By Philip Hellmich, Global Peace Ambassador for The Shift Network
The Shift Network made a commitment to peace as a priority from its very conception. Over the past nine years, Shift has produced numerous free online summits focused on peace in partnership with a wide range of friends and allies, including PeaceWeek (2011), Youth Rising for Peace (2012), and Summer of Peace (2012-). Many of these interviews are available for free in the World Peace Library, which provides an overview of peace from inner to international levels. We also have trained over 1,100 Peace Ambassadors from more than 45 countries.
The global pandemic has made the need for peace all the more important at all levels of society, from personal to planetary. With that in mind, The Shift Network is excited to join many of our peace partners in the upcoming World UNITY Week taking place June 20-27. (See Movement News and Feature Articles below). Our friends at Unity Earth, United Religions Initiative, the SINE Network, and others have formed an impressive consortium of partners for a weeklong conversation on such topics as collective climate action, partnerships for peace, global governance, interfaith harmony, sustainable development, the role of business, human rights, disarmament, and other key elements of the new kind of future we wish to create.
We are also happy to announce the launch of Summer of Peace as a free Facebook Live series taking place every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from May 27 through September 14, 2020. These interviews will feature a wide range of thought leaders exploring the emerging trends of peace, and offering easy-to-learn personal skills that you can apply at home during the pandemic. Upcoming interviews include:
- Monday, June 1, at 5:00pm Pacific — Positive Potentials Emerging From the Global Pandemic with Deborah Moldow, Director of the Evolutionary Leaders circle.
- Wednesday, June 3, at 10:00am Pacific — Cultivating Peace WIth Water with Shelley Ostroff and Yan Golding, co-initiators of Codes for a Healthy Earth.
- Friday, June 5, at 5:00pm Pacific — Power of Silence & What Is Emerging in the New Era with Dot Maver, founding President of the National Peace Academy.
This issue features a number of articles and videos from partners of World UNITY Week along with insightful pieces from friends of Shift about navigating COVID-19. We hope you and your loved ones benefit from this edition and that you remain safe, healthy and peaceful.
EDITOR’S NOTE: “The Master Key” by Robert Peng, a featured speaker in The Shift Network’s 2019 Qigong Global Summit, is one of the most profoundly important books I’ve ever read. I can say that it’s life-changing with complete confidence, because it changed my life before I even finished reading it. I was so impressed with this book that we are serializing the section called “One Hundred Days of Darkness and Light” in future issues of Catalyst. You can read the fifteenth installment (as well as the previous ones) here.
— Phil Bolsta
The uplifting story in this issue’s “The Nicest Thing” section comes from Philip Hellmich, Global Peace Ambassador for The Shift Network, who shares his fond memories of making good friends during his Peace Corps days.
Look for stories from other members of the Shift Team in future issues. We look forward to having you get to know us better!
Finally, we’d love to hear your answer to the question, How has the pandemic affected your perspective on world unity? To share your thoughts in our Facebook Page community, click here.
Peace emanates from the soul, and is the sacred inner environment in which true happiness unfolds.
— Paramahansa Yogananda
The Pandemic Is a Portal
By Arundhati Roy
Night after night, from halfway across the world, some of us watch the New York governor’s press briefings with a fascination that is hard to explain. We follow the statistics, and hear the stories of overwhelmed hospitals in the US, of underpaid, overworked nurses having to make masks out of garbage bin liners and old raincoats, risking everything to bring succour to the sick. About states being forced to bid against each other for ventilators, about doctors’ dilemmas over which patient should get one and which left to die. And we think to ourselves, “My God! This is America!” To read more, click here.
Covid-19 Shakti Meditation
By Shift faculty Raja Choudhury
Join spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury in a radical new approach to dealing with the coronavirus chaos by becoming a fierce peace warrior, by invoking Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi, Maha Saraswati, and Chamundaya. To watch this 18-minute video, click here.
Brown Body, White Sangha
By Atia Sattar
The meditation, the first of a series on the 32 parts of the body, was assigned as homework in a two-year course on the teachings of the Buddha in relation to diversity issues. We were studying mindfulness of the body—the first of four foundations of mindfulness described in the Satipatthana Sutta, an essential Buddhist scripture that lays out a roadmap to attain freedom from suffering by explaining how to establish mindfulness, or sati. To read more, click here.
