With Health Intuitive, Functional Nutrition Therapist & Yoga Therapist
Masami Covey

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Delve into the Anatomy of Cosmic Flow through the 7 B’s Breath, Brain, Bile, Boundaries, Bones, Blood & Bliss to become resilient and thrive during the monumental shifts taking place on our planet.


You are the channel for Cosmic Flow, in tune with the planet’s perpetual shifts…

We all are.

In fact, your body made out of bundles of interconnected tubes of light and tunnels of energy is the vessel for Cosmic Flow’s expression...

But with chronic stress, lack of connection, exposures to toxins, and the isolation of modern life, the body becomes filled with emotional debris, psychic waste, and toxins obstructing your Cosmic Flow.

These blockages and stagnation manifest when you have trouble sleeping, experience fatigue, inflammation, or a lowered immune system or encounter mood swings, fear, or anxiety.

These physical, mental, and emotional stressors create actual waste products in your system and become your “Bodily Karma” and disrupt your pure Cosmic Flow, the energy of life.

To live your life to the fullest, it’s essential to keep your brain, breath, bile, and lymphatic system flowing, free of obstruction, bodily “garbage,” and other impurities...

Join us for a 7-module course with Masami Covey, a celebrated health intuitive, functional nutritional therapist, and positive neuroplasticity practitioner…

She’ll share how to clear the blockages that clog your body’s major systems that make up the anatomy of your Cosmic Flow what Masami calls The Seven B's  Breath, Brain, Bile, Boundaries, Bones, Blood, and Bliss.

You’ll learn to restore your natural clearing process, so you can recognize this ever-present Cosmic Flow as it moves unobstructed through your physical body.

Masami is especially adept at helping others because of what she experienced and learned from her own body. A little over 10 years ago, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. With significant dietary and lifestyle changes, along with her unique approach of combining functional medicine with energy medicine, she was able to bring herself back into alignment, opening her Cosmic Flow and finding balance within, to the point where she no longer exhibits signs of the disease.

As you’ll discover, she’s the ideal teacher to share practices for releasing stress-related impediments within your body’s systems and restore your Cosmic Flow, so you can live your very best life.


In this transformative online course, you’ll discover:

  • Your “Signature Breath” and how to connect with it to release old patterns, introduce new narratives, and redirect your prana
  • The connection between the brain, stress, vagus nerve, and your glymphatic system (the brain’s lymphatic system) and how to apply techniques and visualizations to encourage brain cleansing and Cosmic Flow
  • Practices to enhance neuroplasticity and neurogenesis these are your brain’s ability to change, modify, adjust, adapt, and make new connections
  • Why Bile functions as golden liquid energy in your body and why we should all be enchanted by the beauty of Bile
  • How to experience more flow in your body on a daily basis through breath, hands-on tools, nutrient suggestions, and lifestyle recommendations
  • The impact of multidimensional and multifaceted Boundaries on your health and wellness when they’re not being properly managed and maintained
  • The physical and energetic signs and symptoms of disrupted, permeable, and inflamed boundaries as well as rigid, restrictive, and stiff boundaries
  • The surprising connection between the third chakra and bone health and tools to reignite the power of the solar plexus and rebuild your bones
  • The differences between nourished and malnourished bones and how to maintain and support the bones in your body
  • How blood sugar dysregulation negatively impacts all facets of human function, and makes it harder for you to be in the now
  • Greater balance as you begin to heal the body that houses your soul
  • Lifestyle practices that willl bring back healthy blood sugar
  • Why creating new pathways and flow within you is one of the most powerful ways to become a channel for Cosmic Flow in this new era...

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Masami will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to clear and care for “The 7 B’s” to optimize your life force so you can stay resilient and thrive during our planet’s shifts.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Masami. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to restore the anatomy of your Cosmic Flow.

Module 1: Blessings of Breath


In this opening module, you’ll discover how breath is what directs, synchronizes, and shapes your Cosmic Flow (your life force).

Breath is the energy and foundation behind your expression of life and how you manifest it. And for that, you’re blessed by each breath, every moment.

When your breath is shallow, labored, stuck, tight, or too fast, your life begins to mirror these qualities.

You may also begin to experience physical imbalances, stagnation patterns, and toxic symptoms like insomnia, hypersensitivity, brain fog, edema, hormonal issues, and even frequent urination during the night.

Like everyone, you have what Masami calls a “Signature Breath” a well-rehearsed and conditioned pattern that’s served you well… up to this point.

But in order to shift your prana and thrive more fully in the Cosmic Flow that life offers, you’ll first need to explore where your breaths have become stuck and then learn how to free them.

