With the Creator of LifeSpa and a Globally Recognized Leader
in Natural Health, Ayurveda & Sports Medicine
Dr. John Douillard, DC

New 9-Week Live Video Training Starts
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
PLUS Dr. John’s 7-Module Introductory Program!

Enhance your life and raise your consciousness with a personalized Ayurvedic treatment plan based on your individual body and cycle of life  to detoxify your system, heal your digestion, and revitalize your life.


Do you ever get the feeling that no matter how “healthy” you think you’re being with your choices of food, company, and opportunities to nurture an interior life, something essential is not making it into the mix?

We all have our weak links. To be healthy at 100, we must resolve these emerging health concerns at first blush with the principles of Ayurvedic medicine. Preventable aging factors include how we cope with chronic stress, DNA damage, poor sleep, weak immunity, digestive issues, food intolerances, toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, mental health concerns, and circadian disruption.

Thousands of years ago in India, a branch of Ayurvedic medicine for the study of longevity called Rasayana was created and today the science is in on the remedies for unnecessary aging contained within this timeless healing art and some of these remedies are quite surprising!

For example, there are seasonal foods you can eat that protect your DNA, lengthen telomeres, and protect against unnecessary aging. You can realign your circadian rhythms to get better sleep to prevent accelerated and unnecessary aging. And at the root of it all is a wellness protocol centered around detoxifying your gut which fuels and empowers your entire immune system.

Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in Ayurveda and natural health, teaches science-backed Ayurveda practices that can shift physical and emotional patterns to help you improve your mind-body health, find greater spiritual fulfillment, boost your mood, energy, digestion, and immunity and live a longer, healthier, and happier life as a result.

Dr. John will guide you through those practices in his new advanced 9-week course, with an emphasis on detoxification techniques, breathwork, and daily routines to balance unnecessary aging factors according to your physical and emotional body type.

Ayurvedic wisdom views each of our individual bodies as part of a much larger whole, and sees each of our bodies as being deeply embedded in our world. We are deeply ingrained with our natural and social surroundings and most importantly, these interconnections between your body, environment, and otherhood are fundamental to your health.

To reverse and prevent imbalances from impacting lifespan and healthspan, Dr. John teaches time-tested and evidence-based Ayurvedic practices, including breathwork, meditation, Ayurvedic psychology practices, foods as medicines, detoxification techniques, herbal medicines, and daily and seasonal routines to align your biological clock with nature’s circadian rhythms.

This advanced course can be paired with Dr. John’s beginning course to help you in identifying and correcting the underlying imbalances (“weak links”) in your immunity and digestion, and addressing them early on, which is the key  to longevity. It will be personalized to the course participants, being guided by important questions that directly focus on what is unique to you.

While Dr. John’s foundational course is included in this offering (details below), all of the key principles and basic elements will be reviewed during this advanced course as well.

The real objective of longevity, you’ll find, goes far beyond the idea of lengthening your physical life after all, no matter how well you work these principles, life does eventually come to an end. But, as Dr. John says, the best part of living a long and healthy life is that you have more time to connect deeper with your spiritual self that you take the precious opportunity of a human birth and life to evolve your soul.


As you deepen onto this path for cultivating harmony within, you’ll:

