With Worldwide Icon & Bestselling Western Chant Master
Krishna Das

A 6-Module On-Demand Video Training


Experience how the lives and teachings of great saints can transform our suffering into joy, ease, and real love.


It’s said that when the Buddha asked his disciples about the most important thing in spiritual life, they answered: the teachings the dharma.

No, said the Buddha. The most spiritual thing you can do is sit in satsang with your sangha (or community).

In Sanskrit, “sat” means truth. “Sang” means together. The satsang, then, is a gathering of seekers coming together to walk the path of truth.

According to Krishna Das (KD), when you enter into satsang, you’re drawn into a community of seekers people recognizing that there’s another way to live in this world, and aspiring to find it.

In a powerful program with this worldwide icon whose music is known for lifting the heart to new levels of love each session will be an invitation into satsang, where you’ll be among the sangha of your co-participants, with KD as your guide.

When you join this video program and enter into the sacred circle, you’ll be immersed in Krishna Das’ wisdom for two hours each module learning not only through your intellect, but by experiencing the practices and absorbing the beauty and blessings from the great beings who’ve had a great impact on Krishna Das.

In each session of this 6-part journey, you’ll have the amazing opportunity to hang out with Krishna Das, chant with him, and learn techniques to stay present... by focusing and then refocusing on the core of your being where all love resides your heart.

You’ll hear his fascinating stories, and he’ll invite you into the lives of the great saints... those who’ve been most important to him sharing their stories and poetry and providing his commentary on those readings.


Soaking in the Transmissions of the Great Saints

You’ll hear about Neem Karoli Baba and Siddhi Ma, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharshi, Shirdi Sai Baba, Somvari Baba and Hariakhan Baba, and Baal Shem Tov (and many more) and receive their beauty and blessings.

KD will also share poetry from enlightened poets such as Rumi, Namdev, Hafiz, Shabkar, and Guru Nanak.

Understanding who these saints are, what they represent, and how they lived can expand the way you see yourself, others, and the universe. By looking to the saints as models, you can discover the profound emotional and spiritual evolution that’s possible in your own life.

Although KD didn’t meet most of these saints in body, their presence is always here for us to tap into.

Similarly, by coming together in satsang with KD and your sangha of co-participants, and allowing his chanting, guided practices, and stories to wash over you, you open a portal to a whole new way of seeing, being, and experiencing life.

Of course, you’ll be invited to chant along with him, and the words will be provided for you to follow along until they become as natural as the beat of your own heart.


In this 6-module video program with the much-loved Krishna Das, you’ll:

  • Experience the transformative impact of chanting with KD, surrounded by your sangha of other truth seekers
  • Allow the transmissions of the great saints that impacted Krishna Das’ life including his beloved guru, Maharaj-ji Neem Karoli Baba to wash over you
  • Discover the many ways a spiritual practice can support you through life by empowering you to return again and again to the space within you where true love and joy live
  • Practice being more at ease in each moment
  • Begin to recognize that we are all one, and as one unified sangha, we can start to heal our own hearts and the world
  • Be guided to experience the power and presence of these great saints to heal our hearts
  • Cultivate your spiritual practice to help you move through times of crisis
  • Understand that by helping others, you help yourself
  • Participate in practices to help you let go of negative emotions, calm your mind, and release the stories you tell yourself about yourself and your life that can limit you and cause you suffering
  • Learn about KD’s experience in India, which saved him showing him it was OK to be alive
  • And more...

The Urgency of Satsang at This Time

The destabilizing circumstances of the past year have forced us all to face our own suffering.

In the isolation required by the pandemic, with few activities and very little socializing to distract us, our minds have had more time to spin around and around with criticism and judgment about who we are, how we live, the challenges we endure, and what’s to come.

In this program, you’ll surround yourself with other people who are searching for something deeper in life... inspiring you to find what, for you, is real and lasting something that transcends our daily, worldly experience.

When you gather in community with others who share the same longing, chant together with Krishna Das, and come into the aura and presence of the saints, you expose yourself to new ideas and new potentials that you may not yet even imagine.


