With Renowned Enneagram Teacher & Co-Author of Wisdom of the Enneagram
Russ Hudson
& Founder of Inspiration Consciousness School &
Co-Director of Global Professional Breathwork Alliance
Jessica Dibb
& Master Enneagram Teacher, Trainer, Consultant & Coach
Gayle Scott

New Live Online Video Training Starts
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Open to a Limited Number of Participants by Application Only
We hope you will join us!

We are excited to invite you to gather all you’ve received and worked for in your year-long program of intensive self-development, and learn to put it into action professionally in service to the healing and growth of others.

Through Enneagram wisdom and our transmissions and practices, we’ll help you cultivate your capacity as a teacher, coach, or therapist, and develop a profound understanding of how your Enneagram type can most effectively impact your students and clients as you serve them with unbroken presence, connection, and consciousness.

To do this, we’ve invited master Enneagram teacher Gayle Scott to join us in guiding you into the next level of your professional development: teaching and transmitting the practical wisdom of the Enneagram system to your own students or clients.

Russ & Jessica


For an entire year, you courageously dedicated yourself to what may have been the most profound personal inquiry and development of your life until now.

We honor the willingness, hard work, commitment, and wherewithal it takes to dig into the well of your being, time and again, and intentionally undergo that kind of powerful and sustained transformation.

The natural question is: How can you now take all that Jessica and Russ transmitted to you...

... and become a vehicle in service to what the Enneagram is truly about helping others along their awakening journey?

Russ and Jessica were asking themselves that same question over three decades ago, and it guided them to unprecedented levels of personal growth, learning, and professional development. It helped them fulfill their calling to contribute to personal and collective conscious transformation in ways that exceeded their expectations.

Inspired by your profound commitment and growth, and that of all the students in the year-long program, we feel called to share their experience, wisdom, insight, and skills with you for transmitting the practical wisdom of the Enneagram system to your own personal and professional circles.

With Gayle’s long-standing and far-reaching expertise as a prominent and renowned Enneagram teacher trainer, the upcoming teaching certification program was designed based on an approach that’s been tested over decades.

Together, Russ, Jessica, and Gayle have developed a comprehensive, unparalleled training program specifically for you with exciting teachings that are new and different from what you learned in A Year-Long Enneagram Certification Program in Conscious Living.


About the Teacher Training Certification

This is an advanced, comprehensive training that focuses on preparing you to become a masterful channel to transmit this extraordinary body of knowledge to others so you can help them be luminous tools of transmission for the Enneagram teachings.

This program will cover rich philosophical and theoretical ground, AND offer creative practices and practical tools for transmitting the Enneagram in educational and therapeutic settings.

You’ll dive even deeper into your own Enneagram personality structure to understand your intrinsic preferences and biases to reveal what unique aptitudes, gifts, and realizations YOU have to give as an Enneagram teacher in service to humanity.

You’ll look deeply at how the various habits of mind and traits of personality fixation and bias operate to distort your personal view and, thereby, may hinder your effectiveness as an educator, therapist, coach, or guide including the Centers of Intelligence, the nine Dominant Points /Types...

... the Instinctual Stacks, the Hornevian and Harmonic Triads, and the Essential Qualities with an emphasis on discovering how immensely your temperament will impact and shape the way you interpret, express, model, and teach or coach with the Enneagram.

Self-knowledge is imperative in realizing what fundamental qualities you hold that will make you the most exquisite teacher you can be and what may hinder you. The goal is to learn how to use the assets that will enhance your transmission, and work around those more limiting traits that have the potential to render you less potent.

Gayle, Russ, and Jessica will all provide you with creative tools and practices to develop your own genuine inner wisdom and intuition, and expand your awareness and confidence to educate, touch, enliven, and inspire your students and clients...

... as they strive to remember their own Essential Being and embrace who they truly are.

Throughout the seven months of this program, you’ll learn how to orient and prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally... to create and hold a powerful, nurturing, and safe container, maintain presence and energy...

... and generate the alchemy to nourish and support the authentic inner development and transformation of others.

You’ll also receive best practices and strategies for communicating and working with students to guide and support their individual processes.

One highly critical element of this training is the Teaching Labs, designed to empower you to deliver the material you’ve been studying and integrating over the past year.

For these labs, you’ll have the opportunity to prepare a 15-minute teaching on some aspect of the Enneagram, present it in real time to your fellow students, and receive structured constructive feedback from Gayle, Russ, or Jessica and your classmates.

As such, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the actual process of preparing material and teaching from presence an invaluable opportunity to discover, develop, and embrace your own unique refraction of teaching and offer it as it emerges through you.

By the end of this training program, you’ll undoubtedly feel practiced, prepared, and primed to take all you’ve learned and experienced into the world.. and teach the Enneagram with greater self-confidence and ease.

You’re sure to walk away with a renewed sense of how to proceed on your own continued maturation, particularly in relation to representing and teaching the Enneagram as a path to psychospiritual development and transformation.