Sleep: Luxury or Necessity During a Pandemic?
By Caroline Shola Arewa
The thought of a good night's sleep is luxury for some, for others, sleep is like oxygen; life depends on it. Sleep deprivation, which is on the increase during this global pandemic, causes numerous problems such as tiredness, exhaustion, stress, and passive parenting.
To read more, click here.
Coronavirus as a Metaphor
By Shift faculty Anodea Judith
Imagine a science fiction movie where the corona of a planet becomes infected and everyone’s life is threatened. The only way to solve the problem is global cooperation, which—in this movie at least—happens in time to offset calamity. But first the population had to make real changes, changes that at first seemed difficult, but then revealed hidden gifts.
To read more, click here.
Nine Keys to Understanding Your Dreams
By Shift faculty Robert Moss
One of the effects of the covid 19 pandemic has been an explosion of public interest in dreams. People who never gave much thought to dreams and were rarely known to talk about them are now dreaming up a storm, and wanting to share their dreams with anyone who will listen.
To understand and harvest the gifts of your dreams at home, you want to keep a journal. This is your indispensable tool. You will date and title each entry.You will write a short simple narrative of each dream you record. You will add some of what you learn when you start using the Nine Keys to Your Dreams I first explained in my book Conscious Dreaming. Here they are, in summary. To read more, click here.
In Times of Crisis, Draw Upon the Strength of Peace
By Kaira Jewel Lingo, co-host of the 2020 Mindfulness and Meditation Summit
When 9/11 happened, I was on a bus with monastics accompanying my teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh (known to his students as Thay) to Berkeley, where he was going to be giving a talk. We were all deeply shaken by the news and wanted to respond immediately. We knew there would be a lot of people looking to Thay and the community for guidance…
That night, when we arrived at Kim Son Monastery near Santa Cruz, we went to Thay and rather urgently shared our plan. Thay took some breaths and said, “No, I don’t want you to do that tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re all going to the beach.”
To read more, click here.
A Letter to Friends Who Really Want to End Racism
By Lori Lakin Hutcherson, Good Black News founder and editor-In-chief
Thank you to everyone who took a moment to read, respond, and/or comment on my post yesterday about the woman in Central Park who called the police to falsely report that an African American man was threatening her life. I appreciate the solidarity, the rage, the links, the legal statutes, the sharing of up-to-date information on the incident — all of it!
But I did not have it in me to reply or respond yesterday because following that post, I saw the Minnesota footage. I saw what could have happened to Christian Cooper actually happen to George Floyd. That took me places. If “Central Park woman” was my trigger, George Floyd was the bullet. I literally had to lie down.
To read more, click here.
The Master Key
By Robert Peng, a featured speaker in The Shift Network’s 2019 Qigong Global Summit
It's 1972 in the industrial city of Xiangtan, China. A frail child with a heart condition sneaks into a hotel boiler room and befriends the elderly yet vibrant attendant, who eventually reveals his true identity as a revered Qigong master. He heals the boy and, for the next 13 years, secretly teaches him the keys to unlocking the spiritual and healing dimensions of the Life Force.
It sounds like a modern-day fable, but the story is true. And with The Master Key, that grateful student, Robert Peng, invites all of us to enter the next chapter of this empowering path. Here, Master Peng brings together the unique insights of his teacher with the moving account of his own journey.
Click here to read the fifteenth installment (as well as all the previous installments) of this profoundly moving book.
Would you like to join The Shift Network team?
We are seeking unique and talented individuals for three important positions at The Shift Network.
As our Sr. Copywriter & Campaign Strategist for Courses, you'll be a critical part of the team responsible for the performance of our highly successful product line of transformational learning courses from thought leaders and leading-edge teachers. This key role focuses on outstanding writing skills to attract, engage, and convert leads, but also includes critical marketing responsibilities such as providing strategic input for monthly course/product programming, and collaborating in best-in-class digital marketing campaigns.
