With Bestselling Author and Dream Archeologist
Robert Moss

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Experience deep healing and new possibilities for your life when you set yourself free from old stories by connecting with archetypal sources of courage, fulfillment, and magic through the power of dreamwork.


Australian Aborigines say that the big stories are hunting the right people to tell them, like predators stalking in the bush. The trick is to put ourselves in a place where the big stories can find us.

For the big stories of your life to find you, you can put yourself in the right place by courting your dreams, paying attention to the dreamlike play of symbols and synchronicity in the world around you.

You need to step out of the tired old stories you may have inherited from family, from other people telling you who you are, and from personal histories of failure and defeat.

As you’ll discover, once you’re free to be seized by your own bigger story that’s been seeking you, you free yourself from limiting definitions and beliefs.

And great healing becomes available, because you can now draw on the immense energy you’ve generated by serving a larger purpose and engaging in a deeper drama.

In this 7-module video course with Robert Moss, you’ll discover how, when you’re following a deeper call, the muse or creative genius and the intelligences of the world-behind-the-world will come to support your life projects.

As Robert will explain, a myth may introduce you, like the major arcana of the tarot, to essential members of your archetypal family to personified forces at play in your life and your universe.

There’s a vital and vibrant connection between dreams and myths. A dream may be a personal myth, and a myth may be a collective dream.

Your dreams can be a nightly screening of gods and archetypes. A dream may be your place of encounter with a big story that’s looking for you. It may call you to a tradition about which you previously knew nothing.

Myth, by design, makes it clear that we are meant to be something more than our personal history.
P.L. Travers, author of Mary Poppins

Because your present life dramas are connected with other personalities in other places and times, within your multidimensional family, it is not surprising that “old” gods and “dead” religions feature in your spontaneous mythology...

They show up in dreams and visions and in those moments of synchronicity when you sense, through your shivers, that a hidden hand is pushing you forward or holding you back, or making an everyday miracle.

Robert, one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts, has inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops throughout a lifetime of teaching.

Now it’s time for you to live your greatest story by connecting with archetypal sources of courage, fulfillment, and magic through the power of dreamwork.


During this illuminating video course with Robert, you’ll:

  • Take shamanic journeys to deepen your connection with the animal spirits, visit extraordinary locales in the Imaginal Realm, and more
  • Break a dream drought to dream in the liminal space between sleep and awake
  • Keep a personal journal as a magical diary, a log of your dreams and encounters with everyday oracles and a place to dialogue with your many selves
  • Deepen your connection with your winged allies and see where they take you 
  • Recognize the archetypal forces at play in your energy fields, and how symbols that live in  your mind have magnetic effects
  • Track how your emotions generate events with the Pauli effect, named for the quantum pioneer who helped Jung develop his theory of synchronicity
  • Grow a daily practice of listening to the Speaking Land 
  • Adopt simple rituals to honor the Gatekeeper, including an everyday invocation
  • Learn to put your questions about your life to the world and receive guidance on a life theme and let the world put its questions to you 
  • Discover how your own dreams and the stories that seized you in childhood may prove to be your surest guides
  • Meet the forms of the Goddess that are most relevant for your current life
  • Explore the powerful truth that reincarnation is real, but only one of many after-death options and you mustn’t get trapped in linear conceptions of karma, because any past or future is a probable reality that can be accessed and changed now
  • Learn that you’re living continuous lives in other realities that you glimpse in dreams
  • Learn that your most important life teacher may be your oversoul, or greater self

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Robert will guide you through the fundamental dreamwork skills you’ll need to set yourself free from old stories, experience deep healing, and live your biggest story by connecting with archetypal sources of courage, fulfillment, and magic.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to delve into your bigger story so you can free yourself from limiting definitions and beliefs.

Module 1: Honor the Gatekeeper Learn What the Fox Knows


You live on the edges of my life
at the margin of the tame land and the wild
and your appearances are always edgy for me.

You know when to hide and when to hunt.
Men chase you on horseback, with dogs,
yet turn chicken when you turn up unannounced.

You are tricky. I doubt I’ll ever be at ease with you.
But you are a determined messenger
and a necessary link to old and sacred things.