  • Discover that Ayurveda is a complete system that encompasses every aspect of your life!
  • Comprehend immunity in more detail, so you can fine tune your immune system support in the best way possible for your dosha (body type) vāta (air), pitta (fire), or kapha (earth-water)
  • Take the Body Type Quiz to discover your personal dosha and learn how nature intended to keep you in balance
  • Explore your various doshic profiles across different factors besides the physical body, including the emotional and mental bodies
  • Learn not to bubble-wrap your diet but instead strengthen your ability to digest food, opening up the link between good digestive health, detoxification, and longevity
  • Work on your Ayurvedic psychology with the Emotional Body Type Quiz, where you’ll determine your giving (sattvic), needing (rajasic), and hiding (tamasic) natures and define your action steps
  • Understand the ca use of epidemics and how to prevent the next one as stated 2,500 years ago
  • Find and fix any nutritional deficiencies that compromise immunity, exploring superfoods and essential herbs for a strong immune system
  • Discover the science of Sattva to cultivate a quality of purity and peacefulness that replaces stress with happiness
  • Cultivate making seasonal eating easy and enjoyable, according to your body type and the harvest, to protect your DNA, lengthen telomeres, and protect against unnecessary aging
  • Be guided through the 4-day LifeSpa Short Home Cleanse for good health and longevity
  • And much more...
“The Vedic teachings presented by Dr. John presented a path to personal wholeness and happiness.”

The course gave me a psychological, physical, emotional, and nutritional understanding of a healthy lifestyle. The Vedic teachings presented by Dr. John presented a path to personal wholeness and happiness.
Lou Summers, Millerstown, Pennsylvania


What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks

In this 9-week transformational program, Dr. John will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully enhance your life and raise your consciousness with advanced, ancient Ayurvedic practices for detoxifying your system, healing your digestion, and restoring your immunity.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Dr. John and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. John’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 11:00am Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. John. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to use Ayurvedic wisdom to cleanse your system and vitalize your health.

If you have not experienced Dr. John’s teachings before, you’re welcome to join this next-level training but we ask that you complete the foundational 7-module Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity program on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

Module 1: Understand Your Physical & Emotional Body Types to Prevent Sickness, Maintain Your Health & Enhance Your Longevity (February 7)


According to Ayurveda, knowing your body type (which you can learn from our dosha quiz), is like having access to the owner’s manual for your car. It will give you the right information about how to prevent sickness, maintain your health, and enhance your longevity. It will provide insight into your strengths, weaknesses, health predispositions, likes, and dislikes. It will also help you identify your longevity imbalances and what action steps you can take to resolve them.

In this first module, you’ll explore the concept of a dosha a Sanskrit term central to Ayurveda which can be translated as “that which can cause problems” three categories or types of substances that are believed to be present in a person’s body and mind. The “three-dosha theory” describes how the quantities and qualities of three fundamental types of substances called wind/air (vāta), bile/fire (pitta), and phlegm/earth-water (kapha) fluctuate in the body according to the seasons, time of day, process of digestion, and several other factors and thereby determine changing conditions of growth, aging, health, and disease. These doshas make up your physical body type and provide answers regarding the health concerns linked to them based on your Ayurvedic Lifecycle.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the “three-dosha theory” of the three types of substances that are believed to be present in a person’s body and mind: wind/air (vāta), bile/fire (pitta), and phlegm/earth-water (kapha)
  • Take the Body Type Quiz to discover your personal dosha and learn how nature intended to keep you in balance
  • Learn how to eat according to your dosha in order to achieve health and inner balance
  • Work on your Ayurvedic psychology with the Emotional Body Type Quiz where you will determine your giving (sattvic), needing (rajasic) and hiding (tamasic) nature which will help define your action steps
  • Learn about the Ayurvedic Lifecycle and prepare yourself for your health predispositions according to your body type

Module 2: Repair the Lining of Your Gut, Lungs & Stomach to Boost Your Immune System (February 14)


In this module, you’ll learn immune boosting strategies that focus on repairing the lining of the gut, lungs, and stomach your first defense in an immune event. We’ll discuss how diet, lifestyle, breathing, and herbal medicines can boost your mood, energy, digestion, and immunity.

A strong immune system is essential and we’re only just learning how essential it is! The immune system is carried by the lymphatic system, which starts in the digestive system. Here we find gut immunity, which makes up some 70% of our immunity. New studies have found that respiratory immunity is directly linked to gut immunity, tying our immune strength to how well we digest.

