With Qigong Master, Healer, & Author of The Master Key
Robert Peng

New 9-Week Live Video Training Starts
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
PLUS Robert’s 7-Module Introductory Program!

Can’t make it live? After each class, video and audio recordings are available to download and watch anytime.


Acquire new practices to activate, energize, and empower six pairs of Yin and Yang organs, culminating in a practice featuring all 12 meridians to improve the circulation of your energy for optimally healthy, holistic, and integrated wellbeing.


For thousands of years, wise teachers have known that cultivating, storing, and expressing Qi the vital energy of life improves health and vitality, increases resilience and creativity, and promotes overall wellbeing.

Unfortunately, the chronic stress of today’s world can cause our bodies to tighten as energetic blockages form...

As these obstructions reduce Qi flow, our internal organs are deprived of vitality, and eventually disease takes hold.

You can fully experience your life force when you cultivate the profound sense of balance that’s so elusive in modern life, says Qigong master Robert Peng.

The timeless wisdom of Qigong teaches that when we connect with our 12 primary meridians, or energy pathways, we become equipped to cultivate a deep connection with our emotional and mental bodies finding harmony within and around us.

It’s like tapping a wellspring of inner joy that fills your body, mind, and heart with a radiant vitality that you may not have experienced before...

When you bring your yin and yang energies into balance internally, you experience a life of inner and outer harmony.

Join us for a powerful new course with celebrated Qigong master Robert Peng, as he introduces you to the six natural pairs of Yin and Yang meridians, based on the sequence of the Qi flow. Each pair connects to an element of the earth.

As you practice each week, you’ll combine each meridian pair with a nourishing, empowering chanting exercise to experience its healing potential more deeply. Plus, Robert will guide you to combine these practices with two (seemingly) conflicting emotions. As you embrace both emotions, you’ll strike a more peaceful, balanced inner state.

This framework can help you cultivate your healing potential, learn ancient practices to protect yourself from ill or invasive Qi, and organize your own energy pattern using universal laws.

By the end of this 9-week journey, these practices will culminate in one practice featuring all 12 meridians for a full circulation of your energy flow.

As you’ll discover, the more energy you circulate, the more you refine your Qi. The more you refine your Qi, the more life force you draw in as you become healthier and more joyful. You’ll feel more alive, better equipped to accomplish more as you deepen your connection with yourself, the people around you, nature, and the cosmos.

As a boy in China, Robert secretly apprenticed under the legendary Buddhist monk Xiao Yao, who trained him in martial and healing arts. As part of his training, Robert spent 100 days meditating and fasting in a dark underground chamber. Xiao Yao visited him daily and instructed him in advanced practices to accelerate his spiritual development.

Now, he’ll pass wisdom on to you, so you can experience greater self-empowerment through the activation of what Robert calls the Four Golden Wheels the three dantians and the central meridian. You’ll learn to identify these energy centers in your own body, as you expand your central meridian to connect with the universe’s infinite energy.

Join Robert to experience a practice of Qigong that opens all your meridians so you can move through life with revived confidence, clarity, and determination, elevating your joy and wellbeing.


What Is Yin Yang Qigong?

What Are Meridians?

How Is This Qigong Course Different?


During this 9-week course, you’ll discover:

  • Wisdom teachings and practices to explore 6 pairs of Yin and Yang organs
  • How to empower and balance your body and mind by embracing the opposite emotions associated with each pair of Yin and Yang organs
  • Chanting exercises to activate, vibrate, and empower each pair of Yin and Yang organs
  • SongKongTong chanting/pressing techniques to open yourself to divine energy
  • A guided practice featuring all 12 meridians to experience a full circulation of your energy flow
  • The foundations of the ZiWuLiuZhu theory, your inner rhythm’s energy flow combined with natural phenomena
  • How each meridian is linked together through Yin and Yang
  • Which hours of the day and which seasons of the year are the peak energetic times for specific organs and meridians
  • And much more

What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks

In this 9-week transformational journey, Robert will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to open all your meridians to access unlimited energy, focus, and potential.

