Bill Bauman, PhD
Awaken as your quantum self and step into infinite possibilities and inner liberation through practices designed to catalyze your evolution into the ecstatic mystery and magic of the quantum world within.
Shift into your quantum identity to dissolve disconnect, endless striving, sadness, and suffering into profound peace, presence, and limitlessness.

Right now, there is a version of you already awakened and empowered — ready to step into your current reality as a powerful presence of peace, joy, and possibility.
Modern mystic Bill Bauman, a guiding light in our time, says you can meet this more expansive you — the you that possesses confidence in your purpose and an incredible sense of inner liberation — in the quantum world.
It’s the place within you where emptiness and possibility converge to create an awe-inspiring reality beyond human preoccupations, identifications, and judgments.
In the stillness of this rich landscape of magic and imagination, miracles are constantly unfolding — providing us with the profound opportunity to create ourselves and our lives anew.
For decades, Bill has helped countless others awaken to their true natures and the ineffable freedom and peace that can be found by connecting with their quantum source — the pure power, emptiness, and potential that sparks to life the deeper unlimited presence that you really are.
As a self-defined mystic, author, former Catholic priest, and psychologist, Bill was called to establish the Center for Soulful Living to help humans express their soul gifts.
He explored the depths of the subconscious mind, eventually entering the “cave” of emptiness, where he encountered and was initiated by quantum source. Bill emerged primarily to share this gift of quantum power — the gift of creation itself — with others.
If you’ve ever felt the need to let go of something, move on, go deeper, do something different, discover more of who you are or who you can become — this is the mysterious language of the quantum world calling out to you.
In this empowering course, Bill’s mystic wisdom will guide you into the heart of the quantum world and the deepest chasms of your quantum nature...
... to unlock a new multidimensional reality that not only expands your awareness and sense of self, but suffuses your human experience with deep ecstatic presence and aliveness.
Bill’s meditations and rituals inspire gentle shifts in consciousness as you immerse yourself in the quantum void that dissolves all attachments, belief systems, disconnect, longing, pain, and suffering...
... and begin to experience yourself as the wondrous mystery of creative power that you really are.
With Bill’s quantum exercises and guided journeys into stillness, presence, and boundless creation, you’ll embrace infinite possibilities of your true self in the quantum presence you’ll become.
If you feel called, say “yes” and join us. This is more than a course — it’s an invitation to a deeper way of being, guided by one of the most profound voices of our time.
”[Bill] is an incredible being who has touched me in my heart.”
During this mystical inner journey, you’ll:
- Recognize a mind-expanding understanding of the quantum world and its powers, discovering how this profound realm can dissolve ego-driven fears and open pathways to your highest potential
- Meet your deepest, most powerful source, the quantum void — a limitless wellspring of creation and harmony — as it expresses its magic through you
- Feel less like a human being and more like a multidimensional presence, transcending dualistic thinking and connecting to the oneness within
- Experience a miraculous re-creation of “you” — a brand-new quantum self, free from past limitations and constraints
- Step into a freer, more empowered version of yourself as you experience a deeper shift of consciousness from a human to a quantum one
- Open yourself to the joy of embodying quantum qualities of magic and miracles within
- Encounter your historical self in a guided meditation, as it melts away and becomes “nothing,” making space for possibilities and peace
- Identify more fully with the wonder and possibilities of your new quantum nature — magic
- Be blessed in a quantum-centered meditation with a personal gift of quantum empowerment, and harness this profound creative energy with confidence
- Learn to listen more strongly to your heart’s love, soul’s wisdom, and intuition’s truth — developing tools to make decisions from your highest self
- Explore how to relate to your human world and fellow humans as a quantum human being — without judgments and with an open heart
- Witness your mind’s concepts and beliefs giving way to a quantum neutrality
- Welcome a profound sense of inner peace — one strongly rooted in your quantum core
- Integrate your quantum insights into daily life — bring clarity, purpose, and inspired action to all areas of your existence
As you explore how to surrender your ego to the neutrality of your quantum nature, you’ll illuminate areas within you that you need to overcome in order to embrace your quantum nature and empower your deeper potential.
The quantum world is also a gateway to the deeply relaxing state of quantum consciousness...
... a nondual state of being that accepts you exactly as you are without judgment, and supports the real you emerging in your wholeness as a vital and beautiful part of a greater reality that is ever unfolding.
Are you ready to explore the magical possibilities of your inner world — and own your quantum nature?
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Bill will guide you to experience the pulsating presence of the quantum world and your own quantum nature.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience

