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With International Voice Pioneer, Author, Singer & Founder of The Naked Voice
Chloë Goodchild


Explore the oneness where sound meets silence... and experience a profound guided practice to tap into the raw, transformative power that follows the sound of your sovereign voice.


Sound can transmute painful experiences into powerful awakenings.

In the sacred healing space where sound meets silence (yes, silence!), you can open a door to the medicine of your soul.

Learning how to use the complementary forces of sound and silence liberates what pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild calls your inner music the wisdom of your soul that lies at the ground of your being, waiting to be unleashed, eager to transform difficult emotions into positive feelings.

When Chloë shows you how to unabashedly sing with your unique voice... and then listen to what happens when the sound stops, you discover that silence isn’t the absence of something. Rather, it’s the missing ingredient in a troubled world. It’s the invisible, all-imbuing force that unifies and connects, enlivening our communication.

The alchemical dance between sound and silence offers an ancient elixir and a spiritual practice that can help you access loving presence... express your highest truth... witness yourself through nonjudgmental listening... and enhance your inner authority.

The secret language of silence can help you make big realizations... break through limiting beliefs... remember the wisdom within yourself... activate ancient memories of astounding peace... and uplift our turbulent world with your strengths and gifts.

When you tap into the oneness where sound meets silence, self-consciousness about your voice or struggles with painful emotions disappear...

... because you’re hearing the distilled essence behind the emotion, and finding your personal way of remembering and restoring your truest self.

In this rousing online event with Chloë, you’ll discover the dynamic, medicinal, life-changing role that silence can play in invigorating you and your unique, authentic sovereign voice. You’ll learn how to open yourself more than ever to conscious, compassionate, courageous communication in everything from your everyday speech to ecstatic states of soul.

Chloë will guide you through her favorite sound empowerment: 3-Stage Silent Body Singing, a powerful practice where you’ll meditatively vocalize an experience you’re currently having, then open your mind to the quality of silence that’s left behind. As you’ll discover, this sparks an awe-filled inner conversation that can illuminate realizations, appreciation, solutions, and all kinds of revelations.

As you learn to access your soul’s wisdom in the heart of silence, you’ll relish how embodied experiences of love and unconditional presence can lead you to healthier and happier realms of coherence and harmony.

The best part is that if you think you “can’t sing,” Chloë will show you how to release that culturally imposed illusion so you can access a direct experience of your eternal self, what Chloë calls “your unique sound of oneness.”

As you’ll discover, the sheer act of sounding and listening relaxes you, nourishes you with self-acceptance, and helps you transform separateness into connection.


In this 45-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • 3-Stage Silent Body Singing a simple, soul-expanding practice to explore the quality of silence your sacred voice leaves behind
  • Silence as a living presence and an untapped resource for transformation (rather than an awkward pause or an absence of sound!)
  • How to reclaim the dynamic presence of silence and how doing so restores coherence in your body’s auric field
  • Why grit, gradual revelation, and grace are crucial to personal and global transformation
  • How the Practice of the Witness can help you completely reconsider your relationship with what you think is going on in the world... and usher in a flood of unconditional love for yourself and those around you

“Sound is the doorway,” Chloë says. “Silence is home.”

If you’re not familiar with Chloë yet, she’s the brilliant creator of The Naked Voice, a pioneering vocal training program that empowers you to find and embody your authentic voice.

Deafness in childhood catalyzed her lifetime of inquiry into the glory of inner sound and silence. In silence, she has discovered the missing ingredient of conscious communication and you can too.

Join this genuinely funny and gorgeously poetic singing philosopher for a joyful time of wisdom, self-discovery, vocal empowerment, and spiritual upliftment.

You’ll also hear about a new course with Chloë in which you can dive into more practices that harness the dynamic presence of silence to transform your life.

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Join this FREE video event with Chloë Goodchild and explore the raw, transformative power that follows the sound of your sovereign voice.

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What People Are Saying About Chloë Goodchild...

“Chloë Goodchild gives us keys to this universe we contain within our own voices...”

Jean Houston, PhD, author of The Wizard of Us


“... a spectacular genius...”

Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound.
Coleman Barks, author of Rumi: Soul Fury

“[Chloë] masterfully guides us to discover our ears of consciousness...”

Chloë Goodchild is a living master of the sound and voice of pure consciousness. She guides us gently and joyfully into the sound of silence, from where we return home to the realm of pure being. She masterfully guides us to discover our ears of consciousness and our authentic voice of wisdom. Chloë’s delightful presence, incredible insight, and unique teaching are a rare treasure that continues to empower.
Anneloes Smitsman, PhD, futurist, evolutionary scientist, and author

“[Chloë] not only lifts us high above the terrifying cacophony of our time, she stirs the essence of a new creation to rise out of each one of us.”

[Chloë] teaches us how to liberate the voice for our own most intimate questing and to bring our resonance to a new day for an awakening humanity. She not only lifts us high above the terrifying cacophony of our time, she stirs the essence of a new creation to rise out of each one of us.
James O’Dea, author of The Conscious Activist

“... a unique and empowering vocal technique...”

Chloë has perfected a unique and empowering vocal technique accessible to everyone. In all my research with nonviolent and creative communication skills, I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage, and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times.
Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and author of Pioneering the Possible


About Chloë Goodchild

Chloë Goodchild is the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training program providing a sound-awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audiobooks, and spoken and sung meditations that empower you to find and embody your authentic voice. She established the Naked Voice Charitable Foundation in 2004, an initiative to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role that deep, nonjudgmental listening and conscious communication play in strengthening ethical awareness, sound health, and wellbeing in all realms of human life.

Chloë’s seminal book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Sound, invites you on a compelling adventure of self-discovery and creative fulfillment through a direct experience of your own authentic voice the voice of your personal authority, the song of your soul, and your eternal identity.

Chloë sings, teaches, performs, and records on her Naked Voice Music label. Her podcast series,VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Compassionate Evolution, explores the transforming practice of compassion with innovative practitioners, teachers, healers, visionaries, musicians, artists, authors, social activists, new scientists, and entrepreneurs.
