With Psychiatrist, Empath & New York Times Bestselling
Author of The Empath’s Survival Guide
Judith Orloff, MD

New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Work directly with Dr. Judith Orloff, a pioneer in her work with empaths and highly sensitive people, to learn how to use your superpower of empathy more effectively through the art of healthy giving, active listening, and holding sacred space.

Explore the neuroscience behind empathy including the biological basis of being wired for sensitivity and how to work with your own biology for healthier relationships.


Did you know that your natural traits as an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP), are actually everyday superpowers? Your innate sense of empathy can help you accelerate your own healing process on all levels as you support those around you.

Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end of empathy, it’s a profoundly healing act, says Dr. Judith Orloff, celebrated psychiatrist and author of the new book The Genius of Empathy, who’s also been called the “godmother of the empath movement.”

To reach your full potential and live your purpose as an empath or HSP, it’s essential you learn how to set clear boundaries so you feel safe and grounded, says Dr. Orloff. 

To fully use your superpower of empathy, you must also understand how to recognize those who have empathy deficit disorder so you can create healthy boundaries and release these relationships in order to thrive.

Your empathy can empower your communication skills while bringing deeper understanding to your relationships and facilitating a profound transformation of your mind, body, and spirit.

A pioneering psychiatrist, empath, and author of The Empath's Survival Guide, Dr. Orloff is celebrated for her trailblazing research in the fields of empathy, intuition, energy healing, and emotional wellbeing. 

You’re invited to welcome Dr. Orloff as your mentor for seven weeks as you become one of the first to delve into her latest research that she began decades ago before it’s released to the general public in her forthcoming book…

Join us for Dr. Orloff’s  brand-new live video course as she shares practices and techniques to help you develop your gifts of empathy while creating strong boundaries so you can heal, awaken, and lead with heart.

During this course, you’ll identify your main style of empathy there are four styles, Cognitive (the thinker/fixer), Emotional (the feeler), Intuitive (the subtle senser), or Spiritual (the mystic). You’ll also learn how to discern the empathy styles of those around you so you can improve communication as you embrace everyone’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

With Dr. Orloff’s guidance, you’ll learn practices to heal loneliness and isolation, expanding your capacity for love. Tune into your intuition for guidance to make empathic decisions for your life.

And nurture and maximize your empathy to enrich your life, relationships, and the world while avoiding taking on the stress of those around you.


In this 7-week online course, you’ll:

  • Tap into the wisdom of both your heart and mind to manifest greater healing with the full power of empathy
  • Discover whether your empathy style is Cognitive (the thinker/fixer), Emotional (the feeler), Intuitive (the subtle senser), or Spiritual (the mystic) and how to optimize it
  • Practice empathic listening consciously giving your time, focus, and compassion to someone who needs to be heard
  • Learn to utilize self-empathy in various situations, including when you’re experiencing illness and pain, or when a loved one is suffering
  • Explore the neuroscience of empathy including techniques to soothe your nervous system (vagus nerve regulation, mirror neurons, dopamine, oxytocin, and sensory processing sensitivity)
  • How to express empathy for loved ones as well as people you don’t like or agree with even during arguments
  • The 3 A’s of empathic responses: attitude, attention, and adjustment
  • Discover the art of healthy giving caring deeply without becoming a martyr, overgiving, or burning out
  • Identify narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, bullies, and others who are not wired neurologically or emotionally to have empathy
  • Release old resentments with the grace of forgiveness
  • Bring empathy into every area of your life with weekly group meditations and practices

Who do you want to be as an empath or HSP? What kinds of relationships are good for you? How can you practice self-care and protect your energy from people or situations that are depleting, or not right for you?

Explore all these questions and many more during this 7-week journey to use empathy to connect with yourself and others in deeper ways. 

Over the years, many of Dr. Orloff’s patients and workshop participants have found empathy to be the missing element to calm their nervous systems and bring harmony and ease into their lives.

Drawing on Dr. Orloff’s personal journey of awakening as an empath and by sharing patient success stories, you’ll recognize practical examples of what healthy empathy looks like in the world, so you can cultivate it in your own life.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Dr. Orloff will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully create healthy empathic practices to heal, awaken, and communicate with heart.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Dr. Orloff and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Orloff’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Course Sessions Tuesdays at 11:00am Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. Orloff. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to develop your gifts of empathy while creating strong boundaries so you can heal, awaken, and lead with heart.