The Power of Livestreaming Video


You’ll connect with Robert and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Robert’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)


Course Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open all your meridians to access unlimited energy, focus, and potential.

If you have not experienced Robert’s teachings before, you’re welcome in this next-level training but we ask you to complete the foundational 7-module Live Long Qigong program on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Open the Lung & Large Intestine Meridians Embracing Both Sadness & Kindness (August 2)


How do your internal organs work with one another, energetically?

As you begin this journey, Robert will share insights into the 5 Elements Theory and the pairs of Yin and Yang organs as you explore the first pair, lungs and large intestine.

In energy medicine, the lungs control both Qi and breathing. On an emotional level, they take in new concepts and ideas, absorbing what we can use and releasing what we no longer need, such as sadness, grief, and old ideas. They extract clean energy from the air you breathe and combine it with food energy from everything you eat.

The lungs form “Upright Energy,” which provides nourishment for your body and creates and distributes Defensive Qi (Wei Qi), which creates an immune system-like barrier that protects the body from harmful pathogens that can cause illness and disease.

Moreover, the lungs house the Po, which supports your basic senses such as feeling, sensing, hearing, and seeing.

The large intestine receives food and drink from the small intestine and excretes it out of the body. Both your large intestine and your lung meridians are connected with emotions of apathy, boredom, grief, inability to let go, lack of inspiration, melancholy, sadness, and timidity.

Robert will teach you how to empower the lung and large intestine meridians and balance your body and mind by embracing your sadness and kindness.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • An overview of the lungs and large intestine meridians
  • A comparison of the medicine and energy medicine perspectives around the lungs and large intestines
  • Si chanting to activate, vibrate, and empower the lung and large intestine meridians
  • A SongKongTong chanting/pressing technique to open your lungs and large intestine meridians to divine energy and reorganize your energy pattern

Module 2: Open the Stomach & Spleen Meridians Embracing Both Doubt & Trust (August 9)


Robert will teach and guide practices connected to the second pair of Yin and Yang organs, the spleen and stomach.

As Robert will explain, your spleen controls digestion, keeps blood inside the vessels, transports and distributes your body’s energy, and governs and controls the strength and function of your muscles, flesh, and limbs.

It also lifts and holds internal organs, keeping them in place. Your spleen also houses the Yi, which relates to thinking, studying, memorization, and concentration.

Meanwhile, your stomach controls the downward movement of Qi and receives food, transforming cells that aid in the development of tissues and organs. It separates the clean from the impure parts of ingested food, sending the clean “upwards” to the spleen and the impure “downwards” to the small intestine.

Your spleen and stomach are connected with emotional symptoms of confusion, craving sympathy, feeling ungrounded, insecurity/neediness, obsessive thoughts, restless sleep, selfish behavior, worry, poor concentration, poor memory, and feeling scattered.

Robert will teach you to empower your spleen and stomach meridians and balance your body and mind as you embrace both doubt and trust.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • A comparison of the Western medicine and energy medicine perspectives around the spleen and stomach
  • The spleen and stomach meridians
  • A Hoo chanting exercise to activate, vibrate, and empower your spleen and stomach
  • A SongKongTong chanting/pressing technique to open your spleen and stomach to divine energy

Module 3: Open the Heart & Small Intestine Meridians Embracing Both Hatred & Love (August 23)


Robert will guide you to explore the practice of the third pair of Yin and Yang organs, the heart and small intestine.

In energy medicine, the heart controls sweat, blood vessels, and circulation. It also supports and controls mental activities. It manifests upon the complexion. The heart also houses the Shen, which is equivalent to the mind.

The small intestine governs ingested fluids and foods, separating the “clean” from the “impure.” It sends food to the large Intestine for reabsorption, and it sends impurities to the bladder to be released as urine.