You’ll feel activated and inspired with a shared sense of purpose ready and able to offer this practical wisdom and transcendent resource to others...

… empowering your students and clients to become more awake, self-aware, and connected to their own essential human potential.

Becoming certified as an Enneagram teacher and practitioner is a wonderful way to truly be of service to humanity to contribute directly to the psychic healing of society and the collective enlightenment of our world.


As a student in this program, you’ll:

  • Bring forth the fruits of all that you’ve learned in A Year-Long Enneagram Certification Program in Conscious Living... with a focus on interpreting and integrating your understanding of that material in order to become a masterful vehicle who will transmit this extraordinary body of knowledge with deep understanding and skill
  • Gain creative tools and practices for grounding in and sourcing all 3 Centers of Intelligence... locating and developing your genuine inner wisdom and intuition... and expanding your self-knowledge and self-confidence in order to be real and open, relax in presence, attune to your inner guidance and teach, touch, enliven, and inspire your students and clients to remember and embrace who they truly are
  • Develop a deeper awareness and understanding of the spiritual history, context, and implications of the Enneagram system of personality, and how your personal psychospiritual orientation and beliefs inform how you educate and coach
  • Undergo a focused exploration and understanding of your own Enneagram personality structures, along with their intrinsic preferences and biases including the Centers of Intelligence, the 9 dominant types, the Instinctual Stacks, the Hornevian and Harmonic Triads, and the Essential Qualities with an emphasis on how profoundly your particular personality profile impacts and shapes the way you interpret, express, model, and teach or coach with the Enneagram
  • Experience a greater awareness and understanding of your personal programming, predispositions, and experiential history that may get in the way and prevent you from showing up and teaching in the most authentic and compassionate way to generate openness, build confidence and trust, and have a transformational impact on students and clients
  • Learn how to orient and prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to create and hold a container, maintain presence and energy, and generate the alchemy to nurture and support the genuine inner development and transformation of others
  • Receive best practices and strategies for communicating and working with students to guide and support their individual processes
  • Cultivate deeper understanding and appreciation of all 9 Enneagram types based on your own lived experience enabling you to transmit your understanding of the types from the perspective of having inhabited each of them personally... as you’ll discover, this gives you a stronger sense of trust in teaching from what you know because it’s backed by your authentic living, evolving experience
  • And much more...

The descriptions of the multi-class units farther down on this page detail the specific and far-reaching content of this program.


Faculty (click for bios)

Russ Hudson

About Russ Hudson

Russ Hudson has established himself over the past three decades as one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram personality typology in the world. Actively involved in the Enneagram community, Russ is co-founder and president emeritus of The Enneagram Institute, as well as a founding director and former vice president of the International Enneagram Association. He’s been writing and teaching full time with The Enneagram Institute since 1991.

Russ has co-authored five bestselling books with Don Richard Riso, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. These books are widely considered to be not only groundbreaking contributions in the field of Enneagram studies, but also important contributions to the literature of psychological types. The pair developed a scientifically validated test instrument, the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI), now considered a standard test in the Enneagram field. The RHETI has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Russ has a solid background in science, as well as in studies of philosophy and religion. He approaches his work with the Enneagram holding both perspectives. He originally encountered the Enneagram through The Gurdjieff Work and sees it as a map for personal development and awareness, not merely a system for categorizing people. He has emphasized the importance of cultivating presence and mindfulness as a foundation for authentic work with the Enneagram, and has worked diligently to align the study of the Enneagram to spiritual practice, bringing their combined benefit into greater public awareness.

Russ has appeared on Good Morning America and The CBS Morning Show, as well as on several dozen radio and television shows as an expert on personality types. He has become a popular speaker at conferences and retreat centers around the world, including the Esalen Institute, the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, and the Science and Non-Duality Conference (SAND).

Jessica Dibb

About Jessica Dibb

Jessica Dibb is founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at Inspiration Consciousness School and Community, which is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. For more than 25 years she has designed and facilitated workshops, classes, and ongoing breath-centered trainings that are grounded in an integrated model of psychospiritual healing and development to support self-actualization.

Jessica’s teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life. Using integrative breathwork, the Enneagram, psychodynamic principles, movement, meditation, expressive modalities, and many other established and emergent wisdom teachings, she facilitates embodied awareness of each moment.

Jessica taught integrative breathwork at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for more than a decade, and she has presented at the International Enneagram Conference for the past 20 years. She co-directs the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA), and is current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee.

Jessica founded and hosts the annual Enneagram Global Summit, co-hosted the Breathwork Summit in 2012 and 2020, and was the weaver and visionary behind the innovative conference Breath Immersion: From Science to Samadhi, at Omega Institute and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Jessica, who initiated understanding of the “unified breath field,” is currently writing a book on integrating breathwork into psychotherapy.