Part 1: Healing Yourself

Module 1: Ignite the Powerful Healing Energy of Empathy to Stop Overthinking & Live From Your Heart  (November 28)


Empathy is a potent healing force, a life-saving skill you can develop to navigate both adversity and happiness. Sympathy, by contrast, is mainly feeling sad for someone else’s distress. 

Having empathy for yourself and others offers solace when you feel overwhelmed, in pain, empty, or are losing faith in your purpose and when you want to revel in the sheer joy of caring and giving. 

Empathy is the antidote to the frantic state of over-thinking and chronic worry. Connecting with your heart can help heal your pain and stop clutching onto stories about the past. 

Empathy is an energy shifter that begins with you and expands outward to others and the world to create beneficial change. 

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Whether your empathy style is Cognitive (the thinker/fixer), Emotional (the feeler), Intuitive (the subtle senser), or Spiritual (the mystic) and how to optimize it
  • The difference between empathy and compassion
  • The potential downsides of empathy, including the risks of losing touch with your common sense, becoming vulnerable to taking on others’ pain, and more
  • 5 strategies to combat overthinking
  • The neuroscience of empathy including techniques to soothe your nervous system (vagus nerve regulation, mirror neurons, dopamine, oxytocin, and sensoryproce ssing sensitivity) 
  • The “Mother Teresa Effect” how witnessing one act of empathy can increase your immune response
  • An experiential group mediation to ignite the healing power of empathy in your own body, open your heart, and feel the healing effects of empathy within

Module 2: Create a Light-Filled Energy Field to Heal Yourself With Self-Empathy  (December 5)


Self-empathy is a commitment to relating to yourself in a caring way, rather than shaming or punishing yourself especially when you’ve fallen short.

Perhaps your first impulse is to push too hard or get impatient with your progress. Or you may beat yourself up for your insecurities or perceived “faults,” mimicking how your family, teachers, or partners treat you.

Dr. Orloff likens this kind of self-punishment to an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks parts of your body. How you treat yourself affects your health and wellbeing. 

If you long to heal this pattern and practice self-empathy, you’re on the way to enjoying yourself and your life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How self-empathy can create a heart- and light-filled energy field that heals yourself and others
  • Your self-empathy score
  • How to heal past conditioning that told you it’s selfish to show empathy for yourself
  • Why self-empathy is a crucial part of self-care for empaths and all caring people
  • How to practice self-empathy in various situations, including when you’re experiencing illness and pain, or when a loved one is suffering
  • A guided healing practice to rejuvenate a state of self-empathy

Part 2: Healing Your Relationships

Module 3: Empathic Listening to Hold Sacred Space While Keeping Your Energy High  (December 12)


Discover the powerful art of empathic listening. It’s a warm and wonderful feeling when someone really listens to you. 

They’re simply being present for you in a generous, accepting, and supportive way. You’re not fighting for your listener’s attention, and they aren’t argumentative, talking about themselves, or offering unsolicited advice. 

Empathic listening is a way to help heal others through the quality of your presence and attention. You consciously give your time, focus, and compassion to someone who needs to be heard.

Dr. Orloff will show you how to practice empathic listening even if you don’t agree with or even like someone. 

You can still help them feel heard, and gain a more realistic view of where even the most difficult people are coming from.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to cultivate the power of eye contact, body language, and holding sacred space
  • 4 strategies to respond with empathy sticking to one topic at a time, no distractions, making a request to set a time to talk, and venting vs. dumping
  • The dos and don’ts of empathic listening
  • The 5 steps to empathic listening 
  • Conscious breathing and shielding as protection techniques
  • A group mediation to hold space for another without taking on their emotions or stress

Module 4: Practicing Empathetic Communication to Connect With Others Even When You Don’t Like Them  (January 2)


It’s human to yearn for connection, acknowledgment, and belonging. 

Perhaps you long for just one trusted friend to confide in a loved one to hold you. You may wish that your siblings would stop fighting so your family can be whole. Or you may want team members at work to simply respect each other’s opinions. 

To create happier relationships and heal conflicts with people over time, empathy is crucial, says Dr. Orloff.

Expressing empathy in daily activities and at work is magical and healing. 
The genius of empathy is that it’s a form of rapport you can establish with people you love as well as with those you may not even like. 

