With Co-Founder of Thrive Academy
Sharla Jacobs

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Connect with your ideal clients as you showcase your passion for what you do using a proven heart-based selling approach.


Are you a coach, healer, or holistic practitioner or an aspiring one struggling to connect with potential clients? Are you looking for new and better ways to reach the people who can benefit from your help?

Maybe your business is growing. Perhaps you’ve seen a downturn. Or you might have noticed demand for more types of offerings than ever before...

It goes without saying that over the past couple years, the way many people live, work, and spend their time and money has significantly shifted.

More people are online more often than ever before, browsing and researching, which can help your business...

People are still spending money, but they’re doing it with more intention. They’re searching to find services they have a personal connection with and that make their lives better.

People are still looking for coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners to help them thrive.

Yet if you haven’t spent time defining exactly who your ideal clients are, what they're looking for, and why they should consider working with you specifically you’ll likely stay stuck, spinning your wheels.

These days, we’re being called to be bold and think outside the box. It’s the ideal time to connect with and serve the people who can most benefit from what you offer.

Join us for an empowering 7-module course with Sharla Jacobs, co-founder of the world-renowned Thrive Academy, and discover how, when you align and commit to the four essential elements of the Client Attraction Code Your Personal Hero’s Journey, Your Niche, Your “What Do You Do?” Statement, and Your Positioning new clients will be banging down your door.

Over seven modules, you’ll explore Sharla’s heart-based, practical process in which you’ll tap into your personal Hero’s Journey Story to create an authentic, trusted experience for your customers that aligns with your holistic or coaching values.

She’ll teach you how to become comfortable sharing about your work in such a credible way that people will immediately take notice.

Sharla has been consulting, teaching, and helping people step into their destinies for 17 years. She’s the perfect mentor to help you build your clientele with her powerful, proven system developed specifically for coaches, holistic practitioners, and healers.

As you’ll discover, sharing what you do effectively starts with inspiration. If you try to connect with your potential clients from the pain of trying to pay your bills, it’s not going to be aligned or produce the results you’re looking for.

When you create from a much higher vibrational state, not only will you have universal forces supporting you to be in the right place at the right time... you’ll also be more magnetic and attractive to clients.

Join Sharla for these seven modules and explore a value-driven, heart-centered method to express your credibility so you can be a trusted advisor to your ideal clients in situations big or small. You’ll learn to express that credibility in a way that inspires people to respect you and want to work with you.


During this powerful training with Sharla, you’ll discover:

  • How to attract your ideal clients once you’ve got the Client Attraction Code working for you
  • How to nail your niche so you attract people who are actively looking for what you offer
  • The 3 best strategies to find the people you’re destined to serve
  • Secrets for sharing what you do that inspire your ideal clients’ instant trust and desire
  • The proven 5 Elements of Heartselling system that will have your potential clients practically talk themselves into working with you
  • How to share your story about why you love your work so people lean in and get an intuitive hit that they need to work with you
  • The most effective credibility builders and how they make you stand out from others who do similar work
  • How to create your unique, aligned, and irresistible “What Do You Do?” statement
  • How to blend specificity and credibility in your “What Do You Do?” statement so that clients want to work with you, which sets the foundation for your entire business
  • How to create a smokin’ hot bio you can use for websites, social media, interviews, emails, ads, and other methods to attract clients

You may have been honing your craft for years, yet if you aren’t attracting the clients that say, “I need to work with you!” or “I know someone who’s looking for exactly what you do!”... then now is the time to reassess your approach and try something new.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Sharla will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully connect with your dream clients as you showcase your passion for what you do using a proven heart-based selling approach.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Sharla. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to attract your dream clients and build a thriving values-driven business.

Module 1: Create a Crystal-Clear Vision


One of Sharla’s spiritual mentors says, “Pain pushes until vision pulls.”

So it’s essential to start with inspiration. If you try to create your vision and an irresistible “What Do You Do?” statement from the pain of trying to pay your bills, it’s not going to be aligned or produce the results you’re looking for.

Yet, when you create from a much higher vibrational state, not only will you have universal forces supporting you to be in the right place at the right time... you’ll also be more magnetic and attractive to clients.

Your vision informs so much about your business and will make it much easier to create your unique and aligned “What Do You Do?” statement.

That’s why we’ll focus on clarifying your inspiring vision before you create your “What Do You Do?” statement.

During this video session, you’ll discover:

  • How to magnetize your ideal clients from inspiration (rather than pushing them away through fear)
  • How to create a fully aligned, crystal-clear vision that will support you in getting clear on your next steps
  • Why your current pricing model will or will not get you to your income goals
  • How to create inspired goals to support your intention of changing the world through your beautiful work

Module 2: Major Client Attractor #1 Niche


There are people who are actively looking for solutions to their biggest challenges, and your work can help them. But if you continue with a bland and broad “What Do You Do?” statement, you’ll likely continue to struggle.