The Powerful Benefits of Chanting

We’re so fortunate to have such a dynamic and powerful spiritual teacher and world-renowned performer to help us emerge from this painful moment in history.

As KD has shared with people from all over the world, chanting helps you stay focused and present, using the mantra as the object of awareness.

Chanting coaxes you to exercise your letting-go muscle and develop the fortitude to release negative thoughts, difficult emotions, the stories you believe about yourself... and anything else that takes you away from the present as each moment comes and goes.

Through chanting, you enter the heart cave, the seat of the soul that’s the same within all beings. With enough practice and intention, chanting strengthens new neural pathways in the brain and allows you to embody what you truly are truth, beauty, unlimited joy, and compassionate love.

You’ll learn to become a pilgrim on the path of love, through chanting and connecting with enlightened masters and through understanding how they can change and guide your life, so you can experience yourself and the world differently.


What You’ll Experience in Each of the 6 Satsangs

This is a highly unique program, in which you’ll have the powerful benefit from receiving transmissions from Krishna Das... who’ll download the teachings and chants that he intuitively recognizes as what’s needed in the moment.

If you’ve ever had the joy of participating in one of KD’s online events, you already know what a powerful ability he has to bring forward the wisdom that’s most relevant at the time and then create an arc of transformation that flows seamlessly from session to session.

During each of the six 2-hour modules of this program, you’ll:

  • Participate in 30 minutes of guided chanting with Krishna Das
  • Listen to and soak in 30 minutes of relevant readings
  • Hear KD share about the great saints, relaying stories about their lives, and reading their poetry
  • Enjoy 30 minutes of Q&A
  • Follow along as KD opens each module by chanting Hanuman Chalisa... and ends each session with Arti, a devotional hymn

Bestselling Author Anne Lamott: “Krishna Das’ Voice Feeds Me Delicious Holy Food”

Bestselling Author Andrew Harvey: “I Consider Krishna Das the Very Greatest Living Sacred Singer”

Bestselling Author Mirabai Starr: “Krishna Das Is Entwined With My Own Heart”


What You’ll Discover in These 6 Modules

In this 6-part transformational journey, you’ll soak in the beauty and blessings of Krishna Das’ heart-to-heart transmissions through teachings, chanting, and an invitation into the lives of enlightened beings.

Each session will allow you to receive wisdom that will help you release yourself from the suffering of the everyday world, and begin to live with more joy, love, and ease.

This program will feature six 2-hour sessions in which you’ll benefit from Krishna Das’ guided chanting, teachings, storytelling, readings from mystic poets, and wisdom from the lives and teachings of the great saints.

You’ll develop a holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to be released from the suffering of the everyday world and live with joy, love, and ease.


The Path of Love Bonus Collection

In addition to Krishna Das’ transformative 6-module virtual program, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the journey and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Reverberations of Mantra & Practice
Video Workshop With Krishna Das

Experience a bonus satsang in this 2-hour recording filled with a little song and a lot of wisdom. Filmed in Maui, it will enfold you in open-hearted awareness as KD begins with a chant, then speaks to the true (and often overlooked) purpose of spiritual practice. He also answers questions about psychedelics, separation consciousness, suffering, the relationship between pain and the body, the value of short daily practice, and more. As always, his down-to-earth humor and storytelling style will open you to new ways of perceiving and being.


Song of Devotion: “Namo & Shri Ram Jai Ram”
Audio Recording of Chanting From Krishna Das

Lose yourself in the practice of kirtan as you sing along with Krishna Das. In this chant, KD honors his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to devotees as Maharaj-ji. With his deep baritone, KD blends the beauty of “Om Namoh Gurudev Neem Karoli Baabaaya Namah” (“I honor the one who brings us from darkness to light/I honor Mahara-ji Neem Karoli Baba/Glory to God”) with “Shri Ram Jai Ram,” the devotional chant to Rama, whose name was always on Maharaj-ji’s lips. Rich with harmonium and percussion, the groove is restrained and super deep, uniting with KD’s voice to create the perfect space for Divine Presence to manifest.


