With Transformational Leader & Inspiring Women With Soul Founder
Devaa Haley Mitchell
A 5-Module On-Demand Video Training

Use these days of solitude to determine your next steps as you align with the moon’s cycles to clarify & refine what you most want to manifest in your life.


We are living through unprecedented times. As we continue to navigate the global pandemic, many people are longing for things to go back to the way they were before this crisis erupted.

And yet, with every crisis, there is also an opportunity.

And the opportunity presented by this shutdown, both personally and collectively, is to use this “pause” to reboot and recalibrate our lives.

So instead of going back to the way things were, we can jump forward and design this next chapter of life to be more aligned with our soul’s deepest intentions.

If you’re really honest, there are probably certain aspects of your life that have been a bit out of alignment. You’ve likely been living in some perhaps small ways that are not totally aligned with your values... who you want to BE... or what you know you were born to manifest in this lifetime.

And it can be quite challenging to make lasting changes all on your own. If it were easy, you would have made the needed changes already...

Our habitual ways of “being” and “doing” our lives have a certain momentum... and without a bit of support, things will most likely remain the same.

And so... we’re offering you an opportunity to garner support from two very potent and larger-than-life forces the power of the female archetypes and the power of the moon to support you through a 30-day journey of transformation.

With the lunar cycle as your guide, you’ll receive DAILY support to move through 13 different archetypes of the sacred feminine and harness each of their key attributes in service of your own intentions and deep-heart desires... so you can make significant progress in manifesting your true soul work.

If you choose to use this next month to take a quantum leap in your own life... you can come out of this global crisis much stronger, more aligned, and more vitally alive than you were before it all got started.

In this powerful 30-day journey, Devaa Haley Mitchell will guide you to use this time to uncover your soul’s vision and clarify your life’s purpose whether that means improving your health, nurturing your relationships, shifting the way you earn your livelihood, stepping into greater service in the world, cultivating a deeper spiritual practice, or something you haven’t even discovered yet...

As you’ll find out, moving forward in your life and spiritual journey doesn’t require you to travel great distances. From the comfort of home, you can move through a fully embodied journey into the heart and soul of the sacred feminine.

A powerful ally in nature for this revelatory journey is the moon. Paying much greater attention to the moon’s cycles helps ignite the archetypal feminine energies that have been within you all along, and it opens you to put them into practice at the correct time of the month.

For example, when the moon is dark, Devaa will guide you to explore the deep receptivity of the Great Mother, listening to the wisdom and input from the Universe and what is wanting to unfold through you.

When the moon is full, you’ll be channeling the Goddess of Love, bringing her magnetic passion and joy to bear on your intentions which helps them blossom into fullness.

When you consistently align with the lunar cycles and harness the archetypal energies associated with each phase of the moon, you can confidently manifest the next steps for your life in a distinctly feminine way.

Through the Daily Practices email complete with meditations, mantras, journaling exercises, and additional videos...

... Devaa will share time-proven practices and rituals to help you create this next chapter of life so that you’re manifesting the life you were born to live.

The video teachings will help you synthesize the tools you’re working with. Following the phases of the moon offers an intelligent and powerful feminine approach to manifestation and can bring you back into balance in this off-kilter new world.

NOW is the time to work with natural forces to set clear intentions and successfully manifest your soul’s calling with more ease and grace.

Receive Guidance From a Leading Teacher of the Sacred Feminine


As co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of Inspiring Women With Soul, Devaa has served over 120,000 women from more than 160 countries initiating them into a fuller kind of power and womanhood.

This time of social distancing can be your chance to embark on a mandatory spiritual retreat to slow down, embody deep love, and dissolve the many layers of contraction that surround us.