That’s why it’s so critically important to zero in on the question, What is the urgent problem you’re solving andfor whom?

In this module, you’ll discover the secrets to choosing a hot niche that makes it easy for people to say “Yes!” and to send you referrals.

Nailing your niche is the foundation for how you’ll talk about what you do and more. While it’s possible to be successful without clearly identifying a niche, it’s much easier when you nail it.

During this video session, you’ll discover:

  • What a niche is. .. and what it isn’t
  • Why it’s essential to choose a niche if you want to make it easier for people to say “Yes!” to you
  • The 3 main categories you must start with when deciding on a niche
  • The critical questions to ask yourself before you consider choosing a niche
  • What to do if you don’t yet feel comfortable committing to a specific niche

Module 3: Major Client Attractor #2 “What Do You Do?”


It’s one of the first questions people ask you, and an opportunity to make people hungry to learn more about your work. But if you don’t have an irresistible answer to the question “What do you do?”, you’ll lose people the moment you begin speaking.

However, when you do have a compelling “What Do You Do?” statement, people will immediately know that they want to work with you or refer their friends.

This module is the next step in using all the keys of the Client Attraction Code. Once you master this simple template, your “What Do You Do?” statement will be more compelling and effective than what 95 percent of other coaches and holistic practitioners offer.

During this video session, you’ll discover:

  • The 2 most important things to share when you talk about what you do
  • Eight keys to make your “What Do You Do?” statement irresistible
  • How to use your life experience to discover who you’re most passionate about helping
  • How to create the first draft of your new, irresistible “What Do You Do?” statement... (even if you don’t put everything in the Client Attraction Code together, you’ll still have a hot “What Do You Do?” statement that will grab the attention of your ideal clients)

Module 4: Major Client Attractor #3 Position Yourself Like a Rock Star


While it may seem that people make random judgments about you that help them decide whether to hire you or not, you actually have the power to influence what potential clients think of you.

In other words, you can influence how people listen to you by sharing something impressive about yourself within the first couple of minutes after meeting someone. And you can do it in a way that creates connection and doesn’t seem like bragging.

That’s why Positioning Yourself Like a Rock Star (without sounding arrogant) is one of the Major Client Attractors and one of the most important aspects of attracting clients.

During this video session, you’ll discover:

  • How to gain instant credibility with anyone you meet (while remaining truthful and likable)
  • What positioning is and why it’s essential
  • How to apply the 2 critical parts of positioning so you don’t end up sounding arrogant
  • Seventeen different ways you can position yourself (even if you’re just starting out) and how you only need one to gain the credibility you need
  • How to get over insecurity when sharing your greatness

Module 5: Major Client Attractor #4 Your Hero’s Journey Story


How you share about how you got into your work can have potential clients leaning in and excited to work with you. If you don’t have a powerful story that relates both your humanity and your expertise, it can leave potential clients feeling doubt instead of confidence.

That’s why your Hero’s Journey Story is one of the Major Client Attractors. In this session, you’ll discover how to share your Hero’s Journey Story in a way that makes it easy for people to say “Yes!” to you.

During this video session, you’ll discover:

  • How to create an inspiring Hero’s Journey Story that makes you even more attractive to your ideal clients
  • How to show potential clients that you deeply understand their struggles and that you’re the perfect person to support them
  • Four keys to telling a great Hero’s Journey Story
  • The question you must ask before sharing your story, to ensure that people will actually listen

Module 6: Make the Client Attraction Code Work for You Putting It All Together


It’s time to go beyond the templates and blend specificity, urgency, and credibility into your unique Client Attraction Code Statement that wows your ideal clients, potential referral partners, and people who might invite you to speak to their group.

Once you’ve done so, you’ll not only have a hot answer to the question, “What do you do?”, you’ll also have a bio you can use on websites, social media, interviews, emails, ads, or any other ways to attract clients. (When we said this is foundational to your success, we really meant it!)

During this session, Sharla will coach you on how to put all the pieces of the Client Attraction Code together to create a unique and aligned “What Do You Do?” statement that magnetizes new clients to you.

During this video session, you’ll discover:

  • How to share your most inspiring and impressive credibility builder in a natural and conversational way that includes what you do
  • How to customize your “What Do You Do?” statement so it’s truly unique and has people wanting to hire you immediately
  • How to perfect your “What Do You Do?” statement through high-caliber feedback

Module 7: How to Use Your Client Attraction Code Statement to Get Clients & Earn $10,000+ Each Month


Now that you understand what it takes to create your Client Attraction Code Statement and you have an Inspiring Vision for where you want to go, you’ve taken huge strides and deserve acknowledgment! Now it’s time to turn your vision into reality.