Japa Practice: 108 Repetitions of “Shri Ram Jai Ram”
Audio Recording of Chanting From Krishna Das

Enter the heart cave the seat of the soul that’s the same within all beings as you play this recording and chant along with KD. Perfect for japa practice (the meditative repetition of a mantra or a divine name), “Shri Ram Jai Ram” is the song that Hanuman a divine being of wisdom, strength, and courage is always singing. It’s the mantra that purifies the heart and bestows devotion to God. This recording is audio-only, so you can play your favorite instrument alongside it as you chant, or you can simply follow the rousing resonance of KD’s voice with yours.


What Graduates of Krishna Das’ Shift Network Programs Are Saying...

“Experiencing this material has brought me an inner peace that I was missing.”

This was such an excellent grounding course! Krishna Das has a great way of transferring the knowledge and the chants. I also love the humor! Experiencing this material has brought me an inner peace that I was missing. I actually often find myself just naturally falling into chant now as I go about my daily life. Had to laugh the other day as I was cleaning stables and realized I was chanting “Jai Ram” as I worked I didn’t even consciously do it. The horses seemed to like it too!!
Denise Flinchbaugh, Elizabeth, Colorado

“The depth and breadth of experience and knowledge that Krishna Das brings to this course is amazing.”

The depth and breadth of experience and knowledge that Krishna Das brings to this course is amazing. I definitely appreciate his very straightforward way. He doesn’t pretend to be something he is not, nor does he act as though he has all the answers. I admire him for his path and his direct approach. I would definitely take another course with him.
Keri Richardson, San Antonio, Texas

“... my meditation and chanting practices are richer and more meaningful, and my life and days are better for it.”

I chant and meditate daily. This was a deeper dive into that process with so much opportunity to practice while also appreciating this form of chanting through the lens of Krishna Das’ sharing of personal and ancient wisdom. It reminded me that we are all connected, that the wisdom stories matter, and that we connect to them more fully when we are ready. Both by his modeling and teaching, Krishna Das reminded me to bring presence, intention, and an open heart to my daily practice, rather than approach it as another task. My heart has opened more, and that feels so important during these challenging times. I felt full after each class, my meditation and chanting practices are richer and more meaningful, and my life and days are better for it. Thank you.
Dori Klass, Oro Valley, Arizona

“I feel like my heart, mind, and body have been opened in ways not ever imagined.”

Having just discovered Krishna Das this year, I welcome all opportunities to be with him and listen to and participate in his work. And I appreciate the commitment and generosity of all those around him who produced and helped create this course and its content. The many conversations about trusting yourself and your inner being made a real difference! I know that both aspects of the course are available to me in a new way. I loved his discussions about practicing making room for grace; for ripening and opening; for uncovering that which is real. And having Dr. Robert Svoboda and Sharon Salzberg join us and share themselves and their work was SO rich and powerful! I feel like my heart, mind, and body have been opened in ways not ever imagined. Thank you, thank you, thank you ALL!!
Susan Borden, Darnestown, Maryland

“It was a rich experience in chanting and in reflecting on our lives’ journeys, and where we are now.”

“When the student is ready, the perfect course and teacher will appear.” Krishna Das was that teacher for me now. It was a rich experience in chanting and in reflecting on our lives’ journeys, and where we are now. All forms of meditation lead us on a spiritual path... converging in oneness. This class was pleasing and opened a new inner awareness of indwelling love that is beyond our own understanding. I am forever grateful for the intimate time spent with Krisha Das, in class, and reading his books, and the divine reality! My heart is full! The journey continues....
Rosalind Braga, Castro Valley, California

“I always felt transported to another realm with Krishna Das’ devotional chanting...”

I always felt transported to another realm with Krishna Das’ devotional chanting, being able to do this live with him was even more powerful. Many times I had tears of awe and gratitude, I even felt the loving energies of Maharaj-ji and Hanuman through KD’s selfless devotion. Thank you, Krishna Das, for your service.
Bolina Salomon

“I came out a better person from this... by including spiritual practice in my everyday life and feeling more loving and compassionate...”