Devaa will share:

  • How to work with the goddess archetypes of Kali, Artemis, Saraswati, Isis, Aphrodite, and many more... so you can learn to harness their energies for manifestation
  • The power of aligning more deeply with lunar cycles, which connect women’s bodies to larger cosmic forces for manifestation
  • How to use this shutdown time to deepen your spiritual practice and reboot your life to be in greater alignment with your true mission
  • Practices to help you dissolve inner barriers to manifesting your potential
  • How to use your powers of expression to magnetize your intention through writing, drawing, painting, collaging, singing, dancing whatever self-expression you feel drawn to
  • How to hold your simplified intention in your heart... and see it as DONE!
  • Potent practices to turn deprivation into transformation as you embody love in the face of fear... and refocus your life on what matters most
  • Ways to create a symbolic representation of your intention a symbol, image, sound, etc. to be used to help connect your intention to the larger matrix
  • The power of letting go of your attachment to specific outcomes, opening to the wisdom of accepting “what is”
  • Methods for creating clear goals and action steps for your objectives that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Related)
  • The meaning of deeper wisdom from nature especially from trees and how to listen to Her wisdom about your intentions

Join Devaa and your fellow spiritual seekers to rekindle the many facets of the feminine within you archetypal powers you might have neglected for too long and align your intentions with the lunar cycle to emerge as a far more fulfilled human being.

What You’ll Discover in These 5 Modules

In this transformational intensive, Devaa will guide you to align with the moon’s cycles to clarify and refine what you most want to manifest in your life.

Receive Daily Support As You Transform

Every day during the course, you’ll receive practices from Devaa with the information you need to know about the moon and the archetypes.

Approximately every third day, you’ll have a 10-minute video recording about the archetype you’ll be working on over the next three days, with an activity to help you bring this new wisdom into your life.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Devaa. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to journey through the cycles of the moon and activate your soul’s vision.


Week 1: Dark of the Moon to Waxing Quarter Moon (May 22-28)


During the beginning of this phase, you’ll align with the Darkness of the New Moon starting with silence and a space of deep receptivity and allowing yourself to be still, empty out, and enter the cosmic void of the Great Mother.

Next, you’ll start to seed your intentions for this lunar cycle (and beyond), clarifying your soul’s vision and opening to the feminine archetype of the Goddess of Compassion, as embodied in Quan Yin, Tara, and other goddesses to help fuel your manifestation powers.

You’ll close this phase with a dive into the Priestess archetype, where you’ll discover how to cultivate a “stillpoint” within yourself to live from a place of stability and groundedness. From here, you’ll learn to more easily activate your intuition for use in manifesting your intention.

During this time, you’ll:

  • Encounter the archetype of the Great Mother, with her unconditional, loving presence and gentle guidance
  • Surrender into a space of receptivity and deep listening, where you can open to receive the flow of the Universe, allowing it to offer you wisdom from the cosmos
  • Allow the Goddess of Compassion to show you how to set intentions that can manifest with grace and ease
  • Connect with the archetype of the Priestess and utilize her energy to open more deeply to your intuitive guidance
  • Allow yourself to dream into a greater-than-imagined reality, without feeling constrained by money or time

Video teaching with Devaa: Opening the Portal With the Great Mother, the Goddess of Compassion & the Priestess


Week 2: Waxing Quarter Moon to Almost Full Moon (May 29-June 4)


As the moon waxes and grows, you’ll discover how to use Her energies to expand your soul’s vision. You’ll clearly define your goals so you (and the Universe) are clear on what you desire to accomplish. You’ll also look at inner and outer obstacles that will inevitably cross your path and how to skillfully navigate them using the energy of Goddess Kali.

As the moon approaches fullness, you’ll also learn to engage the archetype of the Muse, who invites you to be creative, spontaneous, and playful, bringing a lightness of being to this work and making room for the unexpected.

During this time, you’ll:

  • Discover practices to help you dissolve inner barriers to manifesting your potential
  • Experience a powerful visualization and sound practice to aid in the fulfillment of your intentions
  • Gain deeper wisdom from nature especially from trees and listen to Her wisdom about your intentions
  • Catalyze your creative expression to magnetize your intention through writing, drawing, painting, collaging, singing, dancing whatever self-expression calls you
  • Create clear goals and action steps for your objectives that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Related)
  • Start talking about your dreams and how you imagine them being fulfilled our visions become more real as we share them with others
  • Work with the goddess archetype of Artemis, as well as Hindu deities Kali and Saraswati, and harness their energies for your manifestation

Video teaching with Devaa: Embodying Kali, Artemis & Saraswati to Light the Path Forward


Week 3: Full Moon to Waning Quarter Moon (June 5-11)


Under the Full Moon, you’ll start to explore the archetype of the Goddess of Love, as embodied in Aphrodite, Lakshmi, and other goddesses. You’ll learn practices that will help you focus on how you want your soul’s vision to make you FEEL (instead of only focusing on what you want to accomplish) .... as well as what brings you JOY.

