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With Author & Co-Founder of The Way of the Rose,
a Non-Denominational International Fellowship
Perdita Finn


Discover how to connect with your maternal ancestors for their spiritual support to transform fear into faith and everyday challenges into opportunities for miracles and profound peace.

What would it feel like to receive boundless, nurturing, supportive mothering? Wouldn’t it be a blessing to know that there were mothers to call upon and turn to whenever you needed them?

Imagine letting go of oppressive patriarchal systems of domination primacy, progress, supremacy and returning not to a matriarchy, not to some other system of authority, but to the generous and generative circles and cycles of the matri-sphere.

Perdita Finn, co-founder of The Way of the Rose and author of Take Back the Magic, shares that the matri-sphere, a play on the word “mattress,” is a soft place to land that renews us with both love and dreams, and holds us in a place of safety where we are loved and known and belong.

Perdita affirms that connections with our maternal ancestors can influence us profoundly from the love and care we receive or miss, to if we feel spiritually secure or adrift.

These early imprints can either enhance or hinder our daily life and overall spiritual wellness. If we neglect to nurture these connections, we may find ourselves more susceptible to anxiety, fear, and disconnection from our spiritual guides.

Perdita shares that you can cultivate, restore, and strengthen these maternal spiritual connections... beginning now.

Join Perdita for this soul-nourishing free online event, where she’ll help you open to the realization that you are surrounded by the spirits of your ancestors, and that these connections can manifest miracles in your life and replace anxiety with unshakable faith.

Perdita will invite you to explore the mystical bonds that connect us across generations and the spiritual power inherent in maternal lineages.

She’ll guide you through a deeply moving meditation, where you will invite a maternal spirit from the other side to assist you with a personal challenge, helping you rekindle the eternal bonds of love that transcend your earthly existence.

As you connect with this maternal presence, your eyes will be opened to the limitless possibilities of love and support available to you, and you’ll understand that love is not about moving on but about returning again and again.

You’ll discover that we never truly leave our loved ones behind, that every person you meet can be seen as your child, and that we have all been each other’s mothers in one lifetime or another a poignant perspective that fosters love across lines of acrimony and division.

Perdita will also discuss practical ways you can nurture these connections daily for sustained spiritual wellness and peace.


In this soul-nurturing free online event, you’ll:

  • Learn just how many allies you have on the other side, ready to assist you in ways you can’t yet imagine, helping you feel supported by an unseen network of care and guidance
  • Explore practical steps for manifesting the extraordinary, bringing a touch of magic into your everyday and helping you see miracles where you once saw only the mundane
  • Find out about the best anti-anxiety medicine ever discovered  and how you can use it to calm your nerves, leaving you feeling serene, stable, and secure
  • Master the art of replacing fear with faith through simple, actionable techniques, imbuing you with confidence and a new perspective that makes challenges seem surmountable
  • Experience a direct connection with a motherly presence from the other side to help you tackle a personal challenge, giving you an understanding of how to source solutions and also a profound sense of being cared for

When you attend, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Perdita’s upcoming 7-week live video course a deeply experiential program that will further help you harness the magic of maternal wisdom to aid in your personal and communal healing.

Perdita will offer you a plethora of exercises and practices to help you renew your relationship with the many maternal presences available to you from the other side.

You’ll learn how to summon all kinds of mothers to answer your prayers, alchemize your relationships with your own mother, and discover how connecting to your future mothers, in incarnations to come, can transform how you treat all beings each and every day, enriching your life for years to come.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Perdita Finn and learn how to harness the nurturing wisdom of maternal ancestors, enabling you to manifest miracles and replace anxiety with deep-seated faith.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Perdita Finn...

“Perdita is an awesome channel for the Mysteries.”

This course is a life-changing encounter with the creation forces of the multiverse. My world has been profoundly enhanced by working with Perdita Finn, and I cannot recommend this course enough. Perdita is an awesome channel for the Mysteries. The Universe quakes when we make these kinds of connections with other beings.

Suzette Clough

Creator of Visual Medicine

EDIT 1911
“You will be expanded in ways you can't foresee!”

Perdita has profoundly changed the way I see myself and all humanity in relation to all the other beings on this Earth with us. Beings both living and all those who have gone before. She makes the long story tangible and has greatly expanded and deepened my relationship with the dead. You will be expanded in ways you can't foresee!

Mary Porter Kerns

Creator of The Flowers Speak oracle deck

EDIT 1912
“You will be expanded in ways you can't foresee!”

I could never have anticipated where and when this journey would take me — in some ways completely new, in others a confirmation and deepening of what I have always known to be true. Challenging, magical, not to be missed!

Wendy Flaherty
EDIT 1913
“Perdita's course has been a total shift-gift in my life.”

Perdita's course has been a total shift-gift in my life. It has impacted my relationship to everything — the dead, of course, but also my art practice, my relationships, and the way I see and approach my work. It provided a medicinal reframe of my family-of-origin story about why I am the way I am. I feel so softened and expanded by Perdita’s work.

Shea Settini

Author of The Tarot as Questions

EDIT 1914

About Perdita Finn

Perdita Finn is the co-founder, with her husband Clark Strand, of the feral fellowship The Way of the Rose, which inspired their book The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary. In addition to extensive study with Zen masters, priests, spirit workers, and healers, she apprenticed with the psychic Susan Saxman, with whom she wrote The Reluctant Psychic

In her popular workshops on getting to know the dead, participants are empowered to activate the miracles in their own lives with the help of their ancestors and recover their own intuitive magic. Her book Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World is an intimate journey through her recovery of these lost ways. 

Perdita speaks widely on how to collaborate with those on the other side, on the urgent necessity of a new romantic animism, and on the sobriety that emerges when we claim the long story of our souls.
