With Bestselling Author & Creator of Active Dreaming
Robert Moss

New 12-Week Live Video Training Starts
Thursday, September 8, 2022
PLUS Robert’s 7-Module Introductory Program!

Can’t make it live? After each class, video and audio recordings are available to download and watch anytime.


Enter a portal to a greater reality, higher consciousness, and deeper transformation and healing with advanced dreamwork practices.

Reclaim vital energy by bringing back parts of yourself that went missing because of pain, grief, or trauma in your earlier life.


When scientists and scholars use the term multiverse based on the latest science, they’re slowly catching up with what shamans and others have known for thousands of years...

That beyond our perceived universe, there are other universes, perhaps infinite in number, besides the one we can observe and measure.

According to beloved Shift faculty Robert Moss, the creator of Active Dreaming, these parallel worlds might be so close to you that they’re influencing what’s going on in your current life.

You belong to a spiritual family as well as a biological family. You have counterparts in other times and in alternate realities aspects of your larger, multidimensional self.

And dreaming is traveling...

Robert teaches that you can visit the Other Side in your dreams, have timely and helpful communication with the departed in their current living environments and make death an ally instead of a fear.

As a conscious shamanic dreamer, you can lift the veil and travel to other realities accessing levels of healing and enlightenment that only come from connecting with other versions of yourself, says Robert.

You’ll then have what Robert calls an aerial view, not only of your past and future, but of the parallel lives and time tracks you might be following in alternate worlds.

Are you ready to become a citizen of the multiverse?

Join us for a powerful new advanced course with Robert and embark on a transformative journey to experience deep inner healing as you meet animal spirits and angels, explore what happens after death, and navigate the multiverse using synchronicity as you travel through time in your dreams.

During your 12 weeks with Robert, you’ll gain skills to confirm that dreaming is not fundamentally about what happens during sleep. It’s about waking up to a deeper order of reality. You’ll gain the skills you need to enter the dreamworld at will.

You’ll learn to engage in everyday dream yoga, a state between sleeping and being awake. You’ll also embark on group shamanic dream journeys and gain a much deeper appreciation of your spontaneous sleep dreams, ultimately bringing their energy and guidance into your embodied life.

Robert will encourage you to dream with your eyes wide open, by paying attention to how the world around you speaks to you in signs and symbols. You’ll be given keys to the way of the kairomancer, forever poised to recognize and act in moments of synchronicity when time works differently and the universe gets personal.

You’ll be invited to travel into the mind of your younger self to offer the counsel your younger self may desperately need. As you’ll discover, you can change the past and by extension, the present and future.

As Robert guides you to master skills like dream incubation, shamanic lucid dreaming, and kairomancy, you’ll have direct access to the realm of your ancestors, who sometimes reach out to you in your dreams.

You’ll explore the practice of dream archaeology, a combination of careful research, active dreamwork, and shamanic journeying across time and between dimensions. As a dream archaeologist, you’ll combine the skills of a shaman, scholar, and detective.

In the dreamtime, you’ll receive firsthand knowledge of what happens after death as you visit places where the dead are alive. You’ll learn to recognize and honor visitations from those who‘ve departed this world.

Join Robert and gain direct experience of the multidimensional universe. Grow your own powerful practices for a richer life within a spirited international community of creative and compassionate dreamers who will support your soul journey.


Navigating Life With Synchronicity

Do You Have a Book of Life?

The Rich Bounty of New Ideas & Practices You’ll Be Exploring in This Course


During this 12-week advanced course, you’ll:

  • Recognize the many forms of the dream guide and seek an up-close encounter with your own dream guide
  • Bring lessons and gifts from your alternate selves into your current embodied life
  • Allow animal spirits to illuminate your natural energy path and establish strong psychic boundaries that provide flight protection
  • Explore your connection with the lives and dramas of your other personalities living in other times
  • Journey across time to your younger selves who need help and support in their own present time and check in with your older and wiser self
  • Practice soul remembering reclaiming knowledge on the level of soul and spirit that belonged to you before you came into this life, for deeper wisdom and connections in your daily life
  • Gain a fuller understanding of your true self as you discover your patterns of interaction with other lives playing now in other times
  • Explore the plane of recollection, where you’ll see and remember your larger soul history and connection with dramas being played out in many times and many worlds so you can navigate life’s present-day ups and down with greater ease and clarity
  • Learn how reincarnation is just one of many after-death options so you don’t get trapped in linear conceptions of karma as you’ll discover, any past or future is a reality you can access and change
  • Explore current models of the many worlds theory, including the hypothesis of a simulated multiverse, from Hugh Everett to Doctor Strange
  • Explore everyday practices for navigating life’s difficult times using the power of synchronicity
  • And much more...