You call women I care for to reclaim lost soul
and become foxy girls, immune to glass ceilings,
setting their own boundaries, living unbounded life.

Robert Moss, “Brushes With the Red Fox”

You’ll begin this journey with Robert the way ancient and Indigenous wisdom says to start every day by paying your respects to the sacred powers that open and close your paths in life...

As you’ll discover, The Gatekeeper is one of the most active archetypes in your life. It opens and closes your doors and roads.

The Gatekeeper is personified in many traditions as the elephant-headed Ganesha in India, as Eshu/Eleggua in West Africa, as Anubis in ancient Egypt, and as Hermes and Hekate in ancient Greece.

The Trickster, the power that opens the doors in your life, is the mode the Gatekeeper adopts when you need to change, adapt, and recover your sense of humor.

Robert will explain how, if you’re set in your ways and wedded to a linear agenda, the Trickster can become your devil. However, if you’re open to the unexpected, the Trickster can be a very good friend.

The Trickster is personified in many figures. In this session, Robert will pay particular attention to its brushes with Fox. When Fox is around, the message is always pay attention...

The fox is a liminal animal, and its appearances suggest that you’re entering an edgy time.

In this first class you’ll establish a place of sanctuary and vision, a place of encounter with spiritual allies and a launchpad for deepening explorations of the world-behind-the-world.

At the start of your journey with Robert, you’ll be invited to:

  • Adopt simple rituals to honor the Gatekeeper, including an everyday invocation that works
  • Savor Fox tales and dance with the play of the Trickster in your life
  • Make a shamanic journey to deepen your connection with the animal spirits and grow your Tree of Vision as a bridge between the worlds
  • Break a dream drought and learn to dream in the liminal space between sleep and awake
  • Keep a personal journal as a magical diary, a log of your dreams and encounters with everyday oracles and a place to dialogue with your many selves
  • Practice a fun, fast way to share your stories with a friend that makes it easy to offer helpful feedback and guide each other to take appropriate action

Module 2: The Forgetful Envoy & the Demon Parrot Stories That Bind, Dreams That Release


How does one learn to tell stories which please kings?

Fatema Mernissi, Dreams of Trespass

You’ve probably heard of Scheherazade, who creates the thousand and one stories of the Arabian Nights. Her life depends on it! If she can’t come up with new entertainment, the tyrant king will kill her in the morning...

Robert will share how Scheherazade’s story is more relevant to your life than you may have realized. You need to approach each day as a fresh adventure.

You’re being called to find the right stories and tell them so that they shift people and things around you just as Scheherazade was eventually able to heal the mind of the tyrant, transforming the world and its people.

Your dreams, like Scheherazade, give you a new story every night if you will only remember them, then learn to take creative action to bring the new story into the daylight world.

As Robert will explain, you have a personal film production company that makes dream movies just for you.

As you move into mythic life, Robert will guide you to recognize, and revise or discard, some of the old stories you’ve been living.

In this module, you’ll be invited to dream on some often-told tales that may hold gifts for you, including:

  • The Tale of the Forgetful Envoy You were sent here on assignment from another world. To carry out your mission, you have to fit in with the people around you. You manage to fit in so well you forget why you came here. Now a new envoy must be sent to remind you.
  • The Challenge of the Demon Parrot In an amazing story from Persia, the greatest challenge in the hero/heroine’s quest is posed by a Demon Parrot. This bird represents repetition, the human tendency to play things safe and stay in old grooves.
  • The Garden Behind the Moon In a lovely old children’s story that’s not just for kids, young people play in a garden behind the moon  and it may dawn on you that this is a story about where parts of your vital selves may go when you suffer soul loss. You’ll be invited to journey to that garden and see who and what is there for you.

Module 3: The Scarab & the Fox Learning From Jung & Mark Twain, Two Masters of Synchronicity


Nothing happens in which you are not entangled in a secret manner, for everything has ordered itself around you and plays your innermost. Nothing in you is hidden to things… The stars whisper your deepest mysteries to you, and the soft valleys of the earth rescue you in a motherly womb.
C.G. Jung, The Red Book

Most human cultures have long believed in a hidden hand that’s at work in coincidence.

