With Founder of The Center for Sacred Arts
Seraphina Capranos

New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Retrain your body and your nervous system to absorb the healing power of plants through your senses and your awakened intuition as you gain powerful insights into your current wellness and discover the exact steps to support your healing and transformation.

Experience initiations into the wisdom of plant spirits in practical and mystical ways as you journey into their healing qualities through plant communion rituals, in which you’ll pick up both the scientific medicinal virtues of the herb as well as the energetic messages you need to hear.  


Becoming fluent in the language of plant spirit medicine isn’t something you can achieve simply through book learning or lecture...

It’s an art and a skill you cultivate through direct experience with the plants themselves by learning to communicate with them and embodying their messages and we ALL have that ability encoded within us.

Clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess Seraphina Capranos has created a unique and effective system of absorbing the transformative teachings of plant spirits through a process she calls a plant communion practice a sensual ritual of touching, smelling, and tasting a plant, and absorbing its wisdom.

The plant communion practice teaches body awareness so you can understand how your body communicates symptoms and health patterns that may otherwise be difficult to identify. This practice is not only for those seeking personal healing, but also for healing professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of herbal medicine.

It’s a complex, multi-layered approach that reveals often surprising information about what’s happening inside you physically, yes, but also, it can evoke deeper experiences of memory, unresolved trauma, and blocked emotions and energies.

When these are released, it can result in profound shifts, including an expanded sense of vitality... a greater feeling of aliveness... a deeper connection to your inner guidance system and wisdom... a stronger relationship with your spiritual guides and ancestors... the release of mental anguish and stress that you can’t make sense of on your own... and a more flexible and relaxed nervous system providing you with the ability to reset, relax, and find your equilibrium more easily.

It’s a method that enables you to reap profound benefits from plants by opening your heart to their timeless wisdom, tuning into the information they’re offering you through the intuitive hits you receive and the somatic and energetic responses of your own body.

Seraphina is a delightful and deeply spiritual teacher and healer, whose connection with plant spirits has been embedded in her since childhood, having grown up in a home that thrived on the medicine of herbs.

On the scientific side, she’s trained in herbalism and homeopathy. For her spiritual approach, she apprenticed in Toltec shamanism for 10 years and became an initiated priestess in the Reclaiming Tradition of witchcraft, which was co-founded by Starhawk. She also has innate and finely tuned psychic skills.

Seraphina has taught workshops and classes, counseled one-on-one with clients for two decades, and is a highly skilled and intuitive guide.

Join her on a 7-week live video journey, in which you’ll not only learn the scientific medicinal properties of seven sacred plants. ..

... she’ll also guide you through a plant communion practice with each of them one every week providing you with plenty of time to slow down and delve into an intimate relationship with the plants as your personal teachers.

You’ll also learn how to make herbal formulas that nourish and support your physical health based on the plant spirit messages you receive. And, Seraphina will provide herbal recipes and formulas to improve your digestive health, improve sleep, and boost energy.

The plants you’ll be working with during this program include:

  • Rose to resolve heartache and grief as you open to more love in your life, create effective energetic boundaries, cultivate a strong and radiant auric field, and reduce inflammation
  • Holy Basil (or Tulsi) to stay grounded while you open to your spiritual guides, balance your endocrine system, increase your strength and resilience, and reduce exhaustion, burn-out, and depletion
  • Milky Oats to replenish (and protect) your inner well of radiant energy, replenish your creative force, and cultivate more love, abundance, and luck in your life
  • Rosemary to refine your intuition and deep knowing, improve your gut health, balance your mental health, and improve your memory and cognition
  • Mugwort to ritualize rites of passage, enhance your dreamtime, work with your shadow, and release and transform what needs to be healed
  • Elecampane to cultivate relationships with your loving ancestors, understand your purpose and direction, establish strong psychic boundaries, and improve your digestion
  • Pine to build self-confidence, grasp your self-worth, dissolve worry, gain an understanding of why you’re here on Earth, and improve your respiratory health

You’ll notice what happens in your body, heart, mind, and psyche as you work with the plants, and open to the messages they have just for you about your health, emotional needs, energetic blockages, spiritual evolution, and the healing you require.

