With Psychotherapist, Author & Women’s Emotional Health Specialist
Nancy Colier

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Embark on a new path of self-care to replenish and reconnect you with your fundamental vitality and lead you to a deeper experience of yourself and your life.

Learn an embodied self-care approach that prioritizes and empowers your deepest needs, desires, and authenticity instead of what others expect and want you to be.


Did you know that the time you put into tending to your own needs and desires is equivalent to what you feel you deserve?

In fact, psychotherapist and women’s emotional health specialist Nancy Colier says that self-care, at its core, speaks of your inherent right to remain nourished and revitalized in mind, body, heart, and soul. 

It’s about cultivating a lifestyle that keeps you rejuvenated and in resonance with the harmony of your true essence…

… reflecting your worth in every aspect of your life in a way that clearly states the message: “I deserve to feel nourished; I deserve to feel vibrant in my mind, body, heart, and soul.” 

Imagine waking up every morning feeling not only physically refreshed but mentally clear, emotionally balanced, and spiritually aligned. That’s the promise of genuine self-care and the basis of Nancy’s new course.

A national speaker on women’s empowerment, anxiety, wellbeing, and mindful technology, Nancy has helped thousands of women reimagine their lives by aligning deeper with their inner truth and what they truly deserve.

Emotional exhaustion and the feeling of being alienated from your truth and disconnected from your deepest and most authentic self is painful, but can also be temporary as you learn to embody true self-care

… opening a door to deeper fulfillment in every facet of your life as you give yourself permission to prioritize your needs and truly love and care for yourself. 

Join Nancy for a transformative 7-week journey to replenish and reconnect with your inner vitality, voice, and vibrance through a self-care approach that is as dynamic and unique as you are.

Nancy teaches that real self-care is about respecting and cherishing yourself to the extent that you naturally begin to exude luminosity, embrace and speak your truth, and maintain equilibrium despite the expectations of others.

You’ll learn her gentle yet effective process for living life in your full vibrancy and experiencing optimal health, abundance, confidence, and authenticity through five fundamental pillars of authentic self-care: cultivating awareness, embodying your experience, transitioning from obligation to desire, dismantling the instinctive “It’s my fault” response, and choosing honesty over likability.

Grounding Nancy’s work is the bold idea that true self-care is about the choice you make moment-by-moment to be self-caring, including welcoming all of the parts of yourself back into the safest place on Earth your own being.

Experience this firsthand as Nancy shares how you can liberate yourself to joyfully embody your truth.

Ultimately, you’ll discover a fundamentally different way of taking care of yourself and walking in the world as a woman

… grounded and empowered as you awaken a reliable sense of safety rooted in your authenticity, vitality, and connection to self.


In this insightful course, you’ll:

  • Discover a true self-care system a paradigm shift from “doing” to “being” that will bring you back home to yourself and your inextinguishable vitality
  • Learn the real and valid underlying cultural causes of emotional exhaustion, why it’s not your fault, and how it disconnects you from your true wants and needs
  • Gain an awareness of your habitual patterns of self-management and control over others’ perceptions of you, and understand the toll this has taken on you
  • Engage in self-compassion for the burnout and depletion you live with often without ever questioning and for your longing to live a bolder and more authentic life
  • Become invigorated with passion and excitement for speaking your truth, even when it presents the more challenging path
  • Explore real self-care as your ultimate sense of safety and strength that grounds and reconnects you with your truth and the courage to live and voice it 
  • Learn a new relationship model one that views each partner as two separate, complete individuals within a “we”
  • Free yourself from the “likability cage” of the current self-care industry which covertly exhausts and disconnects you from your divine authenticity
  • Participate in a deeper experience of yourself and your life replenishing and reconnecting you with your fundamental vitality
  • And much more…

When you join Nancy for this course, you’ll discover a myriad of tools and opportunities to establish a new emotional wellbeing baseline one that truly reflects and respects your authentic needs. 

You’ll gain a fresh understanding of what true self-care means, how it profoundly affects your overall wellbeing, and how your most authentic self can emerge from practicing it.