Jessica is a founding board member of Convergence, a nonprofit organization working to promote dialogue and innovative solutions for the challenging social issues of our time. She was an advisor to the U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project, and served on the board of the United States Consensus Council for Search for Common Ground. Jessica is also project liaison for the United Nations Emergency Peace Service Project.

Her deepest passion is to foster evolving creativity and positive possibilities on our planet by supporting awakened consciousness, and the embodiment of love, wisdom, and presence in every moment… for all life.

Gayle Scott

About Gayle Scott

Gayle Scott, master Enneagram teacher, trainer, consultant, and coach, grew up in Santa Monica, California. In the summer of 1989, she discovered the ancient psychospiritual Enneagram system. This life-altering event prompted her to start a Southern California chapter of the International Enneagram Association and catapulted her into a lifelong personal and professional exploration of the sacred Enneagram mysteries.

Before she began her Enneagram journey, Gayle made her career in film and television production in the Hollywood and Canadian film industries. In the 1990s, while developing scripts, casting, and working with actors, she was creatively inspired to employ the Enneagram system in a narrative context as a laser-sharp tool for accurate psychological character development. Combining her professional expertise with her passion for the Enneagram, she introduced Hollywood to the Enneagram of personality and developed her pioneering specialty, Enneagram Consultant to Dramatis Personae. Her clientele included prominent stage and screen actors, opera singers, producers, directors, and screenwriters.

In 1993, Gayle began her professional Enneagram training in New York with world-renowned teachers and authors, Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson. After collaborating and apprenticing with them for several years, she began teaching their workshops, teacher trainings, and master classes in the U.S. and internationally. From 2007 to 2017, she served as senior faculty of the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Institute, where she oversaw the Professional Teacher Certification Program.

Gayle relocated to the Rocky Mountains above Boulder, Colorado in the summer of 2002. There she co-founded the original Colorado chapter of the IEA, developed and taught the first courses in Enneagram for Inner Transformation at the Buddhist-inspired Naropa University, and helped make Boulder the vital Enneagram center and destination it is today. Gayle served on the Global Board of Directors of the International Enneagram Association from 2005 to 2010. She was the Co-Chair and Program Director of the 2005 and 2010 Global Enneagram Conferences.

Gayle is a certified New Ventures West Integral Life Coach. Her work with clients combines the depth and breadth of the Enneagram with the richness of the Integral Coaching system.

Gayle is the director of the Enneagram Mystery School of the Southwest. She coaches, consults, and offers a variety of courses for enthusiasts. She also mentors and offers enrichment programs for established teachers and practitioners.


Adjunct Faculty (click for bios)

Russ and Jessica have selected two very special colleagues to share unique teachings. You’ll recognize these exceptional teachers from your year-long training. They’ll teach two sessions each during the program:

Julie Harris

Julie Harris

Julie Harris, Integration Facilitator and Lead Coach from the year-long certification program, is a certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram teacher, an IEA Accredited Professional, and an innovator in transmitting the gifts of the Enneagram through powerful visuals. As founder of Riverbend Coaching, Julie has used the Enneagram in client engagements for nearly two decades. She excels at blending diverse streams of wisdom into unique and actionable development plans that help clients move their ideas from concept to contribution.

A core part of Julie’s approach centers on working with the body, heart, and mind to move what’s stuck, focus what’s scattered, or open what seems closed. Her studies in this area include embodied development and breathwork at Inspiration Community, coaching certification with New Ventures West, hatha yoga certification and yogic studies in the Rajanaka tradition, Polyvagal Theory, and creative explorations in writing, art, photography, and voice.

Julie has taught Enneagram workshops, webinars, and retreats for personal growth, corporate team development, as part of university curricula, on The Shift Network’s Enneagram Global Summit, and at IEA conferences in California and Egypt. She is a co-founder of New York Enneagram.

Deborah Egerton

Deborah Egerton

Deborah Egerton, PhD, guest faculty from the year-long certification program, is an internationally respected psychologist, creative thought leader, executive coach, and corporate facilitator. She specializes in diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism work with individuals and organizations to create intentional culture change. As a member of the board of directors of the International Enneagram Association, she has helped bring more awareness about diversity and inclusion to the Enneagram community, where she is often referred to as the “Enneagram JEDI” (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion).

She is an IEA certified Enneagram practitioner, master teacher, and coach who uses the Enneagram for social justice work worldwide.

Deborah is the founder and president of Trinity Transition Consultants, a consultancy firm specializing in DE&I, executive and leadership team development, the Enneagram, and developmental team coaching. As a certified practitioner of the Enneagram, she leverages this tool for introspective self-discovery and organizational insight. Deborah has enabled her clients to get “unstuck” and move out of self-defeating negative organizational behavioral patterns.


Enneagram Teacher Training Certification

More About the Certification


One of the most important aspects of teaching effectively is having the confidence that you can.

In this program, you’ll specifically address your fears, insecurities, and anxieties about being a teacher as you learn about teaching and type, teaching and instinct, teaching and centers, teaching and wings... and more.