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Weeks

In this 12-week transformational intensive, Robert will help you navigate and understand the secrets of the multiverse and your multidimensional self so you can step into your full power as a creator and healer of your life.

The Power of Livestreaming Video


You’ll connect with Robert and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Robert’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)


Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore parallel universes and alternate selves to create a more imaginative, soul-inspired life.

If you have not experienced Robert’s teachings before, you’re welcome to join this next-level training but we ask that you complete the foundational 7-module program, Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality, on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Part 1: Travel With Animal Spirits & Angels
(Weeks 1-3)

When traveling between worlds, it’s wise to travel in good company with suitable guides and protectors. For the ancient dream shamans, these often took the form of animals, though they’re not confined to that form.

The Ainu of northern Japan, who follow the old ways, say that behind the veil of the world, the gods keep a wardrobe of animal skins and other costumes they put on when they visit humans.

The Greeks say that the gods love to travel in disguise.

In the first part of this course, Robert will guide you to grow your understanding of dream guides and animal spirits along with your ability to travel with them, drawing on their gifts of healing and protection.

Module 1: Dancing With Mother Bear to Initiate Healing & Psychic Boundaries of Protection (September 8)


Great Mama Bear is an extraordinary healer and protector. She’s the great medicine animal of North America. In the Old World, she’s also a form of the Goddess.

You’ll begin your immense journey by entering the embrace of Mother Bear. You’ll then meet or deepen your connection with other guides and teachers.

As Robert will explain, the animal guardians are not cute symbols to be looked up in books or flaunted as New Age decals. They’re living energies, both personal and transpersonal, that need to be celebrated and fed in your body and your life.

True allies turn up when you need them to lend their instincts and sensorium, which operate beyond the merely human range. As you’ll discover, shamanic practitioners may have connections with many animal guardians and may work temporary connections with the active or potential guardians of those they help.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Visit the Cave of Great Mother Bear to begin your 12-week journey
  • Recognize the many forms of the dream guide
  • Dialogue with spiritual guides who introduce themselves in dreams
  • Use spiritual dreams as doorways to realms of initiation and healing
  • Develop personal rituals to honor the powers that speak to you through dreams
  • Allow your animal spirits to show you the natural path of your energy, help you establish strong psychic boundaries, and provide you with flight protection

Module 2: Connect With Your Bird Spirit the Wings of Your Soul as You Begin to Travel Across Time & Space (September 15)


Are you ready to fly?

In this soaring adventure, you’ll connect with a bird ally and borrow its power of vision and its flying ability.

You’ll be invited to receive hummingbird medicine for your heart, to rise with celestial birds like the Simurgh and the thunderbirds, and to see through the eyes of the Cherubim.

You’ll learn why Plato wrote that when the soul truly awakens, you feel the itch of wings sprouting again from your shoulder blades and confirm that the soul, like the angels, is winged.

You’ll understand why Rilke spoke of the guardian angel like this: “You are the bird whose wings came when I wakened in the night and called.”

In this module, you’ll:

  • Recite a spell from the Egyptian Book of the Dead for becoming a bird
  • Receive hummingbird medicine for your heart while in deep meditation
  • Confirm your connection with a bird ally and fly on its wings across time and space
  • Enter the deep, mystical Persian story, The Conference of the Birds, and meet the heaven bird, the Simurgh
  • Prepare to fly in your dreams to places of soul memory and desire

Module 3: Raise Your Serpent Power & Energy to Shed Old Attachments & Heavy, Poisonous Energy (September 22)


The serpent is a cross-cultural symbol for medicine, primal energy, and even world creation.

Robert will guide you through a simple chakra meditation to raise the serpent energy.

You’ll make a journey into the realm of healing, dedicated to Asklepios and his divine family, that was offered in the ancient temples. Asklepios’ serpent-staff is still seen everywhere in medical contexts, for good reason.