From there, we’ll begin exploring the archetype of the Primal Goddess, who can help bring passion and vitality into the manifestation of your intentions. She can also help you learn to set appropriate boundaries, allowing for time and space to focus on your deepest desires.

As the moon wanes, you’ll start to explore the archetype of the Initiator, which is inherent in the Goddess Isis. As you call in this powerful energy, you’ll explore what you may be avoiding or are not being honest about within yourself, which could be getting in the way of your manifestation.

During this time, you’ll:

  • Learn a more advanced mantra to the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi to support the graceful fulfillment of your desires
  • Lift your frequency through self-anointing with essential oils
  • Explore what new boundaries you may need to set in your life empowering you to say “No!” in some areas so you can say “Yes!” to what matters most
  • Discover how you can evolve your intentions, so they are truly aligned with the greater good
  • Explore how the process of manifestation is asking you to grow and expand so you can fully embody your soul work
  • Receive feedback about what may be holding you back related to your intention

Video teaching with Devaa: Loving With Aphrodite, Igniting With Pele & Initiating With Isis


Week 4: Waning Quarter Moon to Dark Moon (June 12-18)


In the further waning moon, we move into the archetype of the Wise Woman, who relishes simplicity. Here you are invited to distill your intention to its quintessential essence your intention’s creation.

You’ll also be invited to explore self-doubt, and where in your life it may be creeping in, as it relates to the fulfillment of your intention. You’ll explore the archetype of the Dream Weaver, discovering how to weave your personal dreams and intentions into the wider matrix. You’ll also explore effective ways to gather important insights from your dreamtime.

As the moon becomes a sliver once again, you’re invited to open to the archetype of the Queen of Death... to stillness, letting go, and the feeling frequency of black. You’ll release your intention to the Universe to receive that which serves the good of the One.

During this time, you’ll:

  • Hold your simplified intention in your heart... and see it as DONE!
  • Create a symbolic representation of your intention a symbol, image, sound, etc. to be used to help connect your intention to the larger matrix
  • Explore who in your network is best positioned to help you manifest your intention, and set up key meetings to connect with these allies
  • Pay attention to your nighttime dreams and the important insights they can offer to all that’s unfolding
  • Let go of your attachment to specific outcomes, opening to the wisdom of accepting “what is”
  • Practice working with the mantra, “I trust, I release,” and see what emerges

Video teaching with Devaa: Embracing the Wise Woman, the Dreamer & the Queen of Death


Final Session: Reflections From the Alchemical Goddess (June 19)


In this final session together, which holds all phases of the moon and all Earth elements, we’ll enter into the archetype of the Alchemical Goddess an ever-changing source and our portal to ecstasy and freedom.

During this time, you’ll:

  • Identify the quantum leaps that are beginning to happen in your life and how to support their continued unfolding
  • Explore your relationship to change and what, if anything, you may need to change to fulfill your destiny
  • Celebrate the manifestations and transformations you’re experiencing already
  • Clarify what’s next for you in your soul’s journey

Video teaching with Devaa: Reflections From the Alchemical Goddess


The Archetypal Feminine Activation Bonus Collection

(Valued at Over $300.00!)

In addition to Devaa’s transformative 5-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Working With the Moon Mat & Harnessing the Elements for Manifestation
Video Teaching With Devaa Haley Mitchell

In this teaching, Devaa gives an overview of how to work with the Moon Mat, which was developed by Ariel Spilsbury and the 13 Moon Mystery School. This handy tool offers a graphic overview of the manifestation process that will undergird this program, depicting not only the moon phase, but also the associated archetype, mantra, sacred geometry pattern, and sacred tool. We’ll also be exploring how to work with the elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water... and how their energy and power can each be harnessed during particular moon phases to support the fulfillment of your intentions.