With Nancy’s support, you’ll break free from the likability cage, step into the power of your authenticity, and become emboldened to fearlessly express your truth by courageously loving and caring for yourself.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Nancy will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully embrace an embodied self-care approach that empowers you to come home to your true self by breaking free from the expectations of others.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Nancy and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Nancy’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Nancy. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to unleash the power of true self-care by shedding expectations of others and awakening your most authentic self.

Module 1: Discover Real Self-Care Unmask Your Emotional Exhaustion & the False Safety of Being Liked (September 7)


Embrace a radically different approach to self-care and discover the real roots of emotional exhaustion.

You’ll explore the relationship between self-image and self-care and the role that early conditioning has had on your perception of self-care and how you move through the world as a woman…

… including the expectation to be selfless, finding your value in taking care of others, and why you may prioritize being in relationship with and accepted by others before the relationship you have with yourself.

You’ll learn how all of this leads to the “likability cage,” sacrificing authenticity for likability and a relentless drive to be pleasing, even with those you don’t know or like and what this costs you. 

Nancy will also share what she’s seen while working with women for 30 years as a psychotherapist, and her personal journey with and through emotional exhaustion. 

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • You’re not alone in feeling emotionally exhausted there’s good reason for you to feel this way and it’s not your fault
  • An invitation to come home to yourself and be with your truth
  • How you got to the state of emotional exhaustion and disconnection from your real wants and needs
  • Self-compassion for the burnout and depletion you live with often without ever questioning and for your longing to live a bolder and more authentic life
  • A guided meditation to honor the wanting that brought you here and a prayer you can offer yourself to receive what you really need right now
  • A reflective journaling practice with contemplative questions such as, “How do you experience emotional exhaustion? What part does trying to be pleasing play in your life?”

Module 2: Reclaim Your Energy & Authenticity by Liberating Yourself From the Likability Cage (September 14)


Explore the cultural narratives that have shaped your concept of the “ideal” woman and uncover the expectations imposed upon you, as well as the resulting consequences of not meeting these preconceived standards. 

Examine the role of anger, ambition, and power in your life as a woman and how societal narratives have influenced your acceptance or rejection of certain aspects of yourself.

This module aims to illuminate the considerable energy and focus you’ve likely spent maintaining an acceptable image, while also managing how others perceive you. 

Scrutinize the personal costs of this dynamic sacrificing your needs and feeling disconnected from your own truth, voice, and power. Learn how this alienation can lead you into a self-antagonizing relationship transforming you into a manager rather than an owner of your life and body.

Family is another crucial component that shapes your self-perception. Explore the role your family played in teaching you to relate to your own needs and expectations, and investigate how cultural narratives and early family experiences blended to shape your attitudes towards your desires and experiences.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how you became entrapped in the likability cage due to societal pressures and expectations
  • Gain an awareness of your habitual self-management and desire to control others’ perceptions and understand the toll this has taken on you
  • Uncover the root causes of your deep-seated exhaustion
  • Receive an invitation to liberate yourself from the likability cage a process that begins from within
  • Experience a guided meditation to help you recognize and honor the difficulty of living under societal expectations, the efforts you have made to conform, and the personal costs you’ve incurred as a result

Module 3: Rebel Against Societal Conditioning & Build a New Relationship With Yourself That Embraces Your Truth (September 21)


Explore the common core beliefs that arise from societal conditioning, particularly those regarding your personal needs and the validity of your own truth

Investigate how these beliefs determine your relationship with yourself identifying which parts you embrace as lovable and which you shun as unwelcome  and uncover the aspects of your identity you’ve been taught to view as threats to your emotional wellbeing. Understanding these aspects and how they shape the way you treat yourself is fundamental to the true essence of self-care.

Critically analyze the remedies for your exhaustion proposed by the booming $14-billion self-care industry which presents a plethora of appealing options for pampering and purchasing as the ultimate means to take care of yourself, promising temporary reprieve through consumerism. 

However, these fleeting solutions, while enjoyable, often fail to address the deeper issues at hand. You’ll learn how the commercialization of self-care keeps you stuck in the self-improvement loop, paradoxically fueling the system that wears you out.