You’ll connect with Bill and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Bill’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Bill. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to enter the quantum world within you to awaken to your true quantum nature and potential.
Module 1: Explore the Magical Quantum World to Experience Deeper Presence, Awareness & Personal Power (January 28)

Welcome to a magical exploration of the quantum source and your own quantum nature.
Be introduced to the strangely behaving quantum world — both outside of our visible creation and within your very being. Receive its blessing in the form of quantum presence coming alive in your core and creation-rich power beginning to fill your human form.
Under Bill’s guidance, explore both the quantum realm’s possibility-rich magic and the quantum void’s power-filled emptiness — the source of absolutely everything, as well as your personal source.
Be ready for a deepening and expanding of your personal consciousness, as you are gently immersed in the silent but all-powerful quantum source — your inner emptiness — and be spellbound by the wonder of your own true nature.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore a mind-expanding understanding of the quantum world and its powers
- Be personally introduced to your deepest, most powerful source — the quantum void
- Be awakened to the quantum presence within yourself — custom-designed just for you
- Be inspired by the wonder of your own quantum nature as it speaks to you from within
- Experience a powerful meditation-generated oneness with the/your quantum source
Module 2: Answer the Call of the Quantum Void to Discover & Embrace Your Own Spiritual Power & True Nature (February 4)

Have you ever felt called to — or by — something greater than yourself?
Just as your soul already called you to explore your spiritual nature, now your quantum source is calling you to explore, discover, and live in your own quantum nature.
Dive deep into the invisible yet all-powerful quantum nothingness that is quietly but powerfully present within you and experience how your heart, soul, and whole personhood begins to empty into the enigmatic quantum void.
Once there, find the reason that “the void” has called you to this course — to share with you its endless power, begin to receive that power in your personal depths and core, and witness it become your new inner ground.
Be present at a magical and mystical moment — being initiated into the quantum world of infinite possibilities.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the mystical nature of the quantum void as it expresses its magic within you
- Feel yourself — and your human identity — dissolving into your quantum source
- Experience a new power center within yourself — that of your own quantum void
- Attune to your quantum nature as it expresses from its silent sanctuary in your core
- Become aware of the quantum power — the power of creation — as your personal power
- Be blessed in a quantum-centered meditation with a personal gift of quantum empowerment
Module 3: Discover a Deeper Reality & the True Power of Imagination in the Quantum Story of Creation (February 11)

As the saying goes, “Everything in life is a story.” Be entranced by a uniquely different story of your creation: the quantum story.
Peer through your new quantum eyes rather than your historical human ones, and encounter an extraordinary quantum truth — everything in your real-appearing creation is a quantumly imagined phantasm, a quantumly created illusion, a mystery-filled quantum dream.
Explore the wonder of this alluring phantasm as you reconsider your human creation through its above-the-forest eyes. Discover that qualities that seem so real and important to you here on Earth are actually a fairy tale-like story of true adventure and vast possibilities.
Begin to let go of learned notions of “reality” as you discover a new, quantum-filled way to be in your human skin…
… and begin to view yourself as a quantum presence being dreamed as human, while at the same time actively dreaming your own “self” and life experience.
In this module, you’ll:
- Begin to look at creation — and yourself — through the imaginative eyes of the quantum void
- Find your well-trained mind shifting its assumptions and perspectives to quantum ones
- Let your imagination and sense of wonder speak quantum-centered wisdom to you
- View “reality” through your new quantum eyes, opening your eyes to its dream-like nature
- Experience yourself as a phantasm, your life as a dream, and your humanness as an illusion
- Discover your own capacity to imagine new “realities” through a quantumly inspired meditation
Module 4: Be Healed, Empowered & Awakened by the Mystery & Magic of the Quantum Realm (February 18)