Reclaiming Our Relationship With the Moon as a Creational Compass
Audio Teaching From Ariel Spilsbury

While it’s become almost stereotypical to talk about the moon in relationship with Goddess traditions, Ariel shares that there’s a deeper linkage in consciousness that frees more of our right-brained feminine wisdom and allows us to create in natural, harmonious ways. It’s no accident that our moon cycles track with the lunar cycles, and there are many other levels to this relationship that can aid you on your path.

With this teaching, you’ll discover:

  • Accessing more right-brained feminine wisdom
  • Manifesting your projects, visions, and dreams using the moon as a creational compass
  • Re-empowering your inner knowing by working with the moon directly as an access point to your inner wisdom keeper
  • Using the 13 Moon Oracle moon wheel to get re-attuned with your primary tool for graceful manifestation through awareness and tracking of the various phases of the moon, to come into organic alignment as a female
  • Learning to work with symbols, dreams, intuition, divination, crystals, etc. in conjunction with the lunar wisdom of the feminine archetype of the Priestess

Ariel Spilsbury is passionate about the conscious evolution of this planet and all its inhabitants. For over 30 years, she has traveled around the globe sharing the wisdom of the Divine Feminine. She offers her work through writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations, creating a metaphysical store and newspaper, conferences, consciousness events, lectures, seminars, moon circles, spiritual counseling, and maintaining a temple to the Goddess for 25 years.


The Maha Lakshmi Initiation: Working With Mantra & Sacred Sound to End the Spiritual Poverty of Lack 
Video Teaching From Miranda Macpherson

Even if you know intellectually that you are blessed compared to so many in the world, you may feel a sense of lack, as if you’ve not quite received what you need to deeply relax and feel satiated and at peace.

Overly ambitious or driven by the compulsion to try to fill your “holes” with over-eating, over-shopping, or busyness, you may keep seeking while never finding true fulfillment.

In this session, you will be initiated in the Maha Lakshmi mantra, an ancient Vedic practice for opening to the grace that ends any sense of lack or unnecessary struggle in your life. The focus is on allowing a deep relaxation of any residue within you of inner agitation or not quite being able to access what you need to flourish and enjoy life. You’ll:

  • Journey into your sincere heart’s desire both in your inner life and in your practical life circumstances
  • Receive initiation into the Maha Lakshmi mantra that makes you receptive to infinite blessings upon your sincere heart’s prayer
  • Discover how to work with this practice to awaken the felt sense of being blessed by life

Miranda Macpherson is a spiritual teacher, counselor, and the author of The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation. Miranda, who also authored the spiritual guidebook Boundless Love, has been teaching internationally since 1995. She is known for her depth of presence, clarity, and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.


Soulful Women Archetypes Guidebook
PDF Guidebook by Ariel Spilsbury

In this special bonus, you’ll receive a downloadable, 56-page, full-color guidebook that describes and illustrates every key archetype that we’ll be working with through the lunar cycle. Each archetype offers you the opportunity to heal specific soul wounds and more deeply embody your gifts so you can live a full-spectrum life. The more you can learn to access universal, archetypal qualities and energies and the more you plug into the Source that supercharges all of our worldly work, the more your journey will be filled with greater grace and ease. As a result, you will experience an enhanced ability to manifest your destiny and be of deeper service to our planet.


Women’s Critical Role in an Ever-Changing World
Audio Dialogue With Devaa Haley Mitchell and Jean Houston

This timely presentation offers practical ways for determining what you stand for, and how to bring that commitment to life. Dr. Houston invites you to pour your energy into your own personal potential, vision, and resources. From that platform, you can elect yourself to powerful, positive action in the world!