Through the play of unusual or unexpected conjunctions, and natural phenomena, gods or angels, animate forces of nature, or other dimensions send messages to humans or actively intervene in our world.

Jung came to believe that we move through life within a “circumambient atmosphere” that connects us to the realms of gods and archetypes, generating synchronistic phenomena.

Robert will explain how to navigate your life through synchronicity and awaken to the deeper forces at play beyond the curtain of everyday perception with the help of two masters of the game, Jung and Mark Twain.

Jung not only invented the word “synchronicity,” he lived by it. He was constantly alive to the oracles all around him.

When Jung worked with a patient, he followed patterns of wind and water over the lake, the appearance of a fox on a wooded path, or a green-gold flying beetle at the window...

To Jung, the circumambient atmosphere was charged by the often-unacknowledged archetypes that travel with us, generating synchronistic events.

Mark Twain is famous as a humorist, sage, prolific author, and profound student of the human condition. He was more than an observer of coincidence he used it as a daily source of guidance and actively experimented with inviting synchronous events.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to recognize the archetypal forces at play in your energy fields, and how symbols that live in  your mind have magnetic effects
  • Track how your emotions generate events with the Pauli effect, named for the quantum pioneer who helped Jung develop his theory of synchronicity
  • Grow a daily practice of listening to the Speaking Land 
  • Discover with Mark Twain that a setback may truly be an opportunity, and that you need to notice what’s showing through a slip
  • Be invited to play fun games of Sidewalk Tarot, some ancient and some fresh and original
  • Learn to put your questions about your life to the world and receive guidance on a life theme
  • Let the world put its questions to you by scheduling unscheduled time to pay attention as you walk in “the forest of living symbols that are looking at you”
  • Do divination by the book, in the ancient way of bibliomancy
  • Listen for your daily kledon, a favorite oracle of the ancient Greeks 

Module 4: Wings of the Goddess


Any goddess can be referred to in kenning by associating her characteristics, possessions, activities, or family members with the name of another goddess.
Snorri Sturluson, Skáldskaparmál
(The Language of Poetry)

The above statement, from one of the primary sources on the Norse goddesses and gods, lights a fire in the head. If all the goddesses can be called by each other’s names, it would seem they are all aspects of the Great Goddess.

Robert will share the story of the goddess Vanadis, the Great Goddess of the Vanir, better known to the world as Freyja...

Also known as Shining Sea, Flax, Sow, the Giver, and Mask, she flies on falcon wings when not riding in a chariot drawn by cats, or on the back of a wild boar.

As Robert will explain, perhaps Freyja is also Gullveig, the “golden” goddess who was toasted on spears by the patriarchal Indo-European gods. She was burned three times reborn each time stronger and brighter, to create the magic of seidr forbidden to men (although Odin slips in).

In the North, the birds of the Goddess are the falcon, the raven, and the swan. Do you have a bird ally that can lend you its vision and its wings? Perhaps you feel close to other birds the eagle or the hummingbird, the woodpecker or the heron. Every bird, like every aspect of the Goddess, has its own magic.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Deepen your connection with your winged allies and see where they take you with your sights set, above all, on the Goddess
  • Find yourself with Winged Isis, or Ishtar, or the Swan People considered the greatest shamans of the Beaver Indians… or perhaps in the Goddess culture of Çatalhöyük, or learning the ways of the Morrigan on an Irish hill
  • Discover how your own dreams and the stories that seized you in childhood may prove to be your surest guides
  • Journey across time and dimensions with the help of bird allies
  • Meet the forms of the Goddess that are most relevant for your current life
  • Learn how Egypt dreamed with Isis and how she spread her wings of mystery over much of the ancient world

Module 5: In Merlin’s Enchanted Apple Orchard


We live by stories. Our first and best teachers, in our lives and in the evolution of our kind, instruct and inspire by telling stories. Story is our shortest route to the meaning of things, and our easiest way to remember and carry the meaning we discover. A good story lives inside and outside time, and gives us keys to a world of truth beyond the world of fact.
Robert Moss, Growing Big Dreams

Merlin has a thousand faces. He’s a magician, enchanter, poet, trickster, prophet, wise or scheming adviser to kings and the hero or antihero of countless dramas.

