Writer, and Co-Founder of 1 Million Empaths
Bevin Niemann
Learn proven practices for releasing fear, anxiety, and other difficult feelings, moving stuck energies, and holding your energetic space as a vital, resilient empath or HSP.

Now more than ever, empaths and HSPs (highly sensitive persons) can benefit greatly from learning to master their energetic fields...
It’s an especially important time to look inward and stop picking up and absorbing the chaotic energy around you.
As an empath or HSP, your innate propensity to focus on external stimuli can block your connection to your own energy system, which can cause you to push aside your feelings and needs.
So, while you overload on the energies of the collective, you may also be suppressing your own difficult emotions — which can be a double whammy on your nervous and immune systems.
That’s because stuck emotions can become energetically lodged in your body, creating opportunistic conditions for physical and emotional dis-ease.
This is the time, according to Bevin Niemann, a writer, life purpose coach, and co-founder of 1 Million Empaths, to focus on yourself — and it is NOT selfish, she assures us.
For empaths and HSPs, it’s critically important to find and work judiciously on maintaining your Personal Energetic Baseline.
This powerful tool is your unique energy signature, which vibrates and hums at a particular resonance when it’s operating at a healthy state.
You can become so aware of this vibration over time that you immediately recognize when your energy field is disharmonious — and this awareness allows you to mindfully begin shifting back toward wholeness.
During these self-empowering eight sessions with Bevin, she’ll help you find, or perhaps reestablish, this crucial energetic baseline, while you also learn how to perceive your physical body as a powerful antenna that can alert you to subtle shifts in your energy.
You’ll also explore how, in order for an empath or HSP to truly be healthy and vital, you must not only pay attention to your body, but provide it with everything it needs to thrive.
You’ll discover how to provide your system with what it needs — lovingly and kindly, and without judgment (like you would a child or a pet).
AND you’ll understand that you already have everything it takes to do this...
You’re Stronger & More Resilient Than You Think

Born with a more responsive nervous system, keener intuition, and the ability to notice subtle shifts in energy fields, you’ve lived your life amid the “static” of extra sensory information all along.
Yet, your coping mechanisms may have clouded your awareness of these empathic characteristics as the powerful skills they are, maybe even preventing you from entirely owning them — and, thus, the whole of your truly amazing Self.
Perhaps you’ve played it small or become a chameleon in your relationships and work environment — shouldering the collective energy, going with others’ flows, and not taking up space.
You may even think of yourself as fragile, but in actuality, you’ve courageously navigated your own challenges and unease, all while sensing — and perhaps even taking on — the energies of everyone around you.
This makes you stronger — and incredibly resilient, Bevin stresses. You’ve earned the right to celebrate these gifts — innate powers that, when made conscious, can help you thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
During this self-nourishing 8-step online journey with Bevin, you’ll discover the tools and practices you need to open to and build upon the intuitiveness, strength, and resilience you’ve always had.
You’ll discover:
- Ways to notice when your energy is contracted and when it’s expansive — and how to identify YOUR specific body cues and the messages they’re sending you
- How to discern whether the stories you’ve been telling yourself about being an empath are no longer serving you — and how to rewrite a more empowering story
- Your own deep, residing inner calm and connection you can tune in to at any time
- How to honor every time you’ve made it through a hardship, overcome a difficulty, or healed from a trauma
- How consciously choosing people, environments, and activities for yourself changes everything
- Why being self-focused is NOT selfish — it’s necessary for your health and vitality
- How to recognize the signs you’re reaching the breaking point of overwhelm — before you get there
- Why to be a compassionate witness when your inner empath child cries, resists, is exhausted, or acts out
- How to reflect on the truth that people are not projects, and how to notice when your “inner fixer” pops up
- An intuitive journaling exercise to discover words and vibrations that no longer serve you
- The ripple effect of a planetary web of empaths, lightworkers, and conscious leaders — and why you may be called to a different type of sacred work than anyone else you know
- Ways to influence others through your authentic way of being, shining your light, and being a sacred mirror
- And much more...