Empathy lets you keep your heart open and withstand a relationship’s inevitable tough spots with even the prickliest people. It will also rescue you from the brink of acting in regrettable ways.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The repair vs. rupture model for reimagining empathy in relationships
  • How to set clear emotional and energetic boundaries without alienating people
  • 5 guidelines for empathic responses
  • How to be an empathic leader at home, at work, and in every area of your life
  • How to express empathy for loved ones as well as people you don’t like or agree with even during arguments
  • The 3 A’s of empathic responses: attitude, attention, and adjustment
  • Types of difficult personalities at work and how empathy can improve your relationships with them
  • An experiential group visualization of showing empathy to one other person, feeling centered in your heart and unshakable in your power

Module 5: Healthy Giving Caring Without Being a Martyr, Overgiving, or Burning Out  (January 9)


You might wonder, How can I be a giving person without burning out? How can I be compassionate without absorbing others’ stress?

Dr. Orloff will show you how to put empathy into action so you don’t risk compassion fatigue and exhaustion that can come from being a super-giver or from over-helping. 

A mindful approach to energy-in and energy-out will protect your wellbeing, support your immune system, and improve the quality of your relationships.

Giving is beautiful, yet many people sacrifice the last molecule of their being trying to help someone who may not have even wanted their help. Or they exhaust themselves by trying to fix others. 

As Dr. Orloff will explain, to maximize how your giving can heal others and yourself, you must learn to remain discerning and balanced.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to train yourself to utilize empathy in balanced ways to see people clearly, and not burn out 
  • The 9 traits of a healthy giver
  • A self-inventory quiz Are You a Codependent Giver?
  • The neuroscience of healthy giving
  • How to stop absorbing other people’s pain and stop thinking your job is to fix others
  • The sacredness of being a caregiver and the importance of practicing empathy and self-care
  • How to empathize with loved ones who are going through a health challenge or are in chronic pain without burning out
  • A guided meditation to give off loving energy without absorbing the other person’s energy and make a conscious decision to not live in the martyr archetype

Module 6: Understanding Empathy Deficit Disorder to Combat Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths & Bullies  (January 16)


Some people are not wired neurologically or emotionally to have empathy a condition behavioral scientists define as empathy deficit disorder.

Those with empathy deficit disorder lack a moral compass. They focus on their own needs and neglect or don’t care about the feelings of others.

Dr. Orloff will train you to recognize these damaging and cleverly deceptive personalities all of whom can be bullies so you won’t be seduced by their charm or empty promises. 

As she’ll explain, to protect your own empathy, you must realize they are not your allies.

Focus on how you can keep your power around these kinds of people and have empathy for their wounds while maintaining your healthy boundaries.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to identify people with empathy deficit disorder
  • 9 common traits of a narcissist
  • 4 ways to protect yourself from a narcissist including the gray rock method
  • How to recognize sociopaths and psychopaths
  • Ways to end a relationship with someone who has empathy deficit disorder by “cutting off their supply”
  • How to recognize and deal with bullies in a constructive way
  • An experiential group meditation to reclaim your power from someone who has empathy deficit disorder

Part 3: Healing the World

Module 7: Release Resentments, Build Empathy & Cultivate Positive Energy With the Grace of Forgiveness  (January 23)


You can forgive someone and release bitterness and resentments so these feelings don’t deplete you. 

The path of empathy provides a way out of suffering from past hurts. Forgiveness lifts the weight of resentments, and is more about healing yourself than changing the person who harmed you.

Focus on how forgiveness can heal you and allow you to experience relief from emotional burdens and bitterness. 

Learn the connection between empathy and forgiveness so you can experience more healing in the relationships in your life.

In this final module, you’ll explore:

  • How empathy can help you develop forgiveness for yourself, others, and the world
  • The possibility of forgiving even horrific situations when it intuitively feels right to do so
  • Healing the aching, empty place within you by forgiving yourself
  • Tapping into the spiritual energy of empathy
  • Activating your prayer body to develop global empathy for our human family
  • The power of empathic leadership how empathy creates more positive energy in your own body and in the world
  • A group meditation to send heart energy out to the world to increase our planet’s goodness, healing, and empathy


The Empathy as a Catalyst for Healing & Compassion With Dr. Judith Orloff​ Bonus Offering

In addition to Judith’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, November 7, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Empowering Your Relationships & Communication Skills: Secrets for Sensitive People 
Video Teaching From Judith Orloff, MD

Because of their intense sensitivities, empaths often have special challenges with personal and professional relationships. In this powerful 2-hour video workshop, Judith shares how to navigate the challenges and gifts of different kinds of relationships, including your relationship with yourself. For empaths to flourish and improve communication with others, they must learn to authentically communicate and set clear boundaries to feel at ease and not become overloaded.