In this exciting session, you’ll discover:

  • How to define what’s most important to you
  • Ways to identify your talents and gifts that align with that vision
  • How to elect yourself as a worthy catalyst of change

Dr. Jean Houston, scholar, philosopher, and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. Jean has worked intensively in 40 cultures and 100 countries, advising heads of state, leading educational institutions and business organizations, and helping millions of people enhance and deepen their own uniqueness and power.


Women in Spiritual Leadership
Audio Dialogue With Devaa Haley Mitchell and Gangaji

Join Gangaji as she speaks about women as spiritual leaders and addresses the direct connection between ending our internal war and the external war playing out across the globe. “I can sense an urgency in the world to fix the horrors, to do something to help, but these noble efforts are ultimately useless unless each of us is willing to stop adding to suffering by ending the war within ourselves. When there is a desire to end that war and a responsibility to end that war is felt, then our lives can be truly used in service to this Earth and to each other.” Gangaji, One magazine

Gangaji is a teacher and author who, with a background in Bodhisattva vows and Zen and Vipassana meditation, felt an ever-deepening longing for fulfillment that led her to India, where Sri H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) helped her open the floodgates of self-recognition. She travels the world sharing the message that true peace and lasting fulfillment are not only our birthright, they are the essential nature of our being.


Daily Life as Spiritual Practice
Audio Dialogue With Devaa Haley Mitchell and Sylvia Boorstein

How can you cultivate mindful attention in all facets of your life? According to Sylvia Boorstein, every aspect of your daily life is an opportunity for spiritual practice.

In this dialogue, you’ll discover how mindfulness the balanced, curious, wholehearted attention to unfolding experience motivated by the intention to respond for the benefit of oneself and others is the key to a just and compassionate world. You’ll find out how that clarity of intention and purpose elevates any everyday skill into the spiritual realm of contentment, wisdom, gratitude, and happiness.

Sylvia Boorstein is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and an author, psychotherapist, wife, mother, and grandmother. With a doctorate in psychology and a master’s in social welfare, she’s taught in colleges as a professor in residence and has been teaching both Vipassana and Metta meditation since 1985. Her many books include The Buddhist Path of Kindness and Happiness Is an Inside Job.


What Graduates of Devaa’s Courses Are Saying...

“I did not know... one could really achieve goals in such a short amount of time.”

This course was illuminating and transforming. I did not know that with the knowledge imparted by Devaa one could really achieve goals in such a short amount of time. I am very grateful to have had her wisdom to guide us on this special journey which we now can continue to apply in our lives.
Giselle, Austin, Texas

“... exactly what I needed to help support a big shift in my career direction.”

This course was exactly what I needed to help support a big shift in my career direction. It took me on a multi-dimensional journey with daily enquiry and ritual over the course of one lunar cycle. I loved the community group on Facebook, it was very much worth signing up for! I feel very grateful!
Belle Humble

“... helped me reconnect with my feminine nature and power.”

This course helped me reconnect with my feminine nature and power. I learned new and different ways to manifest my intentions through this inner power. It’s a very complete course, interesting, creative, and fun. The teachings I received are so vast, deep, and practical that I’m looking forward to continuing to work with them and transforming myself and my life. Devaa is a great teacher and guide and I’m looking forward to another course with her.
Ana, Guanajuato, Mexico

“I am so deeply nourished by learning how to use the moon’s phases...”

I am so deeply nourished by learning how to use the moon’s phases, not only to manifest, but to simply discover who I am as a woman, and all the many aspects of my potential.

“I feel I have broken free of past limitations...”

I feel that a huge fire has ignited in my belly, enabling me to move forward in my life to manifest my dreams to be of service to further the evolution of humanity. I feel I have broken free of past limitations and can dance and sing again. What an incredible journey. Thank you, Devaa, for your transmission of all that you are as a powerful, beautiful, Divine woman.
Rhonda Ohlson, Brisbane, Australia

“I feel much more free and ready to embark on WHATEVER comes”

Devaa made it very easy to feel we all belonged here and that there was a common thread joining us all. I journaled, I meditated. I laughed, I cried I did the work. Now I feel much more free and ready to embark on WHATEVER comes. The future, of course, is uncertain, but I’m totally OK with that. Thank you, Shift Network, Devaa, and friends. Bless you all.
Lee, British Columbia, Canada

“I feel more connected to myself and to my life’s purpose...”