Bevin has been highly perceptive since childhood. Through a series of spiritually transcendent experiences at age seven, she discovered how to astral travel, communicate with her ancestors, and sense energy.
The host of our Evolutionary Empath Summit, she’s helped thousands of empaths, HSPs, and intuitives discover, honor, and master their perceptive gifts — for self-empowerment, personal and spiritual growth, and to follow their souls’ callings.
There comes a time in the life of an empath or HSP... a defining moment when a conscious choice is made to “be different,” to step into a more authentic, empowering, and liberating way of living...
Now is perhaps the best time yet to explore this different way of being, to see yourself and your life as an empath or HSP in a whole new way, and to be supported in taking the first steps into this new life.
It’s all in striking a balance... trusting and owning your gifts as an empath or HSP, and allowing them to guide and ground you — without giving too much of your emotional energy to others, so they can be the stewards of their own “energetic business.”
When you learn to do this, you’ll mine the many benefits that come with successfully navigating your challenges. You’ll also have grown more fully into the self-compassionate, patient, and courageous Self you were born to be.
Most people are born into separateness and their journey is to understand their place in the Oneness. Empaths innately know from a very young age that we are all one.
As an empath or HSP, your life journey is to learn how to be an individual in your humanness, to stand firmly and clearly in your own energy, distinct from others... this is how you can thrive AND help others courageously walk their own journeys.
What You’ll Discover in These 8 Modules
In this 8-part transformational intensive, Bevin will guide you through proven practices to tune in to your energetic field — so you can lovingly, kindly, and without judgment provide your system with what it needs to be healthy and vital.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Bevin. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to master your energetic field as an empath or highly sensitive person.
Module 1: Recalibrating Your Personal Energetic Baseline

Empathic souls so easily pick up and absorb the energy of everything and everyone around them. When you’re focusing on all these external stimuli, it blocks the connection to your own energy system.
In this opening session, you’ll explore Bevin’s powerful tool, the Personal Energetic Baseline. It’s your unique energy signature, which vibrates and hums at a particular resonance when it’s operating at a healthy state.
You’ll become so aware of this vibration over time that you’ll immediately recognize when your energy field is disharmonious — and as you’ll discover, this awareness will allow you to mindfully begin shifting back towards wholeness.
In this first module, you’ll explore:
- How to discern whether the stories you’ve been telling yourself about being an empath (for example, Constant drama and pain are just normal for me, I’m too sensitive, I’m an oddball, I don’t want to be seen, etc.) are no longer serving you — and how to rewrite a more empowering story
- Your own deep, residing inner calm and connection, which you can tune in to at any time
- How to honor every time you’ve made it through a hardship, overcome a difficulty, or healed from a trauma
- How consciously choosing people, environments, and activities for yourself changes everything
- A guided exercise to access your inner vibratory hum
Module 2: Your Body Is a Powerful Antenna

Most empaths, especially those who are highly intuitive, can easily forget they even have physical bodies.
For years, Bevin assumed her body was simply there to support her mind and heart. She dragged it around behind her, as she explains it, and didn’t pay much attention to what it needed.
Bevin will share the powerful truth she’s learned since then: that her physical body is a sacred vessel and a powerful antenna — and so is yours.
You’ll discover how your body alerts you to subtle (and not-so-subtle) shifts in energy...
... and why, for you to be truly healthy and vital as an empath, you must not only pay attention to your body, but provide it with everything it needs to thrive.
In this session, Bevin will guide you to discover:
- What’s happening when you feel a certain body part tensing or reacting — and how it’s sending a signal that you’re picking up on what’s changing in your immediate physical environment and beyond
- How to drop back into your body when you’ve been floating out in the ethers
- Ways to notice when your energy is contracted and when it’s expansive — and how to identify YOUR specific body cues and the messages they’re sending you
- How to provide your body with what it needs, lovingly and kindly, without judgment — as though you’re caring for a child or a pet
- A powerful exercise for creating uplifting “bookend” routines: a morning routine to transition out of the resting dream state and integrate into the world... and an evening routine to release what you’ve absorbed from the external world and move back into the sleep/renewal cycle
Module 3: Nurturing Your Inner Empath Child

If you’re like most empaths, your gifts and challenges emerged in early childhood. And because you were born with a more responsive nervous system, the burden of noticing shifts in your energy fields was likely very overwhelming...
You’ll discover how common it is for you as an empath to revert back to your infant self when you experience fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, or pain...
If you didn’t receive the compassionate support you needed as a child, you’re certainly not alone. As you’ll discover, though, it’s entirely possible to provide nurturing and healing in the present for your empathic inner child.
In this session you’ll discover:
- Why being self-focused is NOT selfish — it’s necessary for your health and vitality
- How to recognize the signs you’re reaching the breaking point of overwhelm — before you get there
- Why to be a compassionate witness when your inner empath child cries, resists, is exhausted, or acts out
- When to be out in the world and when it’s best to return to your sensitive sanctuary
- How to choose when, where, what, with whom, and how much to interact
- An illuminating timeline-walk exercise to answer the question, When did you first internalize the idea that focusing on you is selfish?
Module 4: Your Inner Circle Begins With You