The key to immunity is found in the inner skin of the body, the epithelium the linings of the digestive and respiratory tracts, where immunity starts. When stress, poor digestion, poor sleep, bad food, and a hectic lifestyle are present, this inner skin lining the digestive and respiratory tracts can be affected and make us more vulnerable to the next cold, flu, allergy, or vaccine reaction.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the cause of epidemics and how to prevent the next one, as stated 2,500 years ago
  • Explore an ancient pranayama breathing technique that has been found to boost immunity 15-fold while activating gamma brain waves linked to increased subtle perception and spirituality
  • Discover why it is so important to train yourself to breathe through the nose at night with mouth tape
  • Find and fix any nutritional deficiencies that compromise immunity
  • Learn the superfoods and essential herbs to support a strong immune system

Module 3: Replace Stress Reduction With Stress Prevention to Protect Your Body From Stress-Related DNA Damage (February 21)


In the West, we have taken tools like yoga, breathing, and meditation and turned them into stress reduction techniques, for which they have proven extremely effective. Traditionally, these techniques were a natural part of a daily and seasonal routine, geared toward enhancing self-awareness and tapping into an inner joy and bliss that allowed stress to be readily released.

Today, science has linked stress to a shorter life, accelerated aging, more frequent sickness, mental health concerns, and most importantly, poor quality of life. According to the longevity science of Ayurveda, doing and accomplishing less is not a solution for stress. Training the nervous system to be calm, centered, and at peace in the face of stress is offered as the key to health, longevity, and happiness.

The techniques in this module have been proven to reset our calm center and protect the body from stress-related DNA damage that directly accelerates aging.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Become bulletproof to stress, going beyond stress reduction to create an inner calm with this week’s breathing practice
  • Discover Effortless Exercise, getting into the zone with a 3-phase nasal breathing workout
  • Draw upon a nurturing self-massage called an Abhyanga to insulate you from stress and powerfully boost your body’s longevity hormone
  • Learn how to reverse the impact of stress on your brain with a special brain-cleansing nasya technique
  • Explore adaptogens, the herbs and vitamins are essential for immunity
  • Discover the science of Sattva to cultivate a quality of purity and peacefulness that replaces stress with happiness

Module 4: Reset Your Sleep Imbalances With Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Therapies for the Best Sleep of Your Life (February 28)


Study after study reinforces the importance of a good night’s sleep. For many, getting those eight hours a night is a challenge. While it is common to think insomnia is caused by having too much energy to settle down and sleep, the actual cause is too little energy being in a deep state of chronic depletion, burnout, or exhaustion.

Most sleep aids offer sedation to arrest the symptoms of a sleep-deprived, overactive mind, further sedating an already exhausted system and rarely addressing the underlying cause of insomnia. Stress and exhaustion disrupt the delicate balance between nature’s circadian rhythms and the body’s biological clocks.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Synchronize your biological clocks for sleep, balancing and resetting your biological clocks to prepare for sleep and implementing rejuvenation therapies for the most common sleep imbalances, such as blood sugar, worry, and exhaustion
  • Get a 69% reset of your circadian rhythms in one easy weekend practice
  • Discover how to drop into deep sleep faster with a bedtime breathing and meditation technique
  • Learn quick pre-sleep insomnia techniques
  • Explore why microdosing melatonin is the only way to go

Module 5: Still Your Mind With Ayurvedic Breathing, Intention & Meditation to Slow Aging, Improve Cognitive Functions & Enhance Your Mood (March 7)


Studies link meditation techniques to better health, increased longevity, decreased DNA damage, improved mood, enhanced cognitive function, fewer visits to the doctor, and much more. The research was so impressive, Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn focused her research on the effects of meditation. She found that certain practices slowed aging by 30% in one study and by 43% in another.

