Awaken your wild life force by embracing your sacred role in Earth’s evolution using earth-based psychological healing to reconnect you with Mother Nature’s “Original Instructions.”
Resolve emotional wounds, cultivate profound self-understanding, and foster holistic wellbeing as you set aside societal conditioning and re-engage with your authentic inner self.

Do you know that your destiny is deeply programmed within you by Mother Nature?
According to shamanic practitioner, spiritual counselor, and energy healer Jonathan Hammond, the Earth Mother has gifted you — like everything in the natural world — with a unique essence.
It’s what some Indigenous cultures call “Original Instructions” — an instinctual and spiritual drive toward self-realization and purpose that’s embedded within you and connects you to the entire web of life.
Your Original Instructions contain the perfect map for you to become who Mother Earth intended you to be.
In our contemporary culture, however, with all the demands and distractions of our everyday modern world, we humans have tended to separate ourselves from nature, relinquishing our instincts and intuition, and turning away from our fundamental essence and our Original Instructions.
As a result, we live under a shroud of learned societal rules, norms, cultural conditioning, and armchair moralities that bury the natural authenticity of our true selves — causing us stress, personal disempowerment, emotional imbalance, and conflict within ourselves and with others.
We can lose our inner sense of spiritual purpose by following rules and expectations that never really belonged to us.
The good news is that Jonathan can help you release what he calls “psycho-spiritual domestication” and reconnect with the deep wisdom of the natural world — without cultural distractions — so you can discover the path to your true self.
He can help you grasp the powerful truth that you’re part of an interconnected and interdependent system of all living beings and their environments.
There is unity and harmony between humans, plants, animals, and the natural world — each element playing a vital role in maintaining the balance and health of the entire ecosystem.
As an integral part of a larger, living community, your actions and wellbeing are closely linked to the health of the environment.
Join Jonathan in a highly experiential and profoundly transformative 7-week live video journey to awaken the wild life force within you.
He’ll blend principles of spiritual psychology with practices that will help you foster a deeper connection with nature and your inner self — to help you claim your place as a vital and sacred part of the ecological whole.
In other words, Jonathan will guide you to “rewild your psyche,” helping you shed the layers of societal conditioning, modern stressors, and psychological barriers that inhibit your true self-expression and mental and emotional freedom…
… and reclaim your natural self, restore your personal power, and retrieve your soul essence.
While ecological rewilding involves restoring natural processes and wilderness areas to their original, untamed state, rewilding the psyche similarly aims to return the mind to a state of natural, unconditioned awareness and vitality.
Through a variety of experiential processes — shamanic journeys, meditations, journaling, the practice of Ho’oponopono, powerful healing techniques, soul retrieval exercises, and magical spells for conscious manifestation — you’ll cultivate a practical toolkit to evolve your self-understanding and spiritual connection.
As you’ll discover, you’re made — through and through — of the physical elements of the earth, and you’re an individual expression of the creative and evolutionary energies that underlie all lifeforms on this planet.
When you learn to adjust your worldview and your psychology to nature’s way of being, an authentic inward nature will awaken in you, guiding you toward enhanced holistic wellbeing and a life of inner growth, creative engagement, loving relationship, and natural magic.
You’ll recognize and explore certain psychological dynamics that may have caused you to stray from your authentic nature, learn to release yourself from whatever is not naturally YOU, and reclaim aspects of your true self that you’ve lost.
You’ll also learn about animism — the attribution of sentience to plants, inanimate objects, and all natural phenomena.
It puts you in a dynamic and lived relationship with an ensouled natural world and enables you to see new possibilities, experience enchantment with nature, and cultivate expanded spiritual consciousness and holistic wellbeing.
These teachings are designed to help you expand your sense of personal power, open to new possibilities, ignite your imagination, and evolve your sense of purpose as you recognize that you not only have a deep relationship with the natural world — you are part of the natural world.
During this 7-week program, you’ll:
- Reclaim your natural authenticity, experience emotional healing, and deepen your spiritual exploration for a more balanced, fulfilled, and harmonious life
- Embody your Original Instructions to align with your personal growth, evolution, and the life-affirming energies of the natural elements
- Experience healing work with the collaboration of your spirit guides (soul retrieval, extraction, reframing, and ritual) to clear your internal blocks or dysfunctional belief systems that obscure your true nature — and examine these internal issues through various spiritual and Western psychological frameworks
- Explore the 3 shamanic “worlds” — nature, spirit, and the middle place between them
- Learn the essential elements of magical manifestation, the psychology of successful magic, and the anatomy of a “spell”
- Deepen your relationship with spirit guides and the higher creative energies of the earth
- Uncover the psychological dynamics of our current ecological/social crisis and learn to adjust your own psychology so you no longer participate in or perpetuate them
- Participate in a deep examination of the 7 principles of Huna — 7 ingenious and mind-bending ideas that will help you gain direct access to a universal shamanic paradigm of thought and action
- Understand how animism puts you in a dynamic and lived relationship with an ensouled natural world
- And much more…
As an ordained Alaka’i (leader or guide), Jonathan is dedicated to bringing Indigenous earth wisdom to the modern world. His book, The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life, integrates traditional psychotherapeutic frameworks with Indigenous shamanic wisdom.
He’s a graduate of Harvard University, a master teacher in shamanic reiki, and holds certifications in Cherokee Bodywork, Huna, Ho’oponopono, and spiritual counseling.
He’s eager to share with you how — as you rewild the parts of your mind that have been tamed or dominated by over-culturalization — you can identify and release past wounds and traumas that block your authentic expression…
… allowing creativity to flow unobstructed and without judgment, so you can gain deeper access to your true self.
This enables you to achieve a dynamic state of being by uncovering and integrating new and exciting aspects of your personality that are yearning for expression.
Rewilding can help you live more truthfully, heal more effectively, improve your self-understanding, and enjoy greater personal power and freedom…
… as you cultivate a more profound connection with the entire natural world as a vital part of your very own being — and, you’ll gain access to a new understanding of your true spiritual path and purpose.
Ultimately, Jonathan hopes to inspire in you a reignition of your enchantment with the natural world, and bring you inside the Indigenous mind of earth-based cultures and how they see and experience the world.
If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of your place in the universe and your connection to ALL of life, this course is your invitation…
… to rekindle your innate connection with nature, understand your fated purpose, awaken the mystic within, realign with the sacred rhythms of life, and embrace your role in the collective healing of our planet.
You do not live on earth. You are earth.
— Jonathan Hammond
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Jonathan will guide you through the powerful teachings and spiritual tools you need to reconnect with the directives Mother Nature gave you — your Original Instructions — awakening the wild life force within you and fostering a deeper relationship with nature and your inner self, overcoming societal conditioning and re-engaging with your authentic self.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with Jonathan and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Jonathan’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Jonathan. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to claim your place as a vital and sacred part of the ecological whole, healing your emotional wounds and cultivating more profound self-understanding, personal growth, spiritual connection, and holistic wellbeing — through earth-based psychological healing.
Module 1: Explore Nature-Based Cosmology — Psyche, Spirit, Soul, Culture & Earth — to Start to See Yourself as Inseparable From Nature (September 3)