Robert will explain how snakes appear in dreams, which may be personal myths and in myths, which may be collective dreams.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Journey to the ancient Temple of Dream Healing
  • Raise the wadjet/uraeus serpent at the third eye, Egyptian style
  • Shed old attachments and heavy energy, just as the snake sheds its skin
  • Learn why medicine may be poison, and poison may be medicine
  • Connect with the dragon fire of deep Earth

Part 2: Adventures in Dream Archaeology
(Modules 4-6)

Dreams guide you to the necessary past, to the history you need to know and use. Dreams may also trigger and direct specific lines of research.

While dreaming, you have direct access to the realm of the ancestors. Sometimes, they reach out to you in dreams. You can choose to reach to the ancestors through dream incubation and by developing the skills of shamanic dreaming.

The practice of dream archaeology involves reclaiming authentic knowledge of ancestral traditions, including those that may have been buried or suppressed in the course of history. Dream archaeology uses a combination of careful research, active dreamwork, and shamanic journeying across time and between dimensions.

The dream archaeologist combines the skills of the shaman, the scholar, and the detective.

On a personal level, this work becomes soul remembering reclaiming knowledge on the level of soul and spirit that belonged to you before you came into this life.

On a larger scale, it may amount to cultural soul recovery reclaiming authentic wisdom from the ancestors of your genealogy, of the land, and of the spiritual traditions to which you are connected.

Module 4: Meet Your Soul Family in the House of Time for a Better Life & Relationships Today (October 6)


In the dusky path of a dream I went to seek the love who was mine in a former life.
Rabindranath Tagore

Your present life is intimately related to dramas and relationships that are playing out in other times past, future, and parallel.

This is your invitation to visit a very special location in the multiverse to learn more about your connection with other personalities in your multidimensional family.

In the process, you’ll learn about reality creation in the Imaginal Realm, the vast plane of reality where human imagination works with higher intelligence to build enduring structures for healing, learning, and initiation.

The House of Time has been developed through the active imagination of dream explorers and archaeologists who have traveled there. It stands on ancient foundations.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore your connection with the lives and dramas of personalities living in other times
  • Learn how past-life and other-life dramas may be influencing your present life and relationships
  • Journey through effective portals to enter a past life and other life to establish a mutually beneficial conscious communication with your counterpart in that time
  • Travel through the portal of your personal dreams and far memories to people and places in other times that are calling you
  • Learn how, from a larger perspective, both past and future lives are playing now and you may be able to commune with your counterparts across time for mutual benefit

Module 5: Overcome Pain & Current Challenges by Practicing Trans-Temporal Healing With Your Younger Self to Embody More Joy, Imagination & Inspiration (October 13)


When we connect with our past selves including people we may have been in this life, before we changed our world or it changed us the trick is always to bring back what supports life and leave aside what does not.

You’ve learned that as a dreamer, you can move in and out of time.

As a time traveler, you can journey to a younger self in her own present time. As a voice in her mind, you can provide the encouragement and counsel she may need at a time of unbearable pain or challenge. You can be the friend and protector she needed but didn’t have. Tremendous healing for both of you can flow from this connection healing for you in your present time, and for her in her own time.

You’ll learn how to visit a younger self and seize the opportunity to bring her gifts and energy into your present life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Journey across time to younger selves who need help and support in their own present time
  • Reclaim vital energy by bringing back parts of yourself that went missing because of pain, grief, or trauma in your earlier life
  • Take action in your current life to assure your younger selves that you’re safe and fun, so you can embody more of their joy and imagination
  • Check in with an older and hopefully wiser self
  • Remember to play!

Module 6: Enter Hidden Chambers of the House of Time Discover Information & Inspiration for Any Field That’s Calling to You (October 20)


In Module 4, you were introduced to the House of Time, an extraordinary site in the Imaginal Realm that provides many portals to travel to other times, explore your relations with personalities living there, and gain access to master teachers.

Now, Robert will invite you to explore more rooms and levels.

In the Library of the House of Time, you’ll find a personal doorway to the Akashic Records. You’ll discover that you have access to information and inspiration in any field that’s calling to you, and you may have a direct encounter with a master teacher who’s drawn to you by affinity.

In the Chamber of Mirrors, you may be able to view the pattern of connection between you and counterpart personalities in other times and places and your common link to a Self on a higher level.