You’ll explore what you need to know about yourself to become a luminous transmitter of Enneagram wisdom.

You’ll come to deeply understand what you need to watch out for as a leader with all the mechanisms of your personality... and turn them all into your greatest strengths.

Your journey will begin by learning what may stand in the way of you becoming an excellent teacher, coach, or therapist already replete with information and passion...

... to being the best possible instrument you can be in offering this unparalleled system of wisdom in the world as a certified Enneagram educator and practitioner.

Over these seven months, you’ll gain the important insights, skills, and self-trust you need as an effective teacher of the Enneagram as you:

  • Move your focus from self-development to teaching
  • Receive profound and comprehensive instruction about teaching the Enneagram to others or using it in your professional coaching or therapeutic practice from a place of presence and love
  • Gain a vast amount of knowledge and creative tools for teaching the Enneagram
  • Have plenty of opportunity to practice teaching with your pod of co-students and receive feedback from expert faculty
  • Make sense of the massive amount of information you’ve gathered over the year-long program with Russ and Jessica, and learn how apply it through your own transmission to others
  • Understand yourself even more deeply through the lens of the Enneagram, and how your personality and your type is likely to manifest in you as a teacher, coach, or therapist
  • Learn how to use the assets of your type that will enhance your transmission as an educator, coach, or therapist, and work around those more limiting traits and biases that have the potential to render you less effective
  • Gain confidence that you’re able to bring the Enneagram teachings into the world with everything you need to know about yourself and the Enneagram wisdom and practices
  • Develop the trust that you can do what you’re called to do in a way that honors the sacredness of the Enneagram material and be an exceptional exemplar of the work
  • Realize how limited your perspective is as one Enneagram type, and how to widen your vision so you can clearly see yourself and those you teach or counsel
  • Receive creative tools and practices to develop your own genuine inner wisdom and intuition
  • Expand your self-knowledge and self-confidence to teach, touch, enliven, and inspire your students and clients
  • Come into consciousness of yourself as an instrument of transmission for the transformation of your students, clients, and humanity
  • Explore what different Enneagram types need as clients and students
  • Clarify your sense of purpose as you learn to contribute directly to the psychic healing of society and the collective enlightenment of our world
  • Learn to bring all the aspects of the Enneagram into your teaching or therapeutic practice
  • And much more...

The descriptions of the multi-class units farther down on this page detail the specific and far-reaching content of this program.


Program Details

  • Online Video & Audio Learning
    An in-depth curriculum with new teachings designed and taught by Russ, Jessica, Gayle, or adjunct faculty every week for 7 months including weekly 90-minute live online teaching and interaction with your faculty through Q&A, followed by 30-minute Peer Discussion Groups.
  • In-Depth Teacher Training Curriculum
    Three units each composed of multiple classes (27 weekly classes and 24 Teaching Labs) with a total of approximately 90 instructional hours. This is an extension of Russ, Jessica, and Julie’s year-long program. Combined with Gayle’s significant expertise in training teachers for the Enneagram Institute, this unparalleled team has designed a comprehensive teacher training program like no other.
  • Student Teaching Labs
    120-minute labs where students put their training into action. In the teacher’s seat, students will be guided, nurtured, and supported as they gain experience teaching, receive feedback from faculty (Gayle, Russ, or Jessica), and learn how to offer constructive feedback to fellow students (a total of 24 sessions).
  • Practice Pods
    Two 90-minute sessions per month over Zoom with an intimate group of 5-8 of your peers for practice and support throughout the duration of your training. Leadership will rotate among pod members so each member has an opportunity to practice leadership and teaching skills in the safety of a peer group.
  • Breathwork Sessions
    150-minute experiential breathwork sessions with Jessica and a breathwork support team will be offered at various times throughout the program, giving everyone an opportunity to experience the transformative power and impact of breathwork.
  • Online Community
    Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue your discussion about the teachings and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

Curriculum Details for Certification

Unit 1: Honing Your Instrument Foundations & Principles of Teaching the Enneagram/Consciousness & Orientation of the Teacher


As your journey begins, you’ll focus on interpreting and integrating all you’ve learned in the Year-Long Enneagram Certification Program in Conscious Living.

You’ll hone your instrument as you prepare to become a masterful, grounded, discerning channel who will transmit this extraordinary body of knowledge with deep understanding, skill, and genuine compassion.

As you acknowledge the profoundly illuminating psychospiritual dimensions of the Enneagram system, you’ll explore the fundamentals of the orientation of the teacher, asking: Who am I, and what am I bringing forth both consciously and unconsciously in my endeavor to faithfully represent this work to students and clients?

You’ll come to understand how habits of mind and traits of personality fixation and bias can distort your view and hinder your effectiveness as an educator and guide.

You’ll develop an awareness and appreciation of the significance of your personal narrative, character, and gifts as applied to Enneagram teaching, coaching, and consulting.