The science mapping the health benefits of breathing, meditation, and intention is cutting edge. According to Ayurveda, what we put our attention on becomes our reality. Science is now suggesting that when we still our minds, balance our respiratory gases (breathing), and then subtly introduce an intention of healing during meditation, the results can be quite significant.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn new exercises for a healthy diaphragm and why it is so critical for health and longevity
  • Experience a breathing practice to boost stem cells and anti-aging factors
  • Discover how the most subtle breath, posture, and intention can be the most powerful tool for healing and spirituality
  • Recognize the mechanisms and meditations for healing prayer and distance healing
  • Practice intention-based healing meditations using Vedic sutras for cravings, strength, immunity, spirituality, and more

Module 6: Stimulate Your Digestive Strength & Gut Immunity to Detoxify Your Body From Pollutants in Your Environment (March 14)


Since the introduction of processed foods, pesticides, and preservatives, our ability to digest well has been severely compromised. According to Ayurveda, 85% of all disease begins with a digestive imbalance and more than 75% of the population complains of some digestive issue. The ability to digest well is directly linked to our ability to detoxify, and with 70 million tons of pollutants dumped into the atmosphere each year, even organic food and spring water are contaminated.

Instead of fixing the root problem, we have been told that taking digestive enzymes or removing hard-to-digest foods such as wheat, grains, dairy, nuts, beans, lectins, tomatoes, and others from our diets are solutions. The reality is that these hard-to-digest foods have a hormetic effect that challenges our digestion system, stimulating digestive strength and gut immunity. In this module, Dr. John troubleshoots each aspect of the digestive system and offers lifestyle, food, and herb options to reset the function and immunity of your digestive system.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the seasonal foods that protect your DNA, lengthen telomeres, and protect against unnecessary aging
  • Discern how to evaluate your liver and gallbladder, the kingpins of digestion, and how to perform a Safe Liver Cleanse
  • Learn Ayurvedic weight balancing and time restricted eating
  • Discover the benefits of walking after each meal
  • Understand how to reboot digestion with foods and herbal medicines

Module 7: Recalibrate Your Circadian Cycle to Prevent Accelerated & Unnecessary Aging & Live Longer (March 21)


A circadian rhythm, or circadian cycle, is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep/wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. It can refer to any process that originates within an organism and responds to the environment. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders are a group of sleep disorders that share the common feature of a disruption in the timing of sleep. Circadian in Latin means “around or approximately” (circa) “a day” (diem). Circadian rhythm is the name given to your body’s 24-hour internal clock that controls your body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Circadian rhythms also affect the turning on and off of our biological clocks that determine the best time to eat, sleep, exercise and even take your herbs and medicines. The average American spends 90% of their time indoors that has created a sunlight and infrared light deficiency that is linked to accelerated and unnecessary aging. Ayurveda tells us that properly transitioning from one season to the next with seasonal foods is the key to preventing disease.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how and why to use red and infrared light therapy naturally to ward off age-related degeneration
  • Learn Dr. Douillard’s personal Ayurvedic 24-hour daily and seasonal routine
  • Understand how each of the sun’s rays change throughout the day, how they affect you, and how they turn your biological clocks off and on
  • Explore how to make seasonal eating easy and enjoyable, according to your body type and the harvest
  • Discern which pranayama breathing techniques are best for each season

Module 8: Explore LifeSpa’s Ayurvedic “Short Home Cleanse” to Reset Your Digestion & Cleanse Your Organs of Pollutants (March 28)


Today, more than 90% of the world’s population are breathing polluted air that is above the safe levels set by the WHO. In this module, Dr. Douillard will guide you through an Ayurvedic detoxification process called LifeSpa’s Short Home Cleanse that is proven to detox pesticides and environmental pollutants by over 50%. It is a 4-day kitchari and ghee cleanse that has been well studied.

Women’s World magazine conducted a focus group with 40 people who performed this cleanse the average cleanser lost 11 pounds and it became the magazine’s next cover story. The Short Home Cleanse is not just a detox it addresses the reason why we become toxic in the first place. It is a digestive reset a liver, lymph, and tissue cleanse that helps heal the intestinal environment and restore a healthy microbiome.