Register by November 7 to claim this bonus before it expires.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, November 18, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Building Compassion, Releasing Resentments: Calming Your Ego & Opening Your Heart 
Video Teaching From Judith Orloff, MD

To free yourself from negative energy, it’s essential to let go of resentments and grudges. After all, you’re the one who suffers from these negative emotions. In this 90-minute video workshop, Judith guides empaths and all caring people toward empathy and large-heartedness to release resentments around wounds others have caused or that are self-inflicted. 

Register by November 18 to claim this bonus before it expires.


Empathy Training for Sensitives 
Session From the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit

Empathy is a form of emotional intelligence that allows you to understand where another person is coming from, even if you don’t agree with them. While there are so many benefits to possessing a strong sense of empathy, empaths and sensitives are also prone to feeling empathy overload. In this 52-minute video from the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, Judith shares the common causes of burnout, the drain from having “too much” empathy, how to achieve more balance, and how to measure your empathy quotient.


Life Strategies for Sensitive People 
PDF Guide From Judith Orloff, MD

When they are around other people’s energy, empaths tend to become emotional sponges. When they absorb the impact of stressful emotions, it can trigger panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis. In this digital guide, Judith explains how empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions, and offers practical strategies, techniques, and tips for coping and thriving including guidance for raising empathic children. 


Igniting the Healing Energy of Empathy: How to Stop Overthinking and Come From Your Heart 
PDF Excerpt From Dr. Judith Orloff’s Upcoming Book, The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Your Sensitive Self, Your Relationships & the World

In Chapter Two of The Genius of Empathy, Dr. Judith Orloff shares strategies for using empathy to counteract overthinking and worrying. She explores the many styles of empathy and how to find balance in each, and dives deep into the neuroscience and physiological effects of living from a more empathic heart and mind. Through inspiring real-life stories and relatable examples, this chapter demonstrates how the power of empathy can create a positive ripple effect in your life. Learn the nine strategies to combat overthinking, how to slow down and take a sacred pause, and how to soothe your nervous system.


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What Graduates of Judith’s Courses Are Saying…

“Dr. Judith was genuine, authentic, warm, and a wonderful mentor to start me on this next exciting part of my life journey.”

Dr. Judith was genuine, authentic, warm, and a wonderful mentor to start me on this next exciting part of my life journey. I have so much appreciation for her and for the process she offers. I also now feel part of a group I can call on energetically as a support system in my new way of being. I finally claimed the description of empath, which made a big difference by giving me direction and allowing me to celebrate my gifts as an empath. I’ve learned tools which help me to be a positive presence without taking on so much from other people’s energy (although a work in progress!). Nurturing my intuition is helping with my everyday life. 

“The insights learned are some that have already helped to provide a greater foundation for personal growth.”

I found the course to be extremely useful, as well as very well-thought-out. The insights learned are some that have already helped to provide a greater foundation for personal growth. 
Daniel Newman, West Dundee, Illinois

“There are no words to express the transformation that I’ve experienced, except maybe ‘enlightenment!’”

There are no words to express the transformation that I’ve experienced, except maybe “enlightenment!” I feel fully connected to the universe and everyone in it through my empathic, intuitive, and loving energies. Dr. Orloff stresses the importance of being gentle with myself at all times in this process, which helps me greatly. This experience has expanded my universe!
Marsha, Southfield, Michigan

“As an empath, working with Dr. Orloff was an incredible, validating experience.”

As an empath, working with Dr. Orloff was an incredible, validating experience. I’m much more settled about who I am, have a greater sense of value about my sensitivities, and better understand how I can be of service to others and myself.
Donna, Monterey, California

“Through Dr. Judith Orloff’s warmth, sincerity, and level of intuitive understanding, I experienced several emotionally healing breakthroughs.”

Through Dr. Judith Orloff’s warmth, sincerity, and level of intuitive understanding, I experienced several emotionally healing breakthroughs. Her guided meditations are powerfully transforming, and I plan to continue using them as continued support, both for personal healing and for the intuitive openings that they nurture. Her teachings provided me with great understanding and acceptance of the many challenges and gifts that are common to intuitive empaths.
Patricia, Ancona, Italy


Join the Global Community


Empathy as a Catalyst for Healing & Compassion With Dr. Judith Orloff​ offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice. 

