With Vision Keeper of the Four Winds Society & Author of The Sacred Andean Codes
Marcela Lobos
New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Dive into the life-changing Munay-Ki rites and the shamanic wisdom of the Andes to access sacred codes for awakening your heart and destiny, empowering you to release past wounds, step into your higher purpose, and embrace this moment of personal and collective transformation.

Each week, receive a consciousness-expanding initiation to rewire your energy field and deepen your spiritual connection to Pachamama and the cosmos.

Are you ready to embody wisdom, compassion, and luminous energy transforming your life and contributing to a more compassionate, peaceful world?

Andean vision keeper Marcela Lobos shows you the path through the Munay-Ki initiatory rites.

Serving as a compass for your life, these sacred codes initiate an evolutionary journey elevating the way you perceive and interact with the world by accessing deep healing, profound inner peace, and a greater sense of connection and purpose.

As Marcela will explain, Munay-Ki means the “power of love” the unconditional love the Creator has for all of creation.

These rites help you clear karmic and genetic wounds, rewire your energetic field, and unlock the wisdom of your ancestral lineage. They even have the power to shift your perspective on life, nature, and the cosmos.

For hundreds of years, initiates have turned to the Earth-based, sacred practices of the shamans of the Peruvian Andes and Amazon jungle, says Marcela, a shamanic teacher known for her deep and compassionate guidance.

These key rites of the Munay-Ki include the following:

  1. The Healer Rite Connect to an ancient lineage of medicine women and men to ignite healing alchemy for physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal.
  2. The Day Keeper Rite Brings health, harmony, and balance to your life and community through activating altars and practicing powerful rituals.
  3. The Wisdom Keeper Rite Teaches you how to dialogue with nature and align with her cycles, uncovering deep truths about yourself and the world.
  4. The Earth Keeper Rite Expands your vision to embrace the meaning and purpose of life on Earth and your role as a guardian of the planet.
  5. The Star Keeper Rite Shifts your perspective beyond the earthly realm to remember your place within the cosmos, fostering a sense of belonging and awe.
  6. The Creator Rite Reclaim your infinite nature as an extension of the creative source, dissolving any sense of separation from creation.
  7. The Rite of the Womb Connect to a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering for healing generational wounds and stepping into your full power.

Join Marcela for a 7-week deep dive into these Munay-Ki Rites and experience their power to connect you to divine purpose and ignite profound personal and collective change.

These rites can erase karmic and genetic wounds, reprogram your energy, and even unlock the rejuvenating potential within your DNA, allowing you to create a new body that fosters vitality and heals through the aging process.

Join Marcela and embrace the Munay-Ki as a compass for life that can guide you to life-changing breakthroughs including moving from the selfish and small “me” to the expansive consciousness of an Earth Keeper with prophetic vision and a compassionate, creative heart.

In this 7-week live video course, you’ll explore:

  • A new Munay-Ki initiatory rite each week to help you feel safe as you dismantle emotional barriers
  • Sourcing from nature’s wisdom and understanding yourself as part of the ecosystem as you become aware of nature’s elements in your own body
  • Weekly guided meditations, chants, offerings, and other practices to help you experience the power of each rite
  • Transforming your wounds into wisdom and compassion not just for yourself, but for the collective
  • Balance and harmonize your inner feminine and masculine archetypes to support holistic emotional growth and evolution
  • Improve your health and wisdom as you honor the interconnectedness of all life
  • Uncover a more grounded perspective for your life when you consider your place in galactic time and space
  • Feel the powerful truth that you didn’t come here to suffer, but to help dream a healthier world into existence for future generations
  • Andmuch more...

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Marcela will guide you through an exploration of the Sacred Andean Codes for creating the prophesied conscious revolution for a more compassionate and peaceful world.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with Marcela and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Marcela’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Marcela. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop an understanding of the Munay-Ki Rites to help create the prophesied shift to a more compassionate world.

Module 1: Jan 28, 2025

Module 1: The Healer Rite (Earth Element) - Alchemize Your Wounds Into Wisdom & Compassion for Yourself & Others (January 28)

To be a healer for others, you must first experience how to transform your own wounds into sources of wisdom and compassion.

Marcela will share how the Healer Rite connects you to an ancestral and timeless lineage of healers who guide your transformation and awaken your healing power.

Access tremendous spiritual assistance from a lineage that’s been holding a seat for you around a sacred healing fire since the beginning of time. Address your personal wounds and recognize and heal the collective traumas that keep you in stasis and turmoil.