Empaths need to connect deeply with other empaths — like everyone else, you need people you can reach out to at any time...
Friends who’ll happily listen as you share what’s true for you in the moment — even if it feels uncomfortable or intense.
In this session, you’ll discover how your inner circle doesn’t have to be large at all — perhaps 4–5 people who are also deep thinkers, with huge hearts who are also givers. In fact, it’s quite possible that you’ll find or expand your circle with the community of course participants!
You’ll also explore the many ways knowing and loving yourself leads to knowing and loving others — and why it’s so important to understand that your inner circle begins with you.
- Learn from Bevin’s powerful story of isolating herself for years, without reaching out or inviting friends over — and what happened seven years ago, when she realized she longed for a small inner circle of trusted friends and loved ones
- Understand who you are, how you intend to show up, what strengths, characteristics, and values you bring to relationships — and how to shift your vibration to attract others like you (and where to find them!)
- Discover how to use discernment and take new relationships slowly, allowing them to unfold organically
- Reflect on the truth that people are not projects, and how to notice when your “inner fixer” pops up
- Participate in an intuitive journaling exercise to discover words and vibrations that no longer serve you
Module 5: Allowing Yourself to Be Seen & Heard

As an empath, you’ve likely had to become a masterful chameleon.
Because you’re able to step directly into another person’s experience, it can be easy to shift and change your colors to match what you believe someone else wants or needs.
If you’ve been merging into the background of your life, this class is a gentle invitation to allow yourself to be seen and heard.
You’ll explore how most people on Earth are born into separateness and their journey is to understand their place in the Oneness...
And by contrast, empaths like you have always known that we are all One... and so your life journey is learning how to be an individual in your humanness — and to stand firmly and clearly in your own energy.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover why fences (personal boundaries) make good neighbors
- Understand passive, aggressive, and assertive energies
- Recognize when you’re mirroring other people too often
- Activate your throat chakra to speak what’s true for you
- Participate in a deep-listening exercise with a partner, with each of you sharing what your favorite color says about you — while the listening partner holds compassionate space
Module 6: The Infinite Flow of Giving & Receiving

As an empath, you’re most likely a giver who looks for every opportunity to help and to serve.
And at some point, most empaths give in to their rescuer tendency. You see someone else hurting and want to make it better. Not just for their sake, but so you can stop feeling their pain...
You’ll explore the many ways empaths struggle with the giving/receiving cycle — whether that’s accepting a compliment, asking for help when you need it, or even “bothering” your doctor with a visit...
In this class, you’ll:
- Learn why there’s a natural flow to the Universe, a continuous in-receiving and out-giving
- Discover why, if you’ve always been the giver, receiving can make you feel uncomfortable, like you’re selfish or narcissistic
- Explore why receiving doesn’t mean you need to pay someone back when they do something nice for you
- Discover why being a gracious receiver means believing you deserve to have loving relationships, a healthy body, enough financial abundance to care of yourself, meaningful work, a calm mind, joy, laughter, and more
- Move through an illuminating infinity-symbol exercise that reveals deep truths about your relationship to both giving and receiving
Module 7: Integrating Your Intuitive & Intellectual Minds

Empaths are known for their powerful, intuitive minds. You likely receive “knowings” in a flash, without being able to describe how you know.
Intuitive messages come in many different forms: a phrase in a book you’re reading, a conversation with a friend, a phrase that jumps out from a sign on the side of the road, a song lyric, dreams, or a voice within...
These intuitive messages also appear repeatedly, until you take notice.
You’ll come to understand the role of your intellectual mind, how it integrates with your intuition... and how to use these entwined gifts effectively in your life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn how to respond when your intellectual mind steps in and begins to cast doubt on your intuition
- Discover why some intuitive messages seem straightforward while others are abstract and difficult to interpret
- Understand how your intuitive mind is connected to Universal Mind
- Distinguish between fear and intuition
- Practice honing your intuition on “small things” — and learn how to work your way up to more consequential life events
- Participate in an exercise where you’ll process a life-changing intuitive download — and offer forgiveness to yourself when you didn’t listen to your inner knowing in the past
Module 8: Expanding Your Inner Knowing Into Outer Action