As Director of Social Media Marketing, your primary responsibility will be to develop and execute social media strategies and tactics to align with the company’s overall marketing strategy in attracting, engaging, acquiring, and converting viewers into customers, and customers into viral brand advocates.
Our Customer Support Specialist will be a genuine people person who's highly comfortable with technology. While answering support and registration emails and phone calls, you'll work skillfully and rapidly, navigating multiple web platforms simultaneously, while remaining gracious, warm, and friendly at all times.
If you're inspired and passionate about joining our team, please click here for more information about these positions. The Shift Network is committed to creating a diverse environment and is an equal opportunity employer.
In this special video series, prominent authors, speakers, thought leaders, and others answer the question, “What is the nicest thing a non-family member has ever done for you?”
Philip Hellmich's Story
Shift’s Global Peace Ambassador
EXCERPT: And every day, Tendy would come by with a plate on her head with rice and sauce. And I always looked forward to that time of day. Then her daughter, Josephine, volunteered to wash my clothes, which was done on rocks down by a stream. These were the original stonewashed jeans,
To watch the video and read the transcript of Philip’s engaging 9-minute story of international friendship, click here.
“Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions” Facebook Live Q&A with Eileen McKusick
Would you like to receive biofield tuning practices to become an emotional alchemist? Researcher, Biofield Tuning founder, sound-therapy practitioner, and author Eileen McKusick will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on Tuesday, June 2, at Noon Pacific to share how you can boost your immune system and rediscover the courage and playfulness beneath your difficult feelings. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
“The Feldenkrais Method® to Reawaken Your Body” Facebook Live Q&A with Lavinia Plonka
Would you like to learn gentle movements to step back into the world with grace? Body language expert and Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Teacher Lavinia Plonka will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on Thursday, June 4, at Noon Pacific to share how you can break free from tension, pain, and restriction. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
“Conscious Breathwork to Renew Your Wellbeing” Facebook Live Q&A with Anthony Abbagnano
Would you like to turn upheaval into harmony with the simple power of your breath? Anthony Abbagnano, breathwork trainer and founder of Alchemy of Breath and the Alchemy School of Healing Arts, will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on Monday, June 8, at 10:00am Pacific to share how you can harness your body’s most natural process for clearing stress, expanding your awareness, and owning your power. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
“Norse Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional & Physical Wellbeing” Facebook Live Q&A with Evelyn Rysdyk
Would you like to experience the restorative creative energies of the Cosmos — accessed by shamans and alive in mythical goddesses? Shamanism teacher Evelyn Rysdyk will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on Tuesday, June 9, at 3:00pm Pacific to share how Norse shamanic practices can help you overcome obstacles and create balance within and around you. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
“Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power” Facebook Live Q&A with Dr. Judith Orloff
Would you like to transmute life’s challenges through surrender, self-care, centering techniques, and more? New York Times bestselling author, psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer, and “Godmother of the Empath Movement” Dr. Judith Orloff will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on Wednesday, June 10, at 2:00pm Pacific to share how you can harness your intuition to become a vessel for healing. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
Your Voice:
We want to know: How has the pandemic affected your perspective on world unity? To share your thoughts in our Facebook Page community, click here.
Answering the Call: Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local
By Genevieve Boast and the WholeWorld-View team
The world is changing all around us. Some of us may be embracing these massive disruptions and others resisting, but whatever worldview each of us is currently living within, we are feeling a whole new shift in our experience of interconnection. Our planet is calling to us to wake up: rapid climate change and our current global pandemic is reflecting the need to expand our awareness. Our unsustainable interactions with each other, resulting in inequality, injustice and conflict are calling us to grow up and change our behaviors. To read more, click here.
Healing Water ~ Healing the World
By Shelley Ostroff on behalf of Codes for a Healthy Earth
In the center of the World UNITY Week event, on June 24, 2020, we unite around water — honoring and celebrating water as source, sustenance, and unifier of all Life. We unite also to call for coherent global cooperation around the healing of our planetary waters as an essential foundation for the radical whole-system healing so urgently needed at this time. To read more, click here.