During Unit 1, you’ll discover:

  • An understanding of the spiritual history, context, and implications of the Enneagram and how your personal psychospiritual orientation and beliefs inform your teaching and coaching
  • A deeper understanding of your personal programming, predispositions, and experiences that can prevent you from showing up and teaching most authentically and compassionately so you can generate openness, build confidence and trust, and have a transformational impact on students and clients
  • A focused exploration and understanding of your own Enneagram personality structures, along with their intrinsic preferences and biases
  • A deeper understanding and appreciation of all 9 Enneagram types based on your own lived experience so you can transmit your understanding of the types from the perspective of having inhabited each of them personally
  • Creative tools and practices for grounding in and sourcing all 3 Centers of Intelligence locating and developing your own genuine inner wisdom and intuition, and expanding your self-knowledge and self-confidence
  • And much more...

Your Unit 1 classes include:

  • Class 1: Opening Class (Russ, Jessica, Gayle, Julie, and Deborah)
  • Class 2 : Community Gathering & Program Logistics (Ann)
  • Class 3: Orientation to Program Principles of Teaching & Introduction to Student Teaching & Feedback (Gayle)
  • Class 4: The Spiritual Context Orientation of Teacher (Gayle)
  • Class 5: Instructions & Guidelines for Student Teaching & Feedback Sessions (Gayle)
  • Class 6: The 3 Centers of Intelligence & Teaching (Gayle)
  • Class 7: Presentation Skills for Online Teaching & Q&A (Gayle & Ann)
  • Class 8: Enneagram Point / Type & Teaching I (Gayle)
  • Class 9: Enneagram Point / Type & Teaching II (Gayle)
  • Class 10: Transforming Our Fears & Resistances About Transmitting Enneagram Wisdom (Jessica)
  • Class 11: The Harmonic Triads & Teaching (Russ)
  • Class 12: Essential Qualities & Teaching (Gayle)
  • Class 13: The 3 Instincts & Teaching (Gayle)
  • Class 14: Enneagram Type Biases & Stereotypes (Gayle)
  • Three Student Teaching & Feedback Sessions

Unit 2: The Students, the Classroom & You Working With Students, Transmission, Class Structure, Experiential Work, Working Online, and Social & Cultural Issues


You’ll shift and expand your focus from a deep, introspective cultivation of you, the instructor to a broader focus on the interpersonal relationships and dynamics between teacher and student, or therapist/coach and client.

You’ll learn how to facilitate and maintain the classroom or session room as a safe and sacred container for the work.

You’ll explore strategies for facilitating exercises, answering questions, inviting participants into interactive inquiries, and supporting them throughout their process. You’ll explore how to maintain appropriate boundaries, debrief effectively, and offer constructive feedback and guidance.

When you teach, you’re consciously tuning into and creating a shared field, energetically vibrating together like tuning forks. The teacher is the initiator and conductor throughout...

The psychological and spiritual revelations of Enneagram studies can feel harsh, sometimes triggering strong emotional reactivity in your students. You’ll explore how to develop the capacity for “not leaving the seat” when dealing with troubled or difficult students and disruptive situations that can test your own emotional reactivity.

During Unit 2, you’ll explore:

  • Ways to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to create the container, maintain presence and energy, and generate the alchemy to nurture transformation
  • Best practices for communicating and working with students... guiding and supporting their individual processes... incorporating panels, group exercises, and audio-visual media... and dealing with difficult situations
  • Therapeutic transference and countertransference as it applies to therapists, teachers, counselors, and coaches
  • Teaching the Enneagram in forgein countries and to people of various cultures and ethnicities examining the critical issues of inclusion and diversity in your approach to teaching and facilitating groups
  • And much more...

Your Unit 2 classes include:

  • Class 1: Transference & Countertransference (Jessica)
  • Class 2: Class Structure, Design & Purpose (Gayle)
  • Class 3: Experiential Practices I (Julie)
  • Class 4: Experiential Practices II (Julie)
  • Class 5: Inclusion & Diversity I (Deborah)
  • Class 6: Inclusion & Diversity II (Deborah)
  • Class 7: Cultural Competency Teaching in Different Countries & Cultures (Russ)
  • Class 8: Transmission & Teaching (Jessica)
  • Class 9: Transmission & Teaching (Russ)
  • Class 10: Working With Students Issues & Strategies (Gayle)
  • Class 11: Co-Teaching 3 Centered Transmission With Extended Q&A Part I (Russ & Jessica)
  • Class 12: Co-Teaching 3 Centered Transmission With Extended Q&A Part II (Russ & Jessica)
  • Ten Student Teaching & Feedback Sessions

Unit 3: Student Teaching & Feedback Taking the Teacher’s Seat


Russ, Jessica, and Gayle will support your personal development and your ability to articulate and transmit the Enneagram in a mature, compassionate, and transformative way.