Empaths often feel a strong calling to make our planet a better place.
You probably know how it feels to look out your window and see the things that could be changed — to bring about a universal vibration of hope, peace, equity, collaboration, and respect.
In this final step of your journey, you’ll explore how leadership begins with the self.
As you’ll discover, true leadership expands to your inner circle — and how you show up with those you care for the most.
From there, leadership extends past your inner circle into your community, your workplace, the causes you volunteer for, the communities you connect with, and more.
Leadership culminates in legacy and how you extend a hand back to those who are walking the path right behind you — creating something sustainable for the next generation who will serve.
As you reflect on your time in this course, you’ll celebrate every moment of progress in YOUR own life — and in the world around you...
In your closing session with Bevin, she’ll guide you to explore:
- Why touching one life can mean touching millions of lives
- The ripple effect of a planetary web of empaths, lightworkers, and conscious leaders — and why you may be called to a different type of sacred work than anyone else you know
- Ways to influence others through your authentic way of being, shining your light, and being a sacred mirror
- How to begin with one divinely inspired action, then another, then another, to build momentum
- A guided exercise to identify what lights you up, what drains you — and how you can perform more of the work that energizes you
The Mastering Your Energetic Field Bonus Collection
In addition to Bevin’s transformative virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Empaths Are Not Here to Transmute Other People’s Energy
PDF Guide From Bevin Niemann

Should you always read the energy of those around you, just because you can? In this guide for overwhelmed sensitive souls, you’ll find practical tips and strategies for taking conscious control of your energy field, time, attention and focus — and develop a higher sense of discernment along the way.
Boundaries: Porous, Rigid, or Somewhere in Between?
Audio Teaching From Bevin Niemann

Tune in, dear empaths, as we explore two polarities — being wide open and porous to everything around you... and being completely rigid and closed off. You’ll notice where you’re standing in the moment, consider the middle ground, and take hold of your power to choose what level of boundaries are healthy for you in each situation.
Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons
Audio Dialogue With Dave Markowitz and Bevin Niemann

Bestselling author Dave Markowitz shares how to discern between your own energy and someone else’s, and how to notice the energetic message — but instead of absorbing it, allowing the energy to pass through. He also covers why empaths and HSPs need to choose their own healing modalities and be patient with their healing journeys.
In this empowering audio, you’ll discover:
Dave Markowitz helps empaths and highly sensitive persons bring buried or absorbed energy to the surface — and heal the deepest layers of their pain, illness, and blockages using tools and techniques that are specific to empaths and HSPs. Shirley MacLaine, Lee Harris, and others have endorsed Dave’s work, and he’s shared the lecture bill with Deepak Chopra.
Finding Courage to Share Your Heart’s Message So You Can Serve in a Bigger, Bolder Way
Audio Dialogue With Tree Franklyn and Bevin Niemann

Deep down, you’ve always known you were meant to do something big, to touch lives and impact the world. But others criticized you for being sensitive, dismissed your feelings, or didn't understand you. This caused you to withdraw inward and hide your soul's deepest callings from others — and yourself. If you feel like you have an important message to share but you're afraid to put yourself out there, this session will help you break out of your fear and fulfill your heart's call to serve.
You’ll discover:
- Three common beliefs that keep you stuck. These clever beliefs disguise themselves as valid truths, but they’re nothing more than excuses to keep you small and safe — the worst of them being "I don’t know" (what I want, how to start, or what to do).
- Two energetic shifts to shatter in-the-moment fears, doubts, and blocks that keep you from taking action. Anytime you come up against a limiting thought or belief, use these techniques to instantly reignite the power inside you and move forward boldly.
- How your challenges have prepared you to serve humanity. Your struggles have shaped you into the teacher, leader, healer, and lightworker that you are. Tap into your life’s story so you can redeem your pain and transform it into a source of good.
Tree Franklyn teaches soul-centered empathic women how to transcend their ordinary, everyday lives — so they can reconnect with who they truly are and create a life of deep meaning and purpose. She co-authored 365 Ways to Connect With Your Soul and authored The Ultimate Emotional Survival Guide for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Women.
What People Are Saying About Bevin Niemann...