To begin the rituals, Seraphina will lead you into a gentle, trance-like state that enables you to receive the plants’ teachings through your own body and senses.

As she believes that we ALL have a plant healer in our lineage, Seraphina will prompt you to call in that wise healer guide to support you through each journey.

You’ll be invited to notice the plants’ tactile qualities and their scent, and, as you finally taste them, your taste receptors will send information to your nervous system. In that relaxed state, you’ll experience an opening through your subtle body, where the insights from the plant can flood your system with the scientific medicinal virtues of the herb as well as the energetic messages that you need to hear.

These are common plants you can find on your own spice rack or in your garden and Seraphina will provide you with resources on where to find them easily and inexpensively. You’ll also learn practical skills for harvesting the plants and what parts to use for your unique needs.

Seraphina calls this healing practice a “tonic for the nervous system.” It’s designed to uncover and awaken your enlivened sensations, training your nervous system on a physiological level, so you can remember how to listen to the wisdom that’s indigenous to your own body.

You’ll actually be training your nervous system to be in that receptive space, taking the foot off the accelerator so your body can reorganize itself around healing and restoration.


In this unique, healing, and experiential program, you’ll:

  • Discover how accessible, common herbs can be healing plant spirit teachers, and how working with them can help you deepen your relationship with the subtle art of plant medicine
  • Experience the plant communion practice, designed to help you connect with your body and its subtle language so you can better understand your body’s symptoms and persistent patterns
  • Receive immediate and direct benefits, including intuitive messages, from 7 sacred plants and realize that one of the best ways to learn anything is through your body!
  • Feel how the plant is working directly in your body, using traditional methods of taste and body sensations and bypassing complex analytical study
  • Become deeply connected with your own inner wisdom as you connect with the teachings of nature so you know you’re always resourced from within through your own intuition
  • Discover how plants can act as a mirror of your own health and wellbeing
  • Gather invaluable and easily digestible information through weaving together of traditional plant wisdom and modern science, and homeopathy and herbalism
  • Reveal what’s happening on the physical level, as well as the spiritual and mystical levels in your own being
  • Discover how plants can educate your nervous system and energy body
  • And much more...

Seraphina demystifies plant communication and shows us how developing our skills gives us the power, agency, and skill to use our own bodies as a diagnostic tool and to test whether a plant is good for us in a particular moment.

You, too, can be initiated into each of these plant’s sage secrets and carry that knowledge with you as you continue to work with herbs in the future.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Seraphina will guide you through the fundamental practices, knowledge, and skills you’ll need to successfully become initiated into the wisdom of plant spirits as you journey into their hidden messages and healing qualities through plant communion rituals.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Seraphina and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Seraphina’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 1:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Seraphina. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to retrain your body and your nervous system to absorb the secret knowledge of plants through the power of your senses and your awakened intuition to receive deep insights into your current state of wellness and what steps to take to support your healing and transformation.

Module 1: The Way of the Rose Infusing Your Life With Love (October 9)


This course will begin with the wisdom of rose, because it connects us to our hearts and opens our neural pathways so we can begin experiencing the subtleties of plants and listen to their important messages.

The practice relaxes your nervous system, which is an extension of your energy body.

From a deeply relaxed, receptive state, you’ll allow the spirit of rose to enter your body and you’ll learn how to clear your emotional heart... reduce inflammation... and develop a strong, radiant auric field that has the necessary strength, protection, and perfect permeability to let all kinds of love into your life.

In this first session, you’ll:

  • Learn how the spirit of rose can create a boundary system in your energy field so you’re less at the whim of outside influences and remain deeply rooted in your sense of self
  • Discover that rose can help you resolve heartache and grief and transform these emotions into joy and strength
  • Uncover rose’s power to reduce inflammation in your body so Qi can flow freely and easily
  • Perform rituals for love, healing, and connection with others
  • Receive a plant spirit healing from rose

Module 2: Holy Basil (or Tulsi) Elevating Your Spiritual Strength While Staying Grounded (October 16)


Holy basil shows us how to stay grounded in our body while opening up to spiritual guidance, and it teaches us how to be of service to the Earth and all her inhabitants.