This home Ayurvedic cleanse aims to restore digestive and detoxification function first, before the cleanse. The Short Home Cleanse is not just an intestinal cleanse, but an ancient detox technique now backed by modern science. Studies show this cleanses toxins from deep tissues in the brain, muscles, fat, and joints. The Short Home Cleanse can be done while working or resting, and will be adjusted to your individual sensitivity.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Realize how and why it is so important to cleanse seasonally
  • Be guided through the LifeSpa Short Home Cleanse
  • Learn that ghee is a superfood with over 1,000 health benefits, including pulling chemicals out of our deep tissues
  • Understand why the Ayurvedic superfood kitchari heals and repairs an inflamed intestinal lining and restores a healthy microbiome
  • Explore the best herbs and diet for cleansing in each season

Module 9: Detox Old, Unwanted Emotions to Experience an Unburdened Heart & Mind for Inner Peace & Clarity (April 4)


Ayurveda understands that the old emotional patterns of behavior we carry are primary causes of aging, stress, and degeneration. According to Ayurveda, the result of poor digestion is something called ama, Sanskrit for “raw, undigested, or uncooked.” Mental ama is what Ayurveda calls the emotional toxins stored in both fat and muscle that are responsible for the habit of repeating old, unwanted patterns of emotional behavior.

Studies suggest that up to 95% of our thoughts, actions, and behaviors come from impressions made in the first six years of life. Most of us are locked into repetitive patterns of behavior that unconsciously make us perform the same unproductive or unhealthy behaviors, again and again. Ayurveda recognized this and created tools to help us become conscious. Many of those tools are taught in this course.

Only by becoming aware of when we engage in patterns of behavior that do not serve us, can we change them. In this module, Dr. Douillard will share his Ayurvedic self-inquiry guide and take you step by step through how to free yourself from old, unwanted emotions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to use Ayurveda’s critical self-analysis and Dr. Douillard’s self-inquiry guide
  • Explore how to free yourself from old, unwanted emotions using time-tested Ayurvedic psychology techniques
  • Discover how to change rajasic and tamasic behaviors into sattvic behaviors
  • Practice an Ayurvedic emotional healing meditation and breathing technique

Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity Introductory Training Is Included!


This new, advanced intensive builds upon the core teachings from the Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity 7-module course. When you purchase this 9-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to begin before the new sessions start.

In this 7-module introductory course, Dr. Douillard skillfully shows how to de-stress, balance your emotions, and aid digestion by combining Ayurvedic breathwork, meditation, and diet to enhance your quality of life, vitality, and longevity. In seven sessions, you’ll improve your quality of life as you age, consciously rejuvenating rather than degenerating.

Module 1: Promote Better Digestion, Mood, Energy, Immunity & More by Getting to the Root of Disease

Module 2: Practice the Breath of Immortality for Greater Health & Spiritual Awareness

Module 3: Activate Nobel Prize-Winning Healing in the Space Between Breaths

Module 4: Explore Your Brain’s Lymphatic System to Boost Health, Longevity & Self-Awareness

Module 5: Explore Dietary Changes for Better Digestion & Boosting Longevity

Module 6: Align Your Biological Clock With Nature’s Circadian Rhythms to Energize Your Cells & YOU

Module 7: Discover the Invisible Mechanisms Behind Prayer, Healing, Emotional Freedom & Immortality

PLUS, you’ll get this Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity Bonus:

Intro to Ayurveda
PDF Guide From Dr. John Douillard

The original price of Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for this advanced course!