It has been a unique experience! Our beloved Krishna Das gave his best self, and his guests did too! I came out a better person from this... by including spiritual practice in my everyday life and feeling more loving and compassionate and this also affects my environment. I’m endlessly grateful to these enlightened beings like Krishna Das and Sharon Salzberg for their offerings, and to The Shift Network for making this experience come true! Grateful for the scholarship, too.
Elizabeth Verouli, Chania, Crete, Greece

“Eight weeks of excellence!”

Eight weeks of excellence! A rare opportunity to have Krishna Das across the desk from me as my practice partner! A grounded, humble teacher without an overblown ego... such a refreshing change! Enjoyed every minute of it!
Jacqui Fletcher, Australia

“Spending quality time with Krishna Das is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.”

Through all these tough times of unrest, chaos, confusion, and change, Krishna Das has been MY silver lining. I would never have been able to get to know Krishna Das so well if it weren’t for the pandemic. Krishna Das has been so very generous by sharing stories, thoughts, feelings, knowledge, and experiences... answering questions... and, of course, chanting. Because of his Thursday night kirtans, Chai ’n’ Chat Saturdays, and his online courses, I have learned a lot that has helped me be at ease with life. I’ve never experienced this with any teacher previously. He’s wonderful, playful, and serious at the same time. He tells the truth! I’ve meditated (sadly, off and on) for years. Spending quality time with Krishna Das is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. With Krishna Das and all his input and sharing, I feel as if I’m finally rooted in a meditation and chanting practice.
Betsey, Maryland

“It was an absolute privilege to participate in this course with Krishna Das.”

It was an absolute privilege to participate in this course with Krishna Das. I began chanting when I visited India in the mid 1970s, where I stayed for two years. Even though it never really left me, my yoga practice since then has been mainly focusing on asana and pranayama. I feel that through this course with Krishna Das I have picked up from where I left off all those years ago, and it has strengthened my resolve to continue the practice. The design of the course worked extremely well, as it provided the opportunity to engage deeply with devotional chanting and Bhakti yoga.
Michael Nichols Ballarat, Victoria, Australia


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Six 120-Minute Sessions With Krishna Das

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from the worldwide icon and bestselling Western chant master Krishna Das from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to live with joy, love, and ease by absorbing the beauty and blessings of Krishna Das’ soul-to-soul transmissions.

Six Transcripts of Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire session transcription after sessions are completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Session

Between sessions, you’ll receive guidance for deepening devotional practice through experiential exercises and contemplative guidance to assist in integrating each session.

The Path of Love Bonus Collection
  • Reverberations of Mantra & Practice
    Video of Workshop With Krishna Das
  • Song of Devotion: “Namo & Shri Ram Jai Ram”
    Audio Recording of Chanting From Krishna Das
  • Japa Practice: 108 Repetitions of “Shri Ram Jai Ram”
    Audio Recording of Chanting From Krishna Das

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Journey on the Path of Love With Krishna Das Online Training


We feel honored that Krishna Das has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a worldwide icon and bestselling Western chant master whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about releasing yourself from the suffering of the everyday world so you can live with joy, love, and ease, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Journey on the Path of Love or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Krishna Das...

“[Krishna Das’] heartsongs open the channels to God.”

Krishna Das is an example of someone whose heartsongs open the channels to God.
Ram Dass, bestselling author and spiritual icon

“... chanting for hope when in sorrow, a sense of belonging when feeling adrift...”

I’ve met many people who regularly turn to Krishna Das’ chanting for hope when in sorrow, a sense of belonging when feeling adrift, and for the sheer joy of recalling the power of love. I’m just like that too.”
Sharon Salzberg, world-renowned teacher and New York Times bestselling author

“... a voice that could move a mountain to dance.”

A fun, yet serious man with a voice that could move a mountain to dance.
Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal

“I feel like I’m... home.”

The music begins and, five seconds later, I feel like I’m... home.
Jesse Kornbluth, writer and editor of HeadButler.com

“Krishna Das put sacred Sanskrit mantras on the music map.”

Hailed as yoga’s rock star, Krishna Das put sacred Sanskrit mantras on the music map.
Alan di Perna, music historian, author, and journalist

“A living treasury of traditional Kirtan.”