“Bevin has a gentle, yet powerful way of lifting you up to share your gifts with the world.”
Bevin Niemann is a gift. Specializing in working with highly sensitive and empathic people, she creates a space of compassion and grace, listens from her soul to the depths of your being, and holds you in your magnificence. At the same time, she calls you forward to your next steps and challenges you to live into your greatest potential. Bevin has a gentle, yet powerful way of lifting you up to share your gifts with the world.
— Alan Seale, Director of the Center for Transformational Presence, author, keynote speaker for International Coach Federation
“... helping us understand the incredible gifts perceptive souls bring.”
Being sensitive is something I’ve lived with my entire life, although I wouldn’t have seen it as the asset it is until I met Bevin. She’s at the forefront of her field, and through her work she’s helping us understand the incredible gifts perceptive souls bring. At one time I felt as though I needed to hide my gifts; however Bevin’s guidance taught me that my sensitivity is something I need to celebrate.
— Trace Hobson, Founder and CEO of iConnectExpansion
“... helping you... get clear on... anything standing in the way of living life fully as your true self.”
Bevin is a fantastic coach and mentor. She is intuitive, empathetic, and very skilled at helping you as her client tap into your own intuition and get clear on your true gifts, needs, desires, and anything standing in the way of living life fully as your true self.
— A. Blue, United States
“Bevin has a gift of getting you to relax and think about things that never cross your mind.”
Bevin has a gift of getting you to relax and think about things that never cross your mind; she genuinely listens and hears.
— R. Gable, United States
“... helps strengthen all aspects of me...”
This work I’m doing with [Bevin] helps strengthen all aspects of me, so they can shine and come out to play.
— J.S., Australia
“... some things became very clear, especially around how I want to feel.”
Life has been amazing. After our recent mentorship session, some things became very clear, especially around how I want to feel. The exercise [Bevin] did with me was so powerful. When I went on holiday, I decided it was time to really own my life and what I decide to make of it; independent of what other people may think. It feels very empowering!
— S.D., United Kingdom
“It’s wonderful to have this circle of support at this time.”
Thanks for the wonderful work you are doing. It is so nice to (also) be held. I am taking your online course to help calm my system for some intended longer-term healing support and regulation. It’s wonderful to have this circle of support at this time.
— A.M., Maryland
“I’m feeling fully seen for sure, and fully okay with all my quirks...”
I am in tears now, sitting with your blessed response to my recent question about being an intuitive empath. I’m feeling fully seen for sure, and fully okay with all my quirks, all my everything, lol! This is such a gift you’ve given. Thank YOU!
— Elizabeth
“This deep work is the most empowering transformational personal development I’ve done.”
Ahhhh, the freedom of choice to decide how I want to express through my work! This is the most rewarding journey working with you on my Soul Mission, Life Purpose. Because EVERYTHING is flowing from there. This deep work is the most empowering transformational personal development I’ve done. Thank you, Bevin, for continuing to hold this space with me.
— Anonymous
“I am shocked and stunned at all the changes that are going on around me...”
I am shocked and stunned at all the changes that are going on around me just by accepting who I am. I’m watching your video course on thriving as a perceptive soul — it’s been great so far and very instructive.
— Member of 1 Million Empaths community, United States
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eight 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Bevin Niemann
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Bevin Niemann, life purpose coach, online educator, writer, and co-founder of 1 Million Empaths — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to tune in to your energetic field — so you can lovingly, kindly, and without judgment provide your system with what it needs to be healthy and vital.

Eight PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Mastering Your Energetic Field Bonus Collection
- Empaths Are Not Here to Transmute Other People’s Energy
PDF Guide From Bevin Niemann - Boundaries: Porous, Rigid, or Somewhere in Between?
Audio Teaching From Bevin Niemann - Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons
Audio Dialogue With Dave Markowitz and Bevin Niemann - Finding Courage to Share Your Heart’s Message So You Can Serve in a Bigger, Bolder Way
Audio Dialogue With Tree Franklyn and Bevin Niemann
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Mastering Your Energetic Field as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person Virtual Training
We feel honored that Bevin Niemann has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a compassionate guide for empaths whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and empower ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about learning how to celebrate your empathic gifts and thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Mastering Your Energetic Field as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person with Bevin Niemann — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
About Bevin Niemann

Bevin Niemann is a life purpose coach for intuitive empaths, lightworkers, and conscious leaders. If you’ve been asking, why am I here, how am I meant to serve?, you’re on the right track. It’s time to discover your purpose, master your gifts, and create a life that lights you up. Bevin specializes in helping holistic, wellness, and spiritual practitioners launch and expand through soul mission discovery and intuitive business development.
She’s the two-time host of The Shift Network’s Evolved Empath Summit, which has reached over 60,000 empaths in 105 countries. Her writing’s been featured in the Shift Catalyst, the Mind Body Spirit Network, Conscious Reminder, and Spiritual Biz magazine.
Bevin is the founder of 1 Million Empaths, a global community for those who care deeply about our world. She’s bringing together a planetary grid of empaths, lightworkers, and conscious leaders to meet their tribe, master their gifts, and make a difference.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.