To initiate your exploration and bless the journey, Marcela will welcome two shamans from the Peruvian Andes, don Francisco Achura and doña Juana Apaza.

They’ll create a traditional offering (haywaricuy) to Mother Earth as Marcela guides you through the four steps of a shamanic prayer invocation, humbleness, gratitude, and petition.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How healing is a journey to wholeness
  • The way of the wounded healer
  • An initiation into a lineage of timeless healers
  • The concept of ayni as a path to a balanced life
  • Your innate ability to alchemize your wounds into wisdom
  • A deepening practice to create a mandala as a tool for healing
  • A guided meditation on the 5 elements to reconnect to yourself as an ecosystem and discern who you’re becoming
Module 2: Feb 4, 2025

Module 2: The Day Keeper Rite (Water Element) - Connect With the Archetypal Feminine for Your Emotional Evolution (February 4)

Many of us live in cities surrounded by cement or spend countless hours within walls, disconnected from nature.

As you receive the initiation of the Day Keeper, begin to notice the rising and setting of the sun, your relationship to the elements, and the phases of the moon.

Begin the process of re-wilding your domesticated life and gain a new level of health and consciousness, empowering you to become a light for others.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Be empowered to go beyond the little me to embrace the we of community
  • Remember your place in the land around you
  • Make offerings to the spirits of the waters
  • Learn the ways of feminine wisdom
  • Become an oasis of consciousness for others
  • Engage in a guided chant and offering to the waters, at the level of the womb — to reconnect with the womb and get out of your head, moving the inner waters so you’re no longer emotionally stuck
Module 3: Feb 11, 2025

Module 3: The Wisdom Keeper Rite (Fire Element) - Cultivate a Healthier Relationship With the Archetypal Father & Your Inner Masculine (February 11)

Marcela will guide you in connecting with the powerful spirit of mountains to cultivate balance, strength, and grounded wisdom within by forging a healthier relationship with the archetypal Father and your inner masculine energy.

For the people of the Andes, mountains are revered as profound sources of wisdom — shaped over millions of years into the majestic peaks they are today.

The tutelary spirits of the mountains are known as apus. Shamans go on pilgrimages and make offerings to receive protection and guidance from them.

Connect with these powerful spirits, helping you align with their enduring strength and timeless wisdom.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Become strong as you absorb the wisdom of the mountains (Itu apu)
  • Explore a guided journey to have a peak experience with your mentor, the mountain — so you can discern what your metaphorical mountain might be and where you should go on a pilgrimage to make an offering
  • Connect with your protector mountain
  • Learn a devotional chant to the apus
  • Experience a fire ceremony with candles to light the fire of consciousness
Module 4: Feb 18, 2025

Module 4: The Earth Keeper Rite - Honor the Interconnectedness of Life to Stay Healthy & Wise (February 18)

Delve into the concept of Ayni, the interconnectedness and sacred reciprocity of life.

Marcela will explain how the Earth Keeper Rite connects you to a lineage of masters who hold the truest and most holistic vision of the meaning of life on Earth.

This wisdom may not stem from scientific facts but rather from a deep sense of the pulse that rumbles from the heart of our planet.

As an Earth Keeper, embrace this profound knowing while also finding peace in not having all the answers resting quietly in the unknown. Your love becomes so vast that it holds every child of the Earth within your heart.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The meaning of munay beautiful love from the Andean tradition
  • The empowerment of the Earth Keepers
  • The mythical journey of the hero(ine)
  • A guided meditation to connect with your heart’s calling and stop feeling overwhelmed and disempowered by reflecting on what breaks your heart and using it as fuel as you turn it into sacred action
Module 5: Feb 25, 2025

Module 5: The Star Keeper Rite - Find Calm & Clarity as You Appreciate Your Life in the Vast Context of the Galaxy (February 25)

The Star Keeper Rite invites you to stretch your perspective beyond the scope of our blue-green planet and discover your intimate connection to the stars.

You’re called to remember your place within the Milky Way Galaxy. As you reconnect with this fundamental bond to the stars, your mind expands not only in space but also in time.