Merlin is a dreamer, though in some of the ages in which he was remembered this was no term of praise. In Shakespeare’s King Henry IV, Hotspur sneers at Welsh boasts about “the dreamer Merlin and his prophecies” and “such a deal of skimble-skamble stuff.”

Merlin’s company is that of the awenyddion, or “inspired ones,” of whom Gerald of Wales wrote that “their gifts are usually conferred upon them in dreams.”

Merlin is a shaman, perhaps the very model of a shaman of the West. He is at home with the trees; he finds sanctuary inside an ancient apple tree, and feeds on apples and nuts. He knows the animals and can take their forms. He is a master of story, poetry, and song, through which bardic arts he can redefine and so remake the world around him.

You likely dream of Merlin, and it may be that he brings dreams to you.

Merlin travels with a magic orchard that goes with him everywhere. If you’re very lucky, he may offer you an apple, either silver or gold. When you bite down, you’ll taste not only the sweet juice of the apple, but the heady power of a story that will inspire you and give juice to your life.

In this class, Robert will invite you to:

  • Visit Merlin’s enchanted apple orchard
  • Explore other portals through which you can seek the wise ones and the greater stories that are waiting for you at this stage in your soul odyssey
  • Access a magic library whose doors are never closed to you, though you may be required to show some ID and put down your baggage
  • Discover inspiration and information in any area that attracts you as you’ll see, the guides available to you may include master teachers in any field
  • Find your own Merlin
  • Find your personal entrance to the Akashic Records, or quantum information field
  • Find the big story you need to recognize and embody in your life right now

Module 6: Stop Driving Used Karma


Let’s see... I’m a man on Wednesday and Friday, a woman on Sunday and Thursday, and I have the rest of the time off for independent study. Actually... this is somewhat more complicated. Each life is lived in a different area of time to which various designations are given. As Lydia I’m in the twentieth century, as Josef in the seventeenth, as Ma-ah in 35,000 B.C., and as Proteus in the twenty-third century A.D.
Jane Roberts, The Education of Oversoul Seven

The stories that bind us are not only from our current lives and family relations. In the larger universe, our present dramas may be related to those of personalities living in other times...

Robert will explain how these personalities living in other times can include ancestors of your bloodline, of the lands where you live and travel, and your soul family across time and place.

At this point in your journey, you’ll be ready to discover that you stand at the center of all times and need not be bound by past histories, or karma you’ve acquired in your present or past lives.

Jane Roberts and Seth (who she called the “interdimensional teacher”) are excellent guides to this territory.

As you study the core teachings of Seth and Jane Roberts’ own Oversoul Seven series, you’ll:

  • Learn that you’re living continuous lives in other realities that you glimpse in dreams
  • Discover how you can connect with other personalities in your multidimensional soul family for mutual benefit
  • Explore the powerful truth that reincarnation is real, but only one of many after-death options and you mustn’t get trapped in linear conceptions of karma, because any past or future is a probable reality that can be accessed and changed now
  • Learn that your most important life teacher may be your oversoul, or greater self and when you rise to view your life issues from its perspective, you awaken to a hidden order of events and may bring in a blessed sense of divine comedy
  • Make a shamanic journey to an extraordinary locale in the Imaginal Realm known as the House of Time
  • Find that many doors can open for you here, to clarify and heal your relations with other members of your soul family across time and place
  • Be invited to make a journey of ascent to interact with the aspect of your oversoul that’s ready to receive you, if it’s the right time for you

Module 7: Become a Kairomancer


If you’re going to bring something new into your world, find the field you will marry, as the poet marries language, as the artist marries color and texture, as the chef marries taste and aroma, as the swimmer marries the water.
Robert Moss, Sidewalk Oracles

A kairomancer is someone who is poised to recognize and take action in the kairos moment of synchronicity when the universe gets personal, time works differently, and you feel the presence of the powers of the invisible world. 

To follow the way of the kairomancer, you need to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, develop your personal science of shivers, and recognize that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness

As Robert will explain, you’ll need to take dreams more literally and the events of waking life more symbolically. You’ll need to take care of your poetic health, reading what rhymes in a day, or a season... 