Both the heart and small intestine are connected to the emotional symptoms of agitation, anxiety, continuous laughter, criticality, cynical behavior, excessive and/or vivid dreaming, forgetfulness, lack of joy or humor, lack of self-love, mania, mental confusion, poor self-esteem, and restlessness.

You’ll learn to empower your heart and small intestine meridians balancing your body and mind as you embrace both hatred and love.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • An overview of the heart and small intestine meridians
  • A comparison of the Western medicine and energy medicine perspectives of the heart and small intestine
  • A Ha chanting exercise to activate, vibrate, and empower your heart and small intestine
  • A SongKongTong chanting/pressing technique to open your heart and small intestine to divine energy

Module 4: Open the Kidney & Bladder Meridians Embracing Both Fear & Tranquility (August 30)


You’ll discover the fourth pair of Yin and Yang organs, the kidney and bladder.

In energy medicine, the kidney meridian governs reproduction, produces bone marrow, and regulates water movement. It influences growth and development, controls and activates sexual energy, determines the vitality and length of your life, and controls and supports the health and strength of your bones.

The bladder houses the Zhi, which is in charge of mental drive and courage, and provides determination and focus to accomplish goals and dreams. The bladder also stores and excretes urine, and helps maintain normal fluid levels in the body.

The kidney and bladder are both connected with emotions and symptoms of defensiveness, depression, fear, overwhelm, lack of willpower, moaning and groaning, panic attacks, paranoia, and timidity.

You’ll explore how to empower your kidney and bladder meridians balancing your body and mind as you embrace both fear and tranquility.

In this module, Robert will share:

  • An overview of the kidney and bladder meridians
  • A comparison of the Western medicine and energy medicine perspectives of the kidney and bladder
  • A Chuay chanting exercise to activate, vibrate, and empower your kidney and bladder
  • A SongKongTong chanting/pressing technique to open your kidney and bladder to divine energy

Module 5: The Pericardium & Triple Energizer (September 6)


Robert will teach and guide the practice of the fifth pair of Yin and Yang organs: pericardium and Triple Energizer.

In Western medicine, the pericardium is a membrane, or sac, that surrounds your heart. In energy medicine, the pericardium acts as a buffer to protect the heart physically and psychologically. It’s very closely connected to the heart, with many similar indications and functions.

Triple Energizer, also called the San Jiao or Triple Burner, refers to a relationship between organs, instead of an organ in its own right.

Pericardium and Triple Energizer are both are connected with the emotional symptoms of defensiveness and fragmentation.

Robert will teach you how to empower your pericardium and Triple Energizer meridians and balance your body and mind by embracing protection and cohesion.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • An overview of two special organs within energy medicine, pericardium and Triple Energizer
  • A Xi chanting exercise to activate, vibrate, and empower your pericardium and Triple Energizer
  • A SongKongTong chanting/pressing technique to open your pericardium and Triple Energizer to divine energy

Module 6: Open the Liver & Gallbladder Meridians Channeling & Embracing Both Your Anger & Understanding (September 13)


In this session, you’ll move through practices to explore the sixth pair of Yin and Yang organs, the liver and gallbladder.

As Robert will share, in energy medicine, the liver stores blood, governs emotional states, and helps regulate menstruation. It regulates the smooth flow of Qi and influences your capacity for organizing and planning. It influences digestive functions of the stomach and spleen, and controls muscular activity, including the flexibility and agility of tendons and ligaments. Liver houses the “Hun,” which is similar to the concept of soul or spirit.

The gallbladder influences your quality and length of sleep. It controls judgment and the capacity to make decisions.

Your liver and gallbladder are both connected with emotional symptoms of aggressive behavior, anger, bitterness, depression, emotional repression, frustration, impatience, inability to plan or organize, indecision, irritability, jealousy, moodiness, negative outlook, nervous tension, over-fastidious planning, resentment, rigid and inflexible attitudes, shouting, and timidity.