I’ve done years of other work looking at myself and life through other frameworks, which has helped me a lot; however, this course has connected me to something deeper, and I’ve made shifts through that which wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I feel more connected to myself and my life’s purpose (as far as I’m able to see it for now!), and in ways I had previously been avoiding or ignoring or putting off, this course gave me the strength to take those steps without thinking twice! Thank you so much to Devaa and everyone else who contributed to the course!
Kendal, Arlington, Massachusetts

“A growth that emanates from my being...”

This course has transformed my life in so many deep and wonderful ways. I was particularly touched by the felt presence of being connected to so many women around the world through the wonder of technology. Their breath was my breath. We loved, listened, and danced together. Thank you, Devaa. I leave enriched and changed. This is a growth that emanates from my being as well as knowledge and sharing that I will speak to others about as I advocate their participation in Shift events.

“I learned tools to truly live in my own rhythm...”

This is an important course, taught in a clear and empathetic manner by an expert facilitator, whereby I learned tools to truly live in my own rhythm, thus benefiting myself and the planet.
Shan Rees, Wales, United Kingdom

“Incredibly inspirational!”

Oh, Devaa! And all the incredible women we were so privileged to have spent time with and to have them share their knowledge and life experiences! Incredibly inspirational! Without question this opportunity to be with and share such deep and sometimes very personal aspects of being a woman almost makes me want to stand in the town square and sing Helen Reddy’s song “I Am Woman!”
Chris, Nova Scotia, Canada


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Five 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Devaa Haley Mitchell

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from transformational leader and Inspiring Women With Soul founder Devaa Haley Mitchell from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to use these days of solitude to determine your next steps as you align with the moon’s cycles to clarify and refine what you most want to manifest in your life.

Five PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Substantial Daily Practices in Accordance With the Phases of the Moon

Every day of this journey, you’ll receive a handout that will offer daily practices that are aligned with the moon’s current phase as well as the associated goddess archetypes. The practices include meditations, mantras, journaling exercises, and additional videos to carry you along your spiritual journey and deepen into each archetype.

The Archetypal Feminine Activation Bonus Collection
  • Working With the Moon Mat & Harnessing the Elements for Manifestation
    Video Teaching With Devaa Haley Mitchell
  • Reclaiming Our Relationship With the Moon as a Creational Compass
    Audio Teaching From Ariel Spilsbury
  • The Maha Lakshmi Initiation: Working With Mantra & Sacred Sound to End the Spiritual Poverty of Lack  
    Video Teaching From Miranda Macpherson
  • Soulful Women Archetypes Guidebook
    PDF Guidebook by Ariel Spilsbury
  • Women’s Critical Role in an Ever-Changing World
    Audio Dialogue With Devaa Haley Mitchell and Jean Houston
  • Women in Spiritual Leadership
    Audio Dialogue With Devaa Haley Mitchell and Gangaji
  • Daily Life as Spiritual Practice
    Audio Dialogue With Devaa Haley Mitchell and Sylvia Boorstein

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Manifesting With Powerful Archetypes & Goddess Wisdom Virtual Training


We’re thrilled that Devaa Haley Mitchell has chosen to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a transformational leader and the Inspiring Women With Soul founder whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about working with natural forces to set clear intentions and successfully manifest your soul’s calling with more ease and grace, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Archetypal Feminine Activation with Devaa Haley Mitchell or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Devaa Haley Mitchell...

“She helped me in a million ways I cannot even describe.”

Devaa helped me lead from my authenticity, connect with my depth, and open in ways that proved energizing and effective. Her support enabled me to go to a whole new level in my public presentation and bring new qualities to my leadership. She helped me in a million ways I cannot even describe.
Marci Shimoff, bestselling author with over 14 million books sold

“... I always want to hear more from Devaa.”