Begin the process of shifting your psychology away from the conditioning of the modern, toxic over-culture and its disconnection from nature, and returning to animistic ways of thinking and being that are much more in alignment with the natural world and our Indigenous ancestors.
Explore how traditional psychology, philosophy, religion, and even New Age thinking have all contributed to the dysfunctional relationships that humans have with the earth, with each other, and with themselves.
Discover how nature itself thinks and acts, examine the hallmarks of a healthy ecosystem, and recognize that you yourself are also a being of nature with an instinctual wisdom and a natural spiritual attunement embedded within you. This is your ecological self — who Mother Nature intended you to be.
Traditionally in shamanic practice, people journey for healing outside of themselves to the spiritual domains of the lower, middle, and upper worlds.
Find these worlds within yourself, and adopt a new worldview for your life that is in a dynamic, symbiotic, and lived relationship with the natural world.
In this module, you’ll:
- Examine the 3 shamanic “worlds” from within your own psychology
- Uncover what the Native Americans called your “Original Instructions”
- Shapeshift with aspects of the natural world for healing and insight
- Explore animism as an ontology of Indigenous cultures that you can adopt for yourself
- Discover psychological, philosophical, and religious factors that have led to the current global crisis, and how to start to safeguard yourself of their influence
- Learn earth-based wisdom, such as Indigenous prophecies, creation stories, and the wetiko virus
Module 2: Inner Ecology — Weaving the Body, Mind & Spirit Together to Embrace Your Authentic Nature & Connect With Spiritual Support (September 10)

