With Medical Intuitive, Energy Medicine Teacher & Author
Ellen Meredith
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Use all your senses to develop your own rich, personalized energy medicine vocabulary to communicate with your body in its own language and experience self-healing and deeper wellbeing.

You don’t have to be psychic to sense energy...

You already have built-in equipment for sensing energy and you can use your everyday senses to enter into dialogue with your body.

In fact, right this very moment, just under the surface of your awareness, your body, mind, and spirit are using energetic signals to communicate constantly with one another.

And by learning how to work with your own energy, you can activate your body’s healing wisdom and strengthen your resilience.

Join us for a 7-step immersion into a fun, practical, hands-on process called energy dialogue, with its creator, Ellen Meredith. Ellen is a medical intuitive and energy medicine teacher who will guide you to master energy dialogue…

… empowering you to participate more successfully in your own healing as you activate your body’s built-in capacity to thrive.

Throughout this live video course, you’ll explore and play with core concepts and learn simple-yet-effective energy exercises as you develop your own individualized ability to understand and speak your body’s energetic language .

Ellen will guide you to create your own energy exercises and energy vocabulary as you explore your unique subtle energies.

Her energy dialogue technique is a restorative way of communicating with your body in its own language to identify what’s needed and activate your miraculous ability to heal.

You can mend blocked or unbalanced energies that underlie illness and dis-ease and unlearn habits that lead to illness or disturbed moods or behaviors.

Working with your own energies in this way also empowers you to improve your vitality and physical wellbeing, and enhances your capacity to participate in (and enjoy!) the tasks of life.

Combining her own unique style of healing with the Eden Energy Medicine approach of Donna Eden, Ellen has helped thousands use energy medicine and the language of the body to get to the heart of physical, emotional, and life challenges, and to access their own innate propensity for healing.

No one knows your body, mind, and spirit better than you do... and with the right tools and practices, you can become your own best healer​.

During this self-empowering seven weeks with Ellen, you’ll explore how to:

  • Use Ellen’s simple energy dialogue technique (you’ll start communicating with your body, mind, and spirit from day one of the course!)
  • Understand subtle energies… and see how they’re influenced by, and derive meaning from, environment and placement and how they’re organized, anchored, and contained by shapes
  • Clear templates of stored experience that are running your autopilot and steering your ship awry
  • Access your body’s innate guidance system
  • Respond to your body’s communications in the language of energy to deepen into true communion between body, mind, and spirit
  • Create meaningful energy conversations that allow you to attune to and embody your spirit’s unique nature
  • Develop an effective private code that’s unique to you
  • Apply methods for rewiring your nervous system using energy dialogue
  • Use both everyday perceptions and inner senses to read energies
  • Use touch, gesture, imagery, light, and color to communicate with your body, mind, and spirit
  • Apply methods to know yourself more fully, based on deeper truths of your nature

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Ellen will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to develop a rich, personalized vocabulary of energy medicine and activate your body’s miraculous ability to heal.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Ellen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to speak your body’s language for self-healing and deeper wellbeing.

Module 1: Diving Into the Language of Energy (October 28)

Your body (The Earth Elemental Self), mind (The Talking Self), and spirit (The Wiser Self) are constantly talking with one another using a rich vocabulary of sound, light, vibration, imagery, sensations, and more.

Imagine what it would mean to speak the lingo and to be able to participate, moment by moment, in your creation of self. In this opening session, you’ll discover that the language of energy is not a metaphor! Nor is it a foreign language you knew how to speak it as an infant.

Using Ellen’s simple energy dialogue technique, you’ll start communicating with your body , mind, and spirit from day one.