You’ll have the opportunity to prepare a 15-minute teaching on an aspect of the Enneagram and present it to your pod and teacher. You’ll then receive structured, constructive feedback from your teacher and several members of the class, plus written feedback from other attending students.

You’ll feel empowered to deliver the material you’ve been studying and integrating over the past months and years. It’s your opportunity to discover, develop, and embrace your unique refraction of teaching as it emerges through you.

This will be your chance to practice and abide in your own possibilities, learning to teach from a grounded presence connecting from a real, centered place within yourself.

At this point on your journey, you’ll learn to trust the material and the moment and trust in the truth of your own experience.

You’ll explore how to abide in presence, maintain focus, and connect with your students. This is an opportunity to show who you are as a teacher including what you choose to say to pique your students’ interest and curiosity, winning their trust and confidence as you invite them into this sacred endeavor.

During Unit 3, you’ll:

  • Complete this program with a renewed sense of what you need for your continued maturation and inner work as you represent and teach the Enneagram as a path to psychospiritual development and transformation
  • Have a deeper appreciation for the process of preparing material and teaching from presence
  • Cultivate an embodied experience of teaching in front of a live class and working with the Enneagram yourself
  • Feel sufficiently practiced to go out into the world to teach the Enneagram with ease, expertise, and self-confidence
  • Become equipped to inspire and empower your students and clients to become more connected to their own human potential and possibilities thus contributing to the healing benefits of humanity
  • And much more…

Your Unit 3 classes include:

  • Eleven Student Teaching & Feedback Sessions
  • One Signature Class Bringing It All Together
  • One Finale & Farewell (Russ, Jessica, Gayle, Julie, and Deborah)

What You’ll Receive in This Program

Twenty-Eight 120-Minute Class Sessions

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored in the art of teaching by Russ, Jessica, Gayle, and adjunct faculty online, from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a livestreaming video option and guides you to immerse yourself in advanced, comprehensive, practical teachings. You’ll receive experiential practices and opportunities to build your skills and catalyze profound transformation. Weekly teaching sessions are on Wednesdays at 10:00am Pacific, include 30-minute practice / discussion time, and will be recorded.

Twenty-Four 120-Minute Student Teaching Labs

As part of the core curriculum, Student Teaching Labs will be led by Gayle, Russ, or Jessica. This is where you’ll put all you’ve learned into action and be empowered to deliver the material you’ve been studying and integrating over the past months in 15-minute teachings. You’ll receive direct and deeply nurturing feedback from your faculty and peers. Teaching Labs, held on Mondays (and on Wednesdays later in the program) at 10:00am Pacific, will be recorded for you to study and learn from time and again.

Two 90-Minute Practice Pods Every Month

Twice each month, you’ll meet with a group of 5-8 fellow participants on Zoom. Here, you’ll have more personalized discussions and experiences... as you continue to explore type and the Enneagram system, practice teaching skills, and step into a leadership role. Leadership rotates in the pods, so each student experiences what it’s like to take the lead in a group an important part of being a teacher. As with Learning Labs in the year-long program, Practice Pods will not be recorded (to ensure safety and confidentiality), so live attendance is required.

Special Teachings Included in the Certification

Throughout the training, you’ll be guided by Julie in designing and facilitating experiential practices for the greatest impact. Deborah will offer her teaching guidance, with a focus on diversity and inclusion. Gayle will offer a session in online teaching, and Jessica and her team of breathworkers will offer several breathwork sessions.

Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each online weekly class and Teaching Lab, the digital video will be available for you to stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each online weekly class and Teaching Lab, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Online Community

Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.


The Power of Livestreaming Video


You’ll connect with Russ, Jessica, Gayle and their adjunct faculty through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of the transmissions.

While we hope you’ll attend the sessions live, you’ll be able to access the recordings of the weekly classes and the Student Teaching Labs if you occasionally need to miss. As you’ll discover, your live attendance is integral to your learning, understanding, and community connection.

Weekly Classes on Wednesdays. Teaching Labs on Mondays. Both at 10:00am Pacific

This program will feature LIVE teaching transmissions and practices; Teaching Labs with feedback from Gayle, Russ, or Jessica; two monthly Practice Pods; and Q&A. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones to help you develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to receive the highest benefit from this comprehensive study.


What Graduates of Russ and Jessica’s Courses Are Saying…

Beth Ronsick: “I Grew So Much, and I Grew Up a Lot”

Emily McCay: “Jessica and Russ Have Both the Capacity and the Authentic Desire to Facilitate an Evolution in Human Consciousness”

“An extraordinary experience.”

This program supported me through a major integration in my personal life concerning childhood abuse, it supported and transformed my relationship with my spouse, and it opened up and helped me clarify my work intentions. Overall an extraordinary experience.
Karen, Castro Valley, California

“The shifts have been transformational.”

