With Internationally Renowned Herbalist, Mycologist, Clinician &
Research Scientist
Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Deepen your journey toward emotional wellness, psychological freedom, and lightness of spirit by understanding the history, state-of-the-art research, and best practices for wise use and holistic integration of psychedelic experiences with mushrooms.


Have you been curious about the benefits of working consciously with psilocybin mushrooms (aka “magic mushrooms”), and do you want to explore a wise, grounded, and safe path toward a relationship with them?

Perhaps you had mixed experiences in the past in a recreational setting and now would like to explore them in a safe, intentional, and therapeutic way.

Or perhaps you’ve never experienced them but are ready because of the extensive new research affirming their clinical and therapeutic benefits.

To explore this transformational (and potentially challenging) tool for healing, it’s ideal to have a trustworthy expert take you by the hand and guide you step by step through the entire process so you understand the history, science, and legalities… and ultimately feel the confidence to have safe and supportive experiences with them.

Our mission at Shift is facilitating long-lasting transformation in body, mind, and spirit especially when new science and practices become available. We’re committed to helping you connect with the knowledge, insights, and resources necessary to elevate your consciousness, cultivate wellbeing, and liberate your spirit.

A significant cultural backlash to recreational use of psychedelics led to fearful attitudes and suppressive laws for more than 60 years. But that’s now changing quickly as the focus switches to healing. 

A new wave of interest in psychoactive compounds is firmly grounded in solid scientific research, psychological sophistication, and sober caution about ensuring safety, so that these compounds can truly help better people’s lives.

Common effects of working with psychedelic mushrooms can include euphoric feelings of wellbeing and fulfillment, a different perception of life, higher energy levels, and an altered sense of time among many other inward stimulations of the imagination and emotional body. Psychedelics are also known to open us up to an expanded sense of selfhood, typically accompanied by the spiritual feeling of the supreme unity of everything we can conceive of… and beyond.

But, working intentionally with mushrooms is not about getting high, per se even under the guise of spiritual experiences. These mushrooms have shown themselves to be practical and effective agents of mental and physical health, with benefits that include addressing the impacts of anxiety, depression, PTSD, end-of-life fears, and addictions. And as research suggests the mushrooms are nootropics and neurotrophics, they can also have neural longevity and plasticity benefits.

So, what does a healthy and safe way to work with these sacred medicinal plants look like?

In this 7-module video course with highly respected clinical herbalist, scientist, and researcher Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc, you’ll explore in depth the opportunities, promise, and potential pitfalls of psilocybin mushrooms.

Christopher is uniquely qualified as a clinician and a trained herbalist to be your guide along this path, which will look more like a series of cycles than a straight line…

How you’ll experience this course is how you might experience a course preparing you to summit Mount Kilimanjaro, or create your own set of dishes with a potter’s wheel… it’s practical and there are clear-cut steps along the way but there’s also challenge and risk to understand and prepare for… with an ultimately satisfying, artful, and exhilaratingly mysterious experience as the result.

Christopher has taken special care to lay this class out like you might prepare for journeying with a properly licensed facilitator: 

  • Prep the science of how it works, legalities, etc.
  • Access how to purchase or even get spores and grow your own, etc.
  • Experience what psilocybin does to the brain, what can be expected, set, setting, etc.
  • Integrate contemplation, journaling, meditation, etc.

He’ll even cover the steps to choose your own facilitator if you decide you’d prefer to work with someone in that way.

Please note that The Shift Network does not advocate or support the breaking of any laws. We are aware that there are various levels of experimentation and legalization efforts underway, and our goal is to provide you with the best information to enable you to make your own decisions about when and how to engage with this new field of transformation.


During this in-depth guide for psychedelic healing, you’ll:

  • Explore how to step onto the path with intention the promises (and cautions) of psychedelic medicine, cultivating a more expansive attitude toward psychedelics, and deepening your understanding of their value to our individual and collective wellbeing
  • Explore a detailed history of psilocybin mushrooms where they were found, how they became popular (and then illegal), and what the current landscape looks like
  • Discover how, for people who like to garden, growing your own mushrooms is easier than you might think
  •  Take important steps on your own inner hero’s journey to restore emotional, psychological, and physical wellness as well as establish a profound connection with your own higher wisdom
  • See the value of reliable facilitators and mentors on this path and discover how to find one for yourself
  • Have a detailed understanding of how to prepare for a psychedelic journey if you choose to undertake one including set, setting, support, and dosages
  • Understand the importance of integrating your experience for a complete cycle of healing and inner renewal


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational course, Christopher will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to work with psilocybin mushrooms in the most conscious way.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Christopher. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to deepen your journey toward emotional wellness, psychological freedom, and lightness of spirit by understanding the history, state-of-the-art research, and best practices for wise use and holistic integration of psychedelic experiences with mushrooms.