You’ll explore how to empower your liver and gallbladder meridians balancing your body and mind as you embrace both anger and understanding.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • An overview of the liver and gallbladder meridians
  • A comparison of the Western medicine and energy medicine perspectives of the liver and gallbladder
  • A Shoo chanting exercise to activate, vibrate, and empower your liver and gallbladder
  • A SongKongTong chanting/pressing technique to open your liver and gallbladder to divine energy

Module 7: Open All 12 Meridians Making a Full Circulation of Your Energy Flow & the Rhythm of Your Practice (October 4)


You’ve practiced all 12 meridians individually each week. Now, Robert will lead you to practice all meridians in one complete practice a full circulation of your energy flow.

The more Qi you circulate, the healthier you feel and the more you can accomplish. As you refine your Qi and draw in more life force, you will feel more alive and deepen your connection with yourself, the people around you, nature, and the cosmos.

Robert will introduce the theory of ZiWuLiuZhu, your inner rhythm’s energy flow combined with natural phenomena. These phenomena can include, for example, the movement of celestial bodies such as the sun and moon, the arrival and departure of the seasons, and the beginning and end of the day.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of the ZiWuLiuZhu theory, your inner rhythm’s energy flow combined with natural phenomena
  • How each meridian is linked together through Yin and Yang
  • Which hours of the day and which seasons of the year are the peak energetic times for specific organs and meridians
  • A guided practice featuring all 12 meridians, so you can experience a full circulation of your energy flow

Module 8: Combining Your Meridian Pairs With Deepening Exercises (October 11)


At this point on your journey, Robert has guided you to practice six pairs of meridians, based on the sequence of the Qi flow. You’ve practiced each pair with a chanting exercise to nourish and empower yourself.

This week, Robert will guide you to add a new dimension as you learn how each of the 12 organs are either Zang (yin) or Fu (yang).

The Zang-Fu is a collection of organs that produces and regulates Qi within your body. In energy medicine, these organs aren’t anatomical structures instead, they’re interconnected functions that explain how Qi is produced within the body.

In this special module, Robert will guide you to deepen your practice using new combinations of meridian pairs, including:

  • Tai Yang Meridians (small intestine and bladder) to ease to fevers, aversion to cold, stiff neck, and a superficial pulse
  • Shao Yang (Triple Warmer and gallbladder) to address alternating chills and fever, fullness in the costal and hypochondriac regions, mental restlessness, bitter taste, dry throat, blurry vision, and taut pulse
  • Yang Ming (large intestine and stomach) to bring relief for a high fever, sweating, thirst, flushed face, restlessness, yellow/dry tongue, and a superficial and forceful pulse
  • Tai Yin (lungs and spleen) to ease abdominal fullness, vomiting, poor appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain (that is better with warmth and/or pressure), no thirst, pale tongue with white coat, and slow pulse
  • Shao Yin (heart and kidney) to address aversion to cold, listlessness, desire to sleep, cold limbs, diarrhea, clear urine, pale tongue with white coat, thread pulse, mental restlessness, insomnia, dry mouth/throat, deep yellow urine, red tongue, and a rapid, thready pulse
  • Jue Yin (Pericardium and liver) to bring relief for a hot/painful sensation in the chest, hunger but no desire to eat, cold limbs, diarrhea, and vomiting

Module 9: Central Meridian Empowerment Harmonizing All Meridians to Unify Heaven, Earth & Human Qi as One (October 18)


As your journey through this course comes to a close, you’ll learn about your Central Meridian, an energy channel that connects the top of your head and your perineum.

It crosses all three energy centers (dantians) and all meridians, and harmonizes energy around them. It also keeps extending up from the top of your head to connect with Heaven Qi, and down from your perineum to connect with Earth Qi, which makes you a truly organic part of the universe, fully resourceful with your universal energy.

In this final week, Robert will introduce one more special practice: Central Meridian Breathing Empowerment to harmonize all meridians and unify Heaven, Earth, and Human Qi as one.