Real self-care extends beyond the materialistic realm of buying or doing. It’s an attitude, a way of being, an unwavering trust in your own truth as you navigate life. This perspective prompts a deeper investigation into the underlying desires driving your pursuit of self-care, such as the yearning for silence or the longing to break free from endless to-do lists.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Develop an understanding of your relationship with your own needs
  • Reflect on your family environment and its impact on your understanding of your needs
  • Cultivate awareness and self-compassion for the strategies you currently use (or don’t use) to meet your needs
  • Unpack your core beliefs about personal needs and your truth, understanding their influence on your present choices, behaviors, and happiness
  • Encourage self-compassion for the beliefs you’ve held, and initiate the journey towards liberation from these limiting perceptions
  • Engage in a reflective journaling practice with contemplative questions such as, “What is it you are really longing for underneath all the manis and pedis?”

Module 4: Rejuvenate & Empower Self-Care Tailored to You So You Can Move From “Should” to “Want” & Rekindle Desire (September 28)


Imagine if you allowed your desires to lead the way, living a life guided by what you genuinely yearn for. How would this shape your decisions, your relationships, and your self-perception?

Dive into the first three fundamental pillars of authentic self-care: cultivating awareness, embodying your experience, and transitioning from obligation to desire exploring how you can become aware of your entrenched beliefs, patterns, and habits and move towards a more embodied existence. 

By focusing on inhabiting your own body and personal experience, you sidestep the shackling expectations of who you “should” be. Embracing your physical being is an essential step towards rejuvenation and empowerment, so you’ll engage in exercises and a meditation focused on grounding yourself in your body paving the way back to your physical self.

In shifting from “should” to “want,” you’ll ask yourself “What do I actually want?” and address the anxieties and restrictive beliefs surrounding your desires and your intuition the core of your authentic self. You’ll receive tools designed to bolster your courage so you can uncover and honor your true wants pushing beyond the confines of societal expectations and perceived obligations and reintegrating desire into your everyday life.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • A deeper understanding of why your current self-care strategies aren’t serving you and how this isn’t a personal failing
  • Insight into the essential elements of a profound, lasting self-caring attitude
  • A clearer perception of what you truly require from self-care
  • Practical tools for disconnecting from overthinking and reconnecting with your heart and body
  • Reflective journaling exercises encouraging questions like, “What’s a desire you’re currently sidelining or ignoring, and what fears prevent you from prioritizing it?”
  • A guided practice to distinguish between “want” and “should” within your body
  • A guided meditation to help you reconnect with your physical being focusing on what you want and why it matters

Module 5: Revolutionize Your Internal Paradigm by Breaking the “It’s My Fault” Default to Embrace Imperfection & Reclaim Control (October 5)


In this module, you’ll explore the fourth pillar of the Real Self-Care program, which seeks to revolutionize a deeply ingrained internal paradigm that often leaves women feeling trapped. Pillar 4 is all about dismantling the instinctive “It’s my fault” response. 

You’ll learn how to stop personalizing and blaming yourself for things that aren’t going as expected, resist the urge to bear responsibility for everyone else’s experiences, and curb your feelings of guilt. 

You’ll investigate the identity associated with being the “fixer” and recognize the control issues this reveals. You’ll discover a path to freedom being okay with the unknown and staying curious without assuming you’re at the center of everything and learn to accept reality as it is, even when it doesn’t align with your expectations. Instead of hastily trying to fix perceived problems, you’ll understand how to accept and validate your own experience of reality.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Develop awareness of your tendency to “should” yourself and others
  • Uncover your fears and beliefs surrounding desire
  • Gain practical tools to live from a place of “want” rather than “should”
  • Identify your patterns of taking the blame and assuming responsibility for whatever is “wrong”
  • Cultivate the courage to stop accepting blame and feeling obligated to fix everything that isn’t okay
  • Learn to trust in your ability to be at peace with imperfection
  • Participate in a kindness meditation, reflecting on the immense effort you’ve put into trying to make everything okay for everyone else and explore the possibility that maybe you don’t need to do that

Module 6: Choose to Live Authentically by Choosing Honesty Over Likability (October 12)


Learn to value living your truth, even when it means disappointing others or not meeting their expectations. 

This courage to be truthful will help you stop attempting to fix things. 

Uncover the barriers preventing honesty in your relationships and scrutinize the real costs of shapeshifting and people pleasing. 