In this first module, you’ll:

  • Appreciate the blessings of breath and its many gifts as you continue to build on various breathwork practices in each module
  • Explore your “Signature Breath” and begin to gently shift and change your breaths so you can release old patterns, introduce new narratives, and redirect your prana
  • Experience conscious breathing to help rid toxins from your system, balance your autonomic nervous system, promote energy production, and direct your Cosmic Flow
  • Learn to breathe optimally using various “domes” in your body so your physiology can naturally work to its full potential
  • Cultivate healing connections between the emotions and heart through breathwork

Module 2: The Buoyant Brain


In your first session with Masami, you started consciously and deliberately shifting your breath…

And because the breath changes and regulates your state of mind, you’re ready to begin exploring Cosmic Flow in your brain.

In this module, Masami will explain how the brain is a very sensitive organ that’s affected by the quality of your breath and requires regular clearing to rid the various stagnations in the body that clog the brain and impact its function.

Your brain’s daily clearing processes are likely often obstructed by emotional waste, habitual thinking, toxins, karmic debris, old narratives, intergenerational traumas, poor sleep, poor digestion, head injuries, sinusitis, structural imbalances, and systemic inflammation.

Masami will share critical concepts and powerful techniques for the brain to quell the “fires” in the limbic system, clear fog and confusion, help support its natural self-cleansing functions, and restore its many essential capacities...

From there, your brain can begin to experience a steady return of balanced energy, vitality, creativity, and buoyancy.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Daily techniques to promote clearing and removal of toxic wastes from your brain
  • Masami’s suggested oils and nutrients for brain health
  • How to cultivate graceful aging and change your brain well into your 80s
  • Ways to promote sleep the gateway to a healthy brain and pure Cosmic Flow
  • The connection between the brain, stress, vagus nerve, and your lymphatic system and how to apply techniques and visualizations to encourage brain cleansing and Cosmic Flow
  • Practices to enhance neuroplasticity and neurogenesis these are your brain’s ability to change, modify, adjust, adapt, and make new connections

Module 3: Beautiful Bile


Bile is the substance that’s produced in your liver and stored in your gallbladder…

In this module, Masami will explain why it functions as Golden Liquid Energy in your body and why we should all be enchanted by the beauty of bile.

Over decades of working with clients, Masami has intuited and profoundly observed that bile flow when moving smoothly and regularly helps you see clearly, brings equilibrium, directs actions that are in alignment with soul, clears karmic imprints, and alchemizes possibilities.

And when this beautiful bile is vibrant, you begin to enjoy clarity in the brain, improved digestion, balanced hormones, radiant skin, happy microbes, healthy weight management, and so much more.

As Masami will share, living fully in Cosmic Flow requires unobstructed and radiant bile flow...

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore many of the physical and energetic expressions of stagnant and blocked bile flow to help guide you to address chronic symptoms and longstanding emotional blockages
  • Support your gallbladder energetically and physically even if you’ve had it removed
  • Transform and transmute negative conscious, unconscious, and subconscious emotions and patterns that have been recirculating in your system so you can begin to enjoy more energy and vitality
  • Understand how bile can become stagnant and block Cosmic Flow on physical, energetic, and emotional levels
  • Experience more flow in your body on a daily basis through breath, hands-on tools, nutrient suggestions, and lifestyle recommendations

Module 4: Brave Boundaries


By now you’ve started to direct your prana differently using breath and brain and you’ve begun to move your Golden Liquid Energy (your beautiful bile)...

In this module, Masami will guide you to explore your boundaries.

As a multisensory being, how you manage your boundaries involves every sheath of your being physical, emotional, mental, subtle, energetic, and more.

Boundaries are brave because they separate what you need from what you don’t need and they protect, filter, block, discern, and choose what will best nourish you!

And when your boundaries are brave, you can bring the outside world inward and receive it fully, without it negatively impacting and draining you.

Masami will introduce you to eye-opening and novel ways of looking at your inner and outer boundaries and explore practices that will begin to shift and strengthen your boundaries.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Meet your multidimensional and multifaceted boundaries and discover their impacts on your health and wellness when they’re not being properly managed and maintained
  • Explore physical and energetic signs and symptoms of disrupted, permeable, and inflamed boundaries as well as rigid, restrictive, and stiff boundaries
  • Discern who and what may be influencing your boundaries and reclaim your brave boundaries
  • Be guided through breath practices to strengthen, clarify, and heal boundaries
  • Review the “Four H’s of Soul Communication” boundary practice (course bonus) to enhance and connect with your whole-person intuition and guidance
  • Review practical and healthy practices and tools to reclaim your brave boundaries (bonus) cooking methods, nutrients, supplements, archetypes, and more

Special Bonus Q&A Session on Boundaries
Recorded Bonus Session With Masami Covey


In this special bonus session Masami invites you to dive deeper in and through your direct experience of the course material. In this session, Masami will give a review of the material covered in the session on boundaries followed by a full hour of working with people’s questions.