Much of our mental suffering comes from living mostly in our heads. While our intellect is important, being cut off from our physical body and our spiritual connection leads to depression and depletion.

Holy basil is a powerful teacher that can show you how to be embodied while remaining connected to your spiritual heart and your mind. This is also a balancing herb for your endocrine system, which increases your strength and resiliency.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Powerful herbs for exhaustion, burn-out, and depletion
  • How your body is a self-healing organism, and herbs work to nudge this mechanism into action
  • How the spirit of holy basil can strengthen your relationship with your spiritual guides
  • A plant spirit healing from holy basil

Module 3: Milky Oats Filling Your Cup With Qi & Vital Life Force (October 23)


Oats teach us about Qi and vital life force.

This week, you’ll learn how milky oats help you build energy, protect your energy, and live life from the chalice of plenty.

While the modern person can suffer from excess, most of us are also depleted. This depletion has us reaching for stimulants, superfoods, and the latest dietary trend.

The spirit of oats reveals deep and powerful teachings about how to truly replenish your inner well of radiant energy, drawing upon timeless wisdom and simple yet powerful practices.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Discover how oats help replenish your sexual/creative force and learn why keeping this channel alive is important for your vitality
  • Learn about food, herbs, and personal practices to nourish your hormones
  • Experience rituals for abundance, love, and good luck
  • Receive a plant spirit healing from oats

Module 4: The Wisdom of Rosemary Remembering Your Way Home (October 30)


Herbs teach you how your physical body is an instrument that can be used to refine your intuition and your deep knowing. Their medicinal constituents help restore physical health and balance, so you can access deeper, more profound doorways of your intuition.

Rosemary helps us reach back through the arc of time to connect with the lineage keepers of these plant medicine pathways.

You’ll learn how to open to their guidance and their messages and what they want you to know.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn powerful herbs for improving memory and cognition
  • Discover how the gut and mental health are connected, and how rosemary helps both
  • Connect with your Wise Grandmother guide, and receive wisdom and guidance from her
  • Receive a plant spirit healing from rosemary

Module 5: Mugwort the Protectress Healing Your Shadow (November 6)


Mugwort is a powerful guide and protector who shows us what wants to be healed in the shadow of our psyche.

This herb can help strengthen your dreamtime and allow you to make sense of what lies in your shadow.

You may have mental anguish and stress that you can’t make sense of on your own. This is where herbs such as mugwort can be tremendously helpful.

Drawing on the strength and wisdom of plants to embark on shadow work brings an element of grace and ease, because they know how to move and transform what needs to be released.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance of shadow work, and how graceful this work can be with the help of herbal allies
  • Identify the rites of passages you’ve had in your own life, and learn how to ritualize these important chapters
  • Learn powerful dreamwork practices to reveal what messages your psyche has for you
  • Receive a plant spirit healing from Mugwort

Module 6: Elecampane Meeting Your Ancestral Guides for Purpose, Direction & Healing (November 13)


There’s a world behind this world, and plant spirits can show us what we need to know from these unseen worlds.

Elecampane acts as a gateway to the otherworlds, and it can introduce us to an ancestral guide who shows us what we need to know about our purpose, direction, and healing.

Connecting with healthy, loving ancestors can help you make sense of your life and enrich it beyond what you may have imagined.

When embarking on ancestral work, it’s also important to be protected from any ancestors who may not have your best interest at heart.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience powerful ancestral healing practices to build healthy relationships with loving ancestors
  • Discover how to remove blocks from connecting with your deep inner knowing
  • Learn ways to establish strong psychic boundaries
  • Explore powerful herbal allies for good digestion, which improves your connection to your deep inner knowing
  • Receive a plant spirit healing from elecampane

Module 7: The Message From Pine Opening to the Ancients for Self-Worth & Understanding Your Reason for Being (November 20)


Pine offers profound wisdom from the ancient world forests guiding us to know our self-worth and providing important messages for why we’re here on Earth.