The shifts have been transformational. Both my personal and professional lives have altered. As someone who is a dominant 8SO, I tended to neglect not only myself, but also my family. I have now created balance and harmony after seeing how my self-preservation was neglected. I am also more available for my family. On the professional side, I am increasingly tapping into other qualities which enable me to be of service by providing coaching sessions and creating spaces for women executives to activate their own power with ease and grace. As a Senior United Nations Official and someone who has led large-scale humanitarian operations, I have experienced that I can be of service by creating safe spaces for other leaders to emerge.
Metsi Makhetha, Johannesburg, South Africa

“I am so excited about how this program is carrying me forward into realizing my dreams.”

This program infused me with so much knowledge and appreciation for how the Enneagram is a dynamic, living craft that can move us into the terrain of our truly authentic selves and relationships. I have become more knowledgeable and confident, while simultaneously feeling more humbled and human. And I am so excited about how this program is carrying me forward into realizing my dreams.
Krista Larkspur, San Francisco, California

“This class was a true awakening for me, and I appreciated that it got to the truth of what the Enneagram is meant to be!”

This class was a true awakening for me, and I appreciated that it got to the truth of what the Enneagram is meant to be! The best part is that it was done in community!
Mary Holmes, Atlanta, Georgia

“I experience peace and patience, and I have been able to experience what love really is...”

At the beginning of this program I wanted to learn to meet myself again, who am I really at the core? And of course really discovering and learning to apply the power of the Enneagram. Much to my surprise, following this program has allowed me to uproot a deep-seated trauma that had completely blocked communication with my heart. By understanding the Enneagram and starting to understand, experience, and feel what ”being in the present” really means, it has brought me a lot of understanding and compassion for myself and for others and the world. As a point 8, I have become much softer and kinder to myself and the other. I experience peace and patience, and I have been able to experience what love really is, and I have been able to meet myself again, which has made my (work) life richer.
Ismay, Alkmaar, The Netherlands


What People Are Saying About Gayle Scott…

“Gayle’s greatest gift is the way she creates and holds a space that envelops the whole group in love...”

Gayle’s greatest gift is the way she creates and holds a space that envelops the whole group in love and gifts an unspoken permission for each of us to open fully to receive and to offer that love to each other. Gayle is a beautiful example of her own personality type, and by making the types come alive, she encourages us to aspire to understand ourselves, our behavior patterns, and the rest! Thank you, Gayle, for simply being yourself.
John Huxtable, interfaith minister and Maureen Huxtable, educational therapist, Chalfont St.Peter, Bucks, United Kingdom

“Gayle is so lovely and compelling, both in her style and in her incredible grasp of this fascinating Enneagram work.”

Gayle is so lovely and compelling, both in her style and in her incredible grasp of this fascinating Enneagram work. She has a way of teaching that causes immediate shifts and insights into my life, my relationships, and my work. I am truly grateful for her.
Francesca Painter, executive coach, FKP Coaching

“[Gayle] has helped me get beyond judgment to a place of compassion, acceptance, and peace with myself and others.”

I am so grateful for Gayle and her work. She has helped me to see the bigger picture with more heart. Her work has provided insight, clarity, and truth. She has helped me get beyond judgment to a place of compassion, acceptance, and peace with myself and others. What a gift!
Lori Y., nutritionist, Durango, Colorado

“Gayle is exceptional in her knowledge of Enneagram and her ability to convey it to an audience.”

Gayle is exceptional in her knowledge of Enneagram and her ability to convey it to an audience. This was an amazing experience. As a neophyte in the whole Enneagram process, I was amazed at the revelations that came to me about my own personality, strengths and challenges, but also those of my family members. It will make me much more observant, understanding, and compassionate. This was a very special weekend in my life.
Dr. Joanne S. Ihrig, professor at the University of Denver

“Gayle clearly models the work and makes the Enneagram come alive in many rich and meaningful ways for students.”

Gayle brings a delightful range of gifts to her teaching, including depth of knowledge in multiple wisdom traditions, research connecting neuroscience to personality, and stimulating explorations of types as they show up in public figures and film. Gayle clearly models the work and makes the Enneagram come alive in many rich and meaningful ways for students.
Cindy Marteney, executive leadership coach, Salt Lake City, Utah

Join the Global Community


The Enneagram Teacher Training Certification offers some of the most advanced online Enneagram training available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Reconnect with fellow students and practitioners from around the world to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Gayle Scott will share in this powerful certification program.


An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Enneagram Teacher Training Certification


We feel honored that Russ, Jessica, and Gayle have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with Enneagram experts whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about immersing yourself in a world-class training certification program, and doing the intense work necessary to use the transmissions you previously received in service to the healing and growth of others as a teacher, coach, or therapist we hope you’ll consider applying for this one-of-a-kind program. Jessica, Russ, and Gayle are deeply humbled to journey with those who are ready for this next level of calling and commitment.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the Apply Now button below to start the process now.