Expect the unexpected, make friends with surprises, and never miss that special moment. 

In your final class, you’ll play some wonderful new games and bring alive more of the kairomancer’s way of conscious, creative living:

  • Keep Your Edge To create is to bring something new into the world, and that involves risks. The greater powers that support your life draw closer when you are willing to dance on the edge. Everything interesting happens on the boundaries.
  • Marry Your Field Do what you love, give your best to that, and trust that the universe will support you.
  • Bring a New Story from Every Day The Kabbalah teaches that we must find our story, tell our story, and have our story received. This is an assignment you are now well prepared to fulfill every day.
  • Take Care of Your Poetic Health A talent for resemblances is essential for a kairomancer, as the Greeks said it was for a good dream interpreter. Notice recurring symbols and situations. Observe what rhymes in a day or a life.
  • Remember the Time Is Always Now, Except When the Time is GO All times, past, present, and parallel, are accessible to you now, and may be revisioned for the better
  • Choose Your Attitude However difficult your circumstances, you always have the ability to choose your attitude and this can change everything, including the health of your mind and body, and your experience of the world.

The Dreaming Your Mythic Life Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, March 6, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Robert Moss Dreamwork Summit Compilation
Three Selected Sessions From Shift Summit Archives

Dreamwork can help you imagine and live a new story for your life and transmute fear into self-compassion, courage, and better understanding of yourself and others. These sessions can help you reframe and work through painful experiences, ease stress, and provide new perspectives on your challenges and start living the life your soul intended for you. You’ll receive Growing Big Dreams, hosted by Kimberly R. Mascaro, PhD; Dreaming the Soul Back Home, hosted by Rodger Kamenetz; and Active Dreaming to Heal Our Relations With the Departed and Meet Our Soul Families, hosted by Susan Audrey.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, March 18, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Dream Archaeology & the Keepers of Ancestral Wisdom
Video Dialogue With Robert Moss and Lisa Bonnice

The ancestors are calling, calling: ancestors of your bloodlines, of the lands where you live or travel, and of your soul family across time and place. In this video dialogue, Robert Moss and Lisa Bonnice will introduce you to the exciting practice of dream archaeology to access the living past, so you can enter into direct communication with the keepers of ancestral wisdom and heal collective and cultural soul loss. You’ll reach across time to heal ancestral wounds, discharge karmic burdens, reclaim ancient rituals and much more.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

Dreaming With the Great Goddess of the North
Video Dialogue With Robert Moss and Valgerður Bjarnadóttir

Listen in as Robert talks with Valgerður Bjarnadóttir, celebrated Icelandic scholar, dream archaeologist, and author. Valgerður’s dreams led her to embark on a 30-year journey to unveil the true face of Freyja, the Great Goddess of Norse and Icelandic tradition, and the sacred practices of the ancient seeresses. Rolling back the overlay of patriarchal and clerical prejudice, she succeeded in releasing the beating heart of a Goddess tradition of deep relevance to our lives and our healing today.  


Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Kairomancy is the art of navigating by synchronicity. In this powerful teaching, Robert shares how the kairomancer is poised to recognize and act in those special kairos moments of “opportunity time” when the universe becomes personal and you feel the play of deeper forces beyond the obvious world. Robert encourages you to follow this path with stories from his own life and from two masters of the game, beloved humorist and writer Mark Twain, and depth psychologist Carl Jung.


Excerpts From Adventures for Healing in the Dreamtime
Two Recorded Journeys From Robert Moss

In Robert’s popular course Adventures for Healing in the Dreamtime, he led the way on wild dream adventures in imaginal and mythic realms to places of healing, initiation, and creation. He shared how to apply gifts from the dreamworld to empower your everyday life and shine through the dark times. Join him on these two powerful journeys from the course, Journey for Dream Healing With the Fast-Flowing Goddess and Journey to Find Your Songlines.


Active Dreaming Toolkit
A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss

Active Dreaming is Robert’s original meld of dreamwork and shamanic journeying. Your Active Dreaming repertoire will be enriched by these tools for deepening your experience. Your toolkit includes three powerful audio recordings: Drumming Track for Shamanic Dreamers, The Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories (with transcript), and Creative Journaling (with transcript).