Module 1: Stepping on the Path With Intention The Promises (and Cautions) of Psychedelic Medicine


This opening session begins the way you want to begin any experience with psychedelic medicine… with intention. You're lead through a meditation exercise to visualize your inner world and open to the spiritual essence of the mushroom guiding spirit as it exists on subtle energetic levels, allowing you to begin connecting with this sacred energy medicine without even having to physically ingest it.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Hear about Christopher’s own spiritual awakening, which launched him on the path of inner expansion in his early 30s
  • Explore how modern humans were thought to have arisen with the discovery of fire, the role psilocybin and other hallucinogens may have played in informing our great leap in brain capacity, and the many steps of growing consciousness over the eons since
  • Contemplate research on the ego, the internal conversation with “ourselves,” and how specific regions in the brain are associated with our sense of self
  • Delve into how medicinal mushrooms can help you navigate the difficult journey to see the contrived, protective ego for what it is as a complex construct from many sources such as conditioning by parents, guardians, teachers, and society on how to act and how to be, defining our limits and value as people
  • Develop compassion for yourself while you integrate a pragmatic approach that this medicine affords in healing the part of you that has become entombed by early traumatic events that has developed to keep you safe from pain, anger, and sadness but that also keeps you from realizing your greatest sense of thriving and aliveness throughout your precious life

Module 2: History & Legalities of Psilocybin Mushrooms


Twenty-five states in the U.S. are in the process of studying psychedelics for medicine and some cities and states have already decriminalized psilocybin and other substances. Clinical trials performed so far support benefits for mood disorders, addictions, existential fear that can occur after a cancer diagnosis, and much more.

Get ready to explore a historical review of psychotropic use, the legal landscape, and the science behind psychedelic medicine, including:

  • A brief history of psychedelic medicine in general throughout the ages
  • The 3 Delphic maxims, the Eleusinian mysteries, and the hero’s journey
  • Stories about the discovery of psilocybin mushrooms with Maria Sabina, Albert Hofmann, and Gordon and Valentina Wasson
  • Training, lineage, and practices of Don Antonio, a third generation ayahuascero
  • A historical view of the banning of psychedelic research and substances in the 1960s... and the resurgence in current times with major companies getting involved in the commercialization of psychedelics
  • How psychotropics affect brain architecture (modeling, strengthening of synaptic connections, untangling disordered networks, neurogenesis)

Module 3: Understanding the Health Science & Psychotherapeutics of Psilocybin


You'll get into the latest discoveries on brain function and neurophysiology, how psilocybin affects functioning, its mechanisms of action, an overview of neurochemical pathways, and how neurochemicals make us feel (featuring major neurotransmitter messengers serotonin and gaba as well as benzodiazepine, cannabinoid, and others).

This module includes sections on: 

  • The neurotrophic factors (molecules) within mushrooms that enhance the growth and survival potential of neurons
  • Scientific research and clinical trials supporting benefits such as research finding that psilocybin might act as a neurotropic
  • Brain architecture, default mode network, and the ego structure and functions
  • How psilocybin and other hallucinogens act as a serotonin agonist
  • Major brain chemical receptors, pathways, and how they interact
  • Edibles since they can be an acquired taste to many (mixing mushrooms with your favorite foods is an easy way to consume them)
  • Extracts psilocybin is present in over 200 species of mushrooms, and can be easily extracted
  • Alkaloid extraction from psilocybin mushrooms
  • Zide Door, a church in Oakland, California that supports the safe access and use of entheogenic plants, including psilocybin mushrooms

Module 4: Access, Preparation & Logistics


When considering psilocybin as an ally in this life’s journey, many questions can arise. After addressing safety issues and the efficacy of psilocybin for helping ease our suffering and reduce psychological and emotional symptoms like depression, anxiety, and addiction, another important question arises: How can I obtain some mushrooms?

It’s natural to wonder how to buy them… if they’re really psilocybin instead of some other more toxic species… if it’s safe to buy them… and how much it will cost. It is wise to question this process and even the mushrooms themselves. 

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to safely identify species from the genus Psilocybin
  • The 5 characteristics that have to be present to help ensure safe identification in the wild or even for dried or freshly cultivated mushrooms
  • Opportunities that are opening up monthly for purchasing high-quality mushroom fruiting bodies
  • How, for people who like to garden, growing your own mushrooms is easier than you might think sterile spore syringes are available for several strains of psilocybin, as are many instructional videos, books, and articles that detail how to go about it step by step
  • How to take them… fresh, dried, or by extract or tincture
  • How long the preparation lasts (the alkaloids can break down over time in some conditions), how to stabilize the activity over time, and how to store them
  • How to combine psilocybin with other herbs, such as kava or chocolate

Module 5: Working With a Psychedelic Assisted Therapist/Facilitator


It’s time to explore the importance of facilitators, facilitator networks, and underground facilitators. You’ll learn how to work with facilitators, what they do and can offer, and how they can help you integrate and practice the important healing and transformative insights and lessons gained during a session.