Krishna Das is immersed in the traditional Kirtan lineage. He became a Kirtan singer simply because of his devotion to his guru. Plus his voice is extraordinarily rich and full. I recommend potential students work with him, because he’s the real deal. A living treasury of traditional Kirtan.
Lama Tsultrim Allione, the first Westerner to be ordained as a nun by HH Karmapa 16 and author of Women of Wisdom, Feeding Your Demons, and Wisdom Rising

“... learning with Krishna Das is always a deep, heart-transforming experience.”

Working with and learning with Krishna Das is always a deep, heart-transforming experience. He is a treasure. His tender, loving, and all-too-human stories, his hard-won wisdom, his beautiful music and courageous devotion have continually invited me to open my own heart and live in a greater sense of mystery, grace, and love.
Jack Kornfield, PhD, Buddhist practitioner, co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and author of several bestselling books

“[Krishna Das is] the Chant Master of American Yoga.”

The New York Times


“He’s a real guy with real wisdom to share...”

KD is the perfect mix of insightful and funny, deep and accessible, kind and grumpy. He’s a real guy with real wisdom to share and a beautiful warmth that shines through in his music and his message. If you’re looking for an alternative to woo-woo love-and-lighters in thin, white robes telling you everything is sunshine and lollipops, KD is your man.
Pete Holmes, comedian, actor, writer, producer, and podcaster

“Any student who is called to work with Krishna Das is most fortunate...”

I’ve taught retreats with Krishna Das for years now; he is one of the most unfailingly generous and quietly talented colleagues and friends I know. He dips freely into a wellspring of steadily reliable spiritual and musical creativity that is rare in this world. Krishna Das also has the gift of being able to communicate that inspiration in his art so that we too can taste it and join him, singing our intense love of God and each other. Drawing on music from East and West, Krishna Das weaves stories from his lived experience of a path of growth in wisdom and understanding. Any student who is called to work with Krishna Das is most fortunate, for they will be learning from an accomplished artist and humble spiritual teacher willing to share the auspicious legacy of a lifetime of devotion.
Trudy Goodman, Vipassana teacher in the Theravada lineage, and the founding teacher of InsightLA

“His kirtans... are haunting and hypnotic.”

His kirtans, chanted in the ancient Sanskrit language, are haunting and hypnotic.
The Washington Post


About Krishna Das

Layering traditional kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.” With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD has taken call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the bestselling Western chant artist of all time. His album Live Ananda (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.

KD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass. In August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to devotees as Maharaj-ji. Given the name Krishna Das, KD began to chant as part of following the path of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion.

He took solace in music, finding peace and strength in both his Bhakti yoga practice as well as in such heroes as Ray Charles, Van Morrison, Steely Dan, and Bruce Springsteen (whom he laughingly calls “the Bodhisattva of New Jersey”). KD also co-founded Triloka Records, a California-based label specializing in world music, releasing such artists as Jai Uttal, sarod virtuoso Ali Akbar Khan, and legendary jazz musician/composer Jackie McLean.

In 1994, KD started to lead chanting at Jivamukti Yoga Center, NYC, with an ever-growing audience of yoga students that has led him to chant with people all around the world. In February 2013, Krishna Das performed at the Grammy awards in Los Angeles, which was streamed online to millions of viewers. The award-winning film One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das, which has been shown in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 10 countries, is available on DVD everywhere.

KD’s 16th album, Peace of My Heart, released in October 2018 on behalf of the Kirtan Wallah Foundation, offers nearly two hours of deeply moving, meditative, and artfully restrained new recordings born out of a request from a yoga teacher who works with children on the autism spectrum. Forgoing the ecstatic tempo changes so common to temple-style kirtan, these five new tracks move slowly and deliberately. The song-to-song steadiness is both striking and soothing, and as emotionally impactful as ever.

“The chanting just hits you and you want to be a part of it,” KD promises. “That’s the point of this whole thing. That’s what cuts through all the ‘stuff.’ You get lit up. You don’t have to know what it means.”


Frequently Asked Questions



Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