Ellen will share how ongoing energy dialogue will help you access inner guidance and activate the amazing built-in powers of your body to heal.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize, and dialogue with, the full spectrum of your being
  • The ways your pain and symptoms communicate so you can respond in language they understand
  • Methods for rewiring your nervous system using energy dialogue
  • How to set up a total-immersion experience for yourself to relearn this first language
  • An energy exercise to tune into, shift, and enhance your energy

Module 2: Sensing Subtle Energies (November 4)

You likely already sense subtle energies within and around you... but you might not always recognize the messages you’re receiving.

In this class, you’ll explore your built-in equipment for sensing energy and perceiving messages.

You’ll get hands-on experience with using your everyday senses to enter into dialogue with your body and to become better acquainted with your extended senses.

Come ready to play, to dialogue with “owies” and to listen for the inner guidance system that activates as you turn on your capacity to perceive and recognize subtle messages of the body, mind, and spirit.

In this module, you’ll explore how to:

  • Recognize which unique perceptions work best for you
  • Use both everyday perceptions and inner senses to read energies
  • Use extended senses in ways that are grounded and illuminating
  • Train your mind to learn from your body and spirit
  • Clear fear, ease ego, and welcome your Wiser Self with an energy exercise that helps you open to explorations

Module 3: Your First Words as You ‘Speak Energy’ (November 11)

How do you build meaning in life? As you’ll explore this week, it’s a process that walks hand-in-hand with learning a language.

As an infant you learned to codify and express your experience in multidimensional ways in words, gestures, sounds, movements, touch, imagery, and more.

Now, to “speak energy” as an adult, you can work with the same kinds of building blocks you used as a kid.

You’ll discover why it’s so essential to not just decode the meanings held in your body, but to also use energy communication to encode NEW meanings.

In this module, you’ll discover how to:

  • Use holophrases (the right energy vocabulary for the job) to shift your energy
  • Develop an effective private code, using personalized vocabulary that’s unique to you
  • Use touch, gesture, imagery, light, and color to communicate with your body, mind, and spirit
  • Open what Ellen calls your “cabinets of wonders”
  • Create an energy unity to shift your physical energies easily toward a more healthy configuration (such as lowering blood pressure, clearing chronic symptoms, and more)

Module 4: Exploring Energy Patterning Including Sound, Rhythm, Movement & Breath (November 18)

Energy moves in patterns.

Just as language gets richer and more meaningful when you combine words into phrases, the language of energy gets more effective when you work with the ways in which energy organizes itself in the body, mind, and spirit.

Ellen will guide you to dive deeper into exploring energy patterns including sound, rhythm, movement, and breath.

As you’ll see, this work can be liberating, joyous, and amazing as you experience your body and mind responding more and more to your evolving ability to speak their language!

In this class, you’ll learn how to use:

  • Baseline patterns of energy movement (and methods to work with them in meaningful ways)
  • Sound and rhythm to activate your core and support energies to move the way they are designed to move
  • Your core note to strengthen your deepest energy foundation
  • Various basic patterns of energy movement to influence your body’s and mind’s energies
  • A simple energy self-test

Module 5: Working With Context to Influence Your Health & Wellbeing (December 2)

Have you ever said something out of the blue, only to be met with a blank stare?

Have you shared some hard-won insight gleaned from your experience, only to have someone argue with you as if it’s just an abstract thought?

You’ll explore why it’s so helpful to choose the right place and time when expressing yourself. With energy, context matters...

Ellen will share how subtle energies are influenced by and derive meaning from environment and placement. They’re organized, anchored, and contained by shapes.

You’ll experience the art of working with context to influence your health and wellbeing.

Just like choosing the right place and time to say something, your energy dialogue will be more effective when you tap into the power of shapes and placement as well as important aspects of your inner guidance system: instinct and intention.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the influence of shapes on your subtle energies and health
  • Find your core shape
  • Learn to work with your animal instincts, including scent and taste
  • Discover how to adjust the flames that fuel hormonal communications and tell the body what to fund energetically
  • Play with placement as it affects your web of meaning

Module 6: Constructing a Self (December 9)

The “self” in self-healing is important.