Your dreams and your curiosity may draw you to one of the many Special Collections the Egyptian Room or the Druid Grove, the Renaissance Palace of Memory, or the Tower of Maitreya.

In this module, Robert will invite you to embark on any or all of these adventures:

  • Meet a master teacher in the Library of the House of Time
  • Examine the Book of Your Life
  • Discover your patterns of interaction with other lives playing now in other times
  • Travel through a private doorway to another time and culture that’s calling you

Part 3: Voyages Beyond the Body
(Modules 7-9)

What happens after death is far too important for us to rely on hand-me-down beliefs and secondhand accounts. We need firsthand knowledge.

You’ll receive this firsthand knowledge by visiting places where the dead are alive, and by receiving visitations from those who’ve departed this world. Both ways of knowing are opened, easily and naturally, in dreams.

It’s never too early or too late to face your fear of death and discover what happens on the Other Side. As Renaissance philosopher Michel de Montaigne said, “We do not know where death will meet us, so we must be ready to meet death everywhere.”

When you’re willing to meet death as an ally instead of with dread, you’ll have super-abundant energy for life and can approach your choices with the courage and clarity that a close encounter with death can bring.

Module 7: Meet Your Guide to the Other Side Release Your Regrets & Unwanted Personal Karma (October 27)


The sacred guide takes different forms, depending on your perception and understanding. There is a profound teaching about this in a Buddhist sutra, the Gandavyuha, in which the seeker encounters a guide in more than 50 different forms, from prostitute to bodhisattva.

You’ll need the right soul guide while traveling the roads beyond death and often, it’s a departed loved one. The prophet Mohammed’s guide on his tremendous night journey to many worlds was Gabriel, the archangel of dreams.

The guide may be a personified Death, as Yama instructed Nachiketas in the Katha Upanishad. The Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg once reported that a task of angels on the Other Side guided souls in the direction of their “ruling love.”

To orient and protect your journey to realms beyond physical death, Robert will show you how to seek a close-up encounter with your sacred guide on the highest available level.

In a series of meditations and exercises, Robert will invite you to:

  • Open your heart to the soul of the soul
  • Dialogue with departed loved ones
  • Invoke Gabriel as archangel of dreams
  • Journey to your sacred guide
  • Release regrets and personal karma
  • Make Death your ally

Module 8: Journey Through the Moon Gate to Prepare Your Soul for Its Eternal Journey (November 3)


For the ancients, the astral realm of the moon is where spirits take on subtle bodies before entering their mothers’ bodies in the physical world. It is also the space to which spirits ascend, after cleansing and preparation. They may continue to reside here for a long time, watching over the Earth, entertaining Earth travelers, and producing dreams they will send to those on the lower plane.

In this realm, the astral body is left behind when a soul ascends to higher levels. Fascinating deities and angelic beings, both male and female, have been awarded patronage based on what happens in the realm of Luna. Get ready for a thrilling ride!

Robert will guide you as you:

  • Experience an encounter with the scrubbers who’ll cleanse and prepare you for entry, life after life, in the many worlds
  • Encounter a moon spirit
  • Journey to a school, pleasure palace, art studio, or café (you’ll make your own list of destinations) in the realm of Luna
  • Create a place of rendezvous for return visits with residents and other travelers
  • Inspect what happens to astral bodies in this realm, before birth and after death
  • Observe astral traffic between Earth and moon

Module 9: Explore Your Life Options on the Other Side the Possibilities Are Unlimited (November 10)


There is a people in the South Pacific who maintain that there are as many afterlife locales as there are human imaginations.

This may be entirely correct, yet because many people are lacking in imagination, they may settle in collective belief territories or confine themselves to very limited environments.

Robert will explain how imagination, memory, and desire are the architects and building contractors in the transition zones that one of his guides calls Memorydream.

You’ll study the reports of great psychic researchers who’ve successfully reported back from the other side.

You’ll develop a personal geography of the afterlife as you explore:

  • The Biograph, or place of life review
  • Schools of higher learning
  • Real estate options
  • Love on the other side
  • Communications centers where the departed seek to contact the living
  • Job opportunities on the Other Side, including becoming an apprentice guide
  • The plane of recollection, where you’ll see and remember your larger soul history and connection with dramas being played out in many times and many worlds

Part 4: Imagine the Multiverse
(Module 10-12)

Scientists use the term multiverse, coined by American philosopher William James, to describe the concept that there are other universes, perhaps infinite in number, beyond the one we can observe and measure.