Trees are among the oldest living beings on the planet. They hold profound silent wisdom, and they love when humans open our hearts to them. They’re living libraries, and they hold secrets about life.

You’ll drop down into deep silence and open your heart to receive the healing, wisdom, and knowledge these ancient beings want us to know, not only better your own life, but also for all of humanity.

In this closing session, you’ll:

  • Experience practices to build self-confidence and self-worth and dissolve paralyzing worry
  • Meet powerful herbal allies for respiratory health and protection, and discover and how trees hold the key to this part of your health
  • Build a life-long relationship with the Tree of Life for spiritual nourishment
  • Receive a plant spirit healing from pine


The Plant Spirit Medicine Bonus Offering

In addition to Seraphina’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Power & Presence of Rose
PDF Guide From Seraphina Capranos

Enjoy this beautifully crafted 24-page PDF guide containing a full essay about all the medicinal and energetic benefits of Rose. Seraphina shares her personal experiences and insights and the story of how she came to “meet” the spirit of Rose. She also reveals the practical applications of this beautiful herb, including lesser-known uses and benefits.


Wheel of the Year Harvesting
PDF Illustration From Seraphina Capranos

This gorgeous illustration, which reflects the pagan wheel of the year, serves as a seasonal map and guide. As the seasons change, you can rely on it to show you when to harvest herbs and set your own intentions for your year. It’s a perfect tool for building seasonal rituals.


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What People Are Saying About Seraphina Capranos...

“[Seraphina] takes great care to make sure you understand all of the material...”

Seraphina is incredibly knowledgeable, generous, and patient as a teacher and mentor. She is a truly gifted storyteller, and in every lesson she freely shares her deep wisdom as well as all of her practical tips and tricks. She takes great care to make sure you understand all of the material and complexities. I learned so much by being introduced to herbs one at a time, tasting them, making medicine with them, using them as food and growing them. I feel as if I have just scratched the surface of what is possible and I now have the framework I need to apply to any herb I wish to work with.

Jill Cohen
EDIT 5054
“I am in awe at the growth I witness in myself from [Seraphina’s] teachings...”

Grounded in foundational wisdom, Seraphina is a pillar for all called to this work. Whether it be an intimate ritual or a large community gathering, her authentic presence holds space for that which needs to be healed, rebirthed, and spoken in these crucial times. She has a gift of bringing out the potential in her students. I am in awe at the growth I witness in myself from her teachings in both magic and herbalism over the past three years. My life perspective has shifted from seeing myself as a passive recipient to old stories and a broken system that fails us, to a knowing creatix remembering she walks the path of truth-seeking, here to shift things up by creating new programs and inspiring others to find their inner magic. Seraphina is an amazing gift to all who are blessed enough to find her.

Brigid Blackstone
EDIT 5055
“[Seraphina’s] sacred guidance creates a foundation of wisdom I always carry in my heart.”

Seraphina is incredibly wise and alchemizes her experience spanning several decades as a third-generation herbalist, ritualist, herbal educator, and homeopath. As a beginner in the world of plant medicine, I have often felt intimidated by this path. However the way Seraphina weaves the essence and magic of plants with the science of herbal medicine has helped me find my confidence and clarity in working with herbs. As a student of hers since 2015, I truly feel that her unique approach to teaching, her invitational leadership style, and her sacred guidance creates a foundation of wisdom I always carry in my heart.

Vasilisa Wall
EDIT 5056
“Attending Seraphina’s programs is nourishing in so many ways.”

Attending Seraphina’s programs is nourishing in so many ways. The plant journeys and centering exercises help me come into my body and be open to the sensations and layers of sensitivities in my whole organism. The depth, dedication, and knowledge that Seraphina has for her work is truly inspiring and highly supportive. This class is rich, nourishing, healing, and educational. 

Cari Burdett
EDIT 5057
“Seraphina has shown me how to deepen my relationship to plants in an intimate way...”