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Judith Orloff, MD, will share in this powerful program. 

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Judith Orloff, MD 

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from psychiatrist, empath, and New York Times bestselling author Judith Orloff, MD from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to experience profound healing in each domain of your life as you learn to use your superpower of empathy more effectively. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 11:00am Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you found most impactful.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Empathy as a Catalyst for Healing & Compassion With Dr. Judith Orloff​ Bonus Offering

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, November 7, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Empowering Your Relationships & Communication Skills: Secrets for Sensitive People 
    Video Teaching From Judith Orloff, MD

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, November 18, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Building Compassion, Releasing Resentments: Calming Your Ego & Opening Your Heart 
    Video Teaching From Judith Orloff, MD
  • Empathy Training for Sensitives 
    Session From the Empaths, Sensitives, and Intuitives Summit
  • Life Strategies for Sensitive People 
    PDF Guide From Judith Orloff, MD
  • Igniting the Healing Energy of Empathy: How to Stop Overthinking & Come From Your Heart 
    PDF Excerpt From Dr. Judith Orloff’s Upcoming Book, The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Your Sensitive Self, Your Relationships & the World

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Empathy as a Catalyst for Healing & Compassion With Dr. Judith Orloff​


We feel honored that Judith Orloff, MD, has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a psychiatrist, empath, and New York Times bestselling author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about nurturing and maximizing your empathy to enrich your life, relationships, and the world while avoiding taking on the stress of those around you then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.



3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Empathy as a Catalyst for Healing & Compassion With Dr. Judith Orloff or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before December 12, 2023 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Judith Orloff, MD… 

“We are far more than we have allowed ourselves to be.”

We are far more than we have allowed ourselves to be. Judith Orloff is to be commended for helping us understand that simple truth.
Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life

“… helps us navigate the stress we absorb from the world and to set boundaries.”

We take on so much as empaths! This inspiring daybook [Thriving as an Empath] helps us navigate the stress we absorb from the world and to set boundaries.
― Rosanna Arquette, Emmy Award-nominated actress and film producer

“Judith Orloff teaches you how to master your inner empathic world.”

Judith Orloff teaches you how to master your inner empathic world.
― Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times bestselling author of You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

“… shows you how to be sensitive, strong, and clear ― and to say ‘no’ to the energy suckers in your life.”

Sensitive people aren’t weaklings or victims. Dr. Orloff, an empath herself, shows you how to be sensitive, strong, and clear ― and to say “no” to the energy suckers in your life.
― Caroline Myss, New York Times bestselling author of Intimate Conversations with the Divine

“Dr. Orloff shows you how to achieve a lightness of being and feel more positive and peaceful.”

A must-read for anyone who’s tired of feeling frustrated, lonely, jealous, or emotionally tense. Dr. Orloff shows you how to achieve a lightness of being and feel more positive and peaceful. Highly recommended.
Deepak Chopra, MD, author of Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul

“… blends a psychiatrist’s logical training with the heartfelt sensitivity of the empath.”

Dr. Judith Orloff succeeds again, in her unique and inimitable way, to present empowering and practical tools for radical self-care. She blends a psychiatrist’s logical training with the heartfelt sensitivity of the empath. [Thriving as an Empath] is the key to success inside and out. It reminds us, “I recognize authenticity. I thrive on kindness. I cultivate a graceful lifestyle. I am the power of love itself.”
― Margot Anand, author of Love, Sex, and Awakening


About Judith Orloff, MD


Judith Orloff, MD, is a psychiatrist, empath, and New York Times bestselling author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People. This course is based on her  new book, The Genius of Empathy: Practical Skills to Heal Your Sensitive Self, Your Relationships, and the World, which offers powerful skills to tap into empathy as a daily healing practice in your life and relationships.

As an intuitive healer and member of the UCLA clinical psychiatric faculty, Dr. Orloff synthesizes pearls of traditional medicine with leading-edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Widely regarded as the “godmother of the empath movement,” she specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice.

Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured on CNN and Today, and in O, the Oprah Magazine and The New York Times. She has spoken at Google-LA and has a popular TEDx talk. USA Today called her “a serene maverick.”

“Cultivating empathy is a kind of peaceful warrior training,” says Dr. Orloff. “Empathy training will help you stay strong and loving to yourself and others, without becoming overwhelmed and burning out. Wherever you are in your life, empathy can help you heal and lift you higher.”


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Q: Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is December 12, 2023. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