I honor her for all that she does, and I always want to hear more from Devaa. She holds a very beautiful and powerful place. I look forward to all the gifts that she has forthcoming.
Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer

“I saw many people transformed by her generosity and lit up...”

Devaa is a wonderfully passionate and clear transmitter of the mysteries of the Divine Feminine. She’s compassionate and wise and has a rich variety of skills she uses with great precision to inspire and encourage. I had the delight to teach a retreat with her and found her a truly loving and helpful collaborator. I saw many people transformed by her generosity and lit up by the joyful passion she communicated so tirelessly. I salute her pioneering work.
Andrew Harvey, Author, mystical teacher, and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism

“... I thank her for all she’s doing on behalf of women.”

I love being with Devaa, and each time I look forward to it. I’ve had the opportunity to co-create some of the magnificence that she’s up to in the world in empowering women to find their voices, own their voices, and use their voices to elevate and celebrate themselves and one another as well as our brethren on this planet as well. So I thank her for all she’s doing on behalf of women.
Lisa Nichols, motivational speaker, media personality, and corporate CEO whose global platform has served nearly 30 million people

“I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be.”

Through working with Devaa, my life has taken a complete 180-degree turn for the better. And I know I could not have done it without Devaa’s support. She is a truly amazing facilitator! I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be. The learning, growth, and development I’ve experienced are more than priceless. What I’ve seen happen with other women who’ve worked with Devaa is nothing short of a miracle. I absolutely recommend working with Devaa!
Kim Carpenter, executive coach and marketing strategist

“We released and healed major patterns that were stuck for me.”

The time (or should I say timelessness) that I spent with Devaa was profound. We released and healed major patterns that were stuck for me. After years of seeing all kinds of “experts,” I can honestly say that the time I spent with Devaa broke something loose and now I feel burden-free, as well as much lighter and more joyful. I recommend her work to anyone who is ready to fly.
Marcia Wieder, CEO and founder Dream University®

“... so far the most powerful experience of my life.”

Devaa could be called a spiritual midwife, assisting people in the birthing of their inner selves. She empowers you, assists you, gently encourages you, and honors you for your efforts. With Devaa’s impeccable assistance, I was able to go through what is so far the most powerful experience of my life. I am extremely grateful!
Nathalie Daneau, intuitive coach and counselor

“... I was able to open up to some profound healing of past wounds.”

The healing and shifts that have happened for me through my work with Devaa have been life-transforming. She created a loving container where I allowed myself to be vulnerable, to be pushed out of my comfort zone, and to share things I normally wouldn’t have. I felt so loved and held by Devaa that I was able to open up to some profound healing of past wounds. I became aware of things that had been buried deep, and I learned what it means to fully embrace myself as a Divine Feminine being.
Charlie Wilson, Founder of Date and Thyme Cafe and 21 Days to Help Yourself


About Devaa Haley Mitchell


Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who guides people to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential. She is co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of the Inspiring Women With Soul series, which has served over 120,000 women from more than 160 countries.

Devaa received both her BA and MA at Stanford University, with her doctorate in Ministry from Wisdom University (now known as Ubiquity University). She’s also an ordained interfaith minister of the Chaplaincy Institute and a Priestess and “Focalizer” of the 13 Moon Mystery School, as well as a member of the prestigious Evolutionary Leaders group.

Devaa was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship for her work with Indigenous groups in the Brazilian Amazon. She then pivoted into the corporate world, working as a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, where she consulted with Fortune 500 companies. She later worked as the founding director of the Full Circle Fund, a thriving venture philanthropy group, followed by a senior director role at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

In her current work, Devaa helps her clients with both the “outer” work of strategy and implementation and the “inner” soul work of visionary leadership. Through her trainings, mentorship, and the community she cultivates, Devaa offers a space for true soul transformation and worldly manifestation. Devaa’s clients are thus able to reconnect with their soul essence, make a meaningful contribution to our planet, and live a life they love.

In her spare time, you can often find Devaa making music! Her songs fuse East and West with danceable grooves. Her debut album, Sacred Alchemy, aims to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine, while her second album, Rebirth, has hit #1 on Amazon’s chart.


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