Embrace the two most enticing qualities of the quantum realm — its other-dimensional mystery and its unlimited magic.
Float and swim in the mind-altering world of quantum mystery — a zero-dimensional world where mystery starts to create you anew, just because you’re present in its space.
Encounter beyond-human, strangely powerful magic — experience yourself being re-created, healed, empowered, and awakened, not because of any human powers or processes, but by pure magic itself.
Begin to release your human attachment to two deeply ingrained human phenomena — duality and morality. This seeming battle between opposites (good and evil, right and wrong) that have wrapped us in an ongoing habit of judgment, now give way to a larger quantum truth.
Explore how life could be when you’re no longer rooted in these two human beliefs. You’re now well on your way to becoming homo quantum — a quantum human.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience a deeper immersion into and comfort with the quantum power of mystery
- Identify more fully with the wonder and possibilities of your new quantum nature, magic
- Recognize an even deeper shift of consciousness from a human to a quantum one
- Re-examine and change your relationship with duality as it loosens its grip on your mind
- Change your approach to morality, replacing its “good/bad” choices with quantum truth
- Be awed during a quantum meditation by how quantum magic is replacing duality within you
Module 5: Dissolve Into Quantum Nothingness to Experience the Profound Freedom of Letting Go of Identity & Personal Attachments (February 25)

Are you ready to die? You’re now at that magical moment in which your human identity and personal attachments take a drastic trip into pure nothingness — and start to die.
While we often think of “death of the ego” as a dire or painful experience, it doesn’t have to be. With your deepest self now armed with quantum presence, power, and magic, the next natural step is the lessening of your human identity.
As you take a radical leap into your quantum nature, witness your sense of self, limiting beliefs, and human attachments shrinking and beginning to disappear.
Let go of your human identities as you more fully embrace your true quantum nature…
… and discover that even your soul takes on quantum empowerment as it supports your fuller immersion into emptiness. At this point, you can declare: Quantum-hood never felt so comfortable!
In this module, you’ll:
- Witness your attachments dissolving into quantum emptiness and disappearing into nothingness
- Sense your mind’s cherished concepts and beliefs giving way to a quantum neutrality
- Observe your sense of human “self” losing its sense of reality and becoming a quantum self
- Notice your mighty soul expanding, taking on its even more powerful quantum nature
- Experience yourself feeling less like a human being and more like a multidimensional presence
- Encounter your historical self in a guided meditation as it melts away and becomes “nothing”
Module 6: Experience the Miracle of Becoming a Quantum Human to Live Fully in Awe, Connection & Purpose (March 4)

Surrender to living in mystery rather than knowing, embrace a world of magic rather than structure, and open to the gift of quantum-originated miracles. These are the everyday wonders of being a quantum human.
Begin to witness actual miracles happening within yourself and your life, and experience Earth and humanity as a miraculous series of opportunities and adventures to be embraced and lived.
In this pivotal point, start to realize the specifics of who you now are as a quantum presence living in human skin.
Your quantum source unveils to your awareness a new concept of your identity, shows you a fresh sense of your purpose in life, and initiates a new relationship with everything in and around you.
Find your mind entering its own expanded space — perhaps decluttered, neutral, or thinking in more quantum-oriented ways. Feel more and more comfortable with emptiness, living in mystery, and being a true quantum being.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience a miraculous re-creation of “you” — a creation of a brand-new quantum self
- Perceive everything — yourself, others, the world — as they really are, through quantum eyes
- Discover more fully this new you, a quantum presence you’ve now become
- Open yourself even more dramatically to the quantum qualities of magic and miracles within
- Develop a new rapport with your mind as it now becomes the servant of your quantum mind
- Recognize a new gift delivered during a guided meditation — one quantumly crafted just for you
Module 7: Embrace the Joy, Peace & Creational Power of Living in the World as a Quantum Human Being (March 11)