This many-worlds hypothesis suggests that every time a choice is made, the universe splits and a parallel timeline is generated in which each of us has a doppelgänger.

In this field, physics is catching up with what dream shamans have known for millennia. For the Chukchi of Siberia, for example, humans (and other beings) have doubles in parallel worlds. They don’t assume these forms in turns, one after another. They possess all of them simultaneously, and what affects one affects all.

To explore these rich fields effectively and discover the gifts you can bring into your life, you’ll need the skills of advanced dreaming and kairomancy the art of observing and navigating by synchronicity.

Module 10: Dream With Seth & Oversoul Seven Learn to Change Your Present Physical Environment by Changing Your Dream Environment (November 17)


The multidimensional teacher who Jane Roberts (American author) called Seth is a great dream educator. He reminds us that consciousness travels outside the body, every night, in dreams.

When dreaming, you travel to other realities no less real maybe even more real than the physical world.

While dreaming, you observe an infinity of probable events, choosing specific events to become physical. You can tune in to parallel selves by waking up to what’s happening in your dreams. You may be able to borrow strength and skills from parallel selves who made different choices and are walking on other roads in the many worlds.

As you study the core teachings of Seth, you’ll learn that:

  • You’re living continuous lives in other realities that you glimpse in dreams
  • You can connect with other personalities in your multidimensional soul family for mutual benefit
  • Reincarnation is just one of many after-death options and you mustn’t get trapped in linear conceptions of karma, because any past or future is a probable reality that can be accessed and changed
  • You can change your physical environment by learning to change your dream environment
  • Your most important life teacher may be your Oversoul, or Greater Self

Module 11: Make Movies in the Multiverse Discuss Literary & Cinematic Works to Gain a Better Understanding of Your Skills & Powers (December 1)


Popular culture is full of movies, television series, and novels focused on time travel, parallel lives, and the multiverse.

In this fun class, Robert will guide you to discuss some intriguing productions and literary creations, and hitchhike across the multiverse on some of the plots.

Ready to board a TARDIS like the one in Doctor Who, or take a tesseract ride like the ones in A Wrinkle in Time? You may get to do that here.

You’ll look at time travel in fiction from The Time Machine to Recursion and on screen from Back to the Future and Somewhere in Time to Travelers, 12 Monkeys, and Dark.

Want to open the book on a parallel life, as in Matt Haig’s The Midnight Library? That may be an option for a journey in this class.

Or maybe you’re drawn to different versions of entering alternate lives. How about Quantum Leap, Run Lola Run, Fringe, Sense8, or Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Robert will encourage you to talk up your own picks and he’ll help grow your filmography and recommended reading.

The exact content of this class will depend on which universe you’re in by the time it takes place. However, you’ll likely:

  • Discuss personal picks and contribute to the class filmography
  • Create games and exercises based on fictional and screen scenarios to call in skills and powers of alternate selves in a challenging situation
  • Explore how events in a parallel timeline may collide or converge with your present life

Module 12: The View From the Fifth Dimension Developing Practices for Navigating Life Using Synchronicity (December 8)


By tracking serial dreams, you can gather firsthand evidence that you may be leading continuous lives in parallel worlds and wake up to your connection with personalities in other times.

As you’ll discover in this final session, by practicing horizontal meditation in the space between sleep and awake, you can develop a degree of continuity that allows you to be present in two or more states of reality and consciousness at the same time, with seamless coherence.

By connecting with your Higher Self, you may be able to survey the patterns of connection from a higher perspective, with some objectivity and a sense of divine comedy.

As Robert will explain, by tracking the weave of synchronicity, you come alive to a hidden order of events, to the understory of your world and your life. You’re at the center of the multidimensional universe, right now.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Explore current models of the many worlds theory, including the hypothesis of a simulated multiverse
  • Learn everyday practices for navigating life using synchronicity
  • Bring lessons and gifts from your alternate self into your current embodied life
  • Become a multidimensional creator
  • Discover that, if only you pay attention, the extraordinary lies in plain sight, in the midst of the ordinary

Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality Introductory Training Is Included!


