With Movement and Bodywork Teacher, Trainer,
Coach, and Founder of Aston® Kinetics
Judith Aston

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move, and learn gentle somatic movement exercises to address physical challenges from stress or injury for a stronger, more flexible, more toned, happier you.


Modern life can be tough on the human body.

We spend more time than ever seated, often in front of a screen. And we tend not to give much thought to our physical posture as we move through our days.

Many of us have simply accepted that time has the final say when it comes to our physical health and wellbeing...

The truth is, you can absolutely lessen the effects of years of stress on the body or on compromising conditions, such as arthritis and aging.

Your body can be de-compromised and revitalized. You have the power to neutralize many consequences from injuries, make your activities of daily living easier, tone and strengthen your body, and more.

And as you’ll discover, the way you use your body every day has far more impact than any workout...

Join pioneering movement teacher and trainer Judith Aston for a new 7-step journey through Aston Kinetics, Judith’s proven practices to strengthen and tone your body and help you move through each day with physical ease and emotional balance.

Judith’s holistic approach can help lessen your pain particularly if the way you’re using your body is creating discomfort.

Aston Kinetics includes gentle loosening, toning, and stretching... using the senses to listen to the body... tuning in to how the body is being used... and creating new ways of moving that allow for optimal mobility and wellbeing.

Judith will show you how to replace autopilot movements that may be causing undue harm with movements that feel good and can strengthen and lengthen the body.

Along the way you’ll reshape your body, creating what Judith calls your New Neutral for Now from which you can have more strength, an expanded range of motion, and a feeling of lightness and ease as you move through your daily life.

You’ll even resequence your everyday movements so they’re best for you.

Your body is a system of seamless networks of tissues, rather than a collection of separate parts. As you approach movement in this new way, you’ll reorganize the connective tissues (called fascia) that permeate your entire body.

And you’ll see how working with one area has a positive effect on your entire body.

Lauded as a somatic pioneer, Judith has helped Olympic athletes, professional dancers, corporate moguls, the elderly just about every age group and body type triumph over physical challenges. And personally, she’s moved through her own injuries from car and skiing accidents.

No matter your physical abilities, you’ll learn to move more freely and be more comfortable in your body and regulate your emotions more effectively as you interact with your body and life in a whole new way.


During this new 7-part video course, you’ll:

  • Explore fresh ideas and perspectives on healthy aging, vitality, and longevity
  • Complete a pre-test to assess your current movement patterns so you can track your progress
  • Discover the possibilities that can emerge in your life when you stop comparing yourself to others or even to a past or future version of yourself
  • Sense and incorporate your body’s feedback for better and more comfortable movements and see how your body can even respond with a yes or no answer
  • Incorporate powerful exercises to decompress your body’s excess tension and tone up the areas that aren’t as well supported
  • Explore the powerful truth that all your movements are made up of a few basic actions
  • Reorder many of your basic movements like bending, reaching, or initiating a walk across the room to make them more comfortable and efficient 
  • Explore exercises to loosen and decompress, allowing you to reclaim space within your body
  • Discover how low body tone can directly change your body’s shape
  • Learn exercises to help you reclaim your shape, allowing your body to function and age more gracefully
  • Explore simple toning exercises that use length, not compression
  • Sense the meaning of your neutral body as the point of departure and place of rest within a comfortable range
  • Learn that when your body doesn’t have the fullness of shape to properly function, your other body parts need to overwork and this can exaggerate the aging process​
  • Explore simple yet powerful exercises to change how you view the world and your interpretations or emotions

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Judith will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move in your daily life for a stronger, more flexible, happier you.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Judith. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move.

Module 1: The Secret to Living in Your Body on This Planet (December 8)


In this opening module, you’ll tap into your body’s wisdom and explore brand-new ways to connect with your body.

Judith will share how the forces of this planet affect you, and how you can use them to your advantage. Most people are aware of gravity that pulls us down, but many people haven’t heard much about the opposite force that holds us up and enlightens us.

With Judith as your guide, you’ll explore new ideas and gain new perspectives on healthy aging, vitality, and longevity.

In this first module, you’ll:

  • Complete a pre-test to assess your current movement patterns
  • Explore new ways to feel your body and establish a starting point so you can track your progress
  • Identify the 2 forces on this planet and explore how they affect your everyday movements and impact your life
  • Make the forces work for you, instead of against you
  • Use movement to explore the many different applications of force to help you become more efficient in your everyday activities

Module 2: Living Through Your Senses (December 15)


Many of us become aware of our body only once it’s in pain… but pain should not be the only way you feel and experience your body.