World UNITY Week: Meshworking the Emergence of a Conscious Harmonic Humanity
By Anne-Marie Voorhoeve
Imagine if the very foundation of the way we approach life, civilization and change, was co-creating from the heart. What if we valued the invisible as much as the visible? And what if everyone knew how to connect with heart and spirit to solve the world's greatest challenges together? What kind of world would become possible? To read more, click here.
Answering the Call and Taking Action with Purpose
By Emanuel Kuntzelman
What we have been experiencing the last few months with the outbreak of Covid-19 is bringing nothing short of a world-wide transformation. This disease has caused immense suffering, physically, emotionally and financially, and it can be difficult to envision a new way forward when we have been thrust into a heightened sense of fear and despair. But in crisis also comes opportunity. To read more, click here.
The United Religions Initiative (URI) Celebrates its 20th Anniversary
By Victor Kazanjian, Executive Director of the URI
There is so much shadow in the world today, so much that is intended to divide human beings from each other, and from our Mother Earth. Humanity is seemingly in a death spiral toward division and destruction. Prejudice-related violence is on the rise. Renewed fears of nuclear war threaten our daily existence. Our Earth’s ecosystems are being destroyed, and with it the future of our children’s children. It is not a pretty picture. And so we ask ourselves, what can we possibly do in the face of all this? To read more, click here.
Trust and Truth
By Rev. Deborah Moldow
As the world goes within to observe an almost global quarantine, we can see this as a sacred moment for all humankind. Many have observed that our species seems to be in an adolescent stage, where we have wonderful toys that we have not used responsibly. Could this be the moment when we will emerge from an enforced quietude of initiation to enter collectively into a new phase of young adulthood? Perhaps we are being led to a spiritual crossroads of sorts where we must seek our inner guidance in order to come into our full creative powers. To read more, click here.
The Synergy in Our Unity
By Jon Ramer
At the heart of Unity is Synergy waiting to arise. Unity occurs when separate things or people are combined into one cohesive element with a single purpose. Synergy occurs when the working together of two or more things produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. To add synergy to unity ignites, unleashes, and amplifies the interests and resources of all the participants, oftentimes in amazing ways. To read more, click here.
Here's Why White Allies Can Get So Overwhelmed and Confused About What to Do Next About Racism
By Sandra Kim
For so long, the main focus in anti-racism work has been to just get more white people to acknowledge that racism is real. And now that more and more white people like yourself are seeing that, our movement is not quite sure how to emotionally support white allies in moving to the next phase…
But here's the thing. If you personally haven't been able to navigate these struggles yourself, how can you realistically expect your more unconscious white family and friends to be able to?... So it's no surprise that you’re not able to talk to them about racism — in a way that helps them open up their minds and hearts. You're struggling to do the same for yourself…
Sigh. But thankfully, you don't have to remain stuck here.
Let me tell you why.
To read more, click here.
15 Unexpected, Amazing Facts about Viruses You Probably Didn’t Know
By Anita Teresa Boeninger of The Shift Network and Val Elefante
4. Viral DNA comprises 11% of our genes…which means that in a sense, we’re partly made of viruses.
12. Individual humans can be 80–90% different from one another in terms of the microbiome of their hand or gut. These findings suggest that employing the variation contained within the microbiome is a very fruitful way of informing healthcare decisions.
To read more, click here.
Unity Earth ~ Caravan Of Unity
Music video featuring Pato Banton (lead vocals) and Antoinette "Roots Dawtah" Hall (piano and cello bass)
The Caravan of Unity is a groundbreaking tour for peace and unity moving across the U.S. in September 2020. Starting in the historic Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and culminating in Washington DC, the Caravan will weave its way from West to East, carrying a torch of hope and healing for this time of historic challenges.
Featuring a diverse delegation of local and global peacemakers, Indigenous and spiritual leaders, musicians, artists, celebrities, ecological advocates, and more, the Caravan will build momentum through a series of events across the country before climaxing in New York City for the first global celebration of Peace Weekend 2020.
This inaugural long weekend event will commemorate the International Day of Peace on September 21 and invite people all over the world to spend the day creating peace in their world, whether that be peace within, peace with others, or peace with Earth. We envision this annual celebration to grow into the largest collective action for peace in human history.
Click here to watch the music video.