This module will touch on:

  • The meaning and role of guides and facilitators
  • Training and the curricula of available courses
  • Academic training and licenses required
  • How to choose the facilitator and where to find the best
  • What a facilitator does, their training, their experience, and how to decide who’s right for your journey
  • Costs and options
  • Other hallucinogenic modalities and their potential therapeutic benefits: MDMA, ketamine, psilocybin at higher doses, 5-MeO-DMT, MDA
  • Typical steps during psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and how you’ll feel before, during, and after
  • A case study of Oregon, the first state to decriminalize psychedelic substances and publish draft guidelines for training programs, cultivation, products, selling, and marketing (as of January 1, 2023)

Module 6: The Experience Set, Setting, Support & Dosages


When it comes to the effects of psilocybin, for any set, setting, and personal need, dose is a critical factor in how things will go. Start low and go slow is often a good idea. This module covers all aspects of dosing how much to take and how often for each situation and intention (such as enhancing creativity or mindfulness).

Two major ways of using psilocybin are microdosing and macrodosing. Microdosing is taking a very small amount of the mushroom to enhance creativity, mindfulness, spiritual practice, alertness, or connectedness with nature, others, or ourselves.

With macrodosing, we’re getting into higher doses, where time can stand still and suddenly we find ourselves in a new world of discoveries, possibilities, and powerful insights into our very nature as a unique individual and the path to our true selves. People taking these higher therapeutic doses consistently report that the experiences they have are among the most profound spiritual experiences of their lives!

This session goes through the many uses and potential benefits of microdosing and share his more than 40 years of personal experience featuring stories of how it’s helped him and many others look at and release old habits, outdated ways of thinking about the world, and false notions about personal limitations.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Address important practical considerations before, during, and after an experience
  • Hear about Christopher’s own experiences and those of others, garnering insights into a broad spectrum of experiences
  • Look at reports detailing the potential downsides of long-term use
  • Explore clear guidelines for dose, frequency, set, and setting
  • Cover synergistic herbs (kava, syrian rue, etc.) to use with psilocybin microdosing for various entourage effects and how this can benefit you

Module 7: Integrating Your Experience


In this final module, you'll review the material covered in this course.

You’ll also explore the importance of integration after a psychedelic journey. Integration is the process of remembering and noting the most powerful insights and experiences we had during the journey for our own self-knowledge and transformation.

In this module, you'll contemplate the practices, which include:

  • Counseling, psychotherapy, and somatic therapies
  • Embracing some ancient practices that are not religious in nature, such as Buddhism and the practice of lovingkindness
  • Spending time reading inspirational works, such as those from Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, etc. 
  • Daily physical exercises and practices for aiding integration yoga, Tai Chi, self-massage, walking, tapping, and more
  • Daily mindfulness practice, conscious breathing, meditation, following a path of service, and helping others
  • Psychologist Gabor Maté’s many talks, classes, and books focused on healing childhood and ancestral trauma
  • Exploring the use of psychedelics for healing addiction, depression, anxiety, and more


The The Magic Mushrooms Course Bonus Collection

In addition to Christopher’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus collection to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Handmade Herbal Medicines
Recipe Ebook From Dr. Christopher Hobbs

Unlock the power of herbal medicines with this 124-page guide to DIY remedies. Expert herbalist Dr. Christopher Hobbs provides you with 43 ways to craft natural concoctions from the comfort of your own home. Learn how to make tea infusions, decoctions, tinctures, powdered extracts, creams, salves, and more, all tailored to suit your daily needs. With recipes for stress relief, immune support, better sleep, and beyond, this ebook is an indispensable addition to your wellness toolkit. Clear step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations make it easy for you to whip up delightful creations in your own kitchen.


Stress & Natural Healing
PDF Ebook From Dr. Christopher Hobbs

In today’s society, stress and tension often loom ominously over our heads, causing a multitude of health problems. In response to this, the Stress & Natural Healing ebook aims to alleviate such concerns by emphasizing relaxation as a crucial aspect of maintaining good health. This 224-page comprehensive guide explores new and exciting areas of research to provide practical self-help methods that will help you navigate the murky waters of stress with ease. If you want to protect yourself against the harmful effects of stress and build resilience, this book will provide clear guidance and help you live a more balanced and fulfilling life.


What People Are Saying ABout Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc…

“A great confidence booster!”

This course gave me a stronger foundational knowledge of the medicinal mushrooms presented, along with practical information and skills that I could put into practice right away. The Q&A sessions were great, and Christopher Hobbs’ open style of communicating made us able to ask any question. He gave good advice on finding others in your area and building community. A great confidence booster!
Wanda, Corinth, Vermont

“[Christopher’s] courses never disappoint me.”