Embrace the unique “perks” of quantum living — what it’s like walking on Earth as a quantum being.
Explore how you can live in a changed relationship with human beings and human experiences, now that your body, emotions, and energies are so intertwined with your quantum consciousness.
Discover how to own and enjoy the quantum power of creation as it freely expresses more generously in your life, witnessing yourself as a blessed and empowered kind of presence in our three- and four-dimensional world.
Experience a deeply rooted feeling of inner peace that “surpasses all understanding.”
Reflect on this deepening rite-of-passage, a true immersion into your inner emptiness, a death of the previous human “you,” a penetrating re-creation of everything you thought yourself to be…
… and a radical plunge into your truest identity — being a homo quantum, a quantum human being.
In this module, you’ll:
- Find yourself strongly owning your quantum nature and enjoying a quantum rootedness
- Experience a profound sense of inner peace — one strongly rooted in your quantum core
- Explore how to relate to your human world and fellow humans as a quantum human being without judgments and with an open heart
- Be able to listen more strongly to your heart’s love, soul’s wisdom, and intuition’s truth
- Be both neutral and “quantum” in your thoughts about and feelings toward, well, everything
- Receive a blessing by your quantum source’s generosity and power during a final guided meditation
The Becoming Quantum Bonus Offering
In addition to Bill’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Becoming Bill Bauman
PDF on the Journey to Embody Your Quantum Nature

In this enriching PDF, Bill introduces himself in an in-depth and personal way. First, he takes you on a journey through his life, unveiling the many facets of his mystical nature. Then, he shares with you his quantum nature — along with its gifts and powers. Finally, in order to let you see what others are saying about him, he includes selected testimonials, some written by other transformational leaders.
Discovering Your Quantum Source & Nature
PDF Inquiry With Bill into the Essence That Makes You Who You Are

Bill invites you to an in-depth exploration of two questions: “What is the quantum source?” and “What is your personal quantum nature?” He leads you into both an intellectual understanding of “quantum-hood” and, more importantly, a soulful and heartful connection with your own profound quantum nature. As an extra treat, he includes six of his inspired writings — each of them speaking to your consciousness in a unique manner.
Meditation Into Your Quantum Depths
Audio Journey With Bill to Receive a Quantum Gift

In this inspiring audio recording, Bill invites you to his course’s primary commitment: your personal immersion into your quantum nature. He then leads you on a rich, meditative trip into your quantum depths — where you can discover and receive a remarkable quantum gift. Ultimately, awaken to the deeper essence that you are and experience newfound empowerment to share your quantum self authentically and joyfully.
What People Are Saying About Bill Bauman, PhD...
Capturing the essence and fullness of Bill Bauman would be like trying to catch Niagara Falls in a bucket. This mild-mannered man is a powerful force. His own “bucket” is big enough to hold a group, no matter how large. He can reach in and touch each of us individually and all of us simultaneously. When he does, he unwraps the mysteries of each soul, reveals and reflects all the beauty and potential within, and gives that back to each of us as a gift. Then he leaves us free to choose how we are going to be with that gift. And he does all this with wit and humor that I find so endearing that it alone would be worth the price of admission.
Austin, Texas
Bill Bauman’s seminars are the most transformative seminars that I have ever taken. From the moment you walk into the room and sit down, Bill’s energy starts entering your whole physiology. And by the time you leave, you are completely transformed into an individual who is thinking clearly, feeling extremely open, with a heart filled full of love, wanting to do nothing but be of service to the rest of humanity — because you have just been served so totally from Bill.
Co-author of The Passion Test
Bill has guided me to know all that I am. He is a master, full of grace and humor. I am permanently indebted to his love. If you would like to meet and interact with pure love, come to one of Bill's seminars.
Fairfield, Iowa
Bill Bauman is a quiet, profound avatar and a huge gift to humanity. He is a master of the moment. I am deeply humbled and grateful for the gracious way that he has gently led me home to my higher self. His loving presence generates consciousness, transformation, and compassion. He teaches beyond the level of the mind and provides a thrilling journey into the levels of soul, light, vibration, and all the elements. The gift of learning with this masterful teacher is an opportunity not to be missed!
Santa Clara, Utah
I can truthfully say that I have never met anyone of any degree of illumination or enlightenment who is as compassionate, integrated, and affirmative as Bill. He meets you where you are without compromising who he is and, in the process, you are expanded, uplifted, healed, and reconnected with your essential nature.
Faber, Virginia
Join the Global Community

