives throughout the year to receive your certification, but you are strongly encouraged to attend all of these valuable and insightful sessions. Recordings will be available for students to access at their convenience.

Q: If I participate, how many hours per month should I plan to dedicate to this certification program?


A: This will vary, depending on whether you choose to attend all offerings or the minimum requirement. You can expect to spend approximately 20-24 hours per month on the Practitioner Path and 24-32 hours per month on the Scholar Practitioner Path.


Q: Will there be any additional costs or fees associated with the certification program?


A: Yes, the certification program fee does not include the texts that are on the selected reading list. The required number of books will vary depending on which path of the certification program is chosen.


About Dr. William Bloom


The Metaphysical Philosophy of Dr. William Bloom


William Bloom, PhD, is one of the UK’s leading educators and authors in the field of spirituality and wellbeing. He is the director of the Spiritual Companions Trust, which pioneered the first UK government-approved course in spirituality and health.

Since childhood, he’s experienced subtle energies and beings and has cultivated his ability to sense, interpret and cooperate with them. In his twenties, William gave up a hugely successful career based in London, retreating for two years among the Berbers in the High Atlas Mountains of southern Morocco, where he performed the most rigorous of all magical ceremonies, the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

After returning to the UK, he integrated his private occult studies with a deep understanding of social psychology and mind-body medicine, pioneering the first UK mainstream vocational qualification in spirituality and health.

Wiliam will share all of these deep metaphysical concepts in his signature accessible, contemporary language designed to empower and liberate you. Students will never be asked to subscribe to a particular culture, theology, or belief system.

His many books include Psychic Protection... Working With Angels, Fairies and Nature Spirits... The Sacred Magician... The Endorphin Effect... and The Power of the New Spirituality. He is on the faculty of the Findhorn Foundation, Europe’s leading eco-spiritual center, and is a trustee of Glastonbury Abbey. He has delivered many trainings in the hospice sector, especially around the practices of supporting the transfer of consciousness.


What People Are Saying About Dr. William Bloom’s Courses...

“William is truly a gift, and I enjoyed and looked forward to every session.”

I’ve done a lot of studying on death and dying, and have worked in hospice for many years but the presence William embodies in this course and the information he presents gave me an experiential learning that I feel I have embodied on a whole new level. William is truly a gift, and I enjoyed and looked forward to every session. The only thing I was sad about was that it ended! The seven weeks went by so quickly! William provided a space that was safe, relaxed, and spacious.
Diane, Ashland, Oregon

“Dr. Bloom’s insights and experiences were most inspiring.”

Dr. Bloom’s insights and experiences were most inspiring. I especially enjoyed the support regarding death, the processes involved, and the journey, meditations, and exercises that he shared with us. All this was most liberating an opportunity to let go of being caught in our own fear, trepidation, and unending grief, and instead welcoming the adventure of our own precious life and supporting loved ones who are in the throes of dying or who have moved on, no matter what that looked like from our side of the “veils” Instead we have a way of supporting them fully in their journey. So beautiful.
Laura, New York, New York

“William’s compassionate grasp and extensive knowledge of the topic provided me with real reassurance.”

William’s compassionate grasp and extensive knowledge of the topic provided me with real reassurance. He helped to normalize what could otherwise be quite a scary topic. He also brought lightness, warmth, and humor to the subject, which I really appreciated. I feel calmer now when I reflect on the end of life. That’s a good step forward for me.
Leigh, London, England

“William brought peacefulness into every aspect of The Sacred Way of Dying by sharing his own experiences.”

William brought peacefulness into every aspect of The Sacred Way of Dying by sharing his own experiences. He showed strength and compassion, which emotionally held our large group throughout difficult topics.
Lynn, Tenterden, England

“This course drew me closer to really believing the joy, release, and comfort I will find when I experience transitioning.”

My memory goes back to the comfort of being in my mother’s womb just before birth. It is a profound comfort like none I’ve experienced in life! And although I imagined that death would hold that same comfort, I still feared it. This course drew me closer to really believing the joy, release, and comfort I will find when I experience transitioning.
Cassandra Franklin-Barbajosa, Cheverly, Maryland


Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Bloom has invited other world-class teachers, colleagues, and spiritual guides with expertise in specific areas to join him throughout the year to share their wisdom.

These masters and mentors include Langston Kahn, Caitlin Matthews, William Meader, Jill Purce, David Spangler, and more. Click on images to read bios:

John Abdey
Mason & Educator

Langston Kahn
Author & Shamanic Practitioner

Caitlín Matthews
Author, Teacher & Co-founder of FíOS, the Foundation for Inspirational and Oracular Studies

William Meader
Teacher of Esoteric Philosophy & Astrology and Author

Avril Price
Tarot Master, Teacher & Consultant

Jill Purce
Voice Teacher, Family Constellations Therapist & Author

Mark Silver
CEO Heart of Business, Designated Master Teacher in His Sufi Lineage

David Spangler
Spiritual Explorer, Teacher & Writer

Felicity Warner
End-of-Life Doula, Educator & Founder of Soul Midwives

About Your Integration Facilitator


Martine Moorby
Reiki Master, Educator, Coach & Holistic Health Mentor

Martine Moorby is an experienced practitioner and educator in the field of holistic health, spirituality, and group facilitation. She supports and encourages seekers in the exploration of their own spiritual journey, enabling deeper awareness and more graceful shifts.

Following her heart’s calling, she left her role as a traditional professor to embrace a more holistic and spiritual approach. She helps people soothe anxiety, heal trauma, and explore what makes their own hearts sing, strengthening resilience and wellbeing. 

She is also one of the leading UK trainers of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Martine, a colleague of Dr. William Bloom’s for over a decade, helped develop the UK’s first government-approved vocational qualification in spirituality and health. 