For example, we only become aware of how we move our arm when we feel a twinge after reaching for something in the cupboard.

In this class, you’ll discover how to become aware of your body through your other senses to move more comfortably and with greater efficiency.

Judith will share the new possibilities that can emerge in your life when you stop comparing yourself to others or even to a past or future version of yourself.

As you’ll discover, these continuous comparisons and judgments usually prevent you from being truly present.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to finally view and review your body without negative judgment
  • How sensory information and your own interpretation come together to create emotion
  • How to perceive your body in new ways, using all your senses
  • How to add benchmarks besides pain for evaluating how your body feels
  • Ways to sense and incorporate your body’s feedback for better and more comfortable movements and see how your body can even respond with a yes or no answer
  • Why your inner self often has more wisdom than you realize

Module 3: How Your Physical Habits & Patterns Show Up in Your Body (January 5)


Your biography becomes your biology.

Have you noticed, for example, that the wear-and-tear patterns on your shoes seem to be in the same spots every time? Your shoes are revealing your body’s stressors.

Or have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed that the way you sit at work every day is starting to show up in your posture and physical body?

In this class, Judith will share why it’s “the HOW you do what you do” that ultimately changes your shape.

She’ll explain how, if you sit with the same unhealthy posture at home as you do at work, your body never gets a break from that pattern.

It becomes a greater challenge when you can’t neutralize the physical pattern you’re in while at work.

Judith will explain how to neutralize your posture during and after work, so you can create a new and different body pattern.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to decompress from excess tension and too little tone in certain areas
  • Why discomfort in the body is not only caused by too much tension or tightness
  • Why your body’s lack of tone means it isn’t getting the support it needs
  • How to decompress your body’s excess tension and tone up the areas that aren’t as supportive
  • Exercises to loosen and decompress, allowing you to reclaim space within your body

Module 4: The Sequence of Movement Determines the Result (January 12)


A chef knows that when sautéing onions, tomatoes, and peppers, the order in which she adds them to the pan will affect the outcome of flavors in the dish.

In this class, Judith will explain how, in this same way, the order in which you perform movements or activities determines the effectiveness, range, and comfort you’ll experience.

For instance, when you pick something up off the floor while sitting, do you flex the spine first and then bend or do you bend forward and then flex the spine? As Judith will explain, the effect on your body will be different, depending on the order.

As you’ll see, when you change the order of certain basic movements, it dramatically changes the required effort and level of comfort.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How a simple change to the order of 2 motions can impact your everyday activities
  • How to reorder many of your basic actions like bending, reaching, or initiating a walk across the room to make them more comfortable and efficient
  • Ways to think differently about some of your most common physical motions  including tying up your hair, washing your hair, tying your shoes, or lifting something heavy

Module 5: Sneaking Toning Into Your Routines (January 19)


Pain and discomfort within the body can have many different origins and causes.

In this class, Judith will share how discomfort is often the outcome of areas that are too loose. If there’s not enough tone in your body, then your body is not able to support itself.

Judith will share new ways of toning your body that don’t only require daily exercises.

She’ll also share ways to “sneak” in a toning workout, just by moving through your regular routine.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How low body tone can directly change your body’s shape
  • The long-term impact on your body when essential areas aren’t toned enough
  • The habits that cause your body to change shape
  • How many exercises, by design, hold you in a state of compression and flexion while you’re performing them
  • Simple toning exercises that utilize length, not compression

Module 6: Supporting Your Daily Motions & Ergonomic Environment (January 26)


If you’re like most people, you don’t often think about how a chair or other piece of furniture impacts your physical wellbeing and so you may not realize that it could be contributing to your ongoing discomfort or fatigue.

During this session, Judith will share simple modification techniques that allow you to “carry your comfort” with you so you can feel supported no matter where you are or what ergonomic environment you’re in.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How the way you use your body every day has more influence than a couple of workouts a week
  • The meaning of your neutral body the point of departure and place of rest within a comfortable range
  • How to find and use your best neutral body for any activity
  • Easy ways to support your neutral body while sitting, lying, and exercising
  • The ways your world will shift as movements become more comfortable, supported, and efficient

Module 7: There’s Always a Way Reclaiming Your 3-Dimensional Body (February 2)


One of Judith’s beloved mottos is There’s always a way.

In this closing session, she’ll explain that when you look at something from a different angle or perspective, you’ll see a new and different picture and that is the essence in problem solving.

As you’ll discover, with some small adjustments you can improve your movements, your ergonomics, and reclaim your body.