Lines for the Marriage of Persephone & Hades
Video Teaching From Robert Moss

Robert invites you to step into the mythic embrace of the Goddess of a Thousand Faces. Reading a selection of his own poems, including “Lines for the Marriage of Persephone and Hades,” he also reads some of his adaptations of ancient hymns to Inanna, Isis, and other goddesses, such as “Hathor Placed Joy in My Heart.” He closes by offering roadside assistance for your soul journey through his long poem, “Notes for the Road.”


What Graduates of Robert’s Courses Are Saying…


Kristin Clark: “Robert Is a Wise and Powerful Guide Between You and the Other Realms”

Alis Anagnostakis: “Robert Is One of the Wisest People I Have Ever Had the Good Fortune of Meeting”

Monica Kenton: “Robert Brings a Sense of Fun and Playfulness to Discovering the Dreamworld”

Kai Altair: “My Life Has Been Forever Changed as I’ve Stepped Into the Magic of Dreaming With Robert Moss”

Anna Bromley: “Robert Brings a Big Dollop of Magic to His Classes”

Jane Carleton: “It Really Is a Gift to Yourself to Spend Time With Robert”

“... what a total transformational experience for me...”

This is my fourth course with Robert Moss. Each one has been so enriching and this   what a total transformational experience for me being able to take that journey and walk beyond the veil has been uplifting and healing. Robert has a power to use imagery, words, and sound to teach and lead you into unexpected places and interactions. I am very much looking forward to applying the methods both on a personal and practice level. 
Denise Flinchbaugh, Elizabeth, Colorado

“I wholeheartedly recommend this course to aspiring shamanic dreamers!”

Robert is an inspiring and gently charismatic course leader, who is able to draw on an extraordinary wealth of eclectic knowledge and wisdom. There is a sense of being guided protectively into the unknown and being inspired to dare to visualise a whole world existing in another dimension. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to aspiring shamanic dreamers! 
Jane Tarlo, Brighton, United Kingdom 

“This wonderful course provided me with enough material to stay happily connected and engaged for the rest of my days!”

This wonderful course provided me with enough material to stay happily connected and engaged for the rest of my days! It has given me a structure for encouraging and recording the dreams I have collected over the years. Encouraging waking dreams to also be recorded left me feeling quite rich indeed, for this is something I have not previously encouraged in my life. This new doorway opened more expansion into my consciousness than I ever had imagined for myself. Our household and community have always shared our dreams, Robert’s methods for recall and naming and directing curiosity and following up with action have provided much depth to our sharing now and into the future. All of my friends are now being gifted with empty journals and Robert’s books so we can embark on journeys together. I look forward to the continued cache of dreams and connection with the Facebook group, and have felt very moved by the wealth of spirit in the community that surrounds Robert and his work from all over the globe. The breakout groups are quite profound and uplifting in these times when it feels like there is so much division. I highly recommend Robert’s course to anyone looking for experiences of inner self without judgment, and exploration of inner possibilities transcending time and space! 
Ava Jason, Ashby, Massachusetts

“I don’t think I can express enough my appreciation for being able to access such profound and game-changing teachings...”

I don’t think I can express enough my appreciation for being able to access such profound and game-changing teachings directly from Robert Moss without attending in person! The Facebook community hosted by Shift that accompanied the course facilitated an amazing supportive shared experience that has resulted in new friendships and expanded awareness. The Shift Network hosts, especially the main host, Sherri, were very friendly and accommodating, which allowed for the classes to be run very smoothly and efficiently. A wonderful experience! 
Cheryl, Ontario, Canada 

“It was uplifting to feel part of a bigger dream family…”

Perhaps the most important thing I gained from this course was realizing that there are many other dreamers out there who, like me, consciously and actively use their dream images and messages for personal and collective growth. It was uplifting to feel part of a bigger dream family, and to support and encourage one another to delve even deeper into both the mysteries and revelations found in the realms of imagination. The shamanic journeys offered in the course brought insights and deepened my connection to my ancestors. I learned so much from the knowledge shared. Thank you! 
Karen Clare Hanrahan, Bavaria, Germany 

“This course has opened my heart and soul…”

Robert Moss is a charismatic and engaging teacher. This course has opened my heart and soul to the experience of journeying with a community of wonderful and loving dreamers! I highly recommend this course and any other courses Robert has to offer. He truly speaks to your heart. Thank you so much, Shift Network, for offering this course. I am extremely grateful!
Shane Wymer, Grand Rapids, Michigan

“Robert Moss has the unique ability to bring to life the core concepts promised...”