Total Program Investment:

Certification Program

$3,000 when paid in full
2 monthly payments of $1,530
or 5 monthly payments of $660


Are You Ready?
If So, Start Your Application Here


To be eligible for the Enneagram Teacher Training Certification , you must have successfully completed the Year-Long Enneagram Certification Program in Conscious Living requirements for certification or plan to complete by December 1, 2022.

To consider you for this Enneagram Teacher Training Certification,we must receive your completed application by Midnight Pacific on January 4, 2023. If you’ve already submitted an application, thank you! We’ll begin responding to applications within one week of the application submission.


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More Praise for Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb...

“... his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life.”

Russ Hudson is a gifted teacher and wise scholar who offers some of the deepest and most comprehensive understanding of the transformative power of the Enneagram. By helping me to become aware of the habitual patterns of thinking and acting that keep me a prisoner of my personality, his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life. The Enneagram is complex and multi-dimensional, and I always look forward to hearing more from Russ about the unfolding nature of his beautiful work.
Cheryl Richardson, author of Waking Up in Winter: In Search of What Really Matters at Midlife

“Puzzles that I had been pondering for years... were resolved...”

With Jessica and Russ’ expert holding of the space, I was able to grasp what happens to pull me away from my experience of presence, as well as the operation of all of the nine Enneagram energies in me. Puzzles that I had been pondering for years about my relationship to receiving were resolved, as I experienced the energy of my “missing piece.” The term “life-changing” is used a lot, I know. But I can’t think of another one that more accurately describes my experience.
Ann Kirby, RH Certified Teacher, EnnCourage, Inc.

“Jessica and the Inspiration process [are] an integral part of my spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing...”

Jessica and the Inspiration process were, and continue to be, an integral part of my spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing with many tools to create safety and heighten awareness of self, of creator, and of interfaith connections. I am so blessed to have Jessica as a major teacher and mentor in my life. The people I have met through the many classes I have taken are exceptional spiritual warriors who have the power to create shalom, salaam, namaste, and peace in this world.
Shoshana Shamberg

“Russ is a master...”

Russ is a master in the Enneagram and in heartfelt understanding, respect, and kindness to fellow beings. In his presence, something pure inside gets awakened.
Sajili, Mumbai, India

“Jessica Dibb is unique...”

Jessica Dibb is unique because she embraces an integrated, psychospiritual approach that proactively helps students become aware of their habits (and/or unconscious patterning) and provides multiple methodologies to help build their self-realization. These strategies range from exercise and movement to intimate dialogue, and from deconstructing core wounds to laugh therapy. It’s all grist for the mill of expanding consciousness, gracious, and loving relational interdependence, and a spiritually expanded perspective.
Pat Waddell


To be eligible for the Enneagram Teacher Training Certification , you must have successfully completed the Year-long Enneagram Certification Program in Conscious Living requirements for certification or plan to complete by December 1, 2022.

To consider you for this Enneagram Teacher Training Certification program, we must receive your completed application by Midnight Pacific on January 4, 2023 .


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the price point and do you offer payment plans?


A: The investment is $3,000 USD if paid in full (2- and 5-month payment plans are available).

If you register with a payment plan, your first payment will be due upon registration, and subsequent payments will be automatically processed every 30 days until complete. The total payment plan price includes a finance charge.


Q: Are scholarships available?


A: A limited number of partial scholarships are available. For more information and to apply for a partial scholarship, click here (do not fill out a regular program application).


Q: What is the refund policy?


A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this program is our highest priority! Your purchase will be refundable on or before Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 . Refunds will not be available after this date.

To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: What will this program certify me to do?


A: Successful completion of this program will certify you to teach the Enneagram and/or bring the Enneagram into your professional practice as a coach, therapist, spiritual companion, or other helping professional.


Q: What are the program details and schedule for the certification program?


A: All sessions will be held online through Zoom. There will be no in-person engagement.

The 7-month program begins on January 18, 2023, and ends on August 21, 2023.

Weekly Classes (teachings): 120 minutes per week on Wednesdays (and Mondays for Unit 1) at 10:00am Pacific. Students may attend live on Zoom or access the recording soon after. Students are expected to attend / review all class sessions. Recordings will be provided.

Student Teaching Labs: 120 minutes weekly, starting with Unit 2, Mondays at 10:00am Pacific, facilitated by either Russ, Jessica or Gayle. Students are required to teach one 15-minute session during the program. We ask students to attend two Student Teaching Labs each month and share feedback responses with eight fellow students monthly starting with Unit 2 (details to come).


Q: If I participate, how many hours per month should I plan to dedicate to this certification program?


A: This will vary, depending on whether you choose to attend all offerings or the minimum requirement, and how long you spend on assessments and teaching preparation, but on average, you can expect to spend approximately 18-25 hours per month on this program.


For answers to additional questions about the Enneagram Teacher Training Certifiction, please see our extended Frequently Asked Questions support page.

To consider you for this Enneagram Teacher Training Certification program, we must receive your completed application by Midnight Pacific on January 4, 2023 .