Answering the Call
Video by Dr. Jude Currivan, co-founder of WholeWorld-View
Dr. Jude Currivan of WholeWorld-View invites us to think cosmic, feel global, and act local. Jude is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, and previously one of the most senior business women in the UK. Jude integrates leading-edge science, research into consciousness, and universal wisdom teachings into a holistic wholeworld-view.
Holy Land Living Water
During the first week of February 2020, UNITY EARTH, URI, EcoPeace, and other partners brought 94 spiritual leaders to the Middle East for a special event, "Holy Land Living Water." The group travelled for seven days to sacred sites in Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. The journey was part of the U Day Festival series of events, building on Ethiopia 2018 and Thailand 2012, and part of the Road to 2020, leading to World UNITY Week and Peace Weekend 2020.
Preview of World UNITY Week
Join the epic ceremony at Armageddon (Meggido, Israel) where UNITY EARTH, URI, EcoPeace, and over 100 Indigenous and spiritual leaders came together to pray for peace and ecological revitalization on February 6, 2020.
Invitation to World Unity Week 3
Grammy-nominated artists Pato Banton and Antoinette Rootsdawtah give a shout-out to World UNITY Week. Pato and Antoinette are UNITY EARTH Champions and URI Ambassadors. Pato and Antoinette were part of the original U Day 2012 in Thailand and have been on the Road to 2020, taking their positive message all over the world. Pato & Antoinette are World UNITY Week Ambassadors.
Is There Such a Thing as Reverse Racism?
That question is answered by HuffPost’s 2-minute video, “Reverse Racism Is a Giant Lie – Here's Why”...
… and humorously in this 3-minute video featuring comedian Aamer Rahman.
The “Global Pause” caused by the pandemic is uniting the world in new ways. Our opportunity to foster a genuine movement towards global unity has never been greater. Join us in the quest to co-create a new story and a more beautiful future for our shared home, Planet Earth, and all those who inhabit it.
World UNITY Week is being convened as a matter of urgency by an impressive and growing number of international civil society organizations. Designed to connect a wide range of significant interactive events occurring across an 8-day period in June, World UNITY Week offers “Open Space” sessions to host critical conversations that lead to practical actions. We come together to collectively shape our common future, build momentum, inspire hope, and catalyze transformation. For more information, click here.
The Spiral of Resilience: A Journey Into The Work That Reconnects
Join us on Wednesday, June 3, at 5:00pm Pacific for The Spiral of Resilience: A Journey into The Work That Reconnects. Originally developed by Joanna Macy, we bring an evolving edge and trauma-informed equity lens to this transformative body of work that supports us to be more aware, resourced, and present to the beauty and grief of our world. Participants will engage in an elegant spiral design of experiential processes and practices that will connect us to our Gratitude, Honoring our Pain for the World, deepen in our interdependence by Seeing with New/Ancient Eyes, and identify actions for Going Forth into our lives with greater clarity and courage.
In this particular workshop, we will be compassionately opening to the difficulties flooding into our lives from injury to our moral compass and our integrity. As we witness and experience widening oppressions in our world, heightened by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are deeply morally challenged.
When: Wednesday, June 3, from 5:00pm - 6:30pm Pacific
Where: Online on Zoom (link shared when you register)
Cost: No one turned away for lack of funds. A sliding scale of $5 to $20 is encouraged.
Please RSVP online here.
Questions and inquiries can be directed to team@thriveeastbay.org.
Amelie Trott and the Earth Watchers
By Moyra Irving
This iis the extraordinary story of how one small girl stopped a planetary catastrophe. It's a very timely book, written for the child in us all, with a forceful message about the power of young people to transform the world — a theme currently demonstrated by brave young heroes like Greta Thunberg.
In this 8-minute video, the author talks about the book and performs a reading from it. To order your copy, click here.
A Small Thing to Want
Short stories by Shuly Xóchitl Cawood
Read one of the 12 stories here!
A Small Thing to Want, the newly published debut short story collection by Shuly Xóchitl Cawood, chronicles the choices people make about whom to love and whom to let go, their yearnings that either bind them or set them free, and the surprising ways love shows up, without reason or restraint. The characters in these stories long for freedom, truth, friendship, courage, and second chances, but each person will have to grapple with the consequences and costs of their desires.