The opportunity to study with Seraphina Capranos is a potent gift. Not only does Seraphina bring a wealth of knowledge and wisdom from her many years of experience as a herbalist and homeopath, she also weaves in folklore, magic, history, spirituality, and meditation while remaining connected to the practical. Seraphina has shown me how to deepen my relationship to plants in an intimate way and has inspired me to deepen my knowledge even more. 

Cynthia R.
EDIT 5059

Join the Global Community


Plant Spirit Medicine offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Seraphina Capranos will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Seraphina Capranos

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from the founder of The Center for Sacred Arts, Seraphina Capranos from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you through plant communion practices designed for you to receive the messages that seven sacred plants have just for you. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.


An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Plant Spirit Medicine


We feel honored that Seraphina Capranos has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the founder of The Center for Sacred Arts whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about communing with plant spirits to receive deep insights into your current state of wellness and what steps to take to support your healing and transformation, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Plant Spirit Medicine or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before October 23, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Seraphina Capranos

“Seraphina’s method of teaching brought the course material alive for me.”

I was very excited to discover that Seraphina’s holistic, energetic, and magical approach to herbal medicine — and her ability to keep the sacred focus of the practice and of all life — aligned so well with my path and counseling practice. I felt at home with this practitioner, and so quickly at ease with her gentle, compassionate approach to students and to the living beings we were studying. To experience each herb intensely through its energetics and how each aligns with our body to bring forward its natural healing ability was incredible. Seraphina’s method of teaching brought the course material alive for me.

Dana Coupland
EDIT 5058
“[Seraphina’s] programs are beautifully designed and delivered.”

Not only is her work immaculately delivered, Seraphina is full of integrity, beauty, grace, and professionalism. She goes above and beyond for her students and clients, offering a unique perspective on all things mystical that I’ve not encountered before. There is no one like her. Her programs are beautifully designed and delivered. As a student, I felt held, cared for, and in good hands. 

Andrea Dupuis

Astrologer and teacher

EDIT 5167
“Seraphina touches deep into the soul of plant wisdom...”

A gifted, knowledgeable, and wise teacher, Seraphina touches deep into the soul of plant wisdom and presents it to others with such amazing grace, insights, and her magical presence. Few people hold space the way she does. When Seraphina creates a sacred circle, one can feel the energy gathering and rising. I absolutely love her plant meditations, and always look forward to sitting in circle with her.

Rosemary Gladstar

Herbalist and author

EDIT 5221

About Seraphina Capranos


Seraphina Capranos is a clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess with over two decades of practice. Her journey onto the healing path was inspired by her mother, a healer herself. Like many cast onto the path of healing and spiritual training, pain and suffering led her into the dark wood to seek the answers to life’s big questions.

An injury that left her bedridden with debilitating pain as a teenager set her on a spiritual quest, which intensified a few years later with the sudden tragic death of her father. At the age of 14, Seraphina began learning alchemical practices from shamanic practitioners she met by chance. From 16 to 18, she apprenticed with a medical intuitive, then embarked on the priestess path in 1998 at the age 19. She spent 10 years in a Toltec apprenticeship, which radically shifted her perceptional world.

Considered one of Canada’s leading herbalists, Seraphina is sought after to teach at conferences and international symposiums. Considered an “OG,” she has mentored many of today’s up-and-coming herbal teachers and product developers and has influenced many popular brands and formula makers. She has also developed, written, and taught curricula for some of the largest herbal schools in North America. 

Seraphina has been lauded as “a young Elder” by Rosemary Gladstar, North America’s Godmother of Herbalism, with whom she has collaborated since 2021. Regarded as a “teachers’ teacher,” Seraphina’s unique blend of gifts straddles the vast worlds of plant medicine, homeopathy, ritual, and ceremonial magic.

Seraphina, who has been in clinical practice for 20 years, is known for her heart-centered, generous teaching style that speaks to multiple ways of learning.


Frequently Asked Questions


What’s a virtual course?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Are there scholarships available for this training?

Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is October 23, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.