In this final class, you’ll:

  • Reclaim your 3-dimensional body for healthy aging
  • Learn that when your body doesn’t have the fullness of shape to properly function, your other body parts need to overwork and that exaggerates the aging process
  • Discover how, when your body can function optimally, your mind can, too
  • Explore simple yet powerful exercises to change how you view the world and shift your interpretations or emotions
  • Learn exercises to help you reclaim your shape, allowing your body to function and age gracefully
  • Find a place within yourself to make better-informed decisions, all with the assistance of movement
  • Occupy and live in your new physical and mental space and experience how this may change your emotions and how you interpret your experiences

The Aston® Kinetics Bonus Collection

In addition to Judith’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, November 28, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

5 Sessions From the Somatic Movement Summit
Selected Sessions From the 2020 Summit

Movement is not just a nice thing to do; it’s imperative for wellbeing. With these five sessions, you’ll draw on your body’s innate self-healing power and explore ways to use conscious, embodied motion as potent medicine. As you’ll discover, different modalities can not only help you feel better physically they can help you expand your consciousness and even contribute to global transformation. You’ll receive sessions from Judith Aston, Suzanne Scurlock, Eleanor Hanna, Stephen Porges, and Lavinia Plonka.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, December 3, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Resetting Your Body in Stressful Times
Video Interview With Judith Aston and Alison Palmer

In this engaging interview, Alison Palmer (founder of Full Circle Women) asks Judith for guidance on “resetting” your body, especially after a stressful situation, fatigue, sad news, and more. Join in and FEEL what it’s like to make subtle changes in your body that have profound effects. Also explore ways to set yourself up for a successful and comfortable meditation session.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

Reset Your Workspace Tutorial
Video Teaching From Judith Aston

Are you ready to create a more comfortable and supportive office area? This tutorial is designed to help you problem-solve your working space so you can increase your productivity and lessen fatigue and pain. From your chair to your monitor, your keyboard, and more, this 4-part tutorial helps you strike the right mindful balance for comfort, ease, and support. Whether you’ve moved your workspace into your home or you’re just spending more time online for play, you’ll get strategies (plus a list of supportive products!) for creating a space that’s right for you.


Series of 3 Video Teachings From Judith Aston

In this 3-part teaching, Judith outlines how to continue your transformation with every breath. Follow along as she offers easy-to follow-instructions to use your body for meditation, find a meditative state, and modify the seated meditation pose. You’ll also explore the intersection of motion and emotion as Judith demonstrates where emotions can take you physically, with applications for neutralizing the holding patterns that can make you feel stuck.


Discover Holding & Letting Go:
Using Movement to Change Old Patterns

PDF Chapter From Judith Aston’s Book Moving Beyond Posture

In this second chapter of Judith’s book, Moving Beyond Posture: In Your Body on the Earth, she shares how you can learn from your own innate wisdom and use movement to change old patterns. While everything we’ve experienced may be recorded in our bodies, that doesn’t mean you have to end up carrying your past around with you. The good news is that because your body can change, so can your past. With infinite possibilities for neutralizing unnecessary patterns of the past, you can move into a new future.


Expanding Our Connections
Transcript From Judith Aston’s Keynote IASI (International Association of Structural Integrators)

Immerse yourself in stories, reflections, and teachings from Judith’s career, including how she came to meet Ida Rolf and be invited by Dr. Rolf to design the first movement program for structural integration. You’ll also find out how Judith began to make connections and build her life’s work. This transcript lets you in on wisdom from Judith’s decades of teaching and pioneering.


What People Are Saying About Judith Aston...


Michelle Wald: “I Was in a Whole Lot of Pain and I Was Able to Have a Pain-Free Life”

Lissa Hammit: “Most Days I Have No Pain at All and If I Do, I Know What I Can Go Do About It”

Shirley Lynch: “My Body Became More Resilient and Evenly Toned”

Kristi Cooper: “Each and Every Time She’s Worked With Us, We Were Transformed”

Danny Bridgeman: “My Scoliosis Is Far Less Bothersome and Exaggerated Than it Used to Be”

Shelagh Sandstedt: “Judith’s Teaching Is Brilliant on So Many Levels”

“... there’s nobody who helped me as much as Judith.”

I feel, of all the people I worked with the chiropractor helped me get out of my chronic pain but [as far as] long-term health and avoiding future injury, bar none, there’s nobody who helped me as much as Judith. The shot put was my worst event and I’ve been coached by the best in the country. I trained with world record holders. Judith taught me things that those people were unable to teach me.
Marilyn King, Olympic pentathlete

“... leaving me graceful again and without pain.”