In this closing module, you’ll explore:

  • A review An overview of the theory of 4 Golden Wheels
  • Insight into your Central Meridian, including its special function of harmonizing and connecting
  • A Central Meridian breathing empowerment practice
  • How to organize your Qigong practices wisely so Qigong is a natural, pleasant tool for your daily life

Live Long Qigong Introductory Training Is Included!


This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the Live Long Qigong 7-module course. When you purchase the 9-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module introductory course, Robert unlocks the secrets of longevity, radiant health, and bold, graceful aging using the healing 312+8 Qigong Program a gentle and effective elixir of life. In seven sessions, you’ll reconnect with the radiant health of your body and re-envision what’s possible for your life.

Each training session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to unlock the secrets of longevity; radiant health; and bold, graceful aging.

Module 1: Introduction to the Healing 312+8 Qigong Program

Module 2: Activate All Meridians With Dynamic Squatting & 8 Cycles Movements (Cycles 2 & 3)

Module 3: Clear Emotional & Physical Blockages With Hegu (Joining Valley) & 8 Cycles Movements (Cycles 4 & 5)

Module 4: Relax Your Body, Mind & Spirit With Neiguan (Inner Gate) & 8 Cycles Movements (6)

Module 5: Tonify Your Qi & Blood to Increase Longevity With Zusanli (Foot 3 Miles) & 8 Cycles Movements (Cycles 7 and 8)

Module 6: Applying the Universal Principles of Yin & Yang With 312+8

Module 7: Mapping a 100-Year Life Plan for Healthy, Happy & Graceful Aging

PLUS, you’ll get the Live Long Qigong Bonus Collection

Bonus #1

100-Day Fasts, Darkness Meditation & Superhuman Abilities
Audio Dialogue With Robert Peng and Aditya Jaykumar

Bonus #2

Nourishing Your Qi
Audio Dialogue With Robert Peng and Tami Samon

Bonus #3

Awakening Awareness
Audio Teaching From Robert Peng

The original price of Live Long Qigong on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!


The Yin & Yang Qigong Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s introductory training and transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the training and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Small Heavenly Circuit: The Qigong Way to Immortality
Guided Audio Meditation With PDF Guide From Robert Peng

Small Heavenly Circuit (SHC) is considered one of the most powerful techniques in Taoist Qigong for elevating spiritual awareness. Follow along as Robert shares a meditation practice that involves linking two energy pathways that run along the midline of the body into a cycling loop. One pathway, Du Mai (Governing Vessel), extends up the back; and the other, Ren Mai (Conception Vessel), runs down the front of the body. Along these pathways, you’ll find important energy points that act as reservoirs of energy. As energy is circulated around the SHC repeatedly, the current of Qi increases gradually from a trickle, to a gushing stream, and eventually an oceanic current of cosmic energy.


Jieqi Qigong: Seasonal Empowerment
Video Teaching From Robert Peng

In this miniconference, Robert talks about ancient wisdom of seasonal empowerment and will share some of the practices of Jieqi Qigong. When the Sun shines on the planet at a special angle, huge energy releases from the Earth to mix with the Sun energy and empower everything on the planet, like the energy of the four seasons. Our ancient masters meditated with this energy and through their insightfulness, they found out that there are not four but 24 seasons, and they called each mini season Jieqi.


Video Practice From Robert Peng

Robert’s guided self-massage practice works from head to feet, including three longevity points: Jiquan for Heart, Zhusanli for Stomach, and Yongquan for Kidneys. These exercises activate energy channels and pressure points in the body and limbs. When performed routinely, they strengthen the body while reducing tension, fatigue, irritation, frustration, and pain.