The self is your ongoing composition in the language of energy: your body is made of energy… energy fuels the self, and energy organizes its operations.

You’ll explore how part of your work in this life is to create a self and assign meaning to your experience.

That creation (body, mind, and spirit) has built-in protections and learns from experience. It stores these learnings as templates that basically operate your physical, mental, and emotional autopilots.

As Ellen will share, creating a self and assigning meaning to your experience is a practical way to understand the workings of your energetic being so you can recognize why your body and mind behave the way they do… and evolve a more fruitful, healthy, and loving communion with them.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Get to know your gatekeeper your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic immune system
  • Learn to access and bring in radiance, the cosmic partner of your gatekeeper
  • Clear templates of stored experience that are running your autopilot and steering your ship awry
  • Find balance between radiance and gatekeeping

Module 7: Energetic Truths of Your Nature (December 16)

What feeds you? What guides your choices, moment by moment and day by day?

On one hand, you’re a creature of nature and so nature provides the grammar for your creation of self.

You’re composed of elements. Like all the physical world, you’re subject to cycles, and you’re guided by creature instincts.

Ellen will explain how you’re also a being that spans a spectrum of body, mind, and spirit AND you’re fed from multiple dimensions... including the realms of spirit.

In this class, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to use spirit feeds to enrich your ability to communicate with mind and body
  • How the elements of water, wood, fire, earth, metal, and air can be harnessed to support healing, balance, and wellbeing
  • The ways cycles work to support your evolution and growth
  • Methods to help you know yourself more fully, based on deeper truths of your nature
  • How to appreciate and trust the internal authority that arises from listening to your energies and speaking their language

The Language of Subtle Energy Bonus Collection

In addition to Ellen’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Grounding & Taking Root in Multiple Dimensions
9-Part Audio Teaching From Ellen Meredith

Your energies are part of a larger web of connections that feeds you… and occasionally drains you. How can you ground yourself in ways that allow you to benefit from your multidimensional connections while also keeping your distinct energies working on their own terms? These nine short audio teachings can help you close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided into various dimensions of grounding.

Everyday Divination: Finding Insight Everywhere You Look
Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Ellen Meredith

Divination is the art of using symbols or objects to awaken your intuition. Watch as Ellen demonstrates how to put together your own divination tool using objects from your everyday life and to use everyday divination in a light and playful way, opening the door to deeper dialogue with the energies of your body, mind, and spirit.

The Turning Wheel of Change: Navigating Personal & Global Shifts
PDF Excerpts From Ellen Meredith’s Groundbreaking Book

In 1993, Ellen published Listening In: Dialogues With the Wiser Self to critical acclaim. As you move through the excerpts of this classic channeled book, you’ll discover insights into personal spiritual evolution presented in a grounded, relatable way. Now in this time of great personal and global change, more people are awakening to inner guidance and seeking these larger perspectives.

What People Are Saying About Ellen Meredith…

Jacki Crawford: “Ellen’s Class Changed Everything for Me”

Shura Gat: “Ellen Offers Such a Unique Combination of Intellectual and Metaphysical Brilliance”

Karen and John Onofrio: “If I Didn’t Have All of Ellen’s Teachings, I Don’t Think John Would Be Here Today”

Stacy Newman: “Ellen’s Techniques Helped Me Clear Up Life-Threatening Allergies, So I Truly Owe Her My Life”

Julie Fowler: “It Works, It’s Fun to Do, and It’s Simple”

Eduardo Bernal Garcia and Claudia Alvarez Chiang: “You Can’t Stop Smiling When You Are With Her”

“… a perfect recipe for connecting with the Divine!”