Module 5: Bold Bones


Bones, teeth, and nails are not static or rigid.

In fact, they’re living tissues that take bold actions to constantly change their shape and composition to keep up with your state of flow and shifts in consciousness.

In this module, Masami will share how, when your bones are well-nourished, they offer you the experience of stability, protection, support, and action holding the foundations for Cosmic Flow.

Your bones simultaneously balance you between heaven and earth, growth and destruction, density and lightness, and past and future...

And these bold acts require inner flow it’s no accident that almost all of the blood supply that flows through your entire body is created inside your bones.

Just as fossils offer a record and footprints of the past, bones are the keepers of stories.

The way you live and tell your stories also shape your bones  they’re the crystalline storehouse for your memories, traumas, ancestral imprints, and old narratives.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the surprising connection between the third chakra and bone health and learn tools to reignite the power of the solar plexus and rebuild your bones
  • Understand the differences between nourished and malnourished bones, including calcifications, and learn how to maintain and support the bones in your body
  • Dive into the stories your bones keep, imprinted deep down inside your bone tissue and bone marrow
  • Learn techniques to mobilize the bones and enhance the vitality of fascia, which are essential to your bones’ healthy bold expression
  • Receive Masami’s supplement and eating habits recommendations for healthy bones
  • Practice breathwork to promote balance within the bones

Module 6: Balanced Blood


All living things are born of fluids and nourished by their flow...

As Masami says, we’re like a bundle of channels or tubes that become a vessel, connecting what’s inside with what’s outside.

As with the cycles of the sun and moon, blood continuously flows inside our body channels like a stream carrying nutrients, prana, oxygen, information, and healing power.

In this module, you’ll learn how blood not only is the primary ingredient and regulator of your health blood is life.

Your blood brings you to this moment, harmonizing body and soul always balancing and fine-tuning the whole of you through homeostasis.

When the blood becomes dysregulated from chronic blood sugar imbalances due to stresses of any kind mental, emotional, physical, environmental, energetic it disrupts all aspects of your life.

Over time, you begin to experience energy dips, hormonal imbalances, brain disorders, mood swings, and premature aging.

Contrary to what we’re taught to think, such symptoms are not an unavoidable consequence of just “getting older”!

Masami will walk you through ways to bring your whole system back to balance and enhance longevity by reclaiming your blood essence, balancing your blood sugar, and regaining blood vitality.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand how blood sugar dysregulation negatively impacts all facets of human function, and makes it harder for you to be in the NOW
  • Discover the direct connection between your hormonal health and adrenal strength
  • Dispel the many misunderstandings about intermittent fasting
  • Explore lifestyle practices to bring back healthy blood sugar
  • Practice tools that positively impact your blood essence and help you develop blood vitality so you can begin to enjoy healthy tranquility and experience the flow of spirit

Module 7: Body of Bliss


The deepest layer of your being, the source of unbounded freedom, expansion, and oneness has been called the Bliss Body for millennia...

You experience the Bliss Body when your inner workings are flowing like clear water in a stream, and when you are in sync with the rhythms of the cosmos.

Masami will be co-teaching this final module with her frequent collaborator, her partner Chris Covey teacher, speaker, Director of Wellness for a Colorado state agency, and nationally recognized leader.

Chris joined with Masami to reverse her MS diagnosis with diet and lifestyle medicine and also experienced the powerful connection between the body’s functional nutritional needs and daily supportive habits.

Chris then restored his brain health, resolved his chronic pain, stabilized his metabolism, and shed 70+ pounds of accumulated weight and toxicity...

In this closing module, Masami and Chris will share how the Bliss Body isn’t something that you have to travel to another country or go away to a meditation retreat to experience it lives within you.

It’s your natural way of true being and it’s available to you all the time.

When you a self-contained universe of your own begin to attune your physical body to the flow within, you can’t help but join in with the current of Cosmic Flow and feel it through your Bliss Body.

And this allows you to activate your whole being as a Body of Bliss where the breath begins to breathe you, the brain clears its debris, the bile removes toxic thoughts, the boundaries are maintained, the bones express stable health, and blood sugar is balanced...

Once you’ve touched it, you can consciously live from this place at will.