The Advanced Ayurvedic Practices Bonus Offering

In addition to Dr. John’s introductory training and transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Resolving Mental & Emotional Stress With Ayurveda
Video Dialogue With John Douillard & David Crow

According to Ayurveda, trauma, difficult emotions, and mental stress are recorded in the white matter of the brain as a way of ensuring our survival. Yoga, breathing, meditation, chanting, nasya, and herbs are all Ayurvedic therapies that can help you erase old unwanted impressions and consciously rewrite them. In this conversation with David Crow (author and plant medicine pioneer), John shares strategies for emotional freedom, the bidirectional pathways between the brain and body, how stress is linked to a host of health concerns, and more.


20% Discount on the Short Home Cleanse: Reset Your Digestion & Fat Metabolism in Just 4 Days
One-Time-Use Exclusive Savings Code

Detoxification is a natural and essential process that we go through every day, every month, and every year so don’t miss an opportunity to detox! The Short Home Cleanse (SHC) is designed for those who would like a little taste of what our 14-day Colorado Cleanse is like and for busy folks who don’t have the time for a longer cleanse. Select our free Short Home Cleanse ebook when purchasing the kit which will easily guide you through everything you need to know to successfully complete the 4-day cleanse.


15% Discount at the LifeSpa Online Store for Ayurvedic Supplements & Resources
One-Time-Use Exclusive Savings Code

Wondering where to find the highest quality Ayurvedic health supplements and resources? LifeSpa is Dr. John’s Ayurvedic clinic and supplement company and it’s one of the most popular Ayurvedic resources online. Enjoy 15% off when you spend $50 or more at store.lifespa.com (excluding shipping, taxes, and other fees). The code will be active for six months after the live course is completed.


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What Graduates of Dr. John’s Courses Are Saying...

“This course has brought forward a great desire to learn more about Ayurveda and incorporate it into my life.”

This is the best online course I have taken. There was so much great information shared by Dr. Douillard. He was concise, and his love of the topic and genuine desire to share the information with participants left me always looking forward to the next session. This course has brought forward a great desire to learn more about Ayurveda and incorporate it into my life. Thank you, Dr. Douillard, for demonstrating kindness and caring for the subject and for your students.
Jill, Erin, Canada

“Eternally grateful for all the knowledge you shared and lives you changed.”

The course was amazing. The knowledge we received is priceless. My husband stopped snoring after we started taping our mouths. Also, I used the “inner light” technique sending the healing biophotons to one of my friends. She said the issue stopped the same day I was doing the meditation. She doesn’t have the issue since then. Pretty powerful!!! My husband has high blood pressure. As turned out, he doesn’t know how to do the tummy breathing or diaphragm breathing. It took him a while to learn but his blood pressure is much lower now. It almost works instantly, when you want to drop very high blood pressure. Amazing!!! I am very pleased with this course and Dr. John. Thank you so much. Eternally grateful for all the knowledge you shared and lives you changed.
Luba Serebrenik, Eagan, Minnesota

“I feel calmer and more focused.”

I learned so much! I’m more aware of my breathing and diet. I meditate differently than I did before. I feel calmer and more focused, I think as a result of the breathing techniques.

“I have followed Dr. Douillard for many years, and even so, I found what he had to offer fresh and so very insightful.”

I have followed Dr. Douillard for many years, and even so, I found what he had to offer fresh and so very insightful. He is truly one of a kind with his blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, and I love that he touches on so much of the Ayurvedic philosophy as well as practices. I’d love to see more courses from him.
Kristine Backes, Livingston, Montana


Join the Global Community


Advanced Ayurvedic Practices for a Long, Healthy & Happy Life offers some of the most advanced online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices that Dr. John Douillard will share in this powerful training.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Nine 90-Minute Class Sessions With John Douillard, DC

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from creator of LifeSpa Dr. John Douillard, a globally recognized leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will help you enhance your life and raise your consciousness with advanced, ancient Ayurvedic practices for detoxifying your system, healing your digestion, and restoring your immunity. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 11:00am Pacific.