Ellen Meredith… is a master in her field. Her workshops are the perfect combination of theory and practicum. Ellen then adds her healthy sprinkle of wit and wisdom… a perfect recipe for connecting with the Divine!
FB, San Diego

“These techniques are “user friendly” and yet so powerful.”
[Ellen Meredith’s] class was a revelation for me, and each day since, I’ve become more and more aware of how important the content we covered was, for both those of us who are practitioners and those of us who just want to live more fully and freely. The material is laid out in a logical and invigorating manner, and Ellen brings such humanity, humor, and insight into every moment of her teaching. These techniques are “user friendly” and yet so powerful. I couldn’t recommend this class more highly.
Nicole K., New York

"Ellen has an easy, natural way of conveying energy wisdom with grace, humor, and love.”

Thinking outside the box means changing your focus to the person rather than the disease; dialoguing with the energies rather than fixing them; being with your client on his or her journey to wholeness, rather than healing or curing them; and healing in relation to our environment… Ellen gives us many options for centering, grounding, and sourcing both our own and our clients’ energies. As a teacher, Ellen has an easy, natural way of conveying energy wisdom with grace, humor, and love.
Karen E Adamo, CHt, New Jersey

“… a very passionate, charismatic teacher and healer who makes a difference in our field of energy healing.”
[Ellen Meredith] enables us to powerfully peer into the elusive territory of the healing process. I’ve gained a deepened awareness through experiencing as well as giving the protocols that Ellen has shared... Ellen is a very passionate, charismatic teacher and healer who makes a difference in our field of energy healing.
Angela Walsh Denis, EEM-AP, San Diego

“… broadened my understanding of energy medicine… [and] expanded my appreciation of healing…”
[Ellen Meredith’s] class broadened my understanding of energy medicine. It expanded my appreciation of healing, of being a witness to a client’s healing, [shifting me] from a linear perception to three dimensions. It awakened me as to how I can help my client dialogue with the deepest parts of themselves, and thus guide them towards deeper levels of wellbeing and vitality. Being able to enter a healing space is central, because this is where we are able to communicate with our deeper selves and the sources that nourish us.
A.C., EEM-CLP, New Jersey

“… leads me to broaden and clarify my perspective on healing and discover new opportunities…”

I love the way Ellen speaks about healing and intuition… She always leads me to broaden and clarify my perspective on healing and discover new opportunities to effect my own and others’ health and wellness. I leave feeling more intuitive! She also makes it very clear that each of us has the skill to develop a healing mind and healing hands.

“… clear, fun, and practical.”

Ellen is very down to earth, and her teaching was clear, fun, and practical. I found the class quite helpful, and appreciate her perspective about being in tune with our own form of intuition, and honoring the insights we are given by paying attention, and learning how to listen with whichever senses offer us the gift of knowledge.

“… a master teacher who is able to deliver deep, profound wisdom with incredible fun and lightness.”

Ellen has given us a great key to unlocking more intuition, more meaning, and more joy in our lives… [She] is a master teacher who is able to deliver deep, profound wisdom with incredible fun and lightness.
Emily L. Butler, EEMAP

“… a better sense of… what my healing work is about for self and others…”

I came away with a better sense of… what my healing work is about for self and others… Ellen’s style is open, empowering, based on unconditional acceptance. Yet there’s rigor and precision as well. For me the experience was life changing; I’d recommend it to anyone.
V.G., New York City

“… just being in her presence brings your vibration up…”

Ellen Meredith is a warm, down-to-earth, and knowledgeable healer. She is a natural and engaging teacher and just being in her presence brings your vibration up…
S. Ortiz, Maryland

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Ellen Meredith

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from medical intuitive, energy medicine teacher, and author Ellen Meredith from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to speak your body’s language for self-healing and deeper wellbeing.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Language of Subtle Energy Bonus Collection
  • Grounding & Taking Root in Multiple Dimensions
    9-Part Audio Teaching From Ellen Meredith
  • Everyday Divination: Finding Insight Everywhere You Look
    Video Teaching With PDF Companion From Ellen Meredith
  • The Turning Wheel of Change: Navigating Personal & Global Shifts
    PDF Excerpts From Ellen Meredith’s Groundbreaking Book

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Ability to Heal & Thrive Using the Language of Subtle Energy Online Training

We feel honored that Ellen Meredith has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a medical intuitive, energy medicine teacher, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about using all your senses to develop a rich, personalized vocabulary of energy medicine, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Ability to Heal & Thrive Using the Language of Subtle Energy or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before November 11, 2020 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Ellen Meredith…


Donna Eden, energy medicine pioneer and author of Energy Medicine

“ ...warm, rich, informative, and generous...”