In this final session, you’ll step forward on your journey as a reawakened agent of Cosmic Flow.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Review various practices and applications you’ve gained from the first 6 modules and align their power together
  • Learn why creating new pathways and flow within you is one of the most powerful ways to become a channel for Cosmic Flow in the new era
  • Celebrate by sharing the most powerful shifts and aha! moments you’ve experienced during this program
  • Begin your journey forward...

The Anatomy of Your Cosmic Flow Bonus Collection

In addition to Masami’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Breath: A Gateway to Brain, Lungs, Emotions & Cosmos
Video Dialogue With Masami Covey and Kathleen Booker

When you increase the quality of your breath, you elevate the quality and depth of your life. What's more, how you breathe determines the health of your brain, lungs, emotions, and connection with the cosmos. Listen in as Kathleen Booker, certified Conscious Connected Breathwork coach and spiritual coach, talks to Masami about the connections between breathwork and optimal physical health, emotional healing, and elevated consciousness. You’ll discover ways to improve brain function, balance your nervous system, and slow down aging. Plus, you'll be given techniques for connecting your breath to the Cosmic Flow.


Four H’s of Soul Communication
Audio Teaching With Companion PDF Worksheet From Masami Covey

Your soul resides in your physical body, and expresses itself through various organs, glands, and bodily systems. One of the most beautiful ways to communicate with your soul is to get in touch with your 4 H’s: Head, Heart, Hara (your gut), and Hands. In this meditation, Masami will introduce you to these four powerful energy centers and their attributes. You’ll also learn how to activate them by returning to your body to receive their gifts of wisdom.


The Hara Center: Connecting With the Subtleties of Your Gut
Ebook by Masami Covey

Your Hara is a powerful region of your body whose gifts have not only been overlooked, but have even been maligned by our image- and weight-obsessed media. But did you know that most East Asian cultures consider the Hara to be the seat of your soul, your direct link with consciousness itself? In this ebook, you’ll discover more about the wonders of your Hara, as well as how to come into a better relationship with it through caring practices and breathwork. By becoming friends with your Hara, you’ll better understand why it’s essential to your long-term health and your connection with the cosmos.


What People Are Saying About Masami Covey…

Mary Daniels: “Masami Is So Thorough, Genuinely Cares, and Really Listens”

Juliet O’Keefe: “Masami Is a Luminary; You Couldn't Be in Better Hands”

Deja Ellison: “What I love about Masami Is She’s a Bridge Between Energy Work and Science”

“... working with Masami is like being in the presence of a super-heroine...”

Masami is a radiant beacon for others in ways that are simply mind-blowing and miraculous. Her sacred knowledge and intuitive depths come straight from Universal Mind, and she is able to convey such copious amounts of complex information with such ease, beauty, and clarity that after a session with her, I find myself covered in awe-soaked tears, feeling transfigured. I tell anybody who will listen that working with Masami is like being in the presence of a super-heroine with otherworldly powers and the purest heart, like Wonder Woman, except that Masami is not a made-up figure! She is the real deal truth incarnate and a conduit of grace. The fervor I feel for the work she is doing is quite ineffable. I know that her serious and deep care has saved my life, and because of that, I feel a great urgency to share her understanding of the Cosmic Flow with the world.
Sarah G., New York, New York

“Masami is blessed, and her incredible intuition is mind-blowing.”

Masami is truly gifted and her channeling with my mom brought me to tears. I got goosebumps as everything she said was so accurate and true. I have been to numerous readers, but Masami is blessed, and her incredible intuition is mind-blowing. She connected the dots of why my physical body was not healing due to the trauma that my mom’s unexpected death caused me. I am very grateful and thankful to her for connecting me with my mom and will never forget this beautiful experience. Thanks, Masami, from the bottom of my heart.
Jessica B., San Jose, California

“[Masami] brought so much clarity, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of my body.”

Since I have been introduced to Masami, my life literally has changed. She brought so much clarity, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of my body. And showed me the road to healing my inner self and how to connect to my body and give it the most deserved attention and love as it has been crying for years for me to finally notice it. Her laser-focused “X-ray” expertise pointed out straightaway to an issue which conventional medicine could not help me with for years by prescribing more damaging creams and medications! I can see amazing results already after two sessions with Masami, and highly recommend everyone who’s looking to live a healthy, nourished, and balanced life “as above so below.” Thank you so much, dear Masami, for your wisdom, care, and love!
Lidia M., London, United Kingdom

“[Masami] is helping me make sense of things and helping me step back into my body...”