If you exist within three metaphysical worlds, then it stands to reason that there are three aspects of the self/psyche that are your personal connection to those worlds.
Explore three natural aspects of self as understood by earth-based spiritual Hawaiian and Feri Wicca traditions — and also mirrored in the psychological paradigms of Jung and Freud.
The unconscious body-mind (Ku in Hawaiian, The Fetch in Feri Wicca) is a storehouse of wisdom, programming, intuitive — and even psychic — abilities, and holds the Original Instructions that are the keys to your authentic nature.
The conscious mind (Lono in Hawaiian, The Talking Self in Feri Wicca) is a powerful agent of choice and directionality, and helps you make beneficial changes toward the realization of your authentic nature.
The superconscious mind (Kane in Hawaiian, The Deep Self in Feri Wicca) is your personal creative source, and acts as a spiritual intermediary on behalf of your authentic nature.
When you bring body, mind, and spirit together in agreement and congruency, you can alchemize your healing and magical ability to manifest.
Learn a transformative Hawaiian practice called Ho’oponopono — a practice that aligns the three aspects of self. This session will take the practice to a whole new level. Ho’oponopono is not only a tool for healing, it’s a map for living co-creatively with the natural forces within and around you.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore earth-based and psychological traditions of the 3 self-aspects
- Learn simple healing techniques for dialoguing with the body and avoiding illness
- Learn the Ho’oponopono practice for healing and magical work
- Gain greater attunement with your intuition and access to unconscious material
- Learn how the spiritual realms reflexively support the expression and healing of your true self
- Take a journey to your higher self
Module 3: Healing the Middle World Within You to Renew & Reinvigorate Your Essential Nature (September 17)

To fully return to your original nature, you must go through a process of removing what you hold inside that’s not your authentic self, and bringing back to yourself whatever aspects of your true nature you may have lost.
Bring healing to dysfunctional family dynamics, toxic relationships, harmful cultural conditioning, and long-standing wounds that obscure the Original Instructions of your authentic nature.
Explore Sigmund Freud’s concept of the superego (or the “inner critic”) — the aspect of psyche that assimilates to the outward cultural, familial, and relational dynamics that block you from the instinctual wisdom of your lower self and the spiritual support of your higher self.
Work shamanically with intrusions or introjects (psychological material you hold that’s not yours), renew and reinvigorate your relationships by cutting deleterious energy cords, and retrieve lost parts of your soul.
In this module, you’ll:
- Examine your “inner critic” and begin to transform your relationship with it
- Experience shamanic healing journeys for extraction, soul retrieval, and confrontation of the super-ego
- Remove material from your psyche and energy that’s not yours
- Access and experience your “Holy Daimon,” or sacred purpose
- Identify your spiritual-giftedness and empathic gifts
- Receive support from the “Dark Mother” to help you face uncomfortable truths
- Cut energetic cords for healing or renewing of relationships
Module 4: The Shamanic Way of Thinking to Expand Your Personal Power, Open to New Possibilities, Ignite Your Imagination & Discover Your Purpose (Part One) (September 24)