When I came to this work, I was in chronic pain every day. I came from a gymnast and dancer background and had many injuries that brought me there. And her methods helped me neutralize those negative events, leaving me graceful again and without pain. And for that, I am just grateful. I'm so grateful. Judith is fun and funny and most of all inspiring. She has inspired me all of these years, and I know that inspiration will last me for a lifetime. Her joy will lift your spirits in every class you take with her.
Allison Sagewind

“... decreasing injury, optimizing performance, overcoming injury...”

I'm a full-time triathlon and ultra-endurance coach. The athletes that come to me are looking for something extra, they're looking for something beyond what their current capacity's at. And being able to package up this information that Judith shares around effective and efficient movement has really enabled me to help facilitate these athletes going to a new level, which is absolutely priceless. So I can't recommend you work with Judith enough, if you're into functional movement, decreasing injury, optimizing performance, overcoming injury, it's just fantastic work.
Raeleigh Harris, Director and Head Coach of Elite Triathlon Performance America

“... brilliant in its simplicity and applicable to every human being.”

Judith’s paradigm of biomechanics is brilliant in its simplicity and applicable to every human being.
Nancy Romaine, Egoscue postural exercise therapist

“... a new paradigm shift in thinking about the body and movement.”

The Aston-Patterning® work represents a new paradigm shift in thinking about the body and movement. It makes sense and can be highly recommended. The Aston® Fitness program for seniors is, to my mind, the one approach to physical training for the elderly that meets their needs.
Erik H. Erikson, developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst

“... extremely helpful as an active rehabilitation approach.”

I strongly support this noninvasive technique used in people with injuries involving the spinal axis, peripheral joints, and multiple pain sites. As an adjunct to physical therapy, medication, or sometimes instead of other treatment, I have found it extremely helpful as an active rehabilitation approach.
Irene Minkowsky, MD, physical medicine and rehabilitation, spine and joint disorders

“... I can use these skills to regulate my emotions more effectively and interact on this plane in a whole new way.”

Aston Kinetics changed my life. Through it, I have the tools to fully come into my body and move through this world differently. Not only do I feel differently in terms of my relationship to gravity, I also feel like I can use these skills to regulate my emotions more effectively and interact on this plane in a whole new way.
Michael Gosney, Hawaii


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Judith Aston

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Judith Aston, movement and bodywork teacher, trainer, coach, and founder of Aston Kinetics from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move for a stronger, more flexible and toned, happier you.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Aston Kinetics Bonus Collection

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, November 28, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • 5 Sessions From the Somatic Movement Summit
    Selected Sessions From the 2020 Summit

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, December 3, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Resetting Your Body in Stressful Times
    Video Interview With Judith Aston and Alison Palmer

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

  • Reset Your Workspace Tutorial
    Video Teaching From Judith Aston
  • Mindful/“Body”ful
    Series of 3 Video Teachings From Judith Aston
  • Discover Holding & Letting Go: Using Movement to Change Old Patterns
    PDF Chapter From Judith Aston’s Book Moving Beyond Posture
  • Expanding Our Connections
    Transcript From Judith Aston’s Keynote IASI (International Assoc of Structural Integrators)

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Facilitating Your Body’s Magic With Aston® Kinetics Online Training


We feel honored that Judith Aston has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a movement and bodywork teacher, trainer, and coach whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about creating a stronger, more flexible, happier you, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Facilitating Your Body’s Magic With Aston® Kinetics or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


About Judith Aston

Judith Aston is widely recognized as a pioneer in the art and science of kinetics. She created the Aston® Paradigm and Aston® Kinetics, which include many forms of movement training, bodywork, fitness programs, and ergonomics. Her acute ability to “see” and to train others to see, move, and feel, established her discipline of bodywork and movement professionally. Judith’s highly developed skill allows her to use her insights to problem solve and create unique sessions or program designs for individuals, groups, corporations, and more.

Early in her career, from 1963 to 1972, Judith taught movement, physical education, and dance for performing artists and athletes at Long Beach Community College. In 1968, at the request of Dr. Ida Rolf, she developed the movement education program for Rolfing SI and taught this program until 1977.

Among her accolades, Judith has been honored by the Association of Humanistic Psychology for her work as a Somatic Pioneer, and received a 2006 National Office of Aging Best Practices in Health Promotion Award, a 2008 AMTA President’s Award for Distinguished Service, plus several awards from the World Massage Festival. She is a Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist with International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA).

Judith, the author of Moving Beyond Posture: In Your Body on the Earth, and the newly released Aston® Postural Assessment: a New Paradigm for Evaluating Body Patterns, was featured in a documentary with Emilie Conrad for the Moving Legends series on dancers who created somatic systems.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