Nine Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Nine Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Nine Transcripts of Class Sessions

You'll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity 7-Module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 9-module journey, you’ll get instant access to Dr. John’s first 7-module online course, taking you through his reliable system for de-stressing, balancing your emotions, and aiding digestion by combining Ayurvedic breathwork, meditation, and diet to enhance your quality of life, vitality, and longevity.

The Advanced Ayurvedic Practices Bonus Offering
  • Resolving Mental & Emotional Stress With Ayurveda
    Video Dialogue With John Douillard & David Crow
  • 20% Discount on the Short Home Cleanse: Reset Your Digestion & Fat Metabolism in Just 4 Days
    One-Time-Use Exclusive Savings Code
  • 15% Discount at the LifeSpa Online Store for Ayurvedic Supplements & Resources
    One-Time-Use Exclusive Savings Code

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Advanced Ayurvedic Practices for a Long, Healthy & Happy Life


We feel honored that John Douillard, DC has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the creator of LifeSpa and a globally recognized leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about raising your consciousness with advanced ancient Ayurvedic practices for detoxifying your system, healing your digestion, and restoring your immunity, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Note: If you’re a graduate of Dr. John’s 7-module course, Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Advanced Ayurvedic Practices for a Long, Healthy & Happy Life or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before February 21, 2023 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. John Douillard, DC...

“... a HUGE gain in health.”

As an editor for such publications as Yoga Journal and Natural Health, I see a lot of “detox plans.” [Dr. John Douillard’s Colorado Cleanse] is a cleanse based on a clear understanding of body dynamics. It’s not about suffering fasting, denial but about working with your own body rhythms to create better health. My own results were undeniable: I lost 11 pounds. More important, my blood pressure dropped from 160/98 to 125/75. That is a HUGE gain in health.
Hillari Dowdle, Editor, Yoga Journal

“Dr. John Douillard takes the analysis of food sensitivities deeper to get at the root causes.”

Combining insights from modern scientific research and the brilliant, ancient system of Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. John Douillard takes the analysis of food sensitivities deeper to get at the root causes.
Timothy McCall, MD, author of Yoga as Medicine, co-editor of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care, and medical editor for Yoga Journal

“... helped me on game days, when I needed energy most.”

The 3-Season Diet is very informative. It helped me on game days, when I needed energy most.
Kendall Gill, former team captain, the NBA’s New Jersey Nets

“Great practices with tangible results in short periods.”

I am a medical doctor, and really loved all the talks. Very good information with scientific evidence. Great practices with tangible results in short periods. I really enjoyed the course and will go back to the information.
Claudia Guzman, MD, Bogotá, Colombia

“Dr. John has a way of articulating information in a way that makes it understandable, applicable, and thus truly transformational.”

This course with Dr. John was phenomenal. I’m a health coach and I’ve done a lot of training and online courses, and this was the BEST one I’ve ever taken. Dr. John has a way of articulating information in a way that makes it understandable, applicable, and thus truly transformational. The knowledge and insight I’ve gained from this course are invaluable and will serve me for the rest of my life.
Michelle Brown, health coach, Topeka, Kansas


About Dr. John Douillard, DC


Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, is a globally recognized leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He’s the creator of LifeSpa.com, the leading Ayurvedic health and wellness online resource, which offers thousands of free articles, ebooks, and videos. LifeSpa combines ancient wisdom with modern science to evolve the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, disseminating information to more than 105,000 newsletter subscribers and through more than 11 million YouTube views.

Dr. John is the former director of player development for the NBA’s New Jersey Nets, and was a repeat guest on The Dr. Oz Show. He’s the author of seven health books (including the bestsellers Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet), a teacher of several online courses, and the director of LifeSpa Ayurvedic Clinic (the 2013 Holistic Wellness Center of the Year) in Boulder, Colorado.


Frequently Asked Questions


Note: If you’re a graduate of Dr. John’s 7-module course, Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is February 21, 2023. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you’re a graduate of Dr. John’s 7-module course, Ayurvedic Secrets for Longevity, go to this special link to access your exclusive offer for this intensive!