Four Cycles: Boost Your Guardian Qi
Video Teaching From Robert Peng

When your internal organs are strong and healthy, you radiate Guardian Qi, an energy field that protects the body from the environment and enhances the immune system. Some Qigong Masters meditate outdoors in wintertime for hours by generating internal heat. They’re covered by an invisible blanket of warm Guardian Qi and don’t catch cold. In this teaching, Robert will guide you to practice 4 Cycles that originates from the fabled Shaolin Temple to empower the internal organs to concentrate Guardian Qi.


What Graduates of Robert’s Courses Are Saying...


Nancy Gardner: “The Word 'Bliss' Comes to Mind”

David Salitrynski: “The Rock Actually Weighed 607 Pounds!”

Elaine Thomas: “I Could Feel the Sincerity, the Kindness, and a Grounded Enthusiasm From Robert”

Ellen Petersen: “My Qigong Practice Has Deepened and My Life Has Benefited Profoundly”

Strider Clark: “Robert Is a Rare Treasure of Chinese Culture and Qigong”

Thomas Garbarino: “Robert’s Vibration Will Bring You Into a Place That Is Already Healing”

Patty de Llosa: “Robert's Work Evokes a Tremendous Physical Vitality”

Nadiya Nottingham: “I Highly Recommend This Man Who Will See Your Gifts and Help You Channel Them”

Alan Nasypany: “It Was Like the Heavens Opened Up and God Poured Out”

“It is such a gift to be able to learn with a teacher who has embodied the practices so deeply.”

Robert is a wonderful teacher. His depth of experience is transmitted through his courses. It is such a gift to be able to learn with a teacher who has embodied the practices so deeply. His friendly, humble, and enthusiastic style is engaging. Qi-filled thanks, Robert.
Fiona Mackillop, Sydney, Australia

“This was a wonderful class with a joyful teacher who is bursting with knowledge and has an exceptional way of teaching.”

This was a wonderful class with a joyful teacher who is bursting with knowledge and has an exceptional way of teaching. The stories and imagery made for a powerful introduction to these movements... and I now go around saying to myself, “I am in the Qi and the Qi is in me,” which grounds me like an antenna. Highly recommended.
Debra, Asheville, North Carolina

“The best gift you could give yourself during these times, taught by a genuine human being, the highly accomplished Master Robert Peng.”

An inner adventure to empower your energy centers through fun, simple movement techniques. The best gift you could give yourself during these times, taught by a genuine human being, the highly accomplished Master Robert Peng.
Fern Veit, Australia

“I am extremely fortunate to be able to learn from Peng Shifu in that he is able to explain the nooks and crannies of Qigong...”

I’ve been a Chinese medicine practitioner since 2007. I’ve learned Qigong since the early 2000s from various teachers. I am extremely fortunate to be able to learn from Peng Shifu in that he is able to explain the nooks and crannies of Qigong, so that I can now place even greater values on what I’d learned before. The Xi Breathing technique has helped me in deepening my meditation practices and allows me to gain better focus in treating my patients.
Susanti, Chandler, Arizona

“Robert is an amazing teacher, very generous, knowledgeable, and skilled.”

Robert is an amazing teacher, very generous, knowledgeable, and skilled. Every course The Shift Network is hosts is fantastic and transformative. I highly recommend everything they present.
Nancy A., Boston, Massachusetts


Join the Global Community


Yin & Yang Qigong offers some of the most advanced online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Robert Peng will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that’s on the leading edge of a global movement of people manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Nine 90-Minute Class Sessions With Robert Peng

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Qigong master and healer Robert Peng from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to open all your meridians to unblock unlimited energy, focus, and potential. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Nine Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the digital video will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Nine Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Nine Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Live Long Qigong 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 9-module journey, you’ll get instant access to Robert’s first 7-module online course, taking you through his reliable system for unlocking the secrets of longevity; radiant health; and bold, graceful aging.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Yin & Yang Qigong Bonus Collection
  • Small Heavenly Circuit: The Qigong Way to Immortality
    Guided Audio Meditation With PDF Guide From Robert Peng
  • Jieqi Qigong: Seasonal Empowerment
    Video Teaching From Robert Peng
  • Self-Massage
    Video Practice From Robert Peng
  • Four Cycles: Boost Your Guardian Qi
    Video Teaching From Robert Peng

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Yin & Yang Qigong Online Training


We feel honored that Robert Peng has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a Qigong master and healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about opening all your meridians to access unlimited energy, focus, and potential with the power of Yin and Yang Qigong, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Note: If you’re a graduate of Robert’s 7-module Live Long Qigong course, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Yin & Yang Qigong or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before August 23, 2022 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Robert Peng...