The reason I resonate with Masami and love tuning in to her programs is her gentleness and realness. I feel the love, kindness, and care that she projects out. I always feel better after listening to one of her programs. She doesn’t hide behind her vulnerabilities; she uses them as her strength, and that is how I aspire to be. I love her courage and strength and compassion. She is such a wonderful source of inspiration no matter what is going on in the world. She makes such a difference and somehow I feel that she is helping me make sense of things and helping me step back into my body. And you know what? It feels good; it feels gentle and loving and necessary.
Anjula B., London, United Kingdom

“The level of care and thorough attention to detail that Masami has put into my healing has been incredible.”

When I first came to see Masami, I was at a very low place and had given up hope and trust in my body and its ability to heal. I was perpetually sick and was doing all the “things” I knew to get better, but none of them seemed to be working. The level of care and thorough attention to detail that Masami has put into my healing has been incredible. Though nutrition and supplements have been crucial to my healing journey, Masami’s work goes much deeper than this. She has taught me to slow down and truly listen. I have learned so much about myself and the world around me through this simple, yet profound act. I am also happy to report that I haven’t gotten sick in months! I honestly feel like a whole new person, physically, mentally, and spiritually. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Lizzie S., California

“... beautifully combines her scientific knowledge of the body with her intuition.”

Masami's a brilliant and caring practitioner. Her insights are so groundbreaking that I expect she'll be a household name very soon! I've researched holistic health for years for my own healing and as a blogger and I've never come across anyone quite like Masami. I've struggled on and off with gut issues since I was a kid, and for the first time, I finally feel like I found someone that really gets me. She beautifully combines her scientific knowledge of the body with her intuition. Science and spirituality are a powerful combination for healing. Masami's intuition is so on point; it's uncanny how she just knows things about me and my history and how it is influencing my health. She connects with me and my energy as if she's talking directly to my body, and designs a healing plan customized just for me. My body loves the simplicity of it.
Lynn Heiman, My Rising Vibe, San Diego, California

“... she shares from a no-nonsense but very loving place...”

My experience with Masami, as an intuitive, was amazing. It goes back to a period where I was going through a medical dilemma. I had an integrative doctor who was very highly regarded come up with tests and different results of what was happening in my body, and the emotional components of that as well. From blood tests and other types of treatments that we went into, he really got down to the root of what was starting to affect the healing in my body. A month and a half later, Masami came in and she was seeing, without having any access to the tests and what was happening in my body, what the doctor was reiterating to me. Her capacity to not only see into the field, into the physicality and into the emotional body, not only was that enormous, what was also enormous for me is the way that the supplements she suggested, and the components of how to bring my health back online was not only similar to what the doctor offered but she actually added to it in a way that facilitated much more rapid healing. I can't say enough about Masami and the way that she engages, the way that she teaches and really just shares from a no-nonsense but very loving place. It's second to none.
John Burgos, Kapaa, Hawaii


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Masami Covey

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from health intuitive, functional nutrition therapist, and yoga therapist Masami Covey from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to become resilient and thrive.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Anatomy of Your Cosmic Flow Bonus Collection
  • Breath: A Gateway to Brain, Lungs, Emotions & Cosmos
    Video Dialogue With Masami Covey and Kathleen Booker
  • Four H’s of Soul Communication
    Audio Teaching With Companion PDF Worksheet From Masami Covey
  • The Hara Center: Connecting With the Subtleties of Your Gut
    Ebook by Masami Covey

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Anatomy of Your Cosmic Flow Online Training


We feel honored that Masami Covey has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a health intuitive, functional nutrition therapist, and yoga therapist whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about becoming resilient and thriving during the monumental shifts taking place on our planet, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Anatomy of Your Cosmic Flow or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


About Masami Covey

Masami Covey embraces the power of both spirit and science, of both intuition and physiology and bridges the unseen and the seen to reveal the interconnections of body, mind, and spirit. As a health intuitive, her work is centered on cultivating her clients’ innate healing power and exploring the root causes of functional imbalances, rather than focusing on the diagnoses and labels around medical conditions. Her Intuitive insights, laser-pointed guidance, and practical tools offer a dynamic framework for connecting our subtle “body language” with anatomy, emotion, nutrition, breathwork, supplements, detox protocols, lifestyle practices, and more.

After working with clients since 1999, she experienced a complete physical breakdown of her body with an initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2011, followed by injuries from a severe car accident in 2012. She has been able to reverse her MS diagnosis through her own healing protocols, known as Zenshin Method, a whole-person approach that empowers individuals to become experts of themselves and build powerful foundations for expressing their soul purpose.

Masami, who was born and raised in Japan in a bicultural family, draws extensively from her blend of East-meets-West culture, language, and energy medicine, as well as her years of professional training and experience in functional nutritional therapy, yoga therapy, positive neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and applied linguistics.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