This may be the most important session of the course. Because if your potential client is interested in what you do, but you haven’t stacked all of the skills you need to create a thriving transformational business, you may only get 50% of the new clients you could be helping.

This can feel SO frustrating, especially when you’ve poured so much heart, soul, and energy into your work.

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

In this final video session with Sharla, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 best strategies to find the people you were destined to serve
  • The 4 types of transformational content that lead to paying clients
  • The proven 5 Elements of Heartselling system that has your potential clients practically talk themselves into working with you
  • How to feel more confident when sharing how much you charge
  • The mindset shift needed to empower a potential client to go from “I can’t afford it” to a fully aligned “Yes!”
  • How many of our members have shelved the hustle and stepped into their first $10,000 month as transformational leaders

The Client Attraction Code Bonus Collection

In addition to Sharla’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


How to Find, Attract & Enroll More Clients
Video Training From Thrive Academy (Valued at $500)

Many coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners have been struggling since the pandemic started because they don’t know how to find clients online without spending a fortune on a website, ads, and marketing. But there are also many people who already knew the simple path of finding, attracting, and enrolling new clients... and their businesses are THRIVING right now!

Let us show you the simplest way to bring in new clients that’s working NOW and is full of heart and integrity.

In this video training, you’ll discover:

  • Simple ways to find your ideal clients on social media and get yourself in front of them without being a spammer
  • The types of content to share that move your ideal clients closer to working with you
  • What the most successful coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners are doing behind the scenes that’s enrolling new clients every single day
  • How this fits into the overall system you need to create a thriving business, doing the work you love

The “Get Clients” Free Consultation Formula: The Most Effective Way to Get Clients
PDF Template From Thrive Academy (Valued at $500)

Discover Thrive Academy’s famous “Get Clients” Free Consultation Formula. Mastering the Free or Low-Cost Consultation Formula is the fastest and most effective way to get more clients and is responsible for Thrive Academy Members earning hundreds of millions of dollars collectively in the past 16+ years. This proven formula that helps you create value AND move a potential client closer to “Yes” only works if your potential client is a good match which is ideal because a good match is crucial for both of you. This template gives you the exact questions to ask to turn a consultation into a happy, committed dynamic that honors you both.


How to Use Transformational Marketing & Heartselling to Enroll New Clients
Video Training From Thrive Academy (Valued at $500)

As a heart-based coach or holistic practitioner, it’s your duty to step up and show up as yourself in ALL that you do, so your marketing is as authentic as the work you do with your clients.

When you use Transformational Marketing and Heartselling to grow your business, you’ll be in complete alignment and you’ll manifest the exact right people you were destined to help.

Discover how to transform your marketing and sales using these proven strategies that have supported Thrive Academy Members to earn hundreds of millions of dollars collectively (that’s a LOT of lives being transformed!).


What Graduates of Sharla’s Courses Are Saying...

“The ‘bang for your dollar’ is built in with this course... highly recommended.”

For those of you who have taken marketing courses in the past and felt that your money and time were for the most part wasted, you’re in for a massive treat with this course. Sharla explains the how, the why, and gives you examples of implementing the lessons. The “bang for your dollar” is built in with this course… highly recommended.
Dr. Dan, San Tan Valley, Arizona

“It was a very enriching experience and I feel like I’ve made a giant leap towards my goals.”

Thank you, Sharla. It was a very enriching experience and I feel like I’ve made a giant leap towards my goals.
Leon, Gablitz, Austria

“I was in awe of the course application to my business.”

This course is specifically, and beautifully, designed for holistic coaches and practitioners. As a creator and group facilitator of cultural transformation curricula in service to communities of every kind, I was in awe of the course application to my business. If you are seeking a heart-centered approach that aligns with your uniquely authentic brand or are in need of brilliant guidance to discover and articulate that brand, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! I am so grateful for Sharla Jacobs. These tools are supporting me in aligning various lines of business with authentic messaging that connects with the souls of my ideal clients. Thank you to The Shift Network for providing the support and access to this transformational content!
Lori K. Weir, founder and CEO of Strong Communities ®

“I have no doubt that the course will lead me to creating a very successful business in the near future.”

I am in the process of being guided by the Universe, so have yet to settle on a business idea. I do, however, know it will be unique. I most definitely was led to this course and found it to be extremely beneficial, as the guidance and information make sense. I have no doubt that the course will lead me to creating a very successful business in the near future. Many blessings to you, Sharla. Thank you!
Trina, Island of Bermuda

“The course changed my way of thinking about positioning myself and becoming more aware of the gifts I have to offer.”