“His clear and incisive teaching expands our understanding of what is possible...”

Robert Peng’s compelling life story illuminates a vast inner world. His clear and incisive teaching expands our understanding of what is possible, and his healing energy is truly remarkable. Robert’s work is a great blessing.
Seane Corn, yogini and founder of Off the Mat Into the World

“Robert Peng’s extraordinary abilities as a Qigong master are a gift to all...”

Robert Peng’s extraordinary abilities as a Qigong master are a gift to all, and his story is a miraculous journey into uncharted territory. Through his teachings, we too can learn to tap into our spiritual reservoirs and find our unique path to happiness.
Florence Comite, MD, associate professor at Yale School of Medicine, and author of Keep It Up

“Master Robert Peng is a true demonstration of Qigong spirit in his healing power, abundant creativity, and clear virtue.”

Master Robert Peng is a true demonstration of Qigong spirit in his healing power, abundant creativity, and clear virtue. I am grateful to be his colleague and friend on this path of shared vision and service.
Master Mingtong Gu, founder of Wisdom Healing Qigong

“He does something more important than heal; he teaches you to heal yourself.”

Robert’s Qi helped save my life. But he does something more important than heal; he teaches you to heal yourself. I am very fortunate to have found him.
Sally Jessy Raphael, talk show host

“... discover how your own life can be energized, healed, and empowered.”

I was privileged to bring Robert Peng from China. It’s been a thrill to see how this amazing man, with his mastery of Qigong, which I could barely believe when I first saw it in Hainan, has changed the lives of so many. Read his remarkable book and discover how your own life can be energized, healed, and empowered.
The Honorable Robert J. Hawke, Prime Minister of Australia, 1983-91

“The most amazing feeling I ever received from another human.”

Wow! The most amazing feeling I ever received from another human. Robert is God-sent. Thank you! Thank you!
Khaliah Ali, daughter of Muhammad Ali


About Robert Peng

Robert Peng, a world-renowned Qigong master and healer, was born and raised in Hunan, China. At age eight, he began an intensive apprenticeship under the close guidance of the legendary monk Xiao Yao, an enlightened master known for his profound healing ability and martial arts skill. At age 15, Robert endured a 100-day water fast in a small, dark room at a secluded monastery in the remote mountains of Hunan province, which initiated a radical spiritual transformation and awakened amazing healing powers. After pursuing his training quietly while attending a university in Changsha, he began to teach publicly at 29, and within five years had trained over 150,000 students all over China, Australia, and the U.S.

With his deep understanding and practice of Qigong, and with extensive life and teaching experience in the Western world, Robert has developed a unique way to teach Qigong that people from various cultures can easily understand and follow while enjoying the real essence of this ancient Chinese healing art of wisdom, love, and vitality.

Robert is author of The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom, and the DVD/CD companion series, The Master Key. He has been a regular presenter at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Esalen Institute, Integrative Health Symposium, and many other organizations and schools.

Together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Pema Chödrön, Robert was honored as one of Spirituality & Health magazine’s Top 10 Spiritual Heroes of 2013 for his contribution to transforming the ancient Chinese healing art of Qigong into one of today’s fastest-growing holistic practices.


Frequently Asked Questions


Note: If you’re a graduate of Robert’s 7-module Live Long Qigong course, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is August 23, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you’re a graduate of Robert’s 7-module Live Long Qigong course, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!