Take a deep dive into an Indigenous philosophy called Huna that comes from the heart of Polynesia and the Kahili family of Hawaii.
With shamanism’s recent reintroduction to the contemporary west, it’s become widely accepted that there’s a basic shamanic paradigm that seems to be cross-cultural and universal.
In other words, people who’ve lived in a dynamic relationship with nature tend to share a common psychology and way of seeing the world.
Huna is a spiritual and esoteric philosophy that helps merge the Western psyche with this universal shamanic paradigm. This once “secret” wisdom (Huna means “secret” in Hawaiian) also has correlative resonances with many occult teachings that come from the earth-based pagan and goddess traditions.
This session and next, be immersed in the principles of Huna — seven ingenious and surprisingly simple ideas that, if practiced and integrated into your life, will allow you entrance into the inner worlds of shamans, witches, mystics, and natural healers.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience ways to elucidate the co-creative dynamics contained within the 7 principles of Huna — such as journeys, meditations, and journaling
- Learn to work with beliefs co-creatively
- Explore using outward circumstances as a diagnostic tool to heal the unconscious
- Send healing across distance and time
- Learn simple hands-on healing techniques
- Tune into the unconscious dynamics that create conscious reality
- Recognize how to set up the best circumstances for healing to happen
Module 5: The Shamanic Way of Thinking to Expand Your Personal Power, Open to New Possibilities, Ignite Your Imagination & Discover Your Purpose (Part Two) (October 1)

Please note: Prior to this session, please collect seven fingernail-sized stones (precious or semi-precious), one each of seven colors: white or clear, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It’s important that they not be too delicate or breakable.
Continue your exploration of Huna, the magical shamanic philosophy from Polynesia.
Last module, you addressed the energetic power of belief, intention, and focus to harness co-creative power, and learned to merge your consciousness with what some Indigenous cultures refer to as “The Long Body” — your non-separation from all things in the natural world.
This module, the Huna principles will help you learn to use love itself as a tool in your medicine bag, find the true power of the present moment, reclaim your inner authority as a conscious creator, and work with creative flexibility as a magical resource.
In this module, you’ll:
- Practice the art of blessing for self-healing
- Create healthy personal boundaries
- Develop discipline with your thoughts to bring beneficial effects
- Learn divination techniques with stones
- Learn to live alongside unwanted energies without being affected by them
Module 6: The Goddess & the God, Sexual Polarity & the Non-Binary as Gateways to Your Truest Expression, Connection With Others & Your Own Self-Esteem* (October 8)

*Please note that the material in this module is not appropriate for minors or those with sexual trauma. While this module does explore sexual themes as metaphor, there will be no discussion of or engagement in sexual acts of any kind.
Explore the Jungian concept of libido (life force) and work co-creatively with powerful sexual polarities within you and in all of nature.
Regardless of your gender identity or sexual orientation, the archetypal energies of the masculine and the feminine are gateways to your truest expression, your sense of self, and your connections with the others.
Meet the Horned God and the Triple Goddess of the pagan/Wiccan earth traditions, and work with their archetypal energies to uncover your identity, develop self-esteem, and transform how you relate to others and the natural world.
Build a new rapport with the different stages of your life, and learn to work with the reciprocal energies of sun/moon, light/dark, seen/unseen, and giving/receiving.
Explore the non-binary as a current phenomenon of changing consciousness and bringing us closer to the Divine.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience a shamanic meditation with the Goddess/God within you and explore the three stages of life
- Connect your libido (life force) with empowerment and becoming an adult
- Examine archetypal stages of development (Maiden/Mother/Crone and Youth/Father/Sage)
- Explore the dynamics of sexual polarity for self-development and healing
- Explore the divine consciousness of the sacred masculine, feminine, and non-binary
Module 7: Create Magic, Manifestation & a Profound Sense of Belonging (October 15)