This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality 7-module course. When you purchase the 12-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module introductory course, Robert helps you to go beyond the here-and-now with dream travel to visit your future, other worlds, and versions of yourself to unlock new ideas and creative inspiration for infinite possibilities. In seven sessions, you’ll experience dream travel through the multiverse to inform and enrich your current life and all your lives across time, space, dimensions, and realities.

Module 1: Dreamtime, Einstein’s Time & Other Times

Module 2: Dreaming the Future

Module 3: Dreaming Past Lives

Module 4: Adventures in the Museum of Time

Module 5: Dream Travel With J.R.R. Tolkien & C.S. Lewis

Module 6: Parallel Time Sliding Doors in the Many Worlds

Module 7: Creation Time Manifesting From the Moment of Now

PLUS, you’ll get the Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality Bonus Collection

Bonus #1

Paleopsych 101: Astral Travel, Subtle Bodies, & Soul Itineraries
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Bonus #2

Tolkien the Dreamer
Video Story From Robert Moss

Bonus #3

Real Magic
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Bonus #4

Active Dreaming Toolkit
A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss

The original price of Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!


The Deeper Adventures Into the Multiverse Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s introductory training and transformative 12-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife
Video Dialogue With Robert Moss & Tirzah Firestone

Join Rabbi Tirzah Firestone and Robert as they share about ancient and modern rituals that can help you enter the unseen world behind the veil of death. They explore ways to release your own fears about death, and any cultural and familial baggage you may be carrying. Robert and Rabbi Tirzah share teachings and practices in the areas of dreamwork, soul journeying, near-death experiences, and visitations to help you access your wise and well ancestors for guidance, healing, and spiritual transformation.


The Marvelous World of Dream Guides & Allies
Video Dialogue With Robert Moss & Clare Johnson

In this lively conversation, Robert and lucid dreaming author Clare Johnson explore fascinating questions around dream guides and allies. Why might a dream animal chase you? How can dream allies help you fight illness and activate your healing potential? As you listen to this dialogue, you’ll meet a Samurai warrior, a wise-cracking entertainer, an alligator with a healing elixir in its belly and two powerful dream women (one Robert’s, one Clare’s), each endowed with a third eye.



Active Dreaming Toolkit
A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss

Enrich your Active Dreamer’s repertoire with these three essential tools designed to deepen your dreaming. These experience-enhancing tools include a 12-minute audio drumming track, Robert’s signature Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories (audio recording and transcript), and a Creative Journaling teaching in which Robert offers you fun games to play with in the most important book you may ever read or write: your dream journal.


What Graduates of Robert’s Courses Are Saying...


Kristin Clark: “Robert Is a Wise and Powerful Guide Between You and the Other Realms”

Alis Anagnostakis: “Robert Is One of the Wisest People I Have Ever Had the Good Fortune of Meeting”

Monica Kenton: “Robert Brings a Sense of Fun and Playfulness to Discovering the Dreamworld”

Kai Altair: “My Life Has Been Forever Changed as I’ve Stepped Into the Magic of Dreaming With Robert Moss”

Anna Bromley: “Robert Brings a Big Dollop of Magic to His Classes”

Jane Carleton: “It Really Is a Gift to Yourself to Spend Time With Robert”

“In my world, Robert Moss is the greatest dream teacher there is or ever was.”

In my world, Robert Moss is the greatest dream teacher there is or ever was. He is a pioneer in this field and I am so grateful to be able to take his classes via The Shift Network as I cannot travel to the West Coast for his workshops.
Lisa, Virginia Beach, Virginia

“Robert Moss is not like any teacher I have ever had before.”

The Shift Network has really blessed my life with choosing the staff they have and the courses they offer with faculty like Robert Moss. I have received help from the staff promptly whenever I had an issue or request. Robert Moss is not like any teacher I have ever had before. He is an amazing and engaging teacher. With his guidance, I feel I will be better able to help my future Reiki clients and anyone else that I encounter with the light he has shared.
Donna Baley-Presutti, Olmsted Township, Ohio

“Robert is the wild, profoundly knowledgeable, wise, and witty conductor of this thoroughly enjoyable, intrepid, deep journey.”