And participate in exercises designed to empower you to choose honesty over likability.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • An understanding of why it’s challenging to communicate truthfully in various life situations, even with those you hold dear
  • Self-compassion for moments when you neglected your personal experiences, desires, and needs to keep the peace and make things work especially instances when you sacrificed your comfort to ensure the comfort of others
  • Greater awareness of the emotional, mental, and physical toll of ignoring and disconnecting from your own needs
  • A new framework to help you consider your role and position in relationships
  • Invigorated passion and excitement for speaking your truth, even when it presents the more challenging path
  • Reflective journaling exercises inviting you to contemplate situations where you withheld your truth when you agreed rather than expressed your need to dissent, or when you pushed beyond your limits because you didn’t know how to set a boundary

Module 7: Learn a New Relationship Model Break the Bonds of Codependency to Cultivate Authenticity & Independence (October 19)


Our conditioning often predisposes us to develop codependency in relationships, making our sense of security and wellbeing dependent on our partner’s happiness and their satisfaction with us. 

It also leads us to try to control the conditions of our relationships and take responsibility not for just our experiences but also for those of our partners and family members. This kind of codependency which equates our worth and wellbeing with the state of our relationships breeds instability and insecurity.

Learn a new relationship model one viewing partners as two separate, complete individuals with distinct truths that may not always align. In this model, a relationship isn’t about making your partner comfortable or maintaining constant agreement, but about genuinely wanting to know the other person.

Reflect on the transformative journey you’ve taken over the past seven weeks from conforming to societal expectations to claiming ownership of your truth and bravely embracing authenticity, even when it isn’t the easiest path.

Gain additional strategies and suggestions to help continue this newly cultivated way of being and relating, and experience a closing meditation to acknowledge and honor your bravery in reconnecting with your true self celebrating the possibilities that exist now that you’ve discovered your inherent worth and value.

In this final session, you’ll discover:

  • Awareness of your codependent habits, their origins, and their impact on your overall wellbeing
  • A comprehensive understanding of what genuine self-care entails and its significance
  • A recap of the pillars of real self-care and the pragmatic behaviors and choices that lead to a meaningful and authentic life
  • A novel approach to relationships with others, fostering a healed relationship with yourself
  • The courage to voice and live your truth out loud choosing authenticity over likability
  • Acknowledgment and appreciation for your bravery in reconnecting with your true self and awareness of the new possibilities available to you


The Inner Self-Care Bonus Offering

In addition to Nancy’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Letting Go of the Doer: Unconditional Welcome
Audio Meditation From Nancy Colier

Nancy invites you to stop doing, fixing, and trying to make things happen in this audio meditation. She’ll help you let go and tap into a deep state of relaxation in which you can allow the present moment to be exactly as it is without needing to solve or fix anything enabling you to be in the present moment. Shift from doing to being, and experience your authentic self.


Coming Home to Your True Self
Video Dialogue With Nancy Colier and Mary Sise

In this vibrant conversation, Nancy and Mary Sise, pioneer in the field of energy psychology and the creator of the Soul Weaving Process, discuss authenticity and the true self what it is, what gets in its way, and what might keep you from being able to feel it, know it, and live from it. You’ll learn how you can return home to yourself and start living a more truthful and nourishing life.


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What People Are Saying About Nancy Colier…

“Nancy Colier is a 21st-century thought leader who exudes spiritual connection, thereby making her insightful, compelling, and relatable.”

Nancy Colier is a 21st-century thought leader who exudes spiritual connection, thereby making her insightful, compelling, and relatable. Her calm, pragmatic approach leaves participants with an indelible desire for more!
Carlette Christmas, Host/Executive Producer of On Point Talk with Carlette Christmas

“Time with Nancy is an invitation to finally act on the deep knowing in each of us that we have value.”

Time with Nancy is an invitation to finally act on the deep knowing in each of us that we have value. Moving in these times from “surviving” to “thriving” requires recognizing that the quality of our lives is worthy of fuller attention, and Nancy's workshops request a willingness to examine questions about how the twin perils of lifelong conditioning and societal messaging set us up to fail. She offers a map to finding your way to, paraphrasing what she writes in her book, build “a ground of self-kindness in which you are . . . irrevocably on your own side.”
Anne Jablonski, Feathered Pipe Foundation Board of Directors, president

“It was profound, joyful, heart-centered, and deeply soul-nourishing.”