Become capable of contemplating cycles spanning thousands of years — or even eons. This broader view helps you put your life and everything you do into perspective.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Remember to look up to the stars for wisdom and inspiration
  • Receive the Star Keeper empowerment
  • Experience a guided journey to the Upper World, to source from the future — not from who you’ve been, but who you’re becoming
  • Contemplate your place in the collective becoming of humanity
Module 6: Mar 4, 2025

Module 6: The Creator Rite - Dream Your World Into Being (March 4)

The Creator Rite invites you to remember your infinite nature and realize how the Great Spirit works — not only through you, but as you. All of creation is not only happening all around you, but within you.

Creating is not only a privilege, but a responsibility — and meant to be undertaken with your full attention, love, and courage.

Marcela will help you understand how the universe exists within you. You are the universe, with access to everything you need to create the life you want.

Once you get rid of limiting beliefs and energetic blockages, you can embody the highest good for yourself and everyone.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Reconcile with the cyclical nature of existence
  • Embrace every part of the cycle, including death, as a doorway to rebirth
  • Understand how Andean sages dream the world into being
  • Become familiar with the 3 qualities of the conscious creatoryachay (clear vision), munay (pristine love), and yankay (power to manifest)
  • Discern creations of your own that you are no longer happy with, “destroy” them, and make way for something new during a journaling practice and breakout groups
Module 7: Mar 11, 2025

Module 7: The Womb Initiation - Free Yourself From Suffering as You Clear Emotional Baggage (March 11)

Learn about a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. They came from the spirit world to remind us that we didn’t come to suffer, but to be effective creators of a world that we long to see for our children’s children.

Their empowerment allows this lineage to offer us a new sense of appreciation for the womb and its life-giving capacity — not only in birthing a child, but also as an energetic container for creativity and healing.

The Womb Initiation is a lineage that came through Marcela, who was the channel for it. She’ll explain how the womb is not a place to store fear, but a place to give birth to life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Appreciate a feminine mythology in which you were never cast out of Eden
  • Enhance your relationship to the feminine and the archetypal Mother
  • Explore the empowerment of your creative matrix
  • Learn to hold ceremony for your community
  • Receive an initiation from Marcela — for both women and men — so you’ll feel as though you’re reborn into a new relationship with the feminine

The The Munay-Ki Rites Bonus Offering

In addition to Marcela’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Evolutionary Seeds
Digital Guide From Marcela Lobos

As this PDF guide explains, during the times of the Inka Empire, only the main ruler and the nobility were considered Inkas — children of Inti, the sun — suggesting a primordial superiority to commoners. This idea evolved with the passing of the centuries, and today Andean mysticism agrees that all people are born with the Inka seed, possessing the innate capacity to reach the highest spiritual level. Most spiritual traditions convey the same idea — that all humans carry within themselves the potential of complete self-realization, and that we are all infinite beings walking Earth in a finite human body.

The Jaguar Transmission
Video Teaching From Marcela Lobos

In this 25-minute video, Marcela explains the Harmony Initiation, one of the Munay-Ki rites not included in the course. In post-modern times, we have become domesticated and forgotten our innate instincts that allow us to live in harmony with nature. With this rite, one receives a connection to totemic animals that can aid in resetting one’s instincts. Marcela focuses on Jaguar and tells us how to work with its spirit to receive protection and guidance and walk with certainty in the world.

What People Are Saying About Marcela Lobos...

“[Marcela] personalized the course by sharing her own experiences...”

I absolutely loved this course and the way Marcela taught it. She personalized the course by sharing her own experiences, which helped me to understand and embody the lessons. I read her book along with the course which helped to bring a deeper understanding of the lessons. I am so happy I took this course.

Cheri Atkinson

Student in Marcela’s course, “The 13 Moons of Wisdom”

“Marcela’s words touched me on a profound level...”

Marcela’s words touched me on a profound level, stirring something deep within. Her insights on childbirth, the feminine presence, and the importance of releasing old patterns truly resonated with me. Marcela is a beautiful and sincere woman, and her presence spoke volumes!

Heidemarie Garbe

Student in Marcela’s course, “The 13 Moons of Wisdom”

“[Marcela’s] work will help you go beyond self-help to encounter true spiritual awakening.”

Most current books about creating a better life focus on speed: life hacks, shortcuts, and mechanistic systems. But true transformation lies beyond such strategies. In The Sacred Andean Codes, Marcela Lobos encourages us to find our inherent wisdom by slowing down. She writes lovingly and clearly about the Munay-Ki (10 shamanic initiations) as a time-honored way to connect with and empower your true self. Her work will help you go beyond self-help to encounter true spiritual awakening.