Please note: Jonathan is inviting you to bring a few things to this session:
- A one-to two-foot piece of twine or yarn. It should be about the size of a shoelace, and something you can knot.
- A medicine card deck of your choice and a small mason jar (or a similar type of container) with a lid.
- A fresh candle that can burn for at least a few hours. Jonathan suggests that you choose a color that’s symbolic of something you want to manifest or create; if you’re unsure what color that would be, white will work.
You’ll weave together the psychological, cosmological, and ecological themes and concepts you’ve covered throughout the course to create the natural magic of conscious manifestation.
When you’re in creative engagement with your life… when you develop a self that’s in alignment with your true nature… when you have clarity about what you want…
… when you rid yourself of negative unconscious patterns… and when you’re aligned with your highest purpose, then you’ve created the conditions for alchemical miracles.
Magical workings are a discipline and an art.
Begin developing a collegial relationship with the helping spirits and learn to create your life in flow with the energies of nature.
Address four building blocks for a successful magical spell, and look at issues such as divine timing and manifesting in alignment with natural cycles. Explore ways to set up the right circumstances for successful magic and even explore why our magic sometimes doesn’t work.
Ceremonially ground yourself into our belonging as a being of nature, align with your Original Instructions, and claim your seat as an individual steward of the Earth.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn 4 key ingredients for successful magic/manifestation
- Practice Haipule (a Hawaiian “spell”), working with dreams and the unconscious
- Be introduced to simple spells for specific intentions
- Learn to direct your emotions for successful magic/manifestation
- Practice the art of self-advocacy, negotiation with helping spirits, divine timing, and working with cycles of nature
The Rewild Your Psyche Bonus Offering
In addition to Jonathan’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
My Hawaii Story
PDF Excerpt From Jonathan Hammond

In this excerpt of Jonathan Hammond’s book, The Shaman’s Mind, Huna Wisdom To Change Your Life, become acquainted with the seven principles of Huna and read about his mystical call to the ancient Hawaiian shamanic traditions. As Jonathan shares his experience of using the principles to create his synchronistic and magical journey to Hawaiian shamanism, be inspired to think co-creatively about your own spiritual path, and how to work with the principles from within your own life.
The Elements & the Origins of Aloha
Video Teachings From Jonathan Hammond

In this video from Jonathan’s online course, The Shaman’s Mind: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Change Your Life, beautifully produced by Glidewing Online Workshops, he shares teachings of the ancient Mu civilization and the memory-holding water that surrounds it. Legend says that all water everywhere became infused with a “god molecule” — a memorized message of aloha — that came from air-beings to the ancient South Pacific. This bonus is an excerpt from a comprehensive course on the Hawaiian shamanic traditions, of which Jonathan is an initiate. It’s designed to open your imaginative insight into ancient shamanic mysteries.
20% Off The Shaman Within
Discount for an Audio Course From Jonathan Hammond

In this comprehensive audio course of shamanic journeys, meditations, and teachings, Jonathan leads you through a shamanic odyssey that touches on foundational elements of the universal shamanic paradigm. Exquisitely produced by Hemi-Sync — with beautiful liner notes and supported by subliminal binaural-beat* brainwave technology and original music — this is a journey to the dreamscape of the shamans for healing, insight, and self-realization. This audio experience is a great way for you to build a rapport with key tenets of the shamanic path for your own personal or professional development.
What People Are Saying About Jonathan Hammond…
— Brette Goldstein: “I Was in So Much Pain Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Now I’ve Created the Life of My Dreams”
— Michelle Srih: “I’ve Gained a Sense of Power and a Sense of Assuredness in Who I Am”
— Victoria Stattel: “Four Years Ago, I Was a Lost Soul; Today I Am Filled With Joy”
— Toni Hemmerich: “Jonathan Has Helped Me Recognize My Worthiness”
— Billy Abajian: “Jonathan Helped Me Heal and Unlock a Path I Didn’t Know Existed”
Jonathan Hammond's course was a beautifully ferocious invitation for humanity to learn to live in harmony with the wild and the domestic aspects of our human self and natural world. Jonathan clearly embodies and honors his sacred shamanic teachings and shares them in a grounded "real talk" way that feels accessible and relatable to our modern times. Jonathan lifts the veil to glorious and powerful truths that are ever in service to harmony with the earth, our true nature, and how we can fit into the glistening web of life. He is a truly inspiring human and a light carrier of all things spiritual.
Jonathan's cup clearly truly runneth over. He is a natural healer and a master teacher and storyteller. He has a palpable love and devotion to healing in all its forms. This is inspired material that liberated me from decades of self-hatred, fear, and trauma. I would recommend his classes to every single human on the planet
Jonathan's course has opened the cage of my mind that I was in. I have been under the sway of certain ideas which were limiting for me. But now, I am trusting my own judgment and authority. His work continues to excite me, and I look forward to what's next.
I just took Jonathan Hammond's workshop, and I am a completely different person! Jonathan is an amazing teacher. He teaches from a place of having experienced for himself the value of the tools he shares. You just trust he is real, and you can see he is living these teachings. He is humble enough to show up as human and even share about his own struggles. At the same time, there is a "mastery" about him. He has both feet in a spiritual reality that he sources for his students. I will take his classes again!
Join the Global Community