For students on the Scholar Practitioner Path


For those pursuing a Scholar Practitioner certification, there will be 90-minute coaching sessions available monthly to students wanting guidance on study skills, time management, and essay writing.





Sandy Kemp is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and earned her BA and MA degrees in Education and worked as a special education teacher for nine years in the Iowa City Community School District. Sandy served as an officer and president of the University of Iowa Council for Exceptional Children chapter. In her teaching, she specialized in functional behavioral analysis.





Dawn D. Eidelman, PhD, serves as Chief Education Officer for The Shift Network. Her career as a professor-turned-education-entrepreneur is defined by her work as a passionate practitioner of transformational learning and leadership development. She was the co-founder of Mosaica Education, a leader in K-12 Charter and Partnership School education, honored by the U.S. Department of Education and Harvard University for educational innovation, leadership, and urban revitalization. In her 18 years at Mosaica, which she and her partners scaled from startup to 1,800 employees on three continents, she led a top-tier global design team to create an interdisciplinary hands-on journey through the history of great ideas in world culture. Her program had a dramatic impact in closing the equity and achievement gaps in the U.S. and UK.


Hoppi Wimbush: “I’ve Been Able to Experience the Presence of Love Within Me”

Phil Roberts: “William’s Ability to Normalize Complicated Subjects Is Incredible”

John Abdey: “I Have More Respect for William Than Almost Anyone Else I Know”

Sue Knight: “I Know That I’m a Better Person Having Met William”

Luca Terminiello: “I’m a More Stable, Calm, and More Connected Person”

Suzy Langdon: “Working With William Has Enabled Me to Open to Parts of Myself That I’d Closed Off”


Apply and Invest in Your Growth

Invest in yourself and bolster your contribution to our world with this first-of-its-kind Experiential Metaphysics certification program with Dr. William Bloom.

Please note: We limit the number of students in this exclusive training to ensure that each person receives an abundance of rich learning and support.

Note: If you’re a graduate of Dr. Bloom’s 7-module course, The Magic of Metaphysics, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this year-long certification program.







Enroll today and save $250!
(Limited-time offer)


Flexible payment options are available.

Scholar Practitioner




Enroll today and save $250!
(Limited-time offer)


Flexible payment options are available.


Enroll before August 16 to receive $250 off!


Reserve your spot today with a $250 refundable deposit due at the same time as your application.

If you need to cancel your application for any reason, this deposit is 100% refundable within five business days of payment. Should your application be declined, 100% of your deposit will be refunded.

Flexible payment options are available. Any applicable discounts will be deducted from the total amount at the time of purchase.

Upon acceptance of your application, your deposit will be applied to the total cost of the program and deducted in equal amounts from the balance due according to the payment plan you choose.


Metaphysicians Are Desperately Needed Right Now

Are You Ready?

If So, Start Your Application Here

To be considered for this Experiential Metaphysics certification program, we must receive your completed application and deposit by Midnight Pacific on September 4, 2023. If you’ve already submitted an application, thank you.

Have questions? Please visit our FAQs or book an information session with Program Manager CarolAnne Robinson here.

More Praise for Dr. William Bloom...

“William Bloom has an encyclopaedic knowledge of meditation.”

The Independent


“Britain’s leading and most experienced mind-body-spirit teacher.”

William Bloom is a modern Western mystic and considered by many to be Britain’s leading and most experienced mind-body-spirit teacher. The heart of his modernizing approach and inspiring courses is to help people discover their own best way to connect with the wonder and energy of life, and then support them in developing a regular spiritual practice.
Yoga Magazine


“A genius. Separates new-age nonsense from spiritual reality.”

Caroline Myss, internationally renowned speaker and author of Intimate Conversations with the Divine and Anatomy of the Spirit


“William’s wisdom and expert spiritual mentoring were practical, clarifying, and invaluable.”

meditation during the course made a huge difference to my spiritual development and peace of mind. And the compassionate listening we were regularly doing boosted my resilience. William’s wisdom and expert spiritual mentoring were practical, clarifying, and invaluable. After the course, I realized that year was one of my best years. I was in the flow state most of the time, and everything worked well in my life (personal and professional). I understood clearly that spiritual/transpersonal development can shift personal issues in a very efficient, elegant way and with ease, almost automatically. Many of my personal issues just disappeared because I’ve shifted to a mode of Being (as opposed to becoming). By going beyond myself, many blessings followed naturally and spontaneously. I attribute many of these benefits to this course one of the best investments in spiritual and personal development. I’m eternally grateful. 
Jan Cisek, environmental psychologist, London

Have questions? We invite you to visit our extended FAQ page. Additionally, you're welcome to book an information session here with Program Manager CarolAnne Robinson to answer any other questions you may have.


Once you complete your application, you will be directed to a page to submit your deposit. Your deposit must accompany your application in order to be considered. You will also be selecting the payment plan (pay-in-full is also an option) to commence once your application is accepted.

Within 5 business days of submission, you will receive an email with the status of your application. Your deposit is fully refundable for any reason within five business days of purchase.

About Shift

We call ourselves The Shift Network because we believe it will take millions of awake, connected, and inspired individuals to activate their full potential and collaborate on the changes needed to truly shift the consciousness of the planet. People from every race, creed, color, and national origin have their essential roles to play.

We have already served over 3,200,000 people
We have customers in 180 countries
We have featured over 3,100 thought leaders in multiple domains

I am blown away by the quality provided by The Shift Network. I have enrolled in two courses thus far the magnitude, the depth, the intelligence, the knowledge, and the teaching… is nothing short of amazing!

Dominique P. Gervais