Click here to read the entirety of “Hank’s Girl,” one of 12 short stories in the book.
Click here to watch the book trailer and to order your copy.
Spark Change: 108 Provocative Questions for Spiritual Evolution
By Jennie Lee
Quality questions lead to valuable answers. In Spark Change, Lee offers 108 inspiring prompts to help you deepen awareness of your innermost needs and initiate powerful shifts throughout your life. Informed by the source teachings of classical yoga and Lee’s own inner journey, these questions delve into some of the most enduring inquiries of psychology, self-improvement, and the spiritual path. To order your copy, click here.

For several years, The Shift Network has hosted Indigenous leaders from around the world and invited them to share their sacred knowledge, rituals, and practices to guide us in a way of living that is sustainable, healthy, and just. We’re thus delighted that the Global Indigenous Wisdom Library makes this “virtual council” of leaders and their wisdom available for everyone, everywhere for free. The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a collection of audio and video interviews featuring Indigenous leaders from around the world sharing prayers, sacred songs, prophecies, spiritual teachings, and pathways to healing, as well as concrete examples for birthing a new era — one in which all members of the human family are treated with respect, understanding, compassion, and justice. This sacred wisdom is important medicine for us all.
The production of The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a gift from The Shift Network, designed to inspire, inform, and involve you by highlighting the voices and important messages of Indigenous leaders from around the world. We want to give a heartfelt thanks to Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. (“Brother Phil”) for his partnership in helping create this Indigenous Wisdom collection. And we thank all the speakers who have contributed to this body of knowledge. To discover more, click here.
World Peace Library. Designed for the layperson and professional peacebuilder alike, the World Peace Library has over 425 audio and video interviews with some of the most remarkable, inspiring peacebuilders in the world available to you at NO COST. You’ll find hundreds of hours of inspirational, peacebuilding, compassion-spreading talks and trainings at your fingertips with this FREE global resource. There’s no way you can’t come away from the World Peace Library deeply inspired, transformed — and part of the solution. Click here to find out how to take peace to the next level — and help co-create a global culture of peace that leaves a legacy of good for our children, our children’s children and all of humanity and life on earth.

Book by Stephen Dinan: Sacred America, Sacred World. Infused with visionary power, Sacred America, Sacred World is a manifesto for our country’s evolution that is both political and deeply spiritual. It offers profound hope that America can grow beyond our current challenges and manifest our noblest destiny, which the book shows is rooted in sacred principles that transcend left or right political views. To order your copy, click here.
If you would like to submit something to Catalyst, please see the submission guidelines: click here.
Read the Feature Articles in this issue, and watch the Summer of Peace 2020 live video interviews every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on The Shift Network Facebook page.
Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan — A free video event with shamanism teacher Evelyn Rysdyk. Experience the restorative creative energies of the Cosmos, accessed by shamans and alive in mythology’s Giantesses, for harmonizing your emotional and physical wellbeing. Wednesday, June 3, at 5:30pm Pacific
Energy Medicine Yoga to Move Into Joy — A free video event with Lauren Walker, author and founder of Energy Medicine Yoga. Experience an Energy Medicine Yoga sacred practice to activate your body’s Radiant Circuits — the most powerful energy system for repatterning your life. Saturday, June 6, at 10:00am Pacific
Heal Your Life in the Dreamtime — A free video event with bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss. Experience a guided dream journey to connect with Archangel Gabriel, the Master of Dreams, and tap into your soul’s wisdom about your destiny. Wednesday, June 10, at 5:30pm Pacific
Zang Fu Gong to Balance Your Energy & Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit — A free video event with renowned Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee. Receive the “Uniting the 3 Hearts” movement and a sound-healing practice for your heart — to cultivate the groundedness and discernment you’ll need to navigate the changing world around you. Saturday, June 13, at 10:00am Pacific
Shamanic Travels Beyond the Veil for Remote Healing & Self-Evolution — with Peruvian maestro curandero, psychologist, and author don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Embrace your immortal essence as a Shining One on this shamanic sojourn of self-discovery beyond space and time — into the transcorporeal dimensions of human consciousness.