Lisa Zunshine, author of Getting Inside Your Head: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us About Popular Culture

“Nancy’s guiding light was invaluable for my mental and emotional sanity.”

A few years ago, I attended a meditation evening where Nancy Colier was the guest speaker. In her presence, I felt grounded and centered. In the past five years, I experienced two emotionally traumatic events in my personal life, and I turned to Nancy for guidance. During those dark times, Nancy’s guiding light was invaluable for my mental and emotional sanity. I am very grateful that she is part of my life’s journey, and I continue to recommend her to my clients.
Rika Keck, founder of NY Integrated Health

“Nancy’s workshop was a memorable and empowering experience!”

Nancy’s workshop was a memorable and empowering experience! She’s a caring and expert facilitator who structured the material in a way that enabled everyone to have insights and tools to take home with them. Her ideas will resonate deeply with women who struggle to “do it all” and find it impossible to keep up. I would definitely take another workshop with her!
Lisa Patrick


Join the Global Community


Inner Self-Care for Women Who Give Too Much offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice. 

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Nancy Colier will share in this powerful training. 

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Nancy Colier

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from psychotherapist, interfaith minister, and author Nancy Colier from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to step into your power, recover emotional balance, and liberate yourself from the confines of the expectations of others. Course sessions are on Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Inner Self-Care Bonus Offering
  • Letting Go of the Doer: Unconditional Welcome
    Audio Meditation From Nancy Colier
  • Coming Home to Your True Self
    Video Dialogue With Nancy Colier and Mary Sise

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Inner Self-Care for Women Who Give Too Much


We feel honored that Nancy Colier has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a psychotherapist, interfaith minister and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about regaining your vitality by fully realizing your innermost desires and needs through an embodied self-care approach, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Inner Self-Care for Women Who Give Too Much or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before September 21, 2023 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Nancy Colier…

“Highly recommend spending time and resources with this wise and compassionate being.”

Nancy Colier’s workshops are unique in that she offers both a spiritual and practical framework. She leaves space for curiosity rooted in mindfulness, and holds comfortable and safe space for participants to explore. Nancy is a highly educated person who can break down complex emotions into workable bite-sized pieces. We are always so happy to host her on Mind Oasis, as our community loves her warmhearted nature. Highly recommend spending time and resources with this wise and compassionate being.
Karuna Schwartz, founder and executive director, Mind Oasis

“Nancy Colier’s guidance has helped me develop a loving relationship with myself...”

Nancy Colier’s guidance has helped me develop a loving relationship with myself, to empower myself as a woman, get clarity on the toxic mindsets that were driving me for so long, and the courage to go on to help other women empower themselves. She has shown me how to stand in my own shoes. That is a true gift.
Karolina Strassmayer, jazz saxophonist and empowerment teacher for women in jazz, and member of the WDR Big Band Cologne

“It was profound, joyful, heart-centered, and deeply soul-nourishing.”

Lisa Zunshine, author of Getting Inside Your Head: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us About Popular Culture

“Time with Nancy is an invitation to finally act on the deep knowing in each of us that we have value.”

Time with Nancy is an invitation to finally act on the deep knowing in each of us that we have value. Moving in these times from “surviving” to “thriving” requires recognizing that the quality of our lives is worthy of fuller attention, and Nancy’s workshops request a willingness to examine questions about how the twin perils of lifelong conditioning and societal messaging set us up to fail. She offers a map to finding your way to, paraphrasing what she writes in her book, build “a ground of self-kindness in which you are... irrevocably on your own side.”
Anne Jablonski, Feathered Pipe Foundation Board of Directors, president


About Nancy Colier

A longtime practitioner of Eastern spirituality, Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist, interfaith minister, and the author of The Emotionally Exhausted Woman: Why You’re Feeling Depleted and How to Get What You Need and Can’t Stop Thinking, as well as numerous other books.

A thought leader and national speaker on women’s empowerment, anxiety, wellbeing, and mindful technology, she has been featured on Good Morning America, The New York Times, and countless other media. She is also a regular blogger for Psychology Today. Nancy, who spent 25 years as a nationally top-ranked equestrian, serves as a performance consultant to professional athletes and artists.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is September 21, 2023. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