Rewild Your Psyche offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.
Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Jonathan Hammond will share in this powerful program.
You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 120-Minute Class Sessions With Jonathan Hammond
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from author, spiritual counselor, energy healer, and shamanic practitioner Jonathan Hammond — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to reconnect with the directives Mother Nature gave you — your Original Instructions — fostering a deeper relationship with nature and your authentic self. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Rewild Your Psyche
We feel honored that Jonathan Hammond has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with an author, spiritual counselor, energy healer, and shamanic practitioner whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about reclaiming your natural state of being, cultivating more profound self-understanding, nurturing personal growth, enhancing spiritual connection, and improving your holistic wellbeing — all through an experience of BEING a part of nature itself — then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Rewild Your Psyche — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before September 17, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Jonathan Hammond...
Jonathan is a fantastic teacher and facilitator. He is extremely passionate and engaging, and teaches the content in a way that makes you feel the aloha with each word. I have never seen a teacher take esoteric material and distill it down so simply so that it was a universal language that everyone in the seminar could speak and understand so easily, regardless of background. All the other participants were raving about the content and Jonathan throughout the weekend. What he shares with the world is so useful and practical, and he brings what he teaches to light in such an original and magical way that it all really shines.
I recently experienced shamanic teachings with Jonathan Hammond, and it was beyond incredible. I have taken his classes before as I admire his presentation skills — always clear, well-organized, engaging, and knowledgeable. The material is presented in such an elegant and practical way for seekers of all levels and traditions. Jonathan's commitment, passion, and enthusiasm as a teacher is undeniable, and what the collective absolutely needs currently on the planet.
I recently took Jonathan's course, and it was nothing short of a life-changing experience. As a teacher, he brings his whole heart and finds a way to teach more advanced students and beginners alike! Jonathan has helped me fundamentally transform the way I approach doing my inner work, which I have already shared with others who have also been helped by his tremendous work. I highly recommend his classes to literally anyone, especially those looking to deepen their spirituality and spiritual practices.
About Jonathan Hammond
A graduate of Harvard University, Jonathan Hammond is a master teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui Reiki, and Karuna Reiki, and is the advanced graduate studies advisor for Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. He teaches classes in shamanism, spirituality, energy healing, and Huna at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Penn State University, One Spirit Learning Alliance, and GlideWing.
Jonathan, who has certifications in Cherokee bodywork, Huna, and Ho‘oponopono, is an ordained Alaka'i (leader or guide) with Aloha International. He has completed all core curriculum through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, has been initiated through the Minoan Fellowship in Wicca, and trained in the therapeutic facilitation of psychedelics with Inwardbound, Ireland.
In addition to his work in energy healing and shamanism, Jonathan completed four years of training in Interspirituality at One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York City where he received ordination as an Interfaith minister and certification as an Interspiritual counselor. Jonathan has worked and studied alongside shamans in Mexico, Brazil, Bali, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Hawaii.
He now spends his life deeply committed to bridging earth-wisdom with the modern world. He’s the author of The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life and has an audio program of shamanic journeys and meditations called The Shaman Within, produced by Hemi-Sync.
Before beginning his work in holistic health and spirituality, Jonathan had a career as an award-winning actor, appearing on Broadway and on television. He now has a private practice with clients from around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Binaural Beats and how do they work?
Although binaural beats are widely used and generally considered safe to use for most people, they may not be right for everyone. Before deciding whether or not you wish to use this optional technology, please read our guidelines for optional use of binaural guides here.
The Shift Network recommends that you always conduct your own research and consult with your healthcare provider(s) prior to engaging on a new regimen or practice.