This warm, rich, informative, and generous book is essential reading both for practitioners and for those who would like to unlock the healing power of energy in their lives.
Dawson Church, bestselling author of  The Genie in Your Genes

“... exercises [that] are just right for discovering your own personal language that your body is speaking.”

This book is destined to be on the top of your reference stack. Again and again you’ll reach for it when you’re curious about what your body is telling you or when you want more insight. The wisdom here is incredible and the exercises are just right for discovering your own personal language that your body is speaking. Ellen Meredith gives you the very tools you need to unlock this language that is waiting patiently for your arrival for your own personal miracles.
Lauren Walker, creator and author of  The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription

“A treasure!”

A treasure!... I know the amazing value these techniques provide, personally and for my students and clients.
Devi Stern, MS, EEMAP, Author of  Energy Healing With the Kabbalah

“... powerful both for beginners and for energy medicine practitioners...”

Ellen weaves an energetic tapestry that awakens you into a deeper experience of the soul. It’s powerful both for beginners and for energy medicine practitioners, who can learn to listen to their innate wisdom and dialogue using the ‘language the body speaks.’”
Dr. Melanie Smith, DOM, AP, EEMAP of Well Within Natural Medicine, Inc., and author of the Energy Mastery for Healthy Living online series

“Ellen Meredith never disappoints....”

Ellen Meredith never disappoints... Drawing from ancient wisdom and her own experience, she effortlessly weaves and creates protocols that get results and that are enjoyable to do, which means you will do them!
Madison King, writer and teacher

“A guide to hearing, understanding, and dancing with the vital forces that animate your body.”

David Feinstein, PhD, co-author of  The Energies of Love

“... [teaches] you to dance with life and find your way home to your fully realized, vibrant self.”

... breathes life into the connection between mind, body, and spirit... This book will teach you to dance with life and find your way home to your fully realized, vibrant self.
The Sunday Independent

“Ellen is an engaging teacher, and her brilliant insights and observations are not to be missed!”
[Ellen Meredith’s] techniques are truly revolutionary! Like all truly profound healing tools, they are elegantly simple to learn and use, and you can achieve dramatic results immediately. Ellen is an engaging teacher, and her brilliant insights and observations are not to be missed!
Jill Carter, EEM-AP, Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program faculty

About Ellen Meredith

Ellen Meredith, Doctor of Arts, is an energy medicine practitioner, medical intuitive, conscious channel, teacher, and author. She’s been in practice since 1984, helping over 10,000 clients and students around the globe tune in to and communicate with their own energies, hear their inner guidance, and heal.

Ellen is renowned for her down-to-earth, yet out-of-the box thinking. Originally trained as a healer by her inner teachers (Councils), Ellen later became an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEMAP) and has served on Donna Eden’s faculty since 2010.

Ellen brings humanity, humor, and insight in many forms to the world of energy healing. Her approach to self-healing with energy medicine offers students ways to understand and get to the heart of their health and life challenges, and to work compassionately with their body, mind, and spirit. She builds on everyday experiences and common-sense frameworks, believing that life reveals more of its meaning if you treat it as an evolving story and see yourself as a unique character helping to co-create it.

Ellen Meredith is the author of The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-Healing With Energy Medicine… Listening In: Dialogues With the Wiser Self... and In Search of Radiance: Learning to Stand With Your Wiser Self.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