I gained clarity on how to identify mushrooms and their medicinal and nutritional values. Christopher covers an abundance of knowledge in a short time. His courses never disappoint me. I always find the courses through The Shift Network very informative and interesting.
Holly, Rhame, North Dakota

“I love Dr. Hobbs, and the information I learned in the course has changed my life for the better.”

Jennifer Goodwin, Portland, Maine

“I am pleased to have a start on my mushroom journey.”

I am pleased to have a start on my mushroom journey. I hope to integrate the helpful information from Dr. Hobbs in my healing journey with a recent diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. I would also like to utilize the information on microdosing as this diagnosis and recent loss of my mother has been an existential challenge that I would like to work through.
Carrie, Peninsula, Ohio

“I am looking into growing my own mushrooms, including reishi and lion’s mane, to aid with my health issues.”

I have included more mushrooms into my weekly diet and am trying mushrooms beyond the button type. I am looking into growing my own mushrooms, for example reishi and lion’s mane, to aid with my health issues. My goal is to avoid the pharmaceuticals that stop working and having to deal with all the side effects.
Lynda Brush, Ontario, Canada


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Pre-Recorded 120-Minute Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from internationally renowned herbalist and clinical scientist Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and will guide you to deepen your journey toward emotional wellness, psychological freedom, and lightness of spirit by understanding the history, state-of-the-art research, and best practices for wise use and holistic integration of psychedelic experiences with mushrooms.

Seven Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The The Magic Mushrooms Course Bonus Collection
  • Handmade Herbal Medicines
    PDF Recipe Ebook From Christopher Hobbs
  • Stress & Natural Healing
    PDF Ebook From Christopher Hobbs

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, The Magic Mushrooms Course


We feel honored that Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an internationally renowned herbalist and mycologist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about deepening your journey toward emotional wellness, psychological freedom, and lightness of spirit by understanding best practices for wise use of psychedelic mushrooms, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Magic Mushrooms Course or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc…

“I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants an in-depth knowledge of herbal medicine and energetic principles.”

Thank you for a terrific course. I especially appreciated the organization of the material by major body system and the holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment. The blend of lectures, slide presentations, and text provided a thorough, well-rounded, integrated course on herbal medicine. The lessons were very detailed and thorough, and I learned a tremendous amount from them. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants an in-depth knowledge of herbal medicine and energetic principles.
Julie Herzog, Elderberry Herb Farm, Sharon Springs, New York

“Thank you for creating this program!”

In the past, I never thought I’d do well with this type of program, as I prefer a classroom setting. However, once I saw Christopher’s presentation, I realized how in-depth and good this program would be for me. I have enjoyed each chapter and even though some is overview, I still learned more than I knew before. I have encouraged others to take this program because of the incredible instructional background and development, and how easy this is to fit into my current busy lifestyle. I am excited to progress onward through this study, and know this work will lead me to more of what I like in the herb profession.
Kelly Clonts, manager at Peachtree Natural Foods, Atlanta, Georgia

“I have explored many herbal distance-learning programs, and this course is by far superior.”

I have explored many herbal distance-learning programs and this course is by far superior. The material is presented so that it’s easily understandable with great references, making the information easy to retain. The course goes beyond theory, and presents practical information that you can begin using immediately. I am finally making my own herbal remedies that are benefitting myself, my family, and friends. I would highly recommend Dr. Hobbs’ program to anyone interested in studying the wonder of herbs!
L.M. Vellucci, martial arts instructor, Redmond, Oregon

“I highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of herbal medicine.”

The course has been an amazing adventure for me. There is so much information packed in a very organized way that builds from one lesson to the next. There’s an underlying theme throughout that helps one grasp concepts along the way. I especially loved the way that problems in each body system are addressed with well-defined herbal formulas that one can make. The information about the herbs themselves is invaluable, and I know I will be referring back to this course always. The course quizzes are a way to consolidate the information gained from each lesson, and at the end of each lesson one can continue with the additional projects listed, so the learning goes on! I highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of herbal medicine.
Monique Portanger, registered and licensed occupational therapist


About Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc

Dr. Christopher Hobbs is a fourth-generation internationally renowned herbalist, licensed acupuncturist, herbal clinician, research scientist, consultant to the dietary supplement industry, expert witness, botanist, and mycologist with over 40 years of experience. The author or co-author of more than 20 books, he lectures on herbal medicine worldwide.

Dr. Hobbs has taught at numerous universities and medical schools, including Bastyr University and the National School of Naturopathic Medicine. He taught classes for seven years at University of California, Berkeley, as a PhD graduate student in evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, plant chemistry, and ethnobotany, and also as a faculty lecturer. He also taught a fully accredited lab class in all aspects of herbal medicine at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