New 9-Week Live Video Training Starts Wednesday, June 3
Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions — with researcher, Biofield Tuning founder, sound-therapy practitioner, and author Eileen McKusick. Receive biofield tuning practices to become an emotional alchemist — as you boost your immune system and rediscover the courage and playfulness beneath your difficult feelings.
New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts Tuesday, June 9
The Feldenkrais Method® to Reawaken Your Body — with body language expert and Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Teacher Lavinia Plonka. Break free from tension, pain, and restriction with gentle movements to step back into the world with grace.
New 12-Week Live Video Training Starts Thursday, June 11
Upcoming Events (all subject to change):
• Judith Orloff 7-week course
• Anthony Abbagnano 7-week course
• Resilience & Renewal in Your Third Act
• Evelyn Rysdyk 7-week course
• Lauren Walker 10-week course
• Robert Moss 12-week course
• Daisy Lee 9-week course
• Matthew Fox 7-week course
• Shamanism Global Summit
• Suzanne Scurlock 7-week course
• Jane Burns 10-week course
• Christine Stevens 7-week course
• Darren Weissman 7-week course
• Ariel Spilsbury 7-week course
Unchained At Last
Unchained At Last is the only organization dedicated to ending forced and child marriage in the United States through direct services and advocacy. Unchained provides crucial legal and social services, always for free, to help women, girls and others in the U.S. to escape arranged/forced marriages. At the same time, Unchained pushes for social, policy, and legal change. The organization started and now leads a growing national movement to eliminate child marriage in every U.S. state and at the federal level. Unchained At Last is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Click here for more information.
Click here to make a donation.
UNITY EARTH is a global network on a mission to accelerate the realization of unity and peace on Earth. Inspired by the world’s wisdom traditions and born out of the desire to meet global-sized challenges with global-sized solutions, the network is built to amplify the reach and impact of peace-aligned organizations and individuals. UNITY EARTH places collective values and universal principles at the heart of its initiative, reaching across lines that used to divide by inviting people of all ages, races and beliefs to unite in the quest to make the world a safer and more inclusive place.
For more information, click here.
Alliance for Peacebuilding
The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is a nonpartisan network of 110+ organizations working in 153 countries to end conflict, reduce violence, and build sustainable peace. Our members include some of the world’s largest development organizations, most innovative academic institutions, and most influential humanitarian and faith-based groups. We build coalitions in key areas of strategy and policy to elevate the entire peacebuilding field, tackling issues too large for any one organization to address alone. Click here for more information.
Kristin Hoffmann
Kristin Hoffmann is a Juilliard trained singer-songwriter-musician with extraordinary artistic range. Her music has been heard on major record labels, film, and television, and she has performed throughout the world, collaborating with musical luminaries on projects ranging from individual albums to grand symphonic productions.
A strong advocate for peace and ocean conservation, Kristin has appeared internationally at environmental concerts and conventions, TEDx San Francisco, The Emoto Peace Project concert in Tokyo, the signing of The Fuji Declaration at Mt. Fuji, and with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London.
In August, 2016, the symphonic version of her “Song for the Ocean” was performed at Sydney Opera House by a choir of 800 Australian children. For the last 10 years, Kristin has been the singer for the internationally acclaimed show, BELLA GAIA, a multimedia theater experience created in conjunction with NASA.
Kristin has been a guest blogger for multiple magazines including Gandhi’s BE magazine, Elephant Journal, The Ecologist, and The Purple Fig, addressing worldly issues through the lens and vehicle of music.
She is currently on the board of FIONS (Friends of Institute of Noetic Sciences), an active member of the esteemed group Evolutionary Leaders, and a musical ambassador for the organization UNITY EARTH, recently traveling to Ethiopia, Australia, India, and “The Holy Land” (Jordan, Israel, Palestine) to share the message of universal peace and love.
Kristin’s songs reflect her personal luminosity, her warmth, and her talent for bringing out music’s healing power.
Click here to visit Kristin’s website.
Click here to watch Kristin’s music video, “Song for the Ocean.”
Click here to watch Kristin’s video, “Unfolding Secrets: Symphony of the Heart Documentary”