Becoming Quantum offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.
Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Bill Bauman, PhD, will share in this powerful program.
You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Bill Bauman, PhD
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from modern-day mystic and spiritual visionary Bill Bauman, PhD, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to fully experience the true nature of reality through the magic and mystery of the quantum realm. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Seven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions
With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the Zoom call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help you further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are not recorded for playback; if you’re unable to attend the live sessions, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Becoming Quantum
We feel honored that Bill Bauman, PhD, has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a modern-day mystic and spiritual visionary whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about awakening to your true quantum nature, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Becoming Quantum — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before February 11, 2025 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Bill Bauman, PhD
Bill Bauman is the most profound and wise healer, counselor, and teacher that I have ever known. Bill has the ability to find out your soul’s deepest calling, to help you get in touch with that calling, to open up your heart, and to inspire you. Bill speaks with profound authority, truth, light, and love. There is nobody that I know that I would rather work with than Bill Bauman.
Author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason
Bill Bauman is a true master of the quantum field, the real deal, and the most profound teacher I have ever worked with. If you find yourself lucky enough to spend time with Bill, it will be immersive, transformative, and awakening on every level of your soul. Truly one of the very biggest, brightest and clearest teachers in this space. It's honestly been nothing short of amazing working with Bill.
Bill is an enlightened master, the real thing. Because of studying with Bill, I’m living life beyond my wildest dreams. His extraordinary light helps lift you to higher levels of consciousness; and because consciousness moves energy into form, you realize everything you want and need. I am experiencing that — the world of magic and miracles — that is Bill’s stock in trade.
Chief Executive Officer of Girls Inc. of New York City
About Bill Bauman, PhD
Bill Bauman is a modern-day mystic and a unique and inspiring human presence. He has had a life of uncommon experiences, is a selfless and humble being, and possesses a compelling giftedness that deeply touches the lives of many people.
Bill is here on Earth with a mission to help humanity as a whole and individual persons in particular find their soul, connect to their inner truth, discover their unique nature and purpose, and lead their lives in ways that express their fullest destiny. He accomplishes this mission by sharing his personal gifts of knowing, vision, empowerment, and transformation with groups and individuals.
Above all, Bill’s ultimate destiny and legacy is to present to humanity a new, spirit-based vision of life — its real nature, its fullest meanings, and its dynamic possibilities.
Today, Bill feels especially called to be the voice and conduit of the many gifts of the quantum source.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a virtual course?
Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
Can you tell me about the private online community group?
Are there scholarships available for this training?
Please note: Scholarship applications must be submitted before the refund deadline, as we are unable to accept applications after that point.
What’s your refund policy?
If you’re within the refund period, the deadline to receive a full refund is February 11, 2025. To request a refund, please complete this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days, and you’ll receive an email confirming the refund.
We’d also love the opportunity to address and resolve your concerns directly. If there’s anything we can assist with, please get in touch with us at support@theshiftnetwork.com — we’re here to help!
Please note: Refund requests are not accepted after the deadline or for courses purchased with scholarship awards.