The course changed my way of thinking about positioning myself and becoming more aware of the gifts I have to offer. Blessings to you, in gratitude.
Maha, France

“I feel inspired and confident about converting enquiries to fee-paying clients.”

Jane, United Kingdom


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Sharla Jacobs

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the co-founder of Thrive Academy, Sharla Jacobs, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to connect with your ideal clients as you showcase your passion for what you do using a proven heart-based selling approach.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Client Attraction Code Bonus Collection
  • How to Find, Attract & Enroll More Clients
    Video Training From Thrive Academy (Valued at $500)
  • The “Get Clients” Free Consultation Formula: The Most Effective Way to Get Clients
    PDF Template From Thrive Academy (Valued at $500)
  • How to Use Transformational Marketing & Heartselling to Enroll New Clients
    Video Training From Thrive Academy (Valued at $500)

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Client Attraction Code for Success Online Training


We feel honored that Sharla Jacobs has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the Thrive Academy co-founder whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us awaken and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about attracting your dream clients and building a thriving, values-driven business that helps people heal and uplift, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Client Attraction Code for Success or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Sharla Jacobs...

“Just a few years later, I have a multiple 6-figure business and I’ve transformed thousands of lives.”

Before I took Thrive Academy programs, I was struggling to pay my bills. I so badly wanted to make a difference, but I felt intimidated and afraid. Jesse and Sharla taught me how to enroll clients and fill my group programs. Just a few years later, I have a multiple 6-figure business and I’ve transformed thousands of lives. I’m often flown around the country to speak to entrepreneurs and women’s groups, and I’ve gotten to share the stage with women I’ve been looking up to for years. Thank you, Jesse and Sharla, for what you provide. It’s so needed.
Sage Lavine, conscious entrepreneur mentor

“If your dream is to seriously grow your business... this is the place to be.”

I just spent a couple of days with Jesse and Sharla, and I have to tell you I am sort of awestruck. If your dream is to seriously grow your business, and really design the life of your dreams, this is the place to be. It’s not only cutting-edge technology, and all of the templates and pieces that you need to successfully grow your business, it’s really put together in a way that is so unique, where you can start making money immediately, have a greater impact, and really, truly bring your gifts to the world.
Marcia Wieder, CEO and founder of Dream University®

“Jesse and Sharla are the most heartfelt and engaging trainers I know.”

Jesse and Sharla are the most heartfelt and engaging trainers I know. They specialize in teaching holistic practitioners and coaches how to sell their services and build 6-figure practices. You won’t be disappointed in the quality of the content or presentation.
Satyen Raja, founder of WarriorSage Training

“[My friend]... skyrocketed her business in just a few short months.”

Sharla and Jesse are top-notch trainers and really know what they’re talking about... they’ll add tons of value to your program. I have a friend who took their training and she skyrocketed her business in just a few short months.”
Eben Pagan, founder of Get Altitude, LLC

“They just give and give... content that will help you and your business soar.”

Jesse Koren and Sharla Jacobs are two of the most generous and heartfelt people I know. They just give and give and give when it comes to content that will help you and your business soar.
Suzanne Monroe, founder and CEO of the International Association of Wellness Professionals

“... best coaching business strategies and information for you to get clients...”

Sharla and Jesse have the best coaching business strategies and information for you to get clients and it comes from a place where you don’t feel icky or slimy and you can look at yourself in the mirror and feel good about yourself when you work with their strategies.
Christy Whitman, transformational leader, success coach, and author

“... no one... is better... at teaching people how to increase their business, expand their reach, and deepen their impact...”

I’ve done what all business people have to do when they are in the seminar business. And I can tell you right now, no one in this business is better than Jesse Koren and Sharla Jacobs at teaching people how to increase their business, expand their reach, and deepen their impact and they do it with love and care and humor and fun. They create a community that once you belong, it’s not only that you take away knowledge, and you take away benefits so you can expand and grow your business, you become a part of the community forever. It’s extraordinary.
Marcia Martin, transformational thought leader


About Sharla Jacobs

Stephen Dinan has called Sharla Jacobs and her husband and business partner Jesse Koren “the #1 source for turning coaches and holistic practitioners into 6-figure transformational leaders.” Prominent entrepreneur Eben Pagan says Sharla and Jesse are “the leading authorities in holistic business training.”

In the past 17 years, Thrive Academy members have earned hundreds of millions of dollars collectively, which means a lot of people are getting the healing and empowerment they need. Many of today’s transformational leaders launched their business while working with Sharla and Jesse through Thrive Academy.

On the surface, it appears that the two are teaching practical skills and templates to coaches and holistic practitioners so they can attract more clients and have their first $10,000 month. However, what Sharla and Jesse are best known for is providing deeply life-changing experiences for people who know they’ve also got to work on their inner game if they want to create a thriving private practice or step into transformational leadership.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