Robert Moss has the unique ability to bring to life the core concepts promised in the course description. There is just something magical that he is able to create for us. He works with an open heart and weaves his vast background of experience and intellect into every session. With his soothing voice and direct eye contact, I often felt as though he was speaking just to me. Amazing. I was able to awaken my own abilities through his shared insights. 
Mary Pike, Florida

“He has inspired and encouraged me to go deeper into the Imaginal Realm…”

Robert has a rich well of stories to tell, not only from his own dreams and experiences, but from the many beautiful dreamers in his previous live and online workshops, retreats, and classes. He is a walking fount of world cultures, healing rituals, literature, and mythologies, and he has an incredible talent for creating fresh Imaginal Realms, landscapes, cities, and buildings for students to enter into. He has inspired and encouraged me to go deeper into the Imaginal Realm, and to continue writing and illustrating my own dream journal. I was amazed at how generous and present he was in the private Facebook group, reacting to and commenting on so many dreamers’ dreams and offering them insight every day.                 
Bonnie, California


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Robert Moss

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from bestselling author and dream teacher Robert Moss from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover dreamwork skills to engage the support of greater powers and live your bigger story.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Dreaming Your Mythic Life Bonus Collection

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, March 6, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Robert Moss Dreamwork Summit Compilation
    Three Selected Sessions From Shift Summit Archives

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, March 18, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Dream Archaeology & the Keepers of Ancestral Wisdom
    Video Dialogue With Robert Moss and Lisa Bonnice

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

  • Dreaming With the Great Goddess of the North
    Video Dialogue With Robert Moss and Valgerður Bjarnadóttir
  • Kairomancers
    Video Teaching From Robert Moss
  • Excerpts From Adventures for Healing in the Dreamtime
    Two Recorded Journeys From Robert Moss
  • Active Dreaming Toolkit
    A Medley of Tools From Robert Moss
  • Lines for the Marriage of Persephone & Hades
    Video Teaching From Robert Moss

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Dreaming Your Mythic Life Online Training


We feel honored that Robert Moss has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a bestselling author and beloved dream teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about connecting with archetypal sources of courage, fulfillment, and magic through the power of dreamwork, then you owe it to yourself to embark on this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Dreaming Your Mythic Life or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Robert Moss…

“Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul...”

Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul through shamanic dreaming.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, author of Soul Retrieval

“Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides...”

Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides to dreams and dreaming... [He] is dragging us, kicking and screaming, into a new vision of consciousness, space, and time.
Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Power of Premonitions

“Deeply healing and useful!”

Robert Moss demonstrates how to explore the universal language of the imagination and the soul, which together bridge the inner world of spirit and the outer world of action. Deeply healing and useful!
Angeles Arrien, PhD, cultural anthropologist and author of The Four-Fold Way

“Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds...”

Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds... He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected from whatever time, place, or reality.
Julia Assante, author of The Last Frontier

“Transcends disciplines...”

Transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.
Stanley Krippner, PhD, co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work With Them

About Robert Moss

Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences as a child, which provided him with early access to other realms. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a 3-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he’s a bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar.

His more than a dozen books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination include Conscious Dreaming... The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead... Dreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death... Dreaming the Soul Back Home... Sidewalk Oracles: Playing With Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life... Mysterious Realities: A Dream Traveler’s Tales From the Imaginal Realm... and his spiritual memoir, The Boy Who Died and Came Back. 

His latest book, Growing Big Dreams: Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires Through 12 Secrets of the Imagination, is a passionate and practical call to step through the gates of dreams and imagination to survive hard times, travel without leaving home, and grow the vision of a more abundant life so rich and strong that it wants to take root in the world.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