The course has been like riding a giant wave across a good portion of the ocean, while at the same time flying over the scene to watch myself doing it. Robert is the wild, profoundly knowledgeable, wise, and witty conductor of this thoroughly enjoyable, intrepid, deep journey. An adventure that has allowed me to step solidly and fearlessly into gloriously different realities and layers of myself that are undeniably true, ready and eager to be experienced. And it has given me the tools to access those realities just like the one we call everyday life, weaving a deep connection among them all, and ultimately with all levels of my being. With much gratitude and aloha!
Eliana, Honolulu, Hawaii and Italy

“I thoroughly enjoyed the course I learned new technologies of the sacred and had so much fun in the process, I’m over the moon!”

Thank you, Robert, for such an amazing spiritual journey! Vital insights were revealed to me that I wouldn't have had otherwise. I thoroughly enjoyed the course I learned new technologies of the sacred and had so much fun in the process, I’m over the moon! And much gratitude to The Shift Network for the exquisite delivery of such a soul-enriching course! Thank you highly recommended!
Ersilia Arjocan, London, England

“This course will change your life, bring more meaning to every experience, and bring more play and fun into your days!”

This course will change your life, bring more meaning to every experience, and bring more play and fun into your days! I am a completely different person in the sense that I have relaxed into the knowing of myself as a soul, and that understanding has allowed me to step into my highest self NOW. This is something you will not want to miss!! I cannot recommend this strongly enough. Thank you, Robert and The Shift Network!!!
Suzanne, Charleston, South Carolina


Join the Global Community


Deeper Adventures Into the Multiverse With Active Dreaming offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Robert Moss will share in this powerful training.

You’ll be part of an international community that’s on the leading edge of a global movement of people manifesting a world grounded in principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Robert Moss

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from bestselling author and dream archeologist Robert Moss from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a livestreaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to explore parallel universes and alternate selves to create a more Imaginative, soul-inspired life. Course sessions are on Thursdays at 10:00am Pacific.

Twelve Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the digital video will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twelve Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Twelve 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help you further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are available for live attendance only and are not recorded for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you register for this 12-module journey, you’ll get instant access to Robert’s first 7-module online course, taking you through his reliable system for experiencing dream travel through the multiverse to inform and enrich your life.

The Deeper Adventures Into the Multiverse Bonus Collection
  • Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife
    Video Dialogue With Robert Moss & Tirzah Firestone
  • The Marvelous World of Dream Guides & Allies
    Video Dialogue With Robert Moss & Clare Johnson
  • Active Dreaming Toolkit
    A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Deeper Adventures Into the Multiverse With Active Dreaming Online Training


We feel honored that Robert Moss has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the bestselling author and dream archeologist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about opening your personal doorway to a greater reality and higher consciousness with advanced practices, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Note: If you’re a graduate of Robert’s 7-module course, Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Deeper Adventures Into the Multiverse With Active Dreaming or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before September 22, 2022 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Robert Moss...

“Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul...”

Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul through shamanic dreaming.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, author of Soul Retrieval

“Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides...”

Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides to dreams and dreaming... [He] is dragging us, kicking and screaming, into a new vision of consciousness, space, and time.
Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind and The Power of Premonitions

“Deeply healing and useful!”

Robert Moss demonstrates how to explore the universal language of the imagination and the soul, which together bridge the inner world of spirit and the outer world of action. Deeply healing and useful!
Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author of The Four-Fold Way

“Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds...”

Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds... He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected from whatever time, place, or reality.
Julia Assante, author of The Last Frontier

“[Robert Moss] transcends disciplines...”

[Robert Moss] transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.
Stanley Krippner, PhD, co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work With Them


About Robert Moss

Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences as a child, which provided him with early access to other realms. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a 3-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he’s a bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar.

Robert has written more than a dozen books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination, including Conscious Dreaming... The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead... Dreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death... Dreaming the Soul Back Home... Sidewalk Oracles: Playing With Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life... Mysterious Realities: A Dream Traveler’s Tales From the Imaginal Realm. .. and his spiritual memoir, The Boy Who Died and Came Back.

His latest book, Growing Big Dreams: Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires Through 12 Secrets of the Imagination, is a passionate and practical call to step through the gates of dreams and imagination to survive hard times, travel without leaving home, and grow the vision of a more abundant life, so rich and strong that it yearns to take root in the world.


Frequently Asked Questions


Note: If you’re a graduate of Robert’s 7-module course, Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is September 22, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you’re a graduate of Robert’s 7-module course, Active Dreaming to Travel Through Time & Create a New Reality, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!