Susan Piver

New York Times bestselling author of The Buddhist Enneagram

“Marcela’s book guides us like a potent ray of light...”

In these changing times, Marcela’s book guides us like a potent ray of light to awaken and expand our consciousness and to transform heavy energies into love. This is precisely what is most important in the dawn of the new day, and that we share our real selves — the light that shines from our inner sun. This book is a brilliant guide to conquer our own selves. Thank you, Marcela, for your luminous contribution to life!

Jorge Luis Delgado

Author of Andean Awakening: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru


Join the Global Community

The Munay-Ki Rites offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Marcela Lobos will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Marcela Lobos

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from the Vision Keeper of the Four Winds Society Marcela Lobos, author of The Sacred Andean Codes from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you through the Munay-Ki rites, sacred codes to awaken your heart so you can embrace this moment of personal and collective healing and transformation. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, The Munay-Ki Rites

We feel honored that Marcela Lobos has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the Vision Keeper of the Four Winds Society and author of The Sacred Andean Codes whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about receiving a consciousness-expanding initiation that brings healing, wisdom, inner peace, and more as you move into a closer connection with your life path, community, planet, and cosmos, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Munay-Ki Rites or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before February 11, 2025 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Marcela Lobos

“Marcela is the perfect person to transmit these powerful rites to us.”

The Sacred Andean Codes is a magnificent book. Marcela Lobos gives us a comprehensive understanding of the Munay-Ki initiations. The wisdom of these 10 initiations will connect you with your authentic self and root you in the flow of life. Marcela is the perfect person to transmit these powerful rites to us. She writes and teaches in a masterful way while bringing in deep feminine wisdom. You will learn how to reach your highest spiritual potential — this is a true gift Marcela shares with us in this beautiful book.

Sandra Ingerman

Shamanism teacher and award-winning author of 13 books

“... an important contribution toward healing societal dysfunction...”

Marcela Lobos offers simple, accessible, and inclusive insights to navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history, so that we may evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators of the world to come. The Sacred Andean Codes is an important contribution toward healing societal dysfunction and ensuring the healthy development of future generations. This book will inspire your spirit as you comprehend the enormous potential of applying this information in your life.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

Bestselling author of The Biology of Belief

“... leading us into our deepest healing and highest dreams.”

Long before the birth of modern science, the secrets of life were revealed and preserved for future generations among a clan of wisdom keepers hidden high in the mountains of the Peruvian Andes. Marcela Lobos reveals these ancient secrets and more in her book The Sacred Andean Codes. In an intimate sharing of her apprenticeship with the descendants of that clan — the Q’uero people of today — Lobos reveals how the direct experience of the Munay-Ki initiations can shape our perception of life’s challenges, while leading us into our deepest healing and highest dreams. Whether you’re an artist or an engineer, a homemaker or policy maker, this book is about you, your life, and every relationship that you’ll ever experience. Lobos’ compelling truths of earth wisdom linger in our hearts long after we read the pages of The Sacred Andean Codes, reminding us that we’re always more than the challenges that life brings to our doorstep.

Gregg Braden

New York Times bestselling author of The God Code and The Divine Matrix


About Marcela Lobos


Marcela Lobos has been extensively initiated in the healing and spiritual traditions of the Amazon and the Andes. She was born and raised in Chile, where she leads shamanic journeys for women to awaken their own power, grace, and wisdom.

Marcela is author of The Sacred Andean Codes and Awakening Your Inner Shaman, and the co-author of the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck. She is vision keeper and faculty lead of the shamanic school, The Four Winds Society. She travels internationally teaching the wisdom of the Munay-Ki and the Medicine Wheel.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s a virtual course?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Are there scholarships available for this training?

Yes, we allocate a certain percentage of spaces for partial scholarships to support those who may not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply, please review our scholarship guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Please note: Scholarship applications must be submitted before the refund deadline, as we are unable to accept applications after that point.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! That’s why we offer a satisfaction guarantee, allowing you to sample the course risk-free.

If you’re within the refund period, the deadline to receive a full refund is February 11, 2025. To request a refund, please complete this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days, and you’ll receive an email confirming the refund.

We’d also love the opportunity to address and resolve your concerns directly. If there’s anything we can assist with, please get in touch with us at support@theshiftnetwork.com we’re here to help!

Please note: Refund requests are not accepted after the deadline or for courses purchased with scholarship